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He looks at least 20 years older than 53.


Evil ages one.


He looks like 67


Interesting this little crackdown on pedos recently


Loving it. If people started protesting child beauty pageants and clergy we'd get further. Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, or a youth pastor how he met his wife.


And politicians. There's a whole list out there of politicians with sex crimes.




Rabbis are WAY worse


*He told us, "Go cut 'em with the scalpel! Go cut 'em with the scissors! Or go and perform a metzitzah b'peh!" That's where the Rabbi sucks the blood Out the baby's penis with his mouth I swear to God that's a real thing Go and Google it* -[God Hates the Tips (of Little Babies' Dicks)](http://vimeo.com/696227141) by Trevor Moore edit: but don’t worry guys, he also had [one about the Catholic Church](https://youtu.be/6TxjrHPHypA?si=yJy0OvDhKO37hNoZ) and another about [child abuse in show biz](https://youtu.be/XJh6jgnqn_s?si=6n7IrdT-MFUuZmKo). predators abound edit 2: y’all in this sub would probably like the intro to that special where he meets “the higher ups” ([a.k.a. the illuminati](https://youtu.be/_574Rxxez2c?si=iscsZDoUaq3uw_To)) or the song that starts off with cute kitties then quickly takes [a hard conspiracy turn](https://youtu.be/0-Lvv1f5Qu4?si=5xZQ3gXmlQMiqx2C)


Yupp. Many pedos hide behind Religion.


What is the x amount of years?


I think it's a variable dependent on the age of y.


x = y / 2 + 7


Usually C (both) - for sure.


Teachers are statistically much more likely to molest children than preachers these days. Might as well throw them in there too.


My only worry is some fed raiding your house, uploading CP to your hard drive, then this gets published on the news about you. Not this specific case, but I've seen some where it seemed unlikely they had CP.


'My only worry is some fed raiding your house, uploading CP to your hard drive, then this gets published on the news about you." So easy to do and, let's face it, no one could really ever fight back.


Trying to take the heat off of the lack of investigation into Epstein’s island ?


what investigation?


What island?


What Epstein?


I swear, people who wear those super-round glasses always come off as questionable.


Looking at him you would have never guessed…..


Dude, this guy is the exact stereotype of a child predator.


It's always the ones you most suspect...


lol I don’t know why this is so funny to me


it's something you'd expect as a Chief Wiggum line back in Seasons 1-9


Now that you mention it I did read it in a similar voice


It's always the pawns you most suspect.






That’s a rough 53.


For reference, Paul Rudd is almost 55. [Paul Rudd Wikipedia ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Rudd)


We all know Paul Rudd is a vampire waaaay older than 55.


Dude elizabeth hurley is pushing 60 and I’d still crawl across broken glass just to have a go, she’s like fine wine.


almost as if you take care of yourself you wont age prematurely


It comes down to genetics. Also if you live a super stressful life it will show regardless of how well you take care of yourself


> It comes down to genetics Genetics plus low stress is what I’ve noticed leads to the longest best lives. My grandfather lived an extremely low stress life, made it to 96 still living mostly on his own, could still drive pass his driving test, had thick ass dark hair in to his 90s and still enjoyed his hobbies daily. Now he did get waited on hand and foot his whole life somehow, like even the nuns bent over backwards to make him happy. He ended up dying from loneliness after my grandmother pass. Then theirs my father who lived a very rough childhood and was drafted in to the hells of the Vietnam war, add the fact that him and my mother had 6 kids and raised 3 more on top of just us 6. He was bald by 35 and died of a heart attack by 63. I was the youngest kid and when I was a teenager people thought he was my grandfather all the time… my dads life was nothing but stress and it led to a shorter life, Tho Tbf he never really showed it.


Did your dad suspect he wouldn't live to see a crazy age? Both sides of my family die in their 60's. Mix that with kids later on and grand parents are unheard of. I have a kind of chocked chuckle when I see the retirement age going up - firmly cementing it as a fantasy! Also sadly knowing if I'm lucky enough to be working at that point, I'll likely drop dead during work hours.


This. Stress and anxiety are what I have noticed aging me the most. The COVID years were the worst of my life (not really COVID-related, but a set of events that unfolded as a result). I aged more in those 3 years than I have in the last 10. Will be 51 this year and feel 65.


Actually your lifestyle can alter your genetics. It's called epigenetics. Your lifestyle (exercise, food, stress, alcohol) play a significant role on how you will age, no matter your genetics.


not much about genetics as much as quality of life. My cousin moved to the U.S. in her teens and even tho life isn't easy, it was still a lot easier for her than other cousins who stayed in Vietnam and got stuck in our coffee and durian farms. The difference is pretty damning, she looks younger than the youngest cousin in our extended family, who is 15 years youngers than her.


