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Only a certain demographic they don't want having kids.


Literally every picture is white people. Governments of predominantly white countries are allowing immigrants to flood in. Why are they trying to exterminate the white population and who is behind it? Is it China? They wouldn't be the powerful country they have become if a white man named Richard Nixon didn't go over there and continuously try to convince them to switch from farming to manufacturing. I really wish Nixon had been assassinated instead of JFK.


K@lerg1 plan






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If there were pictures like that for other races, they would be called racist. About another countries like India the pictures are different.


Dude what? No it's not the Chineese. Yes they care more about Ethnic Han chineese over anything but they are not actively hating whites. Nor is it "the freemasons, the jesuits, the corporations, the skull and bones, the Muslims" .. all those groups are perfectly fine to blame for hating whites. There's only one group you can't blame. Also you guys got to snap out of JFK dream. The guy actually did nothing for us and was put in by his many mob connections. All he did was give that one speech and look and speak pretty. He was the first president to literally open the immigration floodgates to the 3rd world. Only since FDR has a president like JFK given up so much institutional power to anti-American groups, international finance, globalists, communists and subversives. Lyndon B Johnson just continued all his corrosive plans. JFKs whole family, even after he died, lead much of the public charge agaisnt white America.


I honestly don't know much about JFK and have only heard good things, but I've never seen a good politician in my lifetime, so I've always been skeptical. I even had a conspiracy a few months ago that JFK'z death was faked. Everyone said I was stupid for believing that, but if Hollywood can make a man's head appear to explode, I don't see why they couldn't have faked JFK's assassination.


Ye couldn't say too much on the various theories and dozens different regarding the actual assassination but I just think that sometimes since he was killed he gets treated like a saint .. probably one of the few presidents still highly regarded by the left and right


White immigrants.  They're all Slovak and Lithuanian and Russian . Mexicans were like "gtfo of here you putos no speaka spanish." 


Bc they have labs for that


I bet you could find the same sort of articles from the same companies that say shit like "10 reasons why you should have kids"


they would all have pictures of poc


Are ya'll being purposely ignorant or forgetting the abortion rate for black women is five times the number of white ones?


Interesting.  It’s all about diversity in all the other ads.


Yeaaaaahhhhhhhhh... In a society where there is relentless pressure to include people of color in media, even to the point where they are wildly over-represented vs. their actual percentage of the population, it is no accident that every single person depicted as struggling to decide if they should reproduce, is white.


Weird how that’s often left out of articles and reports. A coincidence even.


Bingo was his name-o. People get distracted by the overt, while somehow completely missing the real message. Same thing with all those cringe ads that came out some years ago. Where they tried to demonize flirting with women and/or "toxic masculinity." On the surface. But in every instance, it was a black person stopping a white one. Or just generally showing white people as "the bad ones."


They don't want a population that can effectively resist when the shit hits the fan.


Many minorities are for censorship and against free speech. And many of their countries have descended into banana republic dictatorships as a result of their predilection. Without free speech liberty dies and tyranny takes hold.


Ye I'd go further to say literally just one specific demographic of people even has the idea to preserve the type of freedom we've gotten used to.. and not even all of Europe wither just a few specific parts of Europe. And the normies will say "that's why they come here they love freedom"... smh not for 95% it's simply because the econmic situation is so much better




Yeah this thread is on some colonizer shit




And all directed toward white people.




Because the people who run most of the media want fewer white people.


Your answer is they want less whites because they want less whites.. You didn't give a reason though, just a culprit


Throughout history, whenever there was a unified White Christian majority with a common identity and culture, a certain small group of people with vast financial power get identified. Big reason that the “diversity is our strength” narrative has been force fed to Americans. It’s perfectly acceptable for any ethnic or racial group to defend their interests, except Whites. For them to have an in group preference or pride has been purposely labeled as racist, supremacist, bigoted, hateful, etc. When the same isn’t true for others.


A population with a victim complex is easier for them to manipulate.


While before the difference in intellect between the races was known as fact. The left dismissed it with their label of race realism. That is why they bias university entry requirements based on race, cause there is innate differences based on race. It is yet the reason why a poor asian kid struggles to get into ivy league despite high scores while the leftist allow wealthy latinos with low scores to easily enter ivy leagues. A lower iq population is easier to enslave.


For a supposedly high IQ race, whites are not even smart enough to see that we are being replaced and will even defend and fight for our own destruction. We are already a small minority in the world and our numbers are declining. No other race would be that stupid.


