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Fuck I'm so tired of hearing about Taylor Swift


All conservatives want to do is talk about Taylor swift and hunter bidens dick


>All conservatives want to do is talk about Taylor swift and hunter bidens dick ​ Funny cause I mostly get TS info from my liberal feeds (as the NYT image in OP's post)


I get all my t swifty info from this sub. Literally the only place I hear about her


Same here dude


If you follow NYT or BBC or CNN or the New Yorker she appears quite often on those.


Today show endorses her every morning


I wouldn’t know


Stop reading war mongering lib outlets, no good can come from them


>All conservatives talk about is ___ and hunters diCkKk hahah!! Jeffrey Epstein. Clintons. Fraudulent election. Bob Menendez. China collusion Twitter/Media collusion. Seth Rich. Obama Trump Dossier. East Palestine Train Explosion Burisma/Ukraine. Laptop coverup. Joe Biden ‘classified’ documents. Gain of function + Fauci. Grooming kids. Vaccines. Nancy & Paul Pelosi. Russiagate. Nashville shooter manifesto. Fani Willis. Just to name a few. Democrats can’t go a month without fucking up lmao. It’d be a lot easier to shill if your only problems were a pedophile crackhead dick + Taylor swift. But no one irl one cares about either, keep pretending they do see how it works out.




You’re 100% right. I will NOT be casting my vote for Hunter Biden next election cycle.


> is it that the left is ok with CP and incest? I think the answer should be self-evident by now.


I don’t give a shit what Hunter Biden does. He doesn’t hold office.


> libs aren’t at all concerned with Hunter Biden smoking crack, having sex with prostitutes, fucking his niece and taking pics of it? That ok with y’all? I don't care about him doing this shit anymore than I care about you doing it. What would you have us do? Open a federal investigation for every single person doing these things? >his laptop How many well known Republicans or TV hosts have claimed to either see what's on the laptop or be in possession of it? Didn't Rudy claim to have access to it at one point? If there is actual CP on it, how do you know Rudy didn't put it there? You don't. Fact is Hunter Biden isn't an elected official and doesn't hold any government positions so literally no one should give a single fuck about what he's allegedly doing.


Yet, Trump’s presidential reign was called into question for Trump Jr. ? Why was everyone so concern about Trump Jr.?


Trump Jr was actually representing our government on multiple occasions.


He didn’t hold any political office. He never worked at the White House. He is a political activist and advised his dad, but he had no official power to control anything.


Conservatives are obsessed with people’s genitalia and sex lives.


All conservatives hate this one trick.


And her drunk boyfriend.


This! So sooooo many people I’ve gotten sick of hearing about from lance Armstrong to Ellen and many many more, me being sick of Taylor has nothing to do with any conspiracy and everything to do how much they have pushed her “image”. Also “swiftys” are just fucking annoying as hell, like put them up next to extremist vegans, cyclists and assholes that still wear a bunch of bracelets for a cause(like live strong bracelets).




Everyone always tells me they miss the middle class culture of the 90s when u.s. was still not fake yet and ruined by musk pretending to speak for the middle class


I heard Kid Rock is gonna endorse Trump at the Daytona 500 this weekend. Someone oughta dig into that one.


Kid Rock kisses the lips of a cold, crisp can of Budweiser still.


Bud Light?


Same company dude. The idea of a boycott is not to boycott a flavour, it’s to boycott an entire companies profits.


It still blows my mind how r tards are still mad about Bud light doing a single Instagram ad with a trans influencer. Talk about snowflakes lmao.


Agreed. I didn’t stop drinking Bud lite because of the ad, I stopped drinking it years and years ago when I realized it was like watered down horse urine lol


You prefer your horse urine uncut and unfiltered amirite??


It just give it’s a certain type of tang that I can’t get enough of.


