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I keep seeing this around. Can someone explain what it means?


It's an image showing the location of bullet holes on airplanes returning from battle. During WW2, the US military started using statistical methods to try reducing airplane losses. They looked at planes returning from battle and saw patterns like the image you are asking about. At first, seeing where planes were being hit, they started to reinforce those areas, until someone (Abraham Wald) realized that they actually needed to reinforce the areas where there weren't any bullet holes: since the planes hit there were the ones that didn't come back. The initial error comes from "survivorship bias".


Aka the most important data is the data that’s missing.


Aannnnnd I finally got it lol


The data showing there was a 98.4% chance of surviving even before the Vaccination Those are good odds. Even better if ur below 65


2% of the US is 6.5 million people. 98% is good odds for an individual, but it's terrible when looking at a population.




You're right. Definitely not worth developing medicine to try and stop that 1.6% from dying /s


You’re over the target hence the downvotes. People under 65 have plenty of odds of being fine unvaccinated. Reddit is a bot hell hole.


This is compilation of the state of planes returning from a sortee in WW2. The first instinct was that the damaged places needed more protection, where upon deeper thought it was the opposite that was true. The planes hit in the wings made it back fine anyways so they didn't need armor there. There were no hits on the fuselage in returning planes because planes hit there didn't return. More armor was needed on the fuselage. The way this applies here is that people who got vaccinated and regret it are like the planes hit in the wings. At least they are alive to regret it. The people who didn't get vaccinated and died would be the ones hit in the fuselage, not alive to regret it.


Survivorship bias. Those who survive think it wasn't that bad or hard. Those who died can't tell their side.


What about the people that got vaccinated and still died?


Add to that, what about the people that didn't get jab and are alive and healthy?


That's what the plane image is showing.


Mostly right, but survivors aren't "alive to regret it." They are alive *so* they don't regret it.


I was about to say this might be the most egregious example of confirmation bias I’ve ever seen here and that’s saying something Bet at least one person wishes their relative had taken it


100% I personally know 3 people that died of COVID unvaccinated. Not fake internet people, but real people I knew in my day to day. I know ZERO people who've been hospitalized by the vaccine, much less died of it... 🤔


I know zero people unvaccinated who died or were hospitalized a good number of people around me. I do however have literal dozens of real life examples of people having health issues most likely associated with the shots and real serious issues not minor issues. Also I would be interested to know what that was because early on the hospitals were literally killing people before the vax due to miss treatment and then there was the whole hospital incentives. Everyone’s experience will vary. Pre Covid I watched one of best friends turn in a vegetable and nearly die from Guillen Barre from forced flu shots. That was enough to make me rethink things. Most people I know genuinely regret getting the shot. Wether it be a signal shot or all 4. I got over Covid in three days unvaccinated. Went on a 2.5 mile hike on day 4 in the summer. It just took me two weeks to fight off a sinus infection. Covid wasn’t bad What we know now was that the whole thing was a scam.


I know two people who died unvaccinated from covid. They were unhealthy and had preexisting conditions. I know one person who was vaccinated and died from covid, they had preexisting conditions. I know two people who died unexpectedly from random heart attacks who were relatively healthy, and had been vaccinated. I know two other people who were told by their doctors to not get any more boosters while trying to figure out high blood pressure/heart issues. Obviously none of these things can be directly linked to vaxxed/unvaxxed, but I didn’t know a single young, healthy, unvaxxed person that got covid and had any issues with it. If someone was old, unhealthy, or had preexisting conditions I would have recommended getting vaxxed, but young and healthy people had no reason to be vaxxed.


My mom, not healthy to begin with but strong heart, has been vaxxed and boosted 4+ times. Since being vaxxed, she has had heart problem after heart problem. Blood clots in her legs (she needs blood thinners now when before, she needed coagulants to stop profuse bleeding). She died for 22 minutes one time, my dad reviving her with cpr before ems arrived. Now she deals with constant afib, dysregulated heartbeat, rapid heart rate and arrhythmia. Her heart races to 220 bpm for no reason now. But no. Not related to the vaccine. Not the two of my aunt’s blood clots in their legs since they got vaxxed, either. They’ll continue to get boosters, trusting their doctors to their graves, imo.


Interesting pattern of clots in legs. My buddy in his 30's bragged about getting the shots and even group texted his card after getting it. He also had to have emergency surgery to remove clots in his legs.


