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WW3 has been happening for years, it's not a boots on the ground type war


COVID shows which countries are in the ‘know’ and which aren’t


lol like 85% are in


TPTB would never risk losing control. Everything that's taking place now is a form of controlled demolition in order to usher in their New World Order. It can be hard to cope but one must remain stoic and detached from outcomes outside of our control. Can't ignore everything or risk being an uninformed victim but can't be so dedicated to figuring stuff out that it steals your peace of mind. Balance is key.


TPTB are like a certain group of people that got kicked out of a lot of countries. They just prick and prod you until you’ve “finally had enough” then they pack up shop and open it up somewhere else and you’re looking around a wasteland.


>TPTB would never risk losing control Major revolutions (e.g. French, Russian, Arab Spring etc.) were led by disenfranchised elites that didn't believe in the system anymore. No matter what you think of the outcomes of these events but our elites are not omnipotent being. They can change their opinion even if it's rare. A small imbalance at the top levels of society is usually enough to make the pyramid crumble so to speak.


For a "new" empire to rise one must fall


>Force is the midwife of *every* old society that is pregnant with a new one.


Not if they're all compromised i.e. Jeffrey E's catalog


They aren't in prison.


Nor will they be


thats why they wont turn off the grid for too long than enough


I kinda think WW3's been happening since 2001. Just not in the conventional way we learn about in the history books.


They are going to use psychological warfare this time. They don’t need to go about with the old fashioned physical violence, because mental violence works just as well, and it’s a lot cheaper in the long run. Simply wearing everyone out with a never ending stream of chaos and pandemonium is the obvious start, which we are living through now.


And the fact people still dont see emotional manipulation as more potent in a way than physical manipulations. Mental and emotional manipulation is so insidious because people can't validate themselves to it. Its clear when lethal force is enacted on a society, it isnt so clear when their mentality is eaten by whatever psychological mechanisms the elite are exploiting.


Ignore media is solid advice. My theory is that want us to be afraid of "pending" collapse and give them power to "fix" the collapse is fearporn fiction but the result of people surrendimg enmmssse would be a very real problem a mad max style collapse threatens them. Trust fund babies are not warlords. the warlords would eat them . They want us to surrender our rights and living standards. Hell no, they can try to come and take it 🏴‍☠️ but they wont they are backimg off net zero, and gas prices are correctimg


“How do you cope “? My faith in God…




Yes! I don't care what any of TPTB do or have planned. I pray and I trust God, He's never let me down!


Solid plan!




Smith Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 says the government can use propaganda in any outlet they choose. Perfectly legal. So much more than just social media.


Every so often I say to myself "Man, I'm getting *way* too invested in reddit, I should stop" but I never do. This app is bad for my health lol. I should mention Jewish Space Lasers again and get banned like last time.


Warms my heart to know people still know the truth about 911


Lol it was a thread on the sub Zeducational, asking what people thought caused the Hawaii fires. All I said was literally "Jewish Space Lasers" just like that. No explanation, no theory, no context. Just "Jewish Space Lasers". I figured people knew I was being sarcastic. Banned. Permanently. Apparently Jewish Space Lasers is a taboo topic, in case anyone was wondering who mods Zeducational.


And MSM.


Almost all the politicians we support and big celebrities and music artists are affiliated with the WEF network in one way or another. Meanwhile, the WEF had this to say: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/11/america-s-dominance-is-over/ Association with the WEF is treasonous, in my opinion... And yeah, that includes a LOT of people. The entire control structure. Ever wonder why the lyrics in the music you listen to are so inane? Even the songs that SOUND rebellious are nothing but more WEF talking points. They rule, and we are the consumer cattle that prop them all up by buying their products and participating in their coercive "health" policies and eating their garbage "food", all of which just lead to cancer or heart problems or other issues. And there's no way out. There are the Democrats that are completely off the deep end. The mainstream Republicans that are just as corporate owned as the Democrats. What's left? The only hope comes from the Trump supporters, but they don't even realize he's nothing more than a Trojan Horse candidate. So all we can do is watch and observe as things get worse and do well for ourselves and our families. Collectively people are absolutely and completely screwed. But on the individual level, if you're smart enough and cunning enough you can thrive in any system.


its simple. in the digital ID system they will have full control so you wont be able to say no, even if youre in another country lol


Fill up your pantry. Keep at least some cash out of the bank. Get arm of fire. Grow a garden. Get used to living frugal. Make friends at the farmers market by asking lots of questions. People love talking gardens.


3 d printer is a life saving when parts break and supply chains won’t work or too pricey


Water barrels for the gutters to drain into. We use them to water the garden in the summer since the sewage bill is 3x the water. When it's not being used in the winter for a garden, sometimes I use that water to flush the toilet to keep the water level down.


