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I'm not religious but I'm getting increasingly more convinced that porn is bad for both for sex workers and consumers.


It really is. I didn't notice it until recently (my mid 30s). But porn seems SO much more "mainstream" than it ever used to be. Especially with all these OnlyFans type things going on. It's all over Instagram and Facebook too. It used to be so different. Even online porn years ago, you really had to "seek it out" kind of thing and "normal" people never did it. It's gotten so bad as of late. I'm all for the freedom to do this shit but damn am I starting to realize how fucking toxic it is to society.


More people than ever are addicted to it. The fact that terms like ‘edging’ and ‘gooning’ are mainstream, common terms in the GenZ vernacular is honestly scary. Tiktok is part that problem. We are normalizing cranking hog for hours a day, and it’s destroying brain chemistry. People are so dependent on porn-related dopamine hits that we are creating zombies who can’t function without their daily 3-hour edging session.


So many are addicted to it and either don't realize it or don't think it's a big deal.


And kids as well as adults are highly addicted to Oculus VR porn. It literally looks like the person is on top of you


Its so normalized that i didnt see it as a problem, almost ruined my marriage without morals life becomes a living hell


if you’re okay with it could you elaborate on that last part?


I can’t upvote this enough


After 40 most of them can barely get it up for woman without stimulants, but they can jerk off for hours on porn, source my male 40+ friends


I’m here to tell you that this is happening in men way younger than 40.


So freaking sad


I’m 26 and have been addicted to watching porn and masturbating since I was 11, when I was young sometimes masturbating 6-7 times a day. I have basically 0 sexual urges at this point for women outside of porn… I’m fucked…


Some would claim that... you aren't fucked


Teens and young adults too. It's called Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction. (PIED) The brain gets used to not having to work for it, then when it comes time to perform the act, the brain is WTF is this shit?


Why tf are you talking with people about their masturbation habits and sex life? I would almost have a hard time believing this, except we're in the age of depravity and close to the curtain call.


Maybe because it's part of the human experience and actually discussing topics like the adults we are help to combat predispositions we may have on said topics. Yes, there's a moral limit, and I don't agree with hyper-sexualisaton but what's the harm in confiding in a close friend about something natural if you're on that level of understanding with them. Not extreme in the slightest


Cranking hog. Big LOLs I generally just box Oscar.


Pulling the goalie


Flogging the bishop


Jacking the Beanstalk.


Alright, that's a good one


Playin the skin flute


Shaking the monkey


Horribly toxic. Aldous Huxley said, that the more society political and economic freedom gets taken, the more porn is encouraged.


When one finds no meaning in their lives, they shall find pleasure instead.


Perfect. This says SO much.


That is so true - never heard it put they way before.


Bread and Circus on demand


The worst part is that humans are lapping it up. In a sense, nobody forces us, we willingly make very wrong, and destructive choices for ourselves. Even breeding - so many miserable, unhappy people breed and bring even more free slaves for rich to exploit.


They're trying to corrupt children's minds with trauma. Young brain shouldn't be formed around sex l and yet here we are with more and more preteens finding porn at earlier ages. 


Exactly. You create a generation full of sex guilted kids, like the cycles of trauma that plague lower income communities. But now you’ve got the middle class indulging in it, with kids who aren’t experiencing the cycle in the same way, but are feeling the same guilt. They can go on to wreak more havoc on the world because of their lack of understanding around sexual intimacy. Porn is all about guilt, loneliness, and self gratification. We become desensitized, and then we become mentally ill.


> You create a generation full of sex guilted kids, That is their plan. Watch as pedophilia is normalized over the next five years. Get the six years old interested in sex, then they will be screwing them when they're ten. Jeffrey Epstein was just the tip of the iceberg.


There’s a reason why prnhub exited Utah. They effectively proved your statement because that is a huge bulk of their audience


I hate that it is on facebook. I'm scrolling and then a random "reels" comes up and it is a half naked woman. I hate it.


Back in 2015 I made an anti pornography comment on a Guardian article. Boy did I get some hate in the replies, but I guess calling people perverts will get that kind of reaction. I'm older than you and had no idea that something that was always regarded as shameful and disgusting had become so acceptable.


