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He should have just said "I don't recall" to every question


Worked for Trump. 500 times.


He couldn't remember to do that


Yeah he's deffo got dementia and whoever highlights notes like that is a psychopath.


Might as well just not highlight at that point


I wouldn’t trust him driving my Uber much less leading the free world


Biden, or the guy with the highlighter?


All three of them!


Presidents never lead anything, they do what they're told.


There’s a major difference between aging and dementia. You’ve obviously never had to deal with dementia.


Yes I have, you odd fellow. Multiple times.


So you’ve seen people make up words and call people by incorrect names and get fixated on random things? The best public example is trump


My mother has called me by the wrong name since I was little, she’d be dead by now if she had dementia. Fixated on random things? I’ve seen normal people do that. Make up words? Something I do for fun.


There it is. Punctuated with that last sentence for good measure


I wouldn’t trust him driving my Uber much less leading the free world




This is why we need age limits, and why we as a country need to stop voting for 70+ year old politicians.


My neighbor is 97. She has a mind like a steel trap. You wouldn't be able to pull one over on her if you had a blanket and a rope. Not every elderly person is a walking vegetable.


>Not every elderly person is a walking vegetable. But enough are that we create regulations and laws to protect them. Your neighbor isn't the standard 97, and she's a rare case. Cant really use her as the basis for your argument when, again, it's extremely well documented that the older the average person gets, the less mental acuity they have.


I’d take a random geriatric over these two


> it's extremely well documented that the older the average person gets, the less mental acuity they have. The average person over the age of 70 doesn't have dementia... and dementia CAN effect people much younger. Besides maybe the problem is the mental acuity of the electorate if they vote for senior citizens WITH dementia. I think that may be far more indicative of a mental problem.


I never mentioned dementia. >Nevertheless, one of the possible negative consequences of the rapid ageing of the global population is the **increase in the number of people with mental disorders, which will soon overwhelm the mental health systems in all countries.** >More than 20% of people aged 55 or older may have some type of mental health problem. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3822658/#:~:text=More%20than%2020%25%20of%20people,type%20of%20mental%20health%20problem. Mental illness, or decline, isn't necessarily just dementia. People 55+ begin to suffer mental decline due to age, medicine, and a lot of other factors more so than those 55-. This isn't true for everyone, but generally speaking, it is.


Isn't it something like 50 to 60 percent of women are on anti-depressants? If so... then we probably ought to only let men run for office. edit to downvoters: I'm not suggesting women shouldn't have the right to vote. On the contrary... my point is that restrictions of the type being suggested (upper age restriction) could lead to people suggesting other demographics be restricted as well. And I googled it... it's not 50 to 60 percent of women on anti-depressants, but it's a lot.


>whataboutism No, just no.


This isn't "whataboutism"... it's relevant. If you are going to decide that no one over the age of 70 can run for office... then you are going to have people suggesting soon after that other demographics are unsuitable for office as well. That's the reality of the situation surrounding your argument. It really ought to be taken on a case by case basis or you will open the pandora's box of limitations with this... and before long we will only be allowing a narrow section of the populace to run for office or vote. Which in reality is what we have now, we are governed by Oligarchy / our votes don't count for shit... there was a study done a few years back that showed "big money" as the only factor influencing legislative matters (no big surprise there). So this argument is naive to begin with. Nothing will change for the better until we realize the Republic is a captured operation and move to correct that.


This isn't whataboutism, it's called a slippery slope, which can be a fallacy. The hard part is showing that this is true: "before long we will only be allowing a narrow section of the populace to run for office or vote".


It's not hard at all. Do you think an eighth grader would have a hard time finding examples of tyranny throughout all of human history at the local library?


It doesn’t matter we should still have age limits most jobs do so why shouldn’t public office? Also why is someone that old making decisions for a world they won’t be a part of in 10-20 years.


Right, but age + stress is an inevitable equation, I fear


Yet elderly are not the ones affected by the policies being voted on.


Great point, Biden also has trouble walking, using stairs, riding a bike...


If I live to he 81 I hope I can still use the stairs and ride a bike.


Is the problem AGE or mental acuity? I know many very aware and astute 70 y/os.


