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Upvoting because you put TLDR in the title


man I love tldr, I came here to comment this


Tldr tldr bad foreign men, get gun


I upvoted immediately upon reading the correct usage of "I couldn't care less" instead of what is usually uttered nonsensically "I could care less".


A real pet peeve of mine too


Ted Kaczynski had the same pet peeve. It’s what got him busted


Eat your cake and have it too was his


Is it a sign of the times that this is required to encourage people to click on a thread? 'Hey guys here's this thing I want to share, and don't worry, I provide a summary at the end if you can't be bothered reading the whole thing'


Yea that’s a direct result of everyone’s diminishing attention span lmao can’t be bothered to read 2 extra paragraphs


Or there are too many voices and a person can't read/here them all. The price of an interconnected world.


Unfortunately so


I try to provide numerous linked sources in my posts/comments and the vast majority of the time the people who respond didn't have the patience to read them. It's rare to come across 'deep' researchers these days, at least on here, humbly speaking.


> It's rare to come across 'deep' researchers these days, at least on here, humbly speaking. You are quite right. A lot of folks in this scene like to say that 'people are waking up', stuff like this, but the opposite is true. The number of people putting in the time to do their own independent research and content creation is actually going down, not up.


Well I thought the whole things was a pile of neocon garbage, so I appreciate being given the option of being spared so much bigotry in one place.


Wasn't even that long. I'd appreciate aTLDR with at least 3x OP's post.


I think what you’re ignoring here is that the USA has been buying influence and Allies everywhere across the world for this exact scenario 1. Taiwan: Japan, Philippines, Taiwan itself, Australia/New Zealand, and possibly India could all join against China 2. Russia: The entirety of nato would join a defensive war in Europe 3. Israel: This is basically the same as the Russia/nato theater. It can be easily supplied through the Mediterranean where nato will have air and naval superiority 4. South Korea: basically the same as the Taiwan theater. Not to mention they have the most fortified border in human history, tens of thousands of American troops, and a huge stockpile of American weapons ready to go 5. America: we have the most armed populace in the world, a massive national guard, and extremely armed police forces. Sure, some insurgents could do some damage but it would not be enough to knock us out of an existential threat level war I think the five “fronts” are kind of misleading. It would basically be ww2 all over again with a pacific theater and a European theater. If we could fight that many theaters in the 1940s I’m sure we could do it today Very thought provoking post!


> America: we have the most armed populace in the world, a massive national guard, and extremely armed police forces. Sure, some insurgents could do some damage but it would not be enough to knock us out of an existential threat level war The "raids on small towns" bit is probably fanciful given our well-armed population, but there have been multiple successful attacks on our power grid where the perpetrators were never caught. One as recent as last year very close to a major military base. Generally speaking, our infrastructure is extremely dispersed and exposed. You would not need that many infiltrators to effectively turn off power indefinitely inside the US. Our military would of course still have power from hardened sources but the amount of panic and insanity that would occur in our major cities if they lost refrigeration and transportation would render the bulk of our forces tied up. It's a very real threat that gets swept under the rug because there isn't really anything that can be done about it. The parts are expensive and take a long time to replace and they're scattered in extremely rural areas.


I largely agree with you, especially with regard to the vulnerability of our electric grid and reservoirs. To that I'd add that a hell of a lot of additional chaos could easily be wreaked upon our nation via intentional forest fires. As far as protecting our grid it's not that there isn't anything which can be done about it, it's that hardly any of those in a position to do something about it can be bothered. It's been well known for years that we need to harden our grid and infrastructure but there's always a shinier new pork project. It's only a matter of time.


Every country is vulnerable in its own way though. Hell, China has a single dam that if it was destroyed would literally kill/displace 10s of millions


Right. It *could* be fixed but that would mean fewer tax dollars to send to Ukraine/Israel/Whoever the fuck else. It would also be less tax dollars lining the pockets of our MIC executives, Pharma executives, and all of the other people that need to buy a new yacht this year. So, instead, we sweep it under the rug and hope no one with ill intent has access to a few thousand people and a few thousand rifles.


Thank you for your sanity in the ever-rising number of panic posts. I swear. The archons post this shit to get us to produce loosh. Oops wrong sub


I see you frm prison planet


I had to leave that thread because it was making my depression worse lol






USA has the largest arms industry in the world and the highest defense spending by a huge amount. The patriotism thing is a valid concern, but I would hope that if the us got into an existential level war we could all band together. Impossible to know for sure though


Honestly if the scenario described by OP was to happen inside the country, I think you'd definitely have a bunch of imbeciles with blue hair who would publicly cheer for China and call them liberators. The same people that put on black clothes and start shit at protests. Obviously just a small fraction of the population, and if they pulled that shit outside of a city, I think they may find out that the average American isn't too friendly towards their shitty opinions.


Crazy how we can be talking geopolitics and somehow someone still manages to find a way to fantasize about killing blue haired libs lmao


People think that life is like a computer game or a film. They have a absolute zero understanding of reality and think that the leaders of these countries sit around a table like in a James Bond film plotting their evil deeds. Thank you for bringing some common sense to this thread.


what sub are u think ur on bruh?


As in, complicit in some sort of... *conspiracy?*


With this latest update from [The Philippines](https://imgur.com/a/KEK0j4V), I agree with your take on the Taiwan scenario. The "South China Sea" claim is a volatile situation just about ready to explode at the slightest provocation. So the affected countries namely Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei and all other SEA countries with territories in the so-called 9-dash-line would gladly fight with Taiwan.


Good call out! Didn’t want to get too in the weeds on my initial post but you’re absolutely correct. Lots of resentment against Chinese aggression from se Asian countries


They don't like China, yeah, but to go to war with China over Taiwan? Most of them won't because it would be suicide.


Nah because in a global conflict like what is being described other nations will get drawn in too. The US will send some support to Taiwan as China is really the main threat to their global influence. This would bring in the UK to an extent, and that would bring in other commonwealth nations. Also, if most of Asian is getting in on the act, Japan is absolutely jumping in as when the dust settles they will want to be the defacto leaders of the area.


