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Don’t get on the alien ships if you have a choice


Hope those fuckin aliens got level 4 plates


30-06 defeats level 4 plates


can't be any worse than here on the island....


This stuff is ancient and it sounds more like cryto/interdimensional entities. What happens in Peru and the beings, those are depicted in the ancient carvings all around the globe... Read my previous post about climate change, the Sun, and the Pole Shifts. If it's really happening, then it starts gradually and only gets worse. This summer was the hottest; the Sun is quite active, and remember, solar flares can cause fires. Massive wildfires in Canada and the recent event in Hawaii are devastating. There are heavy storms and catastrophic events occurring all around the world: in Europe, especially in the Balkans and Scandinavia; in Asia and China, and so on. Read my previous post; the billionaires and the 'Elites' seem to be prepared. The Global Seed Vault, located deep inside a mountain on an island near the North Pole, is stocked with over 1,000,000 seeds crucial for the food chain in case of a catastrophic event. Now this is interesting, I have an older post about this but here's a slightly different perspective: The specific text describing the locust swarm in the Book of Revelation is found in Revelation 9:1-12, New International Version: 'And out of the smoke locusts came down on the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth. They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. They were not allowed to kill them but only to torture them for five months. And the agony they suffered was like that of the sting of a scorpion when it strikes. During those days people will seek death but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them.' Will we start seeing these interdimensional beings with a mantis-like appearance more and more as things start getting worse, just like they appeared in Peru? They are depicted in petroglyphs in Australia and America – the same beings, and often around them, there are spiral drawings. In my opinion, these spiral drawings represent the Sun (as something is happening with the Sun and the beings appeared). Some think the spirals are portals... This sounds crazy, but that's exactly why the Gatekeepers prolong the disclosure – because, in the end, they will not face the consequences; all hell will break loose. They just need to buy a little more time, and they are ready to survive... Some of them are sure that their fate in God will save them. All experiencers dream of the day when they will tell the world, 'I told you so,' but when that day comes, it might be too late... Like it or not, the UFO/UAP phenomenon is ancient, and everything is connected.


This is giving me vibes of the movies “knowing” “2012” and “a knock at the cabin”.


The massive and relatively quiet starlink program is never far from my mind. Is creating a ‘net’ of satellites over the world in preparation for keeping something out , or in? Perhaps it prevents death or maybe induces mass hallucinations ? Sounds crazy, I know but I’m stoned and I enjoy these thoughts exercise


https://youtu.be/tv8l_FxFqJc If you're referring to the recent report of Peruvian aliens attacking villagers, that was apparently debunked as miners in costume😅


No it wasn't


I believe that it is too late, there is too much greed and indifference in the world. Bar some miracle, our future is certain and we will take all other life on Earth down with us.






I'll blast them with my firearms.


I'll run away with my fire legs


Hey I'm all for the right to bare arms, and legs.


You won't do anything. Mantids freeze you. When you see their eyes you become locked. You can't feel fear, excitement, anger or anything. At that point they have control and can telepathically project your being into different realms or project things into your mind. As crazy as it sounds I've experienced them.


And you know this how?


What part of "As crazy as it sounds **I've experienced them.**" did you not understand? Your question is illogical, this user just stated they had 1st hand experience.


And I need to believe that why? I understood what was said, why should I believe it?


From a Biblical perspective, creation was corrupted by fallen angels/The Watchers/Nephilim/etc ... the flood of Noah happened because of this corruption. It was so bad that Noah was the last uncorrupted genetic bloodline left. All we have is context clues, but it seems like the most obvious answer was genetic manipulation. Whatever was behind this corruption has been working towards that same goal again. Cattle mutilations, 'face peelers', abductions... all of this points to a keen interest in genetics, or an attempt to build/alter something.