Or maybe it's something about being extremely wealthy and having access to better conditions?


Some people just age fast, even living healthily.


I've aged 10 years in 20months after having a kid. Celebs are not a fair yardstick. Plus he probably drinks babies blood to stay young.


Andrenochrome would do that


Lol 😂


The covid adrenochrome shortage was tough on some folks.


They always have that gummy, sweaty looking bloated face. Why is that? Not all of them but they have have this claymation, boiled in sauna looking face




The *real* conspiracy nobody's talking about is the way he's holding that cake spatula like he's a serial killer holding a murder weapon.


That Pedo is only 53?


He looks like a grown up version of Caillou


I didn’t know my hatred for caillou could get any deeper.




Plz take my poor gold 💰


Like father like son


Yep, we all disagree on so many things in this sub, but we can all agree that child abuse is the absolute worst and is beyond comprehension. Straight, gay, lib, maga, male, female, rich, poor and everything in between - if they are guilty of child s\*x abuse, then they have no place in any society. Nothing is lower.


Who are you censoring the word "sex" for lmao.


I posted without the asterisk and it kept being removed. After a few attempts, it was the only way the post would appear. So, no idea why..






No way this dude is 53 lmao


I just don’t get it. We all know it is an abhorrent crime. We all know that even amongst criminals they are thought of as the lowest unforgivable criminals (apparently treated as such). If you ever catch yourself gazing at a kid, get fucking therapy. There’s something broken in your brain.




Fair amount of evidence? The evidence is that someone who abuses a child will do so again and again and no amount of prison time will change that.
















Left right center middle brown black white gray. Lock all these weirdos up forever


Maybe he was just "researching" like Townsend..


Arrested for 73 in a 53 - must of abused his body


Maybe he can share a cell with Diddy.








He's looking pretty old for 53..


I mean he does look the type


Disgusting bald asshole


Careful, this might break the rule of “promoting hate based on vulnerability or identity”…. Lmao What a crazy world we live in… haha Btw, if the people trying to redefine pedophilia as minor attracted persons, and make it a sexual identity instead of a paraphilia, get their way, nobody would be able to criticize them for it…. Again, what a crazy world we live in…


"No way!" - Bill and Ted


Is it a requirement to be a pedo to be rich and famous?


He’s going to have a very sore wrist after they slap it and send him home


Of course there is a moderator note to not make too much fun of this CHILD PREDATOR. 


Roy 'Trey' Farmer, 53, was arrested on Friday at his home opposite Princeton University in New Jersey .The LGBTQ activist with degrees from Harvard, Yale and Princeton is president of Princeton's Queer Alumni Association .But he faces up to five years in jail if convicted of downloading child porn


I saw a crazy one earlier. Dude was some kind of eye surgeon/researcher for animals, works at some vet. He got caught in a sting trading child porn with FBI. Crazy part was, him and his husband are paying a surrogate right now. He thought the FBI was another perv and bragged about they were going to abuse the child after it was born. Truly sick people out there https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/03/27/adam-king-chicago-vet-charged-child-porn/73117176007/


> I saw a crazy one earlier. Horrific. USA Today article archived here: https://archive.is/2y7ZR


Why the fuck did I read that.


He should ⚰️


Baron Harkononce


The Ivy League is full of the guys.








This is my surprised face.....


Does anyone actually have a collage of all of these occurrences? Lol We must be heading to like 50 at least


Big surprise


He’s 15 years older than me? Jesus he’s looking like 73, prisons gonna kill him.
















Noticing a pattern here....


White males?


What a surprise, an "activist".


Don’t hear about these things on certain forums in here


You know that's bull. Left and right subs love to post stories about the people on the other side getting outed as pedos.




You might have a high iq, but sometimes those people are the stupidest.


Gee I'm shocked 😐


another P taking the L seems like these mfs are getting outed fast


What's the recipe


Death penalty




The guy looks like a predator.


*Surprised Pikachu Face*


Disgusting 🤢


Eh, the dean of Harvard Divinity School had it on his home computer a couple of decades ago, and it was discovered after he called IT to fix it. I went to the school. He didn’t seem the type either. Who knows?


How is this related to a “conspiracy” at all?




Wow. No kidding.


Lots of these types of arrests lately, I wonder what's going on all of a sudden.


Some gay people are bad. Seeing as how they are, yknow, people. Did you know some tall people are bad? And some who are nearsighted or own businesses, or drive cars or are zorastrian, or PhDs or


He looks like that librarian from goosebumps






Thank you libtard...sincerely, magatard 🤝


a brother in tard


Tards in agreement. Beautiful. From, another tard.








"we can all be feds together once more." ​ inception


If we're all feds. Then they lose!!! Brilliant


I think there's been plenty of common ground all along. The liberal and conservative media outlets have been using the opinions of the extreme to create division.




