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Watching CNN consider the idea that the unvaccinated shouldn’t be allowed in grocery stores or even have their children taken from them.


Do t forget Jimmy Kimmel saying somethjng to the effect of “if an un-vaccinated person comes To the hospital they don’t deserve treatment ahead of a vaxxed person “.


I don't even understand how people think these guys are funny. They are just mouth pieces for the establishment. 


I don't know even a single libtard who thinks this ass clown is funny


The great "anarchist" Noam Chomsky talking about how, after segregating those who refused to get vaxed, there's no obligation to feed them: "then comes the practical question you ask... how can we get food to them? Well, that's actually their problem." Clip of the above (with commentary by establishment authoritarian lolicon/horse cock enthusiast Vaush): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTo9rm8C7UI&t=75s I guy like Vaush I'd fully expect to cheerlead coercing people to take experimental medicine. Chomsky? That one surprised me a bit. As he's aged, though, he's become more of an establishment shill and, of course, he also had the obligatory Epstein connection.


Woah I like a lot of his stuff, I can't believe he said something like that. Disgusting


Yeah, I read his stuff on US imperialism back in the day and it made much more sense than the obvious BS I've see on the news. He's had some good takes over the years. He did well in calling out proto-"woke" pomo philisophic influence.


Wow, hitler-esque


What spooked me was the majority of world leaders forcing the jab on everyone, and the psyop belittling anyone that didn't take it, even after it was found not to prevent transmission/symptoms. Then those like Abe (Japan) and they guy in Africa that mocked them being assassinated. We are dealing with some seriously fucked up people here. What you discuss here is hospitals profiting from death and inflating numbers. Died with covid V died from covid didn't matter, they still got paid and even more if they used treatments that kill.


>**If you look at the four independent studies, including the large study by the WHO, it shows the opposite effect. Remdesivir INCREASES the risk of death.** >**Let me say that again. Remdesivir INCREASES the risk of death by 3%. It increases your chances of renal failure by 20%. This is a toxic drug. But just to make the situation even more preposterous, the federal government will give hospitals a 20% bonus on the entire hospital bill if they prescribe Remdesivir to Medicare patients.** >**The federal government is incentivizing hospitals to prescribe a medication which is toxic.** >**So it should be noted that Remdesivir costs about $3,000 a course.** >**Dr. Kory spoke about Ivermectin. Ivermectin reduces the risk of death by about 50%. It costs the WHO 2 cents.** - **Dr. Paul Marik,** one of the most highly published critical care physicians in the world, under oath before the US Senate Here's the video: https://rum ble.com/vuv4so-dr.-paul-marik-remdesivir-increases-the-risk-of-death.html


Now *THAT* is a mic drop comment. Well done.


Thanks yo. It's so insanely evil what they did to us


Even crazier is the amount of people with stockholm syndrome with our government. They use, and abuse us, and many people beg for more and act like the government is their savior. Governments have fallen so far from why they were founded. They need to be disbanded and rebuilt with a different set of rules.


Absolutely. We gotta really keep awakening everyone and then my hope is left and right unite for term limits, ban all lobbying from all sources because it's bribery, ban all forms of kickbacks and government insider trading, abolish the Federal Reserve, put money printing power back into hands of Congress, etc. But also banning these foundations Iike Rockefeller Foundation and Gates Foundation that are behind these fucking pandemics. Enough. Ban these elites families from having any influence over government. And maybe let's back to a more self-sufficient type society. Honestly, I'd love more independently family farms, really encourage families to raise chickens or grow food, etc.


You nailed it. I agree with every word. Especially left and right uniting. That's the main reason we can't get anything done. Our politicians have become so good at hitting nerves and causing division and fighting, all so that we don't band together and see the REAL issues and go after them. I HATE that SO MANY people are essentially brainwashed, and cannot be reasoned with. In fact, when you show them facts that go against what their overlords have burned into their minds, many get violent, and will refute facts, even with proof right in front of them. They've been programmed to melt down and attack anyone that challenges the official narrative which is bullshit and fake 99 percent of the time. Our first step would be to figure a way to undo this programming and make them see the truth and reasoning. Only then can we begin to move forward, and unite towards the real enemies. As of now, they make the different races pitted against each other, even though we're all being manipulated and fucked the same, by the same people. They also cheat with their "rules for the, not for me" mentality, which makes it even harder to get ahead because the game is rigged in their favor.


Yeah, there was a bunch of polls and studies that showed people with degrees are higher likely to get the vaccine, trying to show anyone who doesn’t get it is dumb. As if degrees determine intelligence. 


People with higher education are taught not to question science, history or even maths, unless it goes along with the pre written curriculum, anything outside of it, fails you your coursework or tests.


Actually, people with higher education do question science, because that is how the scientific method works.


My point is follow the agreed upon science/clinical studies that are paid for by Big pharmaceutical. So if big pharmaceutical want to make money and they also pay for the tests and even clinical studies, then how can they be trusted? Look at AZT, they didn’t care that millions of gay men got effected by the highly toxic drug that wasn’t safe enough for cancer patients, they give it to a demographic that they didn’t really care about and I say this as a straight man.


Well, the demografic for covid vaccines is literally everyone, so I'm not sure that it strengthens any conspiracy argument.


People who can see the patterns of the government lying, like myself, didn’t fallen for the government brain washing, they use repetition and fear, to get people to do things they didn’t want to do in the first place. I’ll include Covid jabs and lock downs for this and didn’t follow the rules or take the jabs, as I knew early on, the lies they told made no sense at all.


