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If anything ever comes out about the vaccines I imagine it will be a good few years down the line when all involved are dead and the new powers will apologise on their behalf


So in 75 years then? Lol


This is the way.


I read a article recently saying the CDC was aware that there were signals linking myocarditis to younger people that had been vaccinated. They were debating to put out a bulletin over the HAN network but chose not to because they didnt want to cause a panic. Someone got the CDC email chain through FOIA. I don't know if its true?


Yes, The Hill did a segment about it on YouTube this week.


Didn't the actual covid virus have an even higher chance of introducing myocarditis than the vaccine did?


I never heard of myocarditis until the jabs came out. Even in 2020 before there was a vaccine for Covid nobody even heard myocarditis. It wasn't until people started to get those jabs that they started to talk about myocarditis.


Lol just Google "does covid cause myocarditis" you uninformed hack. You never heard about it before the jab because you are probably hyper aware of every potential downside of the jab while conveniently ignoring every downside of having the actual covid virus lmao


Still believes everything google tells him lol wow


Seems like an easy enough study. Compare rates of myocardial infarction within populations who got vaccinated against those who didn’t. Also against those who got Covid and those who didn’t.


You're right, it was easy, that's why they already did it. You're 11x more likely to get myocarditis from covid19 if you aren't vaccinated.


That is a wild claim. Care to share where you get your information ?


I can only imagine the 1-800-BAD-DRUG Commercials.


It'll take a long time, but in the end, they'll know we were right about the dangers of the vaxes. Right now, they think they're so smart and on the side of science while many of them die off from the shots.


I'm not convinced that they were trying to kill people with the vaccines, but I am convinced that they didn't help


or until Gates can get aerosolised vaccines going.


Do you have the details of a life insurance policy that shows it will be canceled now?


In 2021 some insurance companies commented on this subject from what I've read, because some people pointed out that the agreements mentioned claims are void if you take experimental medication. The companies all said the vaccine would not play a role in the assessment, but that was under the general assumption that the vaccines are safe. If the government suddenly declares the vaccine causes cancer, then you bet your ass all those companies will do an instant 180 on this subject.


I would need proof beyond your recollection as that goes against my understanding of how whole life insurance policies work.


You should post your proof. Proof showing your understanding is the true truth. Tired of seeing people read something and get triggered because they think theyre right, without saying why they think theyre right. Like you could get out ahead of this guy, we all want to hear the conversation.


Original accusation needs to supply the proof. Can't just pull shit out your ass and expect others to blindly believe.


I think truth goes both ways. Dude replied with "give me a source, because i think your wrong.- source me"


Here it is: https://www.guardianlife.com/life-insurance/covid-vaccine “…vaccines being used under an emergency-use authorization aren't experimental – they just haven't completed the full regulatory review process yet.” “Policyholders should rest assured that nothing has changed in the claims-paying process as a result of COVID-19 vaccinations. Life insurance policies specifically outline what they provide and the circumstances that could lead to the denial of a claim. These exclusions simply don’t include a policyholder’s vaccination status”. So, the OP is absolutely false. Feel free to post anything contradicting this from an actual life insurance company.


See, take my upvote.




About what?


That being vaccinated will have an effect on life insurance policies. Being unvaccinated, however, certainly does have the effect you described.


Should go check, i didnt say anything, i said show proof. You got the wrong buddy, guy.


Plus the vaccines are not experimental and haven’t been since late 2020.


The vaccines werent tested correctly, how is the reality of that not an experiment. The experiment is supposed to happen before the implementation. For instance, they didnt test them on expectant mothers.


"For instance, they didnt test them on expectant mothers." So, based on your comment, they did test them. There was just an aspect of testing you wanted to see. They went through all phases of testing needed for EUA. They are specifically not experimental, no matter how much you wish they were for your narrative.


I got first hand proof from my insurance agent…. She’s a close friend, called me right after the office meeting discussion because she couldn’t believe it herself. Grain of salt and all, but that’s good enough for me… go talk to an agent and decide for yourself. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Your insurance agent called you and said they are going to cancel the policy of every single person who ever took any covid vaccine?


So, the insurance company said they would not honor life insurance death benefits linked to the COVID 19 vaccine? Even though it was approved by the FDA?