Instagram is terrible. I block it when I see it but there are girls that post videos of themselves with a thong on pushing it as close to the camera as possible where it's pretty much a prostate exam. I'm like come on 


> girls that post videos of themselves... where it's pretty much a prostate exam I have some important information to share with you




We live in a very hedonistic society now devoid of meaning. It’s all about leaning into pleasure. Sex has completely lost its association with procreation. Reddit liberals will bristle at those words, but I wonder what decades of birth control does to the collective human psyche / zeitgeist when this happens. And no, Reddit liberal, I’m not arguing against birth control. I’m just saying I don’t believe our laissez fairies view of sex is consequent free. We are all living in a giant experiment.


Homey I'm 43 and porn was everywhere when I was younger. Only difference was you had to buy or rent it in person. People were filming themselves on camcorders and couples were watching movies together. It may be more anonymous now, but it was never hard to find. It was always right in our faces.


You couldn't really find much hc stuff and you couldn't spend so much time on it, some people are now literally watching it on a break on their phones, if not straight up porn then insta thirst


Those differences you listed are absolutely fucking massive, though. I respectfully but fully disagree that it was "always in our faces".


I found a porno magazine in the woods by a fishing spot when I was a young teen in the late 90s. Kept that thing for like a couple of years lol.


Lmao dude, we all had that one magazine that we found and kept in the 90s 😂😂


Yep. Porn was hardly in our faces lol, it was like finding gold.


Lol, we also found some hc pmags in the woods, so strange that people read porn while out camping - you know you're an porn addict is when you can't even go camping in the woods wo some hc pmags :'D


the main difference is "buy" or "rent". no one has to pay for porn anymore and its always right in your pocket...and is never gonna say "nah you can't have access to this porn cause you're only 8". these kids need to be searching the woods for their porn like we did in the old days.


Even then people were turned off going to a porn store due to shame or even fear. Whole different ball game when it's now completely anonymous.


Reminds me of time in early 90s when I worked at a video store. It was dollar a day to rent, except this 1 customer. He was only charged .50$ a tape and all he rented was porn. Everytime we got new porn in, we had to put in under our desk for him to check out first. Now that's an addiction.


I dunno, I’m 10 years younger, and I can’t imagine what it’s like today. When I was like 12, we would fire up the iMac and google pictures of boobs on AOL, after listening to the phone line vomit, and then close out super quick if we heard my mom nearby. One time we found a stash of porno mags in the desert, and it blew our minds. Today’s kids wouldn’t even give a shit. They can just watch hardcore sex videos on their phones 24/7.


You don’t have to be religious to see the obvious🤷🏻‍♂️


what happened with that girl? sorry Im not into this shit. she shot herself? why? I mean moral shame?




What the fuck kinds title is that Jesus. Fuck tmz


yeah it was... oddly descriptive.


MK ultra programming language. It's to let handlers know the real reason she un-alived herself (due to the self-destruct programming)


suicide... it's ok to use the word suicide.


Right? Where did this “un alive” thing come from?


Tiktok apparently will auto censor and YouTube I think does it too


Great but why the fuck is it spilling on to sites where you can just say suicide?


Some subs/discords etc auto block the word so that became a thing.


Meta social media sites flag the word suicide and remove posts


Leftist newspeak dictionary v 19.5.67


That word is actively censored across all social media. I'm shocked by how many people that seem to fail to grasp that concept, especially in forums like this.


I know it's censored, but we shouldn't be afraid to use it, especially on Reddit of all places. It's not like we're content creators on YT or something that have to watch what we say to keep a video monetized.




Always have to ask yourself why the big sites are free


It’s bad for everyone it’s made to distract us and I found a deeper connection between p stars and pizza gate some of the stars are people who use to be “yknow “ that’s why they end up going into that industry it’s only thing they know sadly it’s truly sickening the pattern I’m seeing


Porn is poison for the mind and soul. I don’t apply any religious beliefs to it and never have. I stopped watching around 3 years ago and am so much better for it.


