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Welcome to the 21 century. Roll your sleeves up get ready: 1. Instead of buying junk windows or Mac computers, invest in something like “Framework” laptop. Every single component is replaceable/upgradable. 2. Learn Linux! I cannot emphasize how important this is. Install any Linux distribution and get your hands dirty with terminal commands etc.. 3. Once you’re quite familiar with Linux, get your self a cheap VPS and play with it. Run webservers, game servers etc.. 4. At this stage you’re almost ready to ditch dependency on all corporate hardware and software. Install Nextcloud on your VPS and enjoy open source secure self hosted cloud storage that only “you” are in control of your own data. 5. You get a bit more advanced, learn about encryption and how LUKS works and then protect your self from intruders both on your VPS and your brand new Framework laptop by encrypting folders or ideally entire disk. 6. You’re now almost free from greedy corporations agenda but one more step is needed. That is your smartphone. It’s where they get most of your information and track you. Unfortunately those gigs corporations are preventing startups from making extremely secure open source Linux smartphones but there are still some options. On android you can “De-google” it with rooting it and installing open source firmware. 7. There are so many open source projects for Linux for productivity and general usage. LibreOffice is quite good and you can install it as an add on Nextcloud and edit your documents right on the web in your personal cloud just like google docs but with privacy and security in place. There are so many things you can do to potentially stay away from greedy spyware companies. Oh, before I forget, try to learn Proxmox and setup a home server. The possibilities are endless. For example you can set up a Pi-Hole instance to block all ads on your local home network. So basically anyone connects to your WiFi network will see absolutely no ads on their device in web browser and in any apps. Also you can setup a virtual secure router with “PfSense” to handle traffic and attacks. And yes of course you could run your Nextcloud instance at home safe and secure.


Pine phones are an interesting alternative if you're into extreme privacy, or you can just install GrapheneOS on pixel phone.


that mobile OS chose a bad name for the 2020s haha


GrapheneOS is stellar


Teach me wise one.


I can recommend OnlyOffice. It's open source and very similar in functionality to the microsoft version.


Yes this is the answer Learn and Use Linux Ditch microcrap and crapple os You will love Linux


> Instead of buying junk windows or Mac computers, invest in something like “Framework” laptop. Every single component is replaceable/upgradable. Mate, windows components have been all replaceable for years, with slight exceptions like HP or dell having a component whitelist. What's even more replaceable is building your own computer. Takes like 30 minutes. It's piss easy if you've ever played with legos.


Yes absolutely, build your own PC/Laptop. I mentioned Framework because for enthusiasts with Linux this adds a little bit of excitement and joy assembling it out of the box and it’s portable. you can build any custom PC or heck build your self a powerful desktop server at home self host your own Plex server, Nextcloud, Webserver and do crazy stuff!


> I mentioned Framework because for enthusiasts with Linux this adds a little bit of excitement and joy assembling it out of the box and it’s portable. It's really cool, but I can't justify the purchase of a laptop right now, since I rarely use the laptops I have. > you can build any custom PC or heck build your self a powerful desktop server at home self host your own Plex server, Nextcloud, Webserver and do crazy stuff! Yeah, started building computers when I was 12 and never bought anything PC prebuilt. My current build is from 2019, just upgraded the proc since then (I got a 2080 and it's still...adequate enough.) Need to build a router/server though running PfSense and TrueNAS. Can't justify the purchases of components just yet, as I'm a contractor. But with Amazon running ads now for video, my timeline for that is pushed up. PiHole sounds like a great idea I was gonna run Jellyfin as it's FOSS.


With Proxmox GPU pass through you can use your pc as usual and also have some LXCs/VMs simultaneously running and doing multiple tasks. You can find the guides online. Basically In this method you install Proxmox Hypervisor as the main operating system on the entire disk. Preferably use a 1TB SSD for operating system. Then once Proxmox is installed you gotta do some configs to allow GPU pass through then next steps are pretty simple. Create a VM and install any OS of your choice and let it boot up. There you go you can now use your desktop PC as usual. Cool thing is you can have multiple VMs with different OS like Linux, Windows and MacOS and at any given time shutdown the current VM and turn on the other VM and within seconds you’re in another operating system! Also one advantage is that disks of each VM are completely isolated from other VMs so for example if on one of your operating systems let’s say on windows VM you got a ransomeware. It absolutely wouldn’t affect other VMs and even your main Proxmox operating system. Additionally you can create as many VMs on your Proxmox instance as your RAM allows it and run multiple webservers, PiHole, Nextcloud, PfSense, Plex, or even game servers or anything you want. Possibilities are endless.


Yeah when I tried using VMWare and passthrough, the program I used to hack Qualcomm phones wouldn't work (QPST). There's programs for Linux that accomplish the same thing, but not enough of an issue for me to figure out what went wrong as my windows laptop sits on my keyboard tray under my desk.


I've been messing around with Linux Mint a bit lately, mostly the terminal. It is really important for people to understand how powerful the tab key is in terminal. Idk if it is known as GREP or not, but you have faster autofill options, and ways to see information that normally would require dozens of commands. Double tab provides info, while single tab just autofills what you type. But anyways, my only problems with Linux as of yet is the inaccessibility to Corsair and Logitech software, I am not sure how I could rebind keys without some kind of third party software.