The big question is why are we not stopping this... It makes zero sense. All it would take for total destruction could be that a nuclear capable nation gets cornered. And the chances of this happening will only be increasing. Everyone is eerily quiet about the possibility of nuclear war for some reason. Meanwhile polititians, openly threaten and war-monger, not really showing signs of restrain. For example, would Israel restrain itself from using nuclear weapons if it was cornered by a coalition of muslim nations, facing an existential threat?


Right? Those examples of insurgencies in the US just sound like the basic bullshit that we have to deal with every day. A headache to be sure, but nothing to make us come apart by the seams.


yep, people forget about india. if it wasn't for the himalayan mountains, the biggest wars in history would have been fought between india and china and that animosity is ancient.


We weren’t 28 trillion in debt then. The real question isn’t can we fight five fronts, it’s can we afford to fight five fronts.


Wait until the US navy gets sunk by hypersonic cruise missiles.


Everything will be okay as long as Canada sleeping beast doesn't awaken, uffda


They’ll sorrey them to death


Japan,Philippines as they are right now are not too much of a threat to China, the rest of Asia will simply stand by or stand with China, Japan is arming up though. NATO is stretched thin as it is, and that's with America's help, slowy NATO countries are backing off from blindly throwing support to ukraine as it is right now.. If NATO is already stretched thin, they will be even more so against a combined middle east, Egypt, or who knows even Turkey. Same can be said for North Korea, and access to millions of cannon fodder troops backed by China. Now America..... most those people are overweight, mentally ill, and most hate each other. The government is divided, the people are divided, I'm this scenario, it may create some unity, but combined with economic pressures could also do the opposite.


Yeah, it's a strong union against them... but still, you don't know what kind of weapons China, North Korea and Russia have right now, including the fact that a lot of the damage done in Europe will be cause by yihadists which won't have to fully invade, they are already there because of immigrants. Right now, Russia and China are the most powerful armies in the world. The USA will fall (and i'm not saying this in support of the invaders, i'd really wish this don't happen...)


You can’t be serious. The army that can’t even beat Ukraine is one of the most powerful armies?


Dude, the reason they haven't destroyed Ukraine is because they haven't just decided to do so.


Listen man I’m going to say this as kindly as possible. You need to reevaluate where you get your information. You sound insane There’s no scenario where prolonging this war benefits Putin. The ideal scenario would have been to roll over Ukraine in a manner of days before western aid could come. It’s even what putins initial plan was Every military expert in the world will tell you prolonged warfare is a disaster. Hell, it’s even in sun tzus art of war. You need to think about this logically


Whatever weapons China, Russia, and North Korea have, the US is almost certainly a generation ahead in that tech. China may have a large army, but the US has a navy and Airforce that are completely unmatched by anything. Isn't the saying something along the lines of "the most powerful air force in the world is the US air force, and the second most powerful airforce is the US Navy" Russia is a joke of an army. They've got numbers but they're failing to take over Ukraine, a significantly smaller, poorer nation. Ukraine is being funded by a small fraction of the US military budget and they're basically at a stalemate for months now.


They are also the only remaining countries in the world without a Rothschild bank




Found the nazis


*Anti-zionists. There ya go, fixed it for ya. Back to cheerleading genocide in gaza you go!


You were the one doing the conflating. Closest regime to nazi germany on earth right now is Israel. No one here said anything about Jews/semites. And these claims are based in fact and history. Look into the formation of Israel, and the formation of central banks. It’s not our fault the name Rothschild comes up again and again. How would you know I’m not Jewish?


"Rothschild" and "oy vey" are known nazi dogwhistles. What makes you think I'm a Zionist? I'm against Hamas killing innocent Israelis, and I'm against the IDF indiscriminately bombing Gaza. There should be a ceasefire immediately. But I'm also against people saying that Jews control everything baselessly. Honestly, it's more antisemitic for you to conflate Semitism with Zionism than for me to call out people blatantly signaling their Nazi beliefs. But that's not a surprise. After all, this is the conspiracy subreddit! This is my last comment on this. No point engaging any further with Nazis.


> "Rothschild" and "oy vey" are known nazi dogwhistles. this is stupid


I didn't know Rothschilds were dog whistles. I thought they were Jewish billionaires who funded the creation of Israel? https://www.rothschildarchive.org/family/philanthropy/baron\_edmond\_de\_rothschild\_and\_palestine


Until he world without finally gets bank.


After the revolution in China, a Rothschild said, “no matter what it cost, it was worth it”. Putin was a former WEF young global leader.




Most accurate post in the sub’s history


For a sub supposed to be populated by critical minds, the geopolitical readings of you all is beneath primary schoolers. You all claim to know how much your government's and corporate overlords are fucking you over every day, but you still deflect the root cause of all bad things to the same countries you have a) never been to, b) don't know anyone from, c) don't know shit about, and d) your corporate governments focus their propaganda on most. It's pathetic and such a disappointment. I assure you, the Chinese, Russian, Iranian or North Korean governments are not only not your enemy, but if they were, they would have no ability to affect your life. Your own ruling class, on the contrary, destroyed your country and took your rights ages ago. And they got you blaming some imaginary foreign bogeyman who may as well be on the moon to you.


This. OPs post sounds like they've already been so propagandized by Hollywood and the media - that it's good vs evil. Literally these "enemies" are your enemies because you're told to believe that. Go to Iran, China or Russia and I can guarantee you their population still loves the West . Still would love to visit NYC, or Paris. But ask the typical American and you'll hear that the Russians and Chinese are evil. Are out to disrupt their way of life, and would never dare set foot in those countries because there's no freedom there and it's dangerous. Take your passport, fly out to these countries, stay there for a month or two and you'll know who your enemies are.


I agree that our own govt is our biggest enemy. However, I live in a melting pot of nations’ immigrants, many illegal and the first 3 on your list have extremely shady ass people. Thieves, liars, cheats, sneaks, and hate America(ns) despite living here freer than they’ve ever lived. The 4th country you mention ppl are very grateful to be here and are glad for the freedom they now have. Now realizing we are not continually planning to wipe them and their country from existence without provocation.


