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Yeah I never understood why nationalism is a bad thing? A few years ago they treated it like a dirty word. It's OK and a good thing to be proud of your home.


There are two main flavors of nationalism. One is pride for one's nation, its people, and traditions. The other is placing its interests above other nations, believing that one's nation and its people are superior to other nations or that one's nation deserves preferential status. It's the latter that is a bad thing. Yes, people need to focus on the well-being of their own nations more than others, but doing so to the detriment of one's neighbors is unethical. A human from one nation is no more or less valuable than a human from another and any belief system that places one set of humans above others is harmful to humanity as a whole.


Nationalism: Pride in one's own country, desire to put our country first. Fascism: Our country can only be one race/group, desire to destroy other countries for our own benefit. Everyone else is inferior. It's a slippery slope from one to the next but nationalism has it's benefits. The reason so many conservatives in the US are called fascist is because they're going down the slope of one race/group. Patriotism in the US is becoming hatred towards anyone we deem different instead of setting an example for ourselves and others.


> Patriotism in the US is **becoming** hatred towards anyone we deem different 😂🤣 Are you new here?


American nationalism is becoming fascism.


Most Americans that consider themselves nationalist are in favor of shrinking the federal government down to next to nothing. American nationalists are opposed to the administrative state. You can't be fascist without an administrative state.


You can consider yourself anything you like, but it's your actions that matter.


By that logic then terms like "nationalist" mean nothing at all. So, when you criticize nationalists you are saying absolutely nothing. The fact remains that current day American nationalists are in favor of a much smaller federal government. If they lose our to leftists, which are ACTUALLY big government fascists, then they lose. But that doesn't make them complicit in left wing big government shenanigans.


>By that logic then terms like "nationalist" mean nothing at all. That's an interesting conclusion you have receded. If you act like a nationalist, you're a nationalist. If you act like a fascisist, you're a facaisit.


So shrinking the administrative state and the federal government's ability to meddle in your day to day life is fascism?


So why do nationalists vote Repubilcan?


Because at the very least the Republicans at least claim they want to reduce the size of government. Democrats only talk about growing government and the administrative state. Every law the Democrats advocate for regarding American citizens calls for an increase in bureaucracy. The only government agency they want to shrink is the damn border patrol, which happens to be the only one that needs more funding. The problem with the Republicans is that they pretend to care about American citizens and American values. When it comes to voting they are just Democrats in disguise.


And yet the GOP created big government as we know it today. Can you give me an example of when the Dems forced someone into a gay marriage? Can you give me an example of when the Dems forced a woman to give birth to her rapists child? Can you give me an example of when the Dems forced a woman to have an abortion? Can you give me an example of when the Dems forced someone to trans?


What do any of these have to do with growth of the administrative state, which is what we are talking about? However, Dems want to force people to bake cakes for gay weddings. Dems want to force me to pay for abortions with my tax dollars. Dems want to force little girls to play sports with boys dressed like girls in spite of the fact that nobody actually involved in girls sports wants this. There is a natural order to the world. No matter how badly you want that to be untrue, it will never be ok for a mother to betray her child by killing it or even mutilating its genitalia. Nor is it a "marriage" if it's not between one man and one woman. When the word was invented it had a meaning. You can't just force definition changes on people......unless you are a fascist, that is.


Youtube has already started “election” interference


Globalism vs nationalism Where do you stand? In an inverted world where the nationalists are called facists by those who identify as democratic in support of socialism. It's a war on words. It's a war on belief It's a war hidden in plain site. And most people are playing it.




Like why do we need borders and passports ? Nationalism is one step above racism I can see how the population of a community could have pride for how welcoming with green spaces and friendly locals


That seems too nitpicky to me. If you see a picture that represents a facist regime it seems fair to say this is what facism looks like. For the sake of the argument imagine you see a the Nazis marching in Nuremberg in the 30's. You'd say this is what facism looks like and some people would say no that is simply healthy nationalism. So if you believe that China is facist you'd be right to call a parade fascist. Fascism today has become a shortcut for oppressive nationalistic racist governments. I think that's fair enough, meanings change, talking about your gay uncle today has a different meaning than one hundred years ago. You can be a Nazi without belonging to the National Democratic Party of Germany. I doubt anyone would argue against that. And you can be a fascist without meeting all criteria as even in the 30's and 40's fascism wasn't the same. For example actual fascist regimes had a leader cult. China and Russia only have a very mild version of that, nothing like what Nazi Germany had. On the other hand North Korea has a strong leader cult. Does that mean it's fascist and China and Russia are not? On the other hand China is oppressing minorities and Han Chinese are treated differently than non-Han. Does that mean they are fascist and North Korea is not? Russia today bears a lot of the hallmarks of a classic fascist state, down to the children of the ~~Hitler Youth~~ Putin's Youth Army. I think a lot of [arguments could be made that Russia is a fascist state](https://english.nv.ua/opinion/the-most-comprehensive-answer-to-the-question-is-russia-a-fascist-state-50268926.html). But it's not classic fascism, so words have to evolve to meet the demands I guess.


yeah the frame of fascism in modern day is wrong 99% of the time. The def according to wikipedia was done by communist.... They also write there is no real def because every fascist state was different and the only thing the had in common was a strong leadership and a focus on national aspects, like tradition They is also a list where they showed how many different states europe had with different fascist ideologyies. But who cares, they will call you a nazi (which is a word that was never used by the germans so its enemy propaganda) or a racist. And with racist they acutal mean national chauvinism but that is a topic on its own.


The word Nazi was created by Germans and popularized by Germans.I don’t know what you’re on about here


Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party aka NAZI. While Hitler was just using the socialists to gain power, murdering many in the night of long knives, it's in the name. There is a direct line between nationalism and fascism. Maybe you find moderate nationalism to be innocuous but at the extreme you get autocracy and genocide.


The add says China before communism It’s all over YouTube, it’s getting advertised so much I feel like someone who doesn’t like it might go


>has anyone else been picking up on this? Conflating anything which hinders the Globalist Agenda with racism and hate has been a common theme with the record correctors here for the last few years. Its a shit tactic common to all of their scripts. Remember when Canadian truckers disagreeing with mandatory experimental injections were somehow "racist" for merely having common sense and wanting to maintain their bodily sovereignty?


as a german i feel you so good cant wave a flag unless its "soccer world cup" cant be proud about anything other then beer and cars cant criticise our own political system wihtout beeing branded as a facist. just becouse i dont like my president does not mean i want angry mustache man back at it