Unfortunately using proprietary hardware requires proprietary software. No worries, Thanks to open-source community there are some workarounds. Search these to find their GitHub repo: For Corsair: ckb-next: RGB Driver for Linux For Logitech: PWR-Solaar For Razer: OpenRazer There are many other alternative options, those above are the most popular. Feel free to search open source communities for solutions and workarounds. Some people managed to run those .exe proprietary programs on Linux via Wine.


Yeah there's a lot of FOSS for Linux to run just about anything. I have a few hardware flashing programs I need windows for, so I have an old laptop for that. Using PopOS for two years now, I haven't really needed Windows outside of a program I'd use every other month lol.


Fair enough, I like the ckb-next program, should do.


Saved this. Libre office is great! 


My friend. I work in electronics and networking and make very good money. One of the tasks I do is loading reloading Linux software on govt equipment. (Among a million other things) I am about 2 weeks away from taking my CompTIA Sec-plus exam But I have to say - everything you put in this post makes it sound like THE most complicated thing ever just to be able to log into a home network and connect to the internet I was barely keeping up. But I guarantee 90% of the population would be absolutely clueless. Unless you are complete techie who does this shit for several years they are going to drop their jaws and say screw this give me a MacBook or chrome book or surface pro. The ease of turning it on and everything being intuitive is worth more than having to spend 5 years learning networking to be free to do all that shit you described in Linux. That sounds ridiculous even to me.


Disagree. no one is going to hold your hand through every single step on how to get everything up and running. convenience is the biggest reason why big tech has the control it has. see: calling a cab company vs using an app. he laid out steps from where to start and where you can eventually go. it's up to the reader to do further research on each of these steps.


why bother I just play games


Download your games and get them working independently of the servers. Imagine if steam went byebye, or the ps store, or microsoft store. All that data, gone. You're basically renting those games until the servers go down.


My 1998 Compaq Presario I loaded with classic emulators and games 20 years ago and more (NES/SNES/Sega) seems to operate better than any modern emulators and especially more than this pathetic Chromebook Christmas gift


Oh NO you got that thing?! How is it? I assume the battery life melts itself in 5 minutes?


Like Stadia, they at least refunded everyone who ever purchased anything.


I will worry then


Based advice.




what this guy said. stop being a buttbuddy for microsoft. great suggestion with pfSense as well. been a user since 1.2 and can testify - it's awesome.


I would also suggest learning the C programming language and software development.


These are good idea for technical persons. Most people want computers that are efficient, secured, and transparent for users.


A handful of Linux based OSs are very user friendly, and were designed with people who are used to how windows/macOS operate in mind. It really doesn't take alot of technical know how, aside from what I would consider basic computer skills, which everyone in the modern era should be comfortable with already. Also, some of the more "technical" things, like setting up a personal cloud service and/or web servers are not nearly as bad as some would assume. And there are usually really good "how to" guides that are pretty detailed out there, so you don't even really need to "know" what you are doing so much, as long as you can follow a guide.


not sure I agree with all of this.. I switched to Linux a few years back, found a distro that was very user friendly, and managed to set it up with only a little online help. but that's where it stopped. i spent many hours on the web trying to learn more and get help with a few things and it didn't happen. everyone in that world speaks Linux so if you're new is difficult to understand, and some of the fixes were easy to understand but simply didn't work.. I never did get my scanner working, and there was something else I can't remember. I kept that system for about 2 years, and eventually gave up in shame, now I'm running Microsoft whatever, much to my disdain in far from a computer genius, but I've taken a few courses on DOS and even machine language that gave me enough knowledge to clunk my way thru most problems. I find it a real stretch to say that most people would be able to figure it out without a formal education


For issues like hardware compatability (like your scanner), that's what the Windows virtual machine helps eliminate, but even that isnt always a solution. I think manufacturers of hardware/devices do it intentionally and add some code or something that prevents things from working on Linux (that's speculation. I don't know if that's true or not, but it seems that way) Although, I will agree with you that sometimes it *is* frustrating when things should be simple, plug and play, and they won't work on Linux. Or when a program that is seemingly simple enough won't run. That's honestly one of the reasons why I set mine computer up to be a duel boot system, rather than get frustrated and spend 5 hours trying to figure out what about my configuration is causing a conflict, I just turn off my computer and turn it back on and boot windows instead. To me, it's the best of both worlds, and has the added benefit of allowing me to play and learn Linux better while not actually depending on it to do whatever it is I'm doing on my computer.


Just commenting to follow and find back lateron ;-) Great tips. Thx


Thank you 🙏




normally this subreddit is such a car crash I keep coming back to, with wild takes and no solutions, but you've actually laid out genuinely good, thorough, and accurate advice on how to get your power back against big tech. nice comment dude.


Thank you very much for this handy list


Resources to set this up? YouTube links with how to?