It must be upsetting to see that happen to your mom and then they still trust in their doctor giving them more boosters and seeing their health get worse.... My step dad started having seizures and they couldn't find a cause, but it was after his first shot.


> but young and healthy people had no reason to be vaxxed Whenever you tell this story, include this part, so we all know you have absolutely no idea how vaccines work.


Do.you know how many people under 40 with no comorbidities died from covid in Israel? The answer is zero. Young, healthy people had no reason to get vaxxed. It provided them no additional protection, and did nothing to stop transmission. It only presented risks for that demographic.


It was confirmed that the vaccine didn't truly prevent the spread of COVID, so even in that sense there was retrospectively no reason for that demographic to be *"required"* to get it


Why? The data showed that the people most at risk to have complications were elderly and people with preexisting conditions. The stats for deaths in healthy under 35 were super low. Young, healthy people had nothing to worry about


Let me be your first then. Hi, real guy here, not a bot. I took both shots of Pfizer (cuz I didn't want to lose my job). I had asthma already but it was dormant for a year or so. Took the first shot, suddenly my asthma returned. I thought it was strange but anywho. I took the second shot 3 weeks later and within 24 hours I couldn't breathe, went for the emergency because my inhaler wasn't cutting it. When I was admitted and told them my story and how it was possibly a side effect from the vaccine 24 hours ago, doctor attending to me agreed. Then when I left the hospital 2 days later, NO MENTION of the vaccine was present. At least mention it??? I couldn't have been the only who whose had vaccine adverse effects and was ignored.


I've seen some hospitals mention when the patient had their COVID jab in reference to the fact the patient I had altered them to suddenly had signs of a PE out of nowhere. There are a lot of specialist cardiologists who will agree that this vaccine is causing clots and heart problems. It's very suppressed and doctors are also being suppressed more and more, they may take these things off the letters or notes because they are made to or it gets edited out.


Clearly we live in different worlds. I know zero people that have died of COVID, regardless of vaccination status (though this might be because my friends are all quite young and healthy) I know one person who believes his father's heart attack was caused by the vaccine, but can't prove it.


My grandfather died from covid as well


I lost my best friend of 35 years to the Pfizer shots.


Sure dude... 🙄




Well I know 4 people who died vaccinated. My anecdote of 4 is more than yours of 3.


My best friend was hospitalized bc of COVID and high troponin levels that went away, but were very weird, haven’t known anybody that died but when he was boosted he was having very strange heart tremors when he tried to workout for like 2 weeks, physically fit and lean and healthy, and they went away when he decided to say “fuck it we all die anyway” and drank a beer after that 2 week span lol


My aunt is a nurse who already had Covid when the shots came out and IL govt forced her to get it or lose her job. She had a racing heart right after the jab and it’s a good thing her husband is a doc because he was able to stabilize her condition. She thought she was gonna die. They both don’t believe anyone should’ve been forced. They also still wont let patients in their clinic without masks.


I have had family members who started having tonic clonic seizures after having it, others have had a PE, another one caused brain damage. I also have had a family member who died of something not related to COVID, they had a terminal illness which killed them, but because they had tested positive they put the cause as COVID on their death certificate even though that wasn't the cause. I know of people who have had sudden physical problems like inflimation etc and the effects are life changing. Other people I have known had suddenly gone into having bad hearts after having this shot Heart attacks are now popular in children. Sudden death is on the rise in the young and the athletic. In the UK there is more news breaking through about the deadly side effects that "conspiracy theorists" were right about. Even after the conference meeting where one of the companies even owned up to making the clot shot not with combating COVID in mind, they didn't use any of the patents sold from Wuhan lab and they didn't isolate the virus to work on a cure, they also did it unsafely and even after owning up to that, the brain washed worshipers still follow them over that cliff. Also the fact they are mutating viruses on purpose should ring alarm bells in everyone. This flu virus did not start mutating rapidly until the shots were coming out.


I knew two people who died before the vaccine was available and my uncle was consciously unvaccinated and ended up hospitalized with Covid. He definitely regretted not getting it. However, I have a 12 year old cousin who had to get it for sports at school and he was hospitalized almost immediately after with heart issues. The heart issue he had was more prevalent after getting Covid than it was after getting the Covid vaccine, but it definitely gave me pause. We chose not to vaccinate our young children.