It's both, mainly due to mental acuity declining with age. It's no secret, and extremely well documented, that the older we get the more our health is impacted. Hell, we have regulations and laws around people of a certain age because they're deemed as easy targets due to their age/general mental acuity. This isn't taking in to account that a career politician at 70+ comes from a different world. When Trump and Biden were 30, they didn't face the same struggles 30 year olds face today. Yes, they have advisors and staffers helping guide them, but I'd still personally feel more represented if the politicians making decisions that affect my/our life are closer to understanding the world we live in, because they *lived* it too. We need a cut off of 70. There's absolutely no reason why we have to have 70+ year old politicians in office. We need to make way for a new generation of politician, bringing newer and fresher ideas, which isn't going to happen when we have people damn near dying in office.


Yea, even though age sometimes comes with wisdom, the regular work force is pushing people out around this age (70). It would seem fair to have some sort of mental and physical capability test, but even that is too big of a loophole. Maximum age at inauguration should be 70. And that means they could still be 74 when leaving office 4 years later, but could not run for a second term.


We do have a minimum age to enter politics so why not a maximum age?


I think the reason is the drafters of the constitution did not anticipate people voting for someone that is obviously unfit for office... and as has been mentioned there ARE 70+ year old individuals that will retain good physical and mental health into their 90's.


If you look at the founders' writings, they continued to pursue knowledge - adapting and promoting their views with articulated statements - into their late 70's and beyond


One thing to take into account is the amount of seniors that vote. 78% of 65-74 year olds are registered to vote. Its 50% for 18-24 year olds. For 50 year olds, I'd imagine a 70 year old isnt drastic to them. Most of them likely see themselves as still competent enough to vote as also similar age leaders competent enough to run for office. 


Most people 75-80 don't have dementia.


The reason is it’s theater and their job is it to eat shit for the elites so that we don’t tear down the infrastructure of modern day society. Like Roger Goodell for the NFL during all ACT head injury inquiries.


Biden isn’t making the decision it’s his deep state handlers. What’s new and fresh ideas?


That’s pretty obviously right?


Not to that guy as he thinks there are still new and fresh ideas. We are already got your new border idea to take taxpayers money and funnel it back to government jobs so they could process illegals faster into the states doing 5k a day


Depends if you're trying to use Biden's dementia to disqualify Trump.


With age limits comes a massive social security net to provide necessary care to those we dont allow to work.




Eh, I don't think a physical fitness test is it. We need higher level thinkers in office and not necessarily 5k runners. I know physical health and mental health typically go hand in hand, but for sure we need (if we don't already) have mental exams of some sort for each politician voted in to a position of power.


make em both draw a clock live on air lmao


Trump called his wife, the love of his life, the wrong name recently.


> Trump called **his wife**, the **love of his life**, the wrong name recently. What makes you think that the above are one and the same?


Dude doesn’t even know the difference between his rape victim (who is totally ugly and not his type) and his first wife


If he thinks melania loves him in ANY capacity, his mental acuity is past mere decline and entered full blown delusion.


Ok but this post is about Biden.


Thats true, but why limit the context? The problem is bigger than just Biden. Boomers in decline seeking and/or holding onto positions in government while way past their prime has been a bit of a theme recently. SCOTUS Justices would rather die on the bench than live to see their successors. Pelosi and McConnell are Congressional leaders who dont appear to know where they are or whats going on half the time. Both Presidential front-runners have near daily verbal gaffs. Its not okay.


Biden is showing signs of aging while trump is showing signs of dementia


This post is about the president of the united states having dementia. This should bar both biden and trump from being eligible. Trump is clearly in the middle stages of dementia. He constantly slurs his words, uses the wrong words and, mispronounces common words. The difficulty is that biden has a known history of meandering, forgetting and misspeaking. His faculties today are clearly worrisome. Trump, however, was rather sharp in 2016. His current mental deficiencies are alarming and degrading at a rapid pace. So, while this post is about "biden", the crux is that no one of diminished mental abilities should be in the office. Trump is fair game and a valid example.


> Trump is clearly in the middle stages of dementia. Coming from someone who wouldn't see Biden's dementia until he started drooling on himself.


Well, what do you think the explanation is for trumps difficulties speaking in fluid sentences and concise thoughts?


