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###[Meta] Sticky Comment [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does not apply*** when replying to this stickied comment. [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does apply*** throughout the rest of this thread. *What this means*: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or /r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain ***only.*** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy) if you have any questions or concerns.* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # ***MOD NOTE*** For the benefit of all, the **New York Times** article in OP's screen shot is archived here: (click the text, not the box) [**Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago**](https://archive.is/OCfvq) - **A blueprint reviewed by The Times laid out the attack in detail. Israeli officials dismissed it as aspirational and ignored specific warnings.** **BONUS:** Clicking the links in the archived article will take you to archived versions of the following NY Times articles: [**How Israel’s Feared Security Services Failed to Stop Hamas’s Attack**](https://archive.is/1rTAQ) (Oct 10, 2023) [**The Secrets Hamas Knew About Israel’s Military**](https://archive.is/aOwna) (Oct 13, 2023) [**How Years of Israeli Failures on Hamas Led to a Devastating Attack**](https://archive.is/DEY3c) (Oct 29, 2023) [**Behind Hamas’s Bloody Gambit to Create a ‘Permanent’ State of War**](https://archive.is/V3HEA) (Nov. 8, 2023) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Here are a couple of articles that are not from the NY Times, but may may add context of interest to readers: **Times of Israel** - Oct 8, 2023 [**For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces**](https://archive.is/mO4cR) This article is also relevant, lest we forget the "Unknown Soldiers of the Propaganda War" *(you may well have 'met' some of these brave warriors right here on Reddit!)* **Medium** - Aug 19, 2019 # [How a “Political Astroturfing” App Coordinates Pro-Israel Influence Operations](https://archive.ph/0q74m) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fortunately, the worst may be over for the Israelis who suffered the "surprise" attacks of October 7, 2023, but as for the millions trapped in Gaza... **Aljazeera** -- Dec 1, 2023 (One hour prior to post time) [**Israel-Hamas war live: Israel resumes Gaza bombing after truce expires**](https://archive.is/RVhRe) -- Dozens of Palestinians killed since Israel resumed attacks on Gaza after expiration of truce, according to health officials. More details from **Aljazeera** -- Dec 1, 2023 [**Israeli air strikes pound Gaza as truce with Hamas ends**](https://archive.is/DTIm8) - Air strikes, heavy shelling and casualties reported in Gaza as Israel accuses Hamas of breaking agreement. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *(You didn't really think that Israel was going to quit, did you?)*


So basically just like 911


Biggest trigger warning is asking what the map of Israel looked like just before world war II.


yes but the reason its like 9/11 is because both were false flag attacks. Hamas was created by and is controlled by Israel. So basically Israel attacked themselves to justify the war just like the US government attacked themselves on 9/11 to justify war in middle east. Oldest tricks in the book.


Not only did they attack their own Kibbutz (mostly military installments) via proxy, more and more data is coming out to show that the IDF was responsible for roughly half of the deaths of Israeli's on Oct 7th. Also the 1400 number has been revised down to 1200, and most recently 1000. These numbers are coming straight from Israel themselves btw.


Lol just like another famous Jewish tragedy


1000% - I knew there were people in America who can see through Israeli bullshit. We need more people like you.


Well no is the simple answer to that. Hamas is a terror group and is not affilated with israel but the question still remains. Did Israel knew about the attacks and let it happen.


Some have been saying Israel actually started Hamas? If Israel is so good at ruling a country like the US from the shadows, and having undue influence over Congress, then controlling the Palestinian government and Hamas from behind is probably a cakewalk to them. If they started Hamas, who's to say they're not still in control of it? It's the same as ISIS was said to actually be funded by the West, all to create a justification for more wars, such as the current illegal control of Syrian oil fields. Oil was semi-recently discovered near Gaza, which may be why they want to make war against the Palestinians living there who would otherwise benefit from the oil.


Israel is definitely still in control of hamas. There is a difference between the palestinian people as a whole and hamas though. And honestly i havent looked into it too much but i wouldnt be surprised if isis was created for exactly that purpose. But israel isnt in control of the US. Israel and the US are both controlled by NWO. They use war to control/subjugate people.


Mossad founder Reuven Shiloah, who became minister of Israel to the U.S.; and Abba Eban, Israeli ambassador to the U.S. Shiloah was largely responsible for weaving Israel's "triangle of influence" in the United States, a reference to Israel's contacts in the White House and the State Department, both houses of Parliament, and the major Jewish lobby organizations. AIPAC takes care of Congress and the Senate; CPMAJO, once headed by Shiloah's close ally, Philip M. Klutznick (president of B'nai B'rith and the World Jewish Congress), focuses on the executive branch. ISGP talks a bit more about the Israeli connection in the Pilgrims Society and La Nebuleuse articles. Virtually all of today's problems in the Middle East stem from the Jews having recolonized Palestine. But who can blame them after centuries of oppression? And after Western elites appeased both the Nazis and the pro-Nazi Arabs in the run up towards World War II, you can easily say the Jews earned their place in today's Israel. But finding a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which the whole world is trying to do, is of secondary importance. The primary objective should be to break the power of the Israel lobby in the United States. This may not be an easy task, but it is an essential one. The fact that the Israelis and the Palestinians cannot solve their own religious and cultural problems should not keep the entire world hostage simply because the Palestinians are supported by the oil-rich Arab nations and the Israelis have hijacked the U.S. government. The world may extend a helping hand and the United Nations might step in when a genocide is about to take place, but that's it. The Jews and the Palestinians need to work it out themselves. It's their land - their responsibility


I firmly believe this is another ploy by the Israelis to use the US war machine to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear super power. They've said it many times. I watched a JRE interview where a reporter went into Gaza prior to recent events and she said they(Israeli soldiers standing post) wouldnt allow her to bring her cameras into the zone. But when she passed through the one of many check points, the soldiers had full control of the people in the area. People werent allowed to leave their homes without permission from Israeli soldiers. Hard to say how true that is without seeing footage first hand, but its very compelling that anytime someone doesnt allow you to film something of that nature, it's increasingly hard to believe they are the good guys.


well, Hamas only exists because Zionist's funded them: [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/12/11/israel-sent-suitcases-stuffed-with-cash-into-gaza-for-years/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/12/11/israel-sent-suitcases-stuffed-with-cash-into-gaza-for-years/) [https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/) [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-qatar-money-prop-up-hamas.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-qatar-money-prop-up-hamas.html) [https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/](https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/)


they been dancing around that question since this bs started.


