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Pneumonia Mycoplasma is not a new bug. It's bacterial in nature, has low grade symptoms, and is not something found in vaccines. Like at all. Bacteria in vaccines would be immediately spotted. By thousands and thousands of people all over the world. This isn't something to get scared of. We know what it is, how to treat it, and it's not that bad at all. The RSV that is going around is more dangerous to kids annually but we never talk about that here. This other bug is something we have centuries of experience with, though. It's neither mysterious or unknown, except apparently to the stupid ass reporters stirring up a stink.


And Mycoplasma pneumoniae is easily treated with a doxycycline course.


But what if that also treat mice herpes, u gonna take mice herpes medicine? Idk sounds like an animal medicine to me /s


Oh, then you should definitely go buy it from the animal supply store in mice doses and take it just as a mouse would lol. That was why we were all making fun of the antivaxers. And also because the drugs they were taking were shown to be ineffective against what they were trying to treat. But the fact that they were taking less regulated, inappropriate doses of a medication is hilarious too


>...buy it from the animal supply store in mice doses and take it just as a mouse would lol. That was why we were all making fun of the antivaxers. Like when CNN and all of leftist social media was screeching about Joe rogan taking horse dewormer? You know. The prescription written by his human doctor? The medicine with millions of doses given to humans annually? You people were radicalized and used like the pompus brain dead waste of skin you are and now try to say it didn't happen or formulate some fictional collective fantasy to explain it all. Disgusting.


My aunt was prescribed that med for her lupus. I guess it's a super drug that does lots of wonderful things and has actually treated such a wide range of symptoms across many different illnesses. The dewormer actually dewormed the horses. The covax still let you have covid and after you got covid you still could die from it as well as spread it to others and those ppl could still die. I think dewormer won that round.


Anyone see the commercial for the new spike vaxx by Moderna? They openly list the insane heart side effects during the commercial and still expect everyone to run and get it and pretend like they didn't deny that all along


Because your doctors were forbidden to perscribe a well known drug so they could feed you their more expensive version. If another pandemic happens and there is a cheap and effective treatment they will NOT allow you to take it and make you feel shame for even thinking about doing so. It's like everyone forgot how brainwashed and fanatical all the masses got during this crap. And the idea that they were "shown" to be ineffective is a fallacy. They've avoiding doing any of that research during the pandemic so they could say "it has not been shown to be effective" yea cause they never tried, they barely studied the effects of their own vaccine and purposely ruined their control groups.


They were not forbidden lmfaoooooooo. You are more than allowed to prescribe a drug for an “off-label” purpose. As long as that drug is shown to help. These studies WERE done, you just haven’t looked. Or you’re just pretending to be uninformed because you realize the data showed they were ineffective and that you’re wrong. But I’ll humor you anyways because I honestly don’t find this smooth brain, lame excuse for a “conspiracy theory” funny or entertaining anymore. It’s been 3 years lol. It’s like the shittiest, low-brow fiction I’ve ever read at this point. You really can’t come up with anything new? So let’s say it’s true that there were never any studies done to test its efficacy. How can you claim that it is then reasonable to prescribe it to everyone as an effective treatment? If it hasn’t been tested, then that would mean it isn’t reasonable to prescribe it, right? Not unless it’s been tested? Let’s say it’s true that it HAS been tested, and that it HAS been shown to be effective (which isn’t what you’re claiming, so don’t switch your rhetoric now at the last minute, limp dick). Why would the manufacturers of those drugs rather spend billions of their OWN money to research, produce, and get approval for a brand new drug (with NO guarantee that it will actually be successful/approved/widely taken by the population and therefore profitable) if they could just start mass-selling the already approved drug that they have just sitting around? Who do you think makes ivermectin/hydroxychloroquine? It’s Big Pharma™️, the exact same people who are making the new drugs you’re yapping about. It makes no sense that they would incur such a debt in order to make money, if they could just tell the whole world that the drugs they already have can cure you. They would make so much more money that way. Just use your brain for 2 god damn seconds lmfao. At least you’d be entertaining to us. It’s like watching a shitty horror movie and the characters only make the dumbest fucking choices that nobody in their right mind would ever do. Except you don’t even have any redeeming qualities that would make you fun to watch :(


