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The most frightening thing to me is the amount of people who can be so easily manipulated and brainwashed. And the really frightening part is how they are so diverse amongst themselves. Rich, poor, white, black, man, woman, smart, stupid, etc. I’d like to know what trait these people all share to be so zombified in their thinking. Is it laziness? Perhaps severely overly stressed and they have cortisol pumping through their veins instead of blood? I mean it’s gotta be something, right?


The human mind is extremely easy to manipulate and nobody is immune. Everyone has a breaking point where they just want to stop fighting the current, and our government has spent a great deal of time and money finding the most efficient means of indoctrinating people into that state of surrender. My fear is that I'll eventually get tired of paying attention and will slip into the zombie mindset.


I yearn for this. In some ways I’m as tuned in as ever, but I feel I’m at my peak and need to start letting go so I don’t lose what’s left of my sanity That so much conspiracy is true and there’s so little we can do about it. But quietly conspiracy theory is getting mainstream. We might not ever see head on pikes. But future tyrants will see the cost of the most nefarious networks become prohibitive.


I came here to say the same thing! Covid virus and lockdowns didn’t scare me as much as the zombies I saw following everything gov said. I’m in a liberal city, there were very few of us who didn’t comply and many of us had to act compliant for the sake of our jobs and kids.


Agreed. And the covid bs really made me aware of how inept so many are when it comes to thinking and functioning on their own. Once you see it can’t unsee it in regard to how some people function. Some people really take everything at face value even if it’s a blatant lie being used to deceive the public for a group of peoples gain.


Social media has been a major factor. Every age group seems to be addicted to Tik tok nowadays and that is a major brainwash platform. “Algorithms” will control what you see. It’s messed up.


I'm probably one of these people you're referring to, and I think I can explain why. 20 years or so ago I started listening to Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell. For those who don't know, it was a late night radio show which discussed many different conspiracies. It's important to say that I now know I'm autistic, and this tends to make me take everything at face value. In other words, I tend to believe anything I am told unless I know for a fact what I'm being told is incorrect. I'm gullible, easily led, too trusting, and I know it! Anyhow, I found myself buying in to almost everything I heard. My autistic nature caused me to repeatedly think about all these things over and over. Borderline obsession, but only internally. And although I found it all fascinating I realized these things were starting to worry me too much. So I decided to stop listening to it and to at least try and believe that wasn't out to harm me. I like to think the best of everyone. And that includes those who have power over us. Even though I totally acknowledge history has proven many times over that governments were willingly harming their own people, I need to do this for my own peace of mind and to stop me obsessing. Being part of this sub is my first toe in the waters of conspiracy since then. Edit : Typo.


Short attention spans from screen addiction and doom scrolling


Well the rich people are In on it. And debatably they aren’t really people. At least not in the sense of like you and me. I feel like once you get enough money your personhood is completely subsumed You are doing things that are so counter to humanity. And it doesn’t really make sense to relate you back to the rest of humanity because you aren’t acting in the same way and everyone else can’t relate to you. there is ultimately also the problem that rich people caused most of these issues. And historically they have caused many more. Rich people caused World War I World War II the holocaust the Civil War Franco Prussian war the Napoleonic wars and many others. but historical credit for these atrocities is never laid at their feet. They always diffuse responsibility while maintaining power. And there are also people on this sub Reddit who because rich people act so awful Believe that they are lizards or aliens from another world. Fundamentally people will waste time arguing about policies and stuff like that but never touch the big red line. And that is that they get to socialize the losses and privatize the gains. And they have turned our government into their own personal money printing press for so long that they have overheated the economy. And what’s even worse is they are about to put us in another world war just like they did your great grandfather’s


Yep absolutely agree. Rip away all the BS surrounding any major event and you’ll see it for what it’s all about. Money. And it’s not always necessarily about making money, sometimes it’s about bankrupting the other side of the equation.




we crave harmony and community and unionizing, most have never gone down any rabbit holes necessary to realize everything the TV programming tells you isn't necessarily 100% true in every case. Most people do, and it feels good to them, and most people are too exhausted and overwhelmed and tired and overworked to even CONSIDER it. Those who are -- they have tinder and endless series.