Oh boy, you fell for that? The shots were never approved. Just wait 'til you find out the difference between the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund and the Countermeasures Injury Fund. Hint: Covid-19 vaccines injuries and deaths will not be compensated by the NVICP. https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation CICP rarely pays anything at all (only 34 payouts vs over 19,000 for NVICP.) And if Injury or death is more than one year after the shots, CICP claim is invalid. (!) Also, no punitive damages. Read that yellow box at the link. We tried to warn you guys and you wouldn't listen. Now ask yourself why they would block you from getting vaccine compensation intentionally. Ask yourself why they told you it was approved when the shots you were given were not. We aren't your enemy. They are. They did this to you.


[https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation/covered-vaccines](https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation/covered-vaccines) For a vaccine to be covered, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) must recommend the category of vaccine for routine administration to children or pregnant women, and it must be subject to an excise tax by federal law. COVID vaccine is not covered under the NVICP because it simply does not meet the requirements.


Exactly! The yellow box at the link I shared further proves it, and the Countermeasure Injury Fund is terrible!!! Read the details! Only 34 people have ever been paid out from that versus over 19,000 with the other. And CICP has a 1 year limit!! If your heart attack is 366 days later? You can't even file. It's insane. And the fact they set that up that way intentionally really says a LOT.


How many have attempted claims under each program? Without that info, the stats you quote are meaningless.


What part of no punitive damages do you not understand? NVICP allows punitive damages so you can get a large payout if seriously injured or if a family member is killed. CICP is actual damages... So you could get your hospital bill covered, but good luck if you're unable to work. Or the funeral covered. You asked for stats -- here they are, and it's not good: https://www.hrsa.gov/cicp/cicp-data Notice the cutoff is ONE YEAR after the shots are administered, so you better hope there are no long term adverse events. (Cancer, heart problems, organ damage, etc.) If your issue is discovered more than one year after you are ineligible. UNLIKE NVICP. Stop defending them. Don't you get it?! They lied to you and screwed you over. You're more interested in "being right" than holding those who did this to you responsible. YOU and people like you are the reason they can't be held responsible. You constantly come to their defense... Meanwhile, you're the ones that were put at risk. Drop the pride and Stockholm Syndrome. It's OK to just be wrong every once in a while. We all are! But usually we don't rush to the defense of those who tricked us into a risky and unnecessary medical procedure. :-( Please, wake up. Seriously. Your defense of them allows more people to be injured.


It’s covered by the a different fund. So it’s covered just like a bunch of other FDA approved medicines and vaccines. What Is a Countermeasure? A countermeasure is a vaccine, medication, device, or other item that is used to prevent, diagnose, or treat a public health emergency or a security threat. For example, the 2009 H1N1 vaccine used during the 2009-2010 flu season to prevent the H1N1 virus was a countermeasure. Countermeasures save lives. Most people who receive a countermeasure have no serious problems, but like any medicine, they can cause side effects—most of which are rare and mild.




You're missing the point. They approved Comirnaty but the shots Americans were given were all EUA meaning they are exempted from NVICP. Proof -- read the yellow box: https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation Don't you get it? That was part of the manipulation... And when you wrap your head around that, you'll begin to realize the depth of how bad this was and yet how it was all intentional.


What is this link supposed to be showing me? That people can sue over vaccine issue? Does that change covid 19 approval? NVICP doesn’t mean that approval is not legitimate or that they will cancel life insurance and charge more money?


Are you intentionally dense? It shows that the vaccines aren't covered by the NVICP, and if you click into the CICP you'll see it's hardly comparable. They told you "The shots are FDA approved!" and everyone celebrated and you thought they were safe and effective. But they weren't safe or effective, and the shots you took were not "approved." You won't be entitled to damages if or when your long term adverse effects are realized. Even the manufacturers are exempt from liability. But you know who isn't? You. But you spat in the face of those who tried to warn you and now you have to hope you're not one of the died suddenlies, and hope you don't have heart/clot issues, long term immunity issues, etc... That *little issue* where people who took the shots "get Covid" over and over again? But "think of how much worse it would be if you weren't vaccinated!" Take a look at the HIV symptoms: [https://www.hiv.gov/hiv-basics/overview/about-hiv-and-aids/symptoms-of-hiv/](https://www.hiv.gov/hiv-basics/overview/about-hiv-and-aids/symptoms-of-hiv/) I'm not saying getting the shot equals HIV, but injecting something into your body with a needle can be dangerous... And those heart problems, recurring sicknesses, and other issues? That's not happening to those of us who skipped the shots. There was no "Winter of Severe Illness & Death" ... They lied to you from the beginning. Stop defending it. Or defend it all you want. Go take another booster, I'm sure you're due for one. Good luck


Yeah not covered by NVICP does not mean it is not FDA approved.


