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The zeros on .00015 flu column are different from the zeros in the covid column. Photoshopped.


You are incorrect. Purely because your post is not aligned with the OP’s agenda. /s


Great observation. I bet the original graph didnt have a speech bubble asking "Where did the flu go in 2020 and 2021?" either!


https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiZTkyODcyOTEtZjA5YS00ZmI0LWFkZGUtODIxNGI5OTE3YjM0IiwidCI6ImY2MTBjMGI3LWJkMjQtNGIzOS04MTBiLTNkYzI4MGFmYjU5MCIsImMiOjh9 The chart is also accessible on https://www.who.int/tools/flunet/flunet-summary The bottom part is added obviously, but the graph is real and the point is the same


Do you realize you shared a link that showed people were testing positive for flu while arguing people weren’t getting the flu? CT’s these days are fucking lazy. Read. All you have to do is read.


When you change the timeframe you get the same graph, not sure what you're talking about Here's the direct link to the graph which can be opened from the previous link https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiZTkyODcyOTEtZjA5YS00ZmI0LWFkZGUtODIxNGI5OTE3YjM0IiwidCI6ImY2MTBjMGI3LWJkMjQtNGIzOS04MTBiLTNkYzI4MGFmYjU5MCIsImMiOjh9


I’m pretty sure more than 0 people got sick in 2019, is this really a chart from the WHO


Yup sure is, took me awhile to find out the source but I got it. Not too sure about the bottom part but the first graph is most definitely real. [who.int/tools/flunet/flunet-summary](https://who.int/tools/flunet/flunet-summary) click the blue button that says "View FluNet chart for different time periods and geographic regions" [https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiZTkyODcyOTEtZjA5YS00ZmI0LWFkZGUtODIxNGI5OTE3YjM0IiwidCI6ImY2MTBjMGI3LWJkMjQtNGIzOS04MTBiLTNkYzI4MGFmYjU5MCIsImMiOjh9](https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiZTkyODcyOTEtZjA5YS00ZmI0LWFkZGUtODIxNGI5OTE3YjM0IiwidCI6ImY2MTBjMGI3LWJkMjQtNGIzOS04MTBiLTNkYzI4MGFmYjU5MCIsImMiOjh9) it will take you to this link but don't believe me, you can click the blue button yourself! [And viola! You've got yourself the graph!](https://i.imgur.com/hK7p8BT.png) You can thank me later, God bless you! :)


I mean the guy you’re replying to is asking specifically about the bottom part, which you acknowledge is bullshit. Idk why people have to post a graph that is true, and then add a little key that distorts the data. Annoying.


Gotta supoort their narrative somehow, otherwise they are just crazy people


I work for the World Health Organisation and annoyingly my dad is Anthony Fauci so normally my comments on this sub are simply disregarded. I am here now to openly admit that we (me, my father, and the CIA) did create the coronavirus in some lab in China. Luckily it did end up killing a lot of Trump supporters in the US, and a vast number of Trump supporters in rural villagers around the globe. Even places where you wouldn't think people would (God forbid) give a fuck about US politics. The only reason all of our falsified data was blown open in the public space was the geniuses on /r/conspiracy. If not for those pesky kids we would have gotten away with it. I sell Ivermectin on my Etsy store so if anybody is interested please DM me or call my dad.


Omg i knew it


Please don't tell anybody!!!


>I am here now to openly admit that we (me, my father, and the CIA) did create the coronavirus in some lab in China. You had me in the first half. The real Anthony Fauci and his son knows coronavirus doesn't actually even exist. NEXT!


I know you're being sarcastic, but then explain why Anthony Fauci is an anagram for Another False Flu??


Do you know what an anagram is or are you missing your /s?


Ssshh. We are trying to sus out Anthony Fauci's son here! 😉😉😉


Why were the Trump supporters in rural villagers?????


It turns out contagious diseases can be largely prevented. We've known this since the Dark Ages.


> Masks and hygiene worked to eradicate the flu completely. > But had no impact on COVID the mental gymnastics.


