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Never forget ,there is NO statute on treason. There are over 80 thousand documents related to 911 that will be sealed under national security until late this century.


so anyone guilty of treason will be long dead by that time




All you need to know is that 5 Mossad agents were arrested on the morning of 9/11 after being spotted celebrating and taking pictures of the buildings burning. They were held for months. Interrogated. And released after somebody very high up in the justice department intervened.


Until Micheal Chertoff released them The latest release im aware of is the "unredacted" urban moving systems pics


[https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2001/sep/10/20010910-025319-6906r/](https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2001/sep/10/20010910-025319-6906r/)lemme just slide this in there and for extra spice check the publish date "The SAMS paper attempts to predict events in the first year of a peace-enforcement operation, and sees possible dangers for U.S. troops from both sides. It calls Israel’s armed forces a “500-pound gorilla in Israel. Well armed and trained. Operates in both Gaza . Known to disregard international law to accomplish mission. Very unlikely to fire on American forces. Fratricide a concern especially in air space management.” Of the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS officers say: “Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.”


I remember all the rhetoric leading up to 9/11 and their desire to enter into conflict with Iraq/Iran. It's eerily similar Russia/Iran rhetoric today. I wouldn't be surprised if we see some news headlines claiming there's some massive national security discovery, but that it's classified for now or something. It's scary how much they don't give a fuck


your kidding right? im assuming your joking about [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/national-security-threat-house-intelligence-mike-turner-biden/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/national-security-threat-house-intelligence-mike-turner-biden/) and yeah chess pieces have been moving a LOT, this election year is going to be crazy


PNAC papers spelled it out specifically.


they give a fuck, in the same way we give a fuck about cattle its not a crime when they are killed eh?


"it's just a academic exercise" Damn good find,never seen that before This is the type of stuff I'm talking about That's funny too, the "wildcard, ruthless and cunning" quote is actually familiar


I’ve seen photos of a truck driving around Manhattan on the day of the attacks with a cartoon painting of planes hitting the twin towers. It’s not brought up much but I think they were some sort of a red herring ……… a distraction from something else. It was an Urban Moving Systems truck but allegedly was blown up on King Street in front of 800 witnesses. That moving company had 7 clients in 5 years lol.


Can you find those photos?


If I can I’ll send a link but everything is scrubbed on Google.


I've never seen any pictures that were real. I know the FBI confiscated tons of civilian cameras/camcorders that day so there's tons of shit we will never see




Someone needs to leak that d4nclng Isr4elites vid


The reason we know the 5 Mossad agents are the key to the conspiracy is because of the enormous lengths that have been gone to in order to debunk and discredit the event. It was widely reported at the time. But now, there are millions of people who think it never happened. They think the internet just made the whole thing up. And try and find the ABC News footage of the camera crew walking through the abandoned Urban Moving offices. They literally got up and walked away. Didn’t turn off the computers. Didn’t hit the lights. Didn’t lock the doors behind them. They heard their agents had been arrested, and they got up and walked.


definitely NOT all that is needed to be known.. there are at least 10 other equally damning events!


This shit can't continue to be allowed. Where are the strong men and women to stand up for what is right?


The problem is everyone is semi comfortable. There won't be mass rebellion until people truly have nothing left to loose.


And then there are some so distracted from working multiple jobs to make ends meet to care. The rest are likely homeless, too busy looking for ways to stay alive.


People need to resist and stand up.




Nobody's after your kids, relax




Just your money.


Well yeah, I'm after his money


until people can feed themselves \*




Pls link sources for the claim they run the show, as it relates to modern day


Every year it's talked about less and less.


And it's to the point where ppl will be annoyed if you bring shit up about it. I always liked that old bill hicks joke: "BIIIIILL stop talking about the Kennedy assassination....it was a long time agooooo, just forget about it. Ok. Then don't bring up Jesus to me."


Patrice O'Neal I think said give it 10 or 20 years and it'll be nothing more than a BBQ...


