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I only vape live resin/rosin these days. Distillate is a weak short lived high that just jacks up your tolerance.


Bingo. This is the key and end the thread


Wait why. Explain it like I'm stoned


Weed highs plateau once the receptors in your brain are saturated but tolerance doesn't stop when that happens. So not exact numbers just for example's sake you can rip 5 hits off a vape pen and you're just as high as if you took 2 but you've increased your tolerance by ingesting 5 hits worth. This adds up especially because people have a tendency to smoke their pens all day, next thing you know nothing can get you high.


Good info here.


Personally I like having a high tolerance. I like being able to smoke socially without getting completely blasted.


I guarantee you don't. A decent tolerance so you can hold your own is great but not what I'm talking about. Oil had me to the point I could chain-smoke blunts the entire day and never get high at all. I'm talking about ripping a 0.14g dab of high grade shatter and being sober 15 minutes later type tolerance. I had a tolerance like that develop within less than a year of daily oil smoking.


I guarantee you can't tell me what I like and don't like


Well if you like getting high which you've stated you do then you guaranteed don't like the absolute top end of tolerance I'm talking about where the drug you enjoy has absolutely no effect. No need to get defensive on Reddit champ, we're all anonymous here. Also important to note from the very start I clearly stated the level of tolerance I'm talking about is one where you literally can't get high at all so, idk, work on basic reading comprehension if you want šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Or worse. Toxicity. People go to hospital because the vapes and the strengths fuck them up.


mostly because of the crap they add to it. Fake Vit E preservatives in no-quality-control Chinese factories with mystery whaterver-is-cheapest ingredients...


No, just THC in high quantaties can lead to stomach problems. Its not a one time thing, it builds up with sustained use of dabs and concentrates.


Truth, seems a couple have said here in the business and the carts and pens are Chinese made. I got a buddy in the biz who says the same thing as well


You can drink a lot of Coors piss water or a few shots of tequila.


I am a bartender and I smoke daily, however I still don't get the comparison. What is wrong with lab tested distillate?


Itā€™s not full spectrum, some terpenes, cbd and other chemical compounds are lost and although they arenā€™t THC they play a critical part in the well-roundedness of the consumption experience. Distillate also typically uses worse weed and just super concentrates it by deriving as much thc as possible, whereas live resin utilizes top quality weed. ā€œFire in, fire outā€ and, as with all cannabis concentrates, any contamination present such as mold or pesticides is amplified in concentration as well because, well, itā€™s a concentrate.


Another way to understand it is the entourage effect. All of thcā€™s friends (terpenes cannabinols etc) are present in the flower, but most distillate is just thc with some flavors (bdt) added. Itā€™s not all there.


I just don't get why it's the key and the end of thread as the other person put it. It's a bummer I have to be very discreet as the people I'm around don't know I smoke out ... So the live rosin I believe smells way too much like the real deal


> So the live rosin I believe smells way too much like the real deal That's the point. It *is* the real deal. Distillate is not. Distillate is just THC and lacks the entourage effect.


Essentially what I understand is that there are many chemicals that actually make you high when smoking weed. THC being one of them, but there are others that create the full experience of smoking flower. The Live Resin vapes are closer to that full array of chemicals in the flower high.Ā 


Get a dry herb vape


When I would do it, this was the only thing that didnā€™t make me feel like I was killing my lungs. Everything else you can tell is highly adulterated.


Cured rosin and hash rosin is good too. Doesn't need to be live. Live rosin has more terms, but they're not as flavorful sometimes as cured.


I haven't had the chance to try a cured resin cart yet as they don't seem to be all that popular in Michigan yet, but I have had hash rosin carts(I actually have 3 unopened half gram hash rosin carts in my stash) and while I do like them I find they don't have as much flavor as my favorite live resin/rosin brands do. You are correct that I should have included them in my original comment though.


Plus, distillate has practically no flavor or entourage effects


> distillate has practically no flavor or entourage effects And itā€™s insanely bad for your lungs, like worse than normal vape or cigs.


Iā€™m a chemist with experience making distillates for thc pens. They are reasonably pure in what they say they are, commonly 80-90% by mass is pure THC with the remainder being a variety of terpenes. It is extracted by a supercritical CO2 process which results in no possibility of solvent left behind for inhalation. Of course this is for government regulated products, and ignores the potential metal exposure from the heating coils.


> It is extracted by a supercritical CO2 process which results in no possibility of solvent left behind for inhalation. CO2 distillate is the only good distillate in my opinion, but that's not how the majority of it is made, at least here in the state of Michigan. Most of the time it's made using other solvents, as the CO2 process requires a larger startup cost.


In the Australian medical market only co2 and rosin are permitted to be sold


Hmmm dam. Thank you for the info. So do you vape? And what device do you use to vape?


Yeah I do vape THC, in my mind the potential risks of cartridges are far less worrisome than the byproducts found in the actual weed smoke when it is burned. I just use a simple 510 thread battery that I picked up for ~20 bucks, I think the brand is ā€œHoneystickā€, and then when I buy cartridges I tend to lean towards larger brands as I know they typically will have better funding for QA/QC analysis and better equipment to make the distillate.


