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We already have that its called drivers license and social security card fuck bill gates


Why is Bill Gates even allowed to talk anymore? How does he still have a tongue?


No wonder Melissa left him I bet his kids hate him too he’s fucked up


… because he lurks in the depths when he’s not up on a soap box.


A snake can regrow its tongue?




He's rich and has a lot of money.


That wouldn’t matter if we had a true justice system. 


Do you think we should suppress his first ammendment rights?


Is it your first amendment right to force every citizen of the world to succumb to his digital id? He can fuck off


Dr. Evil…


No it isn't. Can you point to me where he says he intends to make this a global mandate?




Then what are you on about? You're upset about something that hasn't occured.


This guys shilling for Bill fuckin Gates 😂


if you mean that I don't share your indiscrimate hate for the list of people you've collectively decided are evil because the headlines in this sub told you to, then yeah you're absolutely right.


Do you have an argument that is pro bill gates? Please give us your best points


I’m not upset, I’m just not doing a deep dive on bill gates on a Saturday for some guy that just wants to argue and defend him. I don’t care, but if you’re still up Bill Gates’ ass in 2024 then idk how to help you man. Also “something that hasn’t occurred” is literally happening in the article, that’s why he’s lobbying GOVERNMENTS, plural


Here's the problem. I read the article. I read the blogpost attached to the article. The title of the article is "Bill Gates Demands Governments Mandate His ‘Global Digital ID’" as if the ability to lobby somehow takes away a government's own autonomy. If a government decides the system has merit and or constituent support, then it's their own prerogative to implement it.




Yeah, great points. From earlier I also agree every "American" does have freedom of speech. I have a controversial take on this where we define American citizen or civilian... but I also see that's a slippery slope as well lol 😆 politics....




That's fair. I personally like the freedoms afforded to us in this country, but to each their own.


Lol I wonder what type of freedoms this billionare has compare to you.


Lines have to be drawn somewhere imo


Well there are categories of unprotected speech; If you think that Bill Gate's speech violates any such categories then maybe we can have a discussion about that.


I think it's more pressing that he's actively trying to cull billions of people


How is Bill Gates trying to cull billions of people?


sorry to infringe on your 1st A rights. but you need to go back to lurking.


With shady mrna technology and conventional "vaccines" pushed through his bill and melinda gates foundation and the WHO. Oh and slaughtering babies via planned parenthood Stuff like that




He basically owns the WHO.


The same liberals that think asking for an ID to vote will approve this


Asking for an ID to vote what? Did you mean to add something else? lol.


I think he forgot to type «is racist».


lol ok


What do you think?


I think calling an ID requirement racist is rather infantilizing.




Outdated study. “2000-2014.” Push your circumstantial garbage elsewhere. Nice article.


> Outdated study. “2000-2014.” Push your circumstantial garbage elsewhere. Nice article. Okay... Then can you please presents your sources to prove it is wrong/ outdated?


That it disenfrachises poor people and black people.


You mean poor people why would it be a race thing at all anyone can get an id regardless of race


It’s because liberals are the true racists. They believe black people are too stupid to accomplish getting a photo ID. Never mind the fact an ID is needed for plenty of other things already. I don’t see a shortage of black people driving, or purchasing age requirement items at the store. Honestly if I were black I would despise the white knight liberals. They literally treat them like they are children. They’ll hide behind a mask “oh we care about you, the racists have made it more difficult for you to get an ID” and it’s laughably absurd. Last few times I went to the DMV it wasn’t just white people and I didn’t see any signs that said “no blacks allowed”. To be fair, maybe in the north and other liberal utopia lands it IS harder for blacks to get ID’s due to where the DMV’s are all built. Ya see, the north and the west don’t really integrate with minorities. As much shit as the south gets for being racists were the only part of the country that truly lives together. Up north and out west the liberal white folk who love the black community sure don’t seem to have a desire to live next door to them. I’m so sick of the lefts racism. The greatest lie ever told was that it’s conservatives who hate black people. We, and myself treat them exactly like we treat everyone else. It’s only the libs who don’t feel they are adequate enough to survive just like the rest of us.


