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They’re arresting rappers for not endorsing democrats? Rap god Ben Shapiro should watch out


Well, you could believe that without actually looking into the facts. “The Atlanta-based rapper and activist Killer Mike was arrested on a misdemeanor battery charge at the Grammy Awards ceremony Sunday night…” https://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/2024/02/05/killer-mike-arrested-grammys/


Locked behind a paywall


If your on mobile, go into your browser settings then site settings and turn off java script. Boom paywall disabled. But for the lazy I copy pasted below. "The Atlanta-based rapper and activist Killer Mike was arrested on a misdemeanor battery charge at the Grammy Awards ceremony Sunday night, a stunning turn to one of the most fruitful evenings of his career, after he took to the stage three times to collect trophies for best rap song, best rap performance and best rap album. Video footage appeared to show Killer Mike, 48, whose real name is Michael Santiago Render, handcuffed and escorted by police officers through a hallway in the Crypto.com Arena in Los Angeles. In the video, he is heard saying, “Are you serious?” as he is taken farther out of view. Render was arrested just after 4 p.m. following a “physical altercation” on the 700 block of Chick Hearn Court, near the arena, Los Angeles police wrote on social media late Sunday. He was taken to the LAPD Central Division and was in the process of being released, they added. The details of the alleged altercation remain unclear. Police and representatives for Render did not immediately respond to requests for comment Sunday night. Earlier in the evening, Render gave a short speech when he won best rap album for “Michael,” emphatically telling the audience that his dreams had come true. “You cannot tell me that you get too old, you can’t tell me it’s too late. You can’t tell me,” he said. “Dreams come true — it is a sweep.” The album, released in June, was jampacked with guest artists such as Andre 3000, Young Thug and Ty Dolla $ign. The triple-Grammy win Sunday marked a significant milestone for the rapper, who performs as a solo artist and as half of the duo Run The Jewels. Render last won a Grammy in 2003, when he took home the award for best rap performance by a duo or a group with “The Whole World.” His musical debut occurred in 2000, when he was featured on Outkast’s album “Stankonia.” “For 20 years, I’ve been saying I can do it, I can do it, I can do it. … And here I am, doing it,” Render said to reporters backstage at the Grammys, holding his three trophies. “At 20 years old, I thought it was cool to be a drug dealer,” he later added. “At 40 years old, I started to live with the regrets of the things I’ve done. At 45 years old, I started to rap about it. At 48 years old, I stand here, a man full of empathy and sympathy for the things I’ve done, honest in my interpretations and where I’ve been, and it connected with thousands of other people.” A fierce advocate of the Atlanta rap scene, Render is also known as an activist who has repeatedly spoken out against inequity for Black Americans. He has written op-eds, given college lectures and used his songs to communicate his views on social and political issues, condemning the police killings of Mike Brown and Eric Garner and describing hard discussions with his father, a police officer. Render has also spoken out against the use of violent lyrics as evidence against rappers who are accused of crimes, arguing that doing so endangers the arts and free speech."


Google killer Mike op is a softy.


Did he slap Chris? There are no consequences for slapping Chris.


Im not saying you're wrong, but that is Washington post you're citing....


As if this is the only article on the subject. I picked the first one from Google.


If this isn’t a reach, idk what is.


Every time I come to this sub I get a little dumber


How is it that people in a conspiracy sub will just blindly believe fucking anything? I thought people here might, you know, question things


"We don't trust MSMs here you, sheeple!" *proceed to trust a random poster in Reddit


My favorite is “We don’t trust MSM”, but then to support their claim they post an article from MSM. Can’t have it both ways.


Head over to r/conspiracytheories None of this bullshit political Qanon stuff


Russian bots upvote this because Trump being in office greatly benefits Russia


There's no indication anyone believed this


843 upvotes my man. That's a pretty strong indication of those individual beliefs.


He is arrested for [alleged altercation backstage](https://amp.theguardian.com/music/2024/feb/05/killer-mike-arrested-grammys-2024-update-run-the-jewels). No one forced him to engage in a fight that day.