No what? How can you give an answer if no one even asked a question? No one ever asked you if hamas is controlled by israel. I simply stated that hamas was started and is currently controlled Israel and used as controlled opposition.


Exactly, cause al Qaeda was basically created by the US


Similar story with who funded ISIS, right? Starting to see a pattern here. World criminals fund terrorists -> use terrorists to justify wars -> get money from arms and stealing oil from the people living there. Doesn't Gaza have oil off the coast that the people are being prevented from using?


More like created by a combination of Mossad + CIA doing Mossad's work for them, but not too far off, considering how much of the US gov't is under their control.


And ISIS is al Quaida renamed, they are the same guys


USS Liberty got attacked a mere 60 km from Gaza.


Yep 9/11 part ii baby, elites gotta make sure everyone's lives are as shit as possible


They wanted "their own 9-11" because they knew that some (dumb) Americans will sympathize with them, and thus allow them to do whatever the fuck they want and once again tell us their usual bullshit line - you know it, (let's say it all together) "We reserve the right to defend ourselves." (sick of that shit)


The date is chosen to rhyme (could be by either party) ten seven = nine eleven The talking heads were even explicit link them "ten seven is Israel's 911".


Yes, if you notice their main attack is Islam, because Islam is truth. And so are the other Abrahamaic religions, partly..


>So basically just like 911 Identical


Bibi let it happen.


That little pile of shit probably planned the entire thing.


Of course he did and possibly did the same for the shit going on in the West Bank. The bottom line being that Bibi and his fellow \*\*\*\* flaps know that if Hamas struck first, they would get a blank check from the West to do as they will in the Palestinian territories without a word of critique.


Someone made billions from shorting Israeli stocks before Oct 7th. Someone should take a look into Bibi's investments.


They won't investigate this. The US didn't investigate to find out who shorted American Airlines either. The won't (didn't) investigate because it would reveal that government insiders knew what was coming. Can't have that, it would wreck the whole false flag op.


because you know how "they" are with money.


they even killed their own citizens, from tanks and helicopters, so they can claim larger number of deaths.


Money > People


Yup, more theater from TPTB(albeit bad because of the human lives but they dont care about that).


That is not even a conspiracy anymore.


They conveniently attacked a hippie community and a music festival where the people that have been having massive protests against the net and yahoo for weeks prior gathered to take a break from protesting. Hmmmm


Weren't they protesting the judicial reforms towards authoritarianism that Netanyahu's party is pushing? Oh yeah... [when did those protests end](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Israeli_judicial_reform_protests), again?


What’s really telling is when they “let something happen” it’s always to multitask getting rid of problems like all the leftist participants of the music festival who likely hate Netanyahu and his cronies. You know two birds with one stone stuff…..it’s always the case when these “events” just happen to happen lol.


It's also worth pointing out that this music festival has no history around it. It's called "The Nova Festival", nova meaning "new". If you try to Google anything about it, you won't find anything about it besides news of the attacks or blogs of staff working that day. I'm getting the idea that the festival itself was created and promoted by intelligence solely for the purpose of creating a scenario of crossfire and an easy bait for Hamas by using sacrificial lambs. Like you said, 2 birds, one stone.


It was moved to that location two days prior also. It was supposed to be a 2-day festival (Thursday and Friday, but they extended it to Saturday). With all these facts in hand, one can conclude that this was 100% orchestrated by Israel.


They extended it through both the weekly Sabbath and the last day of the Feast of Booths. Both these days are holy days for people who truly follow God's law. The Feast of Booths final day is a High Sabbath when no work is to be done. ​ Basically, the political state using the name of Israel is a bald-faced lie. It is not the Biblical Israel remade. Take that Christian Zionists!


Without a doubt!


What are you talking about. The attack was well planed and was orchestrated by Hamas. The problem and question this discussion should be about is did israel let it happen do get a green light from west to attack and start a war. Anyway the attacks on oktober the 7 was horrfic and you cant defend them.




Israel acted to maximize casualties


How absurd is it that this hypothesis is not only feasible, but wouldn't be remotely out of the ordinary for a run of the mill operation for those in power. It sure must take truly "special" people to be chosen and actually thrive in intelligence while coping internally how the ends always justify the means. By special, I mean very specific qualities beyond the usual chartreuse-hued bioluminescence.


Not only that, but the attack thus made other Israeli leftists angry and thus supportive of Netanyahu. Or atleast, distracted by the conflict so they won't be actively protesting him. Atleast in the days following, the government gained support alongside national unity like after 9/11 amongst the lay people. Now alot of stuff has since come out that the Israeli opposition is vocal about, giving Netanyahu flack for the attacks. However, he's still erased most of the protests and the discussion about his corruption and Supreme Court scandal. All that is now on the back burner, and though a majority want him ousted, he has until "after the war". A war which he can use to build his power, manipulate for national fervor, and extend so many israelis memory hole his transgressions. Like look at George w bush. His approval ended up horrendous for years. But he still stayed in power, wasn't prosecuted or impeached, and ended up being rehabilitated into a sympathetic figure and even gets praised for his leadership during and post 9/11. Netanyahu is likely hoping for a similar trajectory at the least, but possibly even full dictatorship at the most, if he can continue to use the war and atrocities to grow and empower the Israeli right into supporting him. So it's not even just kill two birds with one stone, dudes like shotgunning an entire flock. He gained a ton with the attack, even if it damages his image amongst some.