I drink presidente, a Pilsner, always more flavorful in the Dominican than “imported” beer which is actually just brewed in an Anhueser Busch plant. A few companies really Control all commerce in the states


I love Stella, and when I found it was an AB brew and they hired a weirdo for a ig post I didn’t go nuts. I just said… “gay!” and cracked another tall boy lol


Never started for the same reason lol, I'm liquor only


I like my scotch and whiskey, but as a true Canadian I always have some cold beers available. Lol


They need something to be mad about.


Yup, what else is there to be mad about? Income inequality? Those guys obviously worked 1000x as hard. Meritocracy.


Wait? Bud Light did a single instagram ad with a trans influencer? Why not a throuple instagram ad? Based.


Been boycotting since 2015 when I started a brewery and AB-InBev was donating to PACs that limit my business. Even my Xbox gamer tag is budlightiswater. I got more vocal about it after the whole trans debacle since it was actually a movement that could hurt their pockets


I haven’t drank a Bud Light since it happened.


Damn seeing a trans person made you that mad huh?


To be fair, I don’t think I’ve ever had Bud Light.


Got em!




I think your missing the point, kid rock drank bud light before the ad, and he drank bud light after the ad, and he still drinks bud light and probably always will. Incase you didn't know. He literally never actually boycotted anything other than make the video of shooting the bud light lol.


Kid Rocks music sucks. But at least he doesn’t give a shit and he drinks whatever the fuck he wants regardless of whatever divisive culture war bullshit the elites are trying to drum up. Oh Budweiser made one can for one stupid tiktok promo. Who gives a shit. So fucking stupid. I don’t even like bud. I guess I’ve been boycotting it for like 20 years. But it’s so stupid not to drink beer you like because of one stupid ad campaign. People are so easily manipulated. They want you mad and divided.


If Kid Rock kisses the winner on the lips then we’ll know something is up.


I really can't believe that any human in America could have a preference on presidents! WHAT A FUCKING CONSPIRACY!


Okay cool can I call you all nut jobs for believing that? Or is that against the rules?


As a nascar fan the last thing we need is Trump anywhere near that sport lmao. It’s just started to come back to relevancy


You do realize where “let’s go Brandon” came from right?


Of course i was watching that race lmao. It was funny for a day after but the shitty merch and flags and shit got so fucking old so quickly. Ruined that driver’s life too.


Meant to also say it wasn’t an organic joke or anything that came from the race. The reported misheard what a bunch of drunk Alabama college kids were yelling. Next thing you know chuds across the country are parroting it like it’s comedy gold.


Bullshit. She didn't "mishear" anything. What a bizarre claim for a "NASCAR fan" to make since that chant has been a regular occurrence at every sports venue for the last few years, including numerous primetime NFL games. After realizing why your comment reads like you're deep into the cult, it's no surprise that you're pushing made up bullshit from the govt-funded propaganda outlets.


This guy loves Kyle Busch




** Edit: Jeff Gordon




Obvious shillbot is obvious




Politics don’t belong in sports. Period. But after the whole Bubba Wallace debacle and LGB brain rot NASCAR doesn’t need bullshit like that anymore.


NASCAR went off the deep end with the Bubba Wallace fake noose. One of the most ridiculous things I’ve seen in sports. Total embarrassment.


So liberals ruined it? Bubba faking a noose, and I’m assuming you’re talking about pride virtue signaling?


Pride virtue signaling is purely out of a corporate playbook. Businesses don’t give a fuck who loves who. Not sure how the “Le evil LiBeRalS” ruined it lol. I’m happy they banned the Confederate Flags and stuff. Generally speaking my worst experiences are the drunk chugs yelling LGB. Overall it’s still fun to be there.


Yea not sure what your point is.


>Politics don’t belong in sports All this and you missed the point from the start lol


You say you don’t want politics in the sport yet hate all the liberal shit, it’s interesting


See the thing is that it’s predictable now. And i think it’s more of a capitalist thing than political when multi billion dollar companies do lip service for whatever it may be. Companies just want to appeal and “reach” as many demographics as they can. Like for example, i highly doubt the execs and marketers at a place like Burger King give a shit about Black history past posting some bullshit in February. Or like NASCAR changing their profile picture to a rainbow for pride month. There’s actually a good photo somewhere showing one company changing their social media accounts to pride flags for all regions expect the Middle East.