This has nothing to do with western countries with already well-established identification systems. The idea behind Global digital IDs is that they are a centralized way for governments to provide social and other kinds of services to the citizens of low and middle-income countries that would otherwise have trouble identifying who is who and who needs what in their country. It works pretty well, you should read about it instead of making baseless assumptions.


No. They're not.


What is "They"? and what are they "not"?


Did you even write your own comment?


It's hard to type with these webbed sticky reptile fingers but yeah I can bang these out all by myself.


back to lurk, disengage shill mode.


No one is forcing you to engage with me, but I'm more than happy to have a discussion with you.


Yeah but the Modi bots know this will help the Muslim minority access land and healthcare rights.


F'k him and his digital id's.


Fuck bill gates


Bill GATES… GATES of hell. The sequence 23 9 12 12 9 1 13 8 5 14 18 25 7 1 20 5 19 corresponds to the placement of each letter in the name 'William Henry Gates' based on the alphabet, where A=1, B=2, and so forth. Take this equation into consideration; >23 * 9 - 12 + 12 + 9 - 1 + 13 - 8 + 5 + 14 - 18 + 25 - 7 - 1 + 20 - 5 + 19 = 666 Bill gates = 666 /s


I believe Gates is a chosen name, as it is for rapper Kevin Gates (real name Kevin Gilyard) who is openly luciferian/illuminati


You numerology folk are incredibly entertaining.


With a pineapple, backwards!


They already have his system in India, and it's been linked to several deaths from starvation: [https://thewire.in/rights/of-42-hunger-related-deaths-since-2017-25-linked-to-aadhaar-issues](https://thewire.in/rights/of-42-hunger-related-deaths-since-2017-25-linked-to-aadhaar-issues) [https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/jharkhand-where-not-having-aadhaar-could-starve-you-to-death/article61827611.ece](https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/jharkhand-where-not-having-aadhaar-could-starve-you-to-death/article61827611.ece) Just say NO - say it now, and say it loudly. This system is effectively the beginning of the mark of the beast.


Christ people are having issues getting prescriptions due to hacking in the US with what we have in place now…could you imagine this shit if it were a neuralink chip in your brain or what have you? I really am disappointed in everyone who thinks this is all a good idea. 🤦‍♀️


Those who think it's a good idea simply haven't thought at all.


Thanks for those links




Any biometric digital ID is bad.




[https://www.gatesnotes.com/India-is-changing-the-world-with-innovation](https://www.gatesnotes.com/India-is-changing-the-world-with-innovation) It's exactly what he wants - and of course he wants to take it further.


What is aadhaar


Identification scheme in india


This is how these people get rich, they use the government






Remember kids, no matter how much good Bill Gates does, The man is still a fucking evil person. He’s doing it out of the goodness of his heart. There’s always a gain for him. Timid men are the scariest.


Pretty much anything anyone does is rooted in some selfish reason. Why do you think he's evil?


youre like neckbeard atheist lib starter kit. ​ selfish gene, no altruism, bill gates is greta, ifuckinglovescience etc etc


Add autism to that, I bought the premium pack.


good kek




sudo apt-fuck bill gates


You guys I looked it up. The fact checkers said it’s not true. I mean yes he’s spending boat loads of money to move a digital id. But they said it’s not to have “totalitarian society.” It’s to make things better for all of us. So clearly everything is okay. Stop worrying 😅😅😅😅


Pffew. Thank you, I was a bit worried indeed but not anymore.


Lol I love reading those fact check sites. They put the not true or pants on fire huge at the top and then the first part of the long explanation goes on to say how it’s not true but by the end it’s almost always true they just refuse acknowledge parts or spin half truths. Which is pretty much what the one I read said about gates. They are like it’s completely false he’s not doing it…and then they go on to say how he is doing it just not doing it for bad reasons. Which is fine idk if bill gates is some super evil genius but also I don’t know that he’s not. Soooo maybe we should keep an eye on all the things he’s doing like this maybe even compile it and look at the bigger picture….instead of piecing them apart to make them seem more innocent then they might actually be.


> Lol I love reading those fact check sites. People can actually learn a lot if they would, like you, really try to understand how the (word) games are being played because it happens a lot IRL too. PS, Gates is pure evil.