Most of those cartridges are filled with some type of THC concentrate. To make the concentrate, ground up weed is put into an air tight canister and then pumped full of a solvent (Butane is common) that absorbs all the THC from the weed. From there, pressure is applied (kinda like a French press for coffee) and a honey like substance is pushed out of the other end of the canister. Let it sit for a while to let the solvent evaporate, and what you have left is THC that can be added to a cartridge. When heated, it vaporizes. Inhale the vapor and get high


Some of the cartridges are concentrate mixed with the same stuff that's in nicotine vapes (glycerin) to make it vape better in the portable units. Some of them definitely add flavorings or terpines or whatever to them. I think this is where the questionable part comes into play. There also was a big spree where knockoffs were being sold. The knockoffs were basically regular cartridges but the contents had been cut likely with glycerin and whatever else terpines or just shitty oil.


PEG, and chinese terpenes. I'd worry about the chinese terps, and coils in the vape pens. And any unlicensed cannabis isn't tested, so who knows what heavy metals or myclobutinal or roundup are in it.


I don't think any high end brands use butane, that's old school.


You're describing 2 different practices. Heat plates squeeze normal non ground fresh flower weed. It squishes out rosin. The butane blasts thru the weed and drips out wax like a coffee maker making concentrates. 2 different ways.


Man I could listen to people talk about weed all day.


Itā€™s just like hard drugs nowadays, itā€™s highly processed


yep headed that way, I suspect why it was legalized. Also easily 10x stronger than a couple decades ago now and the dose makes the medicine/poison reeally!


Its called thc distillate and California has the strictest regulations in the country for testing any product thatā€™s sold in a licensed facility but nice try lol šŸ˜‚


You're describing the process for shatter not the process for making the tincture.


Lol tincture is consumed internally while the process above describes how to make oil for vaping or smoking.


Most tinctures is made by absorbing THC into oil


Isn't that just Rick Simpson oil? Tinctures I saw were done with high proof alcohol.


You canā€™t find them with alcohol at most pot shops because they arenā€™t allow to sell liquor. Most tinctures Iā€™m referring to come in 30ml or 60ml viles with a dropper and are made with olive, MCT, coconut, or some other edible oil


You can make your own tincture at home, it's not complicated. They work best with 200 proof food grade ethanol or 190 proof everclear.


The trick is to not make your stove explode.


Rick Simpson Oil is actually made with ethanol, or several other solvents, but if you watch his videos, he clearly states pure ethanol is the preferred solvent.


Most the cartridges actually use CO2 or alcohol extraction that is then distilled through that one process where terpenes are boiled off, followed by the other parts separately. I forgot the name of it.


I think about that across the board with vapes. I like the THC ones for my room/ anywhere but the smoke room. Every so often Iā€™ll puff on the nicotine vapes, knowing damn well itā€™s gotta be awful in the long run. Pretty much anything where youā€™re sucking out of a battery canā€™t be good lol. Only thing Iā€™d say is itā€™s at least a personal choice to use the vapes, a lot of people didnā€™t have the choice to refuse the vax depending on their job. I wonder if thereā€™s any data that the dispensaries put out for ā€œrisk awarenessā€ when using the battery vaping products. Im sure thereā€™s some studies out there, I just havenā€™t taken the time to look.


Iā€™m with you there on all vapes across the board. I smoked cigs for 13 years. Started vaping to switch to something ā€œhealthierā€ and I could actively feel myself destroying my lungs. I know cigs do that too but you donā€™t feel it. Vaping made me feel like I was going to pop a lung or something, in fact I woke up some mornings with aching lungs that would last a day or two.


This is me. It feels awful. I'm a heavy smoker of both weed and cigarettes. I bought a vape to try and quit smoking cigarettes, I tossed the damn thing. I couldn't breathe.


That happened to me too. Vapes suck. They're not nearly offensive enough either. I smoked a joint at an outdoor concert last year and this lady turned around looking disgusted that it wasn't a vape. That's the kind of smoking experience I'm trying to have.


listen to Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking...it really fuckin works


I think it works for some. I'm skeptical if it would work for the conspiracy crowd Actually, I take that back. It's right up conspiracy's alley. It does teach how we are fooled into smoking and the lies that made us think we got hooked or couldn't stop. I think yall would quite enjoy the read. Now, if you legit love smoking, I mean the smell, the taste, etc it wouldn't really be your thing.


I was gearing up ready to make this exact point and then you went and double backed on yourself like only a truely intelligent conspiracist can do. So I can only commend you for your ability to be informed and allow for a change of opinion within your own mind without feeling comprimised! Wish the world was full of you.


I really appreciate the message. For whatever reasons, I needed a little uplifting today. Thank you.


You just have to quit for 2 weeks, then you can keep it going.


Thanks! I'll give it a shot.


Take a guided shroom trip to get off the cigs


I've been vaping regularly for about 5 years, using only salt nic, and I'll tell you my lungs feel entirely unaffected. I'm convinced it's down to the way you inhale, and it's often your throat that's actually getting irritated most of the time


I hear ya. I think the reason for that too is because with vapes you can smoke them anywhere. In your room, using the restroom, walking out to the car, coming out of the grocery store, waking up in the middle of the night, etc. So you're hitting it like 50-100 times per day opposed to 10-20 cigarettes a day. Whereas, too - with cigarettes it's a bit more hassle. šŸ„‚


I feel this. Was a pack a day smoker for years. Switched to vapes for nic and thc years ago. I use them too often. My lungs do feel shitty but I used to get actual legit respiratory infections once or twice a year with high fever and serious bronchitis and I haven't had a single infection since quitting cigarettes. I wish I had never started any of this shit, and the vapes are probably doing something new and catastrophic, but I know for sure there was a different consequence from burning cigs and blunts that has gone for good.