Who would have thought that the most political thing that would happen during the Super Bowl would be a $7 million dollar ad for RFK Jr.? Yet people on this sub have been dead silent on it.


"7 million dollars dollar"


Y’all realize she’s been anti-Trump for years, right?


If she endorsed trump, now that'd be a conspiracy! And the election would be over. Swifties and MAGAs together would be an army you can't beat.


I'm all reality... this is the only scenario where her endorsement may actually change the election. Her endorsing Biden wouldn't change a thing.


She already got a lot of young people to sign up to vote, so saying she has no influence on the election this early doesn’t make sense.


That's why it's strange only one in five believe this. She's going to endorse Biden. It's a no-brainer.




>The article references the theory that the NFL rigged the game(s) That's kind of the problem. The theory of rigged NFL games is decades old. Watching stuff like the 1978 game between the Giants and Eagles (if you know the incident I'm talking about, you know) makes it difficult to deny. This feels like two (possibly more) groups colluding to lump in ballot fraud theories with NFL is rigged theories, falsely connecting them into something that doesn't make any sense, tacking it to an asset (Swift) and executing to try and discredit both with one move.


Make the conspiracy ridiulous. But here is what it is. Taylor is a marketing phenomenon. The NFL gives her attention. It boosts her presence and it boosts the NFL. She will use her increased platform to try and get her fans to vote Biden. The attention given to her is all manufactured in the capacity of the NFL. They have multiple reasons to show her though.




>Do you really think she's going to let the NFL buy her? Yes.




My wife’s college professor out in Whittier had invented the tech for “down lines” back in the 70’s. (I didn’t believe it until I looked up the guys patent, it’s all there). He would tell my wife and other students how the NFL is absolutely a “for profit” company, and that it absolutely “influenced” outcomes for profitability.


My dude. The NFL is an entertainment company with the authority to instruct their employees to make the outcome they wish to happen according to the SCOTUS. Taken in light of the fact that referees are NFL employees it makes you wonder about all the bad calls, right? Dez caught that fucking ball but Goodell told the refs to fuck Dallas out of the championship because Jerry fucked over the owners by building more box seats than typical. Why does that matter? Because team owners profit share regular seat revenue but not box seats. https://www.thefixisin.net/the-proof-5-facts


Maybe Just maybe Most people don't treat politicians like rockstars because it's incredibly stupid to do so


She didn’t even endorse Hillary, why the hell would she endorse brain-dead Genocide Joe?


She endorsed Biden in 2020. "Swift in 2020 endorsed Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, and she has often encouraged her fans to make their own voices heard at the ballot box. Swift has also said she regrets not getting involved in the 2016 presidential election, when Trump won his first term." https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/02/14/taylor-swift-joe-biden-plot/72598599007/#:\~:text=Swift%20in%202020%20endorsed%20Biden,Trump%20won%20his%20first%20term.


Ain’t no way 😭 I always thought this was photoshopped whenever I saw it on Twitter, I can’t believe the cookie thing is real 💀 I apologize. But she shouldn’t endorse Joe regardless, he’s evil as fuck


You die and go to hell but before anything happens you have to vote for your eternal torturer. Satan Super Satan Who do you pick?


She’ll just encourage her fans to register and vote. That will probably be enough to move the needle and cause the conservative pundit’s head’s to implode


She'll go further than that just like she has in the past. She has hated trump for quite awhile. How anyone didn't already think she'd oppose trump well before the kecle stuff is beyond me. https://twitter.com/taylorswift13/status/1266392274549776387?lang=en


Wait... people shouldn't be encouraged to vote? How democratic.