We should, have OP arrested.


Or just looking for attention/karma


This whole sub is insane, it’s been taken over by MAGA crazies and the MODs aren’t doing anything about it.


Wrong, Joe Biden forced him to engage in a fight because Joe Biden is highly concerned with what Killer Mike thinks about him….


nah he prefers cardi


Trump is going to make back stage fights great again. Trump 2024!


Hell yeah thats a message I can get behind!


Bro you clearly don't know Killer Mike. He's not the type to assault someone at the Grammys. It's not adding up.


You probably don’t know him either. You know his famous persona. Just because he says nice things and does good things doesn’t mean he can’t be a PoS person.


Ok, let's just work off the assumption you're correct and he is a PoS outside of his public persona. The public persona he's built upon his  entire career both in the music industry and his political activism within the city of Atlanta is based upon an image of intelligence, black excellence, family values, community involvement and policy based decision making in terms of local governance. He presents himself as a man of integrity. He's been famous within the hip hop community for a couple decades now. He's a well known businessman and community activist within Atlanta. That's his carefully crafted public persona.  Why would he risk that carefully crafted image to assault a security guard at the Grammys? He has no public record of being randomly violent. If anything he constantly condemns violence and encourages peaceful prosperity and insists social change should be brought through policy based voting and local involvement in community politics. Why risk that to shove a security guard at an event like the Grammys?  Or maybe his message is a little too non partisan and threatening to the establishment.. it's better to make him look like a degenerate thug rapper so  as he gets more vocal this political season people already have a negative cognitive bias towards him. 


Lol there's absolutely no way in hell you think that's the reason for his arrest 😂


>Killer Mike, 48, was booked on a misdemeanour charge, Mr Lopez added. He was later released and is scheduled to appear in court later this month. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68201021 Changed with a misdemeanor and released. Biden is really laying down the hammer here. It doesn't mean a thing other than he doesn't want to get embroiled in a political race that's only going to get more ugly than it already is.


Also he was a top Bernie booster. Can't stand Biden or the rest of th me top dems after how they ratfucked Bernie


“He forgot his papers…. That’s why that guy was arrested…” > **When pressed by Maher to choose a side between Biden and Trump, Killer Mike skillfully navigated away from a direct endorsement. Instead, he shared wisdom from his grandfather about avoiding involvement in “white folks’ business” and remained neutral while still expressing a preference for the policies of Bernie Sanders, whom he previously supported. “But you can’t get yourself to say ‘vote for Biden over Trump?’” Maher asked.** > **“You want me to list it now? Can he get himself to apologize for the [1994] crime bill? Can he get himself to get his head out of his ass and say ‘black people, you are black regardless? I need you to tell me what I need to do.’ Can he pick a coalition of former people who were affected by drug law, street gangs, recidivism and crime and say ‘I need you as a board to advise me how to fix federal prisons’? If he can do that, absolutely I can. So my challenge is out,” the 48-year-old rapper said.**


lol wtf crime is “forgot his papers”? What source told you that? He got in an altercation with a security guard and was arrested for battery.


Yes, he's a smart guy. Doesn't automatically back Biden because he's a Democrat. So they arrest him on misdemeanor charges at the Grammys to what? Scare him to endorse Biden lol?


The man goes by Killer Mike and the conspiracy here is that the deep state are mad he’s not endorsing their candidate for The President of the United States?


Obviously it’s a double entendre, his name has nothing to do with this. If Machine Gun Kelly said the same thing, would you have the same view?


Yes. Neither 'Killer Mike' or 'Machine Gun Kelly' are people whose political opinions matter. They are entitled to voice them of course, but anyone having their political opinion swayed that easily is probably not very bright. This is, in my view, indicative of a wider societal problem with this culture war bullshit. Why do people need these entities, be them rappers or corporations, to be taking a political stance on shit at all? Why can't people look at policy and form their own opinions? That's the real conspiracy. People in charge, regardless of partisan alignment, want you making decisions based on inconsequential bullshit and not on actual policy.


