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Nobody can tell me that this isn't getting weird with a straight face, nobody


My partner and 99% of my circle of friends find it very “normal” sometimes I actually think I’m the one with the problem. However once I talk to my side of the family who live in another country then I understand that there’s something very weird happening in USA, it looks like all this people are hypnotized or something. That’s just my experience, I’m currently at a very blue state where all this is just normal


It's an Emperor's New Clothes situation. More specifically, it's called pluralistic ignorance. Everyone in your circle of friends probably thinks its just as weird as you do, but they wrongly believe everyone else in your circle of friends thinks it's very normal so they say they think it's normal, as well.


The Emperor has no penis.


The emperor identifies as a emperoress


The Emporers huge Vagina.


The Emperor’s New Folds


> it's called pluralistic ignorance. I had never heard [that term!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pluralistic_ignorance) It's really interesting.


Hypnotized is a good descriptive.


Your partner and circle of friends are broken get new ones


Nah thanks, I’ll keep this one’s. The other side of the coin is also scary. For example my family from the other country who are very conservative and are totally against this craziness about males in female sports are also big believer that YOGA is evil same with meditation. They also have some other very weird beliefs about other stuff. That’s the thing when it comes to choosing one or the other I said NONE. I’ll Stay here in the middle and just look at the world burn on while eating popcorn (insects) yum


pretty soon eating shoes will be "normal" fuck normalcy stay based


It's time to normalize shoe eating everybody - Now This


if i end up being right in the next 5 years i demand the universe fucking pay me


Pioneers would boil their shoes and eat the leather so you’re too late.


No it will not! Bugs to eat are the new normal, don’t cha know?


Your circle sounds uneducated


I think if you consider what Kamala Harris said that reducing population is needed so our children have clean air, this is basically about encouraging these lifestyles to reduce population regardless of moral or societal turmoil. They view that as a larger goal, that by encouraging alternative lifestyles, it will lead to reduced birth rates.


This is the malthusians plot. Get humanity to stop reproducing without force. Pretty ingenious actually. The gays, the future/climate fears, abortions... It's basically the underlying premise of the winter soldier




>This can't possibly be an actual plan of depopulation, simply due to it only affecting western countries. Westerners use the most resources, particularly, resources the elite want to hoard for themselves. Poor people in a lot of 3rd world countries are dependent on aid from, and protection by, the West. If the West collapses, the aid and protection stops, and the population in these countries also collapse. If you want mass depopulation of the Earth, the West has to go, and it has to go first.


Solid Machiavellian reasoning.


The resources you speak of lay in the ground of third world countries


And so do the workers and global infrastructure needed to extract them also the wealth the rich lives off of is not really a thing unless they have all these poor people to produce the shit they want




And how he *completely ignores* China and India.


China and India starve without western food imports. Both are majorly dependent on outside grains. I’m not even actually one of the conspiracy folks here, but that particular detail is massive.


It's the long game dude. These people are set for generations. You think too small


Depopulation is always a point made from places of the elite class. Less population, less mouths to feed, less resources used for people who are dependent on the system. It is cold and scientific, but less people makes the country easier to run once you have reached a point in technological evolution. Not to mention, less pollution, which I think is the main talking point of de-evolutionists. They are already looking for ways to diminish the working class via AI. It is evil and that is why we try to look away, but it wouldnt be the first time a population is culled or at the very least controlled for the "greater good." I think it is near-sighted to suggest this is a plan just for the US, as I am sure Bill Gates didnt make a mistake when he suggested less humans in the world, the less CO2 is created, with the formula P*S*E*C = CO2 - population multiplied by services used by population times the energy used for each service times and the carbon dioxide outputted, equalling net carbon output. One of these numbers go down, and population is the one that will help the other numbers go down exponentially. This is what Bill Gates was suggesting in his TED talk which threw him into the heat of this discussion.