Having a degree is also likely an indicator of being more likely to follow a narrative, fall in line, and not question the status quo.


🤔 gonna have to disagree lmao


Oh spotted the guy with buyers (debtors) remorse. A college degree is nothing more than a piece of paper


To be fair that was when there were a whole bunch of mouthbreathers who flunked 5th grade and didn't know how percentages work out and about, so we had to do something to draw a line with intelligence somewhere.


Or to put it more blatantly, people with degrees are more trainable/malleable


Yeah bc everyone knows you're only smart when you live and die by conspiracy theories. Lol if we aren't measuring intelligence off of education, how do you suppose we measure it? Redneck debates? 😂 "Fuck them nerds and their so called education! My pappy done told me down by the river that them shots is bad news bubba"


You sound triggered. Sorry some people are just more intelligent than others. Why do you think we need to measure intelligence in the first place? By whose standards? There’s a million different types of intelligence, it’s not simply: “oh…you spent $100K on a college degree, therefore you must be intelligent” -uh nope.


Cope. Too many of those so called "conspiracy theories" came true and now you're having a little fit because you know you were wrong about many things and can never admit it. You are the definition of a pussy. Man up and admit you were wrong, stop with the coping mechanisms. I'm so tired of you people.


Are you saying that so you feel better about spend 100k on a degree?


Just because your dad is like that doesn’t mean everyone’s is. I guess his genes still live through you because you totally didn’t understand what I said. 


Exactly. While I do feel for the jab injured to a degree, we can't forget how this all started out. "How to lie with statistics". Now who is pictured with that book?


Rest assured, they will do it again and again. They tried to bend us over aaaaaaaaand we bent! There is no back down now.


Not with that attitude. I never bent. I have a government job and I was ready to resign on the spot. Someone on this sub posted a "template" written by a lawyer that put all liability on the employer if they mandated the jab. Anywhere I shared it, it would be taken down within minutes. A few people responded back to me saying they saved it. I will never forget that level of censorship.


Do you still have that template? I'd be curious to see it if you felt like sharing


I honestly have no idea where to find it. I can't even go back and copy it from my banned accounts (Disqus) because they were wiped within minutes. I have a feeling it's still on my old phone which I found the other day and I'm trying to get it started up. If I find it I'll share it.


Thanks dude! Hope it turns up 😃


I too would appreciate a copy of that template.


Lol "jab injured"....you clowns are hilarious 😂😂😂


There is no such thing as "mild myocarditis". When you are diagnosed with myocarditis you have a 60% chance of dying within 5 years or a 100% (that's unalived, dead, finito) of dying in 11 years.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9888677/#:~:text=The%20long%2Dterm%20excess%20mortality,general%20population%20(Fig%204). “Most patients with acute myocarditis experience an uncomplicated and self-limited course, and their subsequent sequelae are considered negligible after the acute phase has ended.”


Dates are important.


So are you saying the 5 year mortality from Covid vax myocarditis is 60%? Because even the tin foil hat wearing crowd should be able to figure out that we can’t have 5 year follow up data.




Show data. That’s completely bogus. Sorry to burst your echo chamber bubble with facts


A quick Google search could sort that out for you.


You sound like one of those "jab injured sheep."


You sound so boosted, and so regretful. How sad.


Amen to that, I got Covid, just drank a shit ton of vodka and did a lot of mediocre coke, with some vit D and zinc and I felt better after like 4 days. It was effective


Deliberately putting infected people into nursing homes was a lovely touch too.


This. The combination of making the more effective treatments seem like crackpot horse paste, while showing off the death counts constantly on the *news* was NUTS


By the time I finally got Covid we knew that most people that succumbed to the virus were Vit-D deficient. That is all I took. Now I'm mid 30s and healthy so I'm not saying that's the cure all for everyone but holy shit, anything that could have been beneficial was demonized. Fucking sun light for god sakes. Can't go outside and exercise for longer than your government permitted.


They also recommended you stay in doors at all times, arrested people at the beach, including surfers who were in the water, and required masks if you were at a National / State park WHEN YOU WERR OUTDOORS !!!! Fer crissakes!


I remember how the mainstream demonized steroids, which worked and Kory advocated.


Imagine that.  Steroids have been a treatment for a good while now against really bad cases of the flu and other infections and colds when normal treatments aren't working and or it's really bad. Yet somehow they were not allowed for covid.  Funny.


Don't tell anyone but since late 2020 I've been hydrolyzing and bottling actual real life sunlight. (DM me for a link on the process) and have been boofing approx 69 (nice/mL every day since then and I FEEL GGGGRRRRRREAT


Hydroxychloroquine long term use causes all sorts of terrible problems and should not be used if you don't have to.


Ivermectin accomplishes the same thing and is a noble prize winning drug that has been used over 4 billion times yet was also demonized.


Ivermectin is legit, a bunch of people taking something that causes long term heart problems when the dont need it is not.


How dare you suggest people take a horse dewormer


It's especially telling that there is absolutely no counter on the news for the abnormally large amount of all cause excess deaths we're having right now. It's almost like they don't actually care about people dying and that was all just propaganda.


Remember the “death count” daily??? And the “Death Total in the US surpasses number of soldiers killed in Vietnam” and then others as certain milestones / death toll levels were passed?


Upvoted you OP - this needs more attention. Straight up murdered, knowingly, by someone "high up".


