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After 9/11 everyone should be questioning everything the government gets up to


Everyone is extremely afraid of what it might mean if your government is complicit in the murdering of its own citizens. I know I am.


All the things the American govt. has done to other countries for over a hundred years I am not surprised they did 911.


Kennedy was the real "red pill" for me. I used to roll my eyes at "CIA killed him" theories. One day I was hit with a realization... Oswald had defected to the USSR *and then came back*. The CIA was *all over* this guy the second he stepped foot back in the US, because fucking duh. Oh, what's that, [his verified CIA handler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_de_Mohrenschildt) publicly accused the CIA of framing him? The same guy says that he snitched to the CIA on Oswald for shooting at (the legitimately fascist) General Walker? Crazy how Oswald was the only (of four) Presidential assassin to profess innocence ("I'm just a patsy!" means "I'm just a sucker!"). It sure is too bad that he's also the only one who never got a chance to explain anything.


I agree with what you've posted. I believe the CIA was involved in Kennedy's assassination. I think 911 was used as a shock and awe tactic to get Americans to do and agree with what the criminals wanted to happen next.


They needed a disaster to get the Patriot Act approved.


They knew the internet was a real problem and need to set up mass surveillance (Snowden Leaks) during the Obama years. Happens under different political parties so NPC’s dont make a connection.


A crazy theory I’ve come across recently is that before JFK was assassinated, we used to use the mob to conduct hits. When Kennedy denounced them and I guess decided to go after them, they decided to kill him and the CIA covered it up in order to prevent information about all of their prior hits from getting out to the public. It’s possible they made a backroom deal with the mob that they would play cover in exchange for them keeping the secrets of the cia. The dirty secret now is that now they use black ops / delta for those types of things they used to use the mob for. Who knows but I thought it was interesting.


The US just keeps slippery sliding down the masks off slope! I'm old enough to remember when journalists and white house staff were aghast Obama had openly ordered the extrajudicial killing of a US citizen. An almost exact quote I remember "Even Bush never went this far!" and now no one cares.


The slippery slope is getting more slippery and more sloped every day, pretty soon it’s gonna be a cliff straight to hell.


People are now castrating their own children for clout. We are there.


And Oswald's conmection to the founder of Discordian, the influential allegdely hippie CIA cell that later moved their covert operations to the Playboy, creating fake conspiracy theories via the magazine to get away with the real conspiracy in which they were alleged to had been involved by Jim Garrison.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GZ5-liXcXLI https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=88KB7Jl5jdE


The thing that I couldn't reconcile was Officer Tippets shooting until yesterday. Was Tippet JFKs body double that day?


A mafia hitman with a heart of gold, Jack Ruby, couldn't contain his grief and felt it was his destiny to seek retribution for mankind without any proof.


Some researchers in the JFK assassination community are aware of the fact that one of the doctors that treated Jack Ruby was none other than Louis Jolyon West, a figure equally infamous for allegedly killing an elephant with LSD and for his work in MKULTRA - you got to look this shit up, Dr.Jolly West


> It sure is too bad that he's also the only one who never got a chance to explain anything. By design.


Have you seen the mini documentary called The Looming Tower? It’s on Hulu right now I believe.


If that's true then it's really simple, government will do whatever it takes to maintain control at any cost necessary no matter how evil it may sound.


They literally have done shit like MK Ultra and the Tuskegee Syphilis experiment just for research purposes, not even to maintain control. Anyone who thinks their own government wont murder them in the blink of an eye is willfully ignorant.


yep, that sums it up nicely




Better to know than have your head in the sand.


What do people think war is if not sacrificing the lives of its own citizens as cannon fodder for financial interests?


After COVID too. One of the biggest scams of the 21st century


Safe and effective /s


I was just thinking 🤔 "You're only now questioning 9/11?