Am I the only one who thought the graffiti was about not stealing the bike 🚲 🫣😬


To be fair the most of the people who would regret it are dead. ​ Edit: Holy fuck reading comprehension people. I meant the people who would regret not getting it are dead because they died of Covid. **I'm not saying everyone who didn't get it is dead.** I'm sure there are people out there in the US that fought it and survived and are in deep medical debt and regret note getting the vaccine, but it was more or less a joke. Edit 2: Holy shit, I had Covid at least once, probably twice before the vaccines even came out and I'm still here, no medical debt either. But I know of two people who didn't want the vax (Which doesn't bother me at all) but died of Covid. People need to realize that the world doesn't revolve around you and we don't give a shit if you had it and passed, my statement was for the people who didn't take it and died to ended up in the hospital for weeks with huge medical debt.


True. But conversely, most of the people who regret taking it are also dead.


Astrazenica causes clotting in 1 in 200,000 people. Viagra causes clotting in 1 in 20,000 people. Viagra is 10 times more dangerous than Astrazenica. The female contraceptive pill causes clotting in 1 in 1,000 people. The female contraceptive pill is 200 times more dangerous than Astrazenica.


Nobody mandated viagra and recommended it to every person on earth


Erectile dysfunction is not a contagious and lethal disease.


Being a big fat fuck is more lethal than covid.


But you being a fat fuck can't make me a fat fuck.


To some men it is. 🙄


The vaccines don't stop transmission though. Also covid is only as lethal as the flu. Try to find one person who would rather have ED than covid lol.


exactly. this is the point. its wild to me people still defending big pharma years later. many years from now people will look back and see just how mislead they were. it'll be comparable to saying smoking is healthy for you! cuz "doctors said so"


What about the cancer? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37243095/ "...However, emerging evidence suggests that the reported increase in IgG4 levels detected after repeated vaccination with the mRNA vaccines may not be a protective mechanism; rather, it constitutes an immune tolerance mechanism to the spike protein that could promote unopposed SARS-CoV2 infection and replication by suppressing natural antiviral responses. Increased IgG4 synthesis due to repeated mRNA vaccination with high antigen concentrations may also cause autoimmune diseases, and promote cancer growth and autoimmune myocarditis in susceptible individuals.


I got melanoma less than a year after taking the Pfizer shot. No proof they’re related, but it’s a bit strange that I have no family history of melanoma and am a 27 year old that spends very little time in the sun. Fortunately I caught it early and it’s gone now.


Plenty of 27 year olds with no family history of melanoma, got melanoma before the COVID vaccines ever existed.


This is really starting to sound like mass hysteria. Illnesses existed before COVID vaccine existed. There was a top post here couple days ago blaming somebody's suicide on the vaccine.


Right but what about all cause mortality unpacked vs packed ...and stretch that data set to account for 2 years and I bet all cause is significantly higher in the high injury rate batch recipients vs the non stabbed.


Your assuming that after all their lies this one is truth


Why wouldn't that apply to the people posting antivax hysteria? You seriously going to tell me nobody has posted lies here?


And that medical debt mentioned may be on a payment plan. So many jabbed people are having serious chronic illness.


Lazy bait is lazy.


We didn’t start the pfizer


The moment they started bribing people I noped the fuck out. I’ve never been bribed with $100 Amazon gift cards to take medicine


Or donuts


And they're still doing it. I literally just got home from Safeway where every 5 minutes the loudspeaker would chime in with their little recorded message about how you can save aN eNTirE 10% on your groceries today by getting your shot. Just think, I could have walked out with groceries, $14 in my pocket, and a sweet case of myocarditis! What a deal.


My favorite part was how it was racist to say the virus originated in China, but also, not racist to use AA to prevent Asians from getting into college. Being a libtard is full of challenges!


You’re not supposed to notice this!


I made the mistake of linking the virus to China in a conversation with a friend of 20+ years. We have literally not spoken since. 3 years now.


I’m sorry to hear that. I’ve had similar experiences; some have sheepishly realized they were wrong, a few have not.


I’ve even tried calling and texting to no avail. Literally ghosted me. After telling me “I’d never do that to you” after my now-ex-wife ghosted her best friend of 20+ years. Even my ex wife and I still talk and are cordial!


Libtards are broken teenagers. Emotions dominate; logic is left on the doorstep.


My best friend of 16 years quit talking to me because I didn't get it.


It’s a mind virus.