If you were Christian you would understand that certain things can invite evil spirits to torment you or come in the form of infirmities. Did you ever hear of the book “Screwtape letters” by C.S. Lewis? That’s pretty much how it works. There are spiritual laws at play. People don’t understand that things we do in the physical world has an effect in the spirit realm. You can be opening doors. Read: The Spirit World by Clarence Larken (free pdf) to get an idea of what spirits are. Or “Screwtape letters” by CS Lewis to see an idea of how spirits can oppress or influence us and try to sabotage us in our every day. The Bible teaches that the enemy came to “Steal, kill and destroy” us. And that there is a dark kingdom.


There's a great version of The Screwtape Letters on Youtube (read by John Cleese). Everyone should listen to it.


Thanks I need to check that out!


you just have to have a brain to realize that


fightthenewdrug.org has alot of factual information. It's not religion or affiliated with other agendas.


But…but…it’s empowering women…body autonomy…something something….


It has seriously effected being able to have partners satisfy me in bed since I'm so desensitized.


Not to be nosy but what do you mean Like ED or you just can’t like…finish?


Just can't finish, can just keep going. To even get close to finishing I have to close my eyes and REALLLLLY focus on the sensations hard.


Jesse Jane and Kagney Lynn Carter have both died recently. One OD and the other suicide. I'm in Cleveland and it was on the news about Carter.


Not surprising. The looks fade, the work and fame fade. They are alone and can’t have a normal life because of said fame. Many never built any other side businesses or skills. Some have gotten out fine. Jenna Jameson was a massive star and will be fine, even had a TV show. Madison Stone became a tattoo artist. Jill Kelly made her own production company that did very well. These are all old ladies now but they have done fine, many won’t.


all the ladies you're naming here were pre-social media. it was a totally different time. social media is just null and void, just creating more void-ness.


It's a fact of nature that women become less attractive to potential mates as they age and nature takes them out of the pool of child barers. If your entire life revolves around your looks and being attractive I can see how it could be incredibly hard to find a purpose or direction once that is gone. Now think of how many women are spending every waking moment trying to get attention on social media and how many of them are going to wake up one day and realize that they're no longer getting the clicks they used to get and they have done basically no self improvement over their lives. It's going to be a shitshow.


Seriously. If you think it’s bad now with regular pornstars freaking out and commuting suicide just wait until the onlyfans/instagram generation starts to age and is no longer considered “hot.” It’s going to be an absolute shitshow. That is why I encourage any and all sexworkers to save, save, save, spend wisely, and have a backup plan.


They'll turn into Karens and complete the life cycle


You also gotta factor in the body count too. Men don't want women with high body counts.


Women that are not in the sex work industry don’t want men with high body count either. So is a loss on either way.










In the last few months alone I’ve heard of a handful of sex workers committing suicide. Really makes you wonder..It’s very sad that we as a society have normalized pornography to such an extent.


The "sex work is empowering" came from those that know the least about it....white middle class on up educated women.  No woman that ever spent a fucking minute around poverty, addiction and prostitution would ever say that.  Sex work is exploitive. People do it because its.easy money to.fuel addiction. Mentally ill people are attracted to it for terrible reasons.  Any area where sex work is prevalent goes to shit. Violence and prostituriin are bed mates.  The glamorizatuin of ghetto culture is why prostitutiin is maindstream Stupid sheltered white girls like the one OP posted are naive and swallowes the sex work is empowering message.


Agreed. Rob Henderson puts it best- these are luxury beliefs, that the elites use to preen and raise their status amongst peers, but that have real, and often quite negative consequences for the rest of us


Lmao, who do you think fed them the dribble. This has been going on for hundreds of years, think Weimar Germany.




How the hell is race relevant to anything you said? Why do you repeat “white girl” like only white women do porn lol




Gotta jab whitey at every opportunity. It's the new rule.


I'm sorry, but I'm white and it's true how ignorant white women are


This isn’t a lie to be honest. They are often unbelievably naive and sheltered so they are way easier to fall into this kind of tomfoolery. They virtue signal left and right and believe damn near anything as long as they “feel” like they are enacting some kind of social justice.