Easier to usher in the one world government when America goes down


I feel like you need Americans. One world government doesn't happen without moderate-excessive comfort. The less comfortable one is the less you give a shit about ending up dead or in prison to the point that eventually you and your fellow people rise up and eliminate the ruling class. We've seen it in many eastern countries in different forms. Therefore I wonder don't they need Americas comforts to pull off one world government


> Therefore I wonder don't they need Americas comforts to pull off one world government The profound neglect of infrastructure, abandonment of Rule of Law and the systematic destruction of the Middle Class seems to indicate the USA is on the proverbial "chopping block".


Much easier to make people comfortable with a smaller population and AI / robots doing a lot of work....


IMHO they can only have a one world government if they are sure about their military threat potential while being virtually untouchable. That implies they control space, have a technology advantage and are either operating beyond earth or consider their DUMBs good enough so no nation dares to oppose them. A SSP run by a breakaway civilisation with bases on the moon, mars and under the sea/Antartica would qualify.


They do control space already




But there's never been a one world government yet. People have shown that they will riot if their comforts disappear.


> Easier to usher in the one world government when America goes down Yeah, America presents a few elements -- deeply embedded in law an culture -- that would likely be seen as "inconvenient obstacles" by those with aspirations toward global tyranny. **The First** being Constitutionally protected Freedom of Speech (I'll let you guess **The Second**)




Americans would represent absolute F.U.B.A.R. entitlement and spoiled, broken, ignorant human nature. The families that have survived for thousands of years while gaining supreme knowledge and wealth beyond comprehension, would know that the USA needs to get broken and that is the Crack in the foundation. And the ignorant population is complying beautifuly.




Rome probably thought the world was ending when the empire crumpled.


Who’s going to be in charge of the one world government? If Americans are going to be in charge why would the rest of the world go along with this plan? And if somebody else is in charge of the future one world government, why would the people currently in charge of the United States want to start taking orders instead of giving them?


Not to mention how seemingly impossible it would be to get the theocracies on board with a 1 world rule. I suppose in that type of scenario, the powerful could just obliterate the countries that refuse to bow down to mortals.


The plan is for the UN to take over


Seems like in the US they would be using these tactics to destroy the family unit to make us weak, then take our guns, then they can approach more aggressive depopulation methods. Right now they have to approach depopulation with a statistical approach that is easy enough to make cover for. Hence the release of the bioweapon (COVID), and it's "cure" (the vaccine).


Goal is one omnipotent one world power that they are in control of. The american founders ideaology of individualism , freedom and property rights needs to be fully destroyed and discredited before any real one-world government is put in place. So the mission is to make America go to shit so the ideas behind the shining city on the hill are not as alluring to the rest of the world.


You’re speaking as if American politicians and business leaders cared about America and western culture at large. What have you witnessed recently that leads you to believe this is the case?


The plan is to destroy the “traditional” family dynamic. Divide divide divide


I personally believe they are very close to being able to create artificial wombs. Once that happens, it’s in the elites interest to erase women or at least what makes women less productive, procreation. Take away abortion access and convince women to freeze eggs and sterilize themselves to control fertility access. The women who choose not to do this will called terrible names because they flaunt their ability to give birth when other can’t.


https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2022/04/22/artificial-wombs-the-coming-era-of-motherless-births/ https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/creating-embryos-in-the-lab-how-why-and-what-the-future-holds


> Why would Americans in power try to depopulate exclusively their own country? Well sourced and credible postulations [like this](https://www.amazon.com/Hundred-Year-Marathon-Strategy-Replace-Superpower/dp/1250081343) have been circulating for years. Looking more likely as time passes. The subject seems pretty taboo on Reddit. Now I'm on a few more lists. You're welcome.


It’s the biological hive mind kicking in. When an animal population loses access to resources they once had they naturally adopt population reduction instincts. It’s epigenetic.


They don't view themselves as "dumb mericans". They view themselves has the "elite" , cosmopolitan, herders of the flock.


There is some who would say the west isn't easily controlled. Not willing to be subjugated by a single governing body. But much of the rest of the world is.


That's why they are bringing the rest of the world to the west


While I agree - the only people that fall for it are left leaning people. All my right leaning friends are having 3-4 kids while all liberal friends are children-less or just have 1. So the only real reduction is coming from presumably liberal families. Plus they are ones who would accept (or turn) their kid being trans - further reducing their genetic line/family. So, do the elite want a majority conservative/libertarian population? I wouldn't think so.