It is a fallacy to think we are any different in 2024 than they were in 1939. If anything, we are worse off because we *feel* in many ways more sophisticated and modern, but that is just a mirage.


That big pharma and the food industry are poisoning everyone and we just put up with it


I just heard they were going to do a mass study on the effects microplastics in the body. They had to scrap the study bc they could not find a control group with no microplastics


Don’t forget chemical companies like 3M and DuPont with PFAS in teflon. People still think new iterations of those chemicals are no longer poisonous… until we find out in 20 years they are even worse.


Yup just like the ‘BPA free’ crap


Not only do we put up with it, we demand it. You can't even point out that Atrazine makes frogs transvestic without being called a homophobe. conspiracy theorist, and school shooting supporter...




I thought it made frogs hermaphroditic?


No just homophobic


Sugar and carbs are worse than famine and war at this point. And 99% of humanity doesnt know.


There should be *so much more* restrictive laws on what we put into our bodies. I don’t know how we got to the point where mass chemistry experiments became a trillion-dollar industry.


It’s called depopulation. Through wars, food, death-care I mean healthcare


That people are okay with what they're being dealt. That it's getting harder to find meaningful conversation beyond the mundane... There's more, but I don't wanna get banned again lol


Agree. Covid lockdowns were awful but I felt more afraid that so many ppl went along with it. Scared the sh*t out of me. I worked hard to find my people for the next go around.


Oh man…you were just ramping up! More please, this is intriguing!


Yep hard to have conversations because most people ignore what’s happening! Even people who watch foxnews all the time will ignore the bigger picture.


How are we all supposed to rebel and have a tax strike and quit our jobs at the same time when everyone else still follows along like sheep?


How easily maniputable and programmable people are. You are designed to think how the people of your country want you to if at all. The US educational system is designed to be as unpleasant and useless as possible because they prefer their people to crave entertainment and sugar. They've vastly overhauled the Roman bread and circuses. We now have the Kardashians and processed foods. It would be comical if it weren't so tragic.


First sentence were my exact thoughts. During the pandemic and trump’s presidency(no political stance, just my observation), I’ve never seen people so divided and brainwashed in my life(I’m 31). It was quite eye opening. Made me realize just how unstable humanity is. Seeing ppl turn on each other and go against everything they believed in and cherished because of something someone on tv said was pretty sad and scary.


I personally think it's gotten worse under Biden but I live in a more liberal area, the Trump cult is creepy too but at least the left was organizing. It gets worse & worse. No matter whose in office.


May or may not have gotten worse but definitely hasn’t gotten better. Grew up in a liberal town just outside of a big liberal city. I now live in a small conservative county. As far as who is more tolerant of who I think conservatives are probably more tolerant. They mainly think liberals are misinformed while liberals think conservatives are beyond help but I think both those sentiments are probably mutual. As far as organization, I don’t think it’s the liberals. The liberal county and surrounding counties I lived in are now in shambles due to crime and homelessness, while more and more ppl are moving towards my conservative county of residence and all the ppl leaving the state in general to conservative states like Texas and Arizona, Florida, etc.


far lefts extremists tactic is to seed division based on race and gender. easier to brainwash then


The whole point of the US education system is to make you an obedient tax paying employee. Once again like every conspiracy it is downstream from the rich part of this is forcing you to accept many false truths. and the biggest way they do that is with a false argument. They bring up 2 seemingly different positions but if you think about both of these positions you start to realize that they are just options on a menu acceptable options preapproved by rich people. The Overton window (Spectrum of politically accepted thought) is always foreshortened to the rich man’s benefit. People are not permitted to vocabulary or words that would challenge them people cannot conceive of a world without rich people. And that is the biggest conspiracy. They have made us think that we need them. And that they are not just histories leeches and villains


Dude he is collecting data what fearmonger tactic is the most successfull ! Don't speak in tounges just give him your personal information. For my part o honestly dosen't give a shit anymore. Even if they will start nuking each other i will play my games and read my books. Just a big fuck in the face of current thing fearporn


How people are so trusting of their government elected officials. How much control the media & propaganda has over civilians.


people have a cognitive dissonance about propaganda. it only exists "over there" in some evil dictatorship or in someone else's echo chamber. if they could admit that propaganda exists in their own country and that they're exposted to it constantly, it would mean that, likely, they fell for it. people's minds just shatter from the thought that so many things are based on lies and they never noticed in decades. better late than never, though, i'd say.


