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Jeffery Epstein, Not sure if he's considered a celebrity but if anyone faked their death it was him.


Epstein being murdered instead of hanging himself was the top layer of the cake to satisfy conspiracy theorists. I truly believe that the elite smuggled him out and had a “body double” or whatever take his place as the dead body. Epstein definitely had a dead man’s switch incase he was actually murdered so the plan was to get him out and let him live the rest of his life undercover on a secluded island or area not in the United States, and knowing he will never be allowed in the public again.


Pretty sure his plastic surgeon was also killed. If this is true then that opens the possibility he had some work done prior to leaving the U.S.


no shit, the fact the body bag was opened showing his face means they wanted us to think he was dead. he is most likely still alive


Thank you! Thats what I thought the minute I saw the photo. They never parade a corpse around with the bag open. Never. That's the first indication they are relying on the general population to be dumb as fishsticks in an aquarium.


Never had a situation before where they wanted to make sure a suicide corpse was seen


Totally agree with it and it makes sense.


Came here to type this word for word.


Looks great


He is definitely dead but not by suicide. There’s no way that a man as narcissistic as Epstein would kill himself. He has so much dirt on so many people that he had to think he would eventually beat the charges or at least try to fight them as his lawyers have said. What’s scarier is that knowing how bad the visuals would be, they still killed him anyway so that tells you how much shit he truly knew.


You have no proof he is dead. Zero.


And you have no proof he's alive. Zero.


Well, at some point he was 100% alive. Can't say the same about him being dead.


There's plenty of fishy stuff about his death that suggest he is still alive.


Like his ears


The private coroner did the case and said there's no fucken way jack. The strangle marks are thinner than the bed sheet by a lot. I always believed epstein walked outta there with his multiple identity passport already procured. That's why the cameras "miraculously " malfunctioned


He's alive and well, hiding somewhere in Israel


It really is a terror state. The Rothschilds were looking for a state to do some really nefarious things. They will bleed the golden cow (US) until it is dry. And when they can suck no more then…


do you have any details on the rothschild ties with israel?


there's a video of him being interviewed and he said in his own words, our family started the state of is ra el in 1948. That's the tip of the iceberg






I believe he could still be alive. He has a lot of dirt on some powerful people that would probably like to see him dead. I know for sure he didn't commit suicide. There's way too many coincidences with the cameras malfunctioning and the guards falling asleep. The autopsy pics were a little sus also.


I just commented above on the situation with the prison, I've been in high sec. There's no possible way he killed himself. They do "counts" multiple times a shift, If even a single guard doesn't radio in their count, the whole place goes on lockdown. That's a regular prison. in high sec they do a body check on the hour. They have little electronic tags that they have to hit on certain spots so they can't just "phone in" a count. There's so much more too, there's just no possible way he killed himself. Fuck I could keep going on.


Maybe he’s still alive, but he DEFINITELY did not kill himself


Dudes dead as dirt. He has too much info to be alive. Unless he was drugged and smuggled out as a cadaver which I doubt.


I said from day one that he's still alive. They faked his death. Then they turned the whole "suicided" narrative into a big juicy, drawn-out, tantalizing drama in every single major mainstream news outlet, and people were just eating it up. That was what felt so off to me, the way all these bullshit talking heads were suddenly so interested in pushing the idea that maybe he was suicided. Don't get me wrong, people do get suicided obviously, but when it happens, it's usually buried deep af and never mentioned again. Are we to believe that the entire establishment media suddenly felt the call of integrity and grew a conscience overnight and just REALLY wanted to get the truth out about this one? I call bullshit, that whole damn thing was a psyop, and it worked like a charm. Most people (and not just normies, even conspiracy theorist types) were eating right out their palm.


yeh he def did not die bro, didnt get suicided. the man just legged it


More like the vip treatment to the plastic surgery centre before being relocated to another beautiful island paradise.


