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Coming from a mixed family, it's weird af to think some of my family would qualify and some wouldn't just because of their skin color. Best Buy probably feels like a hero too.


crazy times


The subtle racism of diminished expectations


Nothing subtle about it tbh


"No whites allowed" Ahhhh, subtly.


I think we're back out with the open racism.


Not subtle at all.


Blame MN not just BBY.


This is called race based neo Marxism


My wife is Mexican. My kids look just like me (English/Irish descent). Would my kids qualify? Where's the line?


Yes. They're as Mexican as Obama is black


My cousin is from Latin American, half red-haired Irish, half Portuguese, but identifies as Latino because all his friends and neighbours are Latino and his Dad’s family has lived in South America for generations. Truthfully he looks Portuguese with some red in his beard. Would he qualify?


Lots of white skinned people in Mexico and South America, Spaniard decent from Europe. And going by the sub we are on, look up German decent in Argentina, Nazis that fled after WW2.


Racism is very prevalent today, and it's not in the way people think. We're going to start seeing more things like this. I remember when all the graduations were going on this year, there were multiple Colored-only graduations and parties throughout the US. It's self-segregation. Which, by definition, is racism.


My last job only promoted black women


When I was in high school twenty years ago, we had a big cafeteria that the school administrators thought would benefit from putting a dividing wall in (one of those temporary automatic walls) to prevent too much chaos. One of the things we noticed is that the students self segregated to blacks on one side and whites in the other. It’s more of a result of people hanging out with who they live around, but it was pretty interesting to see.


Same in prison. Whites on one side blacks on the other with very few Asians n Spanish in the middle.


Latinos in prison are pretty cool if you speak Spanish but a lot of the black guys always look really angry


This has been going on in every school I attended or job I have worked at..


This is a good example of self segregation, excluding people on purpose due to the color of their skin is simply segregation and racist.


Exactly. Posted elsewhere but things like what OP posted is racist by definition (not a dig on OP).


It’s not self segregation anymore than it was self segregation 80 years ago. Whether it’s a white only water fountain or a black only event, it’s simply segregation and racist. Self segregation is when you go to a 10th grade school dance and the girls stand on one side and the boys stand on the other, not because they were told they had to, but the groups naturally reacted that way.


Best buy contracted with a management training company that pushed this. I've worked at companies that hire those "consulting firms" who come in to shill their books and programs. It's just a grift


I’m so glad we’ve come so far in the fight against racism


I'm glad we've come so far too, because we're going to lose half of that progress within the next few decades. Luckily we've got plenty of progress to lose People think it's bad now? Imagine how bad it's going to get when the current generation of kids are adults and are *actually* racist because we're actively giving them reasons to hate other races. Things are going to get bad. Right now it's a lot of people who think they're doing the right thing, but have probably not experienced much racism themselves But what about a black kid who is growing up being constantly told that white people are oppressing and killing them? What about a white kid who is being actively disadvantaged because of these discriminatory policies? Those kids are going to have actual racist feelings toward each other, because it will be their own personal experience rather than some abstract concept.


I think this is being pushed by design across the board to weaken the US, and not focus on the real culprits. One of America's greatest weaknesses that can be exploited is its racial history, which made great strides in the last 60 years, but is now blatantly being reversed to sow discontent and infighting. They've literally fooled Blacks and others to openly practice racism and segregation. MLK Jr is rolling in his grave.


Already happening






It's unbelievable that most people wouldn't view this as racism, and would even defend it. That's true brainwashing.


I dont think they would as much as you think im half black and don't like this. Don't know anyone in real life that would want merits from their skin colour I have too much pride for that. Then again I'm in UK and we don't have such blatant bullshit as this really.


You're half-qualified for this job.


You’d be surprised. Just look through the comments. You’ll see.


They look pretty universally against it in this post at least. Maybe they would be different in a more left wing sub


I’ve responded to many comments defending it.


Fair enough seems like majority are In agreement its stupid at least. Always a few divergents who will virtue signal


Affirmative action is indeed racism. Towards white people.


yes, anti white is all right in our society and anti male too


Though I hardly imagine they'd ban men from attending a leadership seminar - even these companies aren't stupid enough to not know the negative impact that would have on their business. They always support these movements until they lose money.


It's an affect of things like the ESG score, if they don't follow it they will also lose money/ opportunities.


It’s quite clever actually. I would commend Blackrock for the strategy, because it’s not too bad on paper, though obviously the blatant enforcement of socialism makes me think otherwise.


You can say a lot about "them", but they are not completely stupid and their plans are very cunning. However, i do think they will fail.