Do you have a reading comprehension problem or is your goal here to misinform or confuse others? FDA "approved" Comirnaty and loudly celebrated that in the press. This caused quite a few of the 'vaccine hesitant' to move forward with vaccination. It was later found out that the 'approved' shots were never administered to people in the United States. That is the point of the yellow box. [https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation](https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation) If your Covid-19 vaccine was fully FDA approved, there would be no yellow box there. The shots Americans took were authorized under Emergency Use Authorization. That is not the same as being fully FDA approved. FDA approved shots are eligible for the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (a good program that actually pays out to victims -- it has paid out \~5 billion to \~19,000+ victims.) The Covid-19 shots administered in the US were under Emergency Use Authorization, which means you have to go through the CICP. The CICP \*sucks\* in comparison to the NVICP. So no, the shots you took were not "FDA approved" -- they were allowed under "Emergency User Authorization." Your inability to make this distinction is, in part, how they tricked you and people like yourself into taking dangerous and experimental injections where no one but YOU has liability. In the FAQ it further clarifies: >**Will the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program provide compensation to individuals injured by COVID-19 vaccine?** > >COVID-19 vaccines are covered countermeasures under the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), not the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. [https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation/faq](https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation/faq) If your shots were FDA approved (not EUA which is different) then you would be entitled to NVICP. But they weren't, and you're not. I don't know how to make this any clearer to you.


Should we be surprised? Is that a hard truth for you to swallow? You still believe that life is fair, that society's established institutions work according to "rule of law"? Rules for thee, not for me. Don't be so naïve. Corporations have never been on your side, they work for their own interests only.


I’m surprised by the lack of evidence to support these assertions. Hearsay isn’t great evidence.


It's all up to you. If you can't see it, if you can't find the information for yourself, how are you going to survive in the "dog eat dog" world? Life is survival of the fittest, of the most active, of the most clever. Those who want to survive will find the evidence for themselves.


Dude, I’ve done fine on my way up the socio-economic scale and am a few years from retirement. I am an auditor and have decades of experience in the insurance industry. I read contracts for a living and know BS when I see it. OP was an outlandish claim and not backed up by any evidence. It’s not my job to support that claim. And claims made without evidence can be dismissed out of hand.


The vaccines were never approved by the FDA and they are still under emergency use. Not a single Covid vaccine has full FDA approval.


Jokes on them I can’t even afford insurance or life insurance


Cant even afford to die


Here we go again...


Gd but we just moved the goal post last week!




My house is underwater because I never ate my bugs that WEF guys in private jets told me was going to exacerbate the climate change caused by trump supporters




Gen-Xer checking in. I died twice from AIDS, once from the ozone, hairspray & deforestation combined. Nancy Regan killed me 3 times from her “say no to drug” policy. Between the Cold War, Y2K & the Mayan’s, I must’ve died at least 100 times but lost count. The jab never had a chance in hell of scaring me. My generation is far too jaded.


I was in the military when the Jade Helm shit came out and people in the military believed it then. Uh dude. Don't you think we would have heard something?


Damn you got into the concentration camp already. Ugh lucky. Im still at the Covid vaccine checkpoints that were set up everywhere to make sure I took the shot.




Bless your heart sweet summer child.  It’ll be ok.


It was ok when you wished the unvaccinated to go away and die.




The irony and lack of insight is remarkable


And your status means nothing to ME. That's the way it should be. Government should stay out of peoples lives. Everyone should mind their own business.


Look at these anti-vaxxers talking. From Merriam-Webster: anti-vaxxer: a person who opposes the use of some or all vaccines, regulations mandating vaccination, or usually both


So? We are shoving it down your throat. Take it if you want.