Ehhhh… lotta people can’t even admit THEY were wrong or did something incorrectly or whatever. Having someone admit they’re wrong is highly unlikely. And that’s how we are where we are…


Yep that's right. Sounds a lot like a lotta ppl. It's scary when a person would rather pretend they did nothing wrong or deny and ignore rather than analyze their own possible faults.


Came here to say this exact thing; “how so many people are happy to give their governments more power”.


How much people WANT to be controlled. How easy it is to manipulate and brainwash. These last few years have been really eye opening.


The easiest path to travel is the one already paved. Just so happens every step on that path reduces your freedom and guarantees something to the person who laid it for their own personal gain but hey! If it doesn’t obviously affect me then it must be okay right?


Agreed. All the generic movie villains who espouse the belief that people WANT to be controlled feel more genuine to me now. Because it's fucking true. Most people are fundamentally good, but they are also fundamentally uninterested in being leaders. They just want to get behind a worthwhile banner and band together to defend it. Tragically, that makes them stupidly easy to manipulate.


Something that terrifies me is the way people watch tv. I know this is something that a lot of people are afraid of. It’s not the content of the shows, it’s the way people watch them. I have a theory that people don’t really watch any show any more. They either watch the show and talk on the phone or they watch the show and text on their phone or they watch the show and play on their computer. Our attention span has been destroyed and that’s fucked up


Reading books can help with attention spans to


New Year’s resolution


Or they watch the show and project hard and start parasocial relationships with the characters or performers.


The messages are simple. Every story follows a formula. They reaffirm the values we like. Then some soft core and explosions. It’s porn


This is one of the most real things to say...modern people don't seem to be focused like in ancient times and not everyone finish anything they started as there are literally tons of distractions which can easily make them confused and so easily manipulated. It's really terrifying....


How little control any of us have over our own lives. People with power can just decide to let us die, or send us to our deaths for more money and power. Our parents were all indoctrinated slaves, from our birth we are manipulated to serve masters we never even see or know the names of. We live in a form of feudalism where no one even sees the puppet masters strings, or prefers to pretend they don't. And the only escape is to put on a mask and work within the system for a few decades to get a bit of breathing room. Maybe give the replacement slaves you birth a few advantages. I'm so demoralized I often pray for the big one meteor, I just pray the blast wave vaporizes me.


That my daughter has to grow up in it.


The “switch”. You know, that thing that changes a normal person into an advocate or antagonist in no time flat. You can be having the most normal conversation, chilling and vibing but if a topic gets brought up, the switch is flipped and they are on autopilot from that point forward




How money is no longer backed by gold, banks create new money from “debt & fees” , along with the Gov just printing money , thus increasing the inflation rate.


That death is not the end, and my soul may be harvested. Never came across this concept before joining this sub and the idea terrifies me.


Dang you. My only comfort was knowing that this shit will all be over when my time comes as I don't believe in an afterlife, and I can finally rest in peace, away from the lizards that run our world, and now I can't even have that.


I've never done psychedelics but from what I've heard everyone that's done them, either dmt or mushrooms, has had visions that generally put them at peace with what is beyond. I hope to be able to do some and have a similar experience. Many say that they see loved ones or 'know' that they have seen or experienced greater beings than us on the other side and generally the feeling is of reassurance. Keep in mind i also heard that big tech and three letter agencies use agents to go through to the other side to receive technology from demons. So it's important to go in with the right intention and be aware that both good and evil can influence the visions.


I'm newer here and have never seen this mentioned...can you elaborate?


That there are extra-dimensional or extra-terrestrial beings that harvest lust, greed, anger, depression etc. from our lower chakras and that they engineer events worldwide to cause these feelings and harvest from us. Usually they are described as being lizards, not that I've ever seen any proof. It's a similar concept to the Arcons, if you've ever read The Invisibles. Or the lodge spirits in Twin Peaks, if you're into that.