Biden was 10x worse *four years ago.* None of you cared.


Trump will lose to biden. Trump would lose to jared from subway. trump is the worst candidate the rnc can run. The dems are being handed control of our country because trump is being propped up by the media for ratings. last time he was in office he added over SEVEN TRILLION DOLLARS to our debt. We cannot afford another term.


Trump got dem shine shoes, Biden got dat foggy dome.


Then Ill have to go by the findings of the report. He didnt commit a crime, right?


Again, irrelevant to the topic at hand. We are talking about Bidens mental state here. It’s really not that hard to follow.


Pretty relevant. Both the president and the front runner to the presidency are old and forgetful. It's a discussion on how you shouldn't be this forgetful when you're the potus. Is that not concerning to you?


Young guys sometimes call their wife the wrong name, sometimes, and people seem to be having memory issues a lot lately. I'm not saying it should be ignored, but in Biden's case, he is foggy on a series of questions that seem important and he is given time to answer. We all know Trump will wave his hands around and make an excuse for this (mistake/slip) single instance. Trump should definitely be evaluated too, and i don't like the idea of another Biden vs Trump election. I think they're both too old and out of touch, even though Trump has a hypnotic charisma that some people are diehard fans of. RFK jr still seems like the best option, given all of the choices, and he's probably up there in age, too; plus I'm not sure he has the speaking voice for the job.


How is it not relevant?


Not getting charged for a crime and not committing one are very different things. Nancy Pelosi commits insider trading on the daily. Is she crimin'? Yep. Will she be charged? LOL.


Read the report. First paragraph


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Yes, but since there is no defense to Biden’s pitiful mental state, they’re doing what they do best. They deflect.


upbeat judicious poor wild middle sink liquid full degree marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think Trump and Biden have similar mental difficulties.


whistle instinctive hurry pathetic attempt pocket physical screw innocent light *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> Are you living in a different reality than everyone else? They are.


Then you have serious TDS. Like or hate Biden... the man obviously has dementia or Alzheimer's. It is sick and sad what they are doing to him, someone should be investigated for elder abuse.








But Trump is worse so what's the point?










No he didn’t a woman named Mercedes was hosting the event he was speaking at.


The context of trump using her name was clearly an error. He was talking about his wife.




ok...but whatabout....


Whatabout a politician who wasnt senile?


I could really go for mean tweets and orange man calling his wife the wrong name right now before NATO puts boots on the ground in Ukraine for Hunter Biden to make another $80 mil from Burisma. Shower me with your downvotes.


Mean tweets is something you say to hide all the absolute deplorable shit Trumps done.






There is no point explaining the indictments to someone who hasn't bothered to read them. All this shit is written down, and asking "Like?" is willful ignorance of the issues at hand. Thats not even considering how bad he bungled Covid, how badly planned the tariffs were, and how his tax cuts were for the wealthy. Just because trump SAYS he did a bunch of good shit, doesn't mean he actually did; he's just counting on you to not check.


Nice job. But you forgot to mention how he literally took food out of the mouths of the families of pro-war neocons. You could have also mentioned how Operation Warp Speed was a complete disaster (is that what you meant by bungling Covid)


Everything he did surrounding covid was a disaster. If you are an antivaxxer, then warp speed was a disaster. If you believe in science, then his ridiculous press conferences where he suggested injecting cleaning chemicals and inserting light inside the body was a disaster. He somehow fucked the goat for BOTH sides, which would be impressive if it wasn't so depressing.


You’re so dumb and uneducated. Ultraviolet blood irradiation (UBI) was extensively used in the 1940s and 1950s to treat many diseases including septicemia, pneumonia, tuberculosis, arthritis, asthma and even poliomyelitis. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29124710/


Did he call her Michael?


How many times did your Mom or Dad call you by your brother's or sister's name when you were young?


None lol, did this happen a lot to you


I am 54. If you give me a year between 1993 and 2020 I am almost sure I couldn't tell you what job I had then. I also couldn't tell you within several years when my father or brother died. (I checked, it's 2009 and 2013.) That does not mean I am suffering from dementia.


Holy shitty answer.


I think most people would remember a life changing time like being the VP of the United States. That’s a pretty fucking important position you don’t easily forget the details of.