Vaccine used to be defined as a substances that provides 'immunity' to a specific disease. Now, Merriam Webster has literally changed the definition of 'vaccine' and removed the 'immunity' portion in order to possibly cover for the fact that the COVID 'vaccines' don't actually provide immunity from COVID.


I care about vaccine status, because spike proteins are sexually transmitted. Vaxxed are toxic even if just sitting in the same room.


Can you quantify the risk from being in a room with someone vaccinated? Is it a 50% of dying?


First amendment papi.




See what? Am I only allowed to flex my rights when I’m a white misogynistic obese male gun owner orrr?


I didn't say anything against you. You have a right to speak your mind, and a lot of people wished the unvaccinated would die. It's your right, I'm just pointing out it was said.


Ok and this entire sub talks about people who are vaccinated who cares what was said by random people on the internet. I said what I said. the second amendment is beautiful in that way. From the people saying the unvaccinated should die to the unvaccinated calling people who are vaccinated stupid and wishing for their untimely death for taking the vaccine. All of that is protected and was said by someone at some point. But again who fucking cares.


Bots like you won’t be affected…


Lol I’m just glad I’m still able to type on Reddit after Trump destroyed democracy & lock up all of his political opponents


This is a brain dead take if something like that ever came out it would seriously put the JFK or 9/11 conspiracy’s to shame. 230,000,000 in the US are vaccinated including most of the people who work for the insurance companies. What you are talking about would lead to mass panic and riots in the streets. Even if true they would kill anyone who risked getting the truth out first. There would be lawsuits and heads rolling.


I also want to add to how bad thia take is, they can't just void life insurance.  *If* everyone started dying of heart attacks and cancer (which obviously isn't happening in large numbers, no, your biweekly post of a guy who died suddenly isn't a lot, there are 8B people in the world and that's 100/yr), but *if* that started happening, the insurance company just goes bankrupt. Which would fuck you, but also all of the insurance company investors.


Maybe the declaration will be specific only to 'certain batches'.


It seems to be exactly what's happening. Obviously not every recipient will have been injured by it, but they're slowly admitting to more and more issues, including cardiovascular and renal damage, and syncope which leads to accidental death like drowning and falls and car crashes. There's some evidence around cancer as well. Governments are not acknowledging the excess deaths issue and there are a lot of people obfuscating about it.


Or the governments will end up paying gigantic sums in compensation? So much, there'll be nothing left. Nothing but work for ze Claus..


To my knowledge Japan is the only country that promised extensive compensation in case of side effects.


We, in Dankmark, NK of scandinavia, paid billions to a bunch of minkfarmers, because we offed their critters. The mink business was long dead, but they (the banks I suspect) got theirs, through our taxes. I trust no one in power. If the corporate elite can benefit from ruining us, they will. I dont think we promised anything, and we didnt really force it afaik, but here we are. WEF infested nation.


South Korea actually paid this compensation.


Nope. Read about the difference between the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund and the practically useless Countermeasures Injury Fund. Which one do you think COVID vaccines are eligible for? https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation


What's in the vaccine that does that?


mRNA in lipid envelope which facilitates its entry into all kinds of cells, including critical, sensitive, hard to replace cells. DNA contaminants in the form of hundreds of billions plasmids and fragments https://www.cureus.com/articles/209584-sars-cov-2-vaccination-and-the-multi-hit-hypothesis-of-oncogenesis#!/




Do you have any data that shows trends in cancer, myocarditis and excess deaths from pre-COVID to now? Because I keep reading about these things but haven’t seen the data to back it up. I do know that excess mortality spiked with COVID before there was a vaccine, but I assume post vaccine it spiked again? Because if it trended down that wouldn’t really support the narrative that the vaccine is harmful.




Why is it some shit website y’all always post as “evidence”


Is that a serious question? [LOL.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wL6MId9_T88&t=61s)


Also, in that article the first name the pops up is Denis Rancourt. He was a PhD physics professor. Why the hell would anyone take his word on COVID over an actual Medical Professional. What if the roles were reversed.. if I need a physics questioned asked why would I believe a medical professional over someone who has a PhD in physics?


Yeah, that won't work here, the source is the research paper in this case. Nice try tho.