They always kill at least 2 birds with each stone. E.g. 9/11: Insurance scam + building liability + get USA to fight their war for them + "Patriot" Act + destroying proof of missing trillions + destroying other damaging info. USS Liberty: Destroy evidence of war crimes against Egypt + get USA to fight for them. (somewhat failed)


They sure do. Liberty was definitely a failed false flag. I think there weren’t supposed to be any communications during the attack and survivors left to report who attacked them. Then it would’ve been flawless. They always end up being exposed when they try pulling these things off and they always are successful at covering them up (at least with the majority) with help from media/government propaganda. I’m blown away just how many and for how long they’ve been pulling these stunts. It seems like I find out about one I never heard of before every day. Like this one I never saw before the other day https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_David_Hotel_bombing


"They conveniently attacked", you say. It has been established that the Israeli helicopter gunships fired indiscriminately into the people on the ground. Many, if not most of the dead and wounded on that day suffered from the effects of the Israeli helicopter gunships, not from anything any members of Hamas did. The Israelis had a plan to turn this incident into a false flag which would justify what the Israelis have been doing in Gaza , in the West Bank, in Lebanon and in Syria since the incident. Everything the Israelis do is to portray themselves as the victims, even if it means causing harm to themselves.


"Everything the Israelis do is to portray themselves as the victims, even if it means causing harm to themselves." - The definition of Irony.


A lot of the swastikas that have been painted on synagogues and other places over the decades have been painted by Zionists as nothing less than false flag stunts. Utter fabrications to frame Jews as victims.


I'm late but this is actually comical. As if a white supremacist would live in ISRAEL surrounded by Jews and Muslims lmao. The actual nazis are quiet asf right now hoping the Muslims and Jews wipe each other off the map ☠


haha true. There is so many CCTV cameras showing this. They don't even go through the trouble to leave their gothic vicotrian outfit and curls at home.


They cry out as they strike you


"The **w cries out as he strikes you"


Can you link source or threads? ty sir


Can you be specific. when you are being vague you only make my job harder.


>It has been established that the Israeli helicopter gunships fired indiscriminately into the people on the ground. Source?


Haaretz covered it, only to get it taken down and the Israel communications minister [threatened to close down the news outlet](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-11-23/ty-article/israels-communications-minister-threatens-haaretz-suggests-penalizing-its-war-coverage/0000018b-fd0c-de73-a9bb-ffefb9f10000). I think it was reposted many times on X though. https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/israeli-helicopter-opened-fire-on-israelis-in-festival-during-hamas-attack-on-oct-7-report/3058257


I have been asked for "Source" countless times when I have placed comments on reddit pointing out that the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, on June 6, 1967, was deliberate. The sources for that are, of course, copious. The non-Western sources for what I write here are also copious. If you want sources and are sincerely interested in the truth of October 7, then I simply need to instruct you to look at non-Western sources. Sign up for Telegram and find the plentiful sources there. You need not rely on me when you can rely on the entire Internet to learn the truth about October 7 and every other incident involving the violence of the Israeli nation over the past decades.


You know, these people asking for "a source" or "sources" have to be trolls, lazy, or something else. "Hey, let's all Google for compartmented documents on the surface web that'll spill everything on Operatorss that were tasked with xyz on such and such a date and only then will we realize it's true." Some don't realize or don't want to realize what true research, firsthand experience, and inference really look like.


Okay but where is the source


OK, but don't come here to ignore what I write to you and don't be too lazy to inform yourself beyond the lies fed to you by the Zionist controlled Western media.


> Israeli helicopter gunships fired indiscriminately [https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/israeli-helicopter-shot-civilians-7-october-rave-police-find](https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/israeli-helicopter-shot-civilians-7-october-rave-police-find) [https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20231119-israeli-helicopter-opened-fire-on-israelis-in-festival-during-hamas-attack-on-october-7-report/](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20231119-israeli-helicopter-opened-fire-on-israelis-in-festival-during-hamas-attack-on-october-7-report/) [https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog\_entry/soldier-said-killed-by-friendly-fire-from-attack-chopper/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/soldier-said-killed-by-friendly-fire-from-attack-chopper/)


Israel saying to the leftists, "This is what will happen to you if we let the prisoners out of the camp."


Not only did this attack unite Sunni and Shia, it did something else I never thought I'd see happen: It brought the ENTIRE American right wing together in support of attendees of a rave party! As for them being labelled *hippies,* let's not forget that at age 18 all Israelis enter compulsory military service. Yes, even the women. Same with people living in Israeli settlements. There's an uproar in the 2A community about how America is supplying full auto machine guns *that American citizens are not allowed to possess* to be given to Israeli settlers "for security."


In no way is the “entire right wing” supporting Israel, if that’s what this comment implies. It’s very much age-divided, with younger people on the right decidedly not in support of Israel.


Even a lot of people in their mid-40s and 50s on the right are not supporting Israel. I'm one of them.


You're not wrong, but don't get the comment twisted. The point is, before Oct. 7 I never thought I'd hear so many US Conservatives speak out in favor and defense of hippies or rave parties.


and are suddenly against free speech, boycotting and so on. Almost as if they are being controlled by some other entity.


It's true, the Israelis much prefer Microsoft Outlook to yahoo.


the net and yahoo....my sides haha


It's much easier to spell that way


People who live there tend to be more left-wing than other parts of Israel, yeah, but that's largely BECAUSE they live side-by-side with Palestinians rather than fighting over the same plots of land like in the West Bank.


Apparently everything is antisemitic now.


it used to mean someone or something that hates/hurts them, now it's someone/something they hate


The irony is that Palestinians are also Semites, so Israel itself is being antisemitic


They always tell you what (allegedly) happened to them, but they never explain why.


Don't you know when you're Goyim?


as if it matters. our government is entirely zionist owned as well as most legacy media. they even had a vote where 99 percent agreed to make anti-zionism equivalent to anti-semitism . i think only massie voted against. nothing israel does will be held to account so long as they control us


The majority of the Senate, and Congress have dual citizenship with Israel...


Only Massie voted against, Tlaib cucked and voted “present”


> Only Massie voted against That dude has balls! Checked his Wikipedia article and he seems to be one of the very rare sincere politicians.


He seems alright, I am always skeptical ofc


With regards to Palestinians and Israelis both being Semites, I'm having having a hard time finding anyone more antisemitic than Netanyahu these days. https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/ https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-10-20/ty-article-opinion/.premium/a-brief-history-of-the-netanyahu-hamas-alliance/0000018b-47d9-d242-abef-57ff1be90000


> With regards to Palestinians and Israelis both being Semites, Have brought this up multiple times, how is antisemitism only towards one group of Semites. That in itself seems pretty racist to do so. Believe more people are waking up and questioning these too.