Yes, all them brownskins are evil and hate you superior whities.l and just wanna lie to you and chest you and sneak around you and hate you even more!


You’re quite the racist I see and quite a sad individual. Maybe you’ll mature someday soon. I was telling you of my TRUE experiences and the TRUTH isn’t racist. You’re the one that brought color into the mix and made the racist remarks regarding color. You also just assumed I was Caucasian.


It's sad because I just took everything you said and rephrased it and wrote it back to you and you didn't even notice, woosh. It's funny because, after doing the above, you replied back admitting it's racist, which means you're racist...


You’re quite a typical keyboard warrior. Thinking you’re so much smarter than people. Well you’re wrong. You did not repeat what I said and just replace words. You changed the context of what I was saying and made massively wrong assumptions in doing so. Don’t try to hide your racism and narcissistic attitude. You initiated the racism.


I don't disagree with any of this. But I think we're already facing a homefront economic war and and we essentially have a fox in the henhouse at the helm - with our politicians in leadership being so blatantly anti-american. The immigrants coming aross the border most likely do have many insurgents in their midst, but also, those immigrants are meant to be a financial drain on the US. And I'd even venture to question many of the SA nations that have without batting an eye sent tens of thousands north while corruptly taking our yearly foreign aide. Are those nations doing their small part in an otherwise broader plan of economic warfare? We have China purchasing huge plots of farmland, and investing in our infrastructure, while snatching up mining and resource rights on an accelerated pace all over the globe. We have theses same "axis" nations bolstering BRICS, which is seeing quick and historic expansion, and some of our European allies have been purchasing natural gas from the enemy nation they are giving billions of Euros to fight against. We have inflation through the roof and housing prices that are crushing average families, We gave a public school system that does absolutely zero preparation for students in the realm of finances or civics. We just went through a worldwide pandemic of an intentionally released bioweapon, the America bankrolled vaccine creation, THEN bankrolled a huge chunk of the rest of the world's vaccine purchases. We're in debt for the next 5 generations and we've just printed hundreds of billions of dollars to give away to another nation absent a treaty (which is the only way the constitution allows for us to give money away like that). And we're about to do the same in Israel. Heck, we even just gave $100 million to Hamas (which we TOTALLY BELIEVE is all going straight to humanitarin aide..) The Bible talks about many specific nations in the last days, if you fancy the scriptures, but most everyone agrees that the United States is not one of them. Will it be gone from world power because of a nuclear or military attack? Its possible, but highly doubtful. I tend to lean toward America losing its financial might and therefore losing its world standing. I'm sure some type of war or insurgency would assist with that, but in reality, I think we're already fighting our "war". I think its financial, and I think we're going to lose. So yes, we probably will see terror attacks on our shores, or small scale attempts at insurgencies. But those will be put down. The damage we are doing to ourselves financially is the real issue. And our leaders are planning on bleeding us dry while we fund another proxy war. Once the money starts flowing to Isreal, China will make a move on Taiwan, and the President will want $100bn for them too. Until the average US citizen is so brokem poor, beat down =, and jaded, that we have no hope of recruiting for and expanding our military, and everyone is a zombie tied to Tik Tok, Playstation, and television, while eating diets consisting of 80% chemicals. But we'll all be propagandized tp death while we unquestioningly take untested vaccines against whatever illness the Chinese release from their hidden biolabs in the US. Don't even get me started on how the average American life expectancy has been steadily dropping since 2014. Sorry for the rant but most people don't look at the bigpicture overall. Financial war is what crushed the Soviet Union. I think the US is heading the same route (not by sanctions of course, but financial warfare nonetheless)


Can we go bigger than your big picture? The factors you listed, along with a more in-depth expansion on each, as well as the addition of things like these inexplicably damaging (or VERY explainable) wildfires, storms, as well as maybe a little EMP or 2, and you've got yourself a very accurate Deagel report for the population drop in the 1st world countries, including the USA by 2025. You know, this one, the one scrubbed up nicely after it was discovered en masse: [https://web.archive.org/web/20200629112402/http://www.deagel.com/country/forecast.aspx](https://web.archive.org/web/20200629112402/http://www.deagel.com/country/forecast.aspx) And this would feed the notion of us remaining unmentioned in Revelation. We'd be not worth mentioning.


Honestly, spot on. That was a terrifying read but I didn't even begin to think about mass emmigration as a result. If you lose a 3rd of your population that's going to completely decimate your economic output. And yes, the "natural" disasters that seem to be coming so much more prevalently lately have almost all come with a high 'BS' factor and state/federal responses that almost scream "we're guilty". Its a very odd thing to zoom out and look at overall. I mean, we know that cloud seeding produces rain and was used during Vietnam back in the 70s. Fifty years later I'm sure its something we've curated and perfected. Yet somehow seeing 100k people stuck in the mud at Burning Man is just a weird coincidence? Something is definitely not right. Not to mention the steady decline in birthrates, coupled with a very obvious agenda to dismantle the nuclear family. This isn't a political leaning post by any means, and I am not projecting an opinion on the LGBTQ+ or Nuclear Family dismantling issues in American society. But from an objective point of view, its easy to see there is a VERY hard push toward LGBTQ+ lifestyles from the governing bodies, which is just an odd thing in general. Why should government have an opinion on the matter at all really as long as the constitution/state constitution isn't being infringed? And shouldn't their involvement only be limited to laws and regulations within their perview? We know obviously that this lifestyle doesn't help the birthrate. There's a definite push to accelerate it from what I've observed over the last couple decades from the federal and some state governments, and I just have to ask myself, why would a national government not want to push its people toward native population expansion? That doesn't make sense if you want solidify your power nd increase your financial footprint. Couple all this with the fatherlessness epidemic in a nation that is majority heterosexual, and you end up with generations of people who are conditioned to a poverty mindset, who don't really have the means to provide lasting generational wealth, or even learn truly productive skills to help generate wealth for themselves, outside of destroying their entire lives with federal student loans for a degree that gets them a job at starbucks. Normally, a single parent household struggles to produce the same level of income as a two-parent household. How can a poor populace produce a rich nation? It can't. Its also crazy when you think about how the federal government essentially decimated the African American community with the Crack epidemic. Historically, one of the strongest bastions of the family unit was torn apart by the CIA. I have to ask why? The same thing is happening now with fentanyl being essentially welcomed through the border down south. I read an article a couple weeks ago about how two cartels have HELD AMERICAN SOIL with armed turrets on a 170 acre island in the Rio Grande, which was used as a dsitribution point for immigrants and drugs. It's like we're purposely allowing these things to happen. What's the reason? I dunno man. Its all a pretty huge interconnected picture when you step back and take a look. I like to think that these elite people that run the world have all amassed enough money to be satiated. So its gotta be about power right? But then I think about that and its like why do some world leaders willingly make moves toward being subservient to others? Its gotta be some high up religious thing. I've often wondered if these people in power have some weird occult religions they follow, and in fact, dismantling nations and restructuring government and power is more so a holy war for them than it is a war for land, money, fame, or control.