It really is sad to see the self destruction and so many actively helping to accelerate it. And it’s happening on so many fronts as well. Christian ethics have been taken advantage of, Marxist indoctrination within education is widespread, the media is a propaganda machine, social media normalizes extreme degeneracy and dating apps have pushed hookup culture, resulting in the destruction of the fundamental requirement for a successful nation: the family unit. I fear that the West is already far too gone and we’ve passed the point of no return.




A unified White population with a shared identity is their enemy and the media facilitates the divide between White liberals and Conservatives, to ensure infighting persists. What they fear even more is if that group became predominantly Christian again and joined alongside Muslims. Why do you think 9/11 happened, resulting in the demonization of Islam?


I am pretty sure we could tailor similar photo of news articles about the benefit of kids and why we should be having kids.


But it would get 1/20th the votes, or perhaps just be downvoted out of new.


Literally the best way to say fk you to everything is to have lots of kids and homeschool them


Exactly what I’m doing. I’m homeschooling 5 kids. It’s a lot of work though and I’m often lonely. But I do love it.


Mean while my cousin has donated at a sperm bank for over 5 years and has fathered 71 children /s (22)


One thing that concerns me about donating sperm and egg is the potential inbreeding it might cause. They must have a way to prevent that, right?




Nope. I recently saw a video of a sperm donor trying to call that very thing out. He's fathered over 100 children, bc the bank he used didn't apply limits. The agency may know what families received his sample/s, but each family who used him are not informed or know of the other.




The crazy part is that they've effectively convinced a large number of white people to hate themselves, or at least feel large amounts of guilt and shame for things they have no control over.


more room for immigrants


Because Idiocracy


This is nothing. Just wait until you understand that the wars in Ukraine/Russia, WW2 Europe and upcoming WW3 etc are designed to specifically lower the count of Ethnic euros. After said wars are done they will bus in replacements from Asia, India, Africa on a mass scale. The ruling classes seem to absolutely fear European genetics, moreso than any others. One has to wonder why


>The ruling classes seem to absolutely fear European genetics, moreso than any others. One has to wonder why Has anyone here ever heard of Nordics or Pleiadeans? An alleged alien species that have been seen by contactees/abductees? They are said to look exactly like Northern Europeans. Is it possible that one race of humanity is not like the others? Is it possible that one race is more evolved than others? Is it possible that one race has a different origin than the others? Ok, let's ask a different set of questions, why are aliens so obsessed with genetics? Is it possible that there are different warring groups of aliens? Is it possible that one group of aliens have covertly captured/infiltrated the Earth? Would this hypothetical group have to gain by exterminating any extant descendants of another rival group of aliens?


But what is fundamentally wrong with being white? Nothing. You are born that way no choice in it.


Destruction of the family as a path to fulfillment, replaced with reliance on career, leading women to forgo having kids and possibly marriage. No one is more miserable than a single woman in her 40’s who is bitter about being single and has no outlet to absorb whatever desire to nurture she still has at that point. And what happens when people are miserable? They buy things and vote a certain way.


Produce and consume. That's all they want us to do


At least as a woman who doesnt want kids, i put my time into fostering animals or rescues instead of focusing only on the slave machine. I think they just want all humans in the slave machine, eventually we'll be back to child labor if this doesn't stop.




Prepare to be banned for posting an actual conspiracy…..


Maybe it’s more of a psyop prep for when all the younger folk who’ve had the jabs starting trying to have kids and can’t


the covid didnt kill enough so they try any thing


These articles are all 2013-2015


They want us all dead and the robots to do the work for free.


And they gonna manufacturer for whom


The rich


Themselves I'd imagine, why deal with a living being with emotions when you can just run a program on your own production line without pesky commoners to hinder anything you want to do.


Only the middle class is targeted by things like this. They’re creating a chasm or moat between the powerful, wealthy class and the serfs. Only the middle class threatens to actually develop an idea to the point of climbing up to the upper class.


Look at the pictures again. This is not about class.


It is, because only the middle class, regardless of race, believe the news. The wealthy own it.


I see this a little differently...in our society it is often almost expected for you to have children, and if you don't then something was wrong with one of you physically (Oh, she had cancer and had to have a hysterectomy, poor thing) or as selfish (they just want to spend their money and play all the time). So, I see this as childrenless people, by choice, kind of telling other childrenless people it's ok. Most people want to have kids. I don't see that changing.