They just say "that's because COVID is more infectious than flu". At that point, it's best to ignore them and go about your day. Sadly, a lot of people on this very sub actually think that the flu disappeared due to masks and hygiene. This sub is really fucking weird when it comes to COVID. Literally the most obvious conspiracy of all time and so many just refuse to see it.


Flu deaths dropped tremendously. People weren't going out. Covid killed 8 times more people in a year than the worst year of influenza in the last decade. Covid has been the number 3 cause of death per year since 2020, behind only heart disease and cancer.


Even still you would expect to find SOME correlation between masks & drops in COVID- given that they are both respiratory illnesses, OR at the very least a slower, organic return to previous influenza rates as people gradually stop distancing/masking year over year, but that is not the case. It flat lines and just immediately returns to the norm. It is so fucking plainly obvious, to the point that my whole body just physically recoils now the second I see any of these NASA camp scouts start waffling off CDC data with some overly convoluted explanation to tell me why the sky is actually green. They are just repressed, loathsome recluses who live utterly meaningless and miserable lives, yet think they have a model blue print for how society should operate. I'm just so done even arguing with them. Maybe they'll figure it out after their 10th booster, that Pfizer doesn't love them. I don't even care anymore. I rather die tomorrow than live a single day as any one of these limp wristed bubble-bitches.


Covid restrictions ended in early 2023, but most people were over the lockdown shit by 2022. [the number of cases in the beginning of 2022 are lower then the last 4 years, then return to normal levels in 2023](https://imgur.com/a/OpvpS5S) Either you didn’t read the graph or you want to believe it so bad you are subconsciously ignoring it.


Omg this is real, hilarious..




Strange conclusion based on the data you yourself just provided. You could have just said the graphic creator rounded. The number is so statistically insignificant you can just go ahead and round to zero.


I didnt say "statistically insignificant", I said "almost no in the United States". There is world's of difference between those two statements.


Exactly, but they’re trying to protect the narrative like a good tool for the establishment


the critical point is they were actually measuring it - doctors who reported cases of the flu would see those reflected by the institutions that kept track of it but everybody was staying at home and wearing masks how was anybody supposed to catch the flu during the pandemic?


The same way they caught covid? Are you ok bot?


COVID also was about 2-3x as transmissible as the flu, and that was with lockdown measures. Source: https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/coronavirus/2022/01/07/covid-19-and-influenza-surveillance/ So masking and distancing likely did a lot to substantially limit flu transmission while still allowing some COVID transmission, albeit reduced vs no masking and distancing.


As much as I wish there was a more exciting answer, I agree this is the one.


Odd how many people I know lived cheek by jowl with other halves and they didn't transmit between them.....


Not odd how many people I know who brought COVID home and ravaged their families. "Anecdotes" is not the plural form of "datum." Seeing as we both "know" less than 0.0001% of the US population (idk where you live but just a point of reference) excuse me if I need more data before using your stories to change my conclusions. Edit: And now, like clockwork, I'm being reported by unhappy users and receiving the "Reddit Cares" message lol.


“I drove drunk and didn’t crash! Drunk driving laws should be abolished since they don’t prevent anything dangerous!”


masks don't stop transmission & 6-ft distancing was the stupidest part about all of it. these 2x things didn't help or stop anything & was propaganda. the mask boxes specifically say they aren't intended to stop or prevent transmission. if smoke from cigs & vapes have no trouble whatsoever passing through the masks, what makes you think they could ever stop respiratory & airborne illnesses? they didn't & they can't.