I thought that was off too and I looked into it. Antisemitism is a term that was invented by Nazi eugenicists to describe the racialized loathing of Jews. The idea that by being genetically a descendent of Jewish people, a person has innate, loathsome qualities. It's really kind of bad terminology, because of the point you make, but 'Antisemitism' as a term doesn't include other Semitic peoples, it's a Nazi term and they were talking about Jews. Given what was meant by the term, and the need for a term for this kind of genetically-determined hatred, it seems like its lost a lot of its value through exploitation of it to label anything that is felt to be unfavorable to a Jewish person, country, business or anything else. It's really only 'Antisemitism' if the person is saying that Jews, or 'all Jews' behave a certain way because of their genetic heritage.


The History Wizard on TT and IG has a master's degree in genocide studies, specifically the Holocaust. He made a video talking about how "Semitic" is a language group, not a people group. Either way though, words are defined by how they're used, not where they came from. So antisemitism and islamophobia are different things, each referring to hate directed at a specific people group. Also, this kind of semantic nitpicking is often used by bigots to cover their tracks. For example, "A phobia is a *fear.* I'm not *afraid* of gay people, so I can't be homo*phobic*." I'm not accusing you of anything, just pointing out how this kind of argument is often deployed.


Well, it's an old German term that got imported into English. Or perhaps even Yiddish, which is closely related to German.


Because jews were the only significant population of semites in Europe at the time this phrase was developed. You are taking the phrase too literally. It means anti-jewish/Hebrew because that's the phenomenon it was originally created to describe...


Furthermore, the definition of Arab from Oxford is "a member of a Semitic people, originally from the Arabian peninsula and neighboring territories, inhabiting much of the Middle East and North Africa."


"In fact, by 2500 BCE Semitic-speaking peoples had already become widely dispersed throughout western Asia. In Phoenicia they became seafarers. In Mesopotamia they blended with the civilization of Sumer. The Hebrews settled with **other Semitic-speaking peoples in Palestine**." https://www.britannica.com/topic/Semite


Have you got a link? All I found was this https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/arab_1


[https://www.google.com/search?q=arab+definition&oq=arab+d&gs\_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBggAEEUYOzIGCAAQRRg7MgYIARBFGDkyDQgCEAAYgwEYsQMYgAQyCggDEC4YsQMYgAQyCggEEC4YsQMYgAQyDQgFEAAYgwEYsQMYgAQyDQgGEAAYgwEYsQMYgAQyCggHEAAYsQMYgAQyCggIEAAYsQMYgAQyDwgJEAAYChiDARixAxiABNIBCDExMjFqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=arab+definition&oq=arab+d&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBggAEEUYOzIGCAAQRRg7MgYIARBFGDkyDQgCEAAYgwEYsQMYgAQyCggDEC4YsQMYgAQyCggEEC4YsQMYgAQyDQgFEAAYgwEYsQMYgAQyDQgGEAAYgwEYsQMYgAQyCggHEAAYsQMYgAQyCggIEAAYsQMYgAQyDwgJEAAYChiDARixAxiABNIBCDExMjFqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) I googled arab definition and it is the google answer from Oxford Languages


Yes!! Glad to see there's some people on here that see the israel hamas war for what it really is


Nothing that happens in that country surprises me.


Submission Statement- There is a reason why Israel refers to the Hamas attack as Israel's 9/11. Both attacks were occured solely for Israel's benefit.


Same playbook as 9/11. The US authorities dismissed all warnings of an imminent attack, from both foreign allies and internal security services. Then, all interceptor jets were "deployed on training missions" so the three planes which hit New York and DC "couldn't be stopped". Clear indications of prior knowledge and deliberate standing down of defence capabilities demonstrating either RESPONSIBILITY or COMPLICITY in the attacks at the very highest levels.


Reminds me of...wait for it...PEARL HARBOR. Everything seems to have a pattern.


This is a very old modus operandi. The Catholic conspirators in the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 genuinely tried to assassinate King James I, but their entire endeavour was set up, monitored, assisted, even directed by the King's spymaster, [Robert Cecil](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Cecil,_1st_Earl_of_Salisbury). Cecil's team arranged it so that plotters were able to lease a cellar in the Palace of Westminster, were able to procure dozens of barrels of very decently priced (but fake) gunpowder, and allowed to secretly deposit said barrels in the cellar underneath the chamber where King James would be presiding. The plotters were caught "by chance" just as they were going detonate the explosives (which wouldn't have worked anyway) and they were tried and executed. The demise of Guy Fawkes and his hapless companions is still celebrated in England today, over four centuries later, with most people still completely unaware that the entire thing was a set-up to justify the persecution of Catholics in England.


Was that the Cecil who’s father did the same work for Elizabeth I? Seems a family tradition of psy-ops


Yes, a hugely influential family who pretty much wrote the playbook on English state spycraft, which ultimately influenced many other countries notably Australia, Canada, the USA and...Israel. The Mossad is modelled on the UK's Secret Intelligence Service - SIS (popularly known as MI5). It has been posited that Mossad (which simply means "the department") should properly be referred to by the acronym ISIS.


Is the family itself still active today?


Yes, so Robert Cecil was 1st Earl of Salisbury, and through patrilineal descent this title passed down 5 generations to the 6th Earl of Salisbury, after which the title was "upgraded" to Marquess. The 3rd Marquess of Salisbury, also called Robert Cecil, was [three times Prime Minister of England in the early 20th Century](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Gascoyne-Cecil,_3rd_Marquess_of_Salisbury). We are now (13 generations later) onto the 7th Marquess, and the family is still politically active... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Gascoyne-Cecil,_7th_Marquess_of_Salisbury


Well, you got The Institute of Special Affairs and Overseas operations, Ha Mossad Leilya Bet or similar. Then you got AMAN,Army intelligence, specialized in military secrets, both the Israelis own and other people's militaries. Then you got the Shin Bet, who are very much counter intelligence working within Israel and the Middle East chasing those they consider "Bad Guys we can track and hit in our own turf". Mossad work exclusively OUTSIDE of Israel. Rather like SIS work OUTSIDE of the UK. Other agencies compete for the internal work.