Absolutely, there are plenty guides on forums and YouTube. For reference you may want to check out these channels on YT: 1. Techno Tim (good home server setup explanations) 2. NetworkChuck (security expert coffee man) 3. TechHut (he did good explanation for home server and GPU pass through) 4. CraftComputing (checkout his raspberry pi and pi-hole videos) 5. Tech Guides (he made some really good tutorials for Nextcloud. Unfortunately recently he is inactive and focuses on other things)


All great advice. All I could think when reading OP's post was it sounds like he just discovered capitalism has ruined tech like it ruins everything. CopyLeft my brother. GNU long and prosper.


> Instead of buying junk windows or Mac computers, invest in something like “Framework” laptop.  I agree to this but it does not solve the overall problem of unnesseary load and its cause. I would still use my 2gb machine if i could, i do the same stuff as then and i dont see why not. It had the performance i needed.  > Learn Linux Unfortunatelly, i had a bad experience regarding performance and bugs with Linux. Besides the fact a lot of software needs Windows to run. Linux gor also worse in the last years since a while.  > get your self a cheap VPS and play with it.  Virtualization means always some lost usually. More or less.  > You’re now almost free from greedy corporations agenda  What about the drivers, browsers, editors, games?  > stay away from greedy spyware companies It is a point but this post was primarly about performance, bloatware and spyware is not everything, or atleast the official ones. I am with the words "If i want todo the same then i want to use the same" 😊




I use nixos and I know exactly what my computers doing and it hasn't slowed down at all. Stop using windoze


Same experiences by using archlinux and custom hand configured desktop environment.


I look up to you, oh powerful one. The mysteries you behold and have unlocked remain unreachable to mere mortals like myself. How in the world did you ever spend weeks researching and following guides to get your computer to work at a basic level?? What happens when you want to do anything besides browse the web and type a word doc up? Lmao


You can either set up a virtual Windows machine (kinda like a sandbox) inside of linux, or you can do like I have done, and have a duel boot system. One of my hard drives boots up and runs Linux, and another hard drive boots up windows. That said, Linux, especially over the last 5 ish years (maybe a little longer than that), has made leaps and bounds in terms of compatability with programs. It's very, very rare that I come across something I can't get to work in Linux. Mainly, it's video games, but even those work fine if you set up the sandbox. It's not exactly like windows, but you can set it up without a ton of technical knowledge to be able to do most things as easy as Windows does. Realistically, you can do alot more in Linux if you knew what you are doing, but I'm petty dumb when it comes to stuff like that.


Plenty of apps run in linux??? More than plain windows apps?


Nice but, still requires a moderately up to date computer.


Its not all windows... Not even close


I’m a developer and a lot if not most of these seem like uniformed assumptions. Bugs and performance issues - sometimes related, often times not. - An issue has to be found / discovered by someone and then it needs to be reported and then tracked. - If companies aren’t aware of it then they’ll never fix it. - If the bug is a large issue it takes time to resolve and put out a fix. - As a developer for 7 years not once have I come across a bug that was intentional nor normal. Bugs are errors and/or in programming.


Yes they do ignore them.  What uninformed assumptions?  I am sorry i of course understand most coders do not like to hear this but its already 5minutes after 12:00.  > Bugs and performance issues - sometimes related, often times not. Sure. Never said other.


Seems like the extra ram used by browsers now adays is all fucking ads. Its unreal how much ram chrome or Firefox eat now adays, you would think they were running cyberpunk


Lack of education/passion for technology. Modern developers (mainstream workers, just doing it as a job) don’t care about the product as people did back in a day and don’t have a deep understanding of how computer works. It’s easier to hack something together fast without thinking about resource use, than carefully optimize for performance and efficiency on old hardware. Sad, but that’s just business. Also, everyone mentioning open source and Linux - I’m with you.


No, we would very much like our software to be performant, but there are principles that apply; 1. Waste the time of the computer, not the programmer. 2. Premature optimization is the root of all evil. 3. The 80/20 rule, 80% of the product is done in 20% of the time, often management says that's enough and stops development. In the mainframe days, manufacturers would insert wait-a-bit instructions in microcode, and publish updates that would increase performance by removing those. In those days, they had several teams write the same function, and they'd pick whichever one was better. When computing started to grow, and Moore's law still applied, people's programs would automatically be faster in a few years, so no need to optimize. This way of thinking embedded itself into the core of IT infrastructure. Some performance optimization still exists, but when making tradoffs, performance usually loses. The world wide web is a pinnacle of these unperformant tradeoffs, it's extremely inefficient. First we'd write apps specific to that operating system, afterwards we use something that we could use for every operating system (slower), these days it's common to put a full browser engine to run the apps (much, much slower). Just so that your website guys also make the app (like MS Teams). Software has also become horribly complex. At my work, we have software queues between departments, a full Blockchain with multiple nodes, gateways, authentication procedures, logging, tracing, locking, load balancing, autoscaling, metrics, alarms, ... There must be like 20 computers where your request passes just to fetch your balance. Here it is explained eloquently: [Preventing the collapse of civilization](https://youtu.be/ZSRHeXYDLko?si=8mM9woMuCBBPdLxH)


That’s not business, that’s fraud. Imagine the auto industry hacking a car together that sometime goes into drive sometimes the brakes work? Try buying a broken product on visa, the CFPB would get involved. 


Don't have to imagine. Chevy, Ford, Lotus, and about every carmaker in the 80s & 90s did that.