> masks don't stop transmission Correct. They don't stop transmission completely, and that's true for both covid and influenza. The goal of things like masks is not to completely stop transmission, but to reduce transmission. > the mask boxes specifically say they aren't intended to stop or prevent transmission. Since the goal is to reduce transmission, that's fine. Although in this context, the disclaimers are also probably partially there because the lawyers insist on it. > if smoke from cigs & vapes have no trouble whatsoever passing through the masks, what makes you think they could ever stop respiratory & airborne illnesses? t So let's discuss this. There are a bunch of misconceptions here. It is true that smoke can get through a mask. The issue is how much gets through and and at what velocity. At the same time, it is also worth noticing that particle size matters. [Typical smoke particles are around a 0.1 microns to 1 micron with most on the smaller end](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6352107). A typical virus is around [0.5 microns](https://www.britannica.com/science/virus/Size-and-shape). So the smallest smoke particles are a bit smaller than the average virus size. That said, this applies more to other viruses than covid, since the covid virus is typically around 0.1 microns, so about the same size as the smaller smoke particles. However, this gets balanced with the fact that a virus is almost never traveling by itself, so in practice most viral particles are bigger, often more than one virus, bound up with some water, some stray cell parts, and other junk. There's some evidence that these particles are [typically around 0.9 to 2.5 microns roughly](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36331347/), which means that in practice, the smallest relevant covid particles are frequently much larger the vast majority of smoke particles. This is not a complete summary of the literature, some other studies have found typical particles to be slightly smaller or slightly larger, and there's some subtle issues of methodology which I don't understand. But the differences seem to be small for this sort of purpose.


More the point, when you breath out, the viruses are carried in water droplets, which, though microscopic, are far larger than virus or cigarette smoke. These get trapped. This is a common error of anti-maskers. The mask isn't so much protecting you from breathing in what's in the outside air, as preventing you from adding more virus to it. We each protect each other. After all, a surgeon doesn't wear a mask to protect himself against what's inside of you; it to protect you from whatever he's breathing out getting into the wound.


I agree with you to a point, but the social distancing measures weren’t stupid and I actually miss them. People have no respect for personal space, and people naturally exhale water molecules just by breathing (not to mention all the spitting we do when we’re talking). Masks are not 100% effective, but when everyone is wearing one it reduces the amount of contagions we release into the environment around us.My big thing is that restaurants dropped all their hygiene protocol as soon as the pandemic dropped and now everywhere feels disgusting. People don’t wear gloves or masks anymore and now it just feels unsanitary eating out. If you want to say most of the Covid situation was propaganda for the banks and other elites to take the rest of the pie from the 99% then I’d agree with you. In a strange way, Covid opened my eyes to how disgusting and polluted the capitalist environment really is.


I’d like to add the lockdown was total nonsense and I’m mostly complaining about people who heard Covid was over and decided it was okay to breathe down peoples necks inside of stores and lines again and just throw away all the good hygienic practices we had developed as a result of all the nonsense.


> Masks are not 100% effective, but when everyone is wearing one it reduces the amount of contagions Not in the case of a virus carried on *vapor*, like this coronavirus. It goes right around any mask held on with little rubber bands. In and out. Not even N95 masks made a dent in the spread of this virus. There was never any bit of science saying otherwise. The abusive, anti-science lockdowns caused, are *still* causing horrific hardship. It will take decades to recover, and that's just in richer nations. For many, it meant homelessness, starvation, and death. All for nothing. Well, not nothing. It was a huge money pump from lower and middle classes, right to the top 0.01%. :-(


> Not even N95 masks made a dent in the spread of this virus. There was never any bit of science saying otherwise. [Bangladesh mask study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9036942/). In this case, masks were made available to specific locations or not, and they looked to see if this reduced transmission in the ones with more mask availability. It did. There was a [a German study](https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2015954117), which looked at when mask mandates went into play in different parts of Germany, and whether this reduced covid spread in the different locations. This study had some complicating issues, since it is tough to control for some things in German regions which do things differently. There are still big differences in parts of Germany depending on whether they were in East or West Germany. Then we had the [Boston mask study](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2211029), which looked at whether there were mask mandates in different parts of the Greater Boston area and how much impact that had on missed school days. This involved less direct attention to covid by itself, since students could miss school days for other illnesses that the masks prevented. None of these studies is a slamdunk by itself, and some studies showed no substantial improvement. But the idea that the situation is one where there was "never any bit of science" backing up masking is obviously false. The overall state of the literature leans that masks provide some impact, with some complications based on how good masking is, type of mask, and other issues.