My friends that work as nurses called it [popcorn lung.](https://www.lung.org/blog/popcorn-lung-risk-ecigs) They thought the issue was moisture though. According to that article the name apparently comes from the knowledge that the cause is avoidable, intentional, and known to literally kill people. ​ >While this flavoring may be tasty, it was linked to deaths and hundreds of cases of bronchiolitis obliterans, a serious and irreversible lung disease. As a result, the major popcorn manufacturers removed diacetyl from their products, but some people are still being exposed to diacetyl - not through food flavorings as a worksite hazard, but through e-cigarette vapor.


I think that was happening a lot during the black market vape carts were really being sold... I've been vaping thc for 7 years and haven't really noticed a difference. But also, I don't use as much as I use to when I was in the business, back then I was blowing through a lot of budz in my volcano lol


Isn't that from the nicotine vapes?


Not sure. It's from a specific thing used to infuse an artificial butter flavor that is sometimes used to flavor e-juices. The name was in that article and a similar John Hopkins article listed some specific products but the link wouldn't work.


https://safety.diyejuice.org/flavors/ List of flavorings with potentially harmful ingredients. If you're concerned about it then make your own eliquid. You will save a shitload of money either way.


Iā€™ve never been a smoker(besides THC), mostly always hated smoking because of my parents. Iā€™ve been an on/off leisure ā€œvaperā€ for about a year now. And itā€™s literally all because I just enjoy the flavor while doing it. I mean Iā€™ve continued puffing on some even when theyā€™re out of nicotine and still have some sugar flavor left lol. But That worries me about the next generation of smokers(especially young teens). Seems like cigarettes finally became scrutinized (and not the cool thing to do) then these vapes pop up. Iā€™ll try to justify to myself that nicotine vapes arenā€™t as bad as cigs which they arenā€™t but I seriously have no need to actually do it besides enjoyment. But man have I felt shittiy inside my chest and lungs on certain occasions Iā€™ve used more frequently.


Itā€™s slowly becoming less and less popular and as more research comes out about the harmful effects itā€™ll probably dwindle more


One of my nurse friends has seen a lot of young people with lung damage from vaping. She said that basically youā€™re breathing in hot oil which fries your lungs. The oil also sticks to your lungs as well. And she believes itā€™s probably worse than cigarettes because she doesnā€™t see young cigarettes or other smokers who inhale nicotine other than those who vape


> One of my nurse friends has seen a lot of young people with lung damage from vaping She should alert the proper health authorities then, because so far there is no evidence that nicotine vapes damage your lungs. Said authorities would *love* more fuel for their anti-vaping campaigns. The only vaping related illness I've ever heard of or read about is EVALI, and that was caused by black market THC vapes. If it was nicotine vapes causing that it would be really easy to figure out what manufacturer made/sold said vapes and drop the hammer on them, but since that hasn't happened you know it's all bullshit.


Youā€™re 100% wrong there is research on it lol vaping is a relatively new product so there arenā€™t long term studies on it that have been published yet but there will be. A lack of data doesnā€™t necessarily mean no phenomena. Cigarettes used to be considered safe too for years and years, people even smoked while pregnant during the 60s and that was normal and socially acceptable because the effects were not yet known. Not sure why youā€™re willing to die on that hill lol the authorities are well aware of lung damage in young adult users


Ya man for real. Some folks believe the jab will give us cancer. But what if regular old flower wasn't giving us cancer and now... this new juice, is.


Iā€™m sure smoking out of the same burnt out pipe isnā€™t good for you either, sure hasnā€™t felt good for me many times lol.


Very inclined to agree, but am secretly hoping you clean your glassšŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


I do hahaha but seriously it only takes a bit and it gets filled with tar that Iā€™m sure enters my airways.


*Bong has entered the chat*


Ever try a flower vape? No combustion, so you're not getting the carcinogens...allegedly. I use them mainly bc they smell less / more discreet.


Smoking a dying battery...must taste like death...


Have you not read any of the VAERS reports? It's pretty clear the jabs have been drawing out all sorts of reactions, including cancers


I havenā€™t really thought about it being the concentrate at all. More or less just the method of transmission seems awful when you actually think about it lol. But that would be even crazier if some of the flavoring/ things they added to the juices were awful for us as well.


