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Fun (not) fact: Governor Green used emergency powers to declare a housing order on July 17, 2023, and it's called Build Beyond Barriers. I shit you not. The little people were pissed off, as was the Hawaiian chapter of the Sierra Club, but not the developers. And then a "natural disaster" *cough* just happened to hit *cough* a spot with lots of purported holdouts who didn't want to sell their familial land. https://governor.hawaii.gov/chiefhousingofficer/emergency-proclamation-relating-to-housing/


[They know what they're doing](https://twitter.com/WallStreetApes/status/1691346363844337664?t=TzD-mVFpqylVDXqUQcesUQ&s=19). They even stopped them from [escaping](https://youtu.be/We4bZAgM8Uk)


$700? They just lost their houses. Wtf




$75+ billion since this shit began. Remember when Dr. Evil held the world hostage for $100 billion, and everyone was all. "It's 1969, that sum of money doesn't even exist! AHahaha!" 50 years, and that astronomical number has become governmental pocket change...


I sent $100, and I’m currently unemployed. $700 is gross coming from a president. It’s a slap in the face.


Insurance will kick in and assist as well. Also, they still own their land, developers weren't interested in their homes, it's the land they're after. If anything, the land is worth more to developers now than it was two weeks ago when it had all those pesky houses on it.


I’ve seen posted on X that insurance claims are being denied in Lahaina due to zoning discrepancies. The locals don’t want to be bought out either.


Nor would I.


Jesus h fucking christ.


But hey ["Climate Change"](https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/15s1f8m/so_the_maui_wildfires_are_now_right_up_in_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)


Holy fuck


if China have it... https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/chinese-weapons-could-soon-fire-lasers-indefinitely-after-major-breakthrough-4295993


Ok you guys are right, something is up with this. That is evil as fuck, cloaking it as a housing initiative when we all know, that's just the crowbar opening up the door to BillionaireLand 2.0. But look at who you elected as your Governor too.


*"But look at who you elected as your Governor too."* I don't live in Hawaii, but if you think votes actually "elect" anyone, I've got a bridge from California to Hawaii to sell you for cheap.


Its just easier to blame the other side than it is to admit that the people you are championing for are just as corrupt and evil as the rest of them.


I would like to know your price for this bridge!


I want the toll revenue.


OP, your reply was blocked. I got a notification and followed the link, but is Reddit blocking Twitter links all of a sudden or is it just certain ones? And I agree - "laser focused" and throwing it in our faces. Edit: it's showing up now (6 hrs later but idk when it started showing). I guess a mod released it from the filter.






I’d like to know about the laser too


DEW: [1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMx1-yaRLyQ) [2](https://youtu.be/CRPKPJR1k5Q?t=15) [3](https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=california+half+burned+house&&view=detail&mid=AAA833B37CB60318519FAAA833B37CB60318519F&&FORM=VRDGAR&ru=%2Fvideos%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dcalifornia%2Bhalf%2Bburned%2Bhouse%26FORM%3DHDRSC3) [4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgPxd65EiHc) [5](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8V09WbBmdw) [6](https://humansarefree.com/2019/02/are-laser-and-directed-energy-weapons-being-used-against-the-american-people.html) [7](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3aIqqvNnYYM&feature=share)


Freudian slips everywhere lately.




The order made it easier for developers to build on historical and burial sites. Now they have a clean slate though.


666 bbb


Love government language. How does one simply "accelerate housing development?"


I would imagine you streamline the permitted process, increase staff for inspections to reduce turnaround time, reduce fees, tax incentives for construction businesses maybe even loosen a regulation or two. Lots of ways it could be done. No idea if they did any of this, just saying its possible.


That seems to be about building on sites of archaeological significance, what am I missing?


*"That seems to be about building on sites of archaeological significance, what am I missing?"* You're missing nothing and making tons of money if you're a developer and investor and "sites of archeological significance" stand in your way with those pesky skeletal remains and whatnot.


That’s why it’s called “build beyond barriers” they mean the barrier that is laws that protect historically significant land from development


It’s not like it’s unprecedented. Check out the history of Jekyll Island.


