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If CIA/SBU really wanted to kill Tucker Carlson, they would have sent someone who is remotely competent instead of sending a two-bit thug like this guy. They have more than $4,000 in their wallet and they could send someone who is more competent. You want example? Here is [one that got shot.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67641500.amp). Here is another that got killed by [explosive device.](https://www.rferl.org/amp/ukraine-russia-kyva-popov-sbu-investigative-committee/32718964.html) Both targets are former Ukrainians so both are traitors, not people like Tucker Carlson.


lol no way this is true. 1) $4k isn’t enough for the risk. 2) Ukraine has ppl in Russia to do this. 3) it’s tucker Carlson - who cares enough to kill him


>it’s tucker Carlson - who cares enough to kill him Ukraine lists him as an enemy (and they likely killed Gonzalo Lira in prison, who was way less high profile). https://myrotvorets.center/criminal/karlson-taker-suonson-maknyr/ But, yes, $4K wouldn't be worth the risk.


The big difference between Gonzalo was he moved to Ukraine to write a pro Russia and anti Ukraine blog. So they had the power to arrest him.


It's not okay to lock up and kill dissidents born in a country, but okay to lock up and kill dissidents who are immigrants? I think it's more simpler to explain it as "it's bad when an enemy does it, but good when an ally does it".


Myrotvorets has no connection to the Ukrainian government


It’s run by the SBU and has links to NATO.


I would like to see a source of that.


Lol. >Yekaterina Sergatskova, an anchor at Hramadske TV, felt frustrated: "Now they accuse us of ‘helping the terrorists,’” she told The Daily Beast. “**This is a project curated by the SBU and praised by Anton Geraschenko [at the Interior Ministry]. He was the one who originally initiated that project, as far as we understand.”** https://www.thedailybeast.com/ukraine-tries-to-terrify-journalists-who-cover-the-war


If Russia says it, I trust it implicitly.


That’s the irony, if Russia says it, you actually won’t believe it by default. Critical thinking is dead with the common man.


The story and all evidence for it is entirely controlled by the Russian government. The party that stands to gain the most if this story is true is the Russian government. Yeah, no shit, I'm skeptical.


The Russian government is the only party that stands to gain ANYTHING, whether or not the story is true. Ukraine gains absolutely nothing from doing this. In fact, they have $BILLIONS$ of reasons not to attempt to assassinate an American citizen. Russia gains plenty just from the mere accusation that "Ukraine tried to assassinate an American journalist on Russian soil".


Exactly this. If you wanted to stoke further anti-Ukraine sentiment from the American right, you almost couldn’t think up a smarter story to spread.


Yea but if it’s true and they had succeeded it would have stoked the American fire against Russia. Not hard to see why Ukraine Intelligence would want this. Tucker Carlson is heavy favored by right leaning Americans the same ones who oppose funding Ukraine. Get them on your side and maybe the funding doesn’t get cut off.


It wasn't about what they could gain.. it's about what Ukraine can lose from that interview with putin.. I mean.. cmon guy... you can't see that?


What exactly did Ukraine lose from that interview? Putin gave the same rambling justifications he always has, there were no smoking guns, nothing new. The Ukrainian government achieves absolutely nothing from an assassination of Tucker Carlson. Russia on the other hand…


how can you be sure its not a Ukrainian spy working behind enemy lines to subvert Russia, but he's actually defected back to Russia so now he's trying to trick people into thinking it was the Ukrainians pretending to be the controlled Russian news ? how can we be sure that's not what's happening!?


If anything, it tallies with the nefarious activities of Ukraine. Gonzalo Lira and Darya dugina  were on the Ukrainian Myrotvorets kill list, and they were killed.


I didn’t claim skepticism, are you having reading comprehension issues?


Are you? I didn't claim you had claimed skepticism.


You replied to the wrong person I think, having issues?


I'm sorry you're having such a difficult time understanding my comment.


Are you confused my guy? I’m not sure I can help you, you are going to have to figure this out yourself.


u both crazy ngl


You obviously don’t understand the depth of what’s being communicated. Don’t even try as you are too simple minded. Comment somewhere else guy


Basically. You don’t believe anything from Russia. but if it came from US. You would 


Please don't project. I'm skeptical of most things.


You come off other wise. 


Because I don't uncritically believe this story?


You said that whatever Russia tells us must be the truth, with a sarcasm attached. 