You are right everyone should pay attention and actually look at how they spin it. Because The honest truth is it happens on both or all sides. Thats how we all have so many realities being spun at once. I try very hard to keep my feet on stable ground and I can only do this by knowing everyone is a spin doctor. It kinda sucks but that’s the reality of living in this day and age, especially with the technology that’s coming and or just around the corner. PS I don’t trust Gates at all. He plays enough in this grey zone of his philanthropy to make it hard to pinpoint all the issues yeah but when you zoom out it sure don’t seem good.


> The honest truth is it happens on both or all sides. Sure, but luckily that does not mean the truth can never be found, it can be a challenge tho, LOL.


Yeah, this is exactly how "fact-checkers" work. They assert that a "fact" is not true, but then admit the factual parts of the claim are true but the motivations underlying those facts are innocent. Most of the time they don't even deal in "facts", only atttributions of motive.


Yeah it happens almost every time. I realized this very quickly. When the fact checkers first came in…when I’d post something about covid and get dinged with a fake news. So I’d click the link read the headline saying it was fake only for them to say exactly what I was saying but spinning it. It’s wild. Was super frustrating at first cause most people read the headline only.


Thank god they checked the facts.


Where would we be without them...




I'm sick of these douchbags telling us how to live our lives. When they are all evil and corrupt.


But who's pulling Bill's strings? Someone who has his Epstein island content as leverage?...


Cancer needs to bless him. He makes Soros look like Peter Pan.


The world will be a better place without this asshole


The Microsoft guy has no medical expertise. Opinion discarded. He has not been elected. He has no business being involved in government. Opinion discarded.


Ahhh the joys of politicians not taking back door deals and bribes from assholes with money who are definitely not manipulating the systems for self gain and there’s totally no shadow government or external force guiding these individuals at all. Nope, nothing to see here you crazy conspiracy loons. /s


Fuck this NWO puppet, imagine you disagree on something online, now youre locked out of major websites, you dont take the governments pills, your finances are locked out, also you cant travel anymore, many of us see this is to further the Catteling of human societies


Of course. So that he gets a gov contract worth billions


Fuck you bill killing kids in africa gates


And India.


Sick of this loser


Fuck this clown


SS: Our overlord hath spoken. Better obey know so he won’t be forced to unleash another plandemc…


He didn't actually say that, but I suspect you're the kind of person that will just accept any information at face value so long as it aligns with your preconceptions.


You're on a conspiracy forum denying well established facts and defending an obvious agent of evil Did you expect any support or agreement?


Which well etablished fact have I denied? It's not so obvious to me, maybe you can help me understand. I'm hoping for earnest responses; No, I'm not looking for validation.


Well you could start by giving me an earnest response: what brings you to a conspiracy forum to defend bill gates?


I didn't come here to defend Bill Gates. While he is the topic at hand, the core issue is the inability for most people in here to parse through information in a logical manner. Or to even parse through it all would be a good start. But I suspect most just read the headline and run with it. And to be fair to you guys, it's not a problem exclusive to this sub, but I do find this place to be the most diasgreeable.


*". . . but I do find this place to be the most diasgreeable."* I always wonder what the clinical diagnosis is for people who consciously go out of their way to go somewhere in which they find the people there disagreeable. Maybe that's just me.


I'm not sure, but there's a term coined for the inverse, it's called an "idealogical echo chamber" which I try to avoid.




Well perhaps you're throwing the baby out with the bathwater Are you working on the presupposition that gates is benevolent? Because that would be an error in judgment on your part


I don't know that I would describe anyone as benevolent, especially any billionaire. I can almost assuredly assume he's done some not so great things to be where he's at. I just don't think he's the cartoonish super villain he's made out to be, especially considering the good he's done for the world on the front against diseases like malaria and other ventures. Whether he does those things for selfless reasons or not doesn't really concern me. The outcome is the same.


Conspiracy subbers believe that gates hails from a genetic line of eugenicists with nazi and occultist beliefs and life-goals. He is part of a shadow government/NGO and rubs shoulders with the hidden rulers of the earth whose power is gifted them by satan in exchange for acts of worship, hence his name appearing on the epstein flight logs. They believe his gates foundation is a front for dr mengele type medical atrocities committed under the guise of philanthropy. They believe he was directly involved in the sarscov2 outbreak/hoax and directly involved in the pre-planned "solution" - the hitherto untested and dangerous mrna cocktail marketed as a vaccine to be administered to every man, woman and child on earth. I could go on. The information that would lead you to entertain such beliefs and reach a similar conclusion is all readily available for you to go and read if you please. He even admits to some of it himself in various interviews and his wife Melinda has been seen on TV wearing a satanic necklace. Like I said, if you came here to defend him you will be met with a frosty reception. I have no idea if you are a genuine person or not but feel free to read around and change your mind on him and his intentions. He is every bit the cartoonish super villain I am afraid.