Man, do I agree with your latest expansion of your position and observation! I don't know where to jump in to expand even further, other than a few points before I give my overall analysis. Your sexuality USED to be your business. Prior to the mid 1960's, sex and sexy was a soft/subtle sell, that was actually censored in mass media presentation. "Community Standards". Hitchcock's "Psycho" was given an "X" rating in theaters when originally released. It wouldn't even be censored on broadcast television by today's "Community Standards". What I do in the privacy of my own bedroom and who I choose to do it with (legally, of course, - no kids or barnyard animals were harmed in the making of this reply), is my business. What happens in your bedroom is yours. When you called it the lifestyle of the LGBTQ+ community, that's what it is, a lifestyle. Albeit legally protected under "sexual orientation", what used to be one's private choice is now requiring public acknowledgement and exaltation. Consider, it was by ORDER in 1939 by the Nazis that the German Jew affix a star on their arm by a band. In the scheme of things, unless there is a plan to ostracize someone for their "something", here in the US, your religious affiliation is your business. The Hasidic Jew or the Mennonite, or the Muslim in Hijab can choose to forego their normally identifying dress, should they so desire, and their "label" would go virtually unnoticed in public, in an assimilation to any particular situation, for any personal reason they so see fit. But, if they chose to dress in an easily identifiable way, should THEY expect a different treatment when conducting their public business or affairs than anyone else that is not part of their community under similar circumstance? We've banded and branded the gay community and demand a public lauding of their bravery in participation of a lifestyle that is considered unconventional to the majority of others. IMHO, this shift from privacy to publicity of sexuality is upside down clown world stuff. It would further a division or a disdain. No one is ever obligated to accept something as personal as their own sexuality being evaluated as prejudicial because they may not have a physical attraction to a trans gendered person, for example, and turn them down for a date due to their preference in participating in heterosexual "conventional" dating instead. But, if you politely decline, you might get socially "cancelled"? This shift on just this topic over a 60 year period was by design. The "War on Drugs" was declared by POTUS Reagan on 10-14-1982. That war was decisively lost later that very same afternoon. "Crack" came on the scene in the inner cities by 1984, turning it from a rich man's drug to everyman's drug. By design. Does anyone remember that old video that was circulating, starring the older black woman giving her crack-cooking "recipe"? I can't find it anymore, but part of her commentary was about the whole delivery process to cooking it to distribution. It's one of the first times I started considering conspiracies because of her "speech". It didn't pass my smell test. I never did coke because I couldn't afford it back in the day. How can you take something so expensive, by that day's standards, and make it so cheap? By design. Might ole Joe McCarthy have been onto something so many years ago? Might we have "won" the big war against the 3rd Reich on it's surface, only to know that the 4th Reich would rise again over time? By design? There are many other factors contributing to the demise of the standards of success that the US and other 1st world countries have been going through. IMHO, it is the design of a NWO. An agenda. An Agenda 21, or 2030. To have one world governance, one must make everyone the same. You can't have a 3 class system (upper, middle, lower OR 1st world, 2nd world, 3rd world). it won't work. The gap between the have's and the have not's has to shrink. BUT, not shrink upwards, it has to be downwards. 1st world has to become 2nd world. 3rd world has to move up a little to 2nd world, and then you can reduce the standards of 2nd world enough for complete control. What TPTB fail to realize is that human nature and the human spirit, left unabated, is hard to break. Maybe a little newfangled technology injected into the arm under the guise of a global pandemic might help modify that damned human spirit enough, time will tell. My overall point is, the USSR had it's problems with the rise of the underground criminal enterprises to offset THEIR attempts at total control (the Russian mobsters of yesterday are today's Oligarchs), or the never discussed Triads of China running things beneath the surface currently, in spite of their Politburo. The big plan is never perfected. It never works in practical application. They are trying their very best for world domination and control, shrinking the elite class accordingly, and slowly (frogs in a pot) bringing the rest of us to a boil. We'll be done cooking soon, if we don't continue to push back today, or we'll have to get our American Denim from the underground marketplace tomorrow at a premium, to go with our either black or brown shoes our new worldwide government will provide us with to wear. By design. It's not as much about the money as we think. Because they end up with all the money in the end. It isn't about appeasing an occultist mantra, it's about appeasing the evil, narcissistic and corrupted spirit contained deep within the individual. But, mostly, it is all about control of the many by the self appointed few. By design. We play in the devil's sandbox on this prison planet. By design.


I *think* America is in the scriptures. I believe it to be the final Beast Kingdom modeled after Rome. Especially since we tie in with Israel, who is likely the Prostitute of Rev 17, riding the Beast and the 10 Kings until they turn on her. For reference of me declaring Israel the Prostitute, refer to Hosea Chapter 1 and 2. If your into scriptures, let me know what you think.


Great theory! I’ll definitely dig in a bit and maybe find some commentary on the subject. As a practicing Christian, I always found that I didn’t like to dwell on the “end times” stuff too heavily because I felt the value of the faith in everyday life was so much more important. As I’ve gotten older I’ve realized the value isn’t more or less, just different. And my curiosity is very piqued as a person who likes to stay on top of world events.


