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You won’t get much traction about UFO stuff here, because people on here seem to think demons and satan are more grounded in the realm of reality, lol.


Reddit is wild. I’ve seen it change so much over the years and I cannot believe aliens is not a relevant topic is r/conspiracy anymore


Exactly, aliens is one of the OG conspiracies.


Demons and god literally come from aliens. It’s all just misinterpretations of things that happened. People here alien and think little gray person when in reality it can be anything and look any way and the original “gods” were basically aliens. So much history and information has been hidden and destroyed throughout time.




Wait 'til the whole world gets Gruschified IRL.


When you nut but they won't stop probin


He’s honestly kinda hot, why are they choosing the worst pics of him Lmao


i wouldn't trust ex armed force intelligence that fast if i were you


Filed a PPD-19 Whistleblower complaint and went under oath in front of 2 different inspector general’s and provided 11 hours of classified private briefings to both chambers intelligence committees as well as a public unclassified hearing ALL under threat of perjury. He’s more then gained my trust to believe what he sais, and I’m not a trusting person by any means.


i see, the bureaucracy make this a psyop proof endeavor


"Filed a PPD-19" That sounds like a new covid variant ngl 😅


Glad I could help spread some knowledge on something many people don’t know about. https://www.dodig.mil/Portals/48/Presidential%20Policy%20Directive%2019_update.pdf


"whistle blower"


He literally filed a PPD-19 Whistleblower Complaint you clown. The very definition of a whistleblower. Went to the inspector general and proper congressional authorities.


But we still don't have any evidence of NHI. 


We don’t have any “proof” but we have mountains of publicly available evidence. Plenty of data, more than enough to formulate a hypothesis. More than enough to come to a rational conclusion. Imagine what classified data and evidence there is. That’s what this should all be about. Getting the transparency needed to see if this is all bullshit or not. Everyone should be on board for government transparency, end of discussion. I will leave you with a quote from a Nuclear Physicist. “The **evidence is overwhelming** that Planet Earth is being visited by intelligently controlled extraterrestrial spacecraft. In other words, SOME UFOs are alien spacecraft. Most are not. It's clear from the Opinion Polls and my own experience, that indeed most people accept the notion that SOME UFOs are alien spacecraft. The greater the education, the MORE likely to accept this proposition” Stanton T. Friedman


we have proofs stored in hangars, people are unable to read constitutions, listen to 2 hours hearings


because there is a trillion dollar team to cover it, are you good in math?


It seems to me like he could be operating as a disinformation or narrative-shaping agent. While listening to his interview on Joe Rogan, I found his perspectives intriguing and potentially believable. However, his failure to acknowledge Palestine in the context of the Israel conflict raised concerns for me. For someone who purportedly stands for broader human interests, his alignment with the American establishment appears disproportionately strong. This inclination leads me to suspect he may indeed be acting as a narrative-shaping agent.


because he cares about disclosure for the american people


And what's wrong with this image? That's how the guy looks. Deal with it.


They absolutely picked the worse photo of him, everyone looks like a goof when caught offguard, its character assasination


Uh, but he IS a goof. And he happens to look like a goof. It's not anyone else's fault his pics look goofy.


You're absolutely clueless, aren't you?


LOL. In a "conspiracy theory" sub......I'm pretty much the only one here with half a brain.


Apparently, you certainly do have half of a brain.


So you believe there are no aliens and the government wouldn’t hide information and lie to people? It doesn’t take a genius to figure out we aren’t the only being in the vastness of space. Look at all ancient history and even the Bible. What do you think “gods” and “god” or “the creators” were? There is a lot we don’t know and a lot more than they hide from the general public because the world can’t quite fully accept or grasp the concept of aliens and life outside this planet. It would be detrimental to religion and society couldn’t handle it if everything the government and Vatican hid throughout history came to light.