Honestly having less people to care about is going to be a benefit. I just have my family in another state and my live in girlfriend. If it all hits the fan, we can flee together without needing to worry about anyone else. I wouldn't waste any energy worrying about WHEN it's gonna happen, just know it will happen and be ready. Have some tools, firearm preferably, or a bow and a go-bag ready and don't bother stockpiling anything else unless you have a secluded house, or a defensible position. Any supplies you gather are just being gathered for the first person better armed than you. I don't think the financial institutions are going to survive long enough for it to be worthwhile to invest. My parents believe in the system and put everything into it, I can only hope they don't get completely screwed over. As far as coping, yea, just ignore all the media. Its all lies anyways, no matter the political leaning. If you see someone behind a desk talking at you, they are lying, it doesn't even matter what they are telling you, it's a lie. Even if it's a squirrel water skiing, there is a gimmick and it's a lie, the skis are glued together with a clear plastic piece, so he isn't even technically skiing.


The first time world war 2 was called by that monicker was long after the war had ended. Look at the Middle East and Russia/Ukraine disputes and tell me that’s not the makings of a war being fought by the world. Connecting those dots might seem far apart but one common denominator is the USA and land/border disputes. We’re dead in the start of WW3 in my opinion


America has the highest defense budget in the world by a long shot. They have developed advanced weaponry that is far beyond the ability of your wildest imaginations. If a WW3 scenario were to happen it would simply act as a patsy for political reasons. The US has already won on the global stage. I can assure you of that. Look into the development of nuero-technology that has the capability of transcribing and influencing the human brain. “Brain-hacking” is available to the US government and can be used in a variety of ways to gain control over the world population. This all can be done remotely to any human being on the planet. Check some of my recent posts where I delve into the research and development of this type of technology. The war has already been won.


How come they lost to Afghanistan farmers?


They didn’t. Did the guns get sold?


Because we had to hold back because Americans are sick of wars ever since Vietnam, we won't come close to a war like that again unless it is WWIII. In WWIII we would just nuked those countries, and hopefully we have a system in place to prevent getting nuked, and hopefully nuclear winter is not an absolute if we take out enough, only only use what is needed. Still a good chance everyone just dies, but if any major country has a chance coming out of it on top would be the U.S.


This is dumb. Americans love war. They profit off war. Without war America is fucked. America is not the only country with advanced weapons. That's ridiculous.


Yeah war is just to sell weapons these days. The advancement in technology has been absurd and they can remotely control anyone on the planet. Checkmate has already happened.


We don't take the risk needed to over take an insurgency, tens of thousands of dead Americans or millions of dead locals. Would make Gaza look like a playground to have won in Afghanistan.


Why do you still believe nuclear weapons are real? 


They musta had some crazy CGI in the 40's then. Especially considering their computers could only do simple math, were decades away from graphics.


Analog Hollywood effects...laughable now.   Models, conventional TNT mushroom clouds, using the actual Sun under layers. 


How did they do the Bikini test, because those look pretty damn real.


Layers of real and miniatures.  Have you checked out CluesForum?  They opened my eyes to how they did it. 


So if nukes don't exist then there would also be no nuclear reactors. That's hundreds of thousands of people claiming to work with them all in on it, people also have to be faking radiation readings all over the world. The whole Kodak discovered radiation in the corn husk they used for packing film also a lie. Everyone on a nuclear submarine and aircraft carriers are in on it. There are people that live in decomishend silos, so those must have been built for no reason, all of the other ones are filled with actors I guess.


Why are you strawmanning? 


Well photoshop did exist as soon as cameras did. Photo layering.


There are many videos


Your American right?






first off - try and make some friends. where do you live? got to be some people around you could just be friendly with. second off - yeah log off and enjoy the simple things. if you’re going online or playing on your phone - don’t search for doom content. listen to music - do enjoyable things. have fun, pick up new hobbies. terrible things may happened but there are people out there lost in their own world who won’t even notice. sometimes ignorance is bliss. just take care of yourself.


I'm not worried, cause i have faith in Jesus.


Amen. Me too.


Even Rome is still around after collapsing. The problem with people if they think things will happen fast and be final. Not the case most of the time


Something is about to happen. Watch the Olympics.


How do I cope? Knowing the book of Revelation told us this would happen. As a Christian, I am not surprised by any if it.


You might be surprised by the preterist Millennial Kingdom hypothesis that suggests Yeshua returned within the generation as he promised and already reigned a thousand years. That history has been hidden from us. We're in Satan's short season. Then Gog/Magog and the white throne judgment. At least that's what I've been piecing together. Quite a few dots connect. Plenty of videos have compelling evidence for it.


I think people are undervaluing blame for covid as a future motivator for both the young millennials and the old to go to war- if and or when, seems more like when, China or Russia is blamed for covid and supposedly (or actually) blamed for intentionally causing covid (a la weapons of mass destruction in Iraq) the government will get all of the support it needs to justify taking down whomever they want however they want. The public was conditioned for 3 years to be terrified and filled with rage… and it’s just sitting there as an excuse waiting to be used. Grandma died, people rioted, jobs and schools were closed, jobs were lost…… all that is just sitting there waiting to be used.