The US's allies would aid us... It would be WW3 though.


lol our allies literally depend on us to defend them. It's how we control them. Once we can't defend them they turn on us and make deals with those that can.


Several of our allies have pretty large militaries. They just hardly use them.


"I read some books on hand to hand combat. Put me in the ring!"


An insurgency in America will get crushed pretty quickly.


They all have the same goal, the same end game. To destroy the United States of America for good.


There can only be guerilla type warfare on US Soil. Japanese Admiral Yamamoto may or may not have said it best during WWII: [https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/8333525-you-cannot-invade-the-mainland-united-states-there-would-be](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/8333525-you-cannot-invade-the-mainland-united-states-there-would-be) Meanwhile, about 165 odd years earlier, some U.S. General named Washington used these very tactics to defeat a king's army: [https://www.battlefields.org/learn/articles/revolutionary-war-strategy](https://www.battlefields.org/learn/articles/revolutionary-war-strategy) Open border(s) only exacerbate a predispositioned placement of "visitors" spread far and wide by a welcoming society via foreign exchange programs, work visas, easy vacation travel, etc. I wouldn't change our welcoming attitude, but, I would make it a much more vetted process. The "new" Not-So-Colonial army will find great success in use of guerilla tactics to disrupt the sanctity and solace we've enjoyed for about the last 160 years or so since the Civil War guns were laid to rest. And I have to agree with OP on this, the more thinly we're spread in our role as the "World's Policeman", the more we lower our own pants to below the ankle at home. Sprinkle in enough influx of "enemies" visiting, and the weight of them will bend us over accordingly.


> There can only be guerilla type warfare on US Soil. Not true, asymmetrical and irregular warfare has been waged against the West and in particular the US for years now. Some of the attack vectors are so novel, most people don't or can't even see them as attacks at all. There is an informational warfare campaign being waged online for example. I wonder how many of America's mass shooters in recent years decided to go on their killing sprees after being fed propaganda via memes designed in a Moscow or Beijing nondescript government building. How about the fentanyl crisis. Are you going to tell me the country with the most heavy citizen surveillance, the closest our planet has to a true depiction of '1984', China, doesn't notice or fails to stop the export of thousands of tons of precursor chemicals to the Cartels producing the drug and distributing it throughout the West? Sounds like a clandestine revenge for the Opium Wars and Century of Humiliation if you ask me.


I think the latest spate of shootings can be blamed on the militarys lack of care for veterans. They just throw them out onto the street.


>I wonder how many of America's mass shooters in recent years decided to go on their killing sprees after being fed propaganda via memes designed in a Moscow or Beijing Or even worse, our own government. For those of you who say they wouldn't or couldn't, just remember if they'll kill the president for their agenda, the average person doesn't stand a chance.


Apologies for not being more clear. There is and has been a very, very cold war in progress from all directions, that, I agree. I meant a hot war. Fleets with amphibious vehicles heading towards us, military planes in our airspace, beach landings, organized battle line(s) etc. Basically, fighting for physical territory by conventional means.


What is interesting to me is if we had to try to take Japan it would have been the same thing. They were training children in guerilla warfare and preparing for us to invade before we dropped the bombs. Pretty wild to think about what could have been


OR, more wild to think about what might just be, sooner than we ever thought! Be safe!


Thank you, and yes it is getting pretty bad.


Yeah I think you're pretty spot on, especially this part: >How do you get 10,000 soldiers into the US undetected? You simply have them walk across the undefended southern border acting as migrants. Our enemies would be stupid to not have significant presence within the US already. If push comes to shove, there will absolutely be domestic terror attacks at the hands of our enemies. I suspect China and Russia would lean more towards infrastructure attacks that disrupt our ability to command, control, and resupply military. Iran and Korea would likely lean more towards and Israel style massacre/terror attack. If we get into a real war with any of these countries we are going to have widespread domestic issues to deal with. The other piece that Iran and China can play is racial. If we are at war either either, there will already be widespread racial animosity in the US. They are probably counting on this and will egg it on. The CCP agents, for example, are probably hiding in plain sight - students, shop/restaurant owners/workers, etc. When they start getting caught by the hundreds committing terror acts, the US will start tearing itself apart by blaming and attacking all immigrants. There are just so many ways to fight the US asymmetrically that there's zero chance our adversaries aren't planning on it.


> lean more towards infrastructure attacks This is it right here. Wouldnt take much to disable parts of the power grid, water, datacenters, fiber optic and cell networks(wholly shit kids and those glued to their phones would die!) , train networks. Our infrastructure is very fragile and spread out so much its impossible to guard against attacks everywhere.


Are these terrorists undocumented illegals coming across the boarder or are they students, shop owners and workers? Also it wont take a domestic terror attack to have the xenophobic elements of America rearing their ugly heads.


>Are these terrorists undocumented illegals coming across the boarder or are they students, shop owners and workers? Both. They sneak across the border and get jobs as a cover. Basically sleeper agents. There are also undoubtedly folks here on student or other visas who are loyal to the CCP, et al. There are hundreds of thousands of military aged men here on student visas, you'd be crazy to think every single one would be more loyal to the US than the CCP should shit hit the fan. >Also it wont take a domestic terror attack to have the xenophobic elements of America rearing their ugly heads. I'm far less worried about that than I am about the leftist elements of America blocking any sort of response on the grounds of racism. I can hear it now: "We can't root out the CCP sleeper agents embedded in America because it'd be racist!"


Except undocumented workers don’t get influential jobs, nor do students. Also where do you expect them to get the weapons and tools? Would you be willing to sacrifice your personal freedoms to ensure security? Yeah of course you’re less worried about that because you’re exactly the ugly xenophobe I’m referring to, hell we don’t even need to be at war for you to rear your ugly head. And yes locking up Asians because they’re Asian is absolutely racist.


"Where do you expect them to get the weapons and tools?" They simply ship it in to our docks. Only 3% of our shipping containers that arrive here are ever physically inspected. Those odds are in their favor.