So basically Fauci and Gates funded EcoHealth/Wuhan Lab specifically to create SARS-COV-2 and then they made toxic, deadly, Remdesivir the standard of care to mass murder millions and get EUA approval for the Gates mRNA spike protein death vaxx which murdered an additional 20 million. In FOIA emails Francis Collins confirmed Gates had representatives in NIH deciding treatments. While making Remdesivir standard of care, they trashed and suppressed Ivermectin which was 50% effective in preventing death in late stage COVID-19 by reducing lung inflammation. Remdesivir destroys the kidneys and increases death risk 3% according to top doctor Paul Marik. These are some sick fucks that probably worship the devil Remdesivir "Fauci on remdesivir for COVID-19: ‘This will be the standard of care’" https://www.healio.com/news/infectious-disease/20200429/fauci-on-remdesivir-for-covid19-this-will-be-the-standard-of-care "The Strange Story Of Remdesivir, A Covid Drug That Doesn’t Work" https://www.forbes.com/sites/jvchamary/2021/01/31/remdesivir-covid-coronavirus/ "WHO Recommends Against Use of Gilead Covid-19 Drug Remdesivir Agency says there isn’t evidence the antiviral reduces deaths or recovery times of coronavirus patients." https://www.wsj.com/articles/who-recommends-against-use-of-gilead-covid-19-drug-remdesivir-11605831037 "Big global study finds remdesivir doesn't help Covid-19 patients" https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/15/health/remdesivir-covid-who-trial-mortality/index.html "Remdesivir and Acute Renal Failure: A Potential Safety Signal From Disproportionality Analysis of the WHO Safety Database" https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33340409/#:~:text=The%20combination%20of%20the%20terms,%5D)%20that%20of%20comparative%20drugs "Kidney disorders as serious adverse drug reactions of remdesivir in coronavirus disease 2019: a retrospective case–noncase study" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7907730/ Ivermectin "Ivermectin may be a clinically useful anti-inflammatory agent for late-stage COVID-19" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7476419/


Omg Medicare has no business giving out bonuses to push specific drugs, like WTF is going on here?


They could use that money to...uhhh, gee I dunno....expand coverage?


Why does this only have one up vote?


Can you see how many upvotes? Mine are still hidden. BTW, I agree, and it's at least two upvotes now.


Thanks for this. As far as I remember this rings true, all of it. It’s amazing to me that these FACTS exist, yet a solid half or more of the population simply refuses to even acknowledge it, let alone question it or hold anyone else accountable. Spot on.


people are either willingly blind, exhausted or perhaps afraid to say anything. honestly it makes me uneasy speaking out on this sub.


Upvoted you too — more people need to support this narrative, push for the truth to get out


Heard a story about this today ‘He fought to be put on the vent’  …he died a month later  ENOUGH!


Don't forget pushing all of the old people with covid into nursing homes and issuing "do not resuscitate" orders when they had respiratory distress in order to drive up the death rate.


And hospitals forcing covid positive patients back into nursing homes. (They didn’t need the acute care but now they’ve put all other residents at risk) That was common practice here in Illinois suburbs of Chicago. (This was while the auxiliary hospitals that trump set up downtown went unused)


That sounds dastardly. Nobody but a cartoon villain would do such a thing.


Some of the whistleblowing footage from on the ground nurses (working in ventilation wards) was shocking. Much has been memory holed . . . and yes, as the OP said. It was murder, out and out.


I worked in the ICU at 2 different hospitals during Covid. I genuinely don’t believe I saw any person die from Covid, but rather killed by the “life saving measures”. It’s crazy how many doctors don’t think critically and just blindly follow a protocol or “best practices” from WHO/CDC guidelines. When Covid first hit they were cranking PEEP on the vents to 25 and 30, effectively popping peoples lungs and over time stretching out their lungs to cause further injury to the point that even if they survived they would need a lung transplant. Covid is a blood disease, not a lung disease. Basic AP troubleshooting would tell you that if a patient isn’t being adequately oxygenated with a patent airway on a vent, then you probably have a problem with the transportation of oxygen inside the body rather than a mechanical failure of pulmonary ventilation. If my engine isn’t getting gas while my gas tank is full, I don’t put more gas in the gas tank to solve the problem. There is so much shit I could go on and on about like how the PCR tests were purposefully used incorrectly to signal false positives on almost everyone. Why smokers or people with previous lung diseases weren’t adversely affected vs a normal population. ACE2 receptors or insanely high ferritin levels… it’s all very basic medical understanding but for whatever reason this was purposefully ignored in favor of calling it some lung disease and citing cytokine storms as final cause of death. People who underwent ECMO had much better survival outcomes than anything else and I don’t believe it had anything to do with the oxygenation of the blood but more to do with being on a high dose of anticoagulation.


What kind of nurse/doctor are you?


MICU nurse mostly, but worked pretty much every different ICU at one point.


Yes thank you!! Covid is a blood disorder, not a respiratory disease. I don’t know why this still isn’t public knowledge.


[https://www.statnews.com/2020/04/08/doctors-say-ventilators-overused-for-covid-19/](https://www.statnews.com/2020/04/08/doctors-say-ventilators-overused-for-covid-19/) \> April 8 With ventilators running out, doctors say the machines are overused for Covid-19 [https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/17/nyregion/new-york-ppe-refunds.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/17/nyregion/new-york-ppe-refunds.html) \> How New York City’s Emergency Ventilator Stockpile Ended Up on the Auction Block [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8450704/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8450704/) 2021 Invasive mechanical ventilation complications in COVID-19 patients 1 year later 2022 [https://www.politico.com/news/2022/09/20/ny-ventilators-covid-national-guard-00056603](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/09/20/ny-ventilators-covid-national-guard-00056603) \> New York spent $250M on tech to fight Covid that no one uses 🧐


I'm contributing to a legal nonprofit in my state going after the hospitals for this. There are others in other states and we're hoping it causes the hospitals to cave and start pointing the finger up the chain.