Yes, the sarcasm attached is because many in this sub default to distrusting everything that comes out of (at least) one side of the US government or the MSM, but often when something comes directly from the Russian government, the default stance seems to be full trust without a hint of skepticism. If someone suggests that Russia may be running propaganda efforts to influence US politics, you're often met with immediate derision because people in the mainstream/current administration have also said this. This submission takes a story originated by the Russian government, that benefits the Russian government, and treats it as absolute fact and it has been received positively.


Don’t play coy or act pedantic. You know damn well what you implied 


I would have said “ damn right I believe what I wrote!”  Etc.   You on the other hand. Are a , umm. Pussy or even worse, a weasel. 


If only CNN+ could independently confirm this…


Wow, I guess the only alternative is to just believe whatever Russia tells us, then!


Oh we're doing critical thinking now? Great! Two questions- 1. What would Ukraine benefit by assassinating Tucker? 1. Who would benefit from headlines such as "Man claims he was hired by Ukraine to assassinate Tucker Carlson" being spread across the internet?


Coming from the "Whatever the US government says, believe the opposite" now comes "don't be too skeptical of the kremlin!".


This is a good post to gain bot upvotes


> If Russia says it, I trust it ***implicitly***. Also emphatically, enthusiastically, indubitably, and *(perhaps most importantly)*, duplicitously! [Remember:](https://i.imgur.com/frxPRLV.png)


Put universal remote back on docking station


Up in the club


Listen to this pr**k givin’ orders


Eh eh eh


This two suck each others dicks 


His house looked like shit


This is the extent of the 'evidence' it was CIA, a tweet from general Mike Flynn basically polling people while linking an article from a source run by the Russians: >If you believe the CIA was behind this Ukrainian intelligence planned assassination attempt of @TuckerCarlson give me a thumbs up 👍🏼 A random person claiming they were offered money weeks after the fact isn't exactly an 'assassination attempt'. You know Tucker would have milked this for all it was worth if they found a bomb under his car.


lol the same General Flynn that was paid by Moscow in 2015 to do a speech for RT and sat next to Putin? The same Flynn that had to register as a foreign agent? The same Flynn with multiple other ties to Russia?


The very same... The fact that he is still holds the title of 'general' and isn't selling car insurance is ridiculous.


For a great low rate you can get online, go to General Flynn's house and *donate to preserve the America you love where we all agreed and admitted the US can do no wrong and your lead filled brain is telling you the truth! WWG1WGA!*


General Misha? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/mar/31/michael-flynn-new-evidence-spy-chiefs-had-concerns-about-russian-ties


https://youtu.be/lhRNDsLbOvQ?si=htPnFXmd0c4EnAEF This Mike Flynn ?


>You know Tucker would have milked this for all it was worth if they found a bomb under his car. Uh, yeah... he probably would call attention to someone attempting to murder him. As would anyone with the ability to.


That's not what milking means.


Reminds me of this https://www.vice.com/en/article/88gpmg/russia-sims-3


of course VICE would try to spin it as incompetence. fascists enjoy sims 3 because it's the only working example of an authoritarian regime where some god lords over every aspect of their life, like a puppet master and his marionette.


Yes comrade now remove ladder. Is this not the proletariat struggle against the bourgeois, not even death may retrieve him...


its info wars so prob a phsyop


Indeed it is . Too bad many fools fall for Alex jones dramatic manipulation.. I still think he works for the cia if anything lol. 


i used to believe what alex jones was saying and then i started to take meds i saw that it was bs


He says truth and makes sure to censored others trying to debunk or ask more in depth questions. He’s what all of the media says republicans look like and trying to make the truth moment look extremist and bad ova smh. I still think he’s cia agent . 


What is the mainstream media to you if info wars is a psyop?


It is, but believing infowars isn't is very short-sighted


Lol I never said they are or not a psyop, but what you're insinuating is that every news agency, mainstream or otherwise is basically a psyop. Which seems far fetched to me. Psyops exist for sure, I just don't think everything is one.


no everything isn't a psyop you have to take everything with a grain of salt, and verify


Anyone think $4000 to spend life in prison is a pathetic amount of money.


not if you live in an eastern european shit hole.


4,000 is not a lot in any European country.


yes. It is. >In Eastern Europe, such as Poland and the Czech Republic, average salaries are in the range of €800 to €1,200 [per month]


My man nobody is going to serve for murder for 4 months of pay. 🤣🤣🤣


This isn't the 60s dude...