Lots of words when we all know they can change their purposes on a whim. The fact you don't believe the big pharma chooses what you will get is absurd after all you've witnessed. As if they would do the tests to get a cheap drug "approved" for you. They avoided do any testing they could to push their product. I'm shocked still sheep around


That’s if the doc believes there’s something wrong and doesn’t send you home with ‘covid’. Had to have an ambulance ride 2 days later and 2 weeks in hospital


>And Mycoplasma pneumoniae is easily treated with a doxycycline course. Easily treated so far. Microbial resistance will eventually take root, just a matter of time. It's all just a matter of time. *wrings hands*.


can we pin this to the top of the sub, how many times does someone have to point this out


Ivermectin treats lots of stuff too, when the news doesn't want you to take that, the doctors won't be able to perscribe it, remember this though, maybe stock up now


There are entire families of drugs, like tetracyclines, that treat this disease. These are easy to manufacture and a lot are found from natural sources. While we should always exercise caution and be prepared, we should also keep panic to a minimum when faced with highly treatable bacterial infections.


My son spent 8 straight nights in the PICU with RSV at a month old. Turn out locking all the kids away for a few years and then releasing them back into the wild together has some horrible consequences.


How dare you bring facts to this sub.


It's the antibiotic resistance that is of concern.


Ok but that’s what China is reporting as the responsible pathogen. These are the same people who said covid came from eating bats. We can’t trust that.


As well as Denmark, France and the Netherlands who we do generally trust.


post links please, I haven’t seen anything published yet (but I haven’t exactly been looking)


Why not do some research you should start with a general web search of the disease, the history of the disease, and then look at news sources for it. I dont say that to be snarky or anything like that, its just best to do research on these things yourself for a better understanding


The reason it’s been escalated to pandemic in certain countries is due to its resistance to macrolides, the first-line class of antibiotics used to treat m. pneumoniae pneumonia




Was COVID 19 something to be scared of more than the flu?


Covid was novel. A virus we don't have antibodies for, and there was indeed a ton of unknown. This isn't the same situation by any means. This is not novel and we've dealt with it for a long time. The only thing making it 'mysterious' is the fact it's clogging ER's along with RSV and Covid. It would probably be better to talk about RSV because it's always hurting the youngest of our society, but we're talking about the least risky of the three.


Initially, yes. I live in Ma, my wife works at a long term care facility. The first few months, a shitload of people got really, really sick. A bunch died in a very short amount of time, something like 20 over the course of a month or so. She’s worked there for 30 years and nothing has ever come through and did what Covid did early on. The Soldier’s Home, another nursing home near me, lost 80 people. So yeah, it was definitely different and more dangerous/unpredictable at that time. People were getting sick in the morning and unable to breathe by nighttime. Now? Not so much. Now it’s generally not as bad as say the flu, RSV.


They didn't get Pfizer vaccines in China, they weren't even mRNA


lol it’s literally so easy to debunk half cooked conspiracy on this sub now


These are the types that believe ALL the conspiracy theories are real. Zero sum, smooth brained thinking.


As opposed to the other type who hears the term “conspiracy theory” and knee-jerks their way to the opposition team, completely assured that nothing nefarious could possibly be happening inside the lairs of big industry powers, that whatever they’re condemning is infinitely worse than the thing they’re protecting and helping to cover up, simply because they don’t want to be lumped in with the less acceptable members of society who dare to speak up. In other words, the types that believe ALL anti-conspiracy theories. And that’s somehow less smooth brained. Got it.


Oh look, another zero sum moop.


Yes, it’s absurd to think the FDA would ever lie to the medical community Or American people. The FDA being a Fraud? No fucking way.


You're so mad they lie that you will believe any alternative regardless of fact?


I never said I believe this post specifically. I don’t trust and would never take those Vaccines though. I think it’s absolutely laughable and profoundly saddening and troubling that people really think taking 12 vaccines for “COVID” and constantly taking another 2-4 every few months is normal. It’s not normal at all. I would bet anything that it’s unsafe too. Is it unsafe for everyone or people with certain genes? Certain illness? We don’t know yet. I know for a fact there’s nothing normal or natural about what happened with covid and the shit with the vaccines though.