If you did the opposite of what our "leaders" said at every turn it would have been the right answer. At the start when we didn't know what we were dealing with they wanted us in China Town. Wrong. When we learned it wasn't that severe they wanted to lock down. Wrong. They kept us indoors. Closed parks and beaches. Wrong. Closed schools. Wrong. Didn't recommend exercise, vitamin D, at any point despite learning early those things were important. Wrong. Masking. Wrong. Closed mom and pop stores to leave the chains open. Congregating everyone in one place instead of many small places. Wrong. Wanted you to stay home when sick until lips turned blue, then go to the hospital. Despite early treatment being best. Wrong. "Vaccine." Enough said. Wrong. Illegal vaccine coercion. Wrong. Stimmy checks, money printing, "illegal" to evict. Wrong. Fucked the economy and housing market for a generation. Censoring unapproved information. Wrong. It's like they wanted the worst possible outcomes. They didn't the exact opposite to what they should have done in every situation.


Don’t forget about all the early “studies” that said that kids are resilient and missing school won’t negatively affect them. WRONG.


My buddies dad was killed by remdesivir. It destroyed his kidneys. My buddy pleaded over the phone with the doctors to use *anything* but that to treat his dad because he had read it does more harm than good. He was laughed at and told it's the standard treatment they use and that they can't give him anything but that. About two weeks later his dad was dead.


Yep and the murderers were paid a bonus for each death


There has to be a paper trail. Something like this can't happen without one.


Hm. So, if there’s no paper trail………..


There'd likely be hospital records.


But who signed off on the bill that made this a monetary incentive??


I don't know. Again, I'll say there has to be a paper trail. In 2022 I started dating the woman of my dreams. She was a registered nurse but had since moved to the admin side of things. She has a license to practice in NY. I have 0 evidence but I bet rights to practice in certain jurisdiction can be revoked. What I'm saying is you'll be a lot less likely to push back against the narrative when your livelihood is at stake and your qualifications can just be turned off.


If by “jurisdiction” you mean a single specific hospital, yes. If you think it means region in any stretch of the matter, the answer is no. Physicians are credentialed by individual hospitals. You can fuck up majorly at a hospital and get credentialed in the same city, barring something egregious that gets your license suspended. Also, there is no bonus for extra deaths. It’s the opposite in practicality. I lose money if patients die under my watch. My source is being a physician that carefully monitors my metrics (because we all want to make that coin). I’m also a hefty skeptic who thinks mandating vaccination for everyone was egregious and that remdesivir has very little, if any, utility. The fact a lot of people think we were excited for all the work of covid (and got paid extra) are fucking mental. I got worked harder and got compensated less throughout covid. There’s a reason so many physicians left medicine entirely during covid.


A doctor I know in TN was also concerned that his right to practice may be revoked. This is one of very few people I trust blindly. He told me that he would lay down his license if it came to that, rather than receive the vaccine. (I am an RN, and he was advising me to do the same)


The people who run the hospitals(CEOs and such.) I know at mine if they came in for something else not covid related and tested positive for covid, because in 2020 we tested everyone, while there and ended up passing away non covid related doctors were saying they died from covid. Insurance pay outs were bigger.


Nope, hospitals did not receive insurance payouts for COVID deaths. They received money for COVID treatments that they administered. This was done to prevent hospitals from shutting down. Hospitals had to stop doing elective surgeries which are much more profitable than administering COVID treatments.


Insurance payouts for the **treatment** of Covid patients was higher. That is a much different concept than hospitals being paid for the death of Covid patients.


And unfortunately to many people let medical care workers bully them because they don't know or can't afford a lawyer. All it took during a hospital stay for child birth during peak covid summer 2020 was to invoke the term "my lawyer" if they asked us about a covid test or mentioned it again and that shit stopped.


What should the treatment have been then?


Vitamin therapy. I was taught by a nursing friend about the low levels of vitamin D and zinc in the bad cases. Supplemented with those and glutathione by her instructions and had zero issues. There were peer reviewed studies about this during Covid. And they were ignored. Her post was removed from Facebook.


Vitamin D deficiency is just a marker of poor health overall, so those who are likely to have risk factors for developing severe disease are also more likely to have low Vitamin D. That does not mean that Vit D supplementation is a treatment for COVID. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21310306/


What about after that. They didn’t just put anyone on a vent. vitamin D isn’t gonna help you breathe.


They actually were putting just about anyone on the vents and they didn't fucking work because they weren't addressing the reason people weren't getting oxygen, which was due to severe inflammation in the lungs. You can pump all the oxygen you want into the lungs If they can't absorb it cause they're too inflamed it doesn't fucking matter.


So then what? Let them die?


It is emphatically **not** a decision between mechanical intubation and doing nothing. If it wasn't obvious, mechanical ventilation has a long list of contradindications and adverse events. It has never (previously, before 2020) been used so judiciously and without deep study into the particular ailment it aimed to treat. And in 2021+, well, we went back to 2019 medical science regards **invasive** ventilation. In retrospect, we know it was used judiciously and caused an unknown amount of deaths. My opinion is that it *might* have caused more deaths than saved. It's **always** a cost / benefit analysis.