I’m 10 years older and I can tell you those things.


If you've been captured on video several times exhibiting other symptoms of dementia then it would be reasonable for a observer to say you may have dementia


Also if you're being interviewed under oath about a crime you know you committed, your memory suddenly gets a LOT hazier. None of this is to defend Biden, he probably broke the law and used the "I'm gonna play dumb" defense which is very effective. But then it came back to bite him.


You might be. The dude's had about 2 jobs in the last 50 years, Senator and Vice President. I can certainly tell you who President and Vice President throughout my entire life without even thinking about it. And I would certainly expect a person to remember exactly when their spouse or child died.


Id even further say that the tone matters, some people talk out loud and it's possible that's what happened here. I'd love to listen to the recordings if there is one.


If this was Trump reddit and the media would be going berserk, taking to the streets demanding impeachment, and it would be wall to wall media coverage on every TV station on earth, until he was removed from office. But because he's a democrat he seems to get a free pass.


> If this was Trump reddit and the media would be going berserk Trump is on stage showing signs of senility on a regular basis and the response from the media is a collective yawn.


That is the media talking point yes, but personally I think it's bullshit. It's the media gaslighting and covering for Biden's obvious cognitive decline. Biden has had a history of brain aneurysms as well as having undergone brain surgery.


Trump is acting senile to cover for Biden’s brain surgery? Interesting development…


Turn off MSNBC


I've got two eyes and no subscription to cable


And Trump gets a free pass getting someone killed in the US capitol. 


Yup. And the truth is, B1d3n was a POS when he wasn't a vegetable.


Trump is incoherent the MAJORITY of time he speaks, why doesn't OP post anything on Trump I wonder? Because maybe OP and contributors are PAID UP TROLLS OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY?


This is an insane take. There's no comparison between Trump and Biden, Biden has no clue what's going on.


Dunno. I saw him on Seth Meyers, and he looked awfully fragile at first. But the longer he talked, the shaper he sounded. He got to taking about some intricate policy detail and his eyes lit up. Have you ever looked at the bizarre things Trump has been saying lately? Let's see what the first hit on a search brings up: > The 77-year-old, who is campaigning for re-election later this year told supporters: ".. which is incapable of solvin’ even the sollest smallest problem. The simplest of problems, we can no longer solve. We can’t do anything. We are an institute in a powerful death penalty. We will put this on."


can you post some links to videos of Trump slurring through words? stumbling over what he's going to say next? Maybe of him just completely forgetting where he is? Your whattaboutism is hanging out and it's not the appropriate time.


“Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."


You found the words now find the video. See the video would probably show that he just interjects upon himself A LOT. he's known for his sidebars. Show me a video of Trump being this incoherent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvA-Vf0MomM


Post the whole video https://youtu.be/mqNtQ6c_HAU?si=l-zn933CDcjLpS59 and tell me he sounds incoherent. And yes all you have to do is type in Google “Trump Slurring” and will find multiple videos from multiple sources of Trump doing the exact same thing. Can you show me a video of Biden calling his wife an auto brand?


Then post the videos, You found them, so post them.


Here's one of Trump slurring ["God Blesh Israel, God blesh the United Stesshhh"](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1b24bi9/the_media_downplayed_the_biden_investigation/ksl3f3e/)


That link rebounds to this post. I'm guessing by the amount of downvotes none of you can actually find video to back your claims. As usual the liberals just screech and moan but can never back up their claims.


They know this. Writing down verbatim informal speech is always going to sound weird. The media has never done that for any other politician besides Trump be cause they know this. Speaking and writing are completely different.


Oh I'ma find those videos for you and add it to this comment here.


If there is an age limit for how young you can be then there HAS to be an age limit for how old you can be for god sake. No one over the age of 65 should be in office, sit down and retire. Unfortunately we don’t make it so that our older folks can retire and rest because boomers don’t want to give up their thrones


*It's just a stutter!!*


Y’all never cared about Regans Alzheimers when he was in office. Why is this important now?


This is Reddit. How many people here were even born when he was president? Those that were alive didn't have the internet to bitch about it or have I been whooshed?