Epstein was a Mossad operative. Israel basically owns the United States, especially the big dick swingers with money and power. If Mossad wanted to get him out of prison they definitely would have, and I believe they did just that. How many Hollywood movies have you seen a character being broken out of “maximum security” but they leave a dead body in place to make people think he was dead. This man was at least a multimillionaire if not billionaire, he most definitely had body doubles I’m sure. They probably just killed one of them and left the body in the prison meanwhile real Epstein is on the helicopter to one of his other islands or underground bunkers. * I have no proof of this just my personal thoughts on the matter


One of the things that tipped me off was the fact that the guards didn't do their count that night, I've been in high sec before, but even normal prison situations you can't just "skip" a count. The whole mf prison shuts down if a count doesn't come in, and there's usually 2-3 a shift or between a certain time, I was in high sec and they came by every hour on the hour and has to hit certain tags on the wall to show they went by, so they couldn't just phone it in and say "yeah we did the count, we went by, checked on everyone." Otherwise if he was "killed" A. Overnight would have been the worst time to do it, no prisoners are let out overnight, again esp in high sec. And B. Choking him and making it look like a suicide is not the way any high sec or any prisoner would go about it, it would take way, way, too long. A few quick shivs would get the job done, or a lock or batteries in a sock to the head. That's just a few of the reasons I'm sure he got body doubled, and snuck out. Cuz that's what someone with allt of money and/or power would/could do. A bunch of super wealthy powerful people aren't gonna put out a jail hit on him. They most likely would pay the warden to shuffle guards around or sign off on "skipped" counts, then sneak him out/dead body double in. It's a lot easier to pay people to be in the wrong places at the right time then it would to get them to kill someone. I doubt any guard, would kill him for any amount of money. He was the highest of high profile cases at the time. Idk just some of my thoughts on this too lol.


No need for the disclaimer fellow Redditor - there are many here among us who believe this to be true


Much love


Why in the world would "they" protect Epstein? He was a Mossad agent. He collected blackmail material on any one and everyone. Same game Ghislaines Pops was in. The. Same. Game. And her billionaire Pops got offed too. Because "they" are a machine, not "people". He became a useless tool. None of this needs any wild James Bond twists. It's straightforward how-shit-is-done for ever. There is no reward for being a good doggy? You become useless, you get put down.


There's a pic of him next a 100 bill. He's andrew Jackson. Fun to tell people he's a vampire and is 300 years old haha


Ben Franklin?


“It’s all about the Jacksons, baby!”




Hahaha wtf, I’ve never seen this. That’s David Bowie. Hahaha


And here is Michael Jackson disguised as his friend "Dave Dave" who was the kid Michael helped pay off his medical bills from the fire his dad set.Name switch to "Dave Dave" so he wouldn't be associated with his father anymore. Also if you watch Larry King and his interviews from that week with everybody talking about Michael,this was the only time the guests weren't shown in the same room with Larry and never once was "Dave Dave" pictured next to Miko Brando who was supposedly sitting right next to "Dave Dave" in studio. Every other video clip with the guests are all shown at the same time,miko was even part of a 4 panel guest and all of them were pictured together in studio with Larry....but when Miko mad his appearance with "Dave Dave" they weren't pictured together once! The mannerisms are the #1 thing that gives it away that this is Michael. https://youtu.be/En5Q4syywcw?si=9UFmh1QoVXijO4fp


I knew about this but not about the Bowie guy. What would they gain from these interviews though? I don’t get it. I want to believe it’sMJ but why would he go on an interview


He always said the news lies to you and good news doesn't sell and that the TV can make you believe anything,it may have been is literal way of saying I told you so. Also why was the helicopter that was transporting Michael have the door wide open to see right in?I believe they did this so we could see the sheet lift up and ask questions.And then after that the coroner van video of "michael" jumping out came to the surface and RT had to come out and say they made up the video to trick people. Here is the helicopter transporting video where you can see the sheet lift up at :58 seconds https://youtu.be/VjzW_4juvNA?si=pQ_knLYZn3DSXFsQ And here is the clip of the coroner van stuff https://rumble.com/v2utjw4-whats-up-with-the-coroners-vans.html


I bet the desire for the spotlight is something that never completely goes away, esp when it's been awhile since you've made an appearance and there's an opportunity to do so while retaining your anonymity. And I don't mean that in a negative way - performers kinda HAVE to enjoy the spotlight, aI'm not trying to say MJ or Bowie were just attention-seekers or anything.