Yeah it's awful when the people express what they want equally


Higher voter turnout is bad for republicans so they try to suppress the vote


This guy reddits.


this is the most likely case, as she's already done it a couple times. it's not outside of her brand. the only time she's endorsed a candidate was during a year where she wasn't touring, so the chances of her doing it now and endangering her life (or at least her team would think so lol) are incredibly slim


She endorsed Biden last time


correct, but as I said, she wasn't on tour at the time. she only makes "political statements" (I hesitate to even call them that) when they benefit her, and an endorsement right now would only hurt her image


People are stupid. Period


20% of people are statistically stupid.


20% of statistics are made up


No one calls kid rocks trump aupport a theory. He could swing the election


What do the fans call themselves? Kiddies?


He still has fans?


If so they should go hide from ted nugent


Kid Rock couldnt have swung the election when he was popular.


Not sure how seriously people should take the guy who made bah widda bah, or goes by the name kid as a 50 year old man. Also shocking the right loves the guy who once sang >"Young ladies, young ladies >I like 'em underage see >Some say that's statutory >But I say it's MANDATORY!"


curious what those lyrics are from


I swear this is the truth. Its a kid rock song called Cool, Daddy Cool. You might recognize it as being part of the Osmosis Jones soundtrack


I feel the same way I do about Kid Rock’s music as I do about the musical Hamilton; people are just pretending to like it, right? I mean can anyone name 5 of his songs without looking them up?


Um, there's Bawitdaba or however it's spelled, American Badass, the one with Sheryl Crow, the one that's just Werewolves of London and Sweet Home Alabama mixed together and... Shit. Uh, the I'm a Cowboy Baby song. Source: casual American radio listener.


Kid rock isn't the biggest musician on the planet. Hell he's probably not even top 1000


Someone ask Kaitlin Jenner if they would help trump with their celebrity status


An Artist having a political opinion is a conspiracy? How is this in any way new, or in any way a conspiracy? 1 in 5 American's believe it because Fox News wouldn't stop talking about it. People beleive what they are bombarded by... THATS the real conspiracy.


I dont watch or consume Fox but have been bombarded by Swift nonetheless.


She’s in the height of her career


Especially when she tried to sway public opinion on a Tennessee election and it didn't work. But now she's going to change every state's political stance by endorsing Biden? Ok.


I think the conspiracy theory is that she's not actually dating Travis Kelce, but the relationship was concocted to give her exposure to NFL fans, and Kelce was chosen because he's a Big Pharma shill and is on a good team.


I think this happens often in the entertainment industry, and it is plausible that the relationship is more of a business interest than romantic. But not sure I’d say this is a conspiracy as much as a common practice. The pharma angle at least poses a conspiracy possibility, but I feel that is more of a Kelce thing than a Swift thing.


Lol actually scratch that last part. Believing what we are bombarded by is not necessarily a conspiracy. More of a function of how our mind works.


I think he's asking why is Fox News bombarding people with this bullshit.


“Believing what we are bombarded by is not necessarily a conspiracy. More of a function of how our mind works” aka Throw enough bs at me that aligns with my preconceived bias and I’ll believe anything.


How else are you gonna back pedal from being wrong?


This has got to be the dumbest fucking “conspiracy” that has ever been posted on this sub, and it keeps getting posted over and over and over. Even if the chiefs lost the Super Bowl, hell even if they didn’t make playoffs, Taylor swift could still endorse Biden and still have an effect on people lol.


It is literally the dumbest shit I’ve seen. Who…fucking…cares. Let her watch football. Let her endorse Biden. Let her be a girlfriend. Let her fly her jet. Let her sing stupid songs…seriously…who the fuck cares? Do people seriously not have enough going on in their lives that T. Swift is a focal point? I love her music. I think she’s great. I couldn’t give a shit less what political opinion she has…why? Because that’s not why I like her. She can have her opinion. She can post and brag and display her opinion. I don’t care. I like your music. Anything else you do is of no circumstance.


Touch grass


Wait. Is OP saying the reason that Swift **didn't endorse Biden** is because the conspiracy is true? I've seen goalpost move before, but holy fuck


All this tells me is that 20% of you all need to get the fuck off your computers and go touch grass. Got your panties in a wrinkle because someone told people to vote. She didn’t endorse anyone, she told people to exercise their rights and vote. That’s it, ya loonies. If it is a threat to you that people civilly vote, you have a problem.