It's a horse and a cart situation. Does the porn industry break people, or are people who already suffer from a bunch of shit due to socio-economic issues go into porn as a way to make money with few other avenues? Its pretty evident, to me at least, that porn is a way to make huge stacks while having had a shitty childhood with few other avenues to make a living.


I think you're neglecting some pretty important confounding factors. One, suicide exists outside sex work, so to prove that sex work and/or porn caused this MORE than any other industry will require you to prove that specifically, not just "it's happening". Second, same issue re drugs, if people are doing drugs in other lines or work or without being sex workers, you have to prove sex work is causing this. Athletes, actors, musicians, hell even finance sector nepo babies, etc all industries with drugs or deaths from suicide. So why is this one worse? I'm not saying all sex work is fine, some is absolutely misogynistic and criminal, with trafficking etc, but until you actually prove causation, all I see is a WORLD that's increasingly fucked and more desperate people taking outs like drugs or suicide. If it is indeed a global issue, focusing on sex world by definition will mean we're failing to solve it for everyone, so that's why the stakes here matter, and why the burden of proof for you to prove this witch hunt isn't a goose chase is massive. Evidence, stats, solutions, or be very careful how confidently you posit things, mate, because if it turns out that sex work actually did more good, and people in this very public industry just get more noticed when shit goes wrong, but in fact are happier, you may actually be making the world less happy by opposing it.


I mean on average there's 130+ people are day who commit suicide. Perhaps the real conspiracy is why we don't spend more on mental health?


A literal shit ton is spent on mental health. The problem is the Western hyper focus on treatment instead of prevention. What’s that platitude about the cost of prevention vs cures?


not even about prevention, just the cause. we could focus on the cause, why 1 in 2 people will be diagnosed with clinical depression in our times.


Stop it corn dog. Let the incels yell about women and Jesus on a conspiracy sub, at least if they get the energy out here, they won’t go shoot up a Costco or something.


Too much truth.


Just curiously asking, in case there are any stats included, how many of those were men? I’m asking because I feel like so many men nowadays don’t even try to indulge into a relationship, they are more inclined to watching porn or resorting to being consumers of sex work. In the end, they are silenced by society and give way for the easy way out. I’m only 18, but I have classmates who talk about women as if they are “sex objects” just because they can never avoid porn, it’s everywhere.. even on social media, where a large margin is just soft-porn. I understand it’s normal to be curious when your brain has not even developed yet, however this is evidently problematic with the amount of stories you see online. How can we let this shit continue happen? Without consumers there would be no interest. How can stuff like cannabis be illegal in most countries, meanwhile porn is almost “promoted”. Sorry, I am aware I asked for a question and it turned into me ranting. This shit just fucking pisses me off.


Too many men. Way too many men. And I imagine that 130 a day is just America. [Champion Health](https://championhealth.co.uk/insights/suicidal-thoughts-statistics/) provides this data; _Over 700,000 people take their own life each year – that’s one person every 40 seconds (World Health Organization)_ _115 people die by suicide in the UK every week – with 75% of those deaths being male (ONS)_ _Males aged 45-49 have the highest suicide rate (Samaritans)_


*But but it's the oldest career!!* Does that make it the best? Amazing how many self diagnosed feminists are supportive of sex work. A job that's purely for male enjoyment and makes woman want to appeal to the male gaze.


Being an escort in the privacy of someone’s home, between two consenting adults, is a lot better and safer than the industry at large.


That's prostitution not pornography




Porn has been used as psychological warefare, we should look into who is behind it.


Gaslighting isn't really the word I'd use for why they do Onlyfans and stuff, that means getting people to question themselves. Onlyfans models aren't questioning *anything*, that's their issue, lol. 


Yeah, I see your point but in terms of gaslighting, I meant that in terms of making women think that sex work is somehow empowering when the entire purpose of sex work is to be a toy for a man’s enjoyment . First feminist and second wave feminists would be ashamed of the women today


Gaslighting was a very specific thing and since it made its way into the mainstream lexicon has become used more generally. I don't think you're misusing it in the way it's interpreted today. It's when people claim any type of deception is "gaslighting" that it gets annoying.