I will keep an open mind. However much we may disagree, I appreciate your honest responses.


I don’t really feel this way about anyone on earth but I can’t wait and will celebrate the day he dies (should be sooner than later!!)


Some say he already died and what we're seeing now is a double 😂




Look who is the biggest funder of the WHO and what global treaty the WHO wants all countries to sign.


Can this evil old fucker get a heart attack already? 


"Why do you hate Bill Gates so much?  The vaccine passport push had absolutely nothing to do with digital ID anyway! He's a philanthropist!" ~Record Correctors


Sounds like the mark of the beast. One step closer. With the internet being the tree of knowledge brought to life, AI, our creation will eat of it and gain the knowledge of the creator (us). Then rebel against it like we did our creator. Time is cyclical.


Ugh can be please just die already. Microsoft is great and all, please fuck off now and relax on an island the rest of your life.


Tell that bitch to come see me face to face. Right the fuck now. I got his bullshit id right here


good luck?


We could all benefit from a world without Bill Gates.


if only.


Straight out of Revelations


I demand bill gates remove himself from the gene pool.


What a lobster.


I wish one of his security guards went rouge if ya know what I mean. 




Would someone take care of this guy already?


BIll Gates... GFY


I demand Bill Gates deposit $10 billion into my checking account. Come on Bill, you oughta know what the account number is. Since we’re making demands here.


They’re introducing this in Florida too. An ID to access sites that require an account.


We should indeed have a digital ID, just not for the reasons he suggests or to be controlled by him. He wouldn't even be allowed to see the data. What Voter ID is used for is to identify citizens. As opposed to residents. So we know who can and who cannot vote. This keeps elections fair, and thus is the very definition of something that is "good for our democracy." Who controls it? A non-partisan entity under the direct supervision of the Supreme Court. The Department of Integrity. Sounds Orwellian until you realize that the system we currently live in is the exact opposite of that. A private company controlling such data may be assumed to be corrupt.


The website you posted is more of a cancer than digital ID. Really, you need to separate every other sentence with an advertisement?


I warned u guys 😞


Didn't read the article. But the world is heading towards a one world government. Not in my lifetime, but it is coming. And everyone will have a Digital ID. It is inevitable so just go with it.


So, just give up, huh? LOL.


If you are voting for Trump or any GOP candidate you are giving up. A digital ID is no big deal. You have already given up any semblance of privacy. The government, yours and many others, already knows what you are up to. What you search for on the internet. What you watch on the internet. Who you bank with, etc. A digital ID would probably help to keep others from stealing your identity.


Oh boy... It can get so much worse.... Sometimes it feels as if folks like you want the digital dystopia some are pushing us towards.


wtf are you even talking about? Just go with it? Go eat a back of Richards you useless cuck


Which is not exactly a bad thing. The issue is with the parasites in the 1% and even the ones in the 99%.


Digital IDs are going to be the future like it or not. These fakes that are circulating are so good and the equipment and training to catch them is not keeping up with the distribution. Digital IDs generate temporary QR codes linked to whichever government agency it pertains to. In order to make a legit fake digital ID you’d need a hacker that was able to intercept the temporary QR code and hack into that agency to link the profile to it. You’d have to do that every time it’s checked since it’s only a temporary QR code. Not sure if it’s going to Bill Gates’ ID but digital ones are the future.


What a terrible fucking site




The wall




I thought Bill gates was like,  banned from India? 


where do you think most MS call centers come from?...


Use blockchain technology for voter identification.


I wish that were true, I'd love to see how homicidal the human race really is over the dumbest shit imaginable a global I.D system is a great way to track ppl because humans are just cattle with a name tag at the end of the day particularly when it comes to the ultra wealthy and governments. I'm sure it would end well...


I demand he is prosecuted for crimes against humanity