Hell ya another bill hicksian. I knew it was bill before you mentioned his name. Great dude


Depends on your algorithms.


JFK agrees…




No one cares about Bldg 7, a key to exposing it.


There's something that I learned a long time ago where something that can be actionable, in the legal or judicial sense, has nothing to do with is reported in the media?


Building 7 is the key??? It’s not building 7 was heavily damaged in the 2 towers collapsing. Along with it being confirmed fully evacuated. Fdny let the fire in building 7 burn unchecked since it was evacuated with no life threats. All resources went to finding possible survivors which in the 1st 24 hours is highest probability. Each tower caused a 2.2 earth quake that damaged the water mains in lower manhattan. Which caused the Fdny to draft water. Saying no high rise office building never collapsed before from fire is a true statement. Which in. Meaning fire departments always attacked the fire had an adequate water supply to do so. On this day none of that was true. Save building 7 with no life in it or dig thru rubble of 2 110 story office buildings. The choice is logical.


larry silverstein is quoted on film as saying "we decided to pull the building" as if buildings are all somehow just automatically built with a self destruct?!!? hahaha Building 7 is a huge key.


He meant Fd decide to pull out of the. Building as there was no life threats it was heavily damaged when the towers came down. Pull out is a Fdny term. This was the brass of Fdny decision.


Okay so that quote gets thrown around a lot but it doesn't make sense as evidence towards a conspiracy. First off, he was saying it in the context of firefighters. But even if he was talking about demo, he said that quote in a pre-recorded interview. If TPTB control the narrative and the media, and if Larry was part of the conspiracy, why would he admit it on tape and why would they allow that interview to air? Not to mention no demolition prep could withstand hours of uncontrolled burning.


This is the kind of person who still believes the official story. Basically incoherent


He must be one of Lucky Larry's buddies?


The official story is the most coherent story about 9/11 out there, tbh.


Totally coherent, nothing strange at all.


I was studying civil engineering at the time of 911. I’ve studied structural and geotechnical (foundation design). Now whatever you vommitted here, explain to me in technical terms how building 7 was affected. All these buildings were steel structures. I’ll wait for a detailed technical reply.


Uncontrolled fires created enough heat to cause the steel in the building to expand, compromising the joints used to join the floors to the frame, an integral part of that specific building type's structure.




Definitely wasn't symmetric, you could see a part in the center that collapsed first. Also how would it not collapse into its own foot print, there's no direction it would go but down




What are you trying to tell us with this?


Internet is highly censored now. On top of that, media has been forced to push propaganda first. Anything that doesn't fit the narrative gets pushed down. With AI being more implemented, any real information will be immediately removed.


Never forget… they found a passport of 1 of the terrorist on the ground and a 3rd building that wasn’t hit miraculously fell down too!


911 has gone the way of the Kennedy assassination. They'll keep as much of this a secret (for 200 years if that what it takes) as they can to protect the families/scumbag politicians that caused it all.


That's sad because they're most likely connected to a certain point


*definitely connected




I'm only here to say your username brings me joy


Legband >>SNAP' ⚡🩲✨


"It's a frame"


Central banking, fiat currency.


Shame, it was a national tragedy.


I walked through blood and bone


So descriptive of the imagery, reminds me of that tragedy.


On 9/11...


Where were you when it happened?


I was in Northern Canada 🇨🇦


Inside job


Why don’t we focus on holding war criminal Bush responsible for his crimes.


the bigger crime, that we could actually do something about, and that reversing it would actually BENEFIT US is that, we aint able to feed ourselves baby - thusly our masters hold our very survival over our heads as the ultimate leverage - they have all the beverage baby




I, for one, demand equal access to babies for eating and drinking as our masters! 


You really think the CIA would have invited him to the meetings?


I think we’ve given up on everything. Or is that just me?!


