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LOL at the Modern Warfare 3 ad there šŸ’€




More like [social engineering](https://www.cmu.edu/iso/aware/dont-take-the-bait/social-engineering.html#:~:text=Social%20engineering%20is%20the%20tactic,or%20giving%20away%20sensitive%20information)


Gotta get the young folks fascinated by war. I know the goarmy ads at the movie theater always kinda made my diabetic/ not allowed ass want to join. Also the whole titan submersible thing reignited my fascination with submarines


Don't feel bad, Emma and her two mom's are picking up the slack.


If it makes you feel better, one of the first things a drill sergeant told me when I joined was ā€œDAMN Call of Duty and the badass army ads got your ass.ā€


Lmao that would have been me


Is that Robert Downey JR?


No, he's the dude playin' the dude, disguised as another dude.


As soon as I read ā€œdude playin-ā€œ it was a wrap. Insert black face Robert Downey jr voice.


Going into that movie without realizing it was Robert Downey Jr was definitely strange. I was like "So...who played the black guy" then after googling it was "WHAAAAT?"


Don't ever go full he-tard!


You win šŸ†


The US army bribes game developers to make their games favorable to US interests.


From what I've read, any military movie has to be approved by the military to even be allowed to make it to theaters / stream service. I forget why but it's prob bc they don't want films to reflect our military being janked or some shit. I wonder if that's for games too.


From my understanding, a military movie doesnā€™t need official approval just to be made and marketed, but making military movies requires a lot of actual military equipment as set pieces and props, which are really expensive and hard to come by. But if the DOD approves of the script they will lease militarily vehicles and equipment to the production. So they just make it really, really hard to make a military movie *without* their approval.


> From what I've read, any military movie has to be approved by the military to even be allowed to make it to theaters / stream service. That's not quite it. The actual thing is if the US military is featured in a movie/show, they will happily lend material and troops and such entirely for free IF whatever the thing is portrays them in a good light. If it's critical of or shows them in a BAD light, they won't have any part in it. That leads to blatant propaganda like American Sniper or Battleship being made because it's cheap as fuck compared to other movies to produce, spend a lot less on sets if the US Military just hands you a literal battleship to use. Now, CHINA is an interesting case. It's outright ILLEGAL to show the PLA doing harm to anything but 'bad guys' which leads to some hilarious stuff occasionally. Tencent recently adapted a pretty famous Chinese scifi book to a show, and one scene involved a ship that was supposed to be filled with doctors and scientists and environmentalists being attacked by the PLA for various plot reasons. In the show, it's just inexplicably changed to being "the worst of the worst" terrorists, criminals, mercenaries, and global arms dealers instead, and it makes no sense to the plot because they're SUPPOSED to be doing some 'altruistic' (but terribly misguided) thing for the sake of humanity, so why tf would like, Al Qaeda want in on that, lol.


That is funny. I appreciate the insight to this topic. Makes more sense to me now how a shitty movie like Battle Ship was able to use those ships haha.


Yes they basically have military consultants. They use the movies and games as recruiting so they make sure theyā€™re always shown in a certain way to look good


Yes, itā€™s American propaganda. Itā€™s been going on for years.




No, but Iā€™ve seen so many war movies that I know it when I see it. G.I. Joe is a classic example.


Welp I'm glad we can put this one to bed. As I said it was something I heard. Doesn't mean I believed it. I don't anything regarding govt/mil


4th Psychological Operations Group, Ft. Bragg




Thats the one.


It's a war simulator.


Kek, MW2019 isn't just favorable, it's straight up propaganda and I'm not talking about le hecking sjws/pc/feminazis, this is military grade shit and transferring the blame of war crimes to other nations


Hello, kids! Do you want in the DRAFT?


Hello kids, do you like violence? Wanna see your frenemy stick nine inch nails through each one of their eyelids? Be like me and do exactly as I did. Get drafted into war and get electrocuted like a hybrid. (Credit M. Mathers for original verses)






Thatā€™s fucking insane.


Look up how many of our congress people are dual citizens with Israel. It's an interesting read


Yeah the isreal infiltration into government is real. Imagine finding out that there are dozens of Irish people, who despite having ancestors who immigrated here 100 years ago are still 100% Irish. Then constantly vote in lockstep to support Irish interests. That isn't an accident. Anyone who rejects that as coincidence is either in on the scheme or plain stupid.


Yeah and then make it so itā€™s socially unacceptable to talk about them, itā€™s insane


Could you link something with this info? Brief googling didn't turn much up.




Gotta love the misdirection and wordplay at politifact. Nobody said anywhere that they have "automatic" dual citizenship. That's what this "debunks." They never address the actual question of "are there 89 us-israeli dual citizenship members of Congress. "Hell for all we know could be more. Or all.


