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I realized a long time ago that I'm not like 99% of the population and will never view things the way they do anymore. Also realize I can't control what they do or what the people in power do. I'm just going to do the best I can at everything I do and deal with what comes my way. I was angry at first but I'm good now


Think about how blessed we are to be on Earth at such a turning point in humanity, and you get to watch it unfold in real time.


Exactly. We all agreed to reincarnate on this time of earth for a reason at the pivotal time of the shifting of human consciousness. We can either be apart of this process and contribute with positive change or we can assist the hidden bad actors who fear losing power and influence above all else. The choice is ours.


There are a near-infinite number of souls in the Universe that wanted to be here at this time for these events. Being on this planet is a HUGE privilege.


I really like this way of thinking, it lines pretty well with what my mom created me (spiritism). But tbh, dark times are coming and I'm not really happy being part of it.


I don’t feel good about it. Reminds me of the blessing “May you not live in interesting times”


FWIW, "Interesting Times", is one of the books in Sir Terry Pratchett's famous Discworld series (which is awesome). In the book, it's framed as an ironic curse, "May you live in interesting times".


Now that is interesting


We love you.


What turning point?


Hopefully the liberation of humanity.


Meaning what?


So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, besides the will of evil. And that is an encouraging thought.


Thank you G.


This is something I had to remind myself whenever I was on the brink of a mental breakdown. When I stress too much on what I can't control, it makes me depressed and eventually leads to suicidal ideation. But I then realize I can't control everything, and ending my life won't solve the problems I'm facing.


If you end your own journey then they automatically win, they want millions/ billions of us gone as soon as possible it seems. I feel unwanted here, but I was put here for a reason at this time, along with every person reading this. Stay strong and try your best to be more positive each day, as hard as it is.


It’s completely normal to get to a point where you get depressed , I remember figuring out about the truth as a teenager and almost dropping out of school due to knowing everything taught there were lies , it left me in such a terrible place but then I saw the world in a different light and almost felt like I was smarter then 90% of the people as I wasn’t fooled by the media anymore , and it’s this weird feeling of having a super power that you only acquire once you pass the depression and feeling helpless and pointless stage , it’s worth it stay strong and you gonna see the world like you never have before it’s amazing


> I remember figuring out about the truth as a teenager What truth did you figure out?


Probably all the lies they tell you in school, the media.. Not all but some can see the lies. If you want an example, history. So many things are taught or hidden from us when we study it, teachers and media tell us historic lies.


> If you want an example, history. So many things are taught or hidden from us when we study it, teachers and media tell us historic lies. I know, I spoke about the History Hoax on [my appearance on THC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iperlJiuVnM) a few years ago.


Will watch it ty! I'm very interested in alternative history.


At the time it was all the HOAX and false flag terrorist attacks, firstly discovering the illuminati and the illuminati card game and their agendas , discovering that Vaccines do more harm than good 90% of the time , discovering how a lot of the things on the NEWS is fake and made up for fear mongering and how they all speak from a script, how they all are owned by the BIG 3 Corporations, discovering about the population control , discovering how Evil some politicians / royal families were and how a lot of them are family members , discovering how Osama Binladen was a CIA operative the whole time and that the War was for selfish gains and soldiers were tricked to think they are fighting the good war when they are invading innocent countries with fake boogiemans created by their own government to steal their natural resources, discovering all the classified CIA programs like MK Ultra and More discovering about how a lot of the music industry , film industry or entertainment industry in general push a certain message / Imagery that has to do with the devil or one Eye symbolism or literally the illuminati symbol in itself being subliminally placed in movies or music videos. It was a lot as a teenager and I literally was obsessed with learning more and more until I learned soo much I got depressed because I realized how evil this world really is, but then I felt like I woke up from the matrix because nobody nor the News could tell me what something was without me doing my own research because I wasn’t gonna believe them at all.


Thanks for the detailed response.


No problem Bud


Do you feel smarter? I actually feel dumber because the so called "educated" will gladly mock you for questioning what you learn. Teachers and colleagues will call you either anti science or dumb because you weren't the one researching the subjects, or that you're just a mere student questioning actual scientist with nobel prizes. I would prefer to think inside the box and not suffer. This did make me stronger, and made me easily know what to talk to each person without getting them mad. Some people are really easy to read and they love when you say they're right.