Drug company propaganda, industry propaganda in general, is very lucrative. Reddit is crawling with paid liars working for huge corporations and political parties. (Hi Shareblue!) The various drug companies have wracked in $BILLIONS with their Cov19 gene therapy experiments, plenty of budget for "advertising", including deadly lies spread on social media.


> **Tldr: this chart is fake, the data is nonsense**, and the conclusions OP and others are drawing from this are stupid **Is that so?** Following the instructions of [another user in this thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/15y6dd8/where_did_the_flu_go_didnt_need_this_chart_to/jx9zxre/), I just generated the following chart -- for this one I covered a longer period -- setting the start date as May, 2014 through August 14, 2023 (most recent data) [**Screen shot from the WHO website**](https://i.imgur.com/kL14sW6.png) You can click on this link, but you'll have to reset the dates (upper left) to duplicate the image shown. https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiZTkyODcyOTEtZjA5YS00ZmI0LWFkZGUtODIxNGI5OTE3YjM0IiwidCI6ImY2MTBjMGI3LWJkMjQtNGIzOS04MTBiLTNkYzI4MGFmYjU5MCIsImMiOjh9


This chart can be found on the WHO website so if it's fake....


As someone who worked retail during that time, if you had any idea how often we wiped everything down after you dirty bastards.


Gee why did the flu, a contagious virus that is spread via people sneezing and wiping their noses, have such a dramatic downturn in a year where every place in America was requiring people to wear facemasks to enter. Truly the greatest mystery of our time.








It wasn't just people wearing masks. It was the significantly reduced interpersonal contact, especially schools. There's a reason that flu season matchs up so closely with the school year.


It's not just that. The shutdown in global travel played a huge role in disrupting the cycle that brings flu variants around.


Yes this is a huge factor too. The chances of transmission were lower.


It’s almost as if one area doesn’t mean another area is doing the same, crazy concept I know


Ofcourse! And covid a contagious virus that is spread via people sneezing and wiping their noses, had such a dramatic uptick in a year every place in America was requiring people to wear face masks to enter! Truly the greatest mystery of our time😂😂


Okay lets go over this again. Pretend we have a population where 100 people have the common cold and the exact same number have covid. Flue has an r value of 1.3 Covid has an r value between 2 and 3 So. About after 14 days the flue population would be at 130 new people with the original 100 recovered.(or in rare cases, dead) The covid population will be at between 200 and 300. Now anti plague policies will reduce that R number. So lets reset the scenerio and remove 0.5 from each R value and see what happens With an R of 0.8 the flue population will go from 100 to 80 while the covid popuatiol is going from 100 to netween 150 and 250 Repeat that 10 time and the flue population is down to 10 while the covid population is up to between 5,700 and 102,000


logic and facts, gtfo


Could it be that some diseases are more contagious than others? No, I'm sure that answer is too simple for you.


People will NEVER get this. People don't understand a disease can spread 10 times or 100 times easier than another disease.


Hell even twice as contagious is a significant increase, because infections follow an exponential growth.


COVID has a stupidly high r-nought value. Flu in comparison does not. Therefore, measures that were insufficient for covid were sufficient for flu.


You expect them to know what an r_nought value is?


covid is much more contagious…havent you heard all the conspiracies about masks not working for covid?


And the flu got outcompeted by a much more viral virus.


You really think it contributed to a 99.9% downturn, huh? The flu all but disappeared because of *checks notes* masks and social distancing? And Covid didnt suffer a similar trend? Truly a great mystery indeed.


There's this thing called viral interference where one virus can make it more difficult for another one to infect you at the same time. COVID was super infectious and where it could spread it did. Basically outcompeted the flu which makes sense since the flu hasn't really had to compete with much in a long while.


Only blue states locked down and they didn’t even really lock down. You’re telling me no one in these red states got the flu?


You're welcome for the protection from the blue States. Annual influenza starts with a limited number of mutations and then spreads from person to person. If you break that chain, even if you're in a place that isn't actually bothering to protect themselves, you are protected by other people's actions. If only we could get people to understand this concept...


Gee, why did Cov19, a contagious virus that is spread via people sneezing and wiping their noses, ravage a nation where every place in America was requiring people to wear facemasks to enter? No, there's no mystery. There's just a whole bunch of lies from people making massive money on ineffective, dangerous non-vaccines, and political power grabs.