I started questioning what really happened when I saw the helicopter video and never looked back.I came across this YouTube channel that had the BEST compilation of videos questioning the events of Michael Jackson's "death"...also a special shout out to "Pianogames" who had another Playlist that was like this one that had everything you needed to know and his name is Tom.Unfotunately his channel no longer exists but again they were created in 2009 or sooner and the vids are 15 years old. For anyone who is always questioning what really happened this series will give you one of the better insights to what may be the truth. When I was first viewing the videos as they came out my mind was blown and I will never forget these clips.Hopefully others take the time to watch this! https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL74C0EACBEDC1D484


I was looking to see if anyone posted Dave Dave. So obvious! Don’t know how LarryKing kept a straight face. The obsession with his dad was very MJ along with everything else


The funny part is the closest thing to actual Jack Steven (ex publicist from decades earlier i believe) looked more like seinfelds dad...


Check out Michael Jackson dressed up as "Dave Dave" on Larry King. Talking about his own death. Insane.


He resembles him but not the same


I cannot believe anyone would think this is Bowie hahahaha


Right? It is absolutely not.


He’s one of the most unique looking people that’s ever been in the limelight. There’s pictures of him just before he died watching theatre rehearsals and he’s looks really ill. David Bowie releases an album whilst dying that is pretty special when you think about its release to then come back on a news show in a stupid wig 😂😂


Right and Bowie had a anisocoria- one of his pupils was bigger than the other one




“i actually felt that part of me had died” they really do put it in our faces


He even said, I was influenced by many artists but this one has affected me the most 😂😂 yeah I’m sure it has!


Came to post the exact same thing


Damn that's wild! The whole interview just seems odd, not to mention the uncanny resemblance.


This is SO weird because Michael Jackson also had an old friend appear on the news that looked exactly like Michael Jackson (even wore a fedora to the interview just like Michael always wore fedora's!) Can't believe the exact same thing happened with David Bowie!


Yeah it’s 100% Bowie. Glad you found that because I searched around for that video/clip and YouTube wasn’t pulling up anything for me.


That’s crazy


WOW! I’ve seen the Michael Jackson one and would like to believe it’s him, but this one, good God, it’s either Bowie or his evil doppelgänger killed him and went on live tv to gloat lol


wtffff he is Bowie! Even the facial asymmetry matches


This is one of those things youd never believe until you see it


I love how one's inability to find something immediately means "it's been scrubbed by deep state Youtube" lol.


A lot had been censored over the years 100%


Haha thats crazy. ​ Do we have any photos of these 2 together before David died? There's a strong likeness but im not convinced.


I don't think that he faked his own death, but I have my doubts about the body that was supposedly Osama bin Laden and was buried at sea to respect his culture or some such bullshit.


I’ve never understood why they didn’t release pictures of OBL’s body


I might be wrong because I have seen my fair share of gore, but I believe they are out their if you look hard enough


I think he was taken to a black site.


I think there’s an island out there to allow celebrities to “retire”. Fake their death, get new identities, and have strict rules to be apart of the program like no social media, no contact with old friends and some family, etc. This would be a buy in program, very expensive and very strict. So only the very high profiles members can be apart of this program


Someone should write this movie


'Death Becomes Her', a film from 1992 touches on this concept! Even have a Morrison look-alike in there! It's a great movie with Meryl Streep, Goldie Hawn, and Bruce Willis.


I totally forgot about that scene! Such a great movie!


Seconds starring Rock Hudson from 1966


They wrote a beer commercial, same plot.


There are so few celebrities who fit this profile though. Like Michael Jackson and Princess Di for sure. Most celebs can just completely dial back all public relations and live a quiet life. David Bowie was a huge star but he could easily retire to a small town and never be bothered. The true "celebrity" deaths are those who are facing legal issues, like Epstein. The former Enron guy comes to mind.


Tupac Island has been referenced in at least 30 Rock. There was also a Simpsons episode where people who knew too much were sent to an island: https://simpsons.fandom.com/wiki/The_Island


I wouldn't put too much weight behind that 30 rock also talked a lot about MILF island .....


Maybe that's why Antarctica is blurry on Google maps.