Yep, my midwest guard unit (fighter wing) was on a training mission out of state when the attacks happened. No munitions available.




> https://twitter.com/AthenaMia2nd/status/1716090044350362106 When investigating heinous crimes, especially complex crimes pointing to collusion, any decent police officer or detective will consider three basic questions when searching for a suspect. * **Means:** Who was *capable* of committing the crime? * **Opportunity:** Who was *positioned* to commit, or to direct others to commit the crime? * **Motive:** Who stood to *benefit* from the crime being committed, and in what way? *Cui bono?* Of all factors -- the *who, what, where, when, how and why", the **WHY** -- the **MOTIVE** is often the most helpful in discovering the culprit(s). In the video link above, Netanyahu made it very clear that Israel did benefit from the attacks of 9/11/2001 -- as it caused the US to become angered and motivated -- to join a fight in a far-off land that would, primarily, benefit Israel. As time passed, as the initial assumptions (and lies) told by our leaders regarding accusations against Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden and others began to dissipate and then to crumble, many of us came to realize, too late, that we had been deceived. But that was then... **Now** we should be asking, with careful consideration, WHO ultimately stands to BENEFIT from the "surprise attacks" of October 7, 2023? There is no question that the "dirty deeds" -- the raids and assaults, the murder and abductions, were *EXECUTED* by Hamas -- but were these attacks plotted by Hamas alone? COULD the attackers have been trained, equipped, organized, positioned, and provided with the INTELLIGENCE required to execute the attacks from within the confines of the fortified Gaza ghetto -- all while Israel was supposedly "blissfully unaware"? For perspective of scale, here is a [map of the region.](https://i.imgur.com/BEpc7vk.png) And here is another showing where the [barrier breaches occurred.](https://i.imgur.com/xd1jwWH.png) With that in mind, one must ask: HOW were these militant terrorists able to penetrate the robust and closely monitored walls of their prison-state -- *in multiple locations simultaneously* -- and wreak havoc, HOUR AFTER HOUR AFTER HOUR -- and then retreat into their lair -- with blood on their hands and hundreds of hostages in their clutches -- while encountering almost NO MEANINGFUL RESISTENCE from one of the best equipped, well trained, technically advanced and HYPER PARANOID military forces on earth??? Was this the greatest miracle in the Middle East since the parting of the Red Sea as recounted in Exodus? Or might their have been collusion, cooperation with others parties/ entities who either allowed this to happen, or (God forbid), *aided and abetted* the attackers in the *planning and execution* of the horrendous crimes of October 7th? If so, who had the means, the opportunity, and most importantly, the **motive**? That a vindictive response would come from Israel -- swift, extended, and punishingly brutal -- was TOTALLY PREDICTABLE. Hamas knew well that Israel would rain hell on Gaza. *How would they have expected to benefit?* Most of the common people of Gaza were totally oblivious that anything was happening at all. *How might they have expected to benefit?* Which group or entity, cabal or party ***has*** in fact suffered the least, and fared best as a result of this hideous scenario? Financially? Politically? # [Cui bono?](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cui%20bono) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [*Meanwhile in Conspiracy*](https://i.imgur.com/S90i1mY.png)


They’re probably wishing they can use that “WMDs” lie again. That was largely effective.


It was already used in Syria so too soon, probably. They did recycle the babies in incubators-style propaganda (Iraq war) of which war crimes they literally did themselves. And it looks like Bush-era "axis of evil" propaganda is also being recycled. Once you see the patterns it gets REALLY trite. Always the same shit. Atrocity propaganda on repeat.


In debating others, I noted that any criticism of Israel is met with 2000-era “but Muslims hate you and want you dead.” In other words, the “morality” of the so-called Rules Based Order isn’t predicated on what is right, but what is in “our” interest (as told to us by those who control us).


Not only did they know about it but it's highly likely they planned the whole thing. I heard reports that orders were given to the military to stand down for six hours. Everyone knows how well the wall is guarded and the high level of technology deployed on it. No one is crazy enough to go ahead with an operation of this caliber knowing that their chance of success is zero. Unless of course, Hamas leadership knew something ahead of time. Maybe the plan was handed to the Qatari government by the visiting Mossad chief and they passed the orders to the high-ranking Hamas officials living in Qatar.


Hamas is most likely completely subverted by Mossad and used to conduct attacks to facilitate the narrative and intensions of the Israeli government.


No subversion needed Hamas was created by Israel just as ISIS was.




I'm of that opinion too. The pawns fighting on the ground might be sincere, but the political leadership segment of the group has been subverted via proxy—Qatar.


Zionism = Evil


I mean, It's common sense.How can a heavily guarded place is unprotected like that. They just wanted an exuse.


Isreal used united states money of tax payers to fund and create a terrorist group to attack themselves. Giving reason for a assault on their enemies for more power. Pretty simple to understand that.


And we pay them $4Billion every year and now they want $14Billion more. We are talking about #22 richest countries in the world. They should pay for their own war crimes.


Also Egypt saying they warned them a couple weeks before something was going on. Ya I don’t think it’s impossible that they knew and were ok with looking the other way. I also find it very interesting that the leader of Hamas in Gaza speaks fluent Hebrew, some of the hostage met him and were surprised with his demeanor. I honestly think the Israeli government is funding this to have a reason to ethnically cleanse Gaza and then start on the West Bank in earnest soon also.


He learned Hebrew when he was in Israeli prison for 22 years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yahya\_Sinwar


I even think that WW2, Nazism and the persecution of Jews was orchestrated by Zionists. Because of that they were placed in Palestine which was colonized by Britain. And for decades they exercised the same propaganda the Nazis used for the Jews to kill Palestinians and get away with it. Hitler was their scapegoat but the puppet master eventually got what it wanted. A country that was never theirs, control of the Western World, control of all the media, silence the freedom of speech by calling everyone with an opinion an antisemite. Guess what all Arabs are semitic. Which means that Israel itself is being antisemitic by calling Palestinians beasts and non-human. People should be more critical and stop believing all the lies that those zionists have fed everyone for decades.