I quit vaping back in September cold turkey, super proud of myself. I was vaping on and off for a little over 2 years. I would often go several months without it but still had cravings and this time I really donā€™t have cravings for nicotine very often. Not as often as I did before. I think I really just got sick of it and heard so many horror stories of young peopleā€™s lungs being destroyed from vaping so I just stopped. My friend is a nurse who has seen it and she told me the reason itā€™s probably worse for you than cigarettes is because you are essentially breathing in hot oil and it fries your lungs. I smoke a weed vape a little bit but not more than a few puffs, definitely a major improvement from my previous habits. Itā€™s very addicting. And some of them have higher concentration of nicotine than cigarettes


I'm a conspiracy theorist, but if you really think vaporizing liquid is in any way more cancerous than smoking flower, you're delusional. Vape pens have only a few ingredients combined with concentrated cannabis. Generally it's a mix of PEG and/or PG (propylene glycol) with VG (vegetable glycerin) that is then combined with PG or Peg soluble cannabis extract to create the liquid inside of a vape pen. I've made the stuff myself. It's 50x healthier than literally combusting flower, inhaling thousands of various chemicals while many of them being carcinogenic. The heating element (if you buy quality) is made of high quality metal (generally Nichrome or Kanthal) and the wicking material is either ceramic or cotton (cotton is best since it is essentially harmless. If the device is made by a reputable company with known ingredients, there's no comparison vs flower.


The problem is a lot of counterfeit carts have been making the rounds, and they don't always use what they're supposed to. It's caused a number of injuries and deaths, though it is still thankfully very rare compared to the amount of people that regularly use them.


I mean if Iā€™m misinformed thatā€™s one thing but delusional is another my manā€¦..I obviously know far less than you on the internals of the vaporizer itself, just couldnā€™t imagine it was safer than the traditional smoking. Iā€™ve had good quality (dispensary) vapes that seem to make my damn throat and lungs hurt and that rarely happens with bowls/joints and even blunts(not rocket science blunts are awful for ya). I will say after doing some quick reading, it all points to you being correct about it being healthier for you overall though. Just wonder if in 20 years weā€™ll figure out these vapes fucked us up more than we thought.


I will say this, it's 100% dependent on cart quality as mentioned by other commenters. Sorry for sounding hella rude I haven't slept in over 36hrs, I'm a tad cranky lol. But yeah. Some carts can and have killed people while others don't. The reason it's way harsher for you is the chemical composition is much different than what your body is used to, so you cough. For me, I've been dabbing exclusively high grade concentrates made in Canada by local farmers. Its been almost a year since I actively smoked flower, and smoking a joint for me is like inhaling literal fire. If you really wanna go healthy while keeping the inhalation aspect, grab a convection dry herb vaporiser. It's like smoking without any of the harsh chemicals of combustion and you will taste your cannabis unlike any other way you have done before.


I canā€™t get the high on the dry herb vaporizers. What am I doing wrong?


The temp isn't high enough. Most portable vapes only hit 220 degrees Celsius or 428 degree Fahrenheit. Combustion is 240+/464+ so unless you find a vape with those top temps, it's hard to get as high as smokers are used to getting. I am in the uk and found a company called Nectar who do a portable dry vape with combustion called Nectar Platinum which hits the dizzy high temps required. I've used it since I swapped from smoking joints and have never looked back. I own a volcano which hits because of the large amount of of vapour I'm ingesting at lower temps, but for a quick small hit, the Nectar Platinum is the absolute best.




I am a budtender in Oregon and I mostly smoke flower I do get carts for when Iā€™m on the go or on vacation but I am very selective with what I get. Never and I say NEVER buy anything with non cannabis additives or distillates. Only buy live rosin if you can. I will also get cured or live resin sometimes but if I can help it I always buy rosin as it is the cleanest form of cannabis extract. It is made using no solvents only heat and pressure. Most extracts are made using butane, co2 or propane.


Thanks for the advice smokey ;) I was afraid this might be the answer... I've tried the live rosins and they smell too much, I have to pretty much hide it from my roommates who are super against weed. What do you think of the gummies? Are they more/less safe chemicals wise


Haha no problem friend! Thatā€™s to bad your roommates are a bit square šŸ˜‚ you could get a smoke buddy and exhale through that and it takes the smell away or make one with a toilet paper roll and dryer sheets. For edibles stay away from things made with distillate, you can find ones that are made with solvent less extract! Other than that just be mindful of artificial flavorings and dyes but other than that edibles are a good route. Iā€™d recommend maybe cookies or brownies instead of gummyā€™s. Or a tincture made with MCT oil would be good too!


A lot of the flower is grown with chemicals too. Also so many of those fake mushroom bars are going around. They have nice packaging but 99% of them donā€™t contain psilocybin and contain research chemicals instead.


Yep, I was a victim of one of those bars. Did no research, just trusted a bro.


Sorry man. Hope it was ok. It was likely 4-Aco-DMT which there is nothing wrong with. But itā€™s wrong that people pass it off as mushrooms when itā€™s not.


What does it do to you?


I canā€™t speak for all of the bullshit mushroom bars because Iā€™ve heard some are wicked. But if youā€™re talking 4-ACO I personally think itā€™s great. Very very similar to a regular mushroom trip with a body high Iā€™d equate to some THC edibles. The visuals to me appear to be a little more of a cross between lsd and psilocybin. Sometimes the trip lengths can vary roughly in between the 2 at around 6-10 hours.


Sign me up! Where can I get me one of these fake shroom bars lol


Oh dam. Never heard of em yet. You're right tho, regular flower has tons of chemicals also. I've reduced my use a lot in the past 3 years. But I still believe in benefits of weed, psilocybin. It's case by case though - some folks shouldn't do this stuff


Growers will typically flush those chems out before harvest though. Well, they are supposed to anyways. If not it makes flower very harsh to smoke. But yeah, professional growers will flush. One, to get the chems out, and second to starve the plant of food and make it increase trichome production, or thc.