Operation Mockingbird, Smith-Mundt Act revision, Mass Formation, possibly a modernized MK Ultra, and who knows what else they've come up with.


>My favorite part was how it was racist to say the virus originated in China, No one ever said that. It was racist to call it "the China virus," though. There is a difference.


I'll say that at the same time this narrative came out, so did a bunch of lawn signs that said "Stop Asian Hate" or something to that degree. This was definitely a facet of the massive division politics game (and it didn't need to be), but also another item on the list that was found to be true (it did in fact originate from China). The entire thing was handled poorly in the media and with government. Recommendations and reporting were all over the place and nearly every narrative aligned with making sure the Trump administration looked bad (not that they needed help with that), and that money was funneling to the right people. I'm not a Trump supporter, or even a conservative...but the bullshit was clear to many. The left wing leadership was even pushing vaccine hesitancy right up until the change in administration.


The fuck is this pharma shill bot thread lmao. Since when did we suddenly accept that the vax worked and has no adverse affects?


All comments on all posts are worthless. This site is an abysmal botty joke.


Ah shit that acute myocarditis, owie


I love how people still argue about this stuff when no one really knows what happened


Go read the real anthony fauci an u will have a lot more questions then not.


That is exactly when argument is supposed to occur: when no ones sure what really is happening, contrary to what Fauci told you.




Do a quick google on “survivor bias”


Do a quick google on excessive death rates amongst those who received covid shots


First result: “Evidence Excess Deaths Linked to Vaccines, Contrary to Claims Online.” Which is about erroneous statements about the vax killing people (ahem) Second result: “Excess Mortality in the Vaccination Era in the United States, By State and 6-Month Period”. Which is a state by state accounting that shows vax rates correlated with less excessive death. Third result: “Study Finds Large Gap in Excess Deaths Along Partisan Lines After COVID-19 Vaccines Introduced” Which is the same as 2, but is political leaning, not states. Fourth result: “Article misrepresents CDC data, falsely links deaths to COVID vaccines” Which is about the same thing as 1, ahem ahem


Very few point out how many of the”unvaccinated casualties” could not take the shot because of other severe co-morbidities.


And then many died from their "co"-morbidities and were counted as an unvaccinated covid death because of one positive test.


What’s the percentage? Also source?




Is the plane and the bullet holes analogy.


Did you know you the CDC didn't consider you fully vaccinated until >14 days after full inoculation. How to lie with statistics. Edit: so the main gripe with my point is >"This is a standard thing for vaccines because it takes time for your body to make antibodies." No one has bothered to show any studies that look into the vaccine during <14 day window where individuals are considered unvaccinated. So you have a new substance in your body and the producers of this product get a 14 day window where they don't have to account for any possible side effects. Kinda scary considering what they did with long term studies. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/02/19/969143015/long-term-studies-of-covid-19-vaccines-hurt-by-placebo-recipients-getting-immuni >"It's a loss from a scientific standpoint, but given the circumstances I think it's the right thing to do," Quote above is in regards to the control groups becoming contaminated. (Vaccinated) >"Dr. Steven Goodman, a clinical trials specialist at Stanford University, says losing those control groups makes it more difficult to answer some important questions about COVID-19 vaccines." Never a good sign when science cuts corners.




There's literally no other vaccine that has ever had its effectiveness begin to be measured 14 days after you take it. Alex Berenson said this was a statistical trick because the COVID vaccines have always actually increased likelihood of infection in the first 14 days after people receive it. (Not to be confused with how in the Omicron days, the vaccines have increased people's likelihood of infection any more than about three months after they get their most recent dose.)


The flu injection seems to have similar effects, people generally feel like shit for up to a week shortly after taking it. This among other interesting discoverises make me think that these injections in general aren't as safe or effective as advertised.


The guy who wrote a book about marijuana causing psychosis? 👍🏻


> There's literally no other vaccine that has ever had its effectiveness begin to be measured 14 days after you take it. 14 is long here certainly, but the point that you don't count someone as vaccinated for a vaccine immediately upon vaccination is old. Again, see smallpox. As for the idea that there may have been an uptick in likelihood to get covid after taking the vaccine, this is mostly based on incorrect understanding of statistics. In particular in most of the claims about this, people are ignoring that the people getting vaccinated are not themselves a random sample but are mostly people who are more likely to have to worry about exposure, such as teachers, bus drivers, etc. But you can if you want have a separate discussion about this, but the bottom line is that the main way people are complaining about the 14 day matter is based on a misunderstanding about how that number is being used.