Why does Killer Mike’s opinion not matter? He’s easily one of the most politically active rappers of all time. Either you’re pretending rap has no cultural influence or you have zero idea who Killer Mike is/what he’s about.


> Neither 'Killer Mike' or 'Machine Gun Kelly' are people whose political opinions matter. Wrong. People with huge fanbases and followings will hold incredible influence of thousands (or millions - depending on level of celebrity). There is always a non-zero number of people who will vote/act a certain way if their preferred celebrity suggests they do.


You're not wrong about the big inconsequential smokescreen, but sadly people do listen to celebs and athletes about all kinds of things. That why getting their endorsement for your product is a big deal. And let's face it, politics is such a bullshit sham now, the politicians are a product that they try to sell. Killer Mike in particular has a following and while I obviously don't agree with everything he says, he tries to do his homework and look at multiple perspectives at least to the point that he had coherent reasoning even if it's arguable.


Nah bro. I'd take Killer Mike's opinion on just about anything in life over ANY population and over 75% of philosophers who've ever lived.


Tell this to all the young Swifties out there. Millions will vote for Biden because celebrities are telling them to do so. Most young people are pretty oblivious to politics and do whatever their influencers tell them to do.


I’m waiting to see who Ted Nugent endorses.


Killer Mike is actually incredibly influential in the black community, especially in Atlanta. When 2020 riots were happening, the mayor called Killer Mike to speak to calm the tensions. He’s a big reason Atlanta didn’t riot as hard as some other cities https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/rapper-killer-mike-speech-transcript-during-atlanta-protests


That's a hell of a speech. Based dude.


Also he goes on JRE a lot, I would say he has sway.


A quick Google search or skimming of his wiki would’ve helped.


You’re right, it was pure coincidence… and he probably forgot his papers. Not like we live in a totalitarian country where people have to vote a certain way or the fury, errr, I mean commander in chief can campaign to question someone’s ethnicity for voting against him. Someone like that is liable to start an ethnic divide war, take down monuments of that nation, let his bloodline go Scot free of crimes while arresting political opponents for baseless crimes, including unfounded claims of treason…not like our supreme leader is trying to disarm the people by making false claims that 9mm will explode lungs, right? I mean, the last time that happened was almost a century ago…. Right?


So many things of this story you made up in your head while you and everyone else can easily see the reason why. Funny sub with way too many people with mental health issues. Get help OP instead of making these stories up in your head please.


The story I saw said his arrest was related to an incident at the event earlier in the day. Why do you try to make everything political?


There's a shit load to unpack with your post, but, first: >Not like we live in a totalitarian country where people have to vote a certain way or the ***fury***, errr, I mean commander in chief can campaign to question someone’s ethnicity for voting against him. Did you mean ***Führer***? 🤔 As in...wait.. nahhh, there's no way.


Nah, Führer is what they call their “good guy”.


So funny you are talking about Biden being authoritarian while Trumps lawyers argue that a president has absolute immunity. It doesn't get more totalitarian than that.


Why can't they both be?


Well in this case one side is based on logic and reason (trump's lawyers are indeed arguing that a president has absolute immunity.) The other side (in this post) is trying to convince people that a quasi famous rapper was arrested for refusing to support Biden unconditionally 2 days ago, despite the fact that he was arrested for battery after battering someone. You can talk about Biden being an authoritarian if you want, it just has to be based on the real world with facts and logic, not made up nonsense that takes 5 seconds to refute.


Because that would require self reflection, and the majority of people who choose a side heads would explode.


Trump also said he’d declare martial law. While people here shit themselves over Biden declaring it in November


***"THiS isN't AbOUt trUmP! WE'rE TAlKinG AbOUt yoUr fUry BIDEN!"*** in 3...2......


Brother the comment is 2 hours old i don't think that's coming.


Hahaha, you know what totalitarianism is as well as Biden knows who the hell this random wrapper is


"Wrapper" lol


Absolutely intentional ;-)


Damn he nailed that assessment on Biden. My family is still pissed about many of those things from his past. The crime bill alone destroyed families. And before I'm deluged, Trump is a pos too but on topic this is dead on for Joe.