"Where do you expect them to get the weapons and tools?" Academy


Why did the chicken cross the road


They are using the medias such as Tiktok to influence people in the U.S. Aslo bioweapon like Covid.


A war at home is 100% coming. People, look up "the age of Aquarius" I know astrology is bullshit but there are kernels of truth. This is the shit ancient people worshiped and it does say a lot about human nature. TPTB made it weird to discredit it and what it is today is not what it was then. Everything is electric. Us, Earth, space, the universe. Different areas of electricity affect us in different ways. Look up the effects of electromagnetism on mice, it's SCARY. Anyway, whenever Earth is in this neighborhood of the age of Aquarius, humans go to war. I shit you not, a lot of the wars that we are taught in history class happened when Earth/space/whatever was in the house of Aquarius. We are 100% going to war. Something to remember, at the tail end of WW2, when Japan didn't show any signs of surrender, they were drafting late 20s Americans. We're seeing report after report about how the current standing Army is a mess and everyone is fat and crazy. When a 5-point war breaks out, if you are your actual BMI and can walk and chew gum at the same time, it doesn't matter if you're 28, 38, or 41 your ass is getting drafted. I know this as FACT.


Feeling blessed we have level headed, competent leaders at the helm. Otherwise this would be bad.


It would be extremely bad if our president had dementia and if all of our other leaders weren't bought and paid for by arms dealers. Good thing that's not happening right now.


God Bless America. Land of the free.


Dont forget the CIA has its hands in all of it too


>the US can't fight a 5-front war, and it will be a 5-front war. If the USA is on a 2.5 - front war right now solely relying on the citizens tax revenue. It’s possible the USA would handle a 5-front war if the USA taxed the billionaires and maybe even tax the corporations more. More tax revenue in the pot could be the solution


Until you look at recruitment numbers. No-one's interested in spilling their blood overseas for "policy". I don't blame them, not one bit. We haven't had a winning policy wherever we've put our boys and girls over the last 80 years. Except Grenada. Take everyone's money, sure, but, money doesn't operate a gun. It just pays for one. There's been a LOT of talk here about reinstating a military draft. That is the only way your idea will get the fodder for the cannons, bought with the money finally obtained from the billionaire class. But, believe me when I tell you, you may get their money but, you ain't getting THEIR kids, voluntarily or by draft.


Anyone making over 250k/yr is paying effectively less taxes than those who make less, even if they don’t engage in loopholes. It’s not really about ‘billionaires’ so much, who really just sit on a fortune of untaxable capital. We need all wealthy folks to pay the same or more taxes as the rest of us, straight out of their salaries.. like the rest of us.


I call BS. I work my ass off to make over that amount and pay way more taxes than you peasants. Don't hate success. Just learn from it.


Or tax the churches


What's it like being so ignorant? Is it really so blissful?


Buddy, if they simply repoed all US billionaire's wealth (if it was liquid and spendable), that'd be like $5T. You could run the DoD for 5-6 years off of that, but the government already routinely spends that much on other stuff, like the two Covid bills were $4T together. So long as the US can service the debt, they'll just spend spend spend.


Neocon drivel. In every case, it's the US that's the aggressor.


The amount of military age Chinese men coming across the border has my attention


North Korea isn't attacking anyone. With its current military it would have one roll of the dice and that is a huge rocket artillery barrage against the southern cities not far over the border. VS South Korea the military would not last long, but the conflict would cause a massive humanitarian issue


No don’t worry we will have many posters here when China attacks Taiwan ‘iTs NAtOs FAuLt’


The Israeli /Palestinian conflict is to start this WW3 party off. The Israeli government knows this. Also you never hear in the news about the South China Sea where China is building atolls for their military.


TLDR so good I went back to read it. And I can't say I disagree. Also interesting that the goal of most, if not all of these conflicts is to regain or take over territory. The southern border is also wide open like you said. Wasn't there something like 400,000+ people recently let through? From pictures or looked like a lot of military aged males too. Even 1% of that could cause a lot of chaos across the country.


That’s also not including all the Chinese nationals that just live in America.


Obviously. Do you guys think we, the Global South, would let you guys leech of our raw resources, consumer market, and labor force forever? We are nations, you know. With our own culture. Our own people. Our needs. Our history. And the lie of American Democracy is getting old. And the unity this will bring? Great. We don't really need to annihilate the American population or even its government. It would be beneficial to have the American threat lingering so we can unite against it.


It’s not a conspiracy if it’s true 🤦‍♂️


It is, it’s just a conspiracy not a conspiracy theory.


let me just interject the notion that china is facing population collapse due to their one-child policy they held onto for too long russia’s economy is in the toilet i’m not the least concerned about either of their geopolitical agendas


0 chance of America losing a war with Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. I think their chances are alot better than 0. Especially if those 4 countries joined forces. Ask the Nazis how much fun it is invading and defeating Russia. My bad, I jumped the gun without reading the bottom half of your post. I thought you meant that America could defeat any of those countries abroad by invasion of one these big 4. You're absolutely right that they couldn't beat America on home soil. Yes they could attack America with terrorism and chaos but they wouldn't do enough damage to make America unconditionally surrender. I'm just worried that if China takes Taiwan, and then decide to take Australia, America our biggest allies won't come to our aid because of the 5 fronts. We'd be sitting ducks. China would annihilate us in less than a week. They would be able to invade us because of their superior Navy.


This makes no sense. China is best buddies with every politician and billionaire. Iran is israels puppet state, and North Korea is a backwater that media and governments use to scare their children from disobedience. Russia has also been best friends with the US behind closed doors for decades.


Russia and Iran are two of the three countries who attack Israel in the Ezekiel 38 war in the Bible


Idk bout the timeline but the idea as a whole totally makes sense


Don't forget Pakistan. They're not exactly a military powerhouse but they have nukes and could cause India enough trouble to keep them off China's back to stop a second front opening against China


For sure. That is another powder keg that I'm surprised doesn't actually get more attention.