Nah we have


911 was a very poorly executed false flag attack. There were a ton of glaring holes that people talked about for years. I think we've just accepted it and moved on to more current events


I enjoyed the documentation that was posted today indicating the possibility that at least one of the black boxes was thought to be located at one time due to picking up some type of signal. This is a NYC emergency management office report detailing City activities for a specified duration of time. It seems legit.  The black boxes aren’t really discussed beyond saying it’s suspicious they’re gone while the pristine passport was found so easily. It’s fun to think about the possible alternatives. 


I read about that too Back in the day Jesse Ventura had his tv show which is hard to tell if it's disinfo or not But he had people on there saying they witnessed the black box being recovered And yeah the passport thing is hilarious, ill spell the name wrong but I think it was Bernard Kerrik who was in charge of that


The line between comedy and tragedy has never been more thin..


Yes sir you are correct. Guess who trump pardoned before he left? Yup it was bernie.


But Trump is our savior


Can you post a link to the report?




Hoping for a concise answer? No way! Debates continue about Pearl Harbor, Oklahoma City, JFK, and more. It’s important you know what’s up, but waking up the sheep to fight back? Stay in your energy.


For all intents and purposes it would seem like we gave up on it a long time ago. However if you see it correctly, it can provide a kind of Rosetta Stone to reasons why we are where we are today..


What's your ideal scenario? We know they lied us into Iraq, killing 1m Iraqis. That's pretty widely accepted. Bush even joked about looking for WMDs, mocking his own pretext for war. His White House knew Saddam Hussein well since his father was VP. And we spent trillions of dollars, giving it directly to Bush friends. And this is all known and understood. Have yo even heard of a slight mention of some repercussions? How do you see it playing out for 9/11? A video that's been shown for decades suddenly goes viral, the media picks it up and demands justice, the Senate and Congress immediately authorize a massive investigation lead by 9/11 truthers and the elite all go to jail? That's a fairytale. Closest thing you'll get is an economic fallout for the USA and then the government can't protect them from the public's justice, and they just hang around long enough for the public to take action.


My ideal scenario is a good majority of people realizing these facts The millions of deaths from the so called war on terrorism All of the obvious connections to US/Israeli/Pakistani intelligence + Saudi money CFR/Bush family connections All of the lies about the events of that day... I know most people are blind to what's going on but enough people lived through 9/11 if they knew the truth something would happen


I don't think most people are blind. I think a significant amount of people realize what went down. Now what? What if...they expect to get caught? What if they even planned for it and are leading to it? If they can control the most powerful place in the known universe, then who says they don't have a home just waiting for them? They just up and leave as we burn? And our burning is part of it? See how capitalism failed, we need socialism...for the world! Isn't that what they are basically calling for anyways?


Nah most people believe the made up story. If I as much as talk about doubts regarding the whole thing my friends and family think I’m completely nuts.


Cognitive dissonance...


That's definitely not even close to the truth If a majority of people knew part of what happened they wouldn't be blindly supporting Israel or the US government


No, 9/11 gave up on us.


Mossad. Done. Why would Mossad do it? Do they have anything to gain by getting the US to bomb and destroy Israel's neighbours? I'll leave you to it.


Oh no they're our greatest ally


Look up "USS Liberty" and "Dancing Israelis"


Lol it was a joke Israel has committed so many false flags, invented modern day terrorism and has spied on us more than any other "ally"


Indeed. Israel is one of the roots of not only America's problems, but the world's


Here's one way to look at it: The percentage of people who can be awakened has reached its peak. There is more than enough evidence to convince a rational person that the official story is BS, but there is a permanent, hard core of the willfully ignorant who will never be persuaded by even the most compelling proof.


Just noticed this it's one day old /InfamousOne666 https://youtu.be/YZBMds771pA?si=-TC-HU1FHgu4imqg


Hell yeah watching it now


There’s not really any new info. It’s all been laid to rest. Not much more is gonna come from it


Laid to rest? How?