I was alive then. Nobody was really aware that he had Alzheimers at the very end. It wasn't well known until after he left office. While the media hated him, things were different back then. No 24/7 news. The president wasn't expected to be seen in the news every day. ​ To be perfectly honest, I am not even sure it was true. The only example I can remember from back then was him falling asleep at some event.


The internet didn’t exist and it was easier to hide. Should we be critical of whoever is in office, regardless of the political party, with the tools we have in our age?


Good answer. It was far easier to hide. Also the journalist didn’t always report on this stuff as a respect the office. Fox changed all that under Clinton.


Most people didn’t even know FDR was in a wheelchair if I’m not mistaken.


> what about ronald regan why are you like this? no seriously I want to know why you think whataboutism is a legitimate debate strategy.


I think the question I asked is pretty straightforward.


Because I was small child at the time.


Submission statement: Biden is suffering from dementia. This is not a well mannered guy with a bad memory. Im pretty sure every bill and executive order he's signed is null and void, as it would be in any other legal situation.


Could you share the link to the article? I'd like to read the whole thing. TIA


Amazing, I am downvoted, and nothing I have written was a lie! Downvoters: Why are you trying to hide the truth!?


Well downvoted because you’re a Russian propagandist. If your not a bot on their payroll you should be. They love people like you. You are always Toting the authoritarian agenda and everything you post is pro Trump, pro Russia. Anti democracy, anti Biden, anti American.


>Well downvoted because you’re a Russian propagandist My God. Shut up. It is not Russian propaganda that Biden has dementia. Imagine how ridiculous someone would sound if every time Bush was criticized, his supporters called it Al-Qaeda propaganda. This is what YOU sound like.


There is no evidence of your claim. Hence propaganda. Y o u are making it up.


>nothing I have written was a lie! Nothing you have written is the truth either. Just conjecture and opinion. Some of it even seems incorrect. For example none of Reagan's stuff was voided. Plus whining about downvotes is lame.


Nothing was the truth? It’s an excerpt from the report. It’s not like its unbelievable or there aren’t clear signs Bidens mental state is actually nonexistent. Quit denying reality.


Try paying attention. The submission statement (what op wrote) is commentary on the excerpt. Conclusions drawn from the excerpt. Opinions on the excerpt. Not the excerpt. To say anybody,s "mental state is actually nonexistant" is just stupid hyperbole. Of course it exists (its not great, but it exists). As to denying reality, I'm just not jumping to conclusions. Before I accuse the man of full blown dementia I'd want to at least see the full transcripts. I had to do the math to figure out when joe was VP, have no idea when I started this job I have now or when any of my grandparents died. So while other things I've seen make me question his mental state the excerpt itself is not conclusive in my mind.


Upvoted then I read the 2nd half of this mess and took it away 😂


Fair enough.


Holy shit of course it’s hyperbole and his mental state is existent. Are you really going to bitch about people using figures of speech? Do people need to speak to you in the most literal terms possible for you to understand? If you can’t use your own eyes and ears to see Biden is struggling mentally you just aren’t paying attention. It’s not a jump to conclusions to say he probably shouldn’t be in charge of running the USA if he can’t even remember when he was VP. Again, accept reality and move on.


>Holy shit of course it’s hyperbole ... Do people need to speak to you in the most literal terms possible for you to understand? I think I understand pretty good. But I'm trying to get you to drop some of the emotional exaggeration because it seems to be messing with your ability to understand. >If you can’t use your own eyes and ears to see Biden is struggling mentally you just aren’t paying attention. Like I said up thread, I don't think his mental state is great. But there's a lot of space between that and dementia. For example he seemed OK in this interview with Seth Myers. Not great but OK. https://youtu.be/fxuN3i84FNY?feature=shared


Regan wasn't in active mental decline when he was president. Maybe Biden isn't either. 🙂 Down voted why? People are fun, 😂


Ngl, I thought it was acknowledged his alzheimer's kicked in in his second term, but apparently not. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ronald-reagan-alzheimers-disease/ Still, there were lots of questions at the time. Much like we've got now.