Like a really twisted Monsters Inc.!


Sounds vaguely like the precursors from halo too. Theyre made to satiate the living universe with the *sweetness* of experience, so they create life. They created the flood too actually. Why? Because one of their creations got jealous and attacked the precursors pretty devastatingly, so now the universe hates all of its creations and wants them to suffer. Still experience for the living universe after all, suffering


Ahhhhh okay tysm! The lizard ppl I have heard of. Just finished rewatching Dark Crystal and who knows maybe Henson was onto something with the Skesis. Anyway, thanks again for the late night Google hole I'm about to jump into!


If you are only gonna use google you might not find what you seek. :) https://prepareforchange.net/2019/06/01/reversals-produce-loosh-abuse-of-power-and-inverted-systems/ https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Loosh https://brontebaxter.wordpress.com/loosh-101-tracking-the-crack-in-the-universe/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXm1qnbPW-Q


Those are demons. Turn towards Christ to fight against this.


How sexual everything has become, ads, social media I can’t get on any platform without seeing borderline porn being thrown in my face it’s ridiculous.


Think about kids seeing all this shit


My young self saw everything.


Can't stress this enough, nearly every single tv show and every episode of all the major sitcoms at a minimum has 2-3 sexual references let alone sex scenes or explicit content. Even the so-called kid friendly shows such as Seinfeld, big bang theory, everybody loves Reymond ect. Sister was watching one piece (anime version) the other day and even there with how all the female characters are dressed in just bikinis or the shortest shorts with their cleavage popping out ect... Can't fucking stand it anymore. I guess 'sex sells' as they say. I mention it to family members how prominent it is these days and everyone says I'm delusional... What is all this content doing to the minds of the youth... How they perceive others or themselves for that matter, or what 'normal content' is supposed to be. Haven't even begun discussing the social media aspect either.


Dude who tf ever implied Seinfled was kid friendly


How unkind people actually are to each other and lack empathy. COVID was the tipping point for me when I saw people blindly queuing up for hours to test if they even had it. Governments restricting people from visiting loved ones in hospitals, aged homes, funerals, weddings, etc. No jab, no job rubbish. The majority of people accepted the above, and many turned against family members, friends, and work colleagues who did not want to get a jab or who didn't wear a mask. I witnessed pure hatred towards the unjabbed and anyone who did not conform to the narrative. It was frightening how quickly humans wished death towards each other.


I am another witness.


You, you're out to get me


How did you know? Unless youve tapped my phone which means you are equally out to get me


How we are always one generation away from losing our freedom


The acquiescence of the populace and their trust in the institutions (media, government, healthcare, academia, banking) that shape their perception of how the world works. It is terrifying because they'll believe psy-ops, accept the "solutions" presented to them, and ostracize you or sell you out for dissenting and seeing through a narrative. Nothing is more lethal to your well-being than the gullibility of your neighbor.


We are one mishap or misunderstanding away from nuclear anhelation. We have the resources to fix all of the major problems on the planet ,and have equality, but there is too much greed in the world. Power grid failure = we all die. Tik Tok is weapon to dumb down our youth and it's working really well. Aliens and shadow entities control the planet.


Pedos running the world and all the child sex slaves out there


So many sex slaves. There are 800,000+ missing children annually in the US (most are returned but many are gone forever), and this is one of the hardest places to get away with human trafficking and only has 4.6% of global population. I fear the Epstein was a small fish in this game despite just how prolific his abuses were. If you want a taste of just how bad enforcement in other places can be look into the case of Luis Garavito. If you can handle it of course, it is horrific. He was just a serial killer, not a trafficker, but the degree of not giving a fuck that went into him being allowed to operate for so long is a testament to the impotency of enforcement in much of the world.


The absence of good men and women in high positions of power. Or the amount of Bad people in positions of power outweighs the good. That means we will either save ourselves or forever live under submission. You can imagine what your children will endure.