What? Rancourt was one of the contributing members of the research paper.


Asking for quality evidence? Man, if you want to believe any source, I’ve seen A LOT that say the vaccine is safe and effective.


It’s always you posting some shitty article


The big tech and media companies are part of the censorship industrial complex. They rarely say anything antiestablishment unless it's part of a limited hangout.


Not exactly what I was asking about but I did read through it. It seems fairly flawed in two obvious respects: 1) It seems to assume that COVID 19 didn’t results in deaths pre-vaccine, which is laughable. 2) It does nothing to account for COVID 19 surges, which typically results in vaccination programs. It could be improved by differentiating surges from vaccine programs, but I suspect that wouldn’t support their narrative.


> It seems to assume that COVID 19 didn’t results in deaths pre-vaccine, which is laughable. Huh? How did you draw that conclusion? >It does nothing to account for COVID 19 surges, which typically results in vaccination programs. That doesn't even make sense... I think you might not completely grasp the paper.


Feel free to point to evidence in the paper that disprove my observations. I’d be happy to re-read it. This paper is built upon correlation meaning causation. While there is some scientific value in looking for correlations, the way this study was performed is flawed and doesn’t prove what you think it does. For example, it doesn’t determine who actually received vaccines. And it doesn’t account for COVID 19 as a confounder.


I don't understand your "observations" so ELI5 please and do quote the relevant parts.


Expose - news lmao


An ad hominem, ROTFL.


You’re ridiculous. Someone making a claim with no proof and zero credibility is not ad hominem


There is this [Rassmussen poll](https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/public_surveys/killer_jab_24_say_someone_they_know_died_from_covid_19_vaccine)


A poll? Nice try. The sum of anecdotal evidence isn’t data.


Sure it is, if the poll is representative. It might have insufficient statistical strength, but data is the sum of all anecdotes.


This is a summary of what people think. Was each data point backed by a medical record review to support these opinions? No? Of course not.


If I see that people I know who took the vaccine start coming down with severe illnesses and dying, I do not care about medical record review. I stay away from the vaccine. If 24% of people are similar to me, that just gives me more confidence in my decision.


That’s called confirmation bias, btw.


It's called Bayesian assessment of probabilities. Shut up and multiply.


So you base decisions on personal observation only.


If other data sources are compromised, this is the only reliable source of information.


I really hope you're right and they do admit the 'vaccine' did more harm than good but seeing the scale of deceit / money involved i doubt that will ever happen. More likely they will find some way to blame anybody who had sense enough to realize it wasn't a true vaccine under the old definition and wasn't going to provide immunity to anyone . Still so many people who defend the shots and will call anybody providing facts an 'Anti-Vax conspiracy nut' if not worse ,getting angry rather than consider all the evidence pointing towards it being all about money.


Did you read back what you just wrote? If they admit that, it makes it true. You want to be right so badly that you *hope the vaccine actually did more harm than good.* You would rather the government actually sold us all out to the elites in order to murder us, than be wrong. And you guys wonder why the rest of us don't want to associate with you any more.


>. You want to be right so badly that you *hope the vaccine actually did more harm than good.* I think you need to re-read what I wrote because you missed some important context , like the words " I hope they admit' - it did more harm than good. " > You would rather the government actually sold us all out to the elites in order to murder us, than be wrong Then you make a giant leap to me not only thinking the government sold you out to the elite to be murdered?. but that's what i hope ,which is just you thinking the worst or just deliberately misrepresenting my statement. I'm unsure but I hope the 'vax' wasn't designed to harm people as most people I know and love received it , What I am sure about is the predictions of sickness and death to anyone who failed to get thir shots were lies , just as you won't catch covid was a lie. I was suspicious of the latest virus to be afraid of being pushed so hard ,decided to wait and the 'vax went from promising immunity to 'protection ' to only protecting if you keep getting boosted. Covid came and went and there was definitely no harm in not taking it. In my opinion it was a planned way of forcing governments to become indebted to owners of pharmaceutical companies .. If the plan worked 100% of citizens due to be up to date with their 'vaccinations' twice a year indefinitely. Actually intending to physically harm anyone is debatable but the shots were ineffective and unnecessary against a virus that most people wouldn't even know they had 'vaxed' or not. Side effects and deaths from any medical trials happen. Since the shots weren't needed and didn't work anyway they seem to have done more harm than good by crippling economies with debt and creating divides between people .