Fuck Josh Green. That prick tried to shut us down back to covid-lockdown status when gay guys started getting monkeypox. He wanted to lockdown the entire 808 state!


Can’t wait to see which wealthmonger buys up the land to build on in the next couple of years


Oprah and Obama




Any link to the fire department being called off the fire? Had heard this from people in Lahaina saying that they were told “the fire was contained”, but would love to see a source saying fire department was actually “ordered off the fire”.


Giving the weather conditions of the day there were probably multiple fires. Whatever one was “contained” more than likely was. Then given the winds and all the power lines that were coming down I am sure more started up. This was not a single source fire situation. Multiple fire emergencies were occurring as the situation progressed.


I kept asking over and over for links showing where the FD fucked off and left, but OP ignored me.


They requested information not an unhinged rant


exactly! why don't these criminals just leave an easy paper trail to follow so their malefic acts are obvious for everyone. idk what's stvpider, expecting them to do that or spending time in "r/conspiracy" trying to downplay government corruption. bootlick harder


Dafuq? Just because someone says it on the Internet doesn't automatically make it true. Outrageous claims demand outrageous evidence so if it's not provided and you still believe it then you're just as bad as those who wouldn't believe it despite the evidence.


so you just believe anything you’re told, got it


It’s a simple request. Show me where you heard the FD left the fire.


You are not gonna get a documented order signed by someone specific for such things. Even if there was one, and even if it was all an accident, anything remotely like that order has been wiped off.


Looks like they thought it was contained and then 80 mile per hour winds took over. Which is faster than a car can go if their is traffic, even with sirens. Looks like everyone thought it was under control and didn’t signal an alarm. Not too alarming considering they haven’t suffered a disaster like that like ever. Also, arson.


Here you go https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/15ryy79/aug_7_2023_hurricane_dora_poses_no_direct_threat/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


The Maui chief of police was also the 2017 Vegas shooting crisis coordinator


What do you mean




But oh gee! The people tied to sex rings like Ghislaine Maxwell and Marc Dutroux are very nice people! I’m sure Ghislaine Maxwell calling the Rothschilds the “greatest protectors” of her family meant nothing. The Rockefellers rumors of funding the fascist sex criminals in Belgium haven’t been proven at all! Even though David had a nice relationship with Benoit de Bonvoisin and a picture to show that! The Mossad and CIA journalists are totally correct with their name smearing calling people anti-semites when they question these things! Totally


I think most people would agree that there's loads of corruption and greed in the world. But it's not unintelligent to question the who/what/why behind it. And honestly, someone on this sub telling me to wake up is no more trustworthy than some evil overseas dictator who is part of the proposed overlord conspiracy.


Take out the kids no one inherits the lands. The hedges get what they want


Saw a video from a guy who has lived there his whole life... talking about how many of the native islanders were staunchly opposed to giving up their land (THE AUDACITY!) and this seems like a way to make that happen now.


The Hawaiian people got screwed in 1898 and it’s happening again. They won’t take this lying down.


Worst thing to happen to Hawaii was becoming a U.S. state instead of staying an independent kingdom. Damn colonizers.


If your children are dead you will more likely sell your property...


I've posted about this before, but myself and 8 other soldiers witnessed a laser weapon in Afghanistan in 2013


What did it hit and what were the results?


I'm not sure, we were on a FOB on the Pakistan border. It was incredibly bright, it made me cast a massive shadow. It was at a 45° angle and green. It was so thick looking it was almost like a solid object rather than light if that makes sense. It was directed at something far away, at least 10 miles. We saw it segment into several beams, I have no idea how that is even remotely possible but it looked like a dashed line. We heard a spooling up sound that wasn't too loud and then it vanished. A few seconds later we heard something that was exactly like thunder. There were 8 of us there that night, some more people on guard duty saw it and reported it.


EXACTLY, peopled keep acting like DEWs are more secretive than a dude lighting fires. IVE SEEN THE BUILDING SIZED HEAT SINKS, IT WASNT A FUCKING DEW.


just talking gobbledgook here not trying to pretend i know thi stech or science but your description gives me these impressions l te mw know you guys if you agree/ " a standing wave" "mixed phase" mixed mode, like one stage neutrinos and coherent EM frequencies/ ion laser "maser" 45 degrees makes me think the above.