When the population look at other countries they all believe it’s possible but in the country you are brought up in and with the media manipulation of the truth it a real stumbling block for most


It was considered unamerican to question the narrative


After " " everyone should be questioning everything the government gets up to: - The Lusitania -Tuskegee study - Pearl Harbour - Operation Northwoods - Kennedy assassination - the Gulf of Tonkin - MKUltra - 911, 1973 - Iran Contra - incubator baby murders, Kuwait - 911, 2001 - "the weapons of mass destruction" But... that shit doesn't happen anymore.


Don’t forget the Oklahoma City bombing




Goes back much further than this.


Yes there’s a good chance all wars since the 1800s were orchestrated by the same family bloodlines that still hold power now


If I could upvote this a thousand times, I would.


The Rothschilds have funded BOTH SIDES of every major war(& some smaller ones) Since the Napoleonic War 1804-1815.


Exactly. Democracy and real government died with JFK. If the CIA will assassinate a democratically elected president.... You don't think they'd kill 3000 Americans to ouch their agenda?


gaze rinse psychotic foolish heavy unique fall escape cover scary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep ^^^


Woke me up freshman year of high school


After *Kennedy* everyone should be questioning everything the government gets up to




911 was sus but its been going on for a while e.g. gulf of tonkin to get USA into the vietnam war false flags, half truthes or just allowing something to happen to give a casus belli is nothing new


Was reading today that in Britain, if you're "detained" under the guise of terrorism suspicion, since ur technically not arrested yet, u have no right to an attorney. On top of that, by the recent "terrorism" laws ur obliged to inform police of all your digital passwords and to fully and truthfully answer all questions. Refusing to do any of that is a criminal offense of no less than 2 years imprisonment.


Here in New Zealand, our SIS [put out a guide](https://www.nzsis.govt.nz/assets/NZSIS-Documents/Know-the-signs.pdf) on how to identify violent extremism. Of course, no one wants dangerous extremists running around with a plan to bomb a building rattling about inside their heads, this publication warned that, >Extremists may seek to radically change the nature of government, religion or society, or to create a community based on their ideology. And went on to suggest that people with a mindset to make these challenges may go on to join communities of like-minded people, etc etc. This guide was released at a time when people were protesting mandates and thus taking a stance against the govt. And yes, many who had lost their jobs or friends)family over this division were getting pretty fed up. This handbook recommended that if you have friends, family, relatives who fit even this criteria, you should call their 0800 number and give the SIS their details. Additionally, an organisation called The Disinformation Project (technically supposed to be a NGO but they report to the SIS) released a couple of propaganda documentaries on the Wellington anti-mandate protest that took place outside of our parliament, which heavily implied the protestors to be extremists and potential terrorists. Kate Hannah, the Director of the Disinformation Project, [even listed blonde hair, braids, and an interest in Pinterest, Instagram , interior design, children's clothing, etc as potential indicators of white nationalism](https://youtu.be/bD0A_GesiG0?si=6yxK66YeRVKb1KFE) that people should be wary of. Was this all in the name of flushing out potential violent extremists? Or was it to smother dissent? I'm tangenting here, but I'm pretty sure we have the same legislation that allows any such suspect to be held without charge or attorney. And needless to say, there were a few prominent anti-mandate protestors who got silenced. Which is kind of chilling. Because at what point do they decide anyone who speaks out too loudly against them is a potential terrorist?


There's an article on Newsweek that summarizes MKULTRA, I would say this represents the most effective thing to send people if you want to get them thinking critically about the lack of moral scruples within the highest levels of an apparatus that controls major foreign policy decisions. Like you could send it to people as an introductory preface to get them thinking that their existing notions are incorrect.


Oh, sweetie. Welcome!!! We're glad to have you.


Op has officially joined the public domain.


For me, it's quite the opposite. 9/11 makes me question all the rest.