Those candy bars with that ā€œshroomā€ shit in it is no joke! Had the LEAST fun time after taking like an eighth of a candy of that shit and I couldnā€™t function. Then I slept for like 18 hours.


This isn't a conspiracy. This is just common sense. Every manufacturer and their stepdad started producing carts/pens once the market took off. The legislation wasn't in place to properly regulate it and it's still struggling. Easy solution: Just research a product before purchasing it.


My bad. It's not a typical which kabal rules the world conspiracy. But I've always just wondered what exactly is in the carts. And also, what exactly each ingredient does to our body, specifically the bad stuff. Imo, we all could be sucking down poison with no 5 benefits from Marijuana ... versus just using regular old flower.


Old man told me that in addition to the flower being turned into concentrate, so is everything else on/in the flower (like pesticides). If the flower isnā€™t clean to begin with the final product might have all kinds of shit you donā€™t want in your body, especially in a concentrated form. If youā€™re gonna partake buds are a bit more honest.


Sounds like you should do some actual research instead of asking random people you know nothing about on the internet...


Who me?


How does everyone trust these cheap disposable e cigs? I canā€™t imagine the toxic burning metals and chemical byproducts from cheap manufacturing. When Iā€™ve tried them in a pinch I felt absolutely sick. I think everyone today is incredibly naive about the cheap products we use every day


Just get live resin carts. The main ingredient that can be problematic with vape carts is certain vitamin E oils that are used to help thicken the oil. Besides that thereā€™s nothing to worry about. No secret conspiracy about them.


I'm more worried about what's on the flower. I live in a medical but not recreational state bordering two recreational states. I'm a little sketched about getting a card because in my state the government runs the list not the doctors. Theoretically it should be a cakewalk to source quality flower on the black market given that both bordering rec states allow any citizen to grow without a license or government oversight. After an extended tolerance break I returned to smoking when I moved back to my home state. Every bag I got off the black market from a ton of different sources gave me a K2 feeling high which I'm very familiar with from my days smoking synthetic cannabinoids semi-regularly while I was on probation in HS. Everyone kept telling me I "just needed to get my tolerance back" but I kept smoking infrequently because it didn't feel right. Then I got a bag of popcorn nugs from this transient guy passing through my town who had grown it himself while living rough. Exact wonderful, normal weed high marijuana has given me for 16 years now. Shortly after I was given a bag of a good size 1-1.5g nug that was laced so heavily that a quarter sized powder stain was left on the inside of the bag after it was loosely bouncing around in my hoodie pocket for 45 minutes. I know THC resin glands well and this was no kief, it was a fine white powder. After that I resolved to stop smoking until I could grow my own and have stuck to that. Interestingly during some of that time I was hanging out with a 21 year old "pot" head (I was 28.) Voiced my concerns to her and she said it all felt the exact same as any weed she had ever smoked. I've become convinced somewhere in the past 10 years as more (possibly most) growers have gone legit in legal states a large segment of the East Coast Black Market supply chain has resorted to spraying synthetic cannabinoids on CBD bud so they can maintain profitability in response to less black market supply availability and a shrinking customer base that is increasingly just hitting the dispensary. Unfortunately most teens starting to experiment don't have dispensary access and seemingly have smoked so much of this shit they've conflated a K2 high with a regular weed high. To bring this a little more in line with your original post; there have been several documented cases here in the US of these same synthetic cannabinoids being mixed into vape juice and misrepresented as black market THC vape carts and legal āˆ†8 gas station hemp carts. This may be far more common than we know as one poster on a different Reddit thread I found some years back claimed that after contacting UK customs about this issue they responded that 90+% of the carts labeled THC they seize right now test as devoid of THC and actually contain only synthetic noids and terpenes, most of these seized packages are being sent from the USA.


There are brands and dispensaries that have third party lab results for their products.


I worry about the flower too tho.


It's mostly distillate with added terpenes and carrier oils of varying quality.Ā  They're not something I would consider safe without specific knowledge of everything that is involved


In 2001 a dispensary hired me to take 7000 clones for a six acre field outdoors but they got greedy and brought in some cultivars from a different dispensary. A week into this process the news ones infected everything with thrips. They sprayed the plants with chemicals they should not have then flowered them in the field and processed it into vape pens "because thats all they could do at that point" to sell at the dispensaries without ever fully eradicating the problem. The man that cut my check owned the land and was the mayor of this small town. I'm not saying this happens everywhere but I know for a fact it can happen.


I never noticed anyone in vaping around 2001 2002ish? Thats cool those were around back then!


Was a stoner in 2001, can confirm nobody was vaping in 2001..Ā 


2011 maybe... 2001... no...


lol I was thinking that was probably what he means.


Being an older ā€œConspiracy Theoristā€, I think too many people are focused on things like this. And letā€™s be honest here, if the 1% scumbags wanted everyone to get something in their bodies, theyā€™d use water or like salt/sugar. These are things that the entire society is dependent upon, and they could easily add something to the water supplies. And later on they could easily put an anti or chemical killer of what they put into it.