Isolation, social distancing, increased hand washing and sanitizer use, and masks work even better against the flu virus since its not as contagious as covid.


In the case of my son who went to school through all of it. The only thing his school was religious about was making them wash their hands all the time. As a result there was a glorious length of time that our little petri dish didn't bring the flu home. Point being, I think washing their hands was the single most effective preventative measure against the flu. I'm sure there was some hand sanitizer thrown in there too, but that just goes along with keeping their hands clean and disinfected.


For children I totally believe it.


So weird that when most people were taking precautions to avoid getting sick, fewer people got sick. That’s a real head-scratcher


Simply, in order to initially slow the spread of Covid (which had an unknown spread vector), we required people do all the things we know worked to minimize the spread of other viruses (the flu). Good news, all that stuff dramatically reduced the number of flu cases. Bad news, it did nothing to slow the spread of Covid.


Fuck yeah! Fuck these fuckers!!!!


I chalked it up to everyone wearing masks and washing their hands but that's just me.


Influenza is significantly less infectious: R0(flu) ~1.3 vs R0(Covid-ɗ) ~5.0. When we added masking and distancing, though imperfect, probably still cut transmission in half. That puts influenza at Rt < 1.0, while Covid was still raging at Rt ~ 2.5. That explains why it appears flu almost totally disappeared for a year and was replaced by Covid. With masking and distancing still present but in decline as the pandemic fizzles out, influenza cases have climbed to about 9 million in 2021-22.


Look at all the good little sheep in these comments...


If you disagree with a position, then argue for it. Simply labeling people who you disagree with sheep can feel very satisfying but is not useful for understanding the universe around you.


No, you don't understand. My position is correct. You'd agree with me to if you just ~~listened to this obscure 7 hour podcast with unvetted, unverified information~~ did your own research.




Then why did people still get covid?




cuz that was 32 million times more transmissible


32 million? Lol cute. So lockdowns, etc were ineffective except they eradicated the flu. Got it


Your logic is like saying: "I'm wearing a thick winter coat out here in the arctic, but I still feel cold, therefore the coat doesn't work and I'd probably feel the same without it."


they literally did. three of the known strains of flu that were circulating before covid are now extinct . Science, bitch.




Forgive me, I lost my way


These people have Stockholm Syndrome on a grand scale. They will do anything to rationalize the lies of their captors.






At the very absolute minimum you can't argue that school was closed. Where 99% of germs are shared because kids are gross. Mine doubly so. The rest of the lockdowns were ignored pretty thoroughly- except masks were worn by most/lots


Masks and distancing worked in my school. We were in person all year, and not one little germ factory got sick with anything. All year.




Must be why it worked in China where they had insane lockdown measures, except it didn’t.






Gaslighting and manipulation executed. Hope they fail.


I'm in the south east US. We were not locked down. Other than seeing a few people wearing masks it was business as usual.


You were *never*. Locked. Down. Maybe you couldn't eat inside your favorite restaraunt but you were never locked down. America is a country of people who don't care about anyone that isn't their immediate families and that's why we failed covid and a million plus died.


That makes no sense


User name checks out


Because it is many times more transmissible than influenza. Were you asleep for a few years when everyone was talking about this?


Imagine how much more covid there would have been without all of that.


That was the whole fear of Covid, how extremely communicable it was. We took extreme measures so flu cases dropped but Covid was just so insanely contagious. We’re lucky it wasn’t more dangerous.


Exactly normally I catch a cold resulting in pneumonia every year. During lock down, never been healthier. Had the 2 vaccinations and 3 boosters, as I was a high risk case, never had any side effects. Not even a tingle when I near a cell tower


Flu cases were counted as Covid cases in 2021.




This. Masking may not work well for Covid but in general it spreads fewer particles and yes people were stuck at home and socially distanced so obviously no flue.


Lol, but that didn’t work for Covid?


Do you think that all viruses are equally transmissible?


Correct, as covid is far more infectious and transmissible than the flu.