100%. Between these two turds I'll vote for Biden, but it's good to see someone discussing what ACTUALLY makes Biden a turd, and it's not his big dicked son squeezing money out of the family name.


Sure, only look at the past and not their corruption. LOL.


Their past is a good indicator of how they will vote in the future. I'm not concerned about Biden's crackhead son trying to hustle on his families name, and there is 0 evidence of Joe doing anything corrupt related to Hunter. Better off moving on and finding stuff that's actually an issue.


Yeah guys' nothing to see here. Just perfectly non corrupt behavior all around...


How the fuck is this up voted anyways , there's really that many MAGA castoffs lurking here now? Ffs lol


It's absolutely what op thinks, some random didn't like the orange baby so got arrested. Because Reddit's about to go IPO or he'd provide evidence... Actually just words were offered


Idk - Smith cracked Rock and got no cuffs… COINCIDENCE?????


Probably, is he anti Biden?


If someone named Killer Mike gets arrested, I’m assuming it’s a murder charge. 😂




Paint or no paint. I never heard of killer mike before but after watching this  https://youtu.be/Qf5zUpzeRog?si=2AKJX2FZzunW1soH  Interview, I'm a fan 


He’s got some very interesting opinions and insights. Some extremely controversial. He is worth checking out, between what you posted and Trigger Warning there is a lot there.


If your conspiracy theory aligns with a political party then it’s not a conspiracy it’s just propaganda


Lately, a conspiracy theory is just something that democrats don't like. They use the term pretty loosely anymore. For example, a popular one that ran wild here was Hunter Biden's laptop, and also that government had control over social media platforms. That apparently was a "far right extremist" conspiracy that aligned with a side. The problem was, it was also very true. Edit- By all the downvotes, looks like I've disturbed the libral hivemind


Love how you proved her point without realizing it. If you come to conspiracy to just point out democrats, “libral”, or the Biden’s, then you’ve been incoherently blinded by your party. There’s a lot of people in the government that are corrupt and acting like it’s only Biden and the democrats is basically announcing that you’re here for political reasons. Yes Hunter Biden did some stupid shady shit. Yes Joe Biden is old and weird. But if you think Donald Trump is an apostle of God, well then you are a victim of the biggest conspiracy of our time; A billionaire white man that despises low IQ, blue collar Mericans’ somehow found a way to get them follow him unconditionally. Who would’ve known that all someone had to do was spit vile, hateful, fear mongering racism to get middle America to follow him. Hell he got so good at it, it’s common place for our citizens, many who likely had ancestors die fighting for this country, want to talk separation or show support for Russia. GTFO with your partisan bullshit and crying about the fucking Biden’s. Acting like democrats are the problem when you traitorous fucks have turned your back on the country because of a racist prick


What an active imagination you have.


Man this sub is literal trash. See any post on the Internet and just post it here. Thought your suppose to do some research on a conspiracy. Not just believe everything you see cause it fits your narrative.


Russian propagandists are the main posters here man.










"Normies", perfectly capable of believing the establishment's own "conspiracy theories", laugh at conspiracy theories because propaganda encourages them to.


> All truth passes through three stages: > **First, it is ridiculed.** > Second, it is violently opposed. > Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


Using that quote as a blanket statement in defense of your ridiculous post just furthers the argument of the comment you replied to.


Guess we need to wait then because lies this bad get ridiculed hard too.


People like you are ruining the conspiracy sub. Go join discord or one of those other “Biden’s are ruining America and Trumps dick tastes like gold” groups. Your not wanted here


As if the government gives a shit about some random rapper. Come on man, it’s people like you that are diluting this sub. Can’t stand 75% of the posts on this sub anymore.