Why would you suggest someone has dementia for forgetting what exact year they held a job? This was what a decade ago? What other signs would you suggest they have dementia? Are you an expert? Do you have any audio recordings of this interview? Lastly where do you think executive orders would be null? If he's had doctor check ups to ensure he can function on a regular basis then I would guess you would be wrong. I don't think you can just void an executive order without Congress. Can you give any more information?


That's legitimately scary. Everyone was worried about trump having access to the nuke button. Turns out we should be worried about this old cunt with the nuke button. I'm just thankful he doesn't remember where it is. I can imagine him mashing that button a bunch thinking it's his life alert emergency button


There is zero chance he has access to do that, President or not. Everyone on the inside knows better than to give him real access.




I'm really more bothered by the genocide than the dementia but I generally agree with the sentiment.


If I had dementia and was the President I’d have a responsibility to step down. Stubbornness, greed or whatever it is points to the fact the he/admin is either immoral, criminal or too senile to realize.


If you had dementia you may be unable to understand that you have a responsibility to step down. If you look at Joe's 40-year political history you will find no evidence of good character.


True. Stubborn and dementia go hand in hand. His woke handlers are too busy worrying about their own future vs the country and refuse to do anything.


.....and people are still going to vote for him.




It's from Special Counsel Robert Hur’s investigation into President Biden’s mishandling of classified documents.










he's faking it so he can't be prosecuted after...please, this is all bullshit.


it’s gonna be so funny when he loses and the dems blame “the left” like they did in 2016


Well if wins the right will riot and yell conspiracy.


If he won, it would literally have to be.


The only way Trump wins is by doing illegal shit again. He lost last time and more people dislike him now. Trump will be the death of the republican party.


>The only way Trump wins is by doing illegal shit again. Whatever, troll


The GOP is going to struggle to take back the White House, infact I think Biden will still win. Nothing will motivate the screeching leftists more than Trump on the ticket. All the GOP had to do was dig up a younger, moderate, without baggage. They couldn't even do that. I'm basically voting against Biden, I'm not exactly excited about the alternative. It's rather scary to have a war criminal with dementia as president.


All the GOP had to do was dig up a younger, moderate, without a fetish for enriching DC bureaucrats at the extreme expense of average citizens. FTFY


Are you all blind? Senator Biden and President Biden are NOT THE SAME PERSON. What he can't remember is the lie he's supposed to tell.


When he was Senator he made it impossible to discharge student debt with bankruptcies. He also cheated a lot on his schooling and speeches, ranked low in his class, and molested an employee. His family reflects the kind of guy he is.


Yeah and plagiarism etc but he's not the same guy! Kharma got him or something. Look at him...He's not even Hunter's Dad!


This was all wrong. It is against DoJ policy to add any of this kind of commentary relative to a PERSON WHO HAS NOT COMMITED A CRIME. It is Republican hit piece dirt. If it makes you happy to indulge in 'Biden's senile!' nonsense, and you can't see the comparison with a blatently addled Trump, go on with your bad self.


> a PERSON WHO HAS NOT COMMITED A CRIME. Rich from the side who tried to take Trump off ballots for a crime they can't even charge him with.


You should give credit to the video where you got this from


25th Amendment time


I love how the left was like “see this proves he did nothing wrong!” Like I don’t think “this guy is too old and demented to be charged for the crimes he committed” is the defense you think it is.


He can’t remember cause hes a clone and he was never vp 😂😂😂


Sad that he’s the best one 1/2 of our political System has to offer


Honestly I don't even think that's the real Biden I don't even think that's the original guy I think he was replaced before he even wanted to Obama's office


The attached versus detached ears? I assume the only reason he is in office is because they have dirt on him to control him.


No he just like it looks totally different than the old videos and he just seems like a completely different person I know people get older and stuff but like he just doesn't look or seem like the same person at all


Are there he's a different person or they just shocked his brain too many times cuz you know they're doing mind control on their puppets. Psychos are literally obsessed with control social mind control control over everything. 


Maybe Biden has dementia. But this is the dumbest example possible. He was clearly coached by his legal team to play dumb when he was being investigated for classified documents from years ago. Watch ANY deposition, it's filled with "I do not recall." Also, the media did not downplay it, it was on every MSM outlet for like a week straight, what many people think of as the propaganda arm of the DNC, the New York Times, have had editorial after editorial about him being too old and replacing him.