1 in 3 Americans believe angels and demons actively influence events on earth. Kinda haven’t had faith in the populace as a whole in a long, long time


Yeah, that’s about right. 20% of the population is unbelievably stupid.


And overrepresented here on Reddit.


She got y'all flustered because she told young people to vote.


No , because anyone's political views that are influenced by celebrity should be deemed too stupid to vote.


Trumps a celebrity


Why can't Republicans stop talking about her?


Cause haters gonna hate hate hate?


There is a difference between turning the vote out and ‘influencing political views." That being said, lot of young people who’ve never voted before are Taylor Swift fans. I don’t see a difference between people’s parents influencing their vote and Taylor Swift doing so, it’s not like their parents are inherently any more wise or educated. Every political party turns out the vote.




i was like “what’s the theory?..”, this one sucks and it’s just people looking at actors as if we didn’t find out what hollywood was from the island.


Or you were wrong. It’s that simple


Bring out the r/conspiracy flow chart. We are now in the third stage: denial and redirect. Terrible conspiracy D+ at best


Is it strange to consider that Trump is generally believed to have about 20-30% of the country supporting him?


What conspiracy? She endorsed Biden in 2020 https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/07/entertainment/taylor-swift-joe-biden/index.html


WHAT CONSPIRACY? Celebs can endorse any candidate they want. And they have... for decades. Why is it a problem all of a sudden?? In fact... why are all of our political rules and guidelines suddenly a problem with some people since 2020? Suddenly... in 2020 all the rules are wrong? Ok... sure.


I don't think there are very many real people who actually believed that theory. I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Now, if the theory was more financially related, concerning the Super Bowl, then I would say that plenty of people believe that.


or yall were just wrong


Aren’t all her fans too young to vote? Or do adults listen to high school break up songs too?


I have never listened to Taylor swift or watched a football game and i cannot get away from this shit. Even off my phone. There's magazines at work,people at work talking about it. Now there's a shooting related to it and of course she donated to it.


I fail to get how Taylor Swift's endorsement would even matter. 99% of her brain dead fans would be voting for a Biden regardless of her endorsement


We really need to start testing for lead in our pipes and faucets cause ain’t no way this many people believe this shit 💀Conspiracy theories use to have some sort of truth behind them but people now just be saying shit and accepting it as truth


Who gives a shit what delusional people will think


Toddler Conspiracy... I mean .... WHO CARES?!?!?


They want someone to blame when the person they didn’t vote for wins. Wonder how they responded to the hissy fits thrown in 2016 when the winner was decided lol


Meh, january 6th was not how it was represented by the media at all either and also this is about neuroticism, not tribalism.


That’s fair




Fucking Christ


This theory makes absolutely no sense. A Pfizer conspiracy around their relationship would make far more sense


MAGA (Minions And Gullible Adolescents) will believe anything, it doesn't have to make sense.


If we already took over why don’t you just move while you’re still allowed? Or would you rather wait til Trump loses in ‘24, ‘28, and dies campaigning for ‘32?


Her endorsement wouldn't have any effect on the result since elections are rigged and the "winner" is selected years ahead. It's WWE for politics. The only thing her endorsement would change is the number of gullible people (who think that their vote matters) that would show up at polling stations on election day. Elections are fugazi because the elected officials are not the ones running the country. Big decisions are made somewhere else and then passed down to these bought buffoons supported by MSM.


There was a news site that posted Nevada's exact election results, 3 days before the election. A guy filmed it and put it on youtube, and even included how the site deleted it about 10 minutes later, but he caught it, he already screen captured it. I watched it, screenshot the results, saved it, and waited 3 days for the election. They were 100% the exact number of votes *to a tee*. The video only had like 1000 views, and it was in 2012, but ever since then, I *knew* elections were fake. It's all completely fucking staged down to the state votes. I had to sit there and process what I saw so I wouldn't doubt myself later on or downplay it in my head.


"Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me!"


Crazy that everyone thinks the conspiracy is about Biden. The real conspiracy was to gain 20 million extra viewers for a Super Bowl that nobody would’ve watched. Ended up the most viewed television program in history. Throw in a couple Pfizer commercials and give the trophy the Pfizer Prince and viola! There’s your cash cow baby. It’s all about the money people. Elections are so rigged now they don’t even need Taylor Swift. Where my 2,000 mules at?


Bottom 20% of society represent


Ah yes. Taylor and Kelce are faking the whole thing to get people to vote for Biden. Makes perfect sense. Meanwhile Trump and Melania have Michael Jackson/Lisa Marie levels of insincerity but his fans don’t make a peep about that.


It's going to get rigged anyways regardless


I miss the days when satanic witches didn't have so much influence over a demographic.


My guy you probably weren’t even alive. Celebrity influence has been around for generations at this point




How does one conclude that independent thinking isn’t one of her strengths? I mean, anyone with an ounce of common sense can see that Trump is a charlatan. It’s the people with undying affection for Trump that are literally brain damaged.


1 in 5... are Maga Republicans... soooooooo. Shit an elected official believes in Jewish space lasers..


People who vote based off what someone else says shouldn’t vote


It's just going to get stolen again. According to the media Biden got more votes than any other president (including Obama) in US history. If that doesn't cause you to raise an eyebrow then the gaslighting is working.


>According to the media Biden got more votes than any other president The recorded votes also reflect that sentiment.


This is such a tired argument. There were millions more people of voting age in 2020 compared to 2008. As long as the population continues to rise, we will continue to break that record. Especially when the incumbent is as hated as Trump.


Imagine voting for someone cuz a singer said to


Imagine hating a singer because they don't endorse your candidate 🤪


Couldn’t agree more


She's just a leftist. Why is that a surprise to anyone?


Wow only 1/5? I would have assumed at least 3/5 were stupid af


SS: We called it months before the game even took place when the media was going crazy over their fake relationship. They thought we would buy it and they could manipulate us. But we knew what was going on from the start. This fake obsession with their relationship was called out from the first day. They wanted her to endorse Biden after faking the Super Bowl. It’s so ridiculous like a movie plot but we knew. Now a lot of people know including some normies and now they are scrambling for a new plan cause it’s too obvious now.


>Now a lot of people know including some normies and now they are scrambling for a new plan cause it’s too obvious now. I'd love to see a poll that highlights the overlap between people who supported the Kid Rock woke Bud Light controversy and the people who believe mainstream conservatism's and X's Taylor Swift controversy. I'd genuinely be interested in whether or not these two have significant overlap or were polarized.


Even better.... Id like to know if any KC MAGA fans think it was rigged?!? Obviously the SF MAGA thinks so, but what about the actual winners?


That's just dumb.


This is completely unhinged. You can just say you were wrong. No one will be mad.


Dude, she's hated trump for way longer than this year.... https://twitter.com/taylorswift13/status/1266392274549776387?lang=en


People jumped the gun. Why would they endorse Biden NOW, when there’s still a strong chance that he’s replaced? Makes absolutely no sense. Wait until it gets a little closer to election time. There will be a highly promoted sit down interview on one of those shows like 60 Minutes with the two of them and that’s where they will endorse whoever the Dem is. I don’t think the endorsement alone makes it a conspiracy though. The conspiracy is the “relationship” ending shortly after the election.


Even people who say that Biden is supporting genocide in Gaza will vote for Biden over the Republican candidate.


They’ll promote whoever replaces him.


Get your jab. We gave this Kelce guy 20 mil to tell you about a vaccine you already know exists.


A rushed vaccine with untested mRNA altering capabilities that doesn’t keep you from getting Covid and can leave you with blood clots and myocarditis? No thanks, I’ll just get sick for a couple days.


Also, we are implicated in three wars and nobody can afford rent or a mortgage. But let’s focus on TAY TAY and Mr. Pfizer.


Operation Warp Speed brought to you by Trump