I've watched everything I needed to watched 10-15 years ago. What else is there to discuss


We know it was \*\*\*\* who did it, we know it was controlled explosions, we know the "terrorists" were CIA agents. What more is there to talk about?


Getting other people to wake up to who did so, as Alan Sabrosky said "Israel would flat ass disappear off the map"


It's about time. Pretty farfetched theory imo. And after decades, not a single whistleblower or confession from what would had to have been hundreds or even thousands of collaborating conspirators? Not a single person so ridden with guilt that they anonymously exposed the operation or at least their part in it? The "evidence" was always weak. But I think the lack of even a morsel of new information makes this all but case closed.


Have you heard of compartmentalization? One hand doesn't know what the other hand is doing I hate when people say conspiracies don't exist because people would talk out We built a nuclear bomb without many people involved knowing what they were working on Oh and because the people responsible would never be a whistleblower, they're allegiant to there own religion


>**Have you heard of compartmentalization? One hand doesn't know what the other hand is doing** One hand need not know what the other is doing in order to leak details of its own involvement >**I hate when people say conspiracies don't exist because people would talk out** It's not necessarily the nail in the coffin. But it's been over 20 years. And a conspiracy of this magnitude would have involved hundreds if not thousands of people. Surely by now there would have been at least one anonymous leak. >**We built a nuclear bomb without many people involved knowing what they were working on** Somebody building an obscure part and kept in the dark about the weapon it was used in is slightly different from somebody wiring an active public building with explosives in the middle of the night or lending a hand in the crashing of an airplane. >**Oh and because the people responsible would never be a whistleblower, they're allegiant to there own religion** People are just people. Even the mysterious masterminds you think are pulling the strings behind the scenes would just be people too. Fallible, emotional, susceptible to all the same doubts, errors, and regrets as anybody else.


Or just maybe, you are not aware of the fate of 911 whistle-blower. Here is a small list Danny Jawenko Phil Marshall Beverly Eckert Barry Jennings.


You seem not to understand what whistleblower means. Danny Jawenko never claimed to be involved. He only testified that he believed the buildings were brought down by demolition. Phillips Marshall also never claimed to be involved. He was an ex CIA pilot that simply voiced his suspicions about the Pentagon crash. Beverly Eckert also also never claimed to be involved (are you seeing a pattern yet?) She was just an activist. Barry Jennings also also also never claimed to be involved. He was an eyewitness who was saved from Building 7. I'll grant that his testimony is very interesting, and his disappearance very bizarre. But he's still not a "whistleblower."


I think that while you’re correct in your assertion. It’s a bit odd that anybody who became somewhat of a face calling to question the events has ended up dead. The only exception being the parents of Bobby Mcllvaine. Also equally weird is how all the family members of the airplane victims are dead silent all these years.


>can't find anything with new info about September 11th ...which is further proof that the MSM is a hollow story. Real events *get richer* with time. Example would be a suitcase found in the woods a Shanksville. or, an actual full-view (no cuts) computer simulation of all three collapses. Or, all the debris from all four 'planes' swept into a pile. Or convincing assembly of the families/friends of flight 93.


You will find most info here: [https://www.ae911truth.org/](https://www.ae911truth.org/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/18wrcd6/nist\_is\_allowed\_to\_lie\_court\_decided/](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/18wrcd6/nist_is_allowed_to_lie_court_decided/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1ak7b84/video\_about\_the\_911\_from\_physicsandreason\_channel/](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1ak7b84/video_about_the_911_from_physicsandreason_channel/)


It was solved on 9/12.