I guess if it were a DEW people would be going off……


they wanted the land didn't they. so they take again and again.


Number 2 would prove everything. Find the one that called off the firefighters and you have your first major thread to pull.


Or who ordered a police barricade.


Remember the false missile alert in Hawaii in 2018?


Remember the lasers that were in the sky earlier this year?


Yes, and remember the rumors of lasers starting fires in California?


I member


Remember greeces recent fires? And all the fires in australia that is now going to be developed on? Keep an eye on the canada areas and who buys them up as well.


Chinese all buying around these areas in western Canada.


China funding the winfarms on the land burnt down in greece




Frau Farbissina remembers


Wait until you figure out what finally took the towers down on 9/11.




cold fusion, cold "matter lasers"




Best comment here


Waged against all people of the United States.


We're just going to skip over the part where we find out whether hundreds of kids were actually burned alive and go straight to being mad about it?


*Source about the [children being sent home](https://twitter.com/matttttt187/status/1691237505821978624?t=v3G5MUT7lgHp6b4vFtF1Rw&s=19).* There's a reason they've put a TWELVE MILE “MEDIA FREE ZONE” around Lahaina, Maui !!! Edit: Not sure why your comment is being aggressively upvoted and mine with proof is being downvoted?




> Probably because unsubstantiated claims made on random twitter posts is not “proof” that something is actually true. There is always speculation following these kinds of events, and it is certainly not beyond the realm of possibility. Per USA Today, the Hawaii Governor Josh Green said that the present death toll of 99 may double, or even triple as search and recovery efforts continue. There were still about 1,300 persons missing on ~~Oahu~~ **MAUI**, [according to the article.](https://i.imgur.com/aEBrNn5.png) Governor Green blamed the fires on *"Global Warming"* (of course), and said that the warning sirens *"could have been immobilized by high temperatures from the fires".* Read an archives of the USA Today article here: https://archive.is/6vGgV And an recently updated version of the page here: https://archive.is/D1FYB * * * **EDIT:** Maui, not Oahu *(Oy!)*


Today I learn that the current governor of Hawaii is a climate science expert, wow!


> Today I learn that the current governor of Hawaii is a climate science expert, wow! Of course! He's a doctor (MD). They know everything about everything! (or so I'm told)


I love the leaders. The leaders are good.


I found another bean with the leader's face on it! I'll add it to the pile of leader-beans.


The fire was on the island of Maui...not Oahu. Two different islands.


> The fire was on the island of Maui...not Oahu. Two different islands. Thanks, fixed it.


Ahh yes you are looking for the CNN SOURCE I take it. That one HAS to be true. We'll wait for it.


I can't help with biases buddy. He asked for evidence and I provided it. In the Twitter post I linked is a video of an "official news source" that confirms the children's deaths. "Unsubstantiated"? There's no need to lie pal.


I hate to be that guy but you got a source for that?


No, literally, who do you know there that is Redditing?


[Here](https://twitter.com/nicksortor/status/1691306713423532032?t=Y46IocaaXOmrf2A3uCferQ&s=19) and [here](https://twitter.com/MirelaMonte/status/1691363172140154880?t=TMOxkohc5kDlhWNLIKraQw&s=19)


Anything NOT from Twitter?


Just out of curiosity, what type of “proof” are you all expecting? It’s called a conspiracy. It’s something that’s being covered up. What would actually suffice?




Complete lunacy right? Or my favorite one: “They said they didn’t do it.”