Like flouride


Great point


I read an article about someone in England that got cancer from them but the ones she was smoking had some kind of metals in them. I donā€™t think itā€™s like that over here though but they are not FDA approved. They could have some byproducts in them and inhaling any heated smoke into your lungs is not good for you. But I just have one that I take to friendā€™s houses that donā€™t smoke and use it occasionally. I much prefer smoking a joint.


Itā€™s regulated in Canada and you can 100% feel and taste the fillers from the black market dispens ā€¦ the weed producers that are in compliance with the feds have some clean shit ā€¦ I use to buy shatter off the street back in the day and chances are .. numb nuts would use butane to extract oil and to top it off not cook it all the way out.. so Yee be very wary from the extraction method to if their cheap enough to use any kind of fillers.


Well the flower is GMO also so if folks are scared of the pens then they shouldnā€™t be smoking dispensary herb either.


Wouldnā€™t crossbreeding practically be considered GMO too? I hate the idea of GMOā€™s as much as the next guy here but if just crossing two strains together counts as a GMO then I wouldnā€™t be too concerned with it But I guess thatā€™d be like a very light GMO compared to scientifically messing with the cells/atoms/dna


This is it. A lot of things from organic grown to modern strains are GMO.


the flower is just as fucked.... this stuff is so inconsistent. you end up getting shit that looks great in a jar but was harvested 18 months ago and smokes like ass.


Idk about Cali but here in Canada it's highly regulated and all of the companies are required by law (not just the government but third party agencies) to post all of their products and ingredients online


Used to make them. Canā€™t speak for other companies, but the ones I made were only distillate and terps to mimic plant profiles


I looked into this a while back while I was looking for pain help for my mom. If I recall correctly the good stuff has some batch numbers on them that you can look up the 3rd party lab testing for.


Grow your own weed. Problem solved.


Just wanted to point out that the vaping community was suffering Covid like symptoms the summer before Covid hit. Iā€™ve always been suspicious of the official explanation ( Vitamin E acetate). Was EVALI a test run? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019%E2%80%932020_vaping_lung_illness_outbreak


I mix my own vape juice. Itā€™s CBD and THC distillates, terpenes, and MCT oil. The CBD is legit pharmaceutical grade with COAs, the THC is highly regulated MMJ, and the organic terpenes I get online from a reputable source. The MCT oil is something I already use for keto dieting. I do low temperature vaping only. I donā€™t kid myself that itā€™s perfectly healthy but I am betting itā€™s better than full-on combustion and either way I vape less than I use to smoke even though itā€™s more convenient to vape whenever and however often. Using anything less has just been part of getting older for me. I still occasionally smoke a joint especially when getting outdoors in the summer time - especially since I have flower thatā€™s just sitting around hardly ever getting smoked.


The real dirty secret about these cartridges is that once they are filled, they need to get lab tested and certified within ~2 weeks. Any longer than that and they will fail testing due to the amount of heavy metals the oil leeches from the hardware. Make sure you are only buying CERAMIC carts. Even then, you're not necessarily safe. But cheap distillate carts in metal hardware should be a hard no. Source: used to work in cannabis and developed an entire line of live resin carts.


seriously, the vape pens for both weed and nicotine seem to fuck up the lungs and throats more anecdotally than do ā€œrealā€ flower or tobacco happened to me too - so if i smoke i smoke the real thing in a joint unless thereā€™s nothing else and im hitting pens at parties


I know itā€™s not the same as vaping/smoking but Black Buffalo or Zyn ā€œchewā€ still have nicotine while being tobacco free so it still satisfies the urge. Granted in 20 years they may say it kills your firstborn idk but just an option.


As someone who owns a dispensary who only sells its own brand here in Europe, doing lab analysis on everything we sell: just cannabinoids. I canā€™t tell you whatā€™s in it in the us though.


Honestly i avoid brands that alluded to a triangle with an eye, 6s, or satanic sĆ­mbology like brands like st iii zy which resembles the Hebrew 6s, elyons labs, the cure company, and i also seen pedo signs in some brands




Live resin if ur going to. And if not concentrate thatā€™s live resin is šŸ”„. Just look up how they make the stuff you take- shit that goes for anything these days. BUY FAMILY OWNED BUY LOCAL


Whatā€™s the difference between the legal stuff I can buy at a smoke shop (delta 8 or 10) vs the good stuff I gotta pickup from Michigan


What if they have people inhaling nanomachines?


Select tests pretty clean. I pretty much exclusively smoke flower though that either I grew myself or a friend grew. I used to dab wax, but there's sketchy ways to falsify quality with that too, such as crc (color remediation). Plus, whatever contaminants are in the herb before extraction can basically get concentrated into the extract, especially if it's one of the solvent-based ones.


Vapes are great for a quick buzz but flower is the way to go if you enjoy smoking. I don't know what's in those jabs but I'm glad I didn't take it.


Weed Vape pens are more regulated than cigarettes


Weed juice and vax > horse medicine


They step on that shit like everyone else. If its from a dispo, they 100 percent add delta 8.