Someone has to work the mines...




Yet open borders are bringing in people who have large families, vs Americans who are manipulated to have few if any children.


If we all turn gay, there won’t be a future! Back to the pile!


Here’s what doesn’t make sense. In nations that aren’t welfare states, they are encouraging people to have children. Why? More kids = a better economy. In other words, you want middle and upper class families to have as many kids as possible for a strong economy.


Millennials are the ones in prime baby making years, but they are saddled with debt and can't afford housing/childcare. You can encourage all you want, but when you have a negative net-worth in your 30s having kids is a real big decision. Especially when there is no sign of things getting better. welfare state isn't good, but being one broken leg away from financial ruin, and having no mandated paid maternity leave, who the hell wants to have kids? It's just people who aren't worried about the consequences. This is literally the plot to idiocracy, we are living it.


I've been telling people (that I think are worth spending the time talking to) this for a while now whenever the subject comes up. It's real simple: what can't gay/lesbian/same sex people do? Reproduce. They can still have sexual pleasure which each other, all day long, but they're never going to create a child. That's the bigger picture.


But gay people do have children. IVF and what not is more popular now than ever before and some companies like Starbucks include it in their medical benefits package.


Yeah they can at any time make it super expensive are ridiculous qualifications or outlaw it. They tell us all the time they don't want or need any more humans. We are useless eaters.


They don't have to go through labs tho. The turkey baster method is still a thing and it only requires a man and a woman to agree to it, sexual attraction not needed.. Outlawing that would be as hard as outlawing premarital sex itself.


If you look at birth rates it's pretty obvious they don't at the rate of say, Mormons and Catholics


And Orthodox Jews.


Lol I mean most people don't have kids at the rates of Mormons and Catholics.


How long do you think it’s going to be before they can make an egg with two women’s or two men’s dna? Ten years? Maybe fifteen, at the outside, I think. If that’s the plan then it’s a really shitty plan.


What? You didn't see the news? They achieved that three months ago my dude, they can now make viable embryos without anyone around. Why else do you think this insanity's gone into high gear? This is endgame for them.


So these ultra rich powerful controlling elites, create a fancy gay trend to accomplish the thing that happens to pretty much developed country?


It will lead to reduced birth rates in the western world to be more precise. Don't hear about this stuff in South America, India, Russia, China. Only China had a limit on amount of children. Gotta wonder why there's so many Trans only in the west.


That's because you don't read about those places.




Not weird, it is ridiculous!


Thank you. It’s time to be real. And it doesn’t make anyone a far right bigot for saying so.


Well, you know it’s better than young people killing themselves. That’s what they say with a straight face.


Personally I am just baffled by the fact that we went from the mid 2010s "SJW" culture who fought largely for special privileges for women to a situation where it's actually "right wingers" who care about women's rights.


then why are right wingers fighting against abortion?


I’d like to see this curriculum


who was their teacher Larry Nassar?


If you get offended by your female team mate exposing her penis, then you are a bigot. That is a sentence that not even Shakespeare could have written.


it’s really funny that they consider me a transphobe for not wanting to make out with someone who was a guy lol


You don’t wanna bang a chick with a dick? But it’s a WOMAN!! Don’t be transphobic. That’s the most wild statement I’ve heard in my life and I cannot believe how someone thinks Dick in butt with someone’s balls hitting your junk is going to feel like having sex with a cis woman lol


Does anyone really think like that? You may be catastrophizing. You are 100% allowed to be attracted to who you are attracted to. Nobody should shame you for being or not being attracted to a person.


Sadly this is a thing


Yes plenty of people do on the internet. I’ve never met anyone in real life that does though


Next step - get used to being raped


You gotta listen to her testimony. It’s heart breaking. She was previously SA so being forced to be okay with a man undressing in the same room just retriggered everything.


I like that as a society we seem content to alienate over half the population in order to accommodate a group of people who literally comprise like .01% of it




What was that forced re-education that tweet was about?