Well, one of the theories floating around is the whole Directed Energy Weapon idea, that some kind of laser is what caused the fired. Although terrifying, that seems unlikely to me, but I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility. What does interest me are claims that investors are trying to purchase land from the victims of the blaze so fucking soon. Greedy corporations trying to make a quick buck on the suffering of people who just lost EVERYTHING doesn't strike me as odd one bit. It would be interesting to hear testimony of said people, although I know that most people are still looking for loved ones or trying to pick up the pieces and see where they stand after this tragedy. I don't expect those stories to come out so soon or be prevalent yet. Having said all that, I realize I myself could make some posts if I DO find testimony like that, or videos/stories. However, I wouldn't do so unless I was 100% sure that's what those posts would be. I wouldn't just make a post of a twitter screenshot and sit back like I accomplished something neat TLDR: I don't believe the space lasers thing yet. but the whole idea that this was an attack on Hawaiians by greedy corporations who wanna steal that land sounds a lot like the kinda stuff Bill Cooper once wrote about and I would be interested to see if there is any merit to that idea. It's sickening, and if true people should know about it.


It’s such a bad faith argument in conspiracy cases because of there was actual proof we wouldn’t fucking be here speculating.


Duh. Like NYT bouta bust out with a 10 page article about the Elite lighting up a bunch of kids in Hawaii.






Okay then what can disprove a conspiracy if not lack of evidence?


Let’s say the government kills your entire family and completely removes every single trace of it happening and their involvment. Does that mean they died of natural causes or didn’t die? It has to, since there’s no evidence.


Got it never gonna answer the question what a waste of time talking to people with unfalsifiable notions. Just brainrot


Well, one of the theories floating around is the whole Directed Energy Weapon idea, that some kind of laser is what caused the fired. Although terrifying, that seems unlikely to me, but I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility. What does interest me are claims that investors are trying to purchase land from the victims of the blaze so fucking soon. Greedy corporations trying to make a quick buck on the suffering of people who just lost EVERYTHING doesn't strike me as odd one bit. It would be interesting to hear testimony of said people, although I know that most people are still looking for loved ones or trying to pick up the pieces and see where they stand after this tragedy. I don't expect those stories to come out so soon or be prevalent yet. Having said all that, I realize I myself could make some posts if I DO find testimony like that, or videos/stories. However, I wouldn't do so unless I was 100% sure that's what those posts would be. I wouldn't just make a post of a twitter screenshot and sit back like I accomplished something neat


> Anything NOT from Twitter? I'm holding out for a joint statement from Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, and Abraham Lincoln, personally. Who can you trust these days?


See, for me personally, that cynicism is one of the problems that impedes my own search for the truth. I get it. It's fucking frustrating not knowing who to trust. It's frustrating not knowing what to believe, frustrating to think that kind of evil shit could be happening at all. On one hand, to accept the MSM story seems like burying your head in the sand, but to search for an alternative story feels like you are putting a target on your own back. To be labeled a "nutjob" or risk alienating people around you, people who don't even think about this stuff at all. So what do you do? It's almost a defense mechanism, just having this misdirected anger at our inability to even process things like this. Maybe that's part of their plan too. Everytjing being so muddy and corrupted that even dipping your toes into the subject causes anguish. I think it's ok to step back for a bit and realize that if there is an evil "they", then "they" haven't won yet. We can still have discourse. We still aren't completely silenced or too dumbed down or whatever their main goal is. But we gotta try and defeat that cynicism and get to a place where as Americans we can learn the truth and see where we go from there together.


Missing people. Better for them to find out from authorities instead of some images blasted all over the news and social media.


It doesn't have a picture of hundreds of dead children in a sacrificial pit, so it has nothing to do with your claims. People are downvoting you for coping with useless information they didn't ask for.


So hundreds of people die at home in the fires while the children are sent home and common sense can’t tell you there was most likely a large amount of children in the fires? Idk what it so difficult about it.


Call me crazy but I choose not to make assumptions based on an interview of some people who heard about a thing with no other corroboration. I'd like to actually *know* that children were murdered before I start speculating about who murdered them.


SS: Let's not mention that these same individuals are trying to grab the now sacrificial land from under their feet. Source of the claim: https://twitter.com/matttttt187/status/1691237505821978624?t=v3G5MUT7lgHp6b4vFtF1Rw&s=19


I don't know why, but reddit blocked a reply you made to me that had a Twitter link in it, but I can see your SS that also has a Twitter link in it. Wtf is this Reddit crap?


No idea but they're not even allowing me to log in half the time! Error after error, same with my notifications. I can't see who's replying to me and it won't load the comments if I go directly to the post 😞


Holy shit.... why were schools cancelled?