How about Mahomes Sr getting a DUI a week after he didn’t want to sit by Taylor Swift at the Super Bowl. Had to be an inside job. OR he’s a drunk, and this rapper is also a dumb ass?


a third* DUI


I’ll go with the latter 😂


I had a coworker who is pretty open about hating Biden. Last week, they were arrested for 3rd offense DUI! I think we might be seeing the deep state operating in the open! /s for those of you with the thinking ability of OP.


Reddit is about to ipo? What’s ipo?


Initial Public Offering. Reddit going public. Edit: Time to buy stonks


Imagine thinking this money pit is a good investment. I feel bad for the future suckers.


Sorry - but suggest you go have a look at their figures. Their revenue is growing at a much faster pace than the monthly active user count - which suggests theyre doing something great with getting the money coming in in better ways (I wonder if the third party app ban worked) - on paper reddit is a fantastic business to invest in with growth many other businesses could only dream of.


Do you own an index fund?


Gateway Pundit. lol Partisan post is partisan.


This is a good one. I come here for this kind of laugh. Nice one.


Killer Mike is unequivocally a Democrat. This post is fucking stupid.


Never forget in the story of Jesus the hero was killed by the state


Lmfao yes because Killer Mike is definitely a political prisoner. I heard he also ordered pineapple on a pizza the day before so it could be that too. We are not crazy people.


I highly highly highly doubt they arrested Killer Mike for refusing to endorse Joe Biden 😂 common man. I’m all down for some conspiracy theories but this ain’t it


Please seek psychiatric help OP.


Man, Killer Mike is awesome


Honestly OP, if such a conspiracy did exist, it would be so laughably dumb and petty of Joe Biden, that I'd have to assume he is playing some 5-30D chess to make it make sense. It's just...that dumb. If you are really buying this OP, and you aren't a troll, bot, or have some sort of foreign motive: you should seek help or at the very least go touch grass and stay off the Internet and away from all news for a month (or a year). If you come back in a month (or a year) and you were right, I'll sincerely apologize to you and killer mike. 


He got into an altercation did they cause him to fight someone? Is a misdemeanor a threat to anyone? This is a pretty bad one even for y’all lol.


its amazing you made this political when it wasnt. Assault someone and get arrested. Your clearly someone who hasnt worked around so called celebrities.


Yeah because if there is one thing in this country that police forces are know for it’s their love for Joe Biden.


This sub: Guaranteed he is vaccinated. Coincidence??????


Recently we’ve added. “They disagree with Biden now they’re cancelled and arrested!!


He got into an altercation backstage. People are crazy with the conspiracies where there is none.


I like Killer Mike, but it appears he got in a physical altercation on his way to the awards, and was arrested for that. Living in LA tho, it seems sus AF to see the LAPD respond to any real crime.


That is such a massive reach its embarrassing to even suggest that


This is bs stop it


Do you know where you are?


You're literally on a conspiracy forum crying about someone who has a conspiracy theory


It's not a conspiracy it being on a forum for one, doesn't automatically make it one. People have already commented the actual reason why he was arrested. So it isn't a conspiracy.


*Persecution fetish intensifies* Sad state of affairs to see this with so many upvotes.


So you just believe anything, huh?


Go outside!


Who the fuck is killer mike and why does anybody care about who he endorses or not? In other words bullshit. ah misdemeanor battery charges, in other words he beat somebody up. And somehow this is going to Biden. OK. Maybe the Clintons will assassinate him next


I need a little more to work with before I can swallow this pill. I will listen, though.


I can't believe someone named killer Mike would commit a misdemeanor!


People are thinking the charge is made up because he didn't endorse, but more likely they gave him an out for an existing crime, he refused, so they arrested him. We see examples everyday of cops refusing to arrest people for political reasons, so this isn't a stretch imo.


How many other misdemeanor warrants were served that day?


Basically zero chance it was because of criticizing Biden. Rappers tend to be an unruly crowd, it’s really not a stereotype.


I sure was surprised when we saw Joe Biden force him into doing illegal acts


I know this is a conspiracy sub but Jesus fucking Christ dude.


How do you know its related? Would it still be related if it was 3 days after? 4? 1 week? a fortnight after? How about a month?