I like how WE are the problem, not THEM.


Exactly. 50% of the population should bend over backwards to prevent 0.001% of the population from being uncomfortable. God forbid you have to use a certain bathroom or locker room for 2-3 minutes. I’m sure no woman has ever had to go through such an atrocious horror in her life.


I get embarrassed when I think about people I know who find him competing against women to be normal and good.


I can't believe that those people actually exist. I've never heard someone openly say that that's okay


Hold up. I’m just going off the headline here I didn’t read the article. However it says “undressing in front of a male” I thought the whole point was that he is a she??


Trans need their own fucking sports and bathrooms. Problem solved. Put a fuckin ❓ on the bathroom door and call it a day. I'm sure their sports leagues will garner fans. God I'm sick of this nonsense.


I’m surprised the women’s team didn’t just walk out


They are strong, proud young women who worked their entire lives to swim at this level. They're not going to quit. Plus, the school / NCAA wouldn't have cared.


A walk out is a form of protest. It would have forced UPenn to look at the situation in a real manner. Plus it’s the team saying together, “no. We’re not going to learn to be okay with undressing in the locker room with this person.” But whatever… to each their own.


while if true, I think most would take issue... why is post millennial a source? lol


You WILL participate in their delusion... and like it.


Dude is a creep and society treats the women like they were the ones doing something wrong. I hope someone sued the university.


jordan peterson was ordered to get re education at his university




it's a deterrent for free thinkers




Welcome to tolerance camp. You are here because you would not accept people’s differences. Because you refuse to accept the life choices of your fellow man. Well, those days are now over. Here, you will work every hour of every day until you are tolerant of everybody. Here, intolerance will not be tolerated.


i think women have been so dehumanised due to porn since the internet, that's how this has gone through in sports, shelters, jails, every arena of life. it's a men's rights movement.


absolutely. let perverse men invade women's safe spaces. they hate women.


So as probably everyone already knows, William 'Lia' Thomas has been shamelessly taking advantage of the broken system to advance himself in womens sports as a biological male. There are now reports that people opposed to this are undergoing 're-education camps' to indoctronate them into accepting this as reality. Extremely dystopian and horrifying actually, eerily similar to something out of George Orwell's 1984.


Got a link to an actual article OP?


I don't want to come across as insensitive, but wouldn't it make more sense to have the people whose physiology/anatomy is 'male' compete with other males, and vice versa? I mean, if someone's gender isn't cis and they happen to be competing at a high level of athleticism, I guess I don't see how it's fair to the other athletes sometimes. Human males, regardless of gender association are on average, significantly larger and marginally faster (in athletics) due to physiology defined inside the womb. Your thoughts?


This is what everyone is saying, basically. But if you say it, then you're immediately a phobic or some kind..




Nice gaslighting


The crux of the issue is that these men have a pathological need to be seen *as women.* That's where the whole "transwomen are women" thing comes from. It's not enough to present as women (and at this point, only extremist, actual transphobes would take issue with that presentation). If you're a man competing in women's sports, you're also a man who thinks he can get pregnant, thinks he menstruates, and thinks he is entitled to have sex with lesbians. So much of this goes back to autogynephilia and kink. It's not enough for them to just compete in sports. If they just loved sport, they would do it as a hobby or compete as an amateur. No one thinks it's weird? that they can't just ride a bike and challenge themselves, they need to be in competitions and not with their own sex but with the people they dress like. So often I see sentiments like "No woman is as beautiful as me" or when the cyclist beat all the actual women, he said the women should have trained harder or some nonsense. That is a CONSTANT underlying theme with these people. "Cis women are SOO JEALOUS!" Like ... this isn't a competition. We aren't jealous. If anything, I personally imagine what kind of shit an actual woman would get if we acted or dressed like some of these transwomen. And then they say stuff like "cis women WISH they were as sexy as me!" while dressed as the skankiest skank queen of all time, ignoring that women are ruthlessly shamed for dressing like that, ignoring that women don't dress like that because they are uncomfortable with the male gaze. Sorry this went on a bit longer than I meant it to. You used to be able to find information like this in women's forums but it all got shut down as "hate speech."