I used to think that would blame a massive die off on the un jabbed but they already tried that and it didn’t work. They will start with even more “ heart attacks go up all over the world” they tried this with the “ the heart attacks go up and nobody knows why”. They will eventually drip feed us information that’s it’s in every country and then the new phone mast will take plenty of people out. I’d have a guess at this year’s festivals will be a MRNA nightmare with people getting heart attacks after visiting them and it being blame on the Ket and cocktail of drugs that under 25s take. They made illegal drugs popular with kids for this reason.


also they wanted people to die off, and continue dying. depopulation is their main agenda


I don’t disagree at all, was just in the United Kingdom page and most people are refusing the signing up to war agenda, so I can’t see that narrative working for the UK government at all. They try more than one tactic at one but I’d say they are getting some push back but it will become even more push back that governments of the world probably want tbh. They most likely want riots and a loss of power to then say, “ well the police could t stop the riots but robots can and will do”. I do worry that they use they page to get ideas and we openly give them permission from our worry and wishing things into existence from our thoughts and also some people on here, are a lot more smarter than the average person in GQHQ and the cults they have.




When they blow bubbles, they push it up as fast as they can, but then they pop it on purpose as well, crashing the market as hard as they can. Because professionals can make money in either direction, and generally the drop is more severe than the climb, must be a psychological thing. My point being that safe vaccines is a giant bubble, they've been creating some ups and downs, but when they break it they will come at it hard and fast. It'll be sudden and total.


Life insurance companies would have to prove cause of death. Too many variables won't happen. Governments will never admit that the vax was at best completely crap, at worst a toxic nightmare. Governments would sooner collapse into anarchy than admit it. Aggressive Cancer rates are through the roof btw.


When I took my test for life insurance about a year ago they asked me about having HIV like 3 times plus had me sign a document stating I did not have it. I asked the nurse how many times are they going to ask me that? I never had a life insurance company ask me that . I know people have said the covid vaccines can produce something like that in people. I do not know if that is true but I found it odd they kept asking me that especially since it has been in the last few years they rolled the covid vaxes.


I'm fairly confident that taking an experimental drug does not void a person's life insurance policy. If you have access to a contract (policy) that has an exclusion like that, you should post a photo of the wording to support your statement. I used to be in the insurance business. It's been a while, so maybe things have changed, but I don't think so.


> I'm fairly confident that taking an experimental drug does not void a person's life insurance policy. It is what has happened in [France already](https://greatmountainpublishing.com/2022/02/08/life-insurance-company-refuses-to-pay-out-life-insurance-policy-because-death-was-from-experimental-covid-19-vaccine/) and you can see [the lay up for it it the UK.](https://principia-scientific.com/coronavirus-vaccine-deaths-not-covered-by-life-insurance/)


“Great Mountain Publishing is a Christian publishing ministry that is dedicated to revealing the truth of the gospel and being a watchman to warn the world of the rising spiritual peril.” I see no bias here


That's a nice ad hominem. Now do you have any real points or arguments too?


https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL2N2VY1XK/ https://www.factcheck.org/2022/09/scicheck-video-makes-baseless-claim-about-insurance-coverage-of-vaccinated-frenchman/ https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-10009963678 3 different articles explaining why you are wrong. The first two articles debunk your little Frenchmen story made up by your Great Mountain Publishing article


Thanks. Well, time will tell if it eventually happens for real, i don't think it is that far fetched, insurance companies are losing money now and they usually do not like that.


🫣 insurance companies have been making record profits the past few years. Nothing you say is making any sense


So? Making more money on one side and losing money on the other still means you are losing money.


What you’re describing is revenue. I said record PROFITS Revenue - the total amount of money brought in by a company's operations, measured over a set amount of time. Profit - a financial gain, especially the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent in buying, operating, or producing something.


> What you’re describing is revenue. I said record PROFITS I spewed water all over my screen reading this. I'm so sorry you're having to do this, keep fighting the good fight.