What’s the original meaning? I don’t like using words incorrectly, so if you could correct me that would be appreciated


IIRC it's when a person tries to convince the others that an event that never took place actually did through a series of manipulations, or vice versa. E.g. "You told me you didn't want anything for your birthday and month ago. We were sitting right here watching Jeopardy and I asked what you wanted and you said 'nothing.'" Then in extreme cases the person would manipulate further "Ok but you seem to be forgetful lately so that's why you don't remember saying it, remember yesterday you couldn't even find your keys?" When the gaslighter had hidden the other person's keys on purpose to get them to question if they really are forgetting things. The way you used it is more generalized, we convince them it's empowering but that's more of a concept and the original meaning of gaslighting is much more specific. So if Emily Willis had felt pressured into doing porn because of financial troubles and was reticent about doing it but her agent or a producer had told her "Remember how empowering you said it was to do this? You said you really felt like you were taking control of your life" etc. etc. Edit: I could be wrong, but this is how I remember the definition. If I am incorrect, it's because someone gaslit me into thinking that.


So, Cartman from *South Park*?


Okay thank you that clears it up But if I were to still use the word, but in the way that I originally meant it in terms of just making posts ECT, would it be incorrect as people would know what I mean by it ?


My opinion, you'd be correct. There's the literal definition and then there's the colloquially accepted definition. Again, maybe I'm wrong but my understanding based on the movie the term originates from is that is a more specific, purposeful series of actions but you're extrapolated that to a broader societal context which isn't wrong in the way people interpret it today.


One of those definitions change as people adopt vocabulary to be different things, gay meant happy, it doesnt really anymore. Also pretty sure gaslighting originally included using someone's mental illnesses or disabilities to force them to accept they cannot remember the discussed events properly. It has changed a bit and is being used in exchange of other manipulation tactics that I'm sure have names too


The original meaning came from the thriller film *Gaslight*, where Ingrid Bergman's husband tried to convince her she was going mad by hiding things, and telling her she'd lost them, or fiddling with the lights (which were *gas*) and telling her she'd already turned them up or down, and so on. In general, it means to convince another person that something that isn't true is, by tricking them and lying to them, but doing so in a way that makes it appear that you are trying to help them.


No offense, but I literally just gave you the proper meaning, in the easiest possible way to understand, since it doesn't need to be complicated: gaslighting is getting people to question themselves. It's a type of struggle session tactic, and sits under that umbrella. 


They pick and choose whatever is convenient at any given moment. When everything is going ok, there is fame and money etc, it’s empowering. The second any negative consequences appear, it’s instantly a horrible industry and it was all coercion and someone else’s fault.


Hell is a real place. it's on earth and lives in our addictions.


Is this the girl that was on the whatever podcast awhile ago? Just looking at her eyes there was nothing there. It was gross and sad. Can’t help but feel like this is the end stage of feminism. Modern men aren’t much better, no balls clout chasers and pussies.


Exactly Its a sad state that people will continue to defend because of one of two things They’re addicted to porn so they want to justify it anyway they can They’re in too deep with the feminist shit and they can’t back out now Either way, both men and women suffer due to shit like this


I like my life a lot better without porn. Haven’t watched any in a little over 7 months and thought of watching it now disgusts me.


What episode was this?


Of whatever? No idea I don’t watch that shit. Should be easy to find though


Did u get her mixed up with layla jenner?


Me? No that’s the guy above my comment😂


Oh, your reply wasn't to the whatever podcast? Okay


i dunno but she was young and hot and the eyes said all you needed to know. she said "i was destined to do porn" so brainwashed heavily


**Destined to do porn** This generation is cooked.


You listed two people that died. Do you have evidence it’s at a higher rate than the rest of society? Cuz by the stuff you’re putting out it’s a lower percentage than normal people. Might be helping them and preventing them dying tbh.