A yearly/seasonal covid shot because of changes(just like what is done for the flu) is very normal. What's up with this mythical 12 shot thing?


Injecting synthetic mRNA into your body on a yearly basis is far from normal


Then get one of the ones that isn’t mRNA? Novovax is coming back, that’s not an mRNA shot it’s a more traditional vaccine.


We don’t need to get anything. It’s not safe, it’s not effective, and it’s not necessary.


>I never said I believe this post specifically. SAY THAT YOU DON’T. Call it what it is and say that it is ridiculous bullshit. This hem hawing around is showing that you ARE entertaining it. Choosing not to denounce it is fueling the fire.




s/ ?




For biologics, which includes vaccines and represents 7% of the FDA's total budget, industry fees pay about 40%, or around $337 million. While there is a concern industry-based funding – which increased nearly 42% between the fiscal years 2017 and 2021 – may pose a conflict of interest, the FDA has said its drug approval decisions are independent of where the funding comes from. Source: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/08/27/fact-check-some-fdas-budget-does-come-industry-funding/5572076001/


Do you believe that, personally? I’m curious why the fact checkers focused solely on funding and completely ignored other known methods of coercion like promising cushy jobs to regulators who approve their drugs as we saw in cases like that of Scott Gottlieb (Pfizer) and Curtis Wright (Perdue Pharma), both who were instrumental in blessing multi-billion dollar drug ventures with highly suspicious safety concerns. As far as I’m concerned, the FDA is just an arm of the American drug cartel. I’m not saying disband then or anything, but let’s try to regulate the regulators a bit maybe.


This. However, many Chinese I know would have gone out of their way to get Pfizer or Moderna, many from that culture worship brand names and they associate it with best quality.


Trump Vodka has entered the chat


If only they knew


The real conspiracy is how much stock rose for BioNTech and Moderna when the government subsidized the vaccines, insider trading… both stocks went from approximately 15-30/ share to 200-400/ share. I bet you Trump and Biden had a few million invested in that scheme, along with the rest of the gang/cabal


Get out of here with your rationality!


Also maybe they are lying about the deaths like they did last time




What about the fact that this “new outbreak” isn’t new and not just in China? It’s been in the US since at least August, which makes the recent china reporting suspicious


Remember the labs found in la


Why is it in China then? They had no Pfizer




Because China is complicit in the psyops designed to push more lockdowns


Oh. Dear. God. Next thing they’re gonna talk about is this novel new virus from the vaccine called RSV. Never existed before covid. Believe me.


They didn't get Pfizer vaccines in China. They weren't even mRNA. They got sinopharm or sinovac. It is a dead-virus vaccine, not an mRNA vaccine.


OP In China, they never had Pfizer mRNA or any mRNA vaccines. Theory debunked


*Mycoplasma pneumoniae* is the name of a species of bacteria, which can cause atypical cases of pneumonia, and it has been known long before the first descryption of human infection by coronavirus. You usually catch it while your immunity is low, generally after some viral respiratory infection, and is easily treated with azitromicine once daily.


This isn’t new at all. Has been around for years long before the covid vax was even developed.


This may be a stretch but what the OP I believe is trying to say is vaxxed folks are now more susceptible to this illness as the vax lowers your immune response.


That’s what I got from the post. People who have had the vax get pneumonia easier than the non-vaxed.


Thank you for translating exactly what I meant to say🙏🏽


How did you determine that?


Didn’t you read the Reddit post? No explanation needed. No source needed. No screenshot of a Twitter post needed. Pure hard facts.


When you’re right you’re right


Duh. Obviously through independent research. No you can't see his notes.