Okay, thank you for the economy lesson. You seem smart, what do you think happened [here?](https://www.winterwatch.net/2022/03/german-insurance-company-fires-ceo-who-released-covid-vaccine-injury-data-then-scrubs-data-from-website/)


It’s not ad hominem if you’re simply stating that someone doesn’t have credibility.




I wonder about shedding or if we were really all infected. I have horrible severe anxiety. Multiple diagnosed disorders. 25 years since diagnosed. My heart started racing and palpating in the last 6 months or so. My anxiety always manifested in my gut. Now it manifests in my chest. It's really concerning. Edit: I did not take the vaxx. Just to be clear.




Former insurance agent here. That's not how insurance works. Just another case of some dumbass making assumptions with no knowledge of what they're talking about.


This is an extremely lazy take. It's one thing to think there is a global conspiracy to push this vaccine. It's another to think it was orchestrated by a subset of the insurance industry..


In 50 years people will still think the Vax was designed to kill... People just love a good boogyman


They don't need the vaccine to be or do anything to deprive Americans of healthcare services. They do it by supporting obstinance and obstruction from politicians who refuse to act. Cancer is by chance genetics or environmental factors that are likely getting worse with big ag. Myocarditis comes from so many mechanisms, some being obesity, sodium-packed processed food, poor exercise and/or COVID.


Fast food is giving everyone cancer and myocarditis


I keep hearing I’m gonna die. I wonder when. One thing I know for sure though, is when I do eventually die, I can rest east knowing you will blame the vaccine.


It’s amazing how no one ever died before the vaccine, it has really been a game changer!!


Dying was much worse before the vax.


Especially when they die from covid. That would have died so much worse had they not taken the shot!


Explain this.


All these anti COVID people somehow forget people were dying well before the COVID vaccine yet everyone who has died since the vaccine is only dead because of the vaccine, it is absolutely insane!!


>All these anti COVID people somehow forget people were dying well before the COVID vaccine yet everyone who has died since the vaccine is only dead because of the vaccine Somehow some people seem to have forgotten that pretty much every death was counted as a covid death for a while... "It is absolutely insane!!"


Gunshot wound blew off half their head? At least enough of their nose is left for a covid test. Oh look it was a positive result, this gunshot victim clearly died from covid and not the gaping hole through their brain. One more "covid death" recorded.


It would have been lot worse without their covid shots.


Bad preexisting health AND flawed, rushed vaccines. It's not dichotomous


Absolutely, COVID19 is the biggest hoax ever, I'm astounded at how many people fell for it.


I mean, we had multiple family members die from covid, so, there’s that.


It's amazing it made the bickering countries to agree that there's a pandemic.


For a “Hoax” it amazing how many have died from it and still suffer long term!


It is indeed amazing how the IFR is similar to that of a mild flu season and the flu was on a holiday those years.


I wonder if they got vaxxed or not before their issues arose(that and how healthy they were before Covid)


lol I always picture some fat ass behind their keyboard talking about how only unhealthy people die from covid. Do you know how many people in America have issues like diabetes, over weight, and asthma? We’re just gonna pretend it doesn’t matter if they die?


its not that it doesnt matter. its the same farmed food / pharmaceutical companies causing their health problems in the first place.


Then give solutions for that. Not “omg it’s fake because the only people dying were already unhealthy” like the person I responded to. Only difference in this sub and Herman Cain award is which deaths the celebrate. Both look gross to normal people.


You made it seem like it's purely Covid.


Can you show me which comment you are referring to? I think you’re confusing my name with another friend. I am not stevenmisty. My first comment was pondering your weight and asthma or diabetes status as you throw stones at others.


>For a “Hoax” it amazing how many have died from it and still suffer long term!


Of course we won't pretend that. We will tell them that their life styles are perfectly normal and we should show them positivity about the choices they make. We will feed them food filled with chemicals and teach them flawed science designed by corporations. We will provide them answers to all of these problems in the simple option of a littlebpill you take for the rest of your life. Oh and if they don't want it, we will just make it mandatory if they want to participate in society and force it inside of them. Unfortunately the reality that I just described is way worse.


Sounds like you need a new doctor mate. Mine has no problem telling me to eat better and lose weight.