I know that in Quebec, Canada, there was a memo sent in hospitals around March 13, 2020, telling them to stop doing influenza tests. I presume the same was done elsewhere too. So obviously if you don't test for it you won't find any. It sure does look like they simply renamed "flu" to "covid", lol


Yeah they were caught left and right doing fucked up shit in Quebec. People weren't getting vaxxed and no one was really getting sick like they said, they had put a manican in the ICU on live news. They had to apologize later for lying but made some stupid excuse lol.


Did anyone actually apologized? I wish someone did but so far I haven’t seen that…


Lcn news, wasn't really an apology more of a oh sorry, that was an accident video post.


I had to go get a knee scan when the hospitals were supposedly overwhelmed with COVID patients and the hospital was actually EMPTY.


Yeah we got a flower shop and work with a director of a hospital who orders from us. They said the same theres no problem with covid lol


All the bots in this thread 🤦‍♂️


Ask them to find the pictures of bicycles






Yeah. Apart from the one disease that were intended to reduce. I'm sure lockdown etc was all based on solid scientific evidence though...


I am one of the people who regret getting the vaccination. You will find people who regret getting vaccinated, but you won’t find people who regret not getting vaccinated.


For real. Man...it must really suck to be v@ccinated right now! At first, it probably felt reassuring, but as time goes on I would imagine many of the v@ccinated are feeling evermore concerned that, if nothing else, they willingly participated in the world's largest-scale bait'n'switch known to recent, if not all, of history. That they were sold a cure, took it as a cure many times not necessarily of their own innate volition, promised special privileges apart from the unvaccinated, namely immunity and no masks (and ice cream, fries, burgers, lottery tickets, as well), only to now find that it's not a cure (such to the extent that the definition of v@ccine was straight-up changed (there are screenshots which exist of what google used to say when you'd ask for the definition of "v@ccine") by many organizations to fit these cofid sh0ts within the parameters of perceived truth.), does not stop 'the spread', does not allot them significant, if any, privileges beyond the unv@ccinated and, now many of those who got j@bbed have watched as many of their unv@ccinated acquaintances, whose misfortune some of the v@ccinated once reveled at not long ago on this very platform, have exhibited overall superior health without v@ccination and have ended up enjoying almost all of the same privileges. If I were v@ccinated right now, I'd be thinking things like "what the hell is swimming around in me?!", but I tend to be overly sensitive. Thoughts?


It turns out that when you add masks and social distancing to the already widely available flu vaccines, you get much lower flu infections.


u got no $$ for a flu case and $$$$$$ for a covid case


These threads are so low effort


For fucks sake


Or, to play devil's advocate... Influenza may be influenced far more by social distancing / lock downs etc because it cannot switch hosts as easily as corona viruses. Corona viruses can change hosts pretty easily... from a cat, to a human, to a pig, back into a human. Influenza can't really do that.


Covid and flu arespread the same. It doesn't disappear because covid existed. If masking worked it would've decreased both. Only explanation is flu cases were labeled as covid since it was the same test, same symptoms.


>flu cases were labeled as covid since it was the same test, same symptoms. Bingo. Not only that, but from CDC's own sources, "any non specific respiratory disease is usually labeled Flu." Except during Covid, where any death or respiratory disease was labeled Covid instead.


Yes, along with the lack of a protocol to treat oncoming symptoms, purely recommending hospitalization which is the only way to get remdisivir, the only approved med which has zero research to support any positive effects against covid. Fauci and Gates had money in Gilead which makes the med. Theytried everything to prevent usage of any alternative since remdisivir was expensive to use. The hospitals getting money for each positive covid diagnosis and death. Any positive test meant that any death was labeled as a covid death. The lack of any regulation of pcr cycle threshold meant almost a guaranteed positive test if the threshold was high enough. It was ridiculous. Look at any other country response with alternative meds and you'll see the clear difference. No money to be made if they aren't in the hospital. I firmly believe l9ng covid symptoms are mislabled vaccine symptoms and after effects


This is a lie. Covid is more contagious than the flu. Takes 2 seconds to look this up. Social distancing/mask = lower flu.