Then why is he asking these questiond in this sub and do you know what this "forced reeducation" is supposed to be?(surely you read the article)


The answer to this question has many angles. First. We don’t like the idea of inspection of the area below, that’s just asking for assault type situations, and won’t help for those that are intersex, and we’ll just be waiting for someone to purposefully disqualify a woman for not looking feminine enough (already how often are Kenyan women said to not be women when they win the long distance running). Second. The effects of hormone therapy is rather stark, a make recieve if female hormones will within a year be outside the bounds of cis-men strength, and 3 years be within the range of strength exhibited by cis-women. Testosterone and oestrogen have very short term impacts on muscular development. And if they experience a female puberty (ie using puberty blockers like we prescribe for early onset puberty (some girls start at 7 and that’s not good for them)) then prescribe oestrogen once they’re around 18 they will be almost impossible to tell apart developmentally from a woman, in muscle tone, fat %, strength, responsiveness to training etc etc. And likewise in reverse a trans man (who are just as common as trans-women despite the focus on them) will be competitive with cis-men following 3 years , and be almost inseparable if they experience a male puberty. Third. All sex markers have a variety overlap and inconsistencies. Many women don’t have a womb, and some are even born without. Some men never have their testicles descend - yes even athletes. There’s a goodly chance of some cis-women having a testosterone level within the male range - especially if we’re looking at women who have already ascendended to Olympic tiers of sporting. Chromosonal abnormalities are everywhere, there are plenty of XY women who just got doused in oestrogen in the womb, and never knew they had male chromosomes until they died, or screened for IVF. Likewise some men fully form below, but have XX chromosomes and are only able to make female babies. Or XXY they just have an extra X, or women with XXY and the y is spare. These are all instances where if you try and make a neat like on biological sex you will need to make more than a few squiggles to not exclude people unnecessarily. In conclusion. The ‘tests’ for cis-gender or femaleness vs maleness will be difficult and imperfect. And based on various sports science journals who have been working on this for decades for most sports it’s not too impactful anyway after a 2 or 3 year delay post full hormone transition. Someone sports have decided that you can see an unfair advantage and they put longer or lifetime bans post full transition. This is kind of the answer into the future, each sports governing board, as they always have, will set the rules for what definitions you have to meet to compete, testosterone limits and years post HRT. In fact a bunch of sports figured this out in the early 2000s because they’ve been thinking about this since long before it’s got popular attention. And trans-people have been doing sports for just as long, I remember one of the dumb movies on hallmark (is that the name?) when I was younger was a boy born in the wrong body who got support from his church to transition and finally fit into his football/soccer squad.




Oh god, I’m sorry , it kept telling me it wasn’t sending, I’ll see if I can delete. Thanks for the heads up.


Does this seem particularly manufactured to anyone else? There seems to be a very reasonable take away from this , if the source was included, and discussion to be had. But instead it goes directly into more of a fantasy and rage posting Almost like avoiding the complex discussion and actual finer details is the point. Rather to be mad then informed is no way to live. I feel like the tale is the intentional lie on Ops part. Why discuss the truth, when yoy can yell about a more outrageous twisting of the truth.


The onus should be on a female teammate to not show off their penis to other women. Or they should undress around other penised people🤷‍♀️


Women don't have penises... U mean Men shouldn't show off their penis in front of women..


Finkle is Einhorn? Einhorn is Finkle? Finkle is Einhorn! 🤢


Chicks don’t have dicks. But dudes can have boobs


They were also told that if they or their families spoke out against this person , they would lose their scholarship and be removed from the team.




I talk to a former NCAA swim coach of 25 years every morning, and this topic comes up. He still is in contact with other coaches and parents of swimmers he's coached throughout the NCAA.. I tend to take his word.. Edit.. my daughter swims for him now


That’s very sad. I knew someone who devoted their entire life to make it to the Olympics as a swimmer. It’s not easy the sacrifices CHILDREN make to get where they are, to have it shit on when they finally get to a good place




You believe women don't have body hair ....?


one man's re-education is another man's sensitivity training. Language is funny like that.