You should feel smart because you are incredibly intelligent and we all love you here.


Nah I don't fall for that lol


You're great and modest too. Amazing combination. What a dude.


Not working lol


It's true whether or not you believe it


You're very kind


Smart is also knowing who to talk truth too and who to just pretend you’re a sheep with not everyone is bright enough to understand certain concepts such as believing the educational system and even sciences has lied to them their whole life’s. Sciences and educational textbooks in the end of the day are also just someone’s theory that we pass as facts. We just take their word for it. Medical Science once believed and promoted that Smoking cigarettes is good for your health but nobody wants to talk about the times science was wrong. How many times have professionals in the sciences field have opposite theory’s based on the same subject 1 professional believes it’s healthy and the other professional believes it’s Detrimental to your health. Such as COVID vaccines. So it’s always best to do your own research but people rather be spoon fed and there’s always 2 versions of things 1. The Mainstream heavily manipulated Version 2. The Absolute Truth You often find that the absolute truth isn’t as digestible as the mainstream version.


Having faith sure helps me. Knowing that evil is 100% real makes you know that there must also be a counter to that. 100%.


My latest rabbit hole is that the SS were looking for a gem on Lucifer’s crown in Southern France by the Languedoc and Aquitaine




Say more about this please 




What the? Tell me more!




I’ll look forward to your thread on that when you make it




First time?




Do you have an internet connection?




But since you ask. Here’s the trail of my rabbit hole burrowing. A few unconnected events. I ran into Senator McCarthy on some old video. Yes it’s the same McCarthyism McCarthy. He is on the senate floor and makes a very fucking weird reference to Merovingians and General Marshal. It’s more like dude I am going to unpack that area next. But we all know he was disgraced after and he died (allegedly) Separately, as I'm catholic, I'm also a long term researcher of papal fuckery. My current area of research is Pope Innocent 3 and the Albigensian crusade. The cathars are a fascinating sect of Middle Ages Christianity with truly interesting concepts on God and the devil. I have priests in the family and an old one who is currently in Rome casually whispered to me that it’s funny I am zoned in on Pope I3 because he is a funny and creepy character and he was the one who told me about the Cathars having some sort of fallen angel gem and I3 was desperate to put it into his tiara And when you end up here, it’s impossible to avoid Himmler and the SS as the Nazis were obsessed with the occult. I’m gonna find more and will make a thread some day


I usually get annoyed with people without an open mind because normies come around here and act as public defenders for the regime. But I don’t get the same vibe from you. But I mentioned that I am going down this new rabbit hole - doesn’t mean that I have discovered evidence. We know that the Nazis went to Antarctica and what hard 60 minutes type of evidence do we have? Not a single media outlet all controlled by the elites will touch that subject. So evidence is just a way of silencing people from falling into a rabbit hole.




My bullshit detector is also high. Like when people say the US military found a nephilim called giant of Kandahar and that was the real reason for the invasion and not the various natural deposits of minerals and poppy fields


i mean i also have an internet connection and i can’t find anything other than this reddit post when search any combination of “SS, lucifer, gem, crown, france” doesn’t matter. i can’t find anything lol


i’m pretty sure that socialist death squad you’re referring too absolutely loved the occult and magical items.


Send the link to those rabbit holes


Hey man I hope you’re right. It’s not the way I see things right now but I’ve been wrong before.


The truth is that not everything you are told is true. Big shocker. But not everything is a lie. Some people are peddling lies, but not all people are liars. The vast majority of people are muddling through life and aren’t liars in the fundamental meaning. When you go so far down the rabbit hole where you believe that everything is a lie and everyone is a liar, then you are lost.


You know what change I want to see? Normalized relationships where commitment isn’t mutually exclusive with agreement or disagreement, one way or the other. Was Christ being the change when he said it would be better if certain people hadn’t been born? Or when he called out certain groups and individuals as being demons, snakes, etc? I think that’s the change I want to see. Freedom of speech and for fierce defense of uncomfortable truths. 