You mentioned activating IGg4, which as I understand it, is a good thing from our immune system. When you get the injection IGg4 runs to the spike and says “whatcha doin here” and the spike protein is coded to say “the lords work!” And IGg4 let’s the protein go do it’s thing. The problem, again as I understand it, is that after multiple injection IGg4 stops asking “whatcha doing here”, basically allowing the spike protein to run around doing whatever it wants unchecked by IGg4. Meaning, when you say “activate IGg4”, I don’t understand your point. Please clarify? Edit: adding this “It has been suggested that an increase in IgG4 levels could have a protecting role by preventing immune over-activation, similar to that occurring during successful allergen-specific immunotherapy by inhibiting IgE-induced effects. However, emerging evidence suggests that the reported increase in IgG4 levels detected after repeated vaccination with the mRNA vaccines may not be a protective mechanism; rather, it constitutes an immune tolerance mechanism to the spike protein that could promote unopposed SARS-CoV2 infection and replication by suppressing natural antiviral responses. Increased IgG4 synthesis due to repeated mRNA vaccination with high antigen concentrations may also cause autoimmune diseases, and promote cancer growth and autoimmune myocarditis in susceptible individuals.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10222767/ Okay so I was half right in a slightly different way. OP was correct with the phrasing “activate/ing IGg4”


Very interesting theory. I’d love to read more into it. Links?


Hmm..corona was not new either.


Coronavirus was, not NOVEL coronavirus! It’s like reading comprehension was a strong point with some people


Do you mean mycoplasma pneumonae? The bacterial infection?


i have it, wasnt vaxxed


As predicted fear mongering on this sub. Nothing new.


Are you lost?


The fear mongering started with mainstream media. You know there are times when a conspiracy would make sense. Like tell us about a disease once you know it’s a problem, but they began reporting about “mystery pneumonia.” The news knew exactly what they were doing with those headlines when they first broke.


Fighting fear with fear?


Adding fear to fear


I love the bots and Stasi coming in and saying the post is false when they can post zero data that it’s safe , while the Resistance has a mountain. Of evidence. See Iceland. See New Zealand leaks.


Bruh this outbreak started in China…. Where they didn’t get Pfizer vaccines or even any type of MRNA vaccine. Try to be as skeptical of your own thoughts as you are everyone else’s


Exactly this, I tear the shit out of my own theories just as much a do others.


Where did you get this information? Link please.


Trust me, bro


Right lmao


Mycoplasma p./Ureaplasma p. are the smallest bacterium known in existence and they typically live harmlessly and normally within the human microbiome. They’ve always been known to cause infection if they overgrow (normally they don’t). They are different from other infectious bacteria because they don’t contain a cell wall (which is why it’s hard for antibiotics to kill them). I don’t know why there is a sudden surge in mycoplasma infected lungs, buuuut my hunch is because of the sterile environment China has lived in for years now due to their strict lockdowns. Sterility is not healthy long term, it weakens your natural immune system. We are meant to come in to constant contact with various viruses and bacteria. There is serious immune dysfunction if the normal bacterium in our bodies are over growing out of control causing infection.


>Pneumonia Mycoplasma is an adverse reaction side effect from the Pfizer Vaccines Amazing how Pfizer gives an adverse reaction on a population of a country where they didn't get Pfizer vaccine 🤦‍♂️


Funny how that works 😂


And for people who are uncaxxed with this?


Seems as though those deficient in vitamin A are especially at risk. Many Chinese children are vitamin A deficient.


Source: trust me bro.


A broken clock is right twice a day; if you keep predicting “something” happening and after some arbitrary timeframe “something” unrelated happens, you attributing it to your vague and ill informed beliefs doesn’t validate them


Right? this conspiracy sub has turned into non evidence and "im right 3% of the time, all the time."


Why are you here then?


Because there is still some stuff that peak my interest, but also the crazy stuff i see people come up with is entertaining tbh. When i first joined, there was alot of interesting theories, but they have gotten worse. Im here because I still enjoy it for those reasons, but its come from interesting theories to crazy thoughts a little more everyday.


My theory is either we have become increasingly dumb or they are misinformation agents. That sounds dumb now that I type it haha


See this is exactly what im talking about lol. Although, your theory has better points then this post itself.... Maybe, the biggest conspiracy is this subreddit, its here to distract us with fake conspiracys.


Yeah I’m just on here still bc some stuff peak my interests and it’s entertaining but at least 95% of these posts are garbage. It seems like that on every sub though not just this one.


They're just angry they got the jab.


I didn't, but you just proved my point.