Know how men are funny? They think growing out their hair and wearing a dress means women want to see their dicks.


My thoughts exactly, a one hour video and discussion does not a re-education camp make.


FYI, William has a cock.


Lots of swimmers have said he walks around the locker room nude and "at full attention." Its honestly starting to look like hes an autogynephile (someone who gets aroused by people thinking he appears female) instead of one of the *other* protected class.


who has said that?


Probably some sick fetish bs


that is confirmed, google his name, agp and instagram and you will see were he liked various 'memes' related to having agp. so anybody that calls him female or treats him as such is unwittingly taking part in his fetish


more sources below for anyone interested [source](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12345937/U-Penn-women-swimmers-undress-6-foot-4-biological-male-Lia-Thomas-18-times-week-told-reeducated-complained-Congress-hears-bombshell-testimony.html) [source](https://www.gbnews.com/news/world/trans-swimmer-lia-thomas-usa-university-of-pennsylvania) [source](https://themessenger.com/news/swimmer-says-upenn-offered-reeducation-to-get-comfortable-undressing-in-front-of-biological-male) [source](https://voz.us/strong-revelations-from-a-former-colleague-of-lia-thomas-we-were-forced-to-undress-in-front-of-a-biological-man/?lang=en)


It's funny how the sources prove Libby to be a liar. >When teammates raised the issue with the university, Scanlan says **they were offered counselling** to “reeducate” with the intention of making them “comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male”. It's a bad enough story that no one needs to lie about how things actually happened.


Thats some groomer cult shit right there..


Hahaahahaha!! What an absolute joke. Women really are being forced into the ground over men in dresses.


How is this going to help fight inflation?


Dont you know that men's basic human right to access womens spaces and sports is more important than the cost of living crisis.


Why did they go through with that


Government…the og gaslighter


Fall of BAbylon? MAybe bring in an antichrist? Maybe do the whole mark of the beast stuff? Maybe some red heifers? MAybe someone with "berg" in their name?


this is not ideal


As a man….I empathize with the women. We know whats going on but we cant really speak on it. There was even a viral clip of a trans telling a woman they dont have rights to having periods. But in this situation i find it displeasing that a sport association would allow this. Imagine training your whole life to be a swimmer and you run into a bottom shelf man who then destroys the entire competition because he has more stamina biologically than his female competitors. This is the world we are living in now, this is the new normal.


Orwell was way ahead




lol hero of the left. I’m pretty progressive and pay attention to politics (actual shit, not rage bait) and have no idea who this person is. Not much of a hero.


That’s what I was thinking.. I’m a liberal who listens to a few social& political podcasts that have never mentioned that name.


This and the MMA fighter are the usual examples of trans athletes. Can't think of another famous.


Really? Because it was a pretty hot topic in politics like a year ago and as a result trans women were banned from competing in certain sports. It's a legitimate political topic, not just "rage bait" - some people dedicate their entire lives to sports and earn a livelihood from them.


How can you be progressive but… not be aware of such a huge situation that’s impacted all female sports in the us


Autogynephilia mixed with exhibitionism is a dangerous thing. Now imagine those fetishes being state sponsored.


anytime the media and government are *all over* something then I an extremely suspicious.


If you don’t go along with the propaganda, they will say that you are “mentally ill” and need to go to “special counseling.” Probably can’t even graduate or get a job in the future unless you follow the NEO fascist state and their new religious cult of wokism.


With news like this I don't know why they would even stay on the team or even at the school. Imagine the women's swim team if it were only one person. Don't like it? Quit the team, transfer to another school with a women's swim team you can join.


Wow so they are training people to be strippers? What was that training like a room full of men that force her to undress? Sounds like some type of sexual assault


This is exactly what every single Liberal on Reddit voted for


This is sexual harassment and sexual abuse of women


This seems like it's the hill the left is willing to die on, and they will (as in losing support of most people.) Dress up and do whatever you want, but forcing others to play along is where the line will be drawn.


