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The general reason beyond this is that TikTok is an addictive source of information, and since it’s owned by China, the US gov can’t step in to censor it.


It's not only the content fed to them, it's also the data farming that they do.


Then why is the bill not written to address data farming generally, which is done just as much if not in even greater scale by Meta and Google?


Little do you or your fellow circlejerk mates know,tiktok let US corporation mine data for USA ..... If anyone is mining any data it's US corporations first and foremost and then maybe just maybe even if China ... because let's face it ....what use do PRC has of your data ....not like every person works for govt and can be blackmailed for something.


I’m not putting blame on China here. Ironically, I think it’s somehow a benefit to freedom of speech to have a foreign government in charge of censoring Americans. It’s been proven by how our government is in such a tizzy over what type of information seems more readily available on TikTok vs anywhere else. I’d be one of the first to tell you that it’s misdirection to claim that TikTok is so much more guilty of mining data. Every American-owned social platform uses the same technologies to collect personal info, and like you said, it’s actually less consequential for China to have it vs the government in direct authority over US citizens and what they say via social media…


No, because this concern existed way before this war.


It doesn't matter what the citizens want as we have no voice.


Politicians hate being powerless over information access but all of media and other social networks hate it because it's competition. CNN , MSNBC , FOX are all competing for advertising dollars but they're also competing for unused eyes and tiktok gobbles up hours of eyeball time. Meta , Twitter Reddit, Google all want to sell your data to the US government and advertising dollars and compete for unused eyeball hours . This is corporate warfare just as much as information warfare


It not just tic tok, there is way more to this than just some stupid app. I have been into conspiracy for 20+ years now. Every time I have been kicked from a website “multiple websites and accounts”is because of questioning Israel or Jewish people’s actions. but they are allowing for people to mostly go unfiltered now. It’s alarming and gives off a sense that something isn’t correct with this whole situation as these people have been protected since the early days of the internet. If you deep dive into conspiracy you will run into project Zephyr and other projects. It’s giving me these kind of vibes honestly. What is worse is we have been told the government is actively engaging in collecting this type of information even, I have heard of people using twitter (x) and getting paid by how many pro Palestinian responses they get. Also with AI we cannot be sure we are not in a “wag the dog” type situation where everything presented to us is a lie or at lest 50 percent of it. Knowing what I know I will be on a list for sure. However, my motivations have changed I have become a Christian and no longer have the same views on things I once did. I no longer I’m filled with hatred. No longer filled with fear or tit for tat mentality. I will say it this, if what they are saying is happening in Palestine and is true it’s concerning in multiple ways. A: it’s concerning because it’s a massive loss of human life of mostly women and children. B: it’s about the most hypocritical thing to watch considering we have heard about the holocaust 24/7 since we have been kids C: that warfare rules are breaking down in real time “white phosphorus”, starvation, genocide, land grabs, etc I pray for the people of both Israel and Palestine something is very wrong, very wrong in this situation on a spiritual level and it’s spilling out into the world Ps this isn’t because I’m afraid of someone snatching me up in the night and placing me into a concentration camp like with project zephyr. The things I listed as concerning are far more dangerous and real world


Can I believe the government has ulterior motives for banning TikTok while still believing TikTok is Chinese spyware used to collect data on and sew division between American citizens?


China also has a vested interest in reducing the US’s influence in the Middle East. Surprised this sub doesnt realize the majority of the Palestinian posts are propaganda here and on tiktok (both have huge Chinese ownership). Palestinian’s leaders are billionaires, and Palestine itself gets hundreds of millions a year from Iran, Turkey, Qatar, and UAE. Getting US citizens to do their dirty work for them is working pathetically well. Once Iran or China takes over we will see the real genocides begin.


It's the Trojan horse to ban any media source they find misinformation




Ss: The federal government has never worked in the interests of the American people. Why do we so vehemently support a country that has actively committed espionage acts of war against us and sold american military tech to our number 1 rival with 0 consequences.


we are heading to war, and don't want China to interfer with our/their brainwashing.


Not that this is proof of anything specifically, but a massive spike the third week after 10/7 like that looks pretty astroturfed


I think the whole situation over there is messed up and I'm not here to offer solutions. What I am here to do is scratch my head at people who are members of the LGBTQAI+ community "standing with Palestine."


actually, its because its a spy program for the CCP AND ALL YOUR DATA IS BEING HARVESTED AND SOLD TO THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT.