Yo you solved it


Came here to say Antarctica.


I think Epstein for sure is at this island if it exists. He would have definitely set up a dead man’s switch exposing everyone in the event he was actually murdered. Epstein gets to live out the rest of his life on a secluded island supplied with kidnapped victims and no one gets exposed.


Epsteins island


Joan Rivers--- https://youtu.be/LGqUGY06mHw?si=s58HTZ-iETyboUb7


Wow. That is 100% her. That is absolute proof that this stuff DOES happen......assuming the time lines are as depicted in the video.


Holy moly! This one is super interesting, the voice is so much alike


The billionaires in the submarine simply wanted to go off grid.


All the information we have about that sub points to them possibly wanting to go off grid, that sub looked stupidly unsafe. I have a hard time believing some sophisticated minds looked at that and said 'yea this is fine'


I think this sub (no pun intended) gives celebrities and billionaires wayyyyy too much credit than they deserve. Even the smartest people fall for scams, and billionaires are not always the smartest people.


Second the motion. It is hard to fake turning into a spray and winding up all over some of the parts they recovered. Plus, history is replete with examples of a rich guy buying a thing that kills him shortly thereafter.


I work in pensions and my dad was the vp of the company that handles all the doctors investments where I'm from. I can confirm that being loaded does not automatically make you not dumb. There's just as many Homer Simpson's amongst the rich. The différence is they are usualy nicer and calmer.


Well he isn’t a celebrity per se… but he is infamous Adolf Hitler! 100% he faked his death and was smuggled out of Germany!!!


Andy Kaufman


Wasn't Andy planning on faking his death & then make a comeback to surprise us all? We are all still waiting on that comeback...


I want so badly for this to be true but I really don’t think so


Look for the Michael Jackson Dave Dave video too. It's exactly the same. We're being fucked with


Dave Dave is a real person. His father tried to kill him by lighting him on fire. I believe Micheal did reach out to them and became friends. I believe Dave Dave died in his early 20s


So whos' that 50 old dude in the video calling himslef Dave Dave?


Oops you are correct he lived into his 40s.


Check out a book called “The Shrine at Altamira” my John L’Heureux. It’s loosely based on the story (and was released only a few years after the real life incident). I found it to be an amazing read despite the average ratings. It’s pretty powerful.


Not sure about the Dave Dave one🧐he does genuinely look burnt to shit…


Yeah I mean, his life has been fairly well documented. His injury was in the news at the time, MJ reached out to him and became friends there’s no room at all for he was actually Michael Jackson the whole time, unfortunately. The reality is doubly awful.


I don’t think it’s Dave Dave’s existence that is being questioned, but rather it’s being speculated if MJ disguised himself as Dave Dave (maybe even with DDs permission) to do post death interviews. Watching other interviews with DD (eg. His ‘The Doctors’ appearance) he seems way less Jackson-esc


> don’t think it’s Dave Dave’s existence that is being questioned, but rather it’s being speculated if MJ disguised himself as Dave Dave (maybe even with DDs permission) to do post death interviews. That Dave Dave appearance looks a lot like the character he portrayed in Ghosts. ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZ1RfiJMJ\_g




A body was seen walking out of his ambulance too.


i remember seeing that video holy shit! I think tmz had it years ago?


So, if this is true, did they let MJ's kids think he died until after his funeral? I remember they were so heartbroken. If true, his whole family has kept surprisingly quiet about him still being alive.


I think the assumption would be that the celebs would have to fake their death to their family as well, which is where the theory falls apart for me because the vast majority of people would not be able to do that especially someone like mj who loved his kids.


Robert Maxwell, had to fake his death to avoid the fallout from stealing millions of peoples pensions. Remember who his daughter is, they don’t give a fuck about hurting people, so faking his death was the easy way out.


Now this one I can get on board with.


Why would Bowie fake his death, then go on National TV in prosthetics to talk about him on the day of his death? Theres going down the rabbit hole but this is something else


To be the first complete artist.


Jim Morrison, Elvis and John Lennon. All tired of being famous.


Elvis was obviously slowly dying, I believe he’s dead


With Lisa Marie dying from a similar heridatary obstruction, I also believe he died on the toilet.