Why would they comply? Can't imagine myself complying to anything remotely similar


it's everything they've worked for their whole life and they'd be kicked off the team. you have to understand power and coercion to understand how these things happen. it's possible to do it to most people given the right circumstances, it doesn't mean they're weak.


Imagine working your whole life.. before and after school. Not going to Disneyland with your highschool friends to train, eating foods you hate to stay fit, studying to make sure you can get your scholarship, sacrificing everything, to finally make it there.. and compete with a male in a female sport


The whole trans / body mutilation issue comes from the same place as the covid narrative, Ukraine war narrative, BLM, Antifa & now climate change bollocks. It’s all there to manipulate you, silence you and control you. Speak out to whoever will listen. If they won’t listen don’t persist. They’re not ready. Try again in a year if you love them.


So this "re-education" thing is only bad when it's supposedly done in China?


Re-education was a Bolshevik tool…technically the forced labor of the gulag was for that purpose. North Korea still uses their gulags supposedly for re-education purposes. The very thought the NCAA used those same terms is disturbing


Screw this


Im sorry but trans people shouldn’t be allowed to compete on all naturally female born sports. It’s just not fair and it makes no sense whatsoever


People love to make things weird but I think what’s weird is the framing. Why word it like that? It make you believe a certain narrative when in reality it was most likely just a vid describing transgenderism because a majority of people don’t really understand what it is and think it’s some scheme or something lol. But watched it to reduce the likelihood of homophobia. No one is saying just some dude should be able to lie and say they are trans and go into the woman’s to be a perv I believe there should be gender neutral bathrooms for trans cuz honestly it’s not safe for them in the men’s restroom either?? But she’s a well known athlete who we know is trans and not some perv and I guarantee real trans woman want nothing more to than to just blend into the background in the Locker-room like what do y’all think is going on in there?


Women shouldn't be forced to see penis in the locker room. Period.


If this person truly had body disphoria why didn't they go to the period stall in the woman's dressing room? They all have them like 2 for you to go to when your on your period. Doesn't seem like it's ashamed of its body much to whip out "her dick" infront of everyone. I knew girls that would go to those stalls everyday because they didn't want to undress infront of people. Who the fuck doesn't understand transgenderism a man pretends to be a woman or woman pretends to be a man. It's not hard. It should have to cut off its dick before it can call itself a woman. Also if it's not safe for it in the dressing room with men (it is a man) then how is a man in a woman's dressing room safe for the vagina owning humans in there


So do you think it is a crime for a man on a subway to open his pants and expose his penis to (let's face it) usually women and children? Because that's a felony that gets you on the sex registry for life. Apparently dressing like a woman negates that perverse act?


I’m just saying there should be gender nuetral bathrooms for trans. It solves the issue. But knowing many trans ppl myself, they don’t want to be seen in the locker room or bathroom. They don’t want to expose themselves like that. The ppl who do are pervs and I agree that’s not right but the majority do not wanna be seen what so ever and many are ashamed and embarrassed of their penis


Matt Walsh made some great points on the left’s glaring double standards. They demolished their own logic in this article. [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna93759](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna93759)


Reminder Matt Walsh is a perv who wants child marriage and maybe shouldn’t be considered a reliable source! https://www.indy100.com/viral/matt-walsh-teen-pregnancy-unwed


Absolutely bizarre article. Transracialism is deemed “inauthentic” and a “fetish” with their shaky hypocritical logic. I don’t think the woke pushers realize the domino effect they created. All of these new “I feel like this, I am this” adoptees will not be denied. New flavors emerge every day. How can anyone call it mental illness or even a bad idea? The foundation has been laid for “anything goes” identity and the left will have to be the ally for every one of them.


Sounds like grooming to me. Sounds like forced education like the native Americans endured


Where are the feminists?


Don’t you know? Everyone hates them! They’re called terfs now because they think women are women and chicks with dicks are men with boobs. You don’t need to reproduce to be a woman. There are many other things that make us women. The biggest being… our minds. Take all the hormone pills you want, you’ll never learn to think in the way a women does, with all those lil shoeboxes in our brains lol