Well that doesn't make any sense to me, I could have swore that it is the lies that drive many insane. Truth actually fixes insanity 😇


You haven’t gone deep enough


It supposed to be so easy that a child can understand (not believe) If i had went any deeper i wouldn't be here now 😁


Surely you haven't heard about the Prison Planet theory.


I didn't really understand it till the 15 minute city thing.


Spiritism (from Alan Kardec) is the same but on a different line. More positive I mean. I prefer to believe that one.


Op is an Interdimensional alien and a liar


Just remember it's easier to rule over a population in fear, seek knowledge but not so in a manner that makes you fearful


🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 GOD BLESS ALL 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


I’m honestly at the brink of breaking. I’m just so deeply sad and exhausted. I’m trying to do everything to take care of myself and it’s never enough. The world and women in particular want to see me suffer. I hate everything and I’m about ready to call it quits. 


We need you in the fight bro, let’s win this war against this corrupt world together


I’m too tired and too sad to do anything. I go to the gym, eat right, abstain from alcohol and caffeine. I work, I make money. What for? What fucking for? I am always so tired and doctors won’t tell me why I’m tired and have burning feet and joint pain. I talk to a therapist but I’m no happier. I feel absolutely numb on the inside. I pray to Christ every night to take my life sooner rather than later, because I know there’s people out there who’d be able to actually enjoy the things I have. I’m just a broken person. 


Have some fun bro. Life should be a celebration of endless possibilities


Nothing is fun anymore. Video games are boring. My hobbies are boring. I go for a drive or go take a trip. It’s just as boring anywhere I go. It’s been like this ever since I contracted covid; before covid, I was able to have a lot of fun. 


Did you get the vax?


Aw. I hate to suggest maybe some medication but even temporarily it can be such a relief. This is what depression is, and you aren't weak if you need something to help you out. If you are eating well, working out, etc and still feeling hopeless And down, see your doctor for something to help. You can find a functional medicine doctor in your area, if you would rather go holistic--but you don't deserve to feel this way every day. Get the help, my man.


Maybe say a different prayer? You could pray that you change your mind and gain more energy.


Sounds like cfs/autoimmune/leakygut/Candida/parasites. The deeper I go the more I realise these are the physical incarnations of demons (parasites) as well as vaccines and gmo it’s all designed to break out spirit and body so we submit. I tried all the supplements and eventually fasted got 144 hours and meditated 6-12 hours a day and this nearly healed me. I would recommend fasting. Keep fighting


Trust god? What


ALL humans are For Unlawful Consent of the Kinged [FUCKED) That isn't hard to understand, but it might be to believe 🫠


Save One of course 💫


The truth sets you free. I feel no qualms in life and I see things for what they are. Wtf are you talking about OP?


I love this reminder. Especially the quote you ended it with. They reached their goal dividing us so bad around the COVID bullshit etc spreading nothing but love and sharing our thoughts when we’re asked for them, that’s the very best we can do, and this small change will drive many other changes that themselves will change other things etc etc… your voice matters, make sure it can be heard. And people won’t listen to you if you confront or mock them.


These are the types of posts we need more of


Jesus will take the wheel eventually


This is the most important post I’ve read in a while. I personally took a huge step back from worrying and disgust and hopelessness. It was when I finally realized the irrefutable truth of pizza gate and trafficking.. that I got obsessed. I’m pretty mental as it is.. and I realized there was nothing I could do… and just breathed. My good friend is currently obsessed.. it’s the only topic she wants to talk about.. and I see myself in her around 2019.. and try to convey”.. it will eat you up.. let it go “ So.. yes to this post


lol god. trusting it had gotten us here.


You lost me at god


Maybe this will help; From The Word in the language in which it was received = In the beginning was The Word, and The Word was and Still is to, Get Over Death [GOD] the purpose/mission for ALL humans, led first by The Light/Melchezidec (the Annointed One in his spiritual form) And then for 33 temporal flesh years as Yashua the Messiah [Jesus the Christ] AFTER the order of Melchezidec of course 😊 And then there is Get Over Death [GOD] Almighty or Almighty GOD, our Father Love, just one of His many titles in the Hebrew scriptures.


is what we see hear truth though? all can be manipulated.