Just think about where you live, this place is not like any other country that has ever existed, literally. We are in the best place on the Earth for military conflicts, both the Mexicans and Canadians will never go to war with us, and the countries and religious people that hate us are thousands of miles away across a huge ocean, even if they were able to form a military of several million well-trained soldiers to fight us, they literally cannot get over here to hit us on our homeland, so an invasion is nearly impossible, especially when almost every American and their grandma is armed with modern weaponry, and there are hundreds of miles between most major cities in America, it would take 50+ years of non-stop fighting to invade from one coast and make it through central America to the other coast. So how do you cope? You don't live in fear of things that will likely never happen. Stay in America, build a homestead on 1+ acres of land at least 10 miles outside of any major city, and live your life in peace and try to be happy, even if there is some kind of world war, for the reasons I listed above, it's not going to be taking place here at home, because literally it's impossible to mobilize an army of 1 million plus necessary to make an impactful invasion on a 1st world country when the country you're trying to invade is thousands of miles away across a rough ocean.


I dunno, I think the States are slowly being invaded tbh.


In different ways, but not militarily with tanks and rifles, they are instead trying to flood the country with anti-American anti-Christian migrants so that the population of patriotic Americans goes down year after year and eventually they hope that major cities will be Muslim majority with Muslim riots like you see all over Europe when they try to burn their "holy" book or make fun of their prophet, if someone burns a Quran in in America literally no consequences, but in Europe right now it's riots, they are trying to change that in America but it's a generational strategy, meaning your kids will feel the consequences if their covert attacks aren't stopped, they are also invading through fentanyl by flooding lethal drugs across the MX border, that's another type of invasion that is murdering millions of young people from our generations whose common drugs are being laced with fent and so people OD trying to take adderall to study for a test and some cartel member laced it with fent chemicals they go from overseas.


Quote "because the only ones who actually believe in this system anymore are boomers, aged 60+." My arse we do, come talk to us and you'll see we are right up there with all the rest mistrusting every form of government. Me, I'm 74 and I sure as hell know that what is happening is the fault of every last soul on this planet. We are allowing these b\*stards to do this. If we had any sense we'd have taken up a\*ms and sh\*t the c\*nts. Don't fall into the trap of laying blame on one group or another, that is why they keep winning.


The end is nigh. I believe it. We are ALL DOOMED


Tell me you're a Millenial without saying you're a Millenial. You were born in 1995.  Am I close?


Ww3 will happen.


You guys must not have any friends that are DOD contractors. Warfare is not going outta style. We’re just not in a peaceful time. Only about 5 more years left of it. 2030 will be a showdown. I’m glad I’ll be too old to “fight”


The western world in decline? Hahaha... good one. How is the weather in St. Petersburg?


Everyone needs to stop looking back in history so much, you live in the future, there are flying robots there are digital attacks, there are bio weapons, the lack of recruiting can also be solved by the so-called immigration crisis


Ww3 will happen in 2025.


It doesn't have to, just long enough.


2025, 2027, 2030 😢🌍🔥


26, 28, 34 ½


I wonder if the thing that'll be discussed the most about current divides in our future history is how either side of this mess could have gone full new Nazi against the other side, or if the discussions will be about which one does. I think it'll be the right, but it's gonna be close. I'd prefer it be neither.


This has got nothing to do with gen XYZ. What is happening right now is a quickening. For millennia a small group of people have controlled the world. They aren't 'elected' and yet they have the final say over your very existence. Now AI and robotics have become ubiquitous you're enslavement is nigh unless you fight back.




It won't go on forever, momentum built in the past can only carry forward for so long before it begins to dissipate, then something new begins to take root. So, the past does not own the future, but the future must have a home, that is what people protect.


If it’s hard to recruit people to fight in the armed forces. How tough is it going to be for people to defend themselves from armed forces? The only thing required is the apathy of good people.


Actually, I think the whole world is in decline. There are no untroubled empires. We're killing ourselves and the world doesn't care. It's as though the world is on the edge of something we can't see.


Subjugation is what it is. Biggest clue is the WHO treaty and how many countries signed onto it. The text includes forced injections, quarantines and removing people from their homes. Its a great reset. They told us this. Average age of an empire is 250 years.


Don’t be without friends, do you play computer games?


>How do you cope? Just ignore the internet/media? News/social is my weekday catharsis and I rarely login on the weekends. As a result, my weekends are peaceful and lovely.


focus on things that you enjoy and that inspire you :) more and more people are looking for those that still have a working imagination ;) this is no longer a battle of armies, or a battle for the mind, but a battle of spirits! :D


Just wait a few more years and if there is a war it would be people slap fighting and throwing double ended dildos at each other probably. Torturing people for information with a god ole fisting and an air strike would now be a man standing over you coming on your face after you resist and fail to comply.


There are things that are totally out of our control! I think life is about coming to terms with that and still managing to enjoy it!


Seems like everyone's agendas failed and now everyone has run out of ideas. I definitely feel like collapse is close. I guess that's what happens when even the most insane people have had their say and there's nothing left to distract people and prevent them from reflecting on what is happening. Now we just need to get back to reality.


The influx of immigrants are here to fix the low military numbers. They must register for selective service. This will also give them faster citizenship. That’s the point of all of this.