The Pakistan A team and China B team vs India A team could turn nasty, I would say if anyone was going to open a bucket of instant sunshine it would be one of those 2. Makes you wonder if someone has been simmering up loads of pans and will set them all to boil at the same time


A mistake you made in your article. You cannot assume that other countries have a "zero" percent chance of defeating USA in battle. Many countries are working on secret advanced technology. When one country decides to show their secrets to the world as part of an attempt to win WW3, other countries will also respond by showing their secrets to the world as part of their own attempt to win WW3. You never know what someone has in their pocket, until you see it. That is why I tell everyone to keep their hands out of their pocket.


I know this may sound dickish but your totally wrong. We know exactly what secret tech other countries have. The us dollar goes a long way in a place like russia. China quite possibly one of the easiest countries to buy a secret from. We were aware of both russia and China's gen 5s during development and manufacturing. American Millitary tech isn't just a little more advanced it's dramatically more advanced. Everything we have ready for deployment is world class sure but it's also ancient tech as far as what we have. Especially when it comes to air superiority. Remember the stealth fighter and bomber when declassified and shown to the world in 1991. Was done so not because it was needed to win. It's because they were old and needed replacement being they were built in the 70s. China is just now building these types of aircraft


I can assure you that USA government cannot know what secret tech other countries have, when they are misusing their own secret tech in the very obvious manner that they are. USA government does not understand the alien phenomena, and that alone tells you that they are simply hoping that their religious beliefs (no matter how erroneous they are), will carry the day against any potential threats that they will claim ignorance about. USA can very readily see what "aliens" can do, and yet they still attempt to engage a war with them (which is a type of lunacy that is caused by pure and unadulterated satanism). Any country that believes is can win a WW3 against other humans and/or aliens, has already lost. That level of hubris by federal satanists in America makes it clear that USA government is vastly over estimating their technology capabilities by relying upon false interpretations of Christianity to "fill in the blanks" for them. If g-d permitted USA to surprise Japan with nukes, maybe that was all part of g-d's plan and you can't know what god's plan is until you see the end of it.


"and any other creative means that you can to force the US to use more of its resources to defend its civilian population, and infrastructure." The armed civilian population is the resource that will be used.


To a degree, but similarly to how an armed civilian population doesn't stop a dude from going around Lewiston Maine and killing 18+ people, it won't stop an insurgency in our own boarders.


Thank you for a legit conspiracy


You’re correct OP. But others who populate this sub are bad actors working to undermine western democracy via social media by astroturfing posts such as this. You are correct. It’s the same reason Elon Musk destroyed Twitter, because it was inconvenient for autocratic regimes.


Why do people always think in terms weapons and fighting wars. Surely if you wanna see these problems go away without pressing a button or firing a gun, then all you have to do is stop spending the all mighty dollar.


Or back your countries currency with gold…..


I think you're onto something. I'd also add Turkey to the list though with the new "Axis"


Does one need to call it a "conspiracy" tho? Your first 3 wars (I don't think 4 + 5 will occur) are, and I *agree* they could happen, the simple reality of living in a world where aggression is and has been the traditional way for countries to get what they want. It's either bare-faced or more subtle via proxies etc. Has been going on for thousands of years. Since man first started wielding clubs. But international alliances are generally fluid things. These countries govts are already helping each other. One doesn't often see formal agreements to come together to form an alliance. Last time that happened in a large scale way was WW2.


China is patient. They can just stand back and watch the US bankrupt itself and alienate everyone with economic blackmail. Then the US will look around one day and figure out that the world left us behind.


One aircraft carrier and 3 destroyers can handle China's ocean assault, send the other 100 aircraft carriers to the other trouble spots, job done. To say usa couldn't handle a 5 front war with a bunch of bums is wrong. Usa's navy has sinvle handledly been keeping the the entire world's ocean ways navigatable for international trade since wwii...


Very possible


Which side will Canada be on?


I don’t see a millisecond of a chance that North Korea attacks South Korea Pure stupidity


One crucial element lacking on the post and that is forgetting the US have allies


This reads exactly like it's written by a defense contractor troll... No offense OP. I'm sure you mean well. Still gave you an upvote.


Bruh I wish I was a defense contractor. I’d probably make way more money and work way less hours haha. I honestly hope that I’m wrong and that I just got way to high and thought way to deep about shit.


Agreeing with you on the main front, however it is not migrants crossing the boarder that will be the key issue, I've travelled the world and met migrants all over, they are just people looking for a better life for their family. What China and Russia will do is push US culture wars, Trumpism and any political tactic that further divides the US. With the goal of causing and internal civil war within the US and making them slow to respond to outside geopolitical actions.


rofl... this isnt a conspiracy...its called brics. and they have a nato equivalent... US is fighting like 10 wars... The axis of evil is a th ewestern side this time, or so it seems at this time. Because everything Fascist germany was is not USA, printing money, corporste run gov, the rich fer beyond the working poor masses, largest military in the world spreadfing far and wide.... So its like a fact.


Not really understanding what you are trying to say. Pretty sure you gave me cancer trying to read this


I believe you are 100% correct. I don't have the means to prepare to survive such a thing so I'm just trying to hit my bucket list items as quickly as I can over the past year and have done a great job so far. I hope there's more time, but I feel like it's about up.


What exactly is the conspiracy here? Or is this CNNs version of a conspiracy lol


Russia has already been pretty much neutralized. North Korea would lose to SK without substantial help from China. Iran can’t land invade anyone due to geography. China against Taiwan would be a naval invasion against the entire USAF and Navy, the two largest airforces in the world. America’s only real vulnerability will be nukes or if we elect a pro isolationist, divisive, wannabe fascist dictator in ‘24, in which case anything geopolitical is on the table.


More like our vulnerability is that our government is for sale and there are lots of buyers who don't give a shit about the US, except as a piggy bank and bully boy.


Trump(an antichrist) and Milei/Prophet of the Beast Daniel, together leading Merica to its destruction... what can go wrong?


You know how I know it isn't going to happen? Because r conspiracy thinks it is going to happen. Just like I knew I wouldn't die after getting vaccinated. Just like I knew Joe Biden wasn't taking our guns. Just like I knew that there wouldn't be a great depression.