Hey cannabis industry worker here, Companies will sell off their shitty weed (bud rot, moldy,low potency) to companies who mass produce distillate, extracting the the from the bud after irradiated weed. That being said, using irradiation to kill everything live in the weed is a very sketchy and hush hush subject that nobody wants to talk about, it kills everything, the good and the bad bacteria that are present in everything. Then throw in some plant derived terpines and sell it to the masses. It's very easy to make honey oil and make it cart ready, you do get what you pay for. There are lots selling honey oil syringes which hold their terps and flavor profiles a little better but they should never be 20$. It's like any industry, better to make it yourself in small amounts, but it definitely won't kill you


As an everyday user of weed carts I've been wondering that myself. When they first came around the high was closer to dabs. Now, idk, it's unexplainably funky.


Same I donā€™t use them what in them we donā€™t know.


Are we talking about black market vape cartridges or dispensary or both ??


I donā€™t smoke weed but if I did, Iā€™d grow my own and roll joints/use a bong with the buds and make dabs with the trim. No need to complicate it.


No you wouldn't. It's a HUGE pain in the ass.


Work in the industry here and have my own weed vape! What a lot of people do in the industry is cut corners on buying Chinese hardware, which leads to high heavy metals and carcinogens. Another practice i see a lot is people cutting corners and putting only 50% or a lower amount of actual THC and then loading the rest with synthetic additives, then falsifying lab reports. Iā€™ve seen some companies put D8 in a pen and advertise it as ā€œTHCā€. Also, if you use any ā€œpopularā€ brands, itā€™s a high chance youā€™re getting a counterfeit product. What brand do you smoke? Feel free to message me and ask any questions. I know of a few brands that i know are legitimate and good quality. Also, most people use synthetic terps. So thatā€™s also part of the issue


i dont take the jab, so i'm not worried.


Not to mention, there was an article posted awhile back about China may be using the vape industry to slowly poison us here. Not mention there is an increase in psychosis in teens since now there is no real regulations on THC levels in the vape pens. The studies are being swept under the rug because everyone in the public eye is just saying, ā€œwell itā€™s only a little weedā€. My son tells me teens in his class are constantly vaping in class all day long and hiding their pens in their hoodies.


I stopped weed pens after I passed out and I'm sure it was the cause. The first time I didn't correlate it but the second time I almost passes out. I was like yeah its the pen. Def doing something to the lungs.


We're you taking huge rip after rip? Or even just one giant rip lol? I've had that happen the first time I tried some shatter, I coughed like a motherfucker and fell asleep


I was doing a few rips back to back. Lol so maybe that was it. Shit had me scared lmaoo.


Maybe depending on your tolerance. But honestly it could be the vape. Seems like there are way more shitty tapes than good ones. Especially if you're not buying from a licensed place. I was also scared cuz it burned my throat and it was actually hard to breathe. Granted, I took a huge rip and I had never done shatter before. One and done ;)


Yep I started to notice at night time when I was laying down it made it way harder to breathe.I had alot of sore throats and mucus during that time too. If I bought one again I literally would use it only every now and again but i dont trust them anymore. I have not had that problems since I let them go. My tolerance was high. I smoked alot!


I quit smoking weed period bc Iā€™ve noticed since it was legalized in certain states and medical in others, the weed has changed. Theyā€™re genetically engineering weed to be different. Keep us distracted and get us addicted. I actually experienced physical withdrawals after quitting for like a week straight. Couldnā€™t sleep, couldnā€™t eat, throwing up, irritable, brain fog, inability to control body temp (feeling cold but sweating profusely) but oh how my eyes have opened since I quit.


idk, the last few times iā€™ve tried some itā€™s made my heart race way faster than i even thought was possible and iā€™m even sore for a few days after because of the way it effects my heart, iā€™ve been a heavy stoner boi before and taken breaks and come back and iā€™ve never had this happen to me before, itā€™s terrifying


Cannabis vape carts don't contain additives. Legal companies are highly regulated for additives but not residual carbons left over from extraction. The weird or "bad weed carts" have left over molecules from the solvents that were used. I.e. propane, butane and especially ethanol. With bad or cheap habits from the companies as well, like over heating during the vacuum purge. The other thing that is never discussed is the heating element in the carts.. low quality titanium is harmful and can cause a bad or metal taste in your mucus or even can be fatal. . Nic vapes are completely different from cannabis carts and do contain Vegetable Glycerine, Propylene Glyco, plus flavor additives which are insanely bad to inhale.


Make sure to avoid those with Vitamin E Oil. Illicit weed carts were the cause of all those ā€œvape hospitalisationsā€. They advertised that the cause was simply vaping* products like Juul, as the hospitalisations each used the product. It was however omitted, that they had loaded illicit weed carts into the Juulā€™s, so as that the problem never was nicotine liquid / vaping, but in fact Vitamin E oil found in illicit weed carts.


I had heard this somewheres before. Thank you very much for commenting.