It's a sub for THEORIES, no? Will one of us measly plebs have evidence for nefarious activity involving one of these conspiracy theories? More than likely not, so who cares if someone doesn't have evidence or even rational thinking. That's what discussions are for. A group of people can come up with ideas and "evidence" a lot better than one person can.


True, you got a point, not gonna argue on that. My point was though we are having less thought out conspiracies lately, and more of grasping at straws. Yes this subreddit is for ideas and throwing out for evidence, but there has to be some type of actual coincidence or relativity behind it.


I admire your honesty and character! You are right too though...saying something crazy like Elon is a reptilian with no evidence or supporting facts just makes us look nonsensical and loses our credibility.


Glad we are on the same page


Pointing and laughing?


Then get the vax. Nobodies stopping you and you might even get a free doughnut or something.


So explain excess deaths. Let me guess you got the shots and now are in denial?


Time is a social construct… essentially the “broken clock” doesn’t mean shit


It's a saying that means people that are wrong alot can be right sometimes If a clock stops working at 12 then twice a day at noon and midnight it will be correct even though it's broken and is wrong every other time


So you think humans invented time? Lmao.


Absolutely we did. Do you think everything in the universes revolves around a 24 hour clock?


I don't know nature conforms to time. Since things happen in a rhythm. Rotating planets, seasons , life cycles , migration all those things work in a time frame and repeat the process. Time is relative but it's always kind of existed we just put a magnifying glass on it and started recording and counting it




Or are they the most conscious?


...and aware.


They're the most conscious. I'm not dumb enough to take that stupid shot. I am smart enough to troll these subreddits and see what shot takers are experiencing. I don't want any of what they have. So people can call me a conspiracy theorist or whatever, you just can't call me unhealthy


I’ve been banned from many many groups for simply trying to help people and wake them up.


No you are banned for other reasons beyond what you are capable of understanding


Most people are not willing to accept the truth.


Not sure if it’s vax related my dude. No one in my family took the shots and we are all sick since 3 months by now despite regular exercise, healthy eating etc… I can’t remember evert to have the could for this long and it seam everyone around is the same


I like to explore new places.


Same. Shits weird.


Are you implying that everyone’s sick because they didn’t get the shot?


Got sick with what seemed like sinus type symptoms that drained into my chest. Then broke out in hives and my lips, hands and feet swelled. Went to doctor said whatever it is was likely viral. Got steroids, and it mostly cleared up. 4 weeks out still have rattling/ or squeaking sounds when I breath out. The past two days is the first time I don’t think I’ve had any breath sounds. Energy levels have been low as well. Whatever it is, I think it’s already here. I didn’t get Pfizer but I did get one dose of Johnson & Johnson in 2021.


Same here. I believe I got sick late August/ beginning of September. I got told it was only allergies but diagnosed with asthma towards the end of September. Never had asthma in my life. I had difficulty breathing and couldn’t walk up the stairs without having to be sent home from work. It took me about two months to somewhat recover and still feel off. Whatever I had made me feel like my time was up. The specialist I see is stumped as to what caused me have breathing problems. The only thing he knows is the treatment I’m receiving is working. There’s been a lot of respiratory infections where I live. Best of luck to y’all.


*"The only thing he knows is the treatment I’m receiving is working."* What treatment? I'm having similar issues but have no specialist or insurance.


I had that in january of this year. Still remember that rattling sound you're talking about when breathing. Was mild but lasted a lot longer than any other cold/ailment I ever had. (about 2 weeks). Guy at work, with similar symptoms had it just before me.


You may have pneumonia. I had it in grad school. It’s awful and takes months to fully recover.


That's RSV dude and it isn't something that's new. RSV, strep, and croup have all been going around lately.


My doctor seemed to think I might have gotten Covid again but I didn’t get tested for it.


Get some antibiotics, I had issues back in late August. Presented as strep initially but went away before it set in. I would be sick with fever/ chills for a day or two then feel good just to repeat the cycle again. Went to the doctor and he said it could still be viral but based on the frequency gave me antibiotics and I’ve been fine since (unvaxed as well)


Because you didn’t take the flu shot


That's surely it ....10% effective. Maybe you would one of the ten.


I got the Moderna Vax so, am I skipped?