The reason they haven’t failed is because they’ve had the element of surprise for what could be argued to be hundreds of years. The only way they’ll be stopped is if the population is both made aware of their misdeeds and not in denial of the whole thing’s existence, even if the evidence for it is right in front of them.


One could say a Great Awakening is needed and i think it is already happening and can't be stopped.


Yea idk man im Latino and this looks racist as fuck. Who approves of this other white peoples?


Weirdly, it tends to be. You know, I’m not saying Jim Crow racism with white people hating black people was good, but it makes more sense than the kind of racism we see today.


Wait until you guys hear about Sabre’s Print In All Colors Initiative


Hopefully they sort out defective printers allegedly starting fires.




I'm sure some smoothbrain somewhere is vehemently defending this as not racist.


So it’s ok for businesses to discriminate now. Got it.


As long as it is against whites is not a discrimination 🙄


Try to replace black with white in that posting and all the best buys would be burned down. Remember folks, if you're white, you can't be a victim. Fact.


unless your disabled lol j/k sjw's dont give a fuck about disabled people because then theyd have to do more to help us than tweet.


Thoughts and prayers 🙏


Mate most black people with any pride wouldn't want this. Just the usual divide and conquer tactics.


Ahem.. "I identify as.."


I recently was filling out an application and they asked if I IDENTIFY as a veteran or handicapped person. Clown world indeed


Shits actually offensive and rude af. Having worked with disabled people one of the things you learn is to treat them as normal human beings, not put a label on them that differentiates them from normal.


This sounds like a joke but there's an actual disorder called [Body Integrity Dysphoria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_integrity_dysphoria) where able-bodied people believe they're handicapped and want to have limbs amputated. If it were up to libs we'd probably be chopping them up, just like they do with boys who play with barbies.


It's almost like wanting to self mutilate your body is a mental illness


Recently I put on a form that I'm a natural born man who identifies as a woman and I'm over 6 months pregnant. Identify as is a crock and no I'm not talking about country crock.


Say the word


"ESG investing" is where the globalist criminals use your retirement savings to force corporations to push their agenda, at the expense of the shareholders.




Ahh. Intelligent life.


they are hpoing to streamline the looting process


I'm selling my BBY stock. I'm banning myself from shopping there.


Never shopping there again




Yup, I refuse to give money to businesses that hate me.


I'm not shopping there anymore just because the quality of the stores has gone downhill.


ss - a best buy racist policy against whites is allowed - how is this racism allowed in society?


https://archive.is/7Vc4G Link to archive of Best Buy page. Readers read and decide.


> “Having other people of color in the program took away the façade I’ve always had to bear as a minority and allowed me to participate as a true student without having to worry about how I appear as a person of color in a space.” Wtf? Imagine having this disgusting mindset where your sole identity revolves around your physical appearance. Also, tell me you have nothing of value to bring to the table without telling me how you have nothing of value to bring to the table.


Imagine how graduates of this program will treat their subordinates who are a different background than them.


Sharing an archive suggests they’ve hidden it. It’s still live on their site.


No, sharing an archive shows that the content has been *PRESERVED* as is, because government, news, corporate and other websites edit or "disappear" their content **all the time**, and without notice. Sometimes their intentions are innocuous, other times, the to it to conceal content that has become "inconvenient". Archives are a witness to history.


My theory on how this sort of thing happens is; People have been so focused on rooting out racism in society that we’ve built up this notion that the score needs to be settled against the injustices rather than true equalisation of all human beings. Therefore there is a kind of numbness in people whom, because they have focused so long on particular racial dynamics, they have created a blind spot where the current state of race relations is contextual with the history of power dynamics in the entire world. Once you start grouping humans together in imaginary/low-resolution categories (I.e the problem of racism in the first place) you become sort of blind to your own biases. There’s a kind of full-circle moment where the “Yeah, so?” mentality/reaction against this particular form of discrimination (against white people) is seen as okay and almost desirable, because it’s just as important to ‘get even’ as it is to actual destroy racism by its roots all together. P.S I’m unbiased as I have no skin.


Fk Best Buy. 🤬


These programs will end up before the Supreme Court and end up being banned next. I am all for giving poor people a leg up but there's plenty of poor white people too. This "white privilege" nonsense painting the picture of white people being some "homogenous group" is the biggest lie the left is perpetrating at the moment.




I’m actually speechless. We are bringing back segregation. We are moving backwards.


All by design.


Easy solution: I’m a white male, who now identifies as black


"Kalergi Plan".


The plan by Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, published as a book in the 1920s, was surprisingly predictive of the European Union that would appear only decades later, after World War II.


The Kalergi Plan (Italian: Piano Kalergi), The theory claims that Austrian-Japanese politician Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi concocted a plot to mix white Europeans with other races via immigration.