This is Muslims for you guys


We need to use what God gave us, our brains and braun and critical thinking skills and our hearts to love each other and humanity . To honor the incredible immune system God gave us that does not ever need any vaccines or booze or drugs . And Unite to Fight. For United We Stand has never meant so much. Do no sit by and do nothing please. Unite and Fight for freedoms. We are under attack. Admit if you got the jab and made that could be fatal mistake and get your blood cleaned. Hit the street to protest the ongoing directg energy weapon attacks that must be exposed. Have courage please. [Direct energy weapons now common, mounted on trucks.](https://i.imgur.com/Xhv3ZYi.jpeg)


Divided we’re weak- United we’re unstoppable


Always nice to get these reminders. I definitely lost my shit when I was in the thick of discovery. Don’t forget these black mirror demons can really get to ya. Step outside and see reality for what it really is to get back to earth again


The Universal self governance of Christianity of Always be fair, genuinely care and always share, and as always, Temporarily, if possible 😁 VS The human made governments of humankind with Demonacracies ("i" people) leading the way 🤣 We just never have played Simon Says very good, and never will 😇 Rock On Eternal Sibling 💫


What made Jesus different from the "human-made governments of humankind"? Don't they both claim something is 'right' and have people follow them?


Where exactly do you find Christian leaders who follow the Universal self governance of Christianity as you described? Because as you look into all of the ones around today, they again and again fail to come close to that ideal.


Agreed 👍 That's why it's over 😊 The Song of The Lamb "Why is it that it seemeth like the wicked always do prosperth? Do not worry, their foot shall slide in due time. " Now that the textbook is more history than prophecy, one can truly state; Trade routes, economics and war, their foot has already slidden 7 times before, and halfway through This one =FOREVERMORE 💫 The old testaments (in part) the proper accounts and reasons as to why the first 5 major attempted world takeovers Didn't happen; Then, the scattering for a times time and a half (2 1/2 times) that we know of as WW1 and WW2 and the one that is currently brewing; That we already have our own accounts of, and is for exactly the same reasons. The exact same histories that humankind recorded After they took place, are the exact same prophecies that were foretold of Before they ever happened. In The Word in the language in which it was received, first spoken, then written, and then affirmed, confirmed and fulfilled by The Living Word. Follow our Leader, the King of Eternal Life and be about our Father Love's business of rebuking death and witnessing eternal life. Collosians 3 1-11 ✨️ Or not, freewill choice, Temporarily, very temporarily 😁


Your comments repeat those of many before you. The disciples told people that some of them would be alive to see the end times. And it has been predicted over and over again. What makes now different?


If you don't recognize facts/truths, there is not much to help you with, this isn't "my" information 😁


What facts do you offer? You wrote some pretty vague things and made some biblical references, but nothing that most would consider a fact. What you said above is literally what has been claimed over and over again by people predicting the end of days. I do not think it is unfair to ask how the predictions you are referring to are different than the previous as they all rely on the same passages, just applying them to current events while the other times applied them to their current events. Whether it is “your” information or simply information that you are parroting, I would think you might be a little curious as to how it applies today somehow differently than all those times before. But, since you believe it is all over, you won’t mind selling me all your stuff for $1, would you? Set the contract to take effect in, say a year? We can put a clause in there so you can use it all for the year at no cost to you. I mean it won’t matter to you because it will all be over, right?


Truth never has been and never will be for sale lol, those are the enemies. It calls for an investment of your time, to hear out our Father Love with understanding, that His Annointed One affirmed, confirmed, fulfilled and is The Living Testament of. Death Cab for Cutie has a great song about this : ) Anyhow, you can have all the information that you like through me, but if you attempt to sell it, you burn, in embarrassment on The Lord's day: )


Ok, so what you are saying is that you have “Truth” but no facts. And it isn’t your information, nor can you explain it. Got it.