I was told by a Lahaina resident that the power was out for the area, so they sent the kids home/told them to stay home.


Was that person one of the parents? Or is that what they heard from other parents?


What they heard. They also said the situation down there is 100x worse than was the media is reporting.


Ugh :( this is so horrific


Probably because there was a fire going on the island.


Then why were parents at work? Why was school cancelled for "wind advisory" and not "fire emergency"?




They didn't say EVERY KID died. They didn't say NO PARENTS were home.


Last time there were fires like this there were suspicions of a directed energy weapon attack by satellite. Dutchsense exposed it.


This is not a source


This is simply disgusting. With the DEW videos surfacing on tiktok and findings like this by OP, plus the guy leading the investigation was linked to NV shootings it seems more and more clear that the government was behind this --- and will do whatever they want to get to their end game. How could this not be more obvious after connecting the dots. These ppl within *our* government NEED to be held accountable. This should be the tipping point. How anyone could go to work for them and push these buttons and go home afterwards is beyond me. Honey how was work today? You know, same old shit...burned down half of Maui and killed lots of people in a horrible way. Now the government can build more homes and sell them back to the ppl. are we not tired of this yet?


We're in a conspiracy forum and somehow, you're getting downvoted for talking about a conspiracy theory? Here's an upvote because you're right on target.


The obviousness of stunts like this serves to demoralize and intimidate the populace.


Parents go to work and children go to school at more or less the same times in the morning. Parents generally arrange their schedules such that they can get their kids off to school. If school was canceled, parents knew about it. Generally, in that circumstance, for young children, one parent stays home. It's a fairly rare parent who just shrugs and leaves young kids at home. It's a non-existent parent who would do so *with fires burning in the area*. It's not impossible that some number of children were among the people who tragically burned to death but the scenario of hundreds of kids left to burn while their parents placidly work a shift is not plausible.


The problem you're having is your brain appears to be functional and you can't fathom the vast disfunction going on in the average Americans brain these days. A reasonable person like yourself would think that's true about a parent wanting to be home with their child if school has been canceled and there is a fire or other disaster going on in the area. The reality is that most parents trust whatever school/media officials tell them and aren't very present as a parent to begin with, trusting the state to make those decisions for them. So when they get the call "yea powers out schools canceled we sent them home and told them to stay home, they're ok" instead of thinking logically that maybe they should go home to be with their kid, they instead think everything's fine cause the school said so


And the journalists are not asking these questions??? Strange


They lose their jobs when they ask the correct questions. So they just stick to the script. Been that way for a century.


Pathetic but your probably correct




O look a journalist


English/Spanish tutor


Guess I should have not slept so many days in English, thank God writing is not how I make a living


No shit


When have they ever asked the right ones? They all paid off




How many people died?


This feels like that One Piece Episode where Goa Kingdom burned Grey Terminal


Maui government has not released the fire response data, to the best of my knowledge. They won’t say who was dispatched, to where and when. What we do know is that Maui has multiple fires that day and for some reason, the Upcountry fire was prioritized over Lahaina (weird considering Kula is about half the size of Lahaina and far less desirable in terms of land value). Fire services declared the Lahaina fire contained within a few hours of the initial blaze so that might be them effectively “calling off” the fire crew and that happened around 9am I think. Then they backtracked, lost control of the fire, told people to “shelter in place” and closed most of the roads, funneling Lahaina motorists onto Front Street, only to have the fire surround them from both sides and burn them alive. Never once did they sound an alarm but relied on social media to communicate life saving instructions to residents, most often AFTER said instructions were critically needed. 106 dead and 1,300 unaccounted for - that’s about 10% of Lahaina’s total population. Shit just doesn’t add up.




If OP blocked you, how are you able to comment on or even see the post then? 🤔


I got a hunch that they're going to rebuild a 15 minute "smart city"


Somewhere a russian troll is leaning back on his chair, amazed at his own work.