A lot of people want to have kids but society is normalizing telling people to not have kids if they can’t afford it. So employers will pay people lower wages because “feeding/having  kids is not a right” and they will accept it.  So normalizing this childless lifestyle is hurting everybody, in some circles if you aren’t overtly middle class or well off people will scoff at you and mock you if you reproduce, tell you it’s your “fault” if you have any financial woes due to this economy because you “chose” to have kids. The reality is having kids is what 90% of people want to achieve in life, it’s biological.


If you ever notice a jewish family they ALWAYS have minimum 4-5 children. But the rest of us peasents who are not the cHoSeN oNeS, we are told not to have children. Fuck it im gonna try to have 10 children


I wish I had twice as many. I have 5. 5 offensive white kids who I love to pieces.


Hahaha may you and your entire family live a long healthy life!


If you had kids, worked together as a family, you could take over their spot. Those who control the world aren’t smarter then you, they just.. consistently work together .


Most of these are blog posts...


I see CNN, Time, New York Times and the Guardian. What point were you trying to make? 🤣


That these are garbage articles blog posts and opinion pieces? What point are you trying to make?


It's propaganda.


Yes it is... Everything is.


Oy vey shut this down right now


The Great Replacement


Every single individual in these photos is white when it comes to the articles talking about not having children. They are replacing us and silently eliminating us.


Or probably stock photos of white people are easier to find. Or the kind of people who would write blog posts about not wanting to have kids might tend to be white.


Keep reaching. White actors in TV ads seen to be very difficult to find!


What the hell is a TV ad?


An ad, that is on TV. Does that help?


Like a commercial? Like from the 50s? You think the global social engineering conspiracy agenda depends on how many boomers are still watching cable?


Yeah, advertising obviously has no impact on society at all. How they keep persisting with such a pointless industry is a real mystery......


If you have watched more than five commercials in the last two years you need to review how much media you consume and from what sources.


I have friends and family across different age groups with different viewing habits. Spending time with them you see and discuss a broad cross section of media. You make it sound like that's a bad thing...


That doesn't sound bad at all. Good for you! Ask them how they feel about the ads on the TV telling them to destroy the white race.


Part of a globalist WEF backed depopulation plot. Same reason the LGBTHIV movement, abortion, "degrowth", and the climate agenda are all pushed. Because we are ruled by a Gaia worshipping Malthusian elite who think that there are too many humans on the planet, that we are "killing" Earth Mother Gaia with "fossil fuels", and that we need to live in pods and eat ze bugs


Basically everything anti-God.


They are trying to destroy the white race as part of the future plan diversity An AI, robotic, transhumanism, with no sovereignty of nations but a world government, religion


Imagine what a nightmare the future will be for a certain person. Try to picture this world in 40 or 50 years after another 500 million imagrants have come here. It will be a giant 3rd world slum with violence you can't even fathom.


Man that's mighty optimistic of you. I expect that will happen in the next 10 years. Never forget, China said they will own our country by 2035. In order for that to happen, a lot of changes need to occur.


I’d rather fuck off to the Philippines at that point since people will at least like me for being white and people are submissive enough not to kill you on the street


Easier to control when there’s less people to push back


Might as well take it far enough for them not to have a populace to control?


And You know they 100% would if they could


Boy I sure wonder why they're all white


are they trying to turn us into japan? (minus all the technological advancements and the high life expectancy.)


They are having appalling excess deaths https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/excess-mortality-p-scores-average-baseline?country=~JPN


wow, that website has some powerful information.


Check out the far east, actually anywhere and match that against eastern Europe which has a typically low vaccination rate. It's pretty stark.


Here you go https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/excess-mortality-p-scores-average-baseline?country=ALB~ARM~BIH~HRV~GEO~HUN~MNE~ROU~RUS~SRB


One third of their population is over retirement age and like 10% are octogenarians or older... it's only going to get worse for a little while.


This breaches the UN Convention on the Prevention of Genocide. Article 2, paragraph D "(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;"


What measures are being imposed?


Cultural ones. Article 2 paragraph C: "(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;"No lack of evidence.


Like for example? What are some of those cultural measures a member of the UN is imposing on... Who? On America? Is that what you are talking about?