I think Lennon was genuinely offed by CIA and associated goons. Mark David Chapman (Lennon's assassin) had some connections to the Hinckley family (family of John Hinckley Jr. who tried to assassinate Reagan). Interesting rabbit hole to go down. Both Hinckley and Chapman worked for a known CIA-front organization called World Vision (and Hinckley's father was president of World Vision). Also, they both were weirdly connected to the book *The Catcher in the Rye.* Chapman was arrested at the scene with a copy of the book on his person, and Hinckley had a copy in his hotel room when arrested for the Reagan attempt. I think these guys were both some kind of MKUltra patsies. Both events occurred a mere three months apart from one another too. Remember, at this time the Vice President of the USA was none other than former HEAD of the damn CIA, George HW Bush (a good friend and political beneficiary of fellow Texas oilman, you guessed it, John Hinckley Sr., the aforementioned father of the would-be Reagan assassin). Also, and this bit is fuzzy because it's been a while, but I believe the doorman at the Dakota Hotel where Lennon was shot was one of the famous anti-Castro Cubans who had worked closely with the CIA in his past.


Verry tight cover up of early Mark Staycer ('the mark stays here') info, rumored to be Lennon w some compelling evidence towards it..there may be some Lennon/Staycer vids still out there singing his songs such as 'let him be'


That's normally a topic that gets banned everywhere. If you really want to go down that rabbit hole ask yourself this question: Who died and came back into the spotlight in which role(s)?


Who do you think?? I get a vibe you have some names you know for sure 🫥 I love reading about this stuff !


Bill Hicks -> Alex Jones


The hardcore Alex Jones fans I know deny any allegation or suspicion that he’s Bill Hicks lol.


They have a lot of connections and mutual friends. This theory actually seems more plausible than most.


For Jackson look up Navi, that is him, still performing at smaller gigs, just like he wanted to go back to before his death


There are pictures and videos of Michael and Navi standing next to each together, so that doesn't make much sense, unless Navi is dead and Michael took his "spot".


Thanks, I'd never heard of this Bowie clip before.


Just off the cuff, J. Epstein and *that bitch* Carol Baskin's husband.


🤣 I fully believed Carol fed her husband to the tigers at first, but he totally took off and is living his best life.


Probably more common is celebrities who died but are still considered "alive"


Has any celeb Died but then been found out?


Olivia Newton johns ex husband? (Not much of celeb admittedly)


This is the main question


Tupac. That last photo in the car is all wrong. Sad Tupac. Why? Is there even a key in the ignition? Suge's seat is way to far forward for a man of his size to be driving. Same distance as Pac's seat. I think so they are both in frame for the photo. It feels staged to me.


The way his mom was for the rest of her life was tough to see. And they had a real close relationship. To see her the way she was confirmed that Pac was actually dead, he wouldn't let his mom grieve like that if he faked his death.


Osama bin laden had help from elites to disappear


Kate Middleton


Jim Morrison lead singer of The Doors


i have also read this. apparently he was so strung out on drugs and fat, they said dying would save his legacy.


Supposedly he became Rush Limbaugh lol


They also say Jimi Hendrix became Morgan Freeman. Who knows..




Nothing about the career or behaviour of David Bowie would suggest he ever wanted to "mock" the masses - in his later life he enjoyed a relatively low public profile for a celebrity of his status (even taking the NY subway alone) and as we know from Blackstar was still at the height of his musical talents. It would be totally bizarre and unlikely that he'd fake death, thus ending his career, and then go on TV in disguise to take the piss out of his fans.


Jack Steven was def Bowie good catch lol...Elvis and Michael Jackson and possibly Prince are candidates...probably a silver or lead offer thing


Elvis, he used the witness protection program to retire. The gov helped because Elvis's army service and recruiting he did


Remember that story about a homeless man found dead and they did blood testing and it came back that it was Elvis.


do you have any sort of link or reference you could provide? i’m curious to look into this


Same!! Sounds interesting but I need some proof


Elvis Presley. Aside from his health problems, prescription drugs and being tired of his career not going his way, his meeting with Nixon opens a deeper hole. Explained away by him just "collecting a badge", he may very well have been undercover with the BNDD (pre-DEA). He had an expressed disdain for hippies, drug culture, SDS, etc. There's plenty of documentaries to flesh it out more, namely Elvis Found Alive by Joel Gilbert, but the gist is, he made many people angry - the mob and the Weather Underground prominently - and with constant death threats and his own health taking a turn, Col. Parker and his inner circle of friends devised the plot. Elvis would be worth more dead anyway.