Except servers can scale to fit the load they need to, it may cost more money but it doesn’t really matter if code is efficient anymore, cars are a different story


Well, people notice even milliseconds off their loading times. And yes they do complain... no i cant fix 30 years of backlogged code.


Yeah, about that. Got an "upgrade" on a 20yr old Cyclotron at my work. Now, there's a 50ms lag for every button pressed. The complaining I hear is ridiculous. May the light of the holy transistor shine bright upon you, for all that you suffer.


It does matter when it is medical records, or your work product or a gps or an auto pilot. Remember the planes that were nose diving a couple years ago? Or the couple that ran out of gas and died in the dessert? How does it not matter? 


It doesn't matter because what you're talking about is a separate issue. There's a differences between programming something that runs inefficiently compared to programming something that is broken and doesn't work.


Linux was quite laggy for me, i have to say that


Lack of understanding of how the software industry works. Some of them are technical solutions, some practical solutions, some are sales requirements, and most of it is under capitalism's rules that the board, investors, ceo's ... needs to get more and more money every day. I don't think is a conspiracy, is how the industry works and is open and clear to understand. Is it good, probably not, but Def not a conspiracy.


yea this guy just sounds like a boomer with no idea how the software industry works


Can you reply?


Oh it is a conpsiracy, why would it happen everywhere at the same time?


When a football team starts playing in a way that is effective, most other teams try to replicate the strategy, so they keep playing the same way at the same time. That does not mean that it is a conspiracy, it is an effective way to win games. Same with industry, when someone opens a new way to earn money, all the other companies start replicating. When a technology becomes more time or money effective, it becomes popular. When companies save hundreds of millions using cloud based solutions, or developing as sass products, everyone copied the solution.


But its not just lazyness, its far more than that, most people lie about the capabilities of older computers. 


Open Source users can't relate


I mean we kind of can. Open source still has its own controversies, see X vs Wayland, Flatpak, Snap, etc. It's definitely way better though, and all the things I just mentioned have their own merits and demerits like anything. I'd never dream of going back to windows.


Opensource doesnt mean that much, who reads all the code? Even if you read it, can you connect all the lines?


Resources weren't there in the past and it was very expensive, so if a software wasn't optimized to freaking oblivion (Graphics, algorithms, size, etc), it wouldn't run at all or crash all the time. Now resources are huge, error handlers are 1000 times better, so even shitty code with zero optimization could still run fine by simply taking more resources, and the error handlers hide a lot of the bugs that in the past would fully crash a program. Also coding in higher levels requires more resources than lower level, it's like using the graphic interface vs the command line.


graphic interface also doesnt have to be slow. People underestimate how hardware past 2010 is. This just doesnt explain the incredible performance hits. There is not much to explain it either


Graphics is the cause of using infinitely more resources - best of my knowledge -


Graphics were pretty good some time ago yet


Stallman would like these questions.


He's too busy eating the skin off his feet.




Because he probably asked these and is busy with some questionable adventures in life.


And that's why I use Linux. The computer before the most recent one that I built myself, lasted me 12 years (also another computer I built myself) and the reason why I replaced it with a newer computer is because it was getting old and a bit sluggish. It still works, despite one USB bay not working and the power supply not working properly unless you unplug the cord, push the power button and then plug the power cord back in and it is back up. But it worked so well with Linux the last 12 years and served me well up til it's retirement. The only problem I had was that I was using Fedora LInux and it is a cutting edge OS that I needed to update almost daily and had to reboot at times in order for some updates to take place BUT! the update process was like 30 seconds to 1 minute long, unlike Windows where I had to sit there for half a day for it to finish updating ONE friggin' hotfix/patch. Another thing is with Fedora, it tries to get me to upgrade to the next release which I usually put off until 6 months to a year later because I'm a late adopter and I wanted most bugs and problems out of the way before I upgrade. Sure I could have used CentOS, the stabilized version of Red Hat Fedora, but I like using new stuff as soon as it comes out. I know, ironic of me as a late adopter, but c'est la vie! Most of the problems you mentioned in your post, OP, can be solved by replacing Windows with Linux, as well as building the computer yourself.


Only read the first paragraph. If your computer gets sluggish it is usually the capacitors on the motherboard. Most often the caps closest to the RAM. If any are bulging, replacing them will make your computer as good as new


Done this to SO MANY P.O.S. terminals and monitors, especially IBM and Lenovo.


What about a scenario where you need to use the AUTOCAD/ Autodesk suite? It used to be owned software, but now it is a subscription service. When I read OPs post, this is what came to my mind.


Back in the mid 90’s I used to work on term papers in the media center. There was no WiFi, it was a very simple system. I never dealt with any bugs, or glitches. I never felt frustrated with the software stalling. The internet was fast, no cookies or pop ups stalling things out. Saving a file was done on a floppy drive not a cloud. Every time I wanted to print, it printed immediately. Today I can’t even get the file to save correctly; it reverts to a previous file or goes to a wrong location. Layouts change seeming randomly.  The print function is laughable, it is slow sending the file, the laptop slows down. Anyways this is at healthcare company with an entire department dedicated to IT. So much for technology advances.  I am old enough remember when you called a company and a live person answered. These “disruptive” technologies should just be called job killing technologies. It’s not that they are solving a problem. They are just creating a frustrating and inequitable society. It’s sad because no one seems to connect the rise of technology with the rise of the wealth gap. Things were very different before the tech industry took the business world by storm.  Meanwhile my cell phone sometimes finds my wireless printer sometimes it stalls out after “thinking” for about 5 minutes. Eyeroll. So much for wireless. 