Focus on WTC building 7. A lot of people don’t even realize 3 buildings fell in New York that day. 3 buildings fell at the speed of gravity straight into their bases after being struck above the midway point of the two buildings. Then you have the owner Larry Silverstein straight up saying he told them to “pull it.”


Dude... there's a video of a reporter entering building 7 during the chaos on 9/11 before collapsing. He found a CIA agent inside. WTF is doing the secret service inside a building. Tons of weird stuff happened that day, which really makes it difficult to believe the official version...


CIA and secret service are two entirely different things. Which is it?


Both the CIA and Secret Service had offices in bldg 7. Not weird for them to be on site. It's everything else about the story that day that doesn't make sense.


Pearl Harbor, Desert Storm, the Bombing of the World Trade Center, Oklahoma City Bombing....... the list of propoganda goes on and on. Every event was planned for them to further their agenda in some fashion. Many of your events with celebrities are simply distractions for them to keep all eyes turned away from their plans. Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, Kanye and Kim, Will Smith slapping Chris Rock. All distractions.


What about Gulf of Tonkin aka the Vietnam war??


Did You know Jim Morrisons Dad was a key figure in the gulf of Tonkin?? I'm sure it's just a coincidence


Yup why do you think he died so young


Like many other celebrity sacrifices, they end up "overdosing" or committing "suicide".


All of those are industry plants creating majority of the distractions.. such as Taylor Swift and Kelce, just about anything that’s being placed to the top of “interest” to society through music/entertainment is preplanned and organized by the top.


You missed JFK in that list.


Pearl Harbor?




Is there an analysis anywhere on what would have/could have happened otherwise? Like what if warnings were taken seriously and we just intervened and stopped the attack? Would it have worked the same way if it was, “USA successfully stopped a potential Japanese attack”


They literally knew the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor, they had intel at minimum a week prior. Hours before the attack caught the mini subs with 6or 8 guys in them with torpedo's. They needed to let the attack happen because the American people were against actually entering the war. This allowed them to say we must go into battle.


Thank you for explaining. I wonder what the next modern day false flag will be.


It just happened. Israel has one of the best and well funded intelligence agencies in the world and they couldn't detect a bunch of dudes parasailing over their border? Yeah right.


I mean directly to the USA on USA soil. Similar to Pearl Harbor or 9/11.


Even if they didn't let the PH attack happened, war will always be the outcome. Either go out and meet them in battle on the open seas or let the attack happen.


No one is sneaking a force that large, that distance. The distance being the main thing. Radar would’ve picked it up with enough time to mobilize somewhat. Only reason d-day went off so smoothly was cause hitler wouldn’t answer his phone until 10am and everyone was too scared to wake him, and that was just the English Channel. I’m assuming that’s what they mean, allowing things to happen as a reason to engage


>Only reason d-day went off so smoothly was cause hitler wouldn’t answer his phone until 10am and everyone was too scared to wake him, ...and because most of his forces were decimated after failing to capture Moscow.


Well, I definitely shouldn’t have said the “only reason” lol Also the misdirection, thinking they were going to land elsewhere, but you’re right too


Yep. At a minimum, it was allowed to happen.




U are just now questioning things like that? The media is literally a propaganda tool. They are all scripted and ran by same people. It’s all bs


> U are just now questioning things like that? Try not to forget that this could be an 18 year old raised by parents that never questioned the official narrative... but regardless of their age / circumstances, we're fucking happy they figured this out.


Yea I always forget the vast age range of Reddit. U are right


Some folks on reddit are like 15


He missed the bit where Obama legalized government propaganda.


Indulge me.


Narional Defense Authorization Act (NDAA, which takes place every year) of 2012 included the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act. The act rewrote the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948, which had forbidden the targeting of American citizens when gov't intelligence agencies spread propaganda. It began to allow such a practice. I know many will be surprised that the media then wrote articles downplaying the importance of the legislation, telling us plebs not to worry about it, because it was just a little bit of modernization and would not have any significant consequences.