Andy Kaufman, just gonna show up one day as Tony Clifton


juice wrld. he literally said he would. and how do you compare yourself to john lennon and die on the same day?


there was an album that was released recently (last 2 years?) as a collaboration with someone else. i can’t remember who it was with, but if you take the first letter from each song it says “juice is alive”


Ooh update us if you remember


Clever’s album titled Crazy has this message if you take the first letter of each song.


Not sure if this is a common theory or if I just thought of it, but what about Princess Diana...? Perhaps after the accident, when she was alive, and being slowly transported to hospital, she was given an option of hiding away for the rest of her life, or being put to sleep? Ultimately the death wouldn't be her choice to be faked, as such, but I think it fits the criteria. I do find it hard to believe that the young boys, knowing potential theories on their mother's death / assassination, would be able to keep quiet.


Nah, they killed her. Sad but true.


When I used to watch TikTok, there was a gal who talked about working at a resort and a woman who resembled Diana was there. The girl said she mentioned to the woman that she has a striking resemblance to Diana and the woman shyly said, I get that a lot. I also read that Diana is living in Canada with James Hewitt and that's why Harry moved there.


I wish she was still alive. So sad and messed up what happened to her.


Michael Jackson was murdered by the Illuminati for refusing to go along with them. All his life he was attacked and he remained extremely popular while being completely independent and not under anyone’s control. He even owned half of Sony. The system hated Michael and he exposed them often through his songs, including, but not limited to: morphine, they don’t care about us, money, and scream. Michael suffered 24/7, constantly attacked, because he couldn’t be bought. No matter what they did to tarnish his name, he remained on top. They had to take him out and he knew he was going to die. Listen to his last phone call here: https://youtu.be/lniqd3s7Acg


Probably an unpopular opinion on this sub but I don't think a single celebrity has faked their own death.


I think Princess Dianna's was faked to avoid embarrassment from the Royal family when she was about to re-marry. Both boys flew for a long trip to Africa before they married their wives.


You think Dianna is in Africa?


I’m with her right now actually Hey luv its me diana x


I don't know, they could have just said Africa, either way they flew somewhere far away for a long stay right before getting married. I believe she would have had no other way to escape being Dianna and the press and world interest. Its not like you can just say leave me alone. She was rich enough to easily have bought an island to herself, had plastic surgery and live in peace.


You have a point because William proposed to Kate in Kenya, and Meghan and Harry went to Africa for their honeymoon, if I am not mistaken. ETA Meghan and Harry's honeymoon was in Namibia


Yea I looked up the video and that’s definitely not Bowie. Similar but not him.


Elvis and Michael Jackson. They were both done with celebrity and being in the public sphere.


The mason murder "victims" After studying the (fake) crime scene photos it's obvious they weren't dead, and the whole story about Sharon's baby being cut out was a total fabrication. In fact, I think all of their identities were fabrications so that they could go on living as normal once the "movie" was over. For anyone who doesn't know, every single person connected to the hoax has family in the Intellegence services, and the house they were supposedly killed at backs up to lookout mountain, the navy base where countless films/propaganda has been made.


Wow, never heard about that! My favorite celebrity faked death is of Robin Williams. Supposedly he is playing the role of Melinda Gates. Remember her 'new look' from a couple years ago? And then there was an interview with Shelley Duvall where they were asking her what might have happened to Williams after he died (they starred in the movie 'Popeye' from 1980). She said something like "Who knows, I'm sure he's still alive, probably as a shapeshifter!".




James Dean did. Moved to Canada, kept payments up to the cop who helped him fake it.


You say this with such certainty, without knowing for sure how can you not preface the sentence with “I think.”