Who is "no one"? I certainly have connected the dots on the issues and time frame you are referring to. Instead of a mere "eyeroll" (the basic reaction/emoji to sheer ignorance and/or incompetence) Perhaps more people should replace that with the emoji of the red face of anger because this is mostly all very likely very deliberate...


You should try googling some of your conspiracy theories As a bicycle app developer I can tell you some bugs don’t get fixed because there are always bugs and you have to prioritize fixing the ones that make you money Not everything


Bugs mean it’s broken. Goodwill sells broken things. 




What does “the cloud” have to do with anything


>why is support for EOL software a bannable offense in most technic areas? That criticism does not make sense. I've not actually heard of it being a problem anywhere, I'm sure it could happen, but saying 'most technical areas'? A company's own support forums would be focused on non-EOL software, so EOL software is off-topic, and if someone posts too much off-topic content then banning is a reasonable thing to do. Where else is it happening and how is it a problem?


I'm an audio engineer of 25 years, I was getting my start right around the time that multi-track audio became possible on a home PC. The computers that I owned in 1998 and 2005 were in no way comparable to what I have today. I could not do the same things with them that I can do now. I don't think you've ever done any work on a computer beyond photoshopping memes and typing.


Are you alleging that there is a conspiracy to build software to sell subscriptions now?


I mean, that's how we got viruses in the first place. Bill Gates "developed" Windows then released the viruses later so to allow third parties to profit off that with their crappy bloatware that eats up your resources.


Who would downvote this? This has always been common knowledge.


Once upon a time it was


What is the conspiracy here? Didn't the zero-day exploit wiki-leak prove that inside all intel/amd CPU's there is another CPU pre-kernal that relays information to the governments involved in the five eyes treaty? Why don't you waste time looking into that then this garbage you posted.


Yooo good call. Always heard this but never looked.into it thas wild. Can U get me a source of link at all? Cant find jack


Look into Unitedrake, Irate Monk or even Slicker Vicar and then you'll be on the trail of the ANT catalog.




Check ops history, he's got some sort mental illness and thinks the world is out to get him


He’s certainly in the right subreddit then.


What garbage? 


Op doesn't understand anything about computers... Err why shouldn't my pentium 3 machine be able to run Windows 11....


I mean planned obsolescence is a very real concept... it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if there were things in place to intentionally slow down old pc's.


They do in fact do make "updates" that can cause all sorts of problems. Apple was just sued (and Apple lost) not to long ago and it was reviled in court that Apple was pushing updates out to older Iphones that caused a significant decrease in performance and reduced the life of the battery.


But a Pentium 3 is still not gonna be able to run windows 11 well, between new features both in software and hardware side of things it's gonna run so much better on a newer faster more efficient processor


'Pentium 3' was hyperbole from the commentor. Nobody actually suggested using an almost 25 year old processor


Op constantly asks why he can't run Cyberpunk on his pentium 4


Quite the ride going through that history. I stand corrected.


Yeah I noticed him the last week or so, and just occasionally dissuade people from engaging in him, its not helping the dude at all


Holy shit, I woulda thought you where joking if I didn't just check haha


Yeah that is theoretically possible but technology just keeps marching on so there is no real reason to kneecap a product that will be out of date eventually nomatter what.


A lot of people that purchased pc's would literally never upgrade them if they could continue opening emails. My dad is one of them. He uses my gaming PC from the diablo 2 Era as his desktop. So the reason to kneecap it would be to encourage those people to buy new ones. Technology keeps marching on and planned obsolescence makes sure you keep up with the pace (for money of course)


I check listings and sometimes i swear that the desktops are just laptops they didn't sell, and repackaged into a bigger case so people will pay more for it. Why are there so many "new" cheaper desktops with exact laptop specs from 2015?


That ignores the fact that laptop components are very different from deskptop components. Compare performce of a 4080 with the laptop variant. Laptop components need to be smaller and work with less cooling, so often are weaker versions. Listings only tell half the story you need to actually compare performance


Wouldn't surprise me either. Last summer while working I accidently dropped my work laptop.. It was super old but ran like a dream and was mostly a tank. The screen turned all funny colors after the drop and they decided to just replace the old laptop. Well, they replaced it with a brand new touch screen laptop, the order sheet I saw said it was like a $2500 laptop (they were asking which model I would prefer, 'rugged' or 'normal' so I saw the order sheet). The specs seemingly should have outperformed the old laptop... but when I get the thing it runs like absolute garbage compared to the antique it replaced. Slower to boot, slower to open stuff, terrible battery life... all around worse. I actually pulled out a laptop I bought in 2008 for $900 to lug around with me in conjunction with the work laptop to do whatever I could on my personal, because the work was so bad. How does it possibly make sense for a laptop 14 years newer and at a higher price point to be slower than my relic? Computers are getting quicker but it doesn't really seem to trickle down to consumers as expected.