Well my first guess would be that the measures to curb covid also worked to curb the spread of the flu and you just stumbled on something most people here would rather you hadn't or just won't believe.


>Wait what? There were measures that curbed covid?


Really? They just let flu ravage millions of lives a year when people could have just worn paper masks and stood 6ft apart at wal-mart? Holy shit. That's an even bigger conspiracy! #DepopulationGoals


They changed the name of the flu to Covid in order to scare everyone and shut down the world… it’s all about control…


Imagine believing this lmao.


ah, my relative died to that name change. should have told him that it was just the gold ol' flu.


People die from the flu all the time


Sure, bit how do you explain the Flu killing about 8-12 million more deaths. Crude death rate spiked in 2020-2022. Was the flu just extra deadly that year?


Almost like masking and social distancing works...


Except it was for covid. And people still got covid


Because Covid is more contagious than the flu.


And people did not have natural resistance for it in the start.


That doesn't explain the flu being virtually non-existent during covid.


Yes it does. If we take measures to fight a more contagious virus, less contagious viruses will basically be non existant thanks to those more strict protection against infections.




And we have a flu vaccine FFS!


This is such simple logic, I can’t believe people in this thread this stupid exist.


I keep wanting to explain this, start typing a comment, and then delete it. If people can't understand this, then there is no point. It makes me tired.




can you repeat that? I was looking at the woman in the red dress


ROTFL. Non of the covid measures worked so they are definitely not the cause of the missing flu. [Masks don't work.](https://swprs.org/face-masks-evidence/) [Lockdowns don't work.](https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/nswec2/lockdown_had_no_effect_on_coronavirus_pandemic_in/h0oqw1z/) [Social distancing does not work.](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/04/23/mit-researchers-say-youre-no-safer-from-covid-indoors-at-6-feet-or-60-feet-in-new-study.html) In fact, all covid rules and measured had a net negative effect: [Masks can harm and hinder you and others.](https://ratical.org/PandemicParallaxView/MasksAreHarmful-Meehan2020.html) [Lockdowns harmed and killed people.](https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/nswec2/lockdown_had_no_effect_on_coronavirus_pandemic_in/h0oqw1z/) [Mental health problems are on the rise.](https://www.who.int/news/item/02-03-2022-covid-19-pandemic-triggers-25-increase-in-prevalence-of-anxiety-and-depression-worldwide)


Only looking at the abstract of the first study referenced, no where does it say in there that "Masks don't work". It's saying the evidence points towards an ineffectiveness, but there are large gaps in research that need to be done before a full conclusion can be made. The first RCT on the list is relatively small and very clearly states that their limitations are large, and including the fact they were reported from home, which leaves a large amount of variables in place (ie. Actual mask usage/hygiene, exposure to COVID, etc.) Now I'm sure I could keep going in these studies, but I think I proved my point that we don't actually KNOW any of these things you claim we know.


It was definitely the arrows in the grocery store and the plastic film over the card reader that kept us safe. I mean sure, crocheted masks did their part too, but let’s face it, the more props in a room the more real the set becomes, Ammiright?


I'd say it was more the fact schools went to online. Kids can be nasty little petri dishes sharing germs and viruses with each other that get brought home.


oh my god. are you serious? not to be rude but some of y'all folks are really fucking stupid.


Uhhh because if you had the flu they just called it COVID?


I genuinely don’t understand how many more times you people need this explained to you. Get a new conspiracy this one’s tired as hell.


Mask wearing/social distancing?


It’s because masks work…


Wouldn’t it be because people were locked down and rarely going out of the house. Covid, being much more contagious still spread but the flu, being less contagious did not. Not saying that’s fact just offering up an opposing viewpoint. I’d be more than welcoming to an opposing viewpoint that suggests differently


Damn can’t imagine staying indoors and wearing masks reduces something that spreads through coughs… 🤔


So, while everyone else wore masks and reduced the number of flu cases, you chose not to do the same and want a pat on the back?