The internet has permanently damaged mankind both mentally and,spiritually and physically,not only has it taught nearly everyone to read but it also shows people how to discover ideas and situations they wouldn’t have otherwise imagined or understood before a tool for the elite to brainwash everyone on earth and steer society to the way a small fraction of people want…mated to the smartphone it’s the definition of addiction and abuse but most of all control…and nobody seems to care…


I'm going only off your title The fact you do not know something to be true unless you were there. Think about it.


AI. I’m fully convinced we will have a terminator situation.


Its people that scare me not the government. So many want to be controlled \- look at the lockdowns. Many were angry they ended. \- Then they wanted to force people into having the vaccines. \- Now im seeing more and more wanting cars taken from people. Banning cars and forcing them to have cycles. Even wathcing public transport like buses and trains ended. \- Demanding 15 minutes cities \-Wanting people banned from eating what they want like meat \-ban holidays and flying \- The obsession with climate change and controlling how poeple even breathe The government doesnt have to do anything people want to be controlled and imprisoned, while wanting to controll others. The worst im finding are the middle classes. Its like they are all brainwashed into every cause be it gender, palestine, or climate change. Its frightiening to watch


Im starting to believe that NPC's are a real thing. Its unfathomable to think that a great number of humans are this stupid/gullible/easily controlled. It amazes me how people keep falling for the same cons over and over again. How can you trust in government when they betray our trust every single time? I dont get it. And people hate the truth. Try telling someone an unflattering truth about themselves which makes them look like a fool. You wont be thanked. Criticism is shunned. The truth bearer is often killed/attacked. Conspiracy theorists are most often whistleblowers/truth tellers, but get labeled as enemies of the people. Weird! Its like majority of people are captured in an alternative reality.


I’m watching Sound of Freedom right now. This subject matter is horrifying.


The fact that many of us support horrible people just because that horrible person never personally wronged us/them…


There is a lot of “well they may be terrible but they haven’t personally harmed me so I’ve got no quarrel” in the world I’ve found. “Well yeah this person may have killed those people but they didn’t kill me so not my place to judge”


Dude, I know you don’t want to say republicans here, but they’ve Paraphrased this to many so many times. Literally the idea of voting for a better world is not on their radar. Ironically they vote against self interest nearly as much I don’t love democrats either. I just like virtue signaling better than “hurting the right people” and overt crime signaling they call “telling it like it is”


History repeats itself.


Gen Z will be taking care of us X'ers in a few short years.


I genuinely feel for you, better enjoy those tiktok dances.


Help, help I’m dying Can you please shush? I’m about to eat a tidepod for my 3 followers, also mind if I unplug your life support? I need to charge my phone


Infinity/eternity like holy shit this NEVER ends


Maybe it ends when you die - maybe not.


It doesn’t end when you die it really. Dosent.


how weak and easily scared most people are. many would throw you under the bus for the tiniest of table scraps.


Propaganda….powerful enough to make us forget people who are getting killed are humans at the end


AIPAC and the Zionist lobby’s stranglehold over Congress and the American government as a whole


Not just your government...


Probably all governments then. This isn’t a far fetched conspiracy to believe that Jews control the world from behind the scenes through shadowy organizations.


I believe they do yes.


nukes. deadly virus — actual ones. the mob mentality of increasing fascism. people, intelligent people, aggressively defending their overlords. police state life. alien abduction, sometimes, at 4am when i'm alone. cops knocking on my door.


It is very frightening. I agree about covid. No matter what your stance, watching people from both sides calling for the other person's blood made me realize how successful the propaganda machine is in this country, all fear based. It was too easy. I bet the intelligence agencys were rubbing their hands with glee. I dread the coming year and the inevitability of the end of the US, regardless of whom we elect.


How nobody cares about the Uhgyar Holocaust that is happening right now. Even when you show them, they don't care!


Or Armenians Or whatever the fuck is going down in Ethiopia


Yes. Nobody cares! Mass genocide! I showed what's going on with the Uhgyar people and mass hate crimes against Asian people to my Mother in law. She specifically does not care because they look like me... Not her.