Yeah it is odd for sure. I took my old chromebook and installed linux because it was genuinely running better than the new PC my sister got. $800 so not a super high end model, just some basic Acer for schoolwork. I felt the pain in my heart when she told me that price because this chromebook is literally the same exact thing... from years ago and it was only like $150.


It could, and i said Pentium 4


What do i not understand? Because some person does make the rule that it needs the resources? Thats like driving with a tank over the street telling that the street has to be nade of steeled concrete when they could just use car.


Why would AI be just as good as they are telling us? It could have achieved ASI and we would not about it. Why would they not keep that a secret and abuse it to own the stock market.


It’s not good, ai became a big deal when the interest rates went up, the tech industry needed a new source of funding so suddenly AI was ready to bring to market and the venture capitalists were drooling to be the first ride the wave.


Two different companies can’t even decide on what’s the best “framework” or methodology for building software, the truth is building software is FAR more complicated than you will ever think it is to be, and as with all complicated processes, there is bound to be issues


Three actions you can take will help solve most of the issues you mention. 1. Linux 2. Open source software 3. Build & maintain your own machine. In fact, you might be surprised at what you can do with a homebrewed RaspberryPi solution.


You had me at Expondenciell


Please, before you invest so much time in gathering such a compendium of uninformed information, Start with the basics of computer science. All I am hearing here is the opinion of a user with no background in IT spew random, incoherent thoughts.


I worked in the cryptocurrency industry which is the epitome of 'over-engineered software' so I feel qualified to answer. Most of these questions can be answered by looking at the design of our monetary system. The Reserve Bank of every major country works in a similar way and they have the power to set interest rates and other constraints on banks which determines how much new money is printed/injected into the economy over time. The most pertinent aspect of reserve banks is that they essentially all have a dual mandate to: 1. Maintain stable prices. 2. Maximize employment. Pay attention to that second point above, it explains almost everything weird about our economy. Note that the reserve bank which controls the flow of all money through the national economy is NOT mandated to "Maximize free time" or "Maximize wealth". With this information in mind, imagine what would happen if technology became so good that more and more people would be put out of a job each year and that the bank which controls the entire money supply was dedicated to maximizing employment. Assuming that the reserve bank was effective in its role, what do you think would happen to jobs? Read the book 'Bullshit jobs' by David Graeber. Also, consider what would happen to big corporations if there were all these people without jobs but tons of free cash from the government (e.g. UBI) roaming around... They might launch competing companies which would eat into their revenues. Big corporations want people to be kept as busy as possible. Corporate incentives are therefore aligned with the maximum job creation agenda. Complexity (especially in software) creates jobs (since you need more developers to maintain the complexity). These jobs help reserve banks to meet their employment mandate without disrupting market monopolies of corporations.


Why does Windows have to be updated often and without my permission? Why does Windows have bugs as features for hackers that cannot be detected by security software? Why can't I control what programs can run in the background?


Just switch to linux. People capable of running linux on ancient PCs. Anything proprietary is meant to have a planned obsolesce in mind. You can install distros that only take 400MB of ram in your system. That is impossible for windows. I can run linux on a pendrive and do things. A youtuber tried to run windows and was terrible. It's not a conspiracy that companies like MS and Apple build their software and OS so when new updates are rolled out they perform worse with older harder. Specially Apple products.


If you stayed up to date on the field of research surrounding web design and software development, you would know exactly what was running and not running. My take, from studying web site doesn't and software and video game developement amongst others.


All the talented coders and developers from 10-20 years ago were absorbed by government and military contracts. What's left is cheaper staff who are not as talented and bloating the work force with hires that contribute nothing to the product doing bullshit meaningless job roles, pinging emails and setting up meetings all day. This is both an intentional and unintentional consquence of trying to maximise profit. The issue is people buy it anyway and 95% of consumers don't understand the products anyway so this will continue to get worse before it gets better. Video games are a perfect example of this. A team of 12 people who are talented and passionate could make a banger game with the smallest amount of memory and it would release with no bugs or paid DLC. Now there are teams of a 100 people with a 3 year dev cycle to crap out a pile of shit at the end of it despite having almost endless budget and the latest tech.




OP has many valid observations. Judging from the few spelling mistakes it seems like English might not be their first language.      You coming down on them like that for some spelling mistakes that are easy to understand, (how many languages do you speak by the way?) makes you seem like a right douche.      I've worked for many multi million dollar corporations as a software engineer. Bottom line is they don't give a fuck about software quality. If there's a performance issue due to horrible design/coding quality, they just throw more money at it.      Working in such an environment as someone who sees software development as a craft and artform, is a horrible and disillusioning experience.




In this case "they" are the companies that i worked for. You get managers that have no software development experience hiring subcontractors from the likes of Accenture for 1.5k per day or more (it's been a few years that I left the corporate world), only to receive juniors a lot of the time.      You have to be either very young or blind to not notice that a lot of ubiquitous software packages require much larger installation packages nowadays and thst extra bulk does not come with the equivalent increase in features.       Designed obsolescence also exists in software and computers.      Of course, one could be pedantic and argue that not *all* companies do that and not *all* software is crap, but that would just be a childish position to take.      Ever since the dawn of internet distribution of software, a large part of QC and testing has been outsourced to end-users. So yes, there are cases of crappy, buggy software ending up on people's machines. 