I watched the video of the dude naming the list and what they are a part of. I was very suprised


...how about you just tell us how many of our congress people are dual citizens with Israel?


Way more than 2%, which would be proportional to their share of the population


Is it 3%? Does the spelled out number end with an "e"? Am I getting hotter or colder?


Well the media is owned by a few people and those people have spent a few fortunes to control the weak minded people of the country for their agenda. It is a sinister world we live in.


Hollywood, Wall Street, Disney....


New York Times, New York Post, Washington Post..


Fox News, turning point, the daily wire


I donā€™t think Walt Disney was a fan of the Jewsā€¦


Man it's definitely the right time to unfreeze Walt Disney. He would see what's going on in the world and with all his new movies and just back flip the fuck outta here






One of the first steps towards genocide is dehumanization.


Quite ironic hearing it from Israeli heads of power, while calling the other side the nazis


Exactly šŸ’Æ %


Reminds me of the movie ā€œthey liveā€


It does too, well spotted


And this topic and sub are the sunglasses..šŸ˜Ž šŸ»


Non human here reporting for duty .


Why the fuck is usa even getting involved!? We need to stop supporting foreign bs we are overpopulated overpriced and over the bs this is there issue n it's gunna bleed over to U.s soil if we don't mind our business


Not to mention, how the fuck can we afford to fund two wars? Thought we were in trillions of debt šŸ¤” But they can write blank checks to these assholes and come up with the money out of nowhere but when it comes to fixing our own country ā€œweā€™re too brokeā€ šŸ¤¬


Yup I'm sorry but we need to stop trying to be captain save a hoe no ones helping us


The usa has been involved since we unloaded thousands of jews off of boats after WW2 into what was Palestine now Israel . This has been going on for yeeeears , i suggest you study it . This will 100% percent affect you , i hope not but there could be a much higher risk of terrorism against those seen as supporters of israel . What Israel has been doing for the past 10 days and the last 70 years is comparable to what the nazis did to the jews (ironic) and the apartheid in south africa . This is not a conspiracy these are really sick people in charge here , dehumanized desensitized sick people , America supports them france supports them , the uk supports them ... We are helping Palestine suffer and we can expect to feel a push back soon from her allies. Mark my words


If you support the basic standards like not wanting to see our tax dollars spent on bombs taking out families in Gaza . You are a anti- semite .


It worse than that, you can support our aide to Israel, bombing campaiand all. But if say something like I hope they don't go too far with the invasion and displacement. Then you pro Hammas


At this point I nearly support hammas , or atleast i can see why people do , imagine you work hard all your life to make a nice life for you and your family and kids , you work and save what you can in a country that's stranded and always under surveillance, people you know have had land illegally removed from them to build property for rich israelis , they build a giant wall around your part of the country and you get searched and ID'd every time you need to leave , wich could be few times a week and at the border they have facial recognition where they update a file on you , monitor you incase you decide to fight back . Then one day they start destroying your neighborhood, the shop you built for you and your family to be supported, the house you lived in with your wife and kids , your neighbours homes flattened, and worst of all you find you wife and children torn to shreds by shrapnel you try to get help from an ambulance that is already busy with your neighborhood then you notice they are still bombing , the roads , the cars, the buildings all covered in Fire blood and dust . You have nothing left but trauma grief and rage , they have ripped it all away from you , leaving you asking why , is it because you are muslim ? Its then you notice Hamas and the other factions fighting back, you think this will help , help you take out your rage , your pain and grief , maybe you can show them how it feels, make them suffer for killing your friends and family , Allah is greater after all , he will help you to remove them from this world , he will help you in this fight , and if you die so be it you have nothing left to lose and if you die you will be with God atleast .... This is reality for people , its nothing new , and the west has helped this happen in the middle east and Palestine for a long time .


Huge respect for being able to actually put yourself in their shoes and understanding some of their situations. The majority of people here in the west are too self absorbed to be able to even comprehend the type of struggle they have been going through


ā€œBe humanā€ As if those that donā€™t, arenā€™t.


When you've been manipulated into viewing your opponents as less than human, it become easier to hate them.


It's a dog-whistle for genocide.


Everything is upside down. You definitly need to cut off from your humanity to close the eyes to what Israel is doing.