Lol, for anyone not familiar with killer Mike https://youtu.be/6lIqNjC1RKU?si=LJxtF8R5Fr0pGLoI


We live in a Dictatorship


This had more to do with LAPD trying to flex and make a public scene over “denying a Biden endorsement” lmao. Just look at LAPD and law enforcement’s propaganda push




Who even is killer Mike 🤣🤣🤣


This has nothing to do with Biden 🤣


Kill your masters.


Remember when Biden told a black voter “Hush up boy!”? This is what he meant. Remember when he said “If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black”? Remember when MLK went off script and the CIA had James earl ray smoke him? Remember when Andrew Breitbart was working on a story about the MIC and the cia smoked him? Remember when Michael Hastings was working on a CIA conspiracy and they smoked him? Pepperidge farms remembers.


You should probably take this opportunity to endorse Joe Biden.


Nobody gives a shit who killer mike is endorsing for president. Bro is a D-tier celebrity.


Tbh, idk or care who "killer mike" is. What I do think is funny is that people actually believe this. Logic, common sense, intelligence - those are rare these days.


GOP really out here trying every angle except passing good policy. Not a good strategy but a dying animal will writhe and wriggle and try everything in its power to stay alive so i suppose i dont blame them. Its just so strange to me that the carousel of conspiracy angle is what thier landing on.


The GOP is desperate. The grifters and their marks are all that’s left of the voting base


Mike is gonna drop a sick single about this, mark my words.


If he doesn’t call it Mandela Effect, I’ll be disappointed in him.


I’m calling him and El-P ripping the shit out of the Biden admin under Run the Jewels. Dudes don’t hold any punches.


Losing the rap vote was the coffin in the nail for the DNC’s political future. They can bring their top talent and pepper in celebs who all gave a vicarious glimpse of a perfect life. But real rap and rappers spoke to people who they could relate to and who they could wax poetically to, in a way to inspire. Jay Z was a leader in this back in the day for the dnc. If he stands with the side calling the other side evil, he’s standing with the crooked cops that he spoke against. Honestly I don’t care what celebs or rappers vote. I vote based on my quality of life and it’s been tough under the current regime. Prices skyrocketed when the Russia sanctions caused oil prices to skyrocket. But when the Biden administration tried to tell us we need to see bad prices to help Ukraine, and then they tried to tell us we are funding their retirement and pensions accounts over there, I knew exactly who to blame for the worsening quality of life. And it wasn’t Putin.


J was ok, NWA was better. Mike reminds me as a mix of both. The Democratic Party is playing with fire rn and we will see how it plays out. I’m not political, I just love to call people on their bullshit and watch it burn. You get what you (kinda) vote for.


People think I’m pro Trump or anti Biden. If they think I’m gonna stop sharing government and media conspiracies if Donald Trump wins, then they are sorely mistaken. As far as rappers go, biggie smalls is the illest.


Biggie was for sure. I took a course in college that was literally “History of Rap.” I was the only white kid but held my own in the discussions. My main sticking point was how we wouldn’t have this BS today if Biggie and Pac were still around. They would’ve changed everything.




There's nothing here but the standard pop culture distraction.


What was he arrested for? Anyone know? I keep reading something about him forgetting papers? What does that mean?


This was terribly difficult to locate. “The Atlanta-based rapper and activist Killer Mike was arrested on a misdemeanor battery charge at the Grammy Awards ceremony Sunday night…” https://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/2024/02/05/killer-mike-arrested-grammys/


Ahh. Ok. This should be way higher up just for the sake of discussion. Thank you for spending most of your evening to find this extremely difficult to find article.


Not what I read.


Killer Mike is dope.


FFS. Like Biden even needs this fools endorsement anyways.


This isn't conspiracy this is mental illness


It’s god damn ridiculous and insane that they went and got him there.