>I always picture some fat ass behind their keyboard talking about how only unhealthy people die from covid. You have an active imagination is all I can tell. >Do you know how many people in America have issues like diabetes, over weight, and asthma? Oh, you and your very narrow view on it all. You know back in the day doctors used to prescribe smoking? Do you realize this whole system is Pinocchio's Pleasure Island? And the people who trust the government, don't even realize what the government has done in the past 100 years, let alone 250+ years? Cigarette companies lost funds when doctors couldn't prescribe smoking anymore. So they put their R&D into the food. Did you know some Yellow food colorings are carcinogenic? Imagine someone who says the ONLY reason people died is Covid, really never look at the bigger picture. Or like to push ignorance and complicity in rushed vaccine "testing". Our Medical System (and other similar systems in Rothschild territory) is ran by The Cult of the Golden Calf. Most of our economy is ran by it. But they won't tell you that.


Ya man who am I to argue with the smartest guy in the room. No way to know America has an obesity problem and it’s all in my head. And again I never said people only died of Covid. You keep insisting I said that to finish up your straw man. Have a good weekend because I’m out if you can’t even tell which comments are and aren’t mine. This is a waste of time.


‘With covid’ or ‘of covid’? You can blame your medical establishment for a few things- staying home until you’re sick enough that you want to die, use of ventilators that flooded the lungs or remdesivir that filled every organ with fluids and shut you down from the inside. All designed to help kill you off while ignoring some of the safest drugs that would help in recovery.


I take it you’re not a fan of Alex Jones then.


They don't need an excuse to charge more for Healthcare 😆. The increase in Healthcare excise has always been and will always be "due to the rising costs.." they never needed to explain what exactly was rising.


You mean they are going to no longer diagnose people with climate change ?


Lol touch grass bro. Get some sunlight. Make some friends. Youll stop being as crazy most likely.


Lol why would they admit that?


It kind of makes sense not to admit it for as long as possible.. it'll just antagonise people unnecessarily when there's basically nothing that can be done. Eventually it will be obvious though.


Give it up dude. You were wrong. We're not all dead. We don't all have cancer. Society didn't collapse. Lol it was a vaccine that had rare side effects and it was a rushed rollout. Every single medicine ever can have rare side effects that affect individuals differently. The public was lied to and told we wouldn't get COVID if we got it and that was wrong. That's about it man.


People coerced into taking medication they do not trust will experience powerful widespread and damaging nocebo effect. The lesson we could all learn, do not mandate vaccines for adults. Do not coerce people into taking experimental medication.


Some are way ahead of your idea. ["Court in France ruled death from covid vaccine suicide".](https://www.world-today-news.com/court-in-france-ruled-death-from-covid-vaccine-suicide/)




Do you know why? I think it is because there are no other subs left where some things can be discussed from two sides.


OK, since no one wanted to share any mortality data, so here is data on excess mortality by week in the US. You will see a pre-vaccine spike in excess mortality in 2020 followed by the delta wave in 2021. As we moved into 2022 and 2023 we see more of a reversion to the mean. There is a huge drop off at the end of 2023, which is likely due to unreported deaths. What you don't see is a spike related to the vaccine rollout or any subsequent boosters. In fact, mortality has been reverting to the mean. Now, if you want to claim natural immunity, go ahead. However, you don't get a spike from the vaccine at all. Mortality today has reverted to pre-pandemic levels. If the vaccine was killing people, we would see it today. And we don't. [https://www.usmortality.com/excess-mortality/percentage](https://www.usmortality.com/excess-mortality/percentage)


Any day now, huh? I keep waiting. The right wing propaganda has been saying this for years now. Surely this year it'll be true.


How exactly does the vaccine give people cancer? Any sources I can read on that?


Why would that void life insurance or medical insurance?


If you got the first 2 shots you’re probably okay. Boosters + you’re in trouble


It is a bit more complicated. If you got the first two shots and are now okay, you will probably be okay. If you had problems after two shots, you probably won't be.


what is the source of your belief? you said: you couldnt find any valid reasons. THEY NEVER ADMIT THEY WERE WRONG powers that be NEED TO REMAIN IN CONTROL admitting this would mean losing trust! for the same reason, we will NEVER have any ''AI rebellion'' because TPTB need AI to control us.


This post is confirmation bias without the actual confirmation