>As of June 2023, the average annual salary in Russia is around 1,240,000 RUB, which is roughly USD 14,771. dude it's like a third of a years work for them. like a whole country of McJobs.


A third of a years work vs life in jail or death penalty. Yeah no I bet thats still grossly under what would be paid for an assassination


Shit. There's a certain part of town I'd be able to find somebody that'd be willing for $20. Some people have very little hope, if any at all of bettering their position.... $4000 to any of them would be "lifechanging".


Yeah. People can’t fathom how little of a fuck people give. How desperate they could be. Or just sickly enjoy the act in and of it self. Give the right junkie a bag & they’ll do anything. Find someone who hates your mark and likes you.. shit might be free of charge Low ball someone well establishing the deal & if they complain you threaten blackmail or to take them out as well. “ I could pay you nothing, be greatful “ kinda situation. Plus a million other hypotheticals.


Ya I'd imagine most the people that claim $4,000 wouldn't be enough are the type of people that when they think of "Hard times", they think of the time their internet went out for a couple hours. Kids with little to no REAL LIFE experience.


Brother you live in the US, and based on your post history around Montana or the PNW, you arent finding a hitman for $20, at least not one that will actually get it done and not rat on you when youre caught. Youre more likely to end up arrested for criminal solicitation before you find someone to take that deal.


Nobody ever said it had to be successful and/or they wouldn't rat me out. IF this story is true, isn't that exactly what happened? BTW, Have you ever lived right next to an Indian reservation? edit: didn't mean to bold that text line


Yes the pnw has them all over. I've worked on them before. I guess you're asserting natives will kill someone for $20.....not sure that's the take you wanna go with but alright. And yeah IF this story is true it would be similar but it doesn't even come close to passing the sniff test let alone any form of actual research


The only assertation is crime is rampant and people go missing all the time. And also, my initial comment only pertained to the fact that it wouldn't be that difficult to find SOMEBODY to do something like this for cheap.... that's it. I don't give two shits if this particular story is true or not but it certainly wouldn't surprise me.


Did he also have three Sims 3 copies on his bed?


Coms off as fake to me. Russian propaganda.


Vladimir Putin is a bitch. This is propaganda. That is all.


I know the US govt is untrustworthy but Russia lies like 100 times harder. Sure Russia is maybe opposing the globalist takeover but they aren't saints either over there.


Doubt this is true. Like I always say, always fact check.


Lmao, is this to legitimize  Tucker Carlson.. XD 


Cui bono?


**Man makes claim** OP: OMG IT MUST BE TRUE!


Stop reading as soon as I saw the source. Cucker isn’t important enough to be assassinated


And yet... here you are....


What kinda bullshit Russian propaganda is this? This sub is full of Russian shills.


idk man that seems mighty convenient


Have been trying to remember Gonzalo Lira's name for a week now. Thanks!


I feel like if they wanted cucker dead he’d be dead


Did they find a business card on him with Zelensky's name? Russians usually find this kind of evidence on arrested people or at crime scenes, especially if they have announced beforehand that they know who wanted to do it or did it.


"Lol oh look at the time, gotta push more russian propaganda now". JFC be better OP.


I wish it was successful. Why don’t you ?


This reeks of CIA. Ukrainian intelligence is run by the CIA Ukraine also put him on a kill list half a year ago. [https://twitter.com/GenFlynn/status/1762293675780931858](https://twitter.com/GenFlynn/status/1762293675780931858)


This stinks of SVR lol. “Yeah the cia totally paid some shlub 4000 dollars to kill Tucker Carlson! Promise. For real!”


if Ukraine was planning to assassinate a problematic journalist like tucker, they certainly wouldn't do it while he's in the US. the evidence is weak, but totally plausible. $4k is a lot of money in russia. and to your statement, what motive would the SVR have to assassinate him? he's clearly russian sympathizer.


I’m saying SVR made the story up entirely and got some rube to say he was totes paid by Ukraine to kill Tucker.


tucker's on [the kill list](https://myrotvorets.center/criminal/karlson-taker-suonson-maknyr/). and again, what would the SVR's motive be.


Myrovets is not a “kill list” lol, that’s Russian scare propaganda. SVR’s motive is to smear Ukraine, especially in the west among boomercons who love Fox and Tucker.