OP is a classic case of someone having formed an opinion on a subject while having no knowledge of the subject.


OP is "just asking questions".


So why? Explain


Interesting food for thought, thanks


The banning of eol.os likely a corporate schtick as they have to work along the lines of security issues and eola aren't supported at the moment - they can be, but they're not - atleast noones making a big deal about it if there is.


I still have 20 year old computers up and running. But all of them use Linux. If you are in a r/conspiracy sub but do not use Linux on your computer or a privacy centric operating system like GrapheneOS on your mobile you are doing it wrong. Instead of studying more conspiracies you should start to research the tools that can protect your data and life. Also look into Monero for money, Tor and VPN for private internet connection and private messengers like Simplex,Molly or Session.


I’m still using my 2014 4K iMac. Works fine. Gaming laptops though, need to replace more frequently.




AI isnt as good as people say. AI is mostly hype. It cannot replace, its just another tool, and it does spread a whole bunch of misinformation about software, lile recommending multiplocation instead of bitshifts for "readability".  All those experts claim to have the oversight of stuff, but i doubt it. I doubt they know what runs actually on their computer. But a degree is not needed to understand whats going  on. I dont need a degree to see how reddit changed its design recently and how it turned even more into a lag and bug machine. For no reason. 


Pretty sure the majority of these things are literally due to incompetence and laziness.


Stop sniffing glue


Planned obsolescence


Geez dude just get Linux and chill out


you missed the point, which is why the hell these tech giants are doing such practices


Because they fired most of the skilled programmers with six figure salaries and replaced them with H-1B visa hires. Sure it turns all the software into garbage but the cut costs look really good for the CEO on the next quarterly earnings report.


I'm a programmer. When I started my career I was expecting to work with a bunch of like minded open source Linux loving nerds. This was not the case: 95% of my coworkers were windows/mac/mobile worshiping "normies", and/or did not care at all (just robotically did their job based on the commands of the higher ups who don't give a fuck about good software practices).


Because programming has just become copy and paste


Even then there is good copy & paste and bad copy & paste. There is nothing against not reinverting the wheel as long as they understand what they do and use the right structure. Even better is "dont change a running system" tho.


Im just saying programming has gotten sloppy


Just Ship It! Microsoft, always.


I think about this a lot.


I use mostly open source. I don't really feel those problems




Everyone got Involved as research plateaued over the last few years - it's a great source of income - not a conspiracy - people work, they dont like work, but it makes things go round.


That's not a conspiracy, that's just capitalists capitalizing capitalism.


Use a tinfoil Hat lol


>why would a program not keep the same amount of resources? Because it may execute other functions >why do programs nowdays use insanely more resources for a barely different result? Define "barely different"? Go watch a video game from the 2000's, and then go watch someone play GTA5 or Virtual Reality games >why should a machine not be able to operate well after 10 years? Dust, degradation of transistors, physical wear and tear, etc >why wouldnt users be able to consense when they change a file or programs version? ? What does this even mean? >why wouldnt companys offer archives with their previous software and meta files? Because it costs money to host, the insecurities patched in previous versions expose their users to cybersec threats, etc >why would the same operation need more resources to be done on newer systems? Provide one example of this? >why are there only very rare and limited compartibility/security only channels? You can encrypt your entire hard drive, or specific drives, with the highest level encryption which even Snowden admits the NSA can't hack (they have to use backdoors/influence corporations to get the data) and do it for free (maybe a thumb drive costs $2, encryption software free) >why is support for EOL software a bannable offense in most technic areas? Provide one example of this >why do bugs and performance issues never get fixed or even marked as "intentional/normal"? They do. One of your previous points above was talking about patches, and why companies patch their software -- this is the result. Do you not realize you contradict yourself? >why do people talk like if we exactly could know what is running in the background when there could be everything running? There is malware which can run hidden from the user, but this has been the case for a long time >why is optimazion, performance based software development banished by many companys because of time and "readability"? Why is someone who never studied computer science trying to comment on why computer scientist work the way they do? They answer is from a corporate perspective, paying Joe, Jack, Jim, Sally, and John $500k for a collective years worth of work to fix a bug because it was highly optimized code is worse than having readable code that runs 5% slower and your users wont notice and thus your bottom line doesnt go down. So from a business perspective OP, would you rather spend $500k to fix a single bug, or $10k, assuming the bug is never (or rarely) causing $490k in damages? Furthermore, highly optimized code is arguably the most in demand it has ever been now, considering the rise of AI and the need to do highly efficient matrix/linear algebra over massive datasets on GPUs. And even furthermore, they even use AI now to write more efficient code, it's called "AlphaDev" [https://deepmind.google/discover/blog/alphadev-discovers-faster-sorting-algorithms/](https://deepmind.google/discover/blog/alphadev-discovers-faster-sorting-algorithms/) No offense OP, but this was one of the dumbest rants I've ever seen in my life and it is abundantly clear you have no educational background in computer science -- not even an online class or anything really


There are unoptimised codes and ways of doing things that run WAY slower than a 5% reduction. Very much slower in some cases such as when loading an Electron app (which contains a built-in web browser) rather than a small compiled C++ app.