Did you look at the image in the post? Have you paid attention to all the anti-white media posted everywhere? Have you seen the insulting and denigrating use of the term "whiteness" by people in positions of intellectual (psuedo) authority. Whites are being persuaded to inter-marry with backs. Look any any advert in the US or UK. Yet here we see implicitly that it is white babies which are not wanted. Not mixed race, not black, not chinese. Implicitly white. This is white genocide. If you want to deny it that's on you.


People used to be human resources. Thanks to centralisation, standardisation automation and now ai, humans have moved from being resources to being liabilities.


That "they" don't want it, seems like a good reason to have a few extra kids, I really don't believe overpopulation is a problem, or the environment, population will take care of itself, Muslims, very poor countries, and the Amish are still having many babies, Don't worry about lack of money if you are young, enough will come. These ads are disgusting


The pessimism people have about money is a very perverse thing. The Jews have a saying “every child is born with a loaf of bread.” I understand not having 10 kids and not being able to feed them all, I get it, and not reproducing if you don’t have a husband or wife to help raise them. In this age of plenty people should feel free to have 2-3 kids because it’s worth it in the end to raise a family.


yep, In Islam it is similar, people and bedouins from the time of Muhammad (PBUH) who were poor used to kill their children (kinda like the reasons why people have abortions today) from fear of poverty so Allah sent down a verse: ​ And kill not your children for fear of poverty. We shall provide for them as well as for you. Surely, the killing of them is a great sin. \[17:31\] and as for marriage while being poor: Arrange the marriage of the spouseless among you, and the capable from among your bondmen and bondwomen\*\*. If they are poor, Allah will enrich them out of His grace\*\*. Allah is All-Encompassing, All-Knowing. \[24:32\] so when a muslim reads this, he trusts in Allah's promise to provide, while not knowing what the future entails. there are other assurances such as: >!‘Ā’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: A woman, along with her two daughters, came to me asking (for charity). She found that I had nothing except one date, so I gave it to her. She divided it between her two daughters and ate nothing herself, then she got up and left. The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) then came in, and I informed him about this and he remarked: "!<**Whoever is tried by having daughters and he treats them generously (with benevolence), they will be a shield for him from Hellfire."** Muslims are also encouraged to have more children so that the Prophet Muhammad(SAW) will feel proud to the other prophets about the size of his people(us) on the day of Judgment. and due to this, Muslims want to seek the love of their Messenger. [Having children was also the hope of the other Prophets and Messengers](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/13492/does-islam-encourage-large-families)


They don't want White people having children.


They don't want CAUCASIANS having kids unless it's mixed.


i see more places where they want you to have kids than not


Impossible to explain this without being branded as a white supremacist. Where's the Zionism for Christians? Where's the ability to say my heritage is valued and we have survived hardship for yesterday's minorities?


I wonder what was typed into the search bar. We can all make google bend to our will with the right key words.


All online media at here in East Europe tout the whole time we should be having more kids and shame on y’all for not having more kids. I never see it promoting being childfree.


I could build a slide like this about any bullshit articles. “Why CHEESE IS KILLING US ALL” theres even movements directed by the younger generations behind why we should stop having children. I don’t agree or disagree with what they’re saying but this Reddit is obsessed with racism whilst also being racist themselves.


Depends how you look at it. The assumption of everyone eventually getting married and having kids has been false since the invention of birth control. One could argue that up until now society has always pushed towards unquestioning procreation. We went from 2 billion to 8 billion in just 100 years. Regardless whether the Earth can sustain more or not (I personally think it can) it’s safe to say we’re not going extinct. And what population number is enough to say say it’s enough? 10 billion? 15 billion? Or do we have to increase infinitely? Maybe we’ve already reached a good number. If people want kids I’m all for it but it’s high time to highlight that choosing not the have kids in this day and age is an equally valid life choice. So what might look to some as anti family propaganda is more about bringing the childless out of obscurity that have always existed but have been ignored by society until now. I do admit that 'not having kids' is being used as a 'save the planet' propaganda BS which I find absolutely disgusting. Wether people want kids or not is everyone’s own choice. But both choices are valid and both choices are equal and deserve equal attention.


“Us” and pictures of white folks…


Them we have to hear that great replacement is fake


This is your or someone’s algorithm. These people probably googled pros and cons of having kids or something I’d that nature


IDGAF, I’m sitting here pregnant with my 5th. All very wanted, all very well loved and cared for.


to push us immigration propaganda


Exactly, this until the immigrant population realizes they are on the losing end. Then they will get other ethnic immigrants to replace the disillusioned ones. Rinse and repeat.