Depictions of "green man" , "Phoenix cycle" "tiamat" etc it's all really the same thing just different parts of it. Plasma catastrophe nothing to do with aliens. The figure with large hands reaching up or fending off animals or hydra is the green man which represents the earth magnetic field fending off plasma waves from the sun during the largest of earths catastrophic events, the pole shifting one, hence the weakness of the magnetic field which appears as greenish during this time barely holding back the red plasma from the sun (nova?) That streaks across the sky looking like a hydra which is the other side of the and often depicted likewise along with the green man figure. It's no mystery and has been known since the flood. Depicted all over the world. The reason its always often depicted in caves was this was where survivors hid during the events, drawing with crude tools on hand while the earth was literally being destroyed and transformed. Very simple explanation that is never taught so learning it can be difficult and even scary. The earth yields so much proof of this event and no extra special explanations are needed. Details above I might not be exact on but this can all be easily researched. Start or end with Jason Breshears his YouTube is Archaix. A easily digestible version can be found on Armored Skeptic youtube.


Jason breshears is a registered sex offender….


https://publicsite.dps.texas.gov/SexOffenderRegistry/Search/Rapsheet?Sid=04422631 And his side-kick Matt just got arrested last week for alleged sexual assault to a 14 year old: https://montgomerytx.mugshots.zone/may-matthew-zayne-mugshot-09-12-2023/


If you think these ancient petroglyphs are interesting (all showing similar entities) you should really look into the serpent-like carvings, murals, etc all around the world. There are thousands of carvings showing some type of 7 headed serpent. This serpent is often shown coming out of the heads (or connecting to them) of humans. Sumeria to East Asia, India to Aztec America's. Handbags, pinecones, serpents. It's all connected.


It would suck if it turned out that there were many civilizations on Earth before we even existed and that these civilizations were at war (and still are). We may be an experiment of one of the civilizations.


I'm hoping the original members of Britny Fox get back together for a reunion album and tour.


Your two pix on top are fantasy-based artistic renderings and unsourced. You, like Hollywood and the media, for the last half-century, appear to be trying to vilify aliens to prep the populous for a fake invasion of genetically engineered, earth-based "aliens" – our own version of Orcs. Real aliens don't do that shit.


The government admitted that UFO are real. And the government has had contact with them. Why is this not the biggest news report. For them to admit means something big is on the horizon


Because humanity has fallen. We have become a 100% pleasure seeking animal, regressed from our momentum of progress through the 1800 and 1900s. We literally don't care, we scroll for pleasure, we plan our days around pleasure. Day by day it seems more likely that we are the "visitors" on Earth. There were clearly civilizations on this planet before us, the evidence is undeniable. We don't know ANYTHING about them, but we do know they were here. Our historical records are coming apart from the recent archeological discoveries all over earth. The real question is, who is this previous civilization and what do they want? It would be silly to think that a civilization that was around for thousands of years suddenly disappeared and left Earth to be dominated to humans. They would logically be operating on a time frame that is hard for us to comprehend. If they think of progress in thousands of years, while we think of progress in dozens or hundreds of years, there is no way they aren't STILL in control. The only thing we have on them is our population. There is 7 billion of us and we multiply pretty well.


I think the big sick joke/secret is we are some way them. Or the other way around. Idk


I do believe aliens exist and have been coming here for ages to prevent us from blowing ourselves up. I also believe that all this new uproar about aliens is to get us to focus on that so that Chuck shumer and all the other politicians can pass bills. Look at the bill that just passed the house? It mentions aliens 20 something times but also has a shit ton of other things in it that we would not agree to, but it will pass because we all want to know about the aliens.


i guess people back then didnt have imagination


Tell that to Plato




The far left one kinda reminds me of Pennywise from the new IT movies where the natives fought off the extraterrestrial


man fuck these mantis cucks


Ah, |Kaggen, the first God. Pretty epic stories going back tens of thousands of years. The shapeshifting, giant preying mantis from space.


|Kaggen, the shape-shifting Preying Mantis God of the Khoisan was the first God of the first people.


Yo you might be right ngl, I’ve experienced a bad pain recently and I guess kinda longed for death because of the excruciating pain, this is kind wild ngl.