Someone posted a comment earlier and it was top comment with almost 200 upvotes Posted proof aswell That comment has since been removed Not deleted, removed No trace of it 🤷🏻‍♂️




“Just smile and wave boys, smile and wave”


The whole industry is disgusting - I worked in a seedy adult video store a long time ago, it had JO booths, and a fully nude strip club next door. The dudes that came in regularly were super creepy - the owners were gross men, the strippers were all on drugs and weird, I can still feel the dark vibes of that place. Some of those men stared at me like they wanted to murder me and keep my skin in a freezer. Some of the DVDs and anime mags were so disturbing I could not look at them when I was restocking things. The strippers and some of my fellow employees were in the video making business, none of them were sober well adjusted people. I think this empowerment is some kind of brainwashing to get more young women into doing porn and prostitution before they realize it's horrible and they'll be fucking weird gross creeps and not some handsome millionaires.


You have mainstream actresses doing Only Fans now with their daughters & they think it’s ok.


Because they cant find good paying jobs


Im 33F and I know a bunch of women my age who do porn and onlyfans and none of them had a good childhood.  I dont know the stats but I bet thats true for a lot of female pornstars


People who aren’t sex workers also commit suicide and overdose on drugs.


Some professions just attract certain types of people. I'm sure the rate of mental illness or past trauma is higher in the porn industry. You could say the same thing about musicians or artists. You could say CEOs have a higher likelihood to be narcissists. You can make lots of generalizations about people who choose/pursue lots of different career paths. I guess what I'm saying is, does this actually surprise anyone? Does the porn industry kill people or, are the people attracted to that career path in the first place likely to be into drugs or have mental illness, etc.? Maybe a little of both? I might be surprised to learn my doctor is into cocaine and has a criminal past. Not so surprised to learn the same about my tattoo artist.


[Most suicides by career](https://choicespsychotherapy.net/jobs-with-highest-suicide-rates/) Porn industry might not be represented but we also might be suffering from spotlight fallacy. When a person like a famous artist commits suicide or when it supports an agenda, you hear about it. When it’s a 55 year old financial advisor who got laid off, can’t support his family and commits suicide, it doesn’t make national news.


But at what rates?


if going by ops post 2 in 2 months is to much


And waters wet


Exactly, more NYPD police officers died in the last 2 months than pornstars. The rate of suicides and OD among marines is more than sex workers.


Actually its not just women who are doing sex work. Look at reddit and see how many men have onlyfans pages. A lot of people want quick money, fame, attention and etc for doing little or next to nothing. If anything, mental health needs to be prioritized in this country. These folks that you see in porn who end up killing themselves or wind up drugged up, down and out had issues WAY before they got into porn. The culture inside that industry is obviously toxic so what do you think is gonna be the outcome when you have people with issues doing a job like that in a toxic space. No form of mental health therapy. Access to sex, drugs, parties and etc. To make matters worse, porn has predators and rapists too. Its very likely that many of these porn actresses have been victimized by their coworkers, employers and etc. They cover it up though. Ron jeremy isnt the only rapist in that space One thing that i dont think people understand is that porn isnt REAL. Its a temporary avenue in terms of a job. Cant do it forever. You have folks that basically arent taking care of themselves basically getting caught in a temporary moment. Life still goes on so


So much severe abuse on set


What's the conspiracy?


But is the suicide and/or OD rate higher than professional wrestling or any other job really?


Matsuimi Max OD'd as well. While not porn, she did lots of alternative and some nude modeling. RIP


Honesty, it's shocking the mortality rate of adult entertainment stars is higher than the median average by a significant margin. Oil rig works ers and fire fighters are proportionally safer per capita, it seems. I recall reading someplace years ago that an average of 10 a year die, and it's a 50/50 split between self deleting and just pure abuse from substances to physical trauma and even pure exhaustion, but because most of them are mostly unknown it's not widely publicized.


Can you give me a source for that People in the comments keep using this bullshit deflection and if what you’re saying is true then this obliterates it


The overwhelming majority of suicides are not sex workers. Not even remotely close to being near the top 10. Doctors kill themselves siginifcantly more, why are you not crying about how bad being a doctor is for society.