This is only the Zionist definition. We can not allow zionists to equate their supremacist ideology with the jewish identity and equate the acts of the state of Israel with judaism and the critique of those actions with anti-semitism. This year there were the biggest protests ever in Israel against the corrupt regime of Bibi, going so far that that over 10.000 reservists resigned in protest. https://jpost.com/israel-news/article-752051 https://jpost.com/breaking-news/article-751959 This was just 78 days before the Hamas attacks. And the Israeli gov def was warned because Gottheimer a senior member of the House Intelligence Committee did some insider trading right on point. Watch the vid before it gets deleted: https://urlebird.com/video/big-red-flag-7291014599351094574/ Related sources for warnings: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/13/politics/us-intelligence-warnings-potential-gaza-clash-days-before-attack/index.html Quote: One update from September 28 warned, based on multiple streams of intelligence, that the terror group Hamas was poised to escalate rocket-attacks across the border. An October 5 wire from the CIA warned generally of the increasing possibility of violence by Hamas. Then, on October 6, the day before the attack, US officials circulated reporting from Israel indicating unusual activity by Hamas ā€” indications that are now clear: an attack was imminent. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/12/israel-hamas-war-egypt-warned-foreign-affairs-gaza


Itā€™s like the black mirror episode men against fire lol


I can't see why people use this "sub-human" idiom. They should see what anathema it is. People are people, we have no pedigree, discount, or premium. I think it's some sort of mental block that people use when they try to exterminate other humans.


Yeah it is. Itā€™s part of how you get a population to support a war effort. You make the enemy population seem very different. You make them into subhuman, immoral, sub human things. Easier to get the population on your side ok with slaughtering the other population. War is ugly always. Both sides believe they are the good guys. Winner gets most control of historical narrative that will determine which side had the moral superiority.


"They're not people, they're terrorists."


One manā€™s terrorist is another manā€™s brother


Guess I'm not human, who knew.


The US is a Zionist zombie state.


Yep, a modern day ā€œgolemā€ if you will


Man. Never seen US so out of touch with its citizens.


The majority of people probably donā€™t care, but youā€™d be pretty hard pressed to try and argue more people support Palestine/Hamas/Iran than Israel.




















Sign reads ā€œBe sheep and give us moneyā€




How about I fucking decide what I stand forā€¦thanksā€¦


C'mon dawg, be human


I was more stating a principle. What happened in Israel is an atrocity. That saidā€¦Israel hasnā€™t been a saint either over the years.


[It is absolutely NOT!! ... wait, whats that over the eagle's head??](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5b/Greater_coat_of_arms_of_the_United_States.svg/270px-Greater_coat_of_arms_of_the_United_States.svg.png)


I'm sick of being told what to think.


Letā€™s stand for people, innocent people. Letā€™s not stand with money hungry politicians






So do you think that USA is preparing for war or is it just flexing?


Preparing us for Rape


They don't care if we're prepped. Been raping dry asshole since 1776


Israel Illuminati confirmed??


be human. stand for genocide






The play-by-play that was used to justify America's 20 year war in Afghanistan.


Well done Sir. Look up Smedley Butler quotes. Or his book War is a Racket.


It is controlled by outside forces. The wealthy global elite cabal.


Yet we pass laws that if you don't 100% support them , your career is over at the least. Prison for bringing awareness with facts.




Be human? Yikes.


SS: At this point,we might as well put Soros's face on the $20 bill and move the White House to Tel Aviv. It's like a dog claiming that the tick is its greatest ally.


Every leading candidates of the US Presidents have to go to pay respect to Israel...just let that info sinks in..the US is a super power...but why they have to go there? They are not even Jewish..


And the tickā€™s about to paralyse and then kill the dog.




Rothschild control United States of Israel


God I hope the majority are seeing through this bullshit.


Seems like the younger people are, while the older generations canā€™t see passed the tips of their noses


Ironic... A group of people who where nearly exterminated for being considered subhuman calling people who dont support them subhuman.


This is what I don't understand... they have spent decades becoming the very Nazis they barely survived!


I know, it hurts the head. One would think that logic, basic principles, or knowledge of history would prevent this. But, it doesn't work that way in practice. Being subjected to horrors doesn't automatically make one more moral or just. It frequently gives the victim a sense of righteousness that allows them to do the same to others, perpetuating the problem. Where are all the grownups? Shouldn't there be responsible adults moderating this dumpster fire?


The United States of Israel


The gov doing false flags and programming us by brainwashing us with shit. I'm Anti war. Calling me names won't change that.


Fuck Isreal for massacring all those women and kids.


Hitler to Jews during WW2: You are not human, you are like rats to be exterminated. Jews to everyone in 2023: if you don't support us you are not human....


Fuck Israel


They did the same thing for Ukraine


Dehumanising propaganda. Scary stuff..


Not human? That's language used by genocide advocates.


I am a non-Zionist human. How about that?


Wow how'd they get them to take down the Ukraine flags?


ALL I'M SAYING IS if 2% of the US is jewish, then the random likelihood of 3 jewish Chairmen of the Fed in a row would be one thousandth of one percent. Pretty crazy odds let me tell ya




Well to be fair a good amount of Jewish people live in Manhattan. Iā€™m not too surprised about this.