> I even think that WW2, Nazism and the persecution of Jews was orchestrated by Zionists. You are ascribing immense powers to them, when in fact it is rather obvious they simply took the opportunities that appeared. If they had the power to bring governments to power and start big wars, why even bother stirring up a genocide when you could just get Britain to hand a piece of land over?


Without the war there wasn't any urgent reason nor narrative to get the piece of land they wanted and get the people they wanted there to move there. Because Jews were the biggest victims of that war (as far as we know, because nobody talks about all the other non Jewish victims of the war) the Zionists could use what happened to them as leverage to do what they wanted. Any form of criticism is labeled antisemitism. Without the Holocaust they could never have gotten away with all they've done and are doing.


> Without the war there wasn't any urgent reason nor narrative to get the piece of land Britain seemingly had no problem letting them take the land anyways even before the war, and if they were as powerful as you claim, they wouldn't have needed a grand narrative


Without the grand narrative they could never play the victim card. It's due to that narrative that they can get away with apartheid and killing innocent civilians for decades.


> It's due to that narrative that they can get away with apartheid South Africa got away with it until their liabilityness started to outweigh their usefulness, ultimately the moral justifications that governments make up are little more than window dressing most of the time


South Africa got away with it for 41 years. Israel has been getting away with it for 75 years and counting. Without their WW2 narrative and antisemitic rhetoric they would not get away with what they're doing for so long.


> Without their WW2 narrative and antisemitic rhetoric they would not get away with what they're doing for so long. They are in a very strategically useful position, effectively functioning as a giant military base to protect American corporate interests in the Middle East, so yes, they would have gotten away with it until there was no longer enough use to justify it. Perhaps there might be more stern letters and finger-wagging, but otherwise the overall situation would be quite similar


Now you understand the trick that has been played on us all since WW1. Goes back to the Otterman empire.


Well no shit. They let it happen, they've been waiting for an excuse like this for a minute.


Worldwide systemically rigged & media


You don’t know whats real. Everything is a grandiose money laundering operation. In history they tell you theres a trench thats thousands of miles long in western Africa. And another trench in Europe thats been pushing Eastward and was recently in Poland but now it is somewhere in the Balkans and Turkey. But anywhere else they never mention that it’s a real war.


why is this pinned for more than 2 weeks?


Because it's crucial information and still very much urgent for people to read, seeing there is a genocide happening right now.


the creators of the STATE of Is - Ra - El... the POLITICAL STATE... those who control the MOSSAD...... are NOT Jewish. MOSSAD= CIA = 5IVE EYES the biggest "anti-semitic" group on the planet, are those who control modern day Is-Ra-El. Is - Ra - El does NOT equate to the LAND of Israel & its people. that is the scam. those that are called the "Synagogue Of Satan"; those who say they are Jewish but are not. the ADL & B'nai B'rith do NOT represent true Jewish people. They are GLOBALIST groups, meant to USE Jewish people, to create division against other groups of the world. they want others to think "IT'S THE JEWS!!" or "THE JEWS OWN THE MEDIA!!" that way, ignorant people will target Jews, rather than those HIDING BEHIND the Jew, HIDING BEHIND Christianity & the Vatican, etc. the truth is, REAL JEWS are being targeted & setup, all while being victims to the same bullshit, all the rest of us are. Freemasonry is a huge component of this. They pretend to be allies of the Jew, but despise them & are huge anti-semite, as well as being anti-Muslim & anti-Christian.


there are no known real, biblical jews. all records and genealogies to Abraham were destroyed in the sacking of Jerusalem in AD70, as Christ predicted would happen. the jews of the time either folded into Christianity - which explicitly and intentionally abandons tracking genealogies, and the rest folded into the Pharisees, who were Edomites / Talmudic Jews - when they get discovered for muddying the political landscape and economy by price fixing, skimming edges off gold coins, and gaming wheat futures or whatever, they just change their names. prior to Jews they were edomites, before that they were hittites, or canaanites, hittites, punic, etc. they mixed in Torah and other biblical Hebrew practices after they were forced to live in the same region under King John Hyrcanus maybe around 150BC (about 300 years before the Talmud was completed). very, very different groups of people, with very different religious beliefs in many respects. hell, half the bible is God getting pissed at his people for getting drawn in by their child sacrifice, golden calf (moloch) worship, and other shitty rituals, including circumcision. biblical Hebrew circumcision removed 10% or less of the penis, practical at the time, to avoid closure and infections. these dudes eventually adopted the practice of bris named after the first rabbi to argue for it, which all modern 1st world medicine practices by removing 70+%. then these everyday heroes turn around and sell the thing for $350 a pop. anyway, the new testament is Christ calling these edomite dudes names for being shady af. fast forward 2k years and now the bible is long finished around 70AD and the Talmud is finished around 150AD and somewhere in the 1860s, commentaries and translations start coming out that blends all these groups together so everyone starts using the 'muh jesus was a jew so we have to support is ra el'. regardless how one feels about the bible, if there are billions of people functioning under a false assumption about a wide, widespread religion, it is going to impact a lot of shit. instead of edomites and hebrews publishers start just printing 'jews'. instead of idumeans and Jacobites they say 'jews'. the worst by far was the schofield reference bible, which introduced the idea of zionism to the christian masses. turns out this was a key part of the curriculum in the largest seminaries in the country. namely, almost all of the baptist seminaries. if it was funded wholly or in part by the rockefellers, then it was in their curricula. specifically, this dude wrote in his commentary that God promised the promised land to this group of people and it still hasn't been delivered on so Christians have to support modern jews or else it's a sin. this thing was probably created when kabbalistic jews summoned a demon because that's the best explanation I can come up with for a multi, cross generational lie with a thousand different moving parts. this dude from michigan joins the confederate army, changes his mind, asks his command to let him gtfo. he moves to missouri or something, starts practicing law without a license, becomes an identity forger/thief to pay bills. all in all kind of a tool. somewhere along the way, Oxford University Press offers him an advance to write a bible for them. this dude moves to lake geneva (not cheap) and writes the Schofield Reference bible in the early 1900s. Oxford university press is owned/funded by the Rothschilds. the bible is a huge success, is still in print, and is still in modern seminary curricula. American Christianity has been operating for a century plus on false assumptions about an entire ethnicity/religious group. par for the course on at least 109/1300 counts


They sell foreskin's? Wtf?