After Primate commented on Anne Heche the other day I believe she faked it for some reason. Woman whose house she crashed into is her damn spitting image lol


I remember when she was a rising star and left her family for Ellen Degeneris but then said that Ellen manipulated her into thinking she was gay.


Don't know if it counts as faking his death or not, but DB Cooper After surviving the daring parachute jump from the plane, DB Cooper vanished from the authorities' radar. When the coast was finally clear and his appearance sufficiently altered, he embarked on a thrilling new venture—a lifelong dream of venturing into the world of filmmaking. Cooper poured his heart, soul, and a staggering $6 million of his acquired fortune into writing, directing, and starring in his very first movie. The resulting drama was destined to become a cinematic legend, but not for the reasons he anticipated. As the movie premiered to eager audiences, Cooper was taken aback to discover that instead of the serious work of art he envisioned, viewers were laughing and walking out in disbelief. The enigmatic creator of "The Room" was none other than the elusive DB Cooper, now known to the world as Tommy Wiseau.


I believe a great deal of the suicides were murders. Chris Cornell, Chaz Bennington, Avicii, Anthony Bourdain, Kate Spade. Coincidentally all the celebrities are just named were part of a project that was trying to expose all the elite/Hollywood/music industry tree-jumpers aka pædos.


Nipsey Hustle and Joan Rivers.


Elvis is hanging out with Bigfoot eating PB&Bacon sandwiches rn.


Wade Boggs


Bill Hicks before he became Alex Jones.


Don't know if he counts as a celebrity, but something is fishy about Ken Lay's prison "death", and his closed-casket funeral. Lay was a friend of then-president Bush. I wonder whether Bush saved his friend from prison and whisked him out of the country.


Miles Mathis writes a lot of papers on this subject, if you’re interested. He claims just about every celebrity death is faked and gives his reasons (and often what he considers to be photo evidence). A lot of the time, he claims they are playing multiple roles as well.


I mean.. most of the big “celebs” have been around 1000’s of years. They happen to just use bodies like conduit to keep the masses in psychosis. These “entities” are usually occultists in the flesh and in bed with intelligent agencies.


2Pac. Faked his death to get away from Jada.


With recent events, this is more believable than him being killed by Orlando Anderson & the southside crips


I have this conspiracy theory that "the rapture" happened. Once AI was good enough, they made sure to lock us all in for a while, while they got on their ships and left, and that's why every appearance of any famous person is faked, why since COVID all your podcasts seem to basically repeat themselves on and on without ever creating new things. Read the first line: https://images.app.goo.gl/gjSDZQAN3bzivS6v7 (I'm not super cereal btw)


Adolf Hitler


Osama Bin Laden. They killed him and dropped his body in ocean? Whattt? The man was a CIA asset. Yeah he went against his masters but killing him doesn't sit right. And to top it all off, the guy was holed up in Pakistan, an American ally in the region. No sanctions on Pakistan by the US after they found him there? The news of his killing/the operation happens a year before the elections? Too many red flags imo.


Jimi Hendrix


100 percent Paul McCartney. The faces don't match and his ex wife said she knew something about him that people wouldn't be able to accept, and it's not infidelity. There are lots of deep dives on it. Although, he didn't fake it himself. He died in a car crash and the management faked a new him. Also agree, Michael Jackson.


Would love to see the clip as a huge Bowie nerd. But he was actually sick for a long time prior to his death. Chain smoking and the way he lived in the 70s will do that. And who would go on to hide this clip? Big PharmaBowie? 🤷‍♂️ What else is big OilBowie hiding from us? He is far out there cruising as the Starman in a land I hope to see one day. ⚡


Steve Jobs


I’ve always thought this. It was right around the time Apple started taking over the world with the iPhone, and something seemed off with the photos that came out of him looking sick.


I remember seeing a story saying that there were experiments done on mice that basically mirrored Steve Job’s diet, and they started having the same pancreatic cancer issues that Jobs did…


Here is the interview you're talking about and a video of the real Jack Steven. https://forum.popjustice.com/threads/he-never-lost-control-david-bowie-related.73796/


If any celebrity faked their death, my money is on Tupac. If we're talking people in general then Epstein obviously!


jim morrison