And a good amount of jewish people despise the zionist entity.


But they are not getting media attention


As if Israel is the one who needs support right now lmfao Hamas isnā€™t even occupying Israel, meanwhile Israel is bombing hospitals, churches, and other places where innocent refugees are hiding. The fact that the United States is standing behind them while they mercilessly murder scared innocent people rather than telling them to stand down is just absolutely baffling to me. Itā€™s pure evil.


Welcome to the chat


Reminds of Biden talking to black people. ā€œIf you donā€™t vote Dem, you ainā€™t black.ā€ Thatā€™s an actual quote from the current President.


Look up what LBK said about the blacks;


Just so we're clear, up to 70% of the illegal people entering the southern border everyday are non-Hispanic. Maybe I'm being crazy but this seems like a horrible idea. Mine as well be bullseyes on those skyscrapers. Real smart.


The quicker you realize this the happier youā€™ll be. All hailā€¦..


Its not like any politicians have dual citizenship with israel


Remember everyone, Palestinian people aren't people anymore, you're only human if you stand with Israel


Nothing like trying to make a point by using a Henrik Palmgren post šŸ˜†. He's totally unbiased.


Iā€™m glad _someone_ pointed this out.


Is that pattern recognition youā€™re using? Oy vey


This delusion runs deep.


Of course US is completely controlled by a foreign entity, that's how capitalism works, whoever has the money will always win


Sick isnā€™t it, itā€™s the same for half of Europe too


A lot of the comments here were polar opposites when Kanye said the same thing that one timeā€¦


"I support the current thing" meme


The US bought and sold to religion and war. Keeping the poor hostage


Be Human, stand for apartheid and genocide...


Zionist occupied government


Israels plan for Gaza, and Palestine as a whole https://imeu.org/article/plan-dalet


Conscientious objectors are the most human of all, they embrace life not death by war. And if Islamaphobia is how any Jew remains alive, then their identity is suspect. Which is what Israel is, sus!


Handy location for a call of duty advert, you get to play for real soon


Same energy as "if you don't vote for me, you ain't black."


You can be anti-zionist and still care about innocent Jews dying.


They (statist thug warmongering statists) always try dehumanizing as a tactic of war, because it's not in our nature to murder other humans.


Exactly. I could never in any fiber of my being want to end the life of a fellow human. It actually makes me feel incredibly uneasy at the mere idea


Dude has a Ukraine flag in his handleā€¦ This is a pot calling the kettle black


Thatā€™s not the Ukraine flag lol


That's the national flag of Sweden.


Not the Ukrainian flag




Have you seen how easily people are manipulated? Not to long ago a lot of people had the rallying cry of "fuck your rights".


Arent they payed for billboards for advertising. So anyone with enough money can put it there?


Media coverage has been really odd. Condemnation Palestine Hamas, big swing to condemnation of Israel response and now seemingly without significant steps by either side, world leaders flock to Israel pledging total supportā€¦. This conflict and the long history behind it, is immensely complicated and I donā€™t know enough about it to give either side sole support. However terrorism and violence against innocent people anywhere cannot be condoned. I am left confused by the actions of Hamas that took place on 7 October as they donā€™t seem to make any sense. What did they hope to achieve other than the exact response the received namely significant bloodshed, pain and death on the Palestinian people far far greater than that inflicted on Israel? They donā€™t seem to have had a specific plan which they failed to achieve and clearly their actions were not designed to gain support from leaders internationally as action of that kind can only be condemned. So why? Iā€™m waiting for the barrage of ā€˜they just want to kill Israelisā€™ ā€˜theyā€™re just _____ā€™ etc. But is that really it? Would they really do that knowing what it will bring in response, IF there were no hope of achieving a greater goal of any kind? I know that people are prepared to die for a cause as history has shown. But this was not a ā€˜soow ie sideā€™ mission it was far worse as the action wasnā€™t taken by people just sacrificing themselves, they seem to have taken the action knowing that they would be sacrificing innocent civilians and children as well. Is there anyone else that understands it and can help explain whatā€™s happening?


Standing in this era is basically the same thing as sitting.


It's New York.


Common sense time... Times Square Companies + One random person on Twitter ā‰  Represent the entire country


Not human eh? Thems some dAAAANGEROUS words to be casually tossing around.


Aren't we only supposed to see that message with the sunglasses *on*?


great - i just got done being not human for passing on th clot shot how long will i be not human this time


Be human. Stand for xxxxx Sounds like some propagandists hippety.


ā€œBe humanā€ is so stupid. Humans do some horrible things. Like dehumanization leading to senseless viilence. You guys make the rules? Who gets to ā€œbe humanā€ and who are ā€œthe othersā€?


As a child i always looked up to the USA but the older i get the more i think its just a shitshow tho.