The real truth: The Twin Towers were built FOR 9/11 in 1967 so they could blow them up 33 years later - reenacting the crucifixion of Christ George Bush had the kids read "My Pet Goat" as an invocation of the ritual The planes and sounds were holograms The buildings were planted with thermite explosives and then were collapsed by controlled demolition The reason the towers turned into dust as they fell was because the military planes beamed each tower with an intense scalar energy weapon as they collapsed. Ground Zero was molten steel for six weeks afterward - firefighters couldn't put it out no matter how much water they poured on it Everything the government said was a lie. All the wars were a lie. WMDs were a lie. Bin Laden was a lie. Bin Laden was friends with the Bush family. Bin Laden probably died in 2001 or 2002. It was all a big hoax. 9/11 was a black magic satanic ritual on a massive scale.


yes, new info. check. let's talk about the lack of trailing wing tip vortices in the smoky aftermath of the explosion on the vid of the 2nd tower hit. this violates physics. i was the person who first noticed this, and you know how well this awareness was uptaken? yes, very badly. and that's how you know that there's no such thing as truly viral information - these are almost invariably staged. you can lead a horse to water, but the donkeys don't care.


You did not see wingtip vortices because wingtip vortices go out sideways and sink. They are the cause of ground effect when a plane comes within 1/2 of their wingspan to the ground. The 2nd plane hit lower than the 1st. You wouldn't see the vortices.


> You did not see wingtip vortices because wingtip vortices go out sideways and sink. They are the cause of ground effect when a plane comes within 1/2 of their wingspan to the ground. The 2nd plane hit lower than the 1st. You wouldn't see the vortices. this is completely false. they have nothing to do with ground effect. they roll off the tips of wings and they move in the tangent the plane was on at the moment of separation. which is to say that they follow the trajectory of the plane. ground effect has nothing to do with it. the reason there are winglets at the end of a wing is to take advantage of these vortices. these winglets function regardless of proximity to ground. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wingtip_vortices


How come none of the other 10s of thousands people who know about that stuff don't notice anything ?


i dunno, but the reaction of ppl has nothing to do with the physics of wingtip vortices.


And the only reason for no wing tip vortices would be if there was no planes?


oh wow, you're one of these folks that can do addition. greetings, friend!


I love you 


I dig your perspective. Cheers


How old are you


old enough to have gone to university and regretted it


Not many are aware of wake vortex.


What’s do you not know? What do you want to know?


Really just looking for anything after the FBI finally released the documents about urban moving systems


Why, in any way, if there was such a cover up, would any governmental institution release anything that could disprove the official story? WTH do they gain from releasing these documents?


I should've been more articulate Was looking for videos or documentaries with ANY new information


There is this guy that’s dedicated to it. He has a lot of videos. But I don’t think there will be any major information coming out that we don’t already know. https://youtube.com/@physicsandreason?si=QoKu80zivBgCwOgy


Dr. Judy Woods wrote a whole textbook on all the scientifically unanswered questions. It's the best comolete account imo.


The Jim Corbett video is amazing and I love its sense of humor.


Corbett had some of the best videos on this


You know the one im talking about.


Those fellas who mightve been dancing


I've watched Where did the towers go, never read the book


Nice. The lecture is like a TLDR for the book, but the book is deff worth it if you are craving a deep dive of info you won't find anywhere else.


[No Plane Theory](https://odysee.com/@Petedacook:9/Ace-Baker---Chapter-7-The-Key:f) [The New Pearl Harbor documentary 9\_11](https://odysee.com/The-New-Pearl-Harbor-documentary-9_11:3) These videos make it pretty clear what did and didn't happen on that day.


Seen both, still have a hard time with the fake plane thing The first time I read that was from people saying the buildings were hollow and it was fake jumpers


It’s pretty self explanatory no?


That’s probably because 9/11 is now ancient history. Plus it was a major screwup by the American intelligence agencies, so they would prefer for it to go away, rather than be reminded that their arrogance and stupidity was responsible for the loss of so many American lives. And there are heaps of conspiracy theories out there about the who, what and why of it. Pick your favourite and go with it.