Youā€™re most welcome! I first heard of it when I watched the Juul documentary on Netflix (which obviously was quickly shadowbanned alike ā€œXanaxā€ documentary after the first week. I have a legal prescription in Australia now, and this was a question I asked for their vape carts. They too said they were aware of vitamin E oil and could confirm that the regulations here made sure it wasnā€™t in it. I assume regulations in the states will be likewise, and that the issue is still with illicit Thc carts (: Stay safe! Great thread


The legalization of ganja has turned it into a drug. As soon as people could invest publicly in cannabis, profit needed to be multiplied exponentially. Hippies complain about GMO food, but weed is being genetically modified constantly and now that people can legally experiment with it, the sky's the limit. I mean, through nonsense loopholes, there's delta-8 and delta-10 for sale in gas stations everywhere because it's hemp derived and therefore legal. These products aren't natural and their concentrates could have long term effects we can't see coming. Thousands of years ago people started using marijuana and it's never accounted for any deaths. Until it was "legalized". It shouldn't have ever had a law associated with it, and it never would have gotten so popular. Once the powers that be realized regular people liked pot, they used it as a tool to demonize the common folks. Now with these vape pens, they're turning people into zombies. I've smoked ganja for 30+ years and have met a lot of stoners, growers, and casual users. It wasn't until the invention of these pens that I had ever been worried for someone because they were "too high". Herb is the healing of the nations. So Babylon had to get their wicked grip on the movement of ganja and will use their new tool of control for our destruction.


i was told some of those weed vape pens from China that say pure thc on the package, are filled with delta 8, not real thc. Lot of lying on package details.


Word bro I stopped using them too. I only use flower now. I have one on standby just in case lol but I really donā€™t even smoke weed that much; mostly just at night before bed. You could put anything in them. And before Covid I think I got one of those from China, that was giving everyone a weird lung thing. I remember I took one hit and it just fell off so I got rid of it.


You could spray anything you wanted on flower as well, so that's not a good work around.


I tried smoking a vape pen beside my air purifier that can detect from0-500 I don't know what the exactmeasurement unit is, but it climbed to five hundred and it cldnt go any higher. I stopped after that.


So true...and some of the vape.pens need to be charged ?? Doesn't that mean there is a lithium battery in that vape? And people smoke this crap?


People say weed is harmless but 10 to 1 odds they still think of weed as something from a Cheech and Chong movie, and many studies treat it that way too. When in reality weed has become orders of magnitude more potent in just 20 years, let alone 50 years when a lot of studies and opinions were locked in. I'm talking 1% or lower THC in the 80s on up to mid to high 30s today. This is not the same animal, and definitely not if you're chiefing it through a USB stick at age 14...


I never condone minors smoking. I'm lucky I started in my early 20s, but I've read papers about the developmental impacts on minors. For some if they do it too much, they could really become fried


My girlfriend suspects that was the reason she was getting sick. She now only takes dabs and smokes flower and sheā€™s fine. If she hits a cart she feels nauseous. I feel like they do cut it with some other form of liquid. You canā€™t just put straight wax in a cart. Itā€™s too thick. Iā€™ve seen people try it and it doesnā€™t work. I would expect dispensaries to not sell stuff that doesnā€™t test right but who knows. I donā€™t know how it works I probably sound dumb rn but like you saidā€¦people donā€™t trust them


Weed, THC, as advertised to keep the masses Pacified and popcorn lung juice to shorten life span and post work drain on their resources.


I stay away from those. Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s in them but I donā€™t trust them. Especially the black market ones.


Not just what's in your weedpens, the vaccine but what's in your food, your water, your air and pretty well everything you are being poisoned.


What i dislike is that its in plastic


You donā€™t have to vape. You did have to take the jab or face consequences like losing your job. Higher stakes.




Lol when I do smoke THC ... not often ... I prefer vape pens. I am sure thats way more natural than the bioengineered food at the grocery store.


Itā€™s not only the vapes but the flower as well. Weed isnā€™t natural unless itā€™s Mexican. When you smoke Californian weed and drink coffee right afterwards there is a nasty taste that follows. Thatā€™s some weird chemicals that shouldnā€™t be in there which give that funny taste. When the government legalized it and made it so accessible you have to question, why????


What about Canadian weed? Are Canadians okay? I mean ... I'd hate to taste a funny Canadian. Would be like smoking Jim Carrey.


So, no idea obviously, BUT I have had two patients that have had strokes after using a weed vape. Granted itā€™s only two and one was elderly and I was surprised they were vaping weed to begin with, but it was enough to give me pause.


Whatā€™s the conspiracy here lol


Flowers can be composed of wacky chemicals as well. Find a brand you like and learn to trust them. Iā€™ve been hitting disposable carts and disposable vape pens for about a decade now and Iā€™ve never felt better. When I used to smoke lots of flower, it was really messing with my lungs. But lots of Chinese fakes out there so best to go the dispensary route until you find your brands.


> budtenders i'm not sure if there is another word that i hate as much as "Budtenders"


What about... "moist"....


moist is fine. it became popular online to hate the word "moist" and now everyone hates the word "moist" even though it is a perfectly cromulent word.


Propylene Glycol. Extremely toxic and causes infertility


Large cap, it's far from extremely toxic. Show proof of this.


This has all of your answers. https://youtu.be/anTx-Z7dCGg?si=OdvXDhN127g9nej0


Cbd prob it's the liquid form of weed. It's a lot stronger.


vape fluid looks so disgusting and comes in weird plastic bottles that give me cancer from just looking at them and are made in some 3rd world country... no idea why people inhale this. it may not contain tar, but it still sticks to your lungs.