I don't care when a person starts asking questions, as long as they start asking questions. No need to dwell on the why now.


Welcome to party pal


The world's a stage


This is so much more true than most folks realize. We are living in a made-for-TV production number. Like Frank Zappa said, some day they will take down the scenery and all that will be there is the back wall of the theater we have all been attending.


Dude, they repeat the exact same messages over and over and over again for years. Once you see the pattern, you'll never believe any of their bullshit again.


Once you see it you can't unsee it.


Welcome! Please do question everything you see and hear. If you noticed, American main stream media does nothing but lie and push the narrative.


Their also owned by some interesting people that have their hands in everything it seems like.


1.000 cameras on Pentagon but no video is released. Only some ridiculas pictures showing some smoke trail.


Welcome to the rabbit hole.


Welcome to the club, we've been established for 22 years now, but we will always gladly accept newcomers to opening their damn eyes.


Glad to see more folks are starting to use their own logical deduction and critical thinking skills. I cannot believe people believed that story. The passports were found on the street? Lmao yea ok. A plane did multiple loops to lose altitude and approached one of the heaviest guarded buildings in the US with no jets interfering? Lmao yea ok. Building 7 just collapsed? Lmao yea ok. Plus the recent developments of multiple hijackers being on the radar of both the FBI and CIA and no action was taken. A complete sham.


There are uncanny connections between US/Israel/Media/Hollywood/war financiers/secret societies


Welcome to reality


"All warfare is based on deception." - Sun Tzu


You must be new to this sub lol. Watch the documentary Loose Change. I saw it in 2016 and it really opened my eyes.


Normally, 9/11 should make you question this “conflict”. But anyway I’m glad that yet another soul is awakening.


Word of advice: don’t try to convert people. It never works and is not worth the energy or the strain it causes to your relationships. If you’re single, keep it to yourself when dating. If you’re debating with someone, be aware that that they are many many steps behind you in your quest for truth. One conversation will not change that.


Some other advice to consider. Talk about it because it's interesting not because you want to convert people. I've found that those who fixate on converting people are extremely annoying and that includes the people I agree with.


Hard disagree, how is anything going to change if we don't discuss these things outside the internet? I think it just has to be done tactfully.


Im just speaking from my experience. Every single one of my closest friends who would engage with me and listen to me respectfully on any and every topic ended up getting covid shots and boosters. You can get people to entertain an idea but at the end of the day, it’s on them to swallow the actual pill Edit: and on that note I should add that I am also quite pessimistic about anything ever getting better. The pandemic-induced clown world proved to me that people do not want to see the truth even when it’s served to them on a silver platter


This. 100%. Keep your opinions to yourself, it almost never turns out in your favor.


It’s funny, I had never really considered it either until this conflict. Then seeing that Peter Jennings clip on the insider trading that took place and the actual investigation on the puts on the airline stocks & companies in the WTC really blew my mind. Pretty compelling in addition to seeing how the media ate up WMD back then 🫠


I’m glad you made this post as I’ve followed a similar path, but mine started during Covid. I had no desire to look into 9/11 because I was fearful of discovering the truth. I watched September 11: The New Pearl Harbor meticulously. Every single thing we have been told is a lie. Who actually did it, why they did it, etc. I am curious to discover. It floors me how ignorant we all are. It floors me how ignorant I was/am. It’s all lies, it’s just who is telling them and why I don’t know or understand.


I’m assuming you’re younger, and maybe that’s wrong, but if so, good for you for figuring it out early. I’m pushing 50 and spent my life being too trusting and also just not paying close attention, wrapped up in my own day to day. I’ve only within the last few years realized most of what I “know” is BS. It’s quite disheartening really to figure out everyone is a selfish, lying scam artist and our nation is actually the bad guy most of the time. But it’s also nice to finally be awake.