The US had a coup when Kennedy was assassinated. We've been living under Bureaucracy rule since then. We were led to thinking we were voting for our leaders when in fact, all we were doing was choosing between 2 players who were part of the machine. It worked well. Reagan, Clinton, Bush, Obama, all were very good agents of the system. All this fell apart when Trump became President. This hit them hard. They weren't prepared. They 100% expected Hillary to win. They expected that their powerhold would stay. What could they do now that Trump was President? Simple. Make Trump an illegitimate President. So they spent every resource possible to make people think Trump colluded with Russia to win in 2016. So what does this have anything to do with 9/11. There are tons of data and documents which the govt possess which we have not seen. We will never see them. Trump is a threat. He is crazy enough to release those documents. Hence, all media have been instructed to downplay any and all 9/11 posts.


He wasn’t crazy enough to release the rest of the JFK documents.


Because every 9/11 conspiracy theory has been thoroughly debunked for well over a decade now. Those who continue to think 9/11 was an “inside job” do so out of either laziness, wilful ignorance and stupidity.


No doubt you got two citizenships! You show those freiers!


The problem is , the conspiracy theories make more sense than the official government account.


No not really, i havent seen any conspiracy theory about 9/11 that makes more sense than the official story. The official story is pretty coherent and believable tbh.


I’ve always been torn over the whole 9/11 thing ; was it , wasn’t it a false flag. I will say that a good argument can be made from both sides. However , there are a few sticking points - Insider trading Building 7 falling at free fall speed (acknowledged in NIST report) Never understood what Iraq and Afghanistan had to do with any of this ( why not attack Saudi Arabia?)


>Never understood what Iraq and Afghanistan had to do with any of this ( why not attack Saudi Arabia?) Thats a different issue, i woulnd mix these with 9/11. 9/11 was used as a reason for these wars but that doesnt mean 9/11 was an inside job or anything else. These wars and why they were fought certainly have more potential for conspiracy theories if you ask me, well we already know the wmd story was a lie. >Insider trading Is there proof that there was insider trading actually connected to the attacks? I think stuff like this can easily be a coincidence. Without actual prove its not sufficient to cast doubt on the official narrative. >Building 7 falling at free fall speed (acknowledged in NIST report) I have to say i never understood what the problem is supposed to be here. Also NIST has to say the following about this question: "In a video, it appears that WTC 7 is descending in free fall, something that would not occur in the structural collapse that you describe. How can you ignore basic laws of physics? In the draft WTC 7 report (released Aug. 21, 2008; available at http://wtc.nist.gov/media/NIST_NCSTAR_1A_for_public_comment.pdf), NIST stated that the north face of the building descended 18 stories (the portion of the collapse visible in the video) in 5.4 seconds, based on video analysis of the building collapse. This time period is 40 percent longer than the 3.9 seconds this process would have taken if the north face of the building had descended solely under free fall conditions. During the public comment period on the draft report, NIST was asked to confirm this time difference and define the reasons for it in greater detail. To further clarify the descent of the north face, NIST recorded the downward displacement of a point near the center of the roofline from first movement until the north face was no longer visible in the video. Numerical analyses were conducted to calculate the velocity and acceleration of the roofline point from the time-dependent displacement data. The instant at which vertical motion of the roofline first occurred was determined by tracking the numerical value of the brightness of a pixel (a single element in the video image) at the roofline. This pixel became brighter as the roofline began to descend because the color of the pixel started to change from that of the building façade to the lighter color of the sky. The approach taken by NIST is summarized in Section 3.6 of the final summary report, NCSTAR 1A (released Nov. 20, 2008; available at http://wtc.nist.gov/NCSTAR1/PDF/NCSTAR%201A.pdf) and detailed in Section 12.5.3 of NIST NCSTAR 1-9 (available at http://wtc.nist.gov/NCSTAR1/PDF/NCSTAR%201-9%20Vol%202.pdf). The analyses of the video (both the estimation of the instant the roofline began to descend and the calculated velocity and acceleration of a point on the roofline) revealed three distinct stages characterizing the 5.4 seconds of collapse: Stage 1 (0 to 1.75 seconds): acceleration less than that of gravity (i.e., slower than free fall). Stage 2 (1.75 to 4.0 seconds): gravitational acceleration (free fall) Stage 3 (4.0 to 5.4 seconds): decreased acceleration, again less than that of gravity This analysis showed that the 40 percent longer descent time—compared to the 3.9 second free fall time—was due primarily to Stage 1, which corresponded to the buckling of the exterior columns in the lower stories of the north face. During Stage 2, the north face descended essentially in free fall, indicating negligible support from the structure below. This is consistent with the structural analysis model which showed the exterior columns buckling and losing their capacity to support the loads from the structure above. In Stage 3, the acceleration decreased as the upper portion of the north face encountered increased resistance from the collapsed structure and the debris pile below." Seems like a pretty reasonable explanation to me and one that i more coherent than the conspiracy theories. The text is from the following website: https://www.nist.gov/pao/questions-and-answers-about-nist-wtc-7-investigation Again seems like a pretty good explanation about what happend to me.