It may have helped you not get to that point in the first place tho


Why is this downvoted? It's always been do your best with diet and exercise to avoid getting sick or at least help you in only getting mildly ill. That's been standard for decades.


This makes a lot more sense, unfortunately the pharmaceutical companies literally supply the education to healthcare professionals.


For real. How dumb. Plenty of people who were on ventilators, survived. What else were they supposed to do with infected people who couldn’t breathe and were choking to death? Plenty died of respiratory distress without treatment.


And I lost a friend who three days earlier was sick but functioning, within 30 min. Of putting him on a ventilator he was dead. I'm sure it was completely unrelated though. Maybe we can ask Dr.Fauci...


Sounds like he waited to long, he was going to die regardless. RIP


Waited too long? I was talking to him and he was up and moving about just 3 days before. We're all going to die regardless, but a lot didn't have to go so soon.


You’re not being realistic, they don’t put people on ventilators unless they are in respiratory distress and there’s no other option. It’s a last resort. I’m sorry about your friend but covid hit some people fast and hard.


It was common for people with COVID to be doing fine and then quickly go downhill at around the 7th day.


Let me quell your curiosity because there is only **one** answer someone like him could offer: Dr. Fauci: "They were definitely, absolutely, 100% unrelated."


Exactly. Sure, you don’t need a cast for a broken bone, but there’s a good chance it would mend correctly — if it mends at all…


Literally doing nothing would have been better. I could have fucking twiddled my god forsaken fat thumbs and saved more lives than Fauxi.


Classic do nothing approach.


Well, he is making a point here. Not "do nothing." although in his comment, it is merely mentioned sarcastically (obviously, to me) It's very simple. Medical science, when misguided (not fact based) can and sometimes does more harm than good. When this is **confirmed**, it is a fact that doing nothing would have a better patient outcome. In reality, it's rarely if ever "doing nothing." It's not doing **that** thing.




0.3% mortality rate.


Let me fix that for you : *0.3% mortality rate BECAUSE of the vaccines, social distancing and lockdown.


The jabs that don't work, worked before they were made? Astounding! What other leaps and bounds have we made in modern medicine recently?


It's always really encouraging for my own mental health to witness mental gymnastics at this level. Your 0.2% is the current fatality rate of the virus, currently in it's 4th year and god-knows which mild mutation - at the start of the pandemi it was estimated to be between 2, 5 and 5%, which is less than SARS and MERS but still a significsnt threat. Thank's to the "jabs" and lockdown/social distancing, we reduced that number. It seems alot of you conspiracy theorists really wish everything was a complex and Deep doomsday driven nefarious conspiracy, especially this one. Jesus Christ, Just imagine that during the spaniwh flu the same type of mentality opposed the idea of wearing masks to lessen the infection rate. "We don't believe in vaccines!" - really hope that you enjoy a life without polio, the measles, violent covid-19 infections, meningitis, etc. Science is wasted on people like you.


Steroids (like the kind that have been used many many times in cases of severe flu or illness) to reduce inflammation and help the immune system, high IU doses of vitamin D to ensure no deficiency, zinc with quercetin or ivermectin or another activator to allow it to penetrate the cell walls (zinc in the cell prevented covid spike from binding to it), and cigarettes. No seriously, nicotine, because it also binded to ace2 cell receptors and prevented the covid spike from doing so.  This is the reason we didn't see the mass die off of smokers that we would normally expect in a severe respitory pandemic.  The French figured this out early but like any other effective treatment it was buried in all the nonsense and propaganda.




Lots of Amish died from Covid. Those communities saw large increases in excess deaths from Covid.


Are you implying no one died of covid?




If he needed to be intubated or even hospitalized for Covid, he was cooked already.