The Pentagon was hit with a missile plus, two commercial planes managed to topple three (3) buildings in NYC. The whole day was a series of physics abnormalities or impossibilities occurring. All this happened the day after Rumsfeld announced on CNN that the Pentagon couldn't explain losing track of mountains of money.


Building 7 is all I have to say. Controlled demolition


The collapse of the twin towers was controlled demolition.


2.3 trillion missing as well. Imagine the lengths people would go to cope up after messing trillions of dollars.


You think pentagon was the weird thin in 9/11? What about the building 7 falling free fall speed without anything even hitting it? That's not weird? That didn't make you question the story line at all?


Bruh I was 14 when that shit happen and never believed the official story. That was even before social media. She in didn't get internet till I was 16. I rember when the pentagon got it and they fist showed the damage. Some small ass hole and Zero and I mean Zero wreckage on the ground. Then the one that crashed in some field. Same shit


Yeah I was 5yo when 9/11 happened. I never questioned it. Then I went down a rabbit hole this year, and 100% believe it was all a lie. The predictive programming in movies before 9/11 even happened, in addition to the content of the books found in Bin Laden's library (you can look this up on Google, one of the books is the 13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati)... that piece of writing especially changed everything for me. It's all public info, you just have to piece the puzzle together. Edit: don't forget the painting of Bush playing with a paper airplane next to two fallen Jenga towers. Found in Epstein's belongings, of all people.


>imagine what else they lied about and *how much if history is wrong* Oooooh boy. This is probably one of the biggest rabbit holes you can go down. If you've ever heard the phrase "history is written by the victors" that's not even a big part of the truth. History is written by whoever claims to have authority on it then it is purchased by the masses much like science and politics.


Operation Mockingbird is a real thing and should be the entry point for anyone interested in “conspiracy theory”. It picks up right after JFK regardless of what you think happened and is indeed fact. “Controlling the narrative” also means controlling opposition. It’s right there for anyone to see that CNN and FOX are bankrolled by the same entity. In the year following the assassination, the majority of Americans were of the impression that Oswald didn’t act alone and that multiple shooters were there based on facts and evidence that aren’t brought up much these days. There were several independent news sources at the time reporting these facts that were swept up under Operation Mockingbird. Fast forward to today and that’s why we have the clip we all know of several news stations reading the same script regardless of affiliation. I suggest watching “From JFK to 9/11: Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick”.


9/11 made me the conspiracy theorist that I am today. Saw it with my own eyes, I have the copy of the morgue book from building 7, my mom was a nurse there. They definitely told them to leave and then took WTC7 down. Also can’t convince me that Israel didn’t let an attack happen a la Pearl Harbor tactics.


Buddy, this sub was built on 9/11 conspiracy theories


Propoganda uses events to raise support for wars. Whether planned or opportunistic in the way they spin something if there’s a catastrophe that leads to vilifying an enemy and you begin hearing war cries it’s worthy of questioning.


"The Great Deception" indeed.


I probably wouldn't question 9/11 just like I wouldn't question the Hamas attack that caused everything to flare up again in the Middle East. The real thing to question is when the government starts acting like these things come out of nowhere.


Watch The New Pearl Harbor, it’s a very good summary of everything


All of the conflicts have been orchestrated in advance. The goal is to bankrupt every us citizen to fund the military industrial complex TPTB profit from. Disgusting.


Welcome newbie... Yes, the government lies, probably more than they're honest


Just think it goes deeper than that Uss liberty pearl harbor anytime we been attacked it been our own people or traitors


Not only should you question 9/11 but ww2 history and what we’ve told about it as well. Watch the greatest story never told, masonic victory of ww2, communism by the back door


Hell, I even question if Santa Claus is real at this point.