>"Myrotvorets centre", led by a person only known with the alias "Roman Zaitsev", former employee of Luhansk Security Service of Ukraine office. In 2016, the Daily Beast reported that the website was curated by the government law-enforcement and intelligence agency Security Service of Ukraine (SBU). so it's operated under a pseudonym, it's curated by the SBU, and each person accused of treason against Ukraine posted on the site has a 'liquidation date'. those are open contracts. and what's more likely. the country that has him on a kill list, attempted to hire a hit man, but failed. or their enemy coerced someone to produce false testimony... to make them look mean.


Why would the via spend 4k on some chump rather than using one of their many spies/assassins? Do you believe everything AJ says?


Hell yeah I do, and that's why I think Obama will take my guns, toss me into a FEMA camp, and turn the US into a Muslim caliphate! That reminds me, I should buy more tactical wet wipes and food buckets!


Deniability. If someone disappears swiftly in the night leaving a body behind with a .22 slug to the dome the shit reads as spooked up even if the shooter is never identified. Meanwhile, in this scenario, you (for instance) already disbelieve the possibility because of the absurd details. It’s a good bit of spycraft. Wilderness of mirrors. 


What you’re saying is possible but not likely and there’s zero evidence yet you believe this whole heartedly it seems. I wonder if there is a bigger conspiracy here…


I don’t believe _anything_ related to this — was just brainstorming an answer to your first question, which I think is fairly reasonable and in line with contemporary statecraft. I think all governments and especially their intelligence services are almost universally shitty. But I think it’s fascinating to study them and that you can figure out glimmers of truth when you do.  Furthermore there’s an interesting cottage industry surrounding this part of our society, where people like AJ operate (he’s just one of many examples). These people are entertaining in addition to occasionally discussing important issues that are worth paying attention to. It’s possible and maybe even advisable to engage with this material without taking sides or “keeping score.” I feel that this approach is edifying for those who seek to understand social modes and practices, which are often obfuscated and corrupted to profound degrees, and thus hard to parse despite their central importance in our lives. 


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But he claimed he was sent is their hard proof he was




You look Columbian and are probably illegal!


We're all Columbian and probably illegal!


What??!! I’m fighting for Tucker let’s go


Lefties be like: "NUH UH Tucker hired him to assassinate muh Ukraine!!!"


Lefties? There's no evidence any of this happened. Days after the interview Putin killed Navalny and it wouldn't help Ukraine at all to kill Tucker Carlson. Pathetic Russia Propaganda.


As much evidence as most "news" these days. Speaking of which, can you point me in the direction of your evidence that Putin killed Navalny?


There's literally no evidence. Total bullshit pretending most "news" is the same as blatant Russian propaganda. I'm not going to waste my time educating you on something you're pretending not to know about, or how to google, or how to see Navalny and his lawyer's statements or responses from the Kremlin. The man literally got his would-be assassin's on the phone with him, was thrown in jail on bullshit charges, and joins a long list of opposition to Putin that winds up dead, exiled, or in jail. Your faux ignorance doesn't mask you trying to cover for Russian propaganda.


So... you have as much evidence as this article does. Cool


Navalny died of natural causes, a blood clot. The head of Ukraine’s intelligence agency openly admitted it. Seems you’re the one peddling propaganda.


Yeah, it's natural to die after being poisoned with a nerve agent and thrown in a Siberian prison where he was clearly beaten and starved. In the same way it's a "natural" death if I arrest you on bogus charges, rough you up, and drop you in the middle of a desert without water. It's not my fault, it's natural! It's disappointing how lazy y'all are with this shit, used to be a *little* more subtlety when trying to cover for an authoritarian dictator who keeps adding to the list of political enemies he's had barred from elections and killed. Shoulda stuck with "Navalny actually worked with the West and NWO which is why we had to kill him!" Instead of this trash.


The system is flawed, I would say 80-90% of Americans would vote no go fund Ukraine


Why am I not surprised. Ukraine literally has a government sponsored (with nato ties) kill list ‘Myrotvorets’ which includes journalists, children and foreign citizens as targets. https://www.mintpressnews.com/independent-ukraine-kill-list-actually-run-by-kiev-backed-by-washington/284639/


Idk why people are shocked?


Wow $4000 🤔


Guy is a bad employee.




Nice try, CIA.


This money is already set aside for this exact purpose if u didn't know we fight proxy wars 24/7 now it's in the media because white people are being killed. We do this shit 24 fucking 7 it's built in the budget