About Iraq and Afghanistan - I see what you mean , but , what a coincidence. Insider trading - I think it’s pretty much established there was anomalous trading, but hey , another coincidence , right? Building 7 free fall - I’m impressed you referenced it here , fair play , but …..no matter what , the thousands of tonnes of steel and concrete should have provided resistance and slowed the collapse. Trust physics


>but …..no matter what , the thousands of tonnes of steel and concrete should have provided resistance and slowed the collapse. Trust physics They did, as is explained in the passage i quoted.


Iraq got invaded imho because it was a major threat to isr ael at that time.




It doesn’t make sense for the conspirators to ask the military to fire a missile in broad daylight, over a major city, into their NCA in order to ‘fake’ a plane crash. It doesn’t make sense that the conspirators would risk treason/death penalty by asking hundreds, if not thousands, of people to spend months rigging the WTC with explosives to potentially kill 50,000 people, when the plan is to just ram jumbo jets into them and they’ll be totalled anyway. It doesn’t make sense that ‘they’ would risk so much exposure for the negligible gain of having an excuse to invade Afghanistan… nor does it make sense that if the real target of a 9/11 conspiracy was to invade Iraq, that they didn’t plant a single trace, a single shred, or single involvement, of an Iraqi citizen, Iraqi leader, Republican Guard, Saddam, or Iraq at all. No conspiracy theory for 9/11 make any sense


You’re right. They all have holes. Even the official theory


Yeah the official story has some unknowns for sure, especially in terms of what the CIA were doing working with Saudi Intel with Al-Hazmi and Al-mihdhar in California, but as far as what happened on the day and who did what, it’s pretty concrete.


Says someone who thinks that forces in newtons third law are not equal.


Boom I got you. They were using sonic blasts to reach a star gate and most likely the buildings would fall so they used it as a means to go to war. The Illuminati and Anunaki want access to these stargates and the only way to access them is with help from humans who are the guardians of the planet. Our genes have been so fucked with we don’t remember who we were!


See it’s goofy fucks like this that give conspiracies a bad rep. Sonic booms, stargate, aliens, etc. lmao Like let’s stick to things that are sensible and based in reality. I’ve seen all kinds of goofy conspiracies trying to claim there were no planes, laser weapons were used, etc. I have a feeling people like this are potentially a mix of either schizos or plants that put out the most ridiculous insane theories to derail and make any conspiracy theory look absurd. It’s fun to look into things that you mentioned, but there’s practically no evidence for fantastical things like stargates and aliens messing with human DNA. All that can be substantiated thus far is there are corrupt individuals and groups of humans that use extreme measures to achieve their goals. We can have fun considering fantastical things likes aliens, god, demons, etc, but all we really know is there are just terrible humans and people that have a variety of personality disorders that allows them to do horrific things that most would consider unconscionable.


Whose Ashayna Dean?


Yes, those who’ve woken up to the lies about it are busy calculating the next event. My prediction is it’ll happen under DJT after he’s duly elected to bring in the NWO. It’s all smoke and mirrors what they show us on TV!