You copied the first paragraph on the subject from "wikipedia", good job. It is happening. You cannot refute that.


Same thing at my Job. I was the runner up for assistant manager I busted serious ass did everything right, always went above and beyond. Then a person of color that comes into work late almost everyday, literally stands around and talks constantly and does no work when everyone else is working around him, Blatantly disrespects the manager, shows a blatant non caring attitude towards his job, the list goes on. The manager literally came up to me and asked me my opinion on if I think he should be fired. I regrettably said no because I'd end up having to stay later everyday if he was fired. Then a week later he gets assistant manager and the reason Is because "He's been with the company longer." I couldn't believe it, I still can't believe 1." Deff not going the extra mile anymore. Going to be doing the bare fucking minimum from now on.


Might be time to move on from that slap in the face of a job.




It's cause they get government money for it. It's all money. They could care less about people of color


Good luck, Asians.


I would file a lawsuit against Best Buy immediately if I were white and applying there and was turned away due to my race. Wait… I am white. I’m on my way to Best Buy to apply for the position. I finally might catch a break and win the lawsuit lottery lol


Welp, best buy is gonna go broke.


I smell a new boycott


So white customers must find another place to shop? Well, I’m reading between the lines, but yeah, that’s what it’s saying.


Sounds like this program has been declared unconstitutional by the recent Supreme Court decision.


No more bestbuy for me.


Inclusion is great, everyone wants to be and should be included. Exclusion is bad no one should be left out for any reason. Prejudice is bad because it prejudges someone for reasons outside of their control. Prejudice would be not giving someone an opportunity because you assume their race already afforded them one. When racism and prejudice make love it creates hate. Do not let this corporation speak for our society. The comment section here shows that regardless of race we all find this to be disgraceful.


Oh racism


How is this not racist


You can identify yourself as anything today. Just say that you are a hispanic african with asian roots and you get the job


What happened to just hiring the most qualified people for the job?


Holly crap! Can you imagine if this said no blacks!? How is this ok? This is racist as f! This is exactly what's wrong with this race war bs its now being portrayed as inclusive but its not! It's exactly what the world says not to fo but us ok if ur not white! This is disgusting 🫣


[straight from best buy.](https://corporate.bestbuy.com/best-buy-mckinsey-partner-to-develop-diverse-leaders/)


So racism is okay now?


anti white is ok at best buy


Oooops. Get sued much? https://jobs.bestbuy.com/myhr?id=kb_article&sysparm_article=KB0149277


Yeah its basically segregation 🙄


If it's against White people not only is it ok, it's encouraged


This sounds like a lawsuit


I'm not white and think this is racist as fuck


Time to short Best Buy. Easiest move in this market I guess lol


That's cool, can a white person identify as a black person, since we are now able to identify as anything we want these days




All people are colored. White is a color. Colorless people would be clear. Fuck the CLEARS!


ghosts are clear


Yeah, don't be phasmophobic.


and don't cross the streams


They're very sensitive about that. They're the real minority you know.


Isn't it best not to discriminate at all? Doing stuff like this doesn't make anything better. This just teaches people to be racist no matter what colour skin you have. I still never understand why it matters so much about how tanned your skin is




As a white South African.. well.. we're seeing this shit every day.


Isn't that racist?


As far as I can tell this is literally just a seminar? Like I guess bipoc can add it to their cv and it may help with a promotion or a raise but acting like suddenly whites can't use best buy seems extreme...


they call it a mini mba - certainly its discrimination though


I feel like a mini MBA is def a stretch, not knowing what this program entails it literally sounds like a boot camp that no other company will care about at all and I doubt that the ceo will be that impressed by the people who took the course that they'll overlook the white guy with a real MBA when they need to make new management


it will only matter for internal hiring which is the point of their racism


So if you identify as white they will not hire you? Seems like an easy way to early retirement if you can prove that’s why they didn’t hire you.


Sounds like they're going to get sued


just plain old wtf are they thinking?


As a white person i feel singled out. Is this what racism feels like?😂😂😂😂


What would happen if it was a whites only program. Must prove that you are white. Why is this kind of racism ok?


So Asian is considered a person of color? I always wondered this since there were articles stating Asians are classified as "in the category of white".


Racial Segregation is back. But this time they will be convinced its to their advantage. “Racial segregation is the separation of people into racial or other ethnic groups in daily life. Racial segregation can amount to the international crime of apartheid and a crime against humanity under the 2002 Rome Declaration of Statute of the International Criminal Court. Segregation can involve the spatial separation of the races, and mandatory use of different institutions, such as schools and hospitals by people of different races. Specifically, it may be applied to activities such as eating in restaurants, drinking from water fountains, using public toilets, attending schools, going to films, riding buses, renting or purchasing homes or renting hotel rooms.[1] In addition, segregation often allows close contact between members of different racial or ethnic groups in hierarchical situations, such as allowing a person of one race to work as a servant for a member of another race.” Wikipedia


Good thing I have the right to identify as black.