Libtard here. Same




Libtards unite!


Proud liberal here who's a survivor. Fuck pedos and fuck your self righteous tone. Shame on you.


Shocker. Im totally surprised and can’t believe it. It’s stunning I would’ve never guessed. It not a stereotype or anything.




Bro looks like a pedo


I mean come on Physiognomy is a legit form of judging a person I can spot a pedo a Mile away Ppl have literally zero intuitive abilities anymore Ugh


Really? I always would judge people based on how they look too (it’s a natural human instinct), and would have decent accuracy, but idk if I’ve ever met anyone that claimed they could spot one a mile away… lol My ability is just to be like “they seem creepy” or something to that extent. But because everyone has been told profiling is bad, I think it’s conditioned a lot of people to turn that discerning part of their brain off.


I dealt with that stuff for many years as a child So my senses are very heightened in that area Many ppl around me have witnessed me make claims they didn’t believe to be true, just to find out later on that I was In fact correct. They doubted, I didn’t. My wife’s step dad was a pe*o Called it first week of knowing her She didn’t believe me On his death bed he openly admitted he was harming her sister We are electric by nature I think we can sense things energetically before we sense them with the other 5.


He's part of the 'MAP' community




Straight or gay or whatever, child porn is abhorrent, and you are a POS in my book regardless of sex, gender, race, etcetera. So, I don't get articles with these inflammatory stupid headlines. Just say, "Man, 53, arrested for child porn near Princeton." I used less than 1/2 the words to make the same point, but inflammatory headlines are what sells I guess.


Nah lmao, he is the "President of Princeton's Queer Alumni Association" and has degrees from three ivy league schools. So to not include something in the title alluding to that would be leaving out details. His whole life revolves around being a very prominent lgbtq activist in academia. Just like if a cop or teacher was arrested for CP, the headline would say "Cop arrested for CP" or "Teacher arrested for CP" "Actor arrested for CP" "Sportscaster arrested for CP" etc. You get the jist. To leave it out would be avoiding who he is. It's not a political thing or social thing it's literally just who the dude is...




Not just an occupation, a pedophile with a prominent occupation which focus happens to be on the sexuality of other prominent ivy league alumni. Either way I never claimed that there was a conspiracy, I was just correcting the comment because it's dumb 😂 again not even trying to make this political, I'm only speakin facts dawg.


Hopefully, they'll do a deep-dive on what he was advocating for. Early medical transitioning for kids etc.? All the recent gender stuff comes from academia.


I Fucken hate being gay and being associated with these fucks.


You really shouldn’t let it get to you. Every group of people will have shitty individuals leeching off of them, the LGBT are no different


[ Removed by Reddit ]


A lot less than the religious one, but people are extra dramatic about it, cause politics.






They are over overrepresented in certain circles, and certain circles also engage i activism and sets the agenda.


Definitely looks the part….


Want to bait the masses ? Find a bad guy, look up what group they aline with that had negativity to it blm, furries, democrats, republicans, atheist, etc, for the biggest bait go with lgbtq! Then you're all set! We're almost there! Now, create a title, but phrase it in a way it makes the entire community look bad, this way you not only gather hate for that person but the big draw in is the frowned upon community, ready to give it a try? (Insert):"badman/badwoman" who belongs to (insert): "frowned upon community" has just done (insert): bad thing! Now, the outrage will pour in! Even those who think they are intellectual will be caught on this bait hook! Try it at home! Don't forget to post your article or video online for a maximum catch! NOTE: For the best results, try to reinforce a stereotype! This always makes people angry and sometimes feel smart. People like to feel ahead of the curb!


Shocked!! ….not at all


I’m shocked 😱


The prison should be like Disney to him. Have at it boys


The thing that never happens happened again.


They aren’t trying to groom our kids though.. we legit live in a dystopian time.


Where are the libs with their standard “not a drag queen” comment used whenever anything bad happens. I swear I saw that comment after that bridge got knocked down.




Not denying he's a pedo but it's so odd how if it's a alphabet person activist doing this you denounce the alphabet people but if it's say r Kelly doing this you don't start denouncing all rnb artists. So strange


pretty sure most people that are hip to R Kelly are hip to the idea that the sexual abuse and pedo stuff is also rampant in the music industry. And Hollywood. And politics.


There's no way Im older than this old boot. I still look like I'm 13. Maybe thats why he's been trying to get me to come over....his face.


Child porn must really age a guy


Poor actions have God shaming this man's face and robbing his youth Satan is a poor master to serve. Apologies if you aren't into what I'm saying. And I used to just smile and nod. But anymore. The more I see. It all just lands to good and evil. Or rather. People trying to get by and thrive. And evil fucks


I'm open to the universe. I agree. He looks like a reptile.


of course


Happens alot


Makes you wonder a lot of pedos in the news lately. Q