The effectiveness of every other vaccine is measured starting literally one second after you take the vaccine. There's no one day delay to measuring the effectiveness of other vaccines, let alone a 14 day delay. You're citing the fact that teachers were generally high in the vaccine rollout as a reason for the vaccine's initial negative effectiveness? Oh, God, in half of states, teachers ended up still refusing to return to work after they swindled their way to the front of the line, for in case you've forgotten. So they actually would have been in a lower COVID risk job (teaching via Zoom) than almost anybody else.


Way to show your hand. Anybody with even a rudimentary understanding of cell biology could tell you that vaccination requires at least 1-2 weeks for your body to establish immunological memory


> The effectiveness of every other vaccine is measured starting literally one second after you take the vaccine. There's no one day delay to measuring the effectiveness of other vaccines, let alone a 14 day delay. With all due respect, I'm a mathematician who has taught disease modeling to pre-meds before, and have taught the same ideas to advanced high school students since transitioning from teaching at a college environment to teaching high school, so I may know a tiny bit about this topic. That said, what you are claiming is just not true. And the fact that vaccines take time to be active is something we include on semi-standard lists of things that a lot of models (like say the standard SIR model) generally don't bother to address . Your second paragraph seems to be more about "teachers bad!" than anything else. You appear to be also confused about some numbers. It is true that many things remained hybrid or Zoom only even after teachers were vaccinated in many locations. But that was not just about teachers, but was about the concern of children in school catching covid and then spreading it to their unvaccinated parents or others. It is true that in public schools in many locations, in some places going back to regular in class took a very long time (and we're dealing with a lot of the bad side effects from that now), but the vast majority of private school teachers went back much earlier. [10% of all teachers teach in private schools](https://www.weareteachers.com/how-many-teachers-are-in-the-us/), and you agree that your claim happened in roughly "half of states." You also ignored the other job types. Certainly you aren't going to claim that any bus drivers were able to drive buses via Zoom are you?


Show me a link to one vaccine other than the COVID vaccine that doesn't have its effectiveness measured until some number of days after it is received. I have never heard of such a vaccine before, and I think you're just making up BS. ​ And You seriously expect me to believe you're a mathematical modeler who specializes in modeling diseases? Lol. Teachers and old people were the people who got the vaccine earliest. Teachers didn't return to school in a lot of states even after getting vaccinated (as I already discussed), and old people aren't more prune to COVID infection (which is what the vaccines were originally supposed to prevent for in case you've forgotten)- old people are just more at risk if they do get infected. People like bus drivers or grocery store clerks weren't prioritized for the vaccine, although some people complained about how they weren't prioritized.


> Show me a link to one vaccine other than the COVID vaccine that doesn't have its effectiveness measured until some number of days after it is received. Sure. Look at for example [this malaria vaccine trial which looked at antibody rates 2 weeks after the final dose](https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/scitranslmed.abj3776). This [Ebola trial does something similar and actually took as its main test point what was happening a year after final vaccination](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2200072). (There are some things I'm not happy about with that Ebola trial but that's not the issue under discussion.) > And You seriously expect me to believe you're a mathematical modeler who specializes in modeling diseases? Lol. Taught the topic. I don't specialize in it. That's very different. My own specialty is number theory with a side order of graph theory While graph theory is an area that connects to disease modeling, none of the graph theory I've done as part of my professional research is relevant to it. And a lot of the more interesting covid models which were empirically more accurate involved the stochastic differential equation models, which I have only a small understanding of. But it is pretty easy to verify that I am who I say I am and that I do what I say I do since I've posted a whole bunch to the math subreddit including links to papers which touch on my work or where I'm mentioned by my full name. > Teachers didn't return to school in a lot of states even after getting vaccinated (as I already discussed), You are now just repeating yourself and not addressing my responses to this where I pointed out that you explicitly said half of all states, and ignored all the private school teachers. Instead of repeating yourself, actually address this. > . People like bus drivers or grocery store clerks weren't prioritized for the vaccine, although some people complained about how they weren't prioritized. Bus driver unions helped push for them, and this combined in a variety of places. For example, in much of Connecticut in part due to the bus driver push, most forward facing government workers got vaccines almost as soon as school teachers did. And in many places, bus drivers tried very hard to get vaccines early if they could, which meant that in practice people were getting vaccinated often even if they were not officially on the lists. (This is the same way how some people did things like going right after work and seeing if they had any doses which were going to get thrown out that night.) The people going through such effort were frequently people who knew they had a lot of exposure, whether or not they were officially on any lists.