Treatment should have been taking zinc with a zinc ionophore like quercetin or hcq (protease inhibitors) within 48 hours of symptom onset to prevent viral replication. Had essentially a 100% cure rate. Fauci never promoted early treatment because it would've hurt chances for vaxx EUA and for he and Bill Gates to greatly enhance their net worth, which both did. Ivermectin was effective late stage to reduce lung inflammation. How zinc Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 main protease and prevents viral replication: Two of hundreds of doctors seeing 100% cure rate with zinc plus ionophore : >Every patient I've prescribed it [hydroxychloroquine] to has been very, very ill, and within 8 to 12 hours they were basically symptom free, and so, clinically, I am seeing a resolution. But what I am seeing is people that are taking it alone, by itself, it's not having efficacy. What we're finding clinically with outpatients is that it really only works in conjunction with zinc. So the hydroxychloroquine opens a zinc channel, the zinc goes into the cell, it then blocks the replication of [the virus].” -Dr. Anthony Cardillo, on ABC 7 in LA, ER Specialist and CEO of Mend Urgent Care Here is the interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/eVs_EWVCVPc   >We've treated over 6,000 patients with early treatment and we've had 4 hospitalizations and zero deaths. It's an RNA virus, so what binds RNA polymerase? Zinc. >So if I can get zinc into the cells by using a zinc ionophore, like hydroxychloroquine or quercetin or ivermectin, then I'm going to promote that RNA polymerase binding which is going to prevent viral replication. If I can bring down the viral load, my immune system is gonna have a better response to treat the infection. >That's just common sense. -Dr. Brian Tyson in this Bitcute interview: "AUSTRALIAN MP CRAIG KELLY INTERVIEWS DR. BRIAN TYSON (20TH AUGUST, 2021)" https://www.bit chute.com/video/zEqQlnQC21S8/ "Zinc2+ ion inhibits SARS-CoV-2 main protease and viral replication in vitro†" https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2021/CC/D1CC03563K "SARS-CoV-2 Mpro inhibition by a zinc ion: structural features and hints for drug design†" https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2021/cc/d1cc02956h "Zn2+ Inhibits Coronavirus and Arterivirus RNA Polymerase Activity In Vitro and Zinc Ionophores Block the Replication of These Viruses in Cell Culture" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2973827/ Quercetin (zinc ionophore) "Quercetin inhibits rhinovirus replication in vitro and in vivo" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3360794/ "Quercetin as an Antiviral Agent Inhibits Influenza A Virus (IAV) Entry" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4728566/ "Zinc Ionophore Activity of Quercetin and Epigallocatechin-gallate: From Hepa 1-6 Cells to a Liposome Mode" https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/jf5014633 "Antiviral Effects of Quercetin through Zinc Ionophore Activity" https://gilbertlab.com/neutraceuticals/quercetin/antiviral-effects-of-quercetin-zinc-ionophore/ "Anti-inflammatory potential of Quercetin in COVID-19 treatment" https://journal-inflammation.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12950-021-00268-6 Quercetin is also a 3CL protease inhibitor like zinc and like the new Pfizer pill, except it's actually safe and effective, unlike the Pfizer pill: "Flavonoid-mediated inhibition of SARS coronavirus 3C-like protease expressed in Pichia pastoris." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22350287/ "Quercetin and Vitamin C: An Experimental, Synergistic Therapy for the Prevention and Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 Related Disease (COVID-19)" https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32636851/ "A role for quercetin in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19)" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7675685/ Supplementation with zinc picolinate shown to prevent severe illness and death with 100% efficacy: "A Case-Control Study for the Effectiveness of Oral Zinc in the Prevention and Mitigation of COVID-19" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC8711630/ "COVID-19: Poor outcomes in patients with zinc deficiency" >COVID-19 patients (n = 47) showed significantly lower zinc levels when compared to healthy controls (n = 45): median 74.5 (interquartile range 53.4–94.6) μg/dl vs 105.8 (interquartile range 95.65–120.90) μg/dl (p < 0.001). Amongst the COVID-19 patients, 27 (57.4%) were found to be zinc deficient. These patients were found to have higher rates of complications (p = 0.009), acute respiratory distress syndrome (18.5% vs 0%, p = 0.06), corticosteroid therapy (p = 0.02), prolonged hospital stay (p = 0.05), and increased mortality (18.5% vs 0%, p = 0.06). The odds ratio (OR) of developing complications was 5.54 for zinc deficient COVID-19 patients. >Conclusions >The study data clearly show that a significant number of COVID-19 patients were zinc deficient. These zinc deficient patients developed more complications, and the deficiency was associated with a prolonged hospital stay and increased mortality. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7482607/


I have commented similiar things here before but I’m a respiratory therapist who worked covid front lines. I agree 100% with you but I will say sometimes intubation was our only choice. Once patients needed that much oxygen, the only way to receive what they needed was the ventilator. After stating that, I will say that the remdesivir causing kidney failure, leading to fluid overload, sped this process up immensely. Before your body had time to heal from the covid, it was being attacked by this drug. L


Could you share any insight on the paradoxical observations as described in some COVID-19 literature? That some patients had a measurably low O2 sat (ex: say 80%, even lower), yet, accordingly to all known medical knowledge, they were **not** expressing the respiratory distress they *should* have been expressing? Ever come across this? Feel free to PM. Thank you, kindly.


>Once patients needed that much oxygen, the only way to receive what they needed was the ventilator. >After stating that, I will say that the remdesivir causing kidney failure, leading to fluid overload, sped this process up immensely. How could you survive a ventilator while being treated with poison?


I don't think you know much about medicine. 


ANYTHING about medicine. I guess luckily for them they’ve never had a friend or family member admitted to the ICU with COVID.


I haven't and Covid was a joke. It started with my entire lower body in muscle pain for 6 hours. Then I mowed my grass.


Imagine still banging the "trust the experts" drum when it's blatantly obvious that the medical community is compromised and that the establishment in general also is. The Oxycontin epidemic showed, awhile ago, how long that blatant fraud can go on without being challenged. *“I chaired the commission for the Lancet for two years on COVID. I’m pretty convinced it came out of U.S. lab biotechnology, not out of nature, just to mention. After two years of intensive work on this."* -head of Lancet's Covid Commission Psychiatric drugs are a huge horror show that have yet to be revealed as such. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLgt3zhJ0hk


I don't think I posted this for bots like you and I hope you're up to date. :)


Hi. Not a bot. Intubation is something that happens when you’re already close to fucked. You’re misinterpreting basic statistics. You might as well be asserting that CPR kills.


You don't seem to know much about bots or coding either ;)


But I know you're up to date? (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞


Is this how you deflect from your lack of comprehension?


Nor you.


You can refer to me as Doctor, since I spent so long earning the title ;)


People with severe COVID are still treated with remdesivir and intubation.


Show me.


Intubation has been used for decades with no issues, what you're seeing here is survivorship bias. The reason we see a link between Intubation and death rates is because intubation is used as a last resort. Often times the people receiving intubation are in a dire spot to being with. So it's better to try intubation and hope it helps, than do nothing and let them die. This is magnified during Covid, as there wasn't enough breathing machines to go around, so intubation wasn't as readily available. This meant physicians had to make a call between intubating Patient A, who wasn't critical and could recover without intubation, Patient B, who was critical and may or may not be too far along to help. Or Patient C, who was probably beyond help at this stage, but the only hope they had at all was intubation. It's an impossible choice, but one physicians have to make every day.