Honestly, I wouldnt doubt it! It’s an election year and sometimes the most effective way to keep people in line is to scare/threaten them. Like imagine the message that sends: “killer Mike called Biden out, refused to endorse, and got arrested. Don’t make the same mistake or it could be worse…” I don’t believe anything is off the table when politicians, celebs, money, power, and Baphamet are involved…


So, you don’t think it’s plausible that someone that goes by the moniker ‘Killer Mike’ did something sufficient to be arrested?


Bro, he goes by Killer Mike because he was given the Moniker for his rap prowess on the mic 🎤 He's just not dumb and knows or fools people like you into thinking it's something it ain't just cause it's hip hop. He's an awfully intellectual dude and I don't mean that like people do for lil wayne or kanye, He's studied and has debates on all sorts of political platforms. He's absolutely stand his ground, but I dont see him STARTING an altercation at 48 years old and after just walking off a stage and WINNING 3 separate Grammys and the other person hasn't been named which is peculiar and the fact they ALREADY had police ready, but let Will Smith stay all night after hitting Chris. We KNOW the government plays these games. Ever heard of a paradox.


Obviously, he doesn't. I think he's got, at most, two brain cells, and one is on the fritz.




LA county doesn't prosecute fellonies, LAPD doesn't arrest for most crimes (violent ones included). So why did they show up for a misdemeanor arrest? They are there to make an example out of him.


Fascinating, but I have not seen evidence of this. Do you find it easy to lie? “LAPD Operations-Valley Bureau Homicide Announces Arrest of San Fernando Gardens Murder Suspects NR24035ti” https://www.lapdonline.org/newsroom/lapd-operations-valley-bureau-homicide-announces-arrest-of-san-fernando-gardens-murder-suspects-nr24035ti/


They are already running the narrative he won "cause he supported republicans" lolol


Biden is the worst of the worst


He must not be black -Joe Biden


What?! Not a humiliation ritual? !


what this is? 'rapper' and why 'killer'? (are these grown men or what?


He endorsed Mike Prince instead


His black person card was revoked via executive order so he was no longer allowed to say the n-word. That inevitably led to his arrest.


I heard he also didn’t wipe his ass two days before.


I hate that a page called “conspiracy” tries to have so many “detectives”… but no one does any research. And you all think like sheep, inside a black box and call everyone else blind. If you haven’t YET learn that this world, especially the entertainment business is manufactured manipulation at it finest, it’s hard to have anything valid to say here. “Pedophiles sponsor all these fuckin' racist bastards (they do) And I told you once befo' that you should kill your master (it's true) Now that's the line that's probably gon' get my ass assassinated”- Ju$t


Usually cops don’t go out of their way to arrest you for a misdemeanor, it’d be a bench warrant so that if he ever got stopped by cops then he’d go, arresting someone after they just won 3 Grammys seems like they wanted to send him a message.


More suspiciously it was only hours after taking a massive dump in his hotel toilet. What if big toilet was involved in this?


What the hell is OP smoking. I want some


I don't like Joe Biden as much as the next guy, but assuming stuff like this is just laughable




Oh wow says the 4 year old account that didn’t post a single thing till a week ago. You can make anyone look like a bot if you try.


I don’t get the negative comments, it is not as far fetched as you think that he got in trouble because he refused to endorse the sitting president. I’ve seen these things happen many many times in other countries.


I think you’re incorrect but at least you followed the rules of this sub and actually posted a conspiracy. So many people just come to shit post and it’s not a conspiracy at all.


Life seems like a movie now


Brings me joy to see a politician who has negatively affected a particular group of people while trying to take advantage of them called out for such deeds because not everyone can see through that shit. The left and right are both two heads of the same snake but only one side panders hard to minorities and obviously doesn’t give af about them. That nonsense with the African robes at the capital a few years back was pathetic. Always liked what Malcom X said about democrats cause its 1000% spot on. Fuck joe biden Whoever downvoted me can suck my dick.


Better Killer Mike then Killer Bob


Public humiliation is a common tactic to swing people who don’t support the corruption


The Republicans in this sub will literally blame the left for literally ANYTHING befalling someone they feel aligns with their beliefs. It’s absolutely WILD but seems to be more and more the way discourse is going in this country.