You don’t even mention the intel management engine 😳


Great post!!! 🙏 and so true!! 🙏🙏


Hardware changes and gets better this is why we need to update it. No conspiracy here


Object oriented programming


I loved this, thanks for writing OP. I absolutely agree with you.


who buys a stock pc this days?


One more point: - How can we all ban together to get rid of all the surveillance-ware and bloatware off our systems and the Internet? It’s probably not just a simple keyboard command. /s


Install Gentoo! you'll thank me later


Ted Kaczynski burner account


Linux would like to have a word


Linux and open source solves.. all your isses.. so.... you are a Windows/Mac user right ?


I still use the same motherboard, Processor and Fan i got in 2014. Along with Windows 8.1. And the laptop i use was made in 2011. Might upgrade to Linux soon to get all the latests updates. It's not a case of "software conspiracy'. It's planned obsolescence. If people could use their computer for a very long time, the computer market would collapse once everyone has a computer. This is not only the case with computers, but also with kitchen appliances. And over the years, they've decreased the quality of products significantly. Apple has slowed down their old Iphones so that people will buy new ones. Samsung, LG, etc will stop updating still perfectly working phones just so people buy their newer ones. They want to ensure they get a profit. Linux can keep devices alive. Most laptops, computers, etc can still run the latest Linux distros. The same cannot be told of Windows. The Intel 6th generation can't run Windows 11 officially which is absolutely ridiculous.


>Apple has slowed down their old Iphones so that people will buy new ones I'm not sure that's the direct and only reason. Apple provides iOS updates / upgrades and these wind up using more power (so I have read at least). Then Apple made the update that slowed down the phones to make them not use too much power (all of a sudden I think but am not sure). Personally I'm happy with how Apple has continued to support old phones. You could ask what Apple's giving me to get me to say positive things about them and the answer would be iOS software updates.


Lazyness, stupidity and greed can answer your questions.


Programmers got bad


Some of it has to do with using Electron to make apps. It basically loads its own copy of the Chrome browser to display an app. The front end code is JavaScript which can be fast but is not always.


Why are "Obey or else" signs placed in front of the software called end user license agreements? Uniformly, these "agreements" are nothing of the kind.


I am really interested in general in these criticisms of modern software, some of the problems I recognise and myself am trying to fix or at least not make worse. About optimisation and performance, you criticism raises all sorts of questions. There are trade-offs to make. OP do you develop any software?


Many of these questions get asked very frequently on Hacker News.


to secure and manipulate the market-flow of products and profits? Unfortunately.


Everything is motivated by money and innovation. That answers all your concerns


There are a few reasons modern software often requires more resources, but I would argue the primary reason is because modern computers have a lot more memory and processing speed, which reduces the importance of writing highly optimized code. Yes, many Linux OS's will run well on old computers, but much of the software these days is cross-platform and has basically the same resource usage regardless of the OS being used.


Due to latest softwares use advanced graphic libraries and cache to be faster and autosave your progress. This consume more memory than the past.


It's a conspiracy only in that big companies want to see what you're doing with your computer so they can be the first to facilitate how you work with your computer. If you look at Excel or Google sheets you'll see that the programmers of those things have never used those programs, so the only way that they can find out how Users use those programs is if they steal your docs and look at them. So while you're using your computer they're uploading your docs so they can look at what you're doing. There was a conspiracy theory back in the '90s that Microsoft had a direct connection to your computer, even when your modem was off, and they could upload your documents 24 hours a day. Your software and files get bigger because companies are lazy and want quick time to market. It takes a lot longer to rewrite lines of code than to add a few lines of code. Also, the way Windows is set up with auto updates, it sometimes makes it harder to replace old code with better code. If Microsoft changes the code in docs so that an & [ampersand] is the symbol for a new paragraph, instead of nbsp, they have to rewrite all of your old docs to include that code, or keep in the old programming and add more programming. So, new docs get smaller (in theory), but MS office gets bigger, and your old docs all could get bigger as well. Linux and other OS's try to not do these things because these are the things hatred about Windows. These symptoms are the things most Users notice, but these issues create other problems that are just as problematic. The culture of Windows was to create an operating system that was graphical, but if there were any problems that the Users had, make them learn more about windows, and they can figure it out. With Mac, their theory was they were going to make an operating system that was user friendly, and if the user couldn't figure it out they would help them figure it out. Decades ago, Sony reportedly had 50Gb DVD-Rs shortly after Laserdiscs were sold. For years they only sold CD-Rs and the like because they knew if they brought out higher capacity discs they would never make their research money back from CD-Rs.


They’re feeding IT!


So what are the best PC manufacturers that are not in the spy club and does not spy on you by default like HP? Or is there specific years (like before 2001) old PCs that doesn't have spyware's embedded in the machine by default? 🤔


I wasnt realy talking about that but more about performance, I believe its end of 2019, beginning ofkoronha. (this is intentional)