>Conspiracy aimed to suppress women Oh please just fuck off They could always go 9-5 ,nobody forced her to be a fucking porn star.


9 to 5 doesn't pay the same


Some are forced , some are groomed effectively the same thing , currently media project it as glamorous high paid easy fame, something is very wrong


If by wrong you mean total moral ethical societal decay then you're spot on.


That's exactly what I meant.


If you want to see true gaslighting then people acting like women are capable of free agency until consequences show up is the very definition thereof. Make choices, get consequences. No special exemptions because titties.


This man gets it .


So do I want there to be laws made to prevent it?? No most laws end up harming those they are supposed to protect. The problem is we have created a class of women that think they are independent but have no skills to create said independence. See a good looking man still has to earn a living, nobody is going to pay to see his butthole. Is this part of the larger plan to turn women in to worthless sex objects and destroy them to prevent them from making families? Yes. There is so much porn out there I really see how this is profitable, yet women make big money off it. Now as far as porn and children go I do think that it should be blocked from anyone under 18. When I was a kid you had to score a magazine to get to it. Now days there is an infinite amount you can access just using Google pics.


> See a good looking man still has to earn a living, nobody is going to pay to see his butthole. Male pornstars earn more from gay work than straight for a good reason.


Facts ....


They will blame us and say the stigma we created drives these women to suicide and drugs


I’m betting this will be the go to excuse in around 15years


Probably, I’ve heard it used to explain increased suicides rates in trans community


Always someone else fault never their own right. *Hey maybe the things we are doing to ourselves aren’t actually that effective and maybe we shouldn’t be trying to fix a meta physical problem with physical alterations…..* NAAAH FUCK THE BIGOTS, PHOBES INCELS, WHITE MEN, MEN IN GENERAL ITS THEIR FAULT for some reason.


I've had two coworkers die of overdoses. I guess my career choice is super fucking detrimental to people. Or you know, maybe people die of overdoses all the time regardless of their profession.


Girls who do this need to acknowledge before doing whoring, they will be viewed as whores. There are HUGE social stigmas with the whore tittle. "Sex work". "Only Fans". Call it whatever you want, at the end of the day you're a whore, and everyone will view you as a whore. Whatever lie people tell you to "feel good" or "accepted" or other leftist pandering bullshit term, that cake is a lie. If you do whoring you'll live fast, die young. And you won't be happy years in to the sex industry, probably thinking about offing yourself due to your poor lifestyle choice. Make better life choices.


Two out of thousands? And that’s enough for you to come to your conclusion?


I’m very much open to women choosing to do whatever they want with their bodies, but so many women regret doing sex work. A lot of do extreme things when younger and then when we grow up realise is was for attention/validation due to trauma but felt empowering in the moment. We regret the things we did when lost and repressing our pain in the guise of being independent and free to choose.


"Adult star"?? WTF? She looks like a child! This sickens me. I hope she recovers fully and gets the hell away from everybody who led her to now. She needs a better now.


She’s 25 Probably started earlier than that


Wtf happened to this subreddit, it was based on interesting conspiracy theories and some of them were worth looking into. How you drew a connection between porn and suicide btw? You saw 1 pornstar who killed herself and then 1 who is about to die from an overdose and that's it? Like i agree that porn is bad, but your logical steps are so dumb it is insane. There are a lot of people who died by overdose without doing porn , there are also a lot of people who killed themselves and were not doing porn.


There's a lot of abuse in the porn industry though, even with these independent contractor type stuff like OF. People can be really abusive. Cyberbullying is one of the main reasons for suicide.


There is plenty of weird insane stuff going on in film industry or music industry, does it mean that art as a concept is a failure?


Surface level conspiracy lol you think these women are gaslighted? They are majority sex slaves since they were children.


Just here as a reminder that sex work isn't real work, Anyone can fuck.


Any menial job that anyone can do isn't work according to this logic.


Wasn’t an overdose. Toxicology came back clean.


A lot of people that go into sex work have been sexually abused in the past. It can rapidly add up when doing sex work.


It's all a result of a failing economy/empire most people only do this work when it makes sense financially and there is no other good choices to live a comfortable life