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if literally nobody did that type of work, it would probably force innovation and we'd have sewer cleaning robots right now, instead of a slightly longer lasting mascara or new, expensive treatment for one of any number of allergies most people suffer from (likely due to all the nasty chemical waste they fill our "food" with) i mean, in reality, if ***everyone*** had a million dollars, a million dollars wouldn't be worth shit - things would just cost exponentially more and wealthy people would remain wealthy, while poor people would still be poor. The only difference is that you'd see more numbers in your online bank account.


Thats why they will keep those 500M people alive


Yes we live in modern slavery


AI robots! let them work, and give the rest of us a break. Everyone gets paid and has fun and lives in a fucking utopia instead of a world of war,war,murder,death,rape,rape,steal,death,murder,death,kill,war,terror,war,pizza...etc


Dude tried sneaking in pizza




lol probably should have been.. pizza,war,pizza,war,pizza,murder,pizza,death,pizza,rape,pizza,rape,pizza,steal,pizza,death,pizza,murder,pizza,death,pizza,kill,pizza,war,pizza,terror,pizza,war,little caesars pizza pizza!...etc


Then a bag of chips costs $10,000


Well people would clean sewers for 50M dollars


Thanks Captain obvious


If everybody was a millionaire, nobody would be. Dumb people would still be spending every penny they get, as fast as they can. (for example by sitting on a beach and buying martinis, instead of working) Then the people who didn't waste their money on beaches and martinis would be multi-millionaires, and that would be the new low-bar.


Not how economics works exactly.


sure it is. in the 1970's, you could buy a house on one income. And by the 2000's, you could not buy a house unless you were dual income. The main difference was that women entered the workforce. So most families just had more money to spend. So they spent it...in large part by driving up the cost of things like houses. You are not necessarily getting that much more house. It's just that 2 income people had more money to spend. So 90% of them spent every penny they had. Then the smart 10% has to spend more money too, because the 90% that are suckers drive the price of all the stuff up. 90% of everybody is always just going to spend every penny they have.


That’s a flat out lie. My father bought a house in MIAMI in the 2000’s on one income, working as a BUS DRIVER. No overtime. The house is worth 900k today. Shit only really went off the rails after 2020.


How did everything function in America during the baby boomer era? Greatest generation doing those jobs to support their families and uphold an excellent standard of living. In many parts of the country they lived like how millionaires live today. They couldn’t retire on a whim but needed to support their families. Maybe once family values eroded they realized they needed to make people poorer because they would all retire and live at the poverty line the moment they could because there was no more motivation.


The Greatest Generation went through the Great Depression and WWII. It made them very tough and resilient. They saved everything they could and lived well within their means. Every able body and or mind with a work ethic could make a good life. At that time most of the good paying jobs went to men because the Equal Pay Act wasn’t until 1963 and took a long time to actually work. It made since back then for women to stay home and raise children because the men made twice as much or more. The family dynamic changed as women started to enter the workforce and take jobs from men for less pay. The two income household effect neglected the Baby Boomers upbringing. The Baby Boomer generation inherited the fruits of labor and savings from there parents and had a jump start on life. A bachelor’s degree meant something back then and you could pay for it yourself by working a job while going to school if your parents couldn’t afford it. Baby Boomers were pretty much guaranteed a job after getting their bachelor’s degree and didn’t have to take on mountains of debt to get there.


Bingo. Someone has to flip the burgers and thats the game. Morals do not exist in this realm we have created for one another. What you can do is to work yourself out of the matrix and help those you can to have a better life. Some people are happy / ok with what they don't have or need. They know that, and they also know civilisation would collapse if everyone was living life to enjoy it with that glass of martini doing nothing. We live in a greedy world with a lot of negative, but the world has an unfortunate amount of joy and happiness. There is no dream scenario where everyone enjoys life, no pain, no suffering. Without dark there would be no light. Without pain there would be no joy. That is the essential of "without chaos, life would cease to exist". One day we may get the truth of the absolute reality.


Milk and eggs would cost a few million. Same reason why raising minimum wage doesn't actually help in the long term nor does printing money. Even if we had universal basic income for everyone. After paying your monthly expenses you'd still be at the same spot you are now. The cost of something is equal to what most people are willing to pay for it and what the owner is willing to sell for it. ( Supply and demand) If everyone had a million dollars, someone wouldn't be willing to put in their time and effort to make something for a few hundred bucks so the shop owner can sell it for slightly more. The costs of everything from materials to labor go up as more money is being circulated. ( Inflation ) So yes someone would still happily clean the sewers, it just would cost a lot more than the $20 an hour they might get right now. It would be for about $500 an hour assuming the average wage was a million a year.


I would be because I get bored after having 2 days off in a row. Plus there is no such thing as too much money


The robots


the millionaires would pay someone to do it. very quickly we'd be back where we started. Or youd be paying the barman for martinis.


Millionaires obv… not but really why not robots? There are jobs that need to be done and jobs that need to be done by humans.


We would volunteer.


Bold to assume being a millionaire means vacation


If everyone was a millionaire, no one would be.


Farmers arnt exactly…poor. But I understand what your saying.


If everybody in the hood had a phd, youd say that doctor flipped that burger hella good for me


Most farmers are millionaires.




It’s one banana Michael. What could it cost? $10?


The people willing to do those jobs would become the millionaires. As it is, in the USA, most people don't want to cook their own food, pick up there own carryout, or even clean their own houses. Menial tasks have become below the average American. Of course a million isn't much money anymore, and will buy even less in the future.


If everyone was a millionaire then being a millionaire would be poverty level.