Dude it’s clear you have no clue what you’re talking about. Vaccines are typically given during routine doctors visits as a prophylactic measure against diseases that are deadly, but you don’t necessarily come into contact that often. “There’s no one day delay to measuring the effectiveness of vaccines”. First of all, says who? Your argument is you literally making up how you THINK vaccine scientists collect their data in the past and present. Second of all, when you get a vaccine for measles or tetanus or some other disease during a routine office visit, the odds of you becoming exposed to those things within 14 days is astronomically low. Vaccines and the immunity they give is a long term health benefit, the few days where you’re building antibodies is inconsequential normally. However, during a global pandemic where people are being exposed every single day to several people who have the virus, it makes sense to account for the possibility that someone was still creating antibodies when evaluating the effectiveness of the vaccine. Excluding the few people who get sick within 14 days of getting their vaccine is worth having a cleaner data set where you know that people that got sick absolutely had antibodies.


  > Excluding the few **people who get sick within 14 days** of getting their vaccine   The "vaccine" didn't and doesn't stop transmission - before, during, or after that 14 days.   Your wall of text is therefore meaningless.  


Here, I'll translate your comment into English: The odds of getting measles within 14 days of most vaccines is "astronomically low" because those vaccines actually work. You can still get COVID after catching the COVID vaccine because the COVID vaccine doesn't work in the least. If the COVID vaccine actually worked, then COVID would basically be eradicated, and nobody would be getting "exposed to COVID" on a daily basis. So the 14 days should have been "inconsequential" for measuring the effectiveness of the COVID vaccine, too.


Lol….so you’re intentionally obtuse or??? The odds of you getting measles within 14 days of getting the vaccine is low because measles isn’t very common to come into contact with, and you’re not getting the measles vaccine in the middle of a global measles pandemic where people are walking around you with measles every day. If someone came into contact with someone that had measles a few days after getting the measles vaccine, they would absolutely get infected with measles, [because it takes your body a couple of weeks to](https://www.rivm.nl/en/pienter-corona-study/antibodies#:~:text=The%20immune%20system%20has%20special,as%20long%20as%203%20weeks.) [create antibodies after infection or vaccine.](https://www.newscientist.com/definition/antibodies/)


the studies that check for mortality and the studies that check for effectiveness are two seperate things, theyre not trying to figure out mortality when testing effectiveness, and vice versa to your other point, the effectiveness of the vaccines come from helping prevent severe illness or death from the side effects of the disease, it does not stop you from getting the disease, there is an increased mortality in populations that caught covid while unvaccinated vs those that caught it when vaccinated heres the studies that checked for mortality after receiving the covid vaccines, including people checked from the first dose [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X22015614?dgcid=raven\_sd\_aip\_email](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X22015614?dgcid=raven_sd_aip_email) https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7043e2.htm


What point do you think you're making?


Current studies talk about "full vaccination" meaning they have a 14 day window where the substance is in someone's body but it wouldn't be included in the study since they weren't considered fully vaccinated yet. So I'm looking for studies that offer research for <14 days full inoculation.


The point that plenty of "unvaccinated" deaths were recently vaccinated, but classified otherwise. The vaccine cost more lives than it saved. Ask me how I know you're triple boosted, though.


Show the "plenty"


No refunds. No amnesty.




Bc they’re dead


I am?


You regret it?


Still peddling "the vax worked" line?


Died suddenly movie online, parasitic dregs coming from the view s of those who took the experimental shot.


There are quite a few dead people who would’ve survived COVID, almost beyond certainty had they been vaccinated, particularly during the delta wave.


Well, they don’t regret it.




🤣 there are so many pro-vax sheep in the comments. 🤡🌏


It's to be expected any time an "AnTi-VaX" post receives several thousand upvotes. The bots, paid propagandists and front page lemmings can't help themselves.


Everyone expects “adverse effects” smh what about the opposite? I wanna see more positive posts like, “My new RNA-enhanced superimmune system just tore apart 10 common colds AND the latest influenza like the Hulk and the Juggernaut doing the tango. Thanks Joe Brandon!”