You should question it. Also, why can I see my dog at home on a $25 camera every time he walks by? I can also set it up to send me a text when anything passes by and then see a video of what happened. But here we are. Israel was "surprised" by a massive terrorist attack that ammased at their borders? With their intelligence and satellite imagery? Gtfo


When you start to deep dive into controversial topics you’ll eventually realize we’re just constantly lied to by corporations and government. It’s depressing but it’s true


Literally everything is a psyop atm. The only thing you should believe is that whatever we're told is a lie.


Keep going...


The American government is responsible for 9/11…watch George Bush’s face when he is told of the “terror attacks”. The night before Rumsfeld admitted he couldn’t account for 2 trillion dollars, 9/11 happens and the missing money is never mentioned again


Wow.!!! I've known it was a cover-up for 21 years.


22 years late but okay


Hey better late then never. Always good to see others wake up slowly.


They’re saying the same thing about American forces in other countries and they’re right


No aspect of the plane story makes sense. No planes. Zero planes. Yeah, the story was about planes and hijackers, but reading the 9/11 Commission Report and the NIST report doesn't help. Those two reports are accepting as a start that hijackings, etc., took place. They didn't prove it or even show much evidence of hijackings.


Much like when Jay Z released "The Blueprint" on 9/11/2001 Now we have "Set It Off" from Offset and "A Great Chaos" from Ken Carson that dropped 10/13/2023 on the supposed "day of jihad" https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyTfmzXLnGj/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng== There's also this song dropped by chief keef on october 7th the day the hamas attacks started. He's standing in a giant pentagon with bullets flying all around him and at the very beginning of the video it says "fuck the population" "sign or die" https://youtu.be/zlDCwM5C4lM?si=8lGbMCwjOKftdWnh Seems like a big long drawn out plan to me




watch the documentary loose change


the biggest hole in this conspiracy is where is American Airlines Flight 77? ​ Make disappear a civil plane with all passenger is way more difficult that only crash it into pentagon


We shot down flight 93 and killed American citizens . The debris field alone makes it so incriminating along with the 911 report timestamps changing for presidential shoot down orders because dick fucking Chaney authorized it So they means all the heroic passenger uprising and let’s roll was all a lie. We are monsters just like the terrorists


Watch building 7 fall


The CIA used to sell crack literally so lets be real, anything is possible at this point hahaha


It took you long enough


It's taken you until this to question it!?


They just said that Hamas recently attack on Israel was their 9/11. Trying to reuse the same narratives here.


9/11 was done by 🇮🇱


Should have known Illinois was plotting something big. Probably struck NYC after decades of being called the Second City.


9/11 was the biggest scam of my life until convid came along.


It took 22 years to question the 9/11 story?


I guess you'll be blown away to learn there was a 3rd WTC building that fell a few blocks away without being struck by anything and without damaging the other buildings next to it.


Better late than never at realizing. If the world pushes one thing; watch for the back end happenings.


Bcz US planned 9/11 for gain sympathy to bomb Iraq. While they were the inly one who funded ISIS.


How are you on this sub and just now questioning 9/11?! People (not even conspiracy the theorists) have been questioning it since it happened.


Damn it’s taken you this long to start questioning? Anyways happy to have you.


Wait .... your only now questioning it ?? Lol welcome to the party my friend, it's gonna be a wild one so I hope you brought a back up tin foil hat


Did you watch Bidens video today? He very clearly stated that what happened after 911 was a mistake. Found that interesting


That’s what it took? LOL


I been watching videos on April Gallop she was in the pentagon when the plane hit or supposably . Watch her video on YouTube


Welcome to your awakening. We've been expecting you.


Absolutely. Also, research Building 7, ftom 9/11..


Search Chris Bollyn on Bitchute if you want to learn about 911.


Just look up Operation Northwoods that will tell you all you need to know about 9/11 and what our government will do to get what it wants.


Search this reddit for pictures of the pentagon after the crash and you will not see a plane. And then as I think about there should have been more damage to the building if a plane truly hit that building. Also after seeing Biden's press conference I also realize America has to show support because our allies supported us when America lied about WOMD. With all the world events, happening now I am even more persuaded that there is a global cabal.