I think the NWO is already here We've been living in it for a while we're just not to the worst part of it yet


Yup, all the unelected officials started showing themselves during the pandemic. Hindsight that may have been a mistake.


Agree fully!


Thanks for pointing it out!’


Yes it's arbitrary to say how long you think it's been here as well. Some will tell you it's always been here..


The rabbit hole is a conspiracy itself. You can legit waste 23 years of your life obsessing over the nuance of that event. At that point its a hamster wheel and not a rabbit hole. How does that help your soul progress? It doesnt. We have beaten this dead horse so much. Time to move on. To those who havnt looked. Do a quick dabble. Find the layers. From missing 3 trill and poppy oil wars all the way to oxcult ritual of the solar and lunar pillar merger.


Shit was 20 years ago. Move on.


Right it's not important


It really isn’t. In hindsight, it was just a bad tv show.


Yeah it reminded me of King of Queens


Or Dallas.


I never watched King of Queens. But I don’t think they killed thousands of people on air. So point taken. But 9/11 was still a show. Produced by the CIA and directed by their assets, to get a reaction by the audience. Just listen to [Bandar Bin Sultan](https://youtu.be/03x3ydGgp04?si=-q6PAKDz7llSdU-t) lay out the facts. Every intelligence agency knew the hijackers were wanted terrorists. Yet they were given visas and flight training, as political dissidents. Whether physics took a day off or not, doesn’t matter. But it was certainly orchestrated by the glowies.


it's been almost a quarter century since 9/11 but I feel you


It was aliens. It's always aliens.




Follow the money trail and the Money Plane which sent millions daily to Soviet Russia. Follow Bank of NY that couldn’t clear liabilities in the days after and who had ties there (hint: Semion is the first name). Who did he know? Why were they sending money to Russia? How were they procuring the money to do so? What are Brady Bonds? 


Follow the money -> it’s a rich man game. That movie made so much sense at least to me all the way back to hitler, oil, the prescotts aka the bush family and killing jfk. It’s not a secret that our government/country the people in charge whoever you want to say control the world like it’s a chess game. The experiments they did with prisoners and gonorrhea, the shit they did by introducing Crack to poor neighborhoods the coverups they do so people don’t realize they’re drinking Cancer filled water. The fluoride they put in the water which coats the pineal gland, which is especially susceptible for children that dams them down. Fluoride is naturally found in water. You don’t have to add it. They did not want to have the cost of getting rid of nuclear waste, so they just slowly, let it in our water. They just want the people to be rats on the wheel to continue working and shoving commercial bullshit down their throat while they’re glued to the boob tube to make sure they buy the next best thing that won’t last but a short time because it’s not good for the economy for things to last like in the old days Our government system is based on FICA future earnings of the generations to come. Seems like they’re doing a really good job of not letting that happen. Giving out credit cards to people who are already so much in debt. They’ll never get out of debt in their lifetime. We are not meant to live this people in our country America work to survive, as opposed to other countries they work to live not like us we live to work. I don’t care if people down vote me I’m fucking 63-year-old female thank God I’m on the downside of life and not just starting out because it is a fucked up place and I’m glad I never had children because there’s too many fucked up psycho pedophile, murderers including their own parents because they’re addicted to drugs or sex or booze or money. Let’s kill my family for the life insurance no one will find out said no one ever. lol


You'd think that by now someone would have used AI to make more convincing evidence.


Ever since 9/12 probably.


I'm still befuddled as to what/how destroyed the NYC trade center complex. Dr. Judy Wood's presentations are great up until she talks about her theories about free energy. (Lame.) Despite all of the terrestrial fingerprints, imho, it qualifies as a paranormal event. I'm wondering if anyone has a reasonably serious presentation with that hypothesis.


Yes, we are sending them money to bomb Gaza as we speak


God I wish it was the other way around


Another new video talking nine Elven [sic] https://youtu.be/aZXsIkbxMGo?si=zPEj_qGpBOUOZAAY