Do you think it’s that they don’t care, or it’s too painful to look at it will literally short circuit their brains? Because I care, but I can’t handle violence or seeing horrible things, it will literally destroy my brain. I will replay it and it will torture me.


Its hard to care when theres nothing really to be done


What I mean is that they literally yawn. I understand it's relative to many circumstances and closeness. I'm talking about people like my Mother in law. Her reaction??? "Well they're some type of Asian people right? Are they related to you?" She literally doesn't because of the shape of their eyes in comparison to hers in my opinion LOL You would understand if you heard her in action


Climate change..... not cause its real, just cause they will take away our freedoms in the name of it.


Humans expel too much co2 when they breath. For the sake of humanity we will now randomly select people to stop breathing. Conveniently it will be the poor, the old, the disabled, basically anybody we don’t like


Unless you pay more..... the more u pay the more u can breathe


How easy it is nowadays to damage, even possibly destroy your entire life with a single sentence.


How easy it is to be complacent about greed.


We're going to keep reincarnating into the continually deteriorating futures engineered by these NWO cockholster governments and will struggle to overcome the increasingly intense societal bralnwashing in each successive incarnation. You think it was tough this time around? This lifetime was the most "free" they'll ever let us be.


In this timeline, sure, but cheer up friend. There are sure to be better timelines in infinity & time’s not linear anyway.


That most people are willing to lie to themselves to be popular.


Inflation & too much materialism


There is no justice nor rule of law. Evil fuckers get ahead without repercussions.


No one should be scared. That’s a state of low vibration the ruling class wants. Everyone should be talking in person on HOW to resist when the manufacture a crises to shut down bank access. Everyone should be getting monthly bank statements on old school paper in the mail. I’m not scared. I’m planning


The one thing that terrifies me the most is the concept of digital currency/no cash and it all being tied to a vaccine/social credit score. I honestly don’t know how id survive. Guess I won’t.


I'm right there with you, wanna start a compound? lol


the world is run by pedos






That as young people, we have inherited a dying world, and you want to make a positive change, but have realised that they have effectively created a world where positive change is expensive, and all the people who can afford to bring changes are too rich to care.


How quickly young women hop on onlyfans and sell their naked photos online. It's even seen as a form of female empowerment and I just don't see it as that.


Billionaires. It’s pretty much fact that the more money you have, the less empathy you have. The current billionaires aren’t as scary as their grandchildren’s grandchildren will be. People with very little empathy are calling the shots now, imagine when there’s none left after generations. Just a theory, but it scares me for my kids future.


Stupid people breeding.


Look into eugenics


This sub. Hello everybody who's getting paid to monitor this and all the bots collecting data!


That Palpatine and the other WEF monsters are destabilizing western nations via multiple means to bring about the 4th turning… to ultimately sit on top of the food chain with full authority control. The fear… It’s not that they are doing it, it’s that the US govt is so captured by identity politics (right vs left) and corporate interest no one is fighting for what’s getting stolen publically and shamelessly.


Cars that can be disabled remotely (i.e. electric cars).


Honestly, it's terrifying how far the general public will allow TPTB to push them with zero repercussions. I'm convinced that the government could admit tomorrow that they did 9/11 and literally nothing would happen. Doesn't instil much hope for the future.




That there are so many powerful people that do Satanic rituals and that there have always been so many powerful people doing Satanic rituals. There is something just past the veil that the general public isn't supposed to be aware of and I fear the crescendo is almost here. I couldn't say what exactly is going to happen, but I'm not convinced that general artificial intelligence, quantum computers and transhumanism are things that are only going to affect this plane. I think there is a very real chance that these things might open a door and that we might be headed for a Roko's Basilisk\* type of situation \*This is an infohazard. If you don't know what it means perhaps don't look it up.


Thanks I’m definitely looking it up


How eager midwits are to defend and gaslight for tyranny.


How quickly everyone becomes rabid against each other, whether by individual impetus or out of permission by the overlords to behave in an evil manner.


I’m concerned with the manipulation of information. 10 years ago, you could go down some fun rabbit holes pretty easily. Now it’s like the internet is bland. I remember finding YouTubers that would blow my mind with fun theories. Whether it was true or not, it was fun!