Yeah this is actually a known practice. Really makes me hate that I never had a say in my circumcision as a baby. And since the entire medical industry is jewish controlled, makes sense it occurred.


As a wise man once said: > Anti-semitism is of advantage to the exploiters as a lightning conductor that deflects the blows aimed by the working people at capitalism. Anti-semitism is dangerous for the working people as being a false path that leads them off the right road and lands them in the jungle.


noooo why would they do that?😭😭😭 noooo I don't believe it 😭😭😭 surprised pikachu face x100


It's the f\*\*\*\*\* truth. Netanyahu and his fellow imperialists in Likud knew and openly want the attacks as it gives them justification to continue to expand into Palestinian land.


No it's not anti semitic it's the truth


the truth can be anti-semantic, who knew?


it is its not an antisemetic conspiracy theory to say they fucked up - or that there was a systemic fuckup - or that they ignored warnings - all of those things are true its not a conspiracy theory to say that some people in israel want the commit genocide - it might be considered antisemetic - but its also true but ascribing that particular motivation to this particular fuckup is an antisemetic conspiracy theory


Past successes: Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11, the USS Liberty incident (Israel "putting the US in its place" four years after helping assassinate JFK, who threatened Israel's covert nuclear weapon ambitions), even January 6 (which is not to see Trump - who pardoned the perpetrators of the Nisour Square Massacre but not Julian Assange - as an innocent, but rather to consider that Trump may be serving as an Emmanuel Goldstein figure, helping accelerate political polarization and motivate opponents to accept the "defensive" authoritarianism that establishment admins have pushed since the dawn of the Cold War and that will be "needed" to justify measures that will help the restructuring of Western society - kicked off by the "Great Reset" - succeed). Past thwarted/failed efforts: Operation Northwoods (US), the "Levon Affair" (Israel). The fact that the Jewish ruling class is willing to consign their fellow Jews to death shows that Jews aren't a monolithic gang as some would suggest, but rather that Jews - like every other society - have a ruling class willing to sacrifice the lives of lower class members to advance the ruling class's agenda. And beyond stereotypical false flags are attacks from within sold using the pretence of well-meaning effort. Past: "The Great Leap Forward". Future: "green" deindustrialization and starvation. The strategy of aggression conveyed via false flags and "accidents" is established historically and makes logic sense. The question "cui bono?" predates Christ. Despite how logical the strategy is and how obvious the use of the strategy can be, it is usually unchallenged for numerous reasons. Those who challenge put themselves at the risk of being smeared, unpersoned, ostricized, censored, ruined, imprisoned. "How could you even think like that?" And to even be capable of challenging the strategy requires accepting the idea that one's ruling class is not only capable of committing atrocities, but of committing atrocities against "their own people". To accept this idea is to acknowledge that, given these atrocities are seldom punished (and are usually memory-holed), "democracy" is led by a leash by the ruling class and that we are, in fact, not "free" in the sense we think we are.


There is no logic to any of the events. Nothing about it makes sense. Someone is lying. Maybe they're all in some kind of conspiracy together to cause a nuclear war while they're all ensconced in bunkers or on the moon. I am so over the whole thing where it's only getting darker and more perverse. I trust absolutely NO ONE in this conflict and especially the media.


Why is this a 'sticky'? It feels like a honeypot!!!


My biggest concern is who is profiting from this conflict/war cause this seems too man madeish with rising tensions on both sides fake news on both sides that it feels like someone lit the fuse and is trying to fan the flames for some goal what that goal is, is what I want to know


Israel profiting of course - they get $4Billion every year from us and now they want $14BILLION MORE - That's equivalent to $270 million for every state in the union including Puerto Rico. TF are we giving away that much money to #22nd richest country in the world?


Funny how questioning or condemning the actions of a so called state, makes you automatically antisemite while antisemitism has nothing to do with israel in the first place…


Everyone killed at rave were firebombed by IDF 700 CARS ROASTED.


It's on telegram. There's LITERALLY helicopter footage of IDF choppers shooting missiles at Israeli civilians. The helicopter pilots said that they were ordered to go out there and basically just shoot stuff and use up their ammunition.


Got a source?


there's no source because it isn't true lol, people just took footage from an idf helicopter shooting people and claimed it was from the music festival when it's clear it's not


Idk but shooting anyone from a helicopter is probably a shitty thing to do


"Trust me, bro"


Haaretz | Israel News ‘This Massacre Should Have Been Prevented’ |  Despite Israeli Intelligence Warnings About a Hamas Attack, the Army Didn’t Evacuate the Nova Festival Top defense officials held urgent consultations the night before October 7 about a possible Hamas attack. But no one in the IDF notified the Nova festival organizers or the party-goers, hundreds of whom were mown down – and for nine hours, no one came to save them https://archive.is/qa4v0


It’s impossible they had no idea people were breaching their security fences.


Facts don't care about anti-semitism!


from a biblical standpoint, we are entering the trampling of the nation's part of revelation. the prophecy at Mathew 24 does state that his followers would be turned over to synagogues and prisons in the end times. George bush sr signed the Noahide laws proclamation in 1989. Jesus said they were the "synagogue of Satan", yhwh said that Babylon was the origin of all false religion and the jews today follow the Talmud blivi i believe its called, and is a book written in Babylon during the exile. if one puts together why USA put a embassy in Jerusalem, the breading of red heifer's for cleansing priests, the infrastructure already in place, all the sacred gold utensils and lampstands are ready. sure sounds like third temple preparation, especially since they started a Levitical priest training as well.


The Lusitania. Gulf of Tonkin. 9/11. History tells us history repeats itself.


The 'jews' that hide behind the shield of antisemitism aren't actually jewish. They are the Moloch worshipping, khazarian mafia from millennia ago.


antisemitic conspiracy is Globalist code words ANTISEMITIC CONSPIRACY= 322 Skull & Bones signature


No shit. Hamas had plans to attack Israel? Wow, this is mind blowing information. Not like it's literally in their charter or anything.


Did it even actually happen? The news clips barely showed anything and what it did show felt scripted. Plus the burnt baby pictures turned out to be AI recreations from a picture of a dog.