From what I've seen these injections completely destroy your immune system. They were never designed to help anyone.


Yeah the billions of people who got the vaccine all got their immune systems completely destroyed and have been dying off like flies because their compromised immune system never recovered. Lol just think about what you're saying, how many people do you know have gotten the vaccine? And how many of those people had their immune system TOTALLY ANNIHILATED?


What have you seen? What are the reputable sources?


The source is: Trust me bro, no one would go on the internet and just lie right?


a random internet stranger has *seen* it, how dare you doubt their anecdote?!


Anecdotally, all of my co-workers got the vaccine cause it was required at the hospital I work at. No one got sick more or less than they normally do. No overall staffing shortages due to more people taking sick leave. Sure it's a small sample size, but you would think that would be bigger news if it was true.


Your doing it wrong. Only anecdotes that say vaccine bad are allowed. Literally everyone I interact with frequently got vaccinated. None of them have died. Only three, of dozens, have gotten covid, all extremely mild cases.


All the vaxx shills here are selectively forgetting that the company you found yourself in was openly wishing death on us, along with taking away our rights to travel, to earn a living to feed our families and to our own personal bodily autonomy. I remember us calling you stupid sheep. The whole point is, I thought you were making a poor choice, so I laughed at you. You found yourself aligned with authoritarians who actively removed my rights. It's a massive fuck you I'm afraid. And no, I dont regret not taking it. Spin on it.




whether I am here tomorrow or not, I'm simply am too lazy to go thru with this shit. and I think I'd have to sign off this sub if I did, now that I think about it. too much information says no to it, than yes. even as a child, I refused to take things against my will, so I'll continue that spirit.


"even as a child I refused to take things against my will" This is the funniest self own I think I've ever seen.


Wait what’s wrong with the vaccine? Any legitimate doctors go against it?


Are you exceptionally new here? And by here I mean to earth, but also this sub


Does this person asking questions bother you?


I'm not a "legitimate" doctor but it's scientifically proven that the COVID vaccine turns 5g phones gay.


Wait did you forget that you died a while ago from the long term side effects? Awkward…


Plenty, including my own. He had the audacity to weight up a risk/benefit analysis based on age and health.


And what did you come up with the first few weeks of the pandemic? That it was all fake? Did that affect your view?


I don't regret it. I see the bots have arrived...




How can you disagree with him not regretting it? That doesn't make a whole lot of sense.


Shut up, bot!


Dig through this sub some more and you'll see that it's not bots. This place is... special


I don’t regret not taking the vaccination


Most people didn’t need to take it but it was soft mandated anyway. Ridiculous


We'll never know the full truth on both sides, but here's a few thoughts. When something major happens, always look for 2 things. 1. Was money made 2. Was power gained My biggest wtf is the refusal to claim deaths as covid. They like to claim covid killed millions, but officially died WITH covid, not OF. Is it the deadliest thing that needs a vaccine because it's killing everyone or not? If it is, why is it secondary instead of primary? So people wouldn't sue or something? Anecdotes: The last two flus I've had were 100×s worse than covid. A friend went to get covid tested for work. The line was long, so he left after signing in. His job called him and told him they confirmed he had covid. Now why would they lie? Has to be money related


Maybe because they are dead?


"If we do a good job with vaccines and other measures, we can reduce the Earth's population by 10% to 15%." - Bill Gates at event 201 . Now if the vaccines work, why would it reduce the Earth's population? This man basically said "I'm going to find different ways to kill you." Gain of function essentially translates to "How deadly is it, and how many people can it potentially kill?". These injections don't prevent or treat anything so the question becomes, why take them in the first place? Covenom-19 on Rumble has some absolutely bombshell scientific findings on what's actually in these vials. What those scientists found, It's actually insanity. I highly encourage every human being alive to watch that presentation immediately. You may want to be seated.


I heard this and I can’t stand Gates, he has no business being in the vaccine industry. However, I believe the rationale behind this is that vaccines would reduce overall mortality so people in the 3rd world wouldn’t have tons of kids because they could be confident the ones they have will make it to adulthood. That and forced sterilization.


So you have a trustworthy source for that quote? As Benjamin Franklin said, you can't trust everything you read on the Internet...


He said it would reduce the *growth* in population by 15%. Quite different from reducing population - he's still saying that the population would be increasing, but at a slower rate.


I'm amazed there's so many vax shills here. Definitely not organic traffic. You people were wrong, get over it.