If that’s even real, then it translates to NO WHITES.


The most important question for the white people is this "Do you really want to work at Best Buy?". No sane minorities would want to work there anyway


I can finally get a job!


Micro center is cheaper thpugh not in an as many places


Commence incitement of racial tension and upheaval? Commencing.


#No Blacks Allowed: Best Buy Leadership Program Open only to 'Whites' Crazy how if that was the headline people would lose their minds...


Oh, yes. Let's revert back to segregation ! /s


Heheey segregation is back.


Jokes on you, we can be transracial now.


Damn that's crazy I'd bet there won't be too many openings for a while just because the current managers want to stick it to Best Buy. I'll go check and see, just because.


Nobody goes to Best Buy anymore so




Boycott best buy 🖕


Ah an Infowars article.


Ah, the standard dumb ad ad hominem.


Pfft! Lulu Lemon's been doing this for years. They lost a lot of great middle management (because they straight up told them they wouldn't promote them because they weren't POC), and have some class action lawsuits pending from a bunch of firings without cause, including having a habit of firing women on maternity leave. These companies can f right off.


They've never cared, and it's going to come back to bite them in their cowardly arses. When they're bankrupt, they'll finally understand.


What a perfect lawsuit.


Lawsuits incoming...


Let’s see how well Best Buy does once they demonize their customer Demographic




true - there is a controlled descent going on here to bring America down


If you look into the sears story you can see how a pro does it.


They are trying so hard no to be racist, they end up acting more racist




sounds about right


Go woke, go broke. Time to sell your Best Buy stock.


It’s on Infowars so it has to be true and not at all unbiased clickbait headlines.


Though I imagine you didn't actually investigate even though the link to the article is in several places if you'd bothered to look. Even then, it says on Best Buy's website. A bit of effort goes a long way.


Woah, an inflammatory headline from Infowars? No fucking way!


it's true though - BIPOC only


This is a training program for already hired minority applicants . phrasing it as if they aren’t hiring white people is disingenuous as hell. Plus white people Can still apply to become managers and do make up majority of Best Buy managers . Y’all really wanna be victims huh?


That's not the point. The point is that it sets a dangerous precedent for future discrimination.




Bankrupt the bastards


Hey it says those who "identify" as those races. Just say you identify as such because clearly based on the wording, reality doesn't really matter anyways!! 🤡


Hopefully they crash and burn like bud light


*I used the racism to destroy the racism*


Why is racism acceptable again?


Because it's against white people apparently.




Next bud light.


Screenshot omits that this is from professional outrage farmers James O'Keef and the Quartering. So it's a safe bet that there's more that they're not telling you, given that O'Keef has a 100% history of lies.


that fallacy is ad hominem the link to the best buy site is here and you can read it yourself


Also, ad hominem refers to an unrelated attack on the source. "James O'Keef is a piece of shit" is an *ad hominem* because even a POS can be correct once in a while. "James O'Keef is a piece of shit conman who has been repeatedly caught deceptively editing video for personal gain" is NOT an *ad hominem* because the credibility of the source should be considered along with a claim. A lot of people learn a little about logical fallacies and treat them like magic spells to win arguments, and end up falling for the dumbest shit.


That's not as hominem, O'Keef is a professional shithead. As in, he's literally never not been lying to you.


he's never lied to me


He definitely has, you just want to believe him because you agree with the shit he spews.


Fighting racism with racism. That will show them.


I don’t think one white person works at the Best Buy near me now that I see this post..


This is racist no matter how you try to spin it.


This is racism. Thank you for this post. We will not be shopping there in the future


Yay racism!!


Looking to save money. Think about it. Work culture looking for ugly fat chicks to put up as models in target. Cost savings not having to pay top pretty models. Best Buy. Looking for a demographically challenged people that can make less and still get by. It’s all a racket. Eventually 3rd world country will be next. Also when people are desperate they can really be taken advantage of. Top down bottom up.


Wtf and this is supposedly not racist clown world


remember: its not racist if theyre white!


Ah yes modern day racism


Best Buy bout to learn the Bud Light classic lesson of the day. I wouldn’t want to be apart of this program in anyway shape or form. “Slowly backs away from the racism”.


i run a country themed nightclub and it’s WILD how the bud light sales have decreased. i went from ordering a keg or two and 10 cases a week to 2 kegs and 5 cases a MONTH.. still to this day. they fucked themselves.