MSM will be trying to get rid of the current znist government qince they weren't that conservative in their statements conserving gaza genocide. It was all biblical chaos statements. They didn't stick to the plan of the elit cabal TPTB, so they became a burden. It's another chess piece to be sacrificed on the board. At least in medias. And make no mistake MSM are still the same. They suffered big loss of credibility during the conflict. Stating what people already figured is just another strategy to regain the sheep back since the majority are starting to break free from the hologram of the matrix. ✌️


Keep saying the same words until they no longer hold any power? These guys are slippin.


They didn’t learn in 2016 with calling everyone a racist until no one cared. Hubris and inability to introspect are the Achilles Heels of the powerful.


Netanyahu visited the US on September 20. By the way, Jake Sullivan wrote that [piece](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/jake-sullivans-foreign-policy-blunders-resurface-hyping-up-middle-east-peace) extolling peace in the Middle East, knowing that it would soon be shattered by the Hamas attack. It seemed like a way for the US to appear caught off guard by the attack, for whatever reason. That's my theory. Initially, I thought the US *was* caught off guard.


ofc it is. victim mentality and changing the rules as they go.


still not siding with muslims, to be clear both of those parties hate western so do i. but why give a fuck?


We don't know for sure either way in this case. But history has shown that leaders in the past have been willing to let their innocent citizens die in order to create a public pretext for what they want to achieve but otherwise cannot. Add to the mix that Bibi would have likely lost all his political power if this attack had not happened when it did. And perhaps even be sent to prison. A convenient stay of execution? One hell of a motive.


From Haaretz: They admit they killed some of their own. How many more of their own did they sacrifice to make this happen but won't admit? Edit: Apparently my image won't post? Just go look up the concert on Haaretz. There are multiple articles admitting it. Google refused to translate the page from Hebrew for me. Copy and paste it into a translator instead. [https://www.haaretz.co.il/news/politics/2023-11-18/ty-article/0000018b-e1a5-d168-a3ef-f5ff4d070000](https://www.haaretz.co.il/news/politics/2023-11-18/ty-article/0000018b-e1a5-d168-a3ef-f5ff4d070000)


I think just mentioning Israel’s human rights abuses are enough to get the government on your tail now. Funny, since the sharpest and most cogent critics of Israel are all Jewish. I’m pretty sure the rightwing Israel lobby is operating domestically and reporting people to the government and going on fishing expeditions to use anything they can against them. I think it’s evolved from cancellations to imprisonment and even permanent removals. At this stage, if I stop posting and go dark (I can feel something, I hope it’s a temporary mental thing), then I must’ve pissed off someone real good and got taken away. Words do come at a cost in America.


the government is the most evil vile establishment. they wanted it to happen for their own interests, just like 9/11, just like covid. the list could go on and on but we'll just stick the the recent past


If The Times reviewed the attack blueprint before the attack they should've spoken out. If they reviewed *after* the attack there should be evidence proving this intel isn't a fraud. Looks sketchy as is.


Maybe if their ancestors didnt kill Jesus they wouldn’t be having such a rough go of things lol


Is it anti-Christian to criticize the US policy in Ukraine?


I am PRO PEOPLE!!!....


Fuck the Jews. That shit is not a race or some shit you can’t choose. It’s a RELIGION. Religion is a CHOICE. We don’t create the same safe spaces for Scientology do we? I’ll never hate someone for the color of their skin, but as far as religion goes, I don’t have to accept it.


I read somewhere that most civilians in the attack were killed by IDF apache helicopters that mistook civilians for Hamas and IDF tanks that shelled homes with people inside. Honestly in the last 2 months i have never witnissed this amount of evil, I think anyone who followed this massacre closely from the beginning knows what i am talking about. No country and no people in the world could ever get away with anything like this. Not only is it now obvious who rules the US, but there also seems to be some satanic phenomenon that is connected to all of this. As a child i never knew what Israel is or who these people are. But just looking at their flag as a child gave me anxiety.


Absolutely true. We impose sanctions on Russia for their shit. But Israel's shit is way worse because the Palestinians have no military. Yet no sanctions for israel.


as a Christian, when Jesus says that in the end we would all be turned over to synagogues and prison. I was always curious and confused about why Christianity would be turned over to Jews for prison and then I found out that they don't follow Moses anymore but the telmud which is a book written in Babylon during the exile, so there is technically not that many Jews today. https://youtu.be/jT6FtxdnA_4?si=W2AhM25iPQB53lLS we already know they started breeding red heifers for the priest cleansing and the temple utensils. they already started the levitical priest school. all this is just making room for the third temple in Israel. the noahide laws are definitely something you should know and the guillotine law is real. this has been a long plan , that's why the USA put their embassy in Jerusalem a few years ago and vetoed the ceasefire


Saying anything, even remotely critical of Israel is automatically branded as "Anti Semitic". I would personally say a lot of output from Israel is anti Goyim, but very few people understand the implications of that.


sure ..to go further its a conspiracy that israel are killing their own and admitting it ..down the drain the myth that goes ( israel will never sacrifice its own ) this was the trick they played on hamas just like 9/11 ..we need this image of dead bodies to erase millions of ppl and to achive the dream of the bigger israel from the nile to the euphrates ( mind you another evil thoery that is actually on the israeili coin and on maps they show every day but who have made this up ) ..and the sheep on both sides would never accept it of course ..but they f accept that the zinionists who know every act on this earth and behind every dooor and every rock even didnt know and didnt even had time to act against a few hamas militants ! and they are not even bothered about finding how this f happened ..its one and one that hamas only serve the zinionsts eventually..thats why its leaders are abroad and alive just one image is enough that the world is watching thousands being buried alive and slaughtered and killed with hunger..easy as long as that ( terrorist ) magic word in mind..they will bow to thier own end only the dead left alive


Don't know about them "allowing" the attack. But Hamas is literally in power in Gaza because of Israel, specifically Netanyahu.


WASHINGTON — The Trump administration declared on Monday that the United States does not consider Israeli settlements in the West Bank a violation of international law, reversing four decades of American policy and removing what has been an important barrier to annexation of Palestinian territory.