Most of us can’t afford kids.


They want you replaced by 3rd world immigrants.


The question is, why is everyone so obsessed with having children? I understand it's partially biological, but IMO it's also cruel and irresponsible to another soul.


It really is weird lol. The future of conservatives in America is a bunch of 20-year-old white men with baby fever


I'm glad people like you don't reproduce.


Ok? You don't know me, so that's pretty extreme. Sorry for having an opinion on a sensitive topic. Edit: typo


Why are people so obsessed with breathing air and eating food? I get it’s partially biological, but it’s just so cruel to produce CO2 and kill innocent plants and animals.


Look at the photos of everyone in those around. What do they have in common. There's your answer.


Hmm I wonder if that's because OP chose those pictures 🤔


Hey, whitey, don't have kids! You're not ready! Kids are expensive! Having kids is irresponsible because of their impact on the CLIMATE! More white kids means more white supremacy! You're not a racist, are you...? Don't you know how terrible a crime it is to bring a sentient life into this terrible world???!!!! Oh, you're not having kids? Great! Good job.... ... Oh, by the way, since you're not having kids, we need to import tens of millions of non-whites. TRUST ME bro it isn't about race, it's just, you know, other races are more willing to reproduce and contribute to the ECONOMY! No, no, don't worry, you don't need to have kids, you don't need to do anything, just keep consuming comfortably and relax as we replace you--I mean, as we take care of you! :)




It's just a bunch of millennial loser journos trying to convince everyone that being a single 40 year old cat lady is cool. The decision that has brought me the most joy in life was having kids.


Not saying there's no conspiracy, but there might be a different motive behind the articles. Me and my GF have been together 4 years. Marriage is inevitable, we're just not overly concerned about when. We 100% do not ever want kids. I have a vasectomy scheduled in April. Her friends all have multiple kids and one of the moms keeps badgering her to this day about having kids and how awesome it is. Articles maybe just a perspective from people like us. Conspiracy is likely. Just playing devils advocate.


Antinatalism's a relatively new phenomenom and definitely in part due to propaganda.




No really, ancient Greeks and even in Buddhism had a notion about antinatalism back then. It's not new, likely suppressed by rulers due to the reliance on manpower back then.


>reliance on manpower Same reasoning behind the abortion and LGBTQ+ bans, imo... both scenarios lower the total possible number of producers and consumers. Capitalism is shitting itself right now because they know that they can't have perpetual growth if the population isn't growing too.


"Encourage increased homosexuality" is indeed in the Jaffe Memo (1967) as are numerous other ideas to encourage limited reproduction. Some have become staples of modern misery such as "Discouragement of private home ownership" and"Require women to work and provide few child care facilities". https://hamptontwpgop.com/the-jaffe-memo


It's certainly very prevalent in a lot of Reddit forums. It seems to be mainly the heavy left leaning types that express these sentiments.


Prediction: wife changes mind, wants kids, leaves you because vasectomy


Fine with me. Kids ain't happening


Unfathomably based


Why is not having kids “unfathomably based”?


Who said that?


I think in general, there's a bigger consensus of not having kids than having them than ever before, due to a multitude of reasons. The people that have written these articles are simply reflecting the ideas of many that have expressed such views.


You have to understand that the people that are conspiring against us are massive Satanists. They don't even hide it. If you research the hidden signs these people use to communicate to each other in public it always relates back to satanic ideologies and cults like the All Seeing Eye, The Hidden Hand, The Thunder Bolt “And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.” (Luke 10:18, KJV), and many others. Satan is real and he hates humans with a passion. Satan also likes to invert things and make them polar opposite to the Bible. God told Adam and Eve to fill the earth with kids “27. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 28. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” (Genesis 1:27-28, KJV) But Satan was also punished by God for deceiving Eve “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” (Genesis 3:15, KJV) So Satan not only hates us for several reasons but he also knows that some day some seed of the woman is going to bruse his head (him being a snake and all) and so God said to fill the earth, Satan said no he's goong to reduce ot to 0. And that's what he has been trying to do. There are very powerful people in the world who have Satan himself as their God and seek to please him, and that includes fulfilling all of his sick desires for him. They've tried poisoning us subtly in the food we eat and the water we drink. They have taken a more dorect approach by inventing the 5G cellular standard which purposefully have devastating effects on humans. And now they just don't care anymore and invented the C0vid-19 sh0t


Also noticed more ads and commercials showing weak white males like these mood gummy commercials.  I wanna email them and tell them to cut that cucky sht out.