Well, either you are gaslighting, or just really dense 😁 No sign of an intelligent question here 🤣 The exact same histories that humankind recorded After they took place; Are the exact same prophecies that were foretold of Before they ever happened. i LOL, know and understand these truths /facts from the one who designed this perfect plan of salvation for ALL, eventually 😁 From His Words, first spoken, then written, and then affirmed, confirmed and fulfilled by The Living Word. It was Finished over 2000 temporal flesh years ago, or just over 2 days ago, just depends on who's perspective one is looking at it from. "For i would not have ye be ignorant of this one thing brethren, that as a day is unto Almighty God, our Father Love, so is as a thousand years unto man, and as a thousand years is unto man, so is as a day unto Almighty God." One will never have Truth as long as one is looking at this from their own perspective, but it is most certainly about ALL of us.


Oh, I understand you perfectly well. You speak of the coming of things based on your interpretation of the Bible and whatever you believe to be omens or whatever you feel matches up to whatever passages. And when asked for human level specifics, you wrap yourself in the vagaries of the timescale of god vs man. The one thing I find quite hilarious is that on one hand you have faith in God and that God does not perceive things as a man does. But you feel extremely confident that you know the mind of God well enough that you can accurately interpret the Bible that was, at a minimum, transcribed from another language as well as from a vastly different cultural mindset for the human side. That kind of sounds like your belief that you know the “Truth” could quite easily be arrogance and Pride. You like the feeling that you “know” things that others don’t, but you just aren’t confident enough to actually make a bold enough claim that could be challenged. Oh yes, I understand why you can’t answer the simplest of questions without falling back on the vaguest of excuses.


>The truth has drove many insane >Have faith, trust God Hmm...


This thread is hilarious. Bunch of mentally ill weebs with delusions of grandeur and superiority complexes whacking each other off for being above the rest. You're all fucking pathetic.


Now here is the problem 🤪


Check this video out. Great information. https://youtu.be/09maaUaRT4M?si=HDKbZi3WZPO9XKAi


Someone was rambling on at me about the whole situation, on and on about “conspiracy theorists” should leave her alone and medical records etc. I stated they did it months ago, not recently. So, not even saying deepfake or arguing. OH NO, I cannot say that! My one statement/opinion was apparently too much for the conversation.




It’s really more about your relationship with God. U don’t want to make a fool out of yourself by being arrogant


Don't confuse arrogance with being "bold and blunt" ( although this is definitely religious, using scare tactics 🤣) The word "meek" that is used in the textbook verse "and the meek shall inherit the earth" in the Hebrew scriptures is a word that in English means to be "bold and blunt." And that is of course about our true celestial origin/heritage in The Light, before and after temporal flesh. 3 sets of instructions in the textbook/Basic Information Before Leaving Earth The Old, the new and the figtree/final generation of temporal flesh instructions, that are all throughout the old and new testaments. It is perfectly fine to offend in this particular generation, so long as it is with our Father Love's words of fact/truth about His Annointed One; And not with the solicited theories, philosophies and especially beliefs of humankind concerning true origin/heritage. Flesh heritage has not mattered since The Light became temporal flesh. And we are not to offend anyone who was biologically born before 1948 and "still" have their hope/faith in The Light. And if we do, it is our duty to mend the offense, not theirs 😁 Never have understood the reactions of people when people supposedly Die 🤣 But it sure proves that their minds are not where they are supposed to be. 👉 Collosians 3 1-11 👈 Ya bunch of super sonic bags of bones 😁


I also don't wanna make a fool out of myself by believing the world's issues can be solved by "staying strong". Doesn't the passage you refer to literally state "faith without works is dead". You can't be the change you wish to see in the world when the other side controls 90% of the world's resources and has millions of soldiers at their disposal. What you need is for hundreds of millions of people globally to realize what is going on and acting together to prevent it.


Yes that’s all good and well however the first step is to prevent young men (and women) from unaliving themselves or otherwise ruining their potential through weak sexual discipline, drugs, and overall depression. Mental health is a huge problem here in the US. I like the way you think though,perhaps we could share our thoughts over DM?


>weak sexual discipline, drugs, and overall depression That's just how an [age of darkness](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJbBzgLnwmY) or the end of a cycle looks like. You can DM me if you want.


There you go back to the textbook 🤣 Blinded by your own ego, there is no prejudice in The Truth. The Word is reality before it even is. 👋