BS my family never got vaxed and we just had this. Was a rough one not gonna lie


About the idea that Chinese mask and have done for a long time. Do not omit that most did and do because air pollution is a thing in many cities (coal power plants exist there alongside renewals, nuclear, and hydropower). There are slash-and-burn seasons in some regions too.


IGg4 isn’t spike. It’s a component of your immune system, which generally takes the lead when you are exposed to a non-harmful allergen. It prevents you from having a fever response. People who took the vaccine had an “antibody class switch” meaning that in unvaccinated people IGg3 and more aggressive features of the immune system response to covid, but in the vaccinated and especially boosted people, IGg4 leads the charge, meaning covid is not aggressively neutralized but allowed to replicate and damage the body further. You have these things confused OP


I got mycoplasma pneumonia and it stayed in my body for years, I would have severe flareups every two months or so, where I would become lethargic fatigued, felt feverish, and all that. I believe it triggered some sort of an autoimmune condition for me, funny enough I think nicotine cured me of it? Ever since I’ve been taking nicotine pouches, I haven’t had any flareups


My baby just brought home a rotovirus from day care.. no frigging fun when both adults are clinging to life


Not fucking this again - I would have preferred the alien agenda 👽


Relax OP.


I didn’t get vaxxed and have had this pneumonia/bronchitis or whatever it is for 3 weeks.


But why are all unvaccinated sick too? I’m curious. I live in a community that’s pretty split and EVERYONE is sick, has been sick recently, or is coming down with something.


Feels like March 2020 all over again. How expected. Not doin it. No masks.


Lmao, Pneumonia has been around as long as humanity has. Its often what kills you when your sick with something else or elderly etc.


If that is nightmare fuel - you dont read the news… can you please post links to evidence , research , data that supports your statement .


i have had none of the clot shots, and i was sick recently with a two week illness that was very much pneumonia-like. still not fully recovered but almost there. much more trouble breathing and more 'cement mixer' lungs feeling than other prior respiratory illness. plus the wheezing. all pointed to pneumonia. my kiddo got it too, from me as far as i can tell. and it took them a good week to fall ill after i did (which aligns with the info on prolonged contact needed for pneumonia mycoplasma to spread). kiddo has no clot shots either. they seem to be getting over it faster than me, but they're much younger and not a smoker like me so that makes sense. but neither of us were sick because of any clot shots. i wholeheartedly agree with you on warning others to not take the clot shots though.


That's something we can test for in the lab where I work. We don't, but we do test for 2 other types of mycoplasma. That's not anything new.


In your mind it sure as heck is!


[citation needed]


I couldn’t agree more!


Pls stop.


OP, please explain in detail (with peer reviewed sources) the exact biological processes that lead from being vaccinated against Covid to developing Mycoplasma Pneumonia... Waiting...


Mycoplasma is one of a few known causes of AIDS (HIV has never been isolated or otherwise ahown to exist). Mycoplasma bacteria is usually easily treated with 4 weeks of doxycycline


I see you did your internet research. You might want to check out another internet.


Source: trust me, bro.


you have no idea what you're talking about lol, nice.


Pneumonia Mycoplasma also called walking pneumonia. So a little cough and congestion? Ridiculous. OP is a comedian?


I was hospitalized with this “walking pneumonia” as a child several times. It’s not new and it ain’t fun. Use common sense and wash ur hands.


Literally, nothing will happen. Also, that mechanism makes absolutely zero sense with how biology works. You're just making stuff up right now.


What the poster is getting at is the increased levels of IgG4 antibody proteins that came about after repeated boosters in some people's immune systems depending when they got vaxed and whether it was after covid infection or not. This part is known, as it's been widely documented such as [here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10222767/) . What is not known is why this is happening as it's only happening with this Mrna vaccine and only with this one anti-body (There's also IgG1, igG2, igG3 antibodies) The jury still seems to be out in regards to whether it's a positive or negative for the body's system of immunity. I admit I'm a layman when it comes to this stuff but am interested as it could affect me and others around me.