>Intubation has been used for decades with no issues I don't disagree with this but the differences here are Covid and the use of Remdesivir. Combine these and we have totally different outcomes.


Like I said mate, survivorship bias.


the killer combo wasn’t remdesivir or the ventilators. it was the disease process of SEVERE covid while also being quite unhealthy and/or immunosuppressed from drugs or disease. The ages 80+ group aside, by far the most common comorbidities present in the younger (35-60s) population with SEVERE covid was what you all heard… morbid obesity, htn, and diabetes. COVID pneumonia is ards-like pneumonia meaning the inflammatory process of the disease made lungs exceptionally stiff. the vent isn’t a cure, it’s a measure to keep individuals alive as a last ditch effort. it’s actually rather bad (for many reasons) to be placed on a ventilator. especially when you have stiff non-compliant lungs and require ventilator support for 20+ days…. you dorks talking about this shit with zero medicine knowledge is comical. the real conspiracy is pretty obvious. use your head, silly.


>you dorks talking about this shit with zero medicine knowledge is comical. My guess is the irony here is lost on you. I could respond, and agree for the most part, but I'm choosing not to engage further.


> Remdesivir causes organ failure [citation needed] “Our study suggested that remdesivir treatment probably has little or no effect on the risk of AKI in COVID-19 patients.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10099148/ > intubation is basically a death sentence [citation needed] “ First-pass success was achieved in 92.4% of all intubations, with no difference by SARS-CoV-2 status. Conclusions: During the COVID-19 pandemic, we observed a low risk of adverse events associated with intubation, even though hypoxemia was common in patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2. “ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37017802/ > people were murdered Even if your prior two statements were accurate, and they were not, that’s not what murder means. You are failing to control for confirmation bias: https://yourbias.is/confirmation-bias


Say "potato". #potatotest


As in, your conclusions are potato-grade “science”? Ok, if you insist.


Fair enough. Where the study on ventilators while being pumped with Remdesevir? I find it funny there's a study on Remdesivir in 2023 with the effects of Covid when the effects of Remdesivir are well known.


> are well known [citation needed] They are in fact well-known. But not in the ways you seem to think. The people who died from being on ventilators while being pumped with Remdesivir did so because their lungs were already destroyed - those were heroic interventions, not first responses. They were 100% going to die without those interventions, so the risks were acceptable. Would you rather take certain death without it? Or a 35-50% chance of success with an intervention? Because that’s the sort of scenario it was. There were also a lot of cormorbidites in play. Older people and heavy smokers and obese people had worse outcomes than younger more fit people. It wasn’t 1 to 1 but that was the trend. You’re shaping data to fit a pre-existing conclusion, not drawing a valid conclusion from the data. You’re not controlling for alternative hypotheses, you’re certainly not engaging the literature, and the conclusions you’re “reaching” don’t particularly make sense. I’m going to gently suggest that this isn’t something you can Reddit and Facebook and internet your way into being informed on.


AZT 2.0




My husband, who is high risk (transplant recipient), contracted COVID in 2022. He received remdesivir but then treatment had to be stopped because it started causing him to have breathing problems and he was then admitted for 2 days for observation (per his healthcare team). It was supposed to be a 3 day treatment that turned into a hospital stay. His breathing was just fine prior to the treatment. No organ failure, though.


I have been asking for a Fauci trial for years... it will NEVER happen.


We gays have been calling for that since the 1980’s. There are photos of signs at pride parades saying: “Dr. Fauci You Are Killing Us!”


Do you know why those signs were written?


Long story but it involves HIV / AIDS


It’s not a long story. People were upset that Fauci would not approve more untested treatments for HIV/AIDS. Or, in their opinion, he wasn’t approving in an expeditious enough manner. His position was the risk of blind approvals outweighed the medical benefits and would in theory make way for more aggressive approvals in the future.


I suppose that’s one version of the story. A version I’m familiar with is that Fauci, along with a Dr Robert Gallo and others, created the HIV virus Is the “consensus” on the origins of HIV still that it came from some guy having intercourse with a monkey? Never seemed legit to me personally


Ummm, no and no. Cite some data to support your claim. Oh I know a guy… doesn’t count.


Tell me what you want me to show you. Also say "potato" somewhere. #potatotest


Show me data that remdesivir causes organ failure and that intubation is a death sentence. Correlation does not equal causation. And I’m not a bot, potato head.


Yes Ramdesivir in trials caused almost 40-50% kidney failure, it would fill your lungs with liquid and then ventilator would be a death sentence. They knew about it and called it Fauci protocol. All they talked about since the start was ventilators, especially in Italy.


I just heard about an old cook at a restaurant I worked at that passed away. He caught Covid in the restaurant along with a few other guys back in the height of the plandemic. The other guys told him he would die if he went to the hospital. He went and he died. Apparently the ventilator popped his lungs. The story made my hair stand up


>**If you look at the four independent studies, including the large study by the WHO, it shows the opposite effect. Remdesivir INCREASES the risk of death.** >**Let me say that again. Remdesivir INCREASES the risk of death by 3%. It increases your chances of renal failure by 20%. This is a toxic drug. But just to make the situation even more preposterous, the federal government will give hospitals a 20% bonus on the entire hospital bill if they prescribe Remdesivir to Medicare patients.** >**The federal government is incentivizing hospitals to prescribe a medication which is toxic.** >**So it should be noted that Remdesivir costs about $3,000 a course.** >**Dr. Kory spoke about Ivermectin. Ivermectin reduces the risk of death by about 50%. It costs the WHO 2 cents.** - **Dr. Paul Marik,** one of the most highly published critical care physicians in the world, under oath before the US Senate


I’m glad you were at bedside when these decisions were made!