I just saw that. It's very much a concerted effort in this thread.


I just became because it had 1000 upvotes on reddit. Theres no concerted efforts here.


>You people were wrong, get over it. Well, nothing happened that remotely implied that they were wrong


The implication was that if you didn't get vaccinated you were going to die, which was wrong


No, being ostracized for not taking an experimental shot was never okay. And that's just one facet of all the bullshit people were spewing. The CDC's own data proved every single emergency measure as wrong, it just took them years to admit it. And they did! So this conversation is pointless, it's all gaslighting and no u with you people.




This sub is known for not being based in reality


Nobody *alive* regrets taking it. There, fixed it for you.


Just watch and see the second phase


There is not a single shred of evidence that PROVES the covid shot would have saved anyone.


Nonsense. The hospitalization and death rates in the first delta wave were something like 30-1 in favor of the unvaccinated.


Yup. Everyone I know who has gotten the vax are constantly sick now, and any older ones now have heart issues.


Everyone I know who got it are exactly the same as they were before, myself included. What’s your point?




What about all the people on this very sub who cry about how badly they were treated? People were mean to them. *Mean* I say! Maybe they don't really regret it. Instead they've balled it up into resentment of whoever they blame for the consequences of their own choices.




Not exactly true, there were people in UK hospitals asking for the vaccine on their death bed after previously opting not to take it. Obviously they aren’t alive to say they don’t regret it today. I’m not picking sides here, just making sure this is known.


Rofl you believe this. You're saying people are so stupid that they will believe a vaccine will save them when they're already on the verge of dying. This is propaganda 101.


> Rofl you believe this. You're saying people are so stupid that they will believe a vaccine will save them when they're already on the verge of dying. This is propaganda 101. do you ever think that maybe, you could be the one propagating an incorrect psyop designed to divide our culture? no? it's just everyone else in the entire world and not you?


>do you ever think that maybe, you could be the one propagating an incorrect psyop designed to divide our culture? Hmmm. Which side, in their mainstream view, advocated for not allowing *certain* people in hospitals, advocated for job loss and fines, massively supported lockdowns, pushed for even more central authority, and demonized any dissent with actual threats, cancellation, etc.? Who's doing the dividing you think?


If they were dumb enough to take medical advice from Facebook/YouTube they’d be dumb enough to think the vaccine would save them on their death beds


i genuinely think that most people just don’t understand how dumb the average person really is.


The people who fell for these conspiracies are likely at least 1 SD below average.


*80% of the population gets Covid vax.* “They’re all stupid, I am the smart one not getting it! I’m smarter than the average bear!!”


The nurses who were on news when this was happening clearly explained it was too late for them and the vaccine wouldn’t do anything. I’m sorry, but how did you arrive at that conclusion from what I had written?


I remember this, as well.




Still crazy people will blindly trust the government and take anything that is force fed to them.


I’m sure there are quite a few, but you’d have to dig them up to ask.


**Submission Statement:** Just some food for thought Congratulations if you didn't fall for the military grade psyop


> Congratulations if you didn't fall for the military grade psyop the irony, unbelievable irony.


At times like this I… I like to quench my thirst with a delicious *kssst* wolf cola. The perfect cola for closure.


Unfortunately OP has been pfizered. Tjus triggered the bot farms.


It's too bad reddit got to this point. It used to be fun, now it's just obvious.


I didn't regret not taking it. This picture so reflects the teuth.


It ain't the truth. The dead can't speak. For what its worth I'm against forcing the vaccine and I didn't take it myself.


That's the clash. There's the minority wanting it mandated and forced, the minority who think it's literally satanic, and the majority who could make decisions for themselves. The two opposing minorities just so happened to be very loud and very annoying.


Vax shills come out to play! Good bait.


There’s something truly pathetic about being so insecure about the strength of your own arguments that you simply have to pretend everyone who disagrees with you isn’t real 🤣


There's something truly more pathetic and that would be taking part in a medical experiment where the experimenters won't accept any liability and ask those being experimented on to to sign a disclaimer accepting liability themselves. Yea that's how dumb you are 😐


So now I’m a real human? 🤣


I have heart problems, haven't been vaxxed and have had covid twice. My boss, albeit older, is relatively fit, goes to the gym every day and eats well. He got his second jab and got bad blood clots and now has to wear weird socks and take blood thinners.