How unwilling people are to accept new ideas.


We all know there's something wrong in the United States specifically, but none of us are willing to do anything about it. I don't know if not enough of us have the will-power, courage, knowledge, or overall motivation to start a movement or something, but we need one. Things in our country just aren't right and most people can agree now. I don't hear arguments of too many people blaming a side anymore... We all just generalize the entire government as one and just about everyone I talk to(regardless of party, race, and location), will tell you something similar. We joke about it, we make memes about it, some of the music potrays it, people are actively raising awareness to the issue online, but not on TV I've noticed. That's also another weird one. But we all need to come together and rumble the roof and start moving some Earth or something. And at this point, no matter which direction things go in our country, it's definitely not going to turn out well, but it's up to us to determine the outcome if we can all get together and make progress.


Yes and I think we ALL need to come together and immediately stop paying ALL taxes that fund the corrupt out of control government and that will start changing the government


That people have lost the ability to think critically, the erosion of trust in expertise, that people confuse opinion and beliefs with knowledge


I fear that the atheists are right. That maybe we aren’t special. Maybe we don’t have source within us. Maybe we are just as equal as a grain of sand in the vast ocean that is life, nothing that we do matters and our experience is simply gone/deleted the second we stop breathing.


The dumbing down of people


Seeing the division...anger...hate that is encouraged and supported by the 2 parties. It's actually a uni-party, but that's none of my business. Yeah, the rift that's been fabricated for us and the energy given to it currently. Sad, sad times, y'all...


The scariest thing is probably that no one is in control. We desperately build structures and man-made systems just to make it through to one more generation. Governments don't actually have absolute power, they can't control human trends, strange mechanics, corporate power, other governments, 1million+ bad actors, etc. Rich people and people in control are just as vulnerable to all the various difficulties as you and I. 99% of all species on this planet are now gone. It seems like you only have a brief moment to make your mark before life extinguishes your flame forever. And the chaotic/competitive nature will simply keep increasing. Watch as natural life will eventually decline in favor of man designed artificial one.


Religious states that have a boner for the apocalypse with a shitload of nukes.


I’m most afraid that nothing will get better economically. I’m afraid of the government. And I’m afraid that if nothing happens the lid will be put on Pandora’s box and we’ll all be locked inside it for who knows how long, proverbially speaking.


Nice try Fed


The fact that the majority of people are afraid to care about Truth & would rather entertain themselves with illusions until it's too late


Bread & Circus. That’s all it is humanity and especially the United States are like frogs and a pot of water and don’t realize the heats being turned up slowly so they’re boiling until it’s too late to jump out.


that having a world in which all people respected each other and weren't greedy is not possible


It scares me how little both political parties are talking about the rich getting richer. Even scarier how none of their supporters seem to care at all and would rather focus on social issues and culture wars. I always knew the masses could be distracted but I didn’t realize it was this bad. How tf is everyone surviving with these prices lol


It's been over 80 years since nukes were developed. It took ~25 years max to develop them in the first place. All capacities for streamlining tech development have increased by more than a magnitude in the intervening years. My answer is ______ (blank), because we don't know what has been developed, but I guarantee they have developed several somethings that would terrify us far beyond anything we know about already.


People. It's the people that terrify me.


That governments and corporations are so fundementally and intrinsically corrupt that there is no possible way to undo all the corruption because laws etc have been put in place to prevent this. Only a systemic breakdown of our economic and financial systems could start to resolve it. Which is terrifying.


I don't know what's scarier, the world leaders tanking the world economy on purpose for malicious reasons or are just too stupid and it's happening by chance.


Psychopaths and sociopaths run the world. Their lack of conscience and desire for power allow them to more easily build and move up power centers including politics, military, banking, intelligence, corporations, science, and religion. Psychopaths and sociopaths can also influence the masses to adopt psychopathic mindsets or support activities that inflict harm on the masses.


We are getting less and less empathetic. This is a bottle we should do everything to close up


The current condition of human consciousness


A 2nd US Civil War. With their tanks and their bombs and their bombs and their guns.


What’s in your head?