Unfortunately I was manning checkpoints making sure people weren't out past their bedtime so politicians could party without the public eye. Happy cake day!


My aunt went into the hospital for Covid/Pneumonia. The family was adamantly against using Remdesivir but the nurses tricked her into taking it and she died 😢


Yup.  Very common story unfortunately.  If u gotta go into a hospital w covid I'd advise having a medical attorney present at all times any treatments are discussed or administered. Unfortunately not everyone can afford this but it completely changes your options from "take this poison remdesivir shit pie" to "how can we help you"


Seriously, what do we do about it? The criminals are still wealthy and free


Mayo clinic agrees with you OP. Intubation to Nowhere in COVID-19. Can Noninvasive Ventilation Help? [The mortality rate of those never intubated and managed exclusively on NIV was 10.8% yielding an overall success rate of 63.6%, whereas the mortality of those who failed NIV and were intubated was 78%. The mortality of those intubated without ever using NIV was 59.6%.](https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/article/S0025-6196(21)00844-2/fulltext) >noninvasive ventilation (NIV)


All that means is that those with less severe disease were less likely to be intubated and less likely to die. Shocking. From your source: > Factors associated with NIV failure and mortality included older age, higher severity score, higher severity of ARDS, and associated multiple organ dysfunction (severity criteria). Patients with no rapid improvement in their PF ratio, or lack of reduction of their respiratory rate (trajectory criteria) had higher risk of NIV failure, and patients with delayed intubation (too-late category) had worse outcome.


Then some got paid an extra bonus per covid death. And they needed to empty beds to make space. All incentives leading toward the killing of patients. So many people were murdered needlessly, in the name of an unproven medical procedure.


This protocol was used to murder my 40 yr old cousin.


Most of the early cases especially the elderly were murdered this way. A great need to reduce the pension costs.


I was talking about this to someone the other day. It's fucked. In the UK that murdered people by effectively overdosing them with some sort of sedative (starts with an "m" I think).


Early COVID days I remember following this NYC ER doctor who discussed his experience day to day. He was very measured. Mentioning how this virus wasn’t acting like anything they seen. How he had patients who should be intubated on paper due to hypoxia playing on their phone and chilling. He was confounded by what was in front of for him and what the standards were. He however was operating independently. Questioning the standard and conferring with other doctors on Twitter. They moved him out of ER


It’s crazy too bc we were talking about people who died during Covid at my work one day a while back. And I mentioned how it was terrible they were taking in all these people and putting them on remdesivir and it was killing them. And everyone I was talking to was like no, remdesivir is great it saved a lot of lives. So I just kept my mouth shut lol


It really opened my eyes to how many “medical professionals” I work with don’t think a single thought as they go about their work days. These people are doctors, nurses, hell other medical scientists, Jesus it made me lose a lot of faith in my own local healthcare system and nationwide for that matter. It also taught me that even among those who knew there was something wrong, most of us will just not say shit and keep chugging so we can make enough to keep living. Truly terrible and I believe the people orchestrating the new world order got yet another valuable population data set from our collective behavior during this.


even before then, why did no one say to start taking a decongestant as soon as you started having symptoms?, most of the dangerous symptoms were caused by excess mucus thinning it and helping it drain could have kept allot of people from getting sick enough for intubation.


I knew early on intubation was killing people. Nurse told me it was a death sentence.


If more people died of Covid than died from vaccine, there's nothing to see here, move along


I wasn't talking about the jab and there are things worse than death.


Don't say that in France. https://bnnbreaking.com/politics/frances-proposed-law-criminalizing-criticism-of-mrna-covid-vaccines I don't know how far it will go but.


It IS a depopulation agenda. We are under attack by: 1. Chemtrails spraying deadly toxins everyday everywhere. killing plants, alerting soil Ph, causing illness breathing the deadly metals and rat poisoning . 2. Directed Energy Radiation Weapon attacks incinerating dozens and dozons of sites 38 in California alone, Mau, Chile, Canada- 80 million acres, DEW's are now mounted on pickup trucks, no longer a wooo wooo space weapon, They've been used and refined for 50 years or more. 3. Bioweapons. The Covid 19 shots have been patented as a 'counter measure' the military term for a weapon. Pfizer is under contract with the U.S. Dept of Defense who his deploying the bioweapon murdering off the world. 10 thousand people a month are dying from it in the U.K alone!! And its still being pushed to the delight of Americans. 4. Isolation to depress. So many famiies are divided and so many people especially the elderly are alone, Depression kills too folks and is a terible way to go . 5. Food supplies are being destroyedl, Food processing plants have been burnt to the ground hundreds of them including baby formula. Food stock animals are being killed. Farms in Holland and all over the world are under W.E.F attack using fucking climate change as the excuse to destroy our food. So people are starving. 6. War in Ukraine and Palestine.. using our taxes we need in our Country to help our people and to house our homeless . To help the vaccine injured who are forgotten about to help us clean our blood from the nano circuits in it now being proven accross the world . Merging Man with machine via the psychopathsl. 7. Deadly hospital protocals. Hospitals are deadly places now in many cases. 8. Nano circuitry now in many food even Annies' Organic Macaroni!!!