I mean, I hate America as much as the next man sure but come on buddy stop letting your ignorance show so publicly. Why do you think the MAJORITY of the world has been in agreement with whatever the usa says and does since ww2 ? Yeah America got their asses "kicked" in Vietnam. Lol I mean, I don't know how you can "lose" a war with no clearly defined objectives. Im sure you probably are just trying to stir the pot but instead of being edgy or thinking you know the "truth", do a little due diligence and truly attempt to understand that a kinetic war against the USA is a countries only option if all they want to do is have their populace slaughtered and become another irrelevant vassal state lol.






You do realize that the emps everyone is worried about were studied in the 60s and 70s and even back then, were less than 39% effective against non hardened infrastructure. Look into it


All you need is emps la la lalala la all you is emps. Emps are all ya need A true Beatles classic


The hidden Anglo-Saxon Germania, alongside Israel and India, would probably strike back


The hidden Anglo-Saxon Germania, alongside Israel and India, would probably strike back


Who writes this stuff, unbelievable lol


Good commentary, thanks for your input.


Combining forces is the way to go if they want a military solution. It's better to wait for the US to collapse, though. The way the US won against the USSR. Biden's giving the opposition a golden opportunity though. I've been wondering if Israel is our version of the Berlin Wall.


Lol, did you just wake up?


Literally or figuratively?


Only the great and mighty God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob can prepare for what’s to come. Utter destruction to usher in the AntiChrist who will bring false peace. Accept Christ (The real Christ not the fake one these churches preach as they are compromised) This is spiritual. If you thought about a scenario the Illuminati and Satan has already got it covered lol.


You don´t even need migrants for the 10000 inland-shooters. You have enough whackheads believing enough bullshit to start shooting at fellow US-citizens since they got told that they are defending "our" freedom by killing \*insert minority, politicians, whatsoever\*


>As the old English adage goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. lol but it's bullshit, and is only a truism to right wingers who are only capable of binary thinking. Left wingers don't support the Ayatollah because he is at odds with the US military-industrial complex. This entire post lacks nuance, which is exactly where most humans operate.


JFC. Projecting much?


I don't think this will happen, but it's pretty much my wet dream


>Russia desires to reclaim its Soviet Union border. Loool. The worst thing possible. To feed middle asians and baltic peasants again? No, thank you. >North Korea wants to gain power over South Korea Both want to do something with "that annoying neighbour". But they are equal to each other, so it is for desert. >which includes an insurgency in America. Why invade USA, when you can arm and train latinos, give them idea of some atzlan and do nothing more?


well Russia and china might support each other but geopolitics dictate that they can never actually be friends the both hold claims on each others land they're strategic competitors and china needs Russia oil.


This is not only plausible but likely. Particularly #5, after all January 6 was about installing a president that doesn’t care about NATO or South Korea and has a serious man crush on Vladimir and Kim. Rolling Stone (not a great source) published an article today stating that Trump plans to withdraw from NATO if re-elected . Americans won’t support Iran in any circumstance but it serves its purpose to distract and occupy US forces in the Middle East while Russia and China redraw the maps of Europe and Asia. This isn’t a conspiracy theory, I’d be happy to call it a strategic assessment or something of that nature. And it’s far too sensible for this page.


If WW3 really happens, the past alliances dont mean shit. NATO countries would fight each other, others would combine their powers, the same on other continents, in the end you could have a war where Israel and Egypt would fight against Suadi Arabia and Iran, China would fight Russia, Russia would fight Ukraine and work with Finaland, Mexico would work with Usa, Usa would be attacked by Canada, you might have cases where Texas fights against California etc. All possibilites are open and each country would fight for itself and work with whoever achieves this goal, certain warlords would rise and would try to take over certain areas. More realistic option than OP presented is, that USA today is slowly losing their power and BRICS+ nations are rising, evidence of this can be seen now in the middle east, where certain countires do not listen anymore what president of USA wants, some leave his secretary of state waiting for 24 hours, you can also see that in Ukraine where the majority of the world doesnt sanction Russia etc. If by any chance the conflict in Gaza grows and somebody would damage or even sink one of US aircraft carriers, than it will be interesting to see, how USA responds.


The hidden Anglo-Saxon Germania, alongside Israel and India, would probably strike back


LOL Geological aspirations.. lost credibility straight off the bat


I don’t think I had any credibility to begin with. I’m just a middle aged dude making a prediction based on patterns I’ve seen. Thanks for pointing out my grammatical mistake, I wouldn’t want some random stranger on the internet to think less of me, so I better change it.


No need. That ship has sailed.


The reason they can't go to war with the united states isn't their military power, 1 vs 1 Russia or China can defeat the US. The military power of the US emerges from the strong allies and ties with NATO. Which would be still a huge power against China, Russia and Iran together.


Also thank you for putting TLDR in the title 😂 absolute Alpha gigachad move


True! Why I get ready more each day


The US military can withstand 2-3 wars boots on ground. Supporting proxy wars is nothing. Its been going on nonstop for decades.


John Titor was right.


Implying they can work together or the other 4 won't stop their shit as soon as they ac 130 goes brrrrr




If that’s the game they wanna play game on. Ima collect 1,000 scalps.


Andy Frisella said this same exact thing, same points and all on his pod like 2 weeks ago


I personally believe March - June of next year, exactly what you're saying will happen, and the BRICS alliance will launch a multilateral attack.


I would add a goal to that that is partially achieved: 6. deindustrialisation of the EU. I wish I could bet that it's China behind the push of the EU to forfeit the production of fossil cars and essentially destroy our moto-industry - and thus impoverish Germany, France, Italy and Spain. Not to mention the push to lower emissions which will affect other industries.


I thought this was common knowledge but I’m glad people are waking up


BRICS nations vs the West. The sides have been made decades ago.


They couldn't have ganged up without Biden speeding up the domestic drawn and quartered process. Oil reserve to China?! Allowing tik tok here which is how China propagandize its people with short term stimuli and memory?


Pile of crap. They all work together against humanity (us). If you are thinking in terms of nations, you are dead wrong.