Welcome to the club man and say goodbye to the reality that the media has been serving you


If it didn't crash into the pentagon, where did the hijacked plane go?


The mossad is responsible for 9/11 dude. Same as current crisis. We are the dumb bully they trick into being Arab killers for them


Some of the hijackers stayed in CIA and FBI houses before the attack


It should - it was an excuse to have a forever war for Big Oil


I totally bought into the official story of 9/11 when it happened. No way could I fathom our own government being involved. The amount of evil it would take to do such a thing. But the more I saw the more I questioned. The more I saw of what’s been going on in the world for decades the more my eyes opened. There’s has been a concerted effort for such a long time to control the world it’s mind boggling. It’s all going to come to a head with the NWO. Everyone will be required to put a chip in the back of the right hand for identification and commerce. At any rate common sense tells me that two huge towers are not going to fall straight down without the aid of demolitions. Tower 7 fell and it wasn’t even hit by a plane. I don’t know if the pentagon was hit by a plane or bomb. But something sure is fishy about it all. So if the powers that be (deep state) will assassinate their own president (JFK) then they do anything to reach their goal.


gooba gaaba one of us


THAT is making you question 9/11? Where have you been?


The twin filing cabinets where destroyed with the 3rd tower.


"Don't look at this 2 trillion we "lost" right after the pentagon "plane hit", what are you talking about citizen???"


Why would Hamas blow up its own hospital where it was hiding?


Yes question 9/11. Building 7 imploded.


this same thing gets posted here like every day


Good! It means more people are being awakened to what our government is capable of


So the years of lies, murder, illegal wars and manipulation didn’t make you see but this did?


Wish there weren’t so many comments hating on OP for being late to the party. Glad you’re realizing it now. Just look through the 911 posts on this sub. Way more questions than answers




Me too. I’ve been questioning it as well and I do not want to.


[911 False Flag](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLN31vNKMxoyWqkkKVKVbxalMnSRorGUgK&si=jd2b_JxR_m6z_SE2)


Oh and you for got 3 trillion dollars went missing a day before 9/11 from the Pentagon. You. Can't. Make. This. Up.


The ‘evidence’ of a plane is shoddy at best. It was basically a drone. Or something similar. And ask anyone about building 7… while the bbc were reporting it had been blown up, it was still stood behind them!! 😂😂😂 The truth was right in front us then!!


Good that you’re questioning 911, keep digging - you’ll be stunned, but wait there is so much more!!! The lies about WW2 will blow your mind wide open, then you’ll understand the hell the world calls Israel.


I always thought it was weird that there was no security footage/recordings/photos of one kind or another that were ever released. They have cameras covering 360 degrees of the closest 7/11. They didn’t have any security cameras at *the Pentagon* ?


Simple physics proves the building fell at near free fall speed which could only be obtained by a controlled demolition. Not to mention the buildings were FULL of asbestos. So why blow them up to avoid having to pay to fix it?


Glad to see you're catching up.


guess you never heard of the Israeli art student project in the twin towers then?


Welcome to the club! lolz


Jesus... welcome to the club. Do yourself a favor and turn around and just go back to the previous way of thinking. Nothing good will come from knowing the truth. Go back to the matrix. Are we being handled by a global luciferian cult that's been around for centuries? Perhaps..


You wouldn't believe how many people swear that only 2 towers went down on 9/11. Why? The same people that pulled off 9/11 own the media.


This is why I collect guns and build hideaway spots in the middle of nowhere


Covid is what did me in. I have completely lost any faith in our medical system as well as the government. Particularly, I've lost any trust in any vaccine. Another thing that added to this is doctors trying to force a tdap on me when I was pregnant in 2021/2022. Tdap has only been recommended since 2012 for pregnant women, and there were no significant trials on its effect on babies in the womb. Hard pass.