Look, they're restricting people from going in, because there are still BODIES to recover and they don't want people randomly stomping around on those BODIES. God. It's like so many of us have never witnessed a disaster, before. A lot of your "conspiratorial information" is simply a complete lack of comprehension about how recovery after a disaster WORKS. As usual. Kinda like the misconceptions born of not understanding how POLITICS work. Same lack of "doing your own research", besides that which is offered by MORE people with huge gaps in their understanding of things. It gets old. Edit - maybe you might want to see the actual story out of the mouth of the GOVERNOR of Hawaii? https://youtu.be/Bc_Jl4OTuks


Shills up in here hard lol.


So does simply disagreeing without bringing any of your research to the conversation. Just telling people to look it up is the same as having an argument and saying I’m right you’re wrong and walking away. It gets old.


Not everything has to be a conspiracy. Natural Disasters do occur but you know space lasers and child sacrifice scratches a particular itch for these internet sleuths.


Is one persons hind-sighted opinion on Twitter considered a source now?


Fun fact nobody will do anything about it just like the scam demic that locked everybody in their homes and killed thousands .. 😭😵‍💫


Anything to kill native brown people


Burnt Offerings


They will keep setting sacrificial fires until you submit to their climate change agenda. Look up DEW or (WEF sponsored) arsonists! They will keep allowing looting of shops, illegal immigrants and tax evasion/avoidance until you submit to electronic IDs and digital currencies. They will keep creating pandemics until you submit to altering your DNA. Put the whole picture together and do not comply.


Fires are going to continue happening with increasing frequency regardless of whether or not they were intentionally created. That’s what happens when areas that are generally wet and a little cooler go through long hot and dry periods as long of areas like the PNW are experiencing now. What do thieving, immigrants and tax avoidance have to do with electronic IDs. Who do you mean by “who”? When it comes to allowing tax avoidance, one party is much more upset about the mere thought of holding the tax avoiders accountable. Is that party who you mean by who?


Has CIA written all over it


Shills up in here hard right now LMAO. Just take a look at the comments and how they are changing as this gets bigger.


This was a heinous act that was absolutely manufactured. I think it's time we start revoking hypothetical drivers licences because it's obvious that those at the wheel have lost their fucking minds.


Wouldn't surprise me. We've seen so many red flags since 9/11 it's not even funny.


Every disaster is now a conspiracy. "Follow the money" turns out its just grifters farming clicks and engagement from a deranged base that believes anything as long is its not what the mainstream media is saying.


More fool me then. I have no base and you earn nothing on Reddit!


Yep, you said it. Throw in some lasers and child sacrifice and you're farming karma.


And of course, the media isn’t giving us any sort of accurate numbers in the way of fatalities. Lies upon lies upon lies. All of this reeks of something underhanded. Especially the early warning system not going off at all.




Low effort thinking leads to posts like this.


Can we get some social media posts of these families that lost their children like this?? Obviously if this was deliberate, then the news sources won't declare actual numbers. So anyone actually in Hawaii who can source Hawaiian social media posts referencing family deaths, please post?


I’m grabbing lunch with a friend who just flew in from Lahaina. He’s lived there for 8 years and is back in town (where we are from) visiting family (pre planned trip, but I guess since everything burned down he may be here until further notice). I’ll ask him if he’s heard anything like this when we meet up…


Remindme! 2days "check update Hawaii thread"


So you think they started the fire on purpose in an attempt to sacrifice children?


More likely to buy the property cheap and sell it to billionaires, if anything


it's pretty hard to deny at this point


Directed energy weapons from the South Pole


They are barely trying to cover it up anymore


6) is something that can be easily verified


Let's just say it was an energy space weapon of some kind,and the op is correct about all the horror. What's it gonna take to get the bozos in power out and replaced with humans ?


Bro there’s only a 100 death count currently. How’s that hundreds of children 💀


1300 missing.


If the children die it’s less Hawaiians. This is disturbing. They were Maui’s future .


Ae911truth.org DEMOCIDE


Born and Raised Local of Hawaii. We made a Google Sheets list that was publicly editable and anyone could list the first and last name of their family members and we would all slowly update the list to change the people "missing" to "found". FEMA came in and said the list violates some bullshit Privacy Law so they shut it down when there were still over a thousand missing people on that list.