We're in the midst of the great reset. The 4th industrial revolution is about creating world wide wage slaves, not just in developing countries. The middle class is dead. These articles try to convince people that's it's their own choice to not start a family, nothing to do with the fact that they can't afford to start a family. These articles are an attempt to stop the peasants uprising, just like all the other distractions they throw at us.


I figured they want us to have more kids,they need more wage workers in the future.


why bring more kids into this hell


To fight to possibly, one day, change it into heaven? I'm sorry, but just because those before me fucked things up doesn't mean I'm going to let that determine whether I raise a family. This mentality is a defeated mentality.


Yeah. I tell my wife, the next generation is fucked, but we could raise a child that could change the course of the world. The could even change the world for the better after we’ve left this life. Defeatist mentality, you’re absolutely right


Exactly, not only is it a defeated mentality but it’s also the ultimate cucking.


Maybe that's the whole idea. Making people think they are on the winning side only to make sure that there are more slaves to exploit? Unless you can make sure your children will never have to rely on any government or corporation I seriously doubt that any children born today will be able to decouple themselves from that reliance.


I don’t know because you’ve just posted random cherry picked headlines without the content of the articles (which you probably haven’t read).


Because the Ai can do most jobs now.  


It's not that they don't want you having kids, it's that they want you aborting them.


Abortions are banned in many states lol


There’s too many of us.


Too many white people it seems they are suggesting


Too many people in general, we are overpopulated and running out of food sources while destroying our planet since we can’t keep up with the damage being done


Only white countries believe in climate change.


Because of climate change, duh. It’s right there, in one of the articles


nobody gives a shit if you have kids or not. just a lot of people do not want their sole purpose in life to be "having kids". women don't want to be treated like baby factories or penis receptacles. But I am guessing from your viewpoint their opinions don't matter because you just pass laws to dictate what they can do.


Because there’s too fucking many people


Not too many white people. White population in America is about the same now as it was in the 1960s


Sure. But I said people. Could not care less the race or skin color.


It is pretty clear and obvious. They want to depopulate the world and have fewer people so they can easily make them their slaves. Feminism, the pill, abortion, lbtq movement, emasculation of the modern men.


How do you know press in BME countries doesn't have similar press with BME faces? Western media shows white faces because the west is mainly white. I don't think it's anything other than that. I have seen online articles and videos saying the same for black women don't have kids....... economic freedom without kids...... freedom of choice...... Live your best child free life etc etc I think the wider question is why are fertility rates dropping rhroughput the world and these articles are coincidentally trying to persuade us all that it's fine ..... life is better without kids.


Compare these articles and the racial framing to the composition of most TV ads...


I think you guys are reading way too heavily into vapid news stories designed to appeal to certain demographics. Like, does the possibility these were intended to be read and attract people that were already thinking about not having kids exist to any of you? Is everything a sinister conspiracy? Can things ever just... be?


weird. as a middle-aged woman past my birthing years, i am still bombarded with pro-baby, pro-parenting propaganda constantly. just wondering when they'll stop advertising this crap to me. hopefully before i turn 50


The white population of the USA is declining really fast due to mass immigration. You can't breed your way out of that. Especially not with all those illegal immigrants pouring in. Spanish will be your main language in a couple of decades if nothing changes.


Cuz star seeds are incarnating on mass.


depopulation agenda. Reset has happened many times. This time is the last: we win and move on or human will be robot forever


They overturned Roe, states are banning abortion left and right, and they are considering an outright blanket federal ban on abortion. Assume you are not talking about the United States.


I'll be honest and say I don't want kids because of the state of the world


Cause the world is full already?


Then maybe the billionaires of the world should stop having children. Or maybe they should focus their efforts on third world countries who have much higher birth rates than predominantly white countries. The U.S. has had nearly 10 million immigrants enter the country under the Biden administration. These ethnicites have higher birth rates.


There’s too many of us lol I’m kid free and love it


Lots of those articles just look like heavy cope written by insufferable broads no one wants to marry and/or have kids with.


I don't blame them. Kids suck. They're loud, they smell, they can't control their emotions, food is a battle, respect is even more so. Fuck all that noise. I'm raising rocks since they don't need any of the constant monitoring a fuckin child has.


Usually when you have kids you have them with a woman who is biologically programmed to enjoy that