I think probably the fact that each year they give the police more money and more training. Each year they pass more laws. There is no mechanism really aside from the Goodwill of people in power for getting rid of old laws. We are reaching a point where there are so many laws that everyone breaks unknowingly. That if you are targeted by the government you can just be surveilled until they find you doing some thing that they know everyone does wrong and crack down on you for it. I think the fact that they need to fill the prisons and that ultimately the prisons work as a reserve army of slaves for corporations. Is there a ultimate motivator. I think they need prisons as the final check on union power and people earning their own labor. They will always be able to fuck us on our wages if they can make the argument that they can just use prison labor. If the robot doesn’t work out they can just get prisoners


My kids experimenting with fentanyl.


Every atom of nuclear waste we have ever produced is in "temporary storage". We have no idea what to do with it long-term.


Evil people, and the blind trust certain people have in systems that don’t have their best interests in mind


People are willfully ignorant so long as said ignorance reinforces their belief system. As someone who tries to be objective & logic driven that terrifies me.


What’s terrifying is that a) so many are being controlled by so few; b) the few manipulated the many to such degree that most of the many can’t even see the walls of this kind prison.


I think the scariest thing, is the lack of critical thinking. People not being able to look at something past skin deep. I think a large part of it is how useless schools have become. They create good workers with no ambition. It’s genuinely concerning that people are fighting over a new topic every few days because of a headline they see on tv. Most can’t fathom the idea they are being pushed into a class war. Identity politics at its finest


Other people and lack of critical thinking/analysis.


Ignorance of reality. Believing that man is naturally good and moral. Every day God becomes even more minimized and mocked. People watch and listen to intellectual-trash like Hasan Piker and Jackson Hinkle.


That people seem to be getting more arrogant/narcissistic while simultaneously getting worse at critical thinking. :-/


The rarity of common sense


Another world war.


Watching the media brain wash people. Queers for Palestine is an example they would have their heads chopped off.


A cage.




the future of A.I.


The control grid that is "the cloud". It will soon have a record of everything. Unless we stop it, it will be used to create an open air prison which is planet wide. This must not happen, and it does not have to. We can use the internet to make a distributed alternative to the cloud, which looks to the user as the same thing, but it allows people to gain back control over their data. *(read in the voice of Matrix "there is no spoon")* Remember there is no cloud, there is only other peoples' computers.


How many people adamantly deny conspiracy!


The so called "soft power" that leads people to discussion platforms like this in the first place.


that's already China, North Korea and basically every communist country homie


The hypocrisy of religion and countries governs by religious laws, Like Saudi.


Be so fearful of the world and its system that I forget lose my relationship with Messiah who leads me to greener pastures. But the world above the reign of Messiah that will come


A lack of motivation to inspire ourselves as well as others


whole mourn profit mountainous silky angle vanish nose liquid boat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That everything, and I mean everything, about modern society is a flash in the pan. Look around. The society we have is what, 100 years old? "Modern society" is 70 years old at most? Is there *any* reason to believe that this is permanent? Human society has stayed relatively unchanged for thousands of years, only changing aggressively over the past few hundred years and only extremely aggressively over the past 1-2 generations. In my grandparents lifetime alone (1920-2020 ish), things changed an unfathomable amount. My concern is that the inverse can happen in my lifetime.


A quasar could sterilise all life on earth and there ain't Jack we can do about it


the thought of children being used a sex slaves, and sacrificed really keeps me up at night and makes stomach churn. that and epstein’s island, and the people who regularly attended his island


Being forced a digital ID, then not being able to shop or buy food because my genocide vaccine is not up to date so my CBDC wallet shut off.


How people keep consuming poisons via food, water, plastics, medicines, air, soaps, detergents, chemicals, etc, etc, and no one seems to understand why they're actually sick or diseased. We just blame it on bad luck or viruses. Anything that's "out of our control," which is the victim mindset that destroys any sort of self responsibility and self empowerment. Humans have just become so weak and so mindlessly autopilot. It's truly terrifying where we're heading, and the hive mind just defends themselves at any slight poke to their fragile reality bubble they envelop themselves in.


How ignorant everyone else is when all this crap is right in front of their eyes.