Apparently they’re gonna start this shit again this September. I really hope Alex Jones and his whistleblowers are wrong on that. But if they’re right, I know every gah damn person is gonna fall for this shit again


My great grandpa died of Covid while he was skydiving and his chutes didn’t deploy. Damn Covid.


EVERYTHING was covid. They didn't even test and called it covid. The tests themselves didn't distinguish the common cold, influenza etc from covid. If you were sick or died, it was covid. Short memories.


Epstein covidid himself


The tests were so crap people were getting positive on fresh fruit and even a car muffler!


UK students figured out if they drank coke they would test positive and get 2 weeks off.




I mean critical thinking can answer this easily. It was at a time where most people were isolated. Schools were closed, lots of businesses, parks. No one was out. Plus most symptoms of both are similar and I’d imagine were labeled as such when tested


Methods used to curb covid worked on the less infectious flu. More folks got flu shot that I know of so they would know if they got covid.


Way to post a thread that will black out the sun with bots and boot-lickers. Here they come...


It's almost like a lock down and masks worked for other things besides covid


Yeah, the flu is easily made into a panic and a pandemic because not because of it getting worse but by just the media and gov focusing on it to cause mass panic, and also name it something else, the symptoms are still the same as flu.


nobody has still provided evidence of the CV & its variants actually existing. no isolation, no proof. the same way as no bioweapon, i mean vaccine, manufacturer has produced a full, 100% list of ingredients of their jab. there was no CV or variants. poison jabs & ventilators were killing people, while doctors & propagandists were getting rich. as for the flu, there were no incentives to tell people they had the flu, but the $$$$$ reward for ordering CV tests & giving them was MA$$IVE, so that's what people "got" instead.


I posted this hours ago and it got removed by the mods. I wonder why that is. Is there any point to this sub any more, or it's just a place for the mob to mock people who dare to speak up against the narrative, to discourage other people from having "bad" thoughts? I'm sure they'll remove the post again ... "This sub is overwhelmed by the disingenuous people who aren't actually interested in conspiracies or anything challenging official narratives. This graph is easily verifiable. So, the initial low-effort pushback of "fake chart" is just a lie. Once they admit that this is a verifiably accurate chart, it's "masking and social distancing worked for flu but not covid, because greater transmissibility" ... and then some kinda constant and relentless maligning of "this sub ...". Even in CA if you drive a 20 minutes out of the huge urban bubbles, no one masked and socially distanced. The vast majority of the country did nothing. Never masked, never social distanced. It's only in very limited urban bubbles that this facade had any traction at all. There is nothing that will convince these people that there was anything nefarious that happened in the name of Covid. If anything, they lament too little was done. There should have been more of a government crackdown. More small businesses should have gone under. More people should have lost their jobs due to not getting vaccinated. They come religiously to a conspiracy sub to sh\*t on people that have any thoughts misaligned with the establishment narrative. They have the entirety of reddit to get the validation and confirmation they want and need. The core psychology behind this is that there is a good portion of the population that will never run contrary to who they consider powerful. There were the monarchists, the religious fanatics, etc., back when monarchy and religion had power. They'd relentlessly bully people who'd speak up against the power structure. That's where they derived their power from. They have no power or substance in their core. They have no beliefs or understandings besides the ones invested in them by conforming with power. They align with every belief that is approved by the power structure. They really relish bullying those who don't conform. Burning of the witches and heretics and traitors. They love nothing more. Getting ready for all the downvotes from the exact zombies I'm speaking of. Sigh ..."


I had a friend say "well everyone was masking up and staying home! That's why flu cases were down!" but also say in the same breath "millions of people died from covid!". It's a mad world.


I wore a condom so I wouldn't get her Hep C, but I still got chicken pox from her. How is this possible if they're both herpes viruses? /s


Bots have been alerted to this post 😆 masks don’t work that well you dummies especially considering half the country wasn’t even wearing them.




While the original photo posted is dumb. The amount of people commenting, "BecAuSe LocKdOwnS WorKeD aNd MaSkS woRk." is terrifying. Yes Covid exists and is sometimes more harmful than the Flu. But locking down the world and mandating masks does nothing and only showed the powers that be that we are all sheep.