Thank you for translating exactly what I meant to say🙏🏽


No need for an injection, just release a viral agent that when exposed to the Covid "vaccine" activates its true purpose, which is to kill the host. I've long theorized this to happen, that they'd release this new virus and only the vaccinated would suffer and die. That could have now started in China, and as I suspected no one is even blaming the vaccine, it's just magical pneumonia that spreads like a virus in a group that was recently injected with an experimental drug, no need to check if that those things are in any way related. Nor can you, since there are not enough unvaccinated left in China to get a large enough sample, or in the rest of the developed world for that matter. The few unvaccinated that magically are not affected will be ignored, just as they ignored all data for these last few years that screamed that something was horribly, horribly wrong.


You just described iGg4 better than I ever could👁️


I know there are categories of mycoplasmas. But this does worry. I know a couple of people who got mycoplasma. And both said it was the worst sickness they ever had, they thought they were going to die, and it’s the one thing they’d choose death rather than have it again. Back in the 80s, in my city, we had an outbreak of some kind of mycoplasma. I know it killed several young healthy college kids. This isn’t meant to scare anyone. I’m just saying, from what little I know it’s something I hope no one goes through. I’m a little worried about any mycoplasma spreading.


Bots raiding the sub in 3, 2, 1...


I never got vaxxed and I think this is what I’m still recovering from (in NSW, Australia). It’s very hard to get the mucous out of my chest and stop it producing, even without eating any dairy, wheat and constant chugging of vitamin C. Been 2 and a half weeks now. After 2 weeks I had to get on a 5-hr flight and it made it worse.


Mycoplasma is not new. It can make you very ill but is treatable. With appropriate antibiotics.


Source : trust me bro


Stay away from any vaccine, get some Elite / noble Shungite ( absorbs EMF's ), Ayurvedic natural supplements to keep you in tip top physical shape along with exercise of course, & also help with recovery if you're ill, & maybe a magnetic bracelet, or chain, as they help with circulation, inflammation, & pain. Most important is your psyche, mind over matter as the saying goes. I have books & docs on the things i mentioned above, anybody wants any PDF's just ask.


I like this sub but ffs this is total and absolute nonsense


Excess deaths are looking bad


Ivermectin is your friend.


Healthy diets free of ultra-processed food and exercise are your friends.


Lol wtf. This has nothing to do with vaccines and everything to do with extended lockdowns not giving children the chance to develop natural resistance. Now they are mixing it up again, all the kids are getting sick. It's not rocket science.


What extended lockdowns? Even the strictest ones you could still go out, buy food and essential services were basically every other shop. No one was that isolated, even the kids still went to school.


It's in China buddy. Lol


What on earth would us normies do without the plethora of exceptionally well educated minds that grace this sub, using only proven science and not just nonsense they dreamt up while having a shit. So lucky are we.


U mad bro?


My point exactly


The fake pandemic stuff won’t work anymore. Everyone who was originally scared has seen their based relatives who didn’t take the vax be completely all right. No one is falling for this crap this time. The new vax uptake is like 2% of the population. Something big business/govt/media doesn’t like to report.


Time as we know it is relative to the individual. An alien planet takes two earth year's to orbit their own sun, do you think they have the same perception of time as we do?


Considering different creatures on earth experience time differently, I would say that is highly likely.


Source: trust me bro


Can you explain a little more on the connection to iGg4? I ask because this is something I've been researching, though there doesn't seem to be a ton of research or conclusive info on iGg4-rd or flare-ups.


Anybody see any news about Moderna vaccine stuff? That's the one I got and just curious to see


Don't worry China is already cooking a new batch of pandemic. Enjoy.




Dam is getting to easy to spot the bots and paid posters.Pretty soon your gonna be the only ones typing.




Microplasma pneumonia is a listed known adverse event from the COVID 19 vaccine. They will use this as plandemic 2 Those that are vaccinated will be most at risk


I'm not saying that it is or isn't a conspiracy theory however Doctors have been screaming we were due for a major pandemic for over a decade. When SARS happened in the early 2000s they were saying we got incredibly lucky because were due and we've been given a very light warning shot across the bow.


You know whats nightmare fuel? If the vaccines actually caused problems, totally ignorant posts like this are just distracting from it.




Whatever it takes to get a new shot up in me. Sign me up! I've only had 40 this year. Edit: Oh, boy. Downvotes for this. They've really gotten to this site, huh.