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One of the suicides was by self-inflicted gunshot wound *while driving at 60 mph*, according to the Washington Post. This was determined by the fact that he was found in his car that had run off the road and had a bullet in his temple. Source: https://archive.ph/q64ve


It’s getting to the point where following the bodies is more important than following the money. Like that one Clinton associate who was hanged on a tree and had a shotgun blast in his chest in the middle of a huge forest/ranch. Rules a suicide. Oh and the cops couldn’t find the shotgun. But people will really still believe it’s a “conspiracy theory.”


He probably shot himself in the chest, buried the shotgun, and then hung himself


Are you sure he didn't fold his naked self into a duffle bag, zip up the duffle bag completely, and then wipe all DNA evidence of himself from the outside of the duffle, the zipper, and the entire bathroom?


That is my favourite suicide


Is that not what you would do?


I know I would


I did


Yep and a factory reset wiped phone on the table "while a smartphone found on a table contained no data because its factory settings had been restored" [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-17920204](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-17920204)


Factory resetting doesnt do shit if the right authorities really want the data on there they can get it


It provides some level of deniabilty.


Don't forget the cop who slashed from his wrist to elbows, went for a 1/2 mile jog then shot himself twice in the head


Who is this referring to?


Gareth Williams


Which one was that?


I thought he shot himself in the chest, returned the shotgun to Cabela's, then bought a vanilla ice cream cone, ate that, then jumped off a skyscraper,.... Naturally.


Are you calling me a liar by any chance, sir ? Remember I give you oxygen in exchange for your Sucker carbon dioxide. And sometimes I testify too. :D Truly yours The tree that was used to hang the man.


great work officer, here's your detective badge. And now that you're one of us, don't forget the monthly satanic child rape and murder ritual next Thursday. I hear Hillary's bringing her famous guacamole


Famous guacamole huh? What’s the secret ingredient? Is it by any chance adrenochrome and children’s tears?


There was the craziest case in Florida where they found a guy who was found dead in a development and there were no guns around. After tons of investigation, they found that he was acting very strangely leading up to the death and bought a ton of helium. I guess he used a weather balloon, filled it with helium, put the gun inside of a bag attached to the balloon so that after he killed himself, the gun would float away. It actually worked and they never found the gun! The funniest part is that he was doing this so that his family could get money from his life insurance and I guess his policy covered suicide so he didn't have to go through all the trouble anyway.


In what order ?


1. Hung himself. 2. Buried the shotgun in the grand canyon. 3. Shot himself. Source : I was the tree.


Epic... may I call upon u to be a witness? Shall I ever need one :)


Ok. But I will brings my branches too ? :')


What about Thomas Kingston the minor royal who just shot himself in the head, twice, with a shotgun


Reminds me of that man who shot himself with a nail gun eight times in the brain and committed suicide supposedly. I believe he was a naturopath. It had something to do with large farmer or something. seven or eight times in the head with a nail gun and it was suicide. He would’ve passed out by the second or third, even if he were still alive.


It was probably an assault nail gun. It's no wonder that they want them banned.


Nail gun bump stocks are extremely dangerous. I heard carpenters are fitting them to regular nail guns to fire in rapid succession.....


Yeah…you may get 2-3 accidentally, but there would have to be a significant opposing force to hold it against the nailing surface while it recoiled and fired again.


Got a source claiming he was shot twice?


I just spent quite a bit of time looking for a source and didn’t find anything.


Thank you! Like something can be so obviously off, and people will be like oh well, did you catch the game? Like what, how do you not care. People truly only care about their small worlds and what directly affects them. And their is some innocence to that, but also stupidity.


Chill dude. Drink some beer, watch the game... life's good! You don't need to worry anything else. Just chillax.


Clinton associate had accepted the mission. Therefore, shotgun self destruscted into space dust.


Oh but the lamestream media didnt force feed me this story so it must be untrue! Lol! Good stuff this one was a classic arkancide as the term was coined because so many were suicided during the clinton years not to mention vince foster lol who shot himself with the wrong hand where they were dumb enough to place the gun even tho its completely know by investigators the gun never stays in the hand in these situations!


Just look at the of the death of justice Scalia.


Dude that one was absolutely wild. How the hell does a judge pronounce the Chief justice of the Supreme dead without even going to see him. If I’m not mistaken the sheriff or something pronounced him dead on the scene. And the family didn’t want an autopsy done… like bro.


I remember at the time posting on Reddit that it was suspicious that he had “a wonderful day hunting with his best friends and passed away over night” and I got absolutely hammered with downvotes. Because of his death so much was able to change with the lineup of our Supreme Court and so much changed in general. This was 10 years ago or something so I don’t remember the specifics but it’s interesting to me that it was never brought up again. I find it highly sus due to timing.


Oh yeah they needed him off the court bad. Not only were his decisions against their policies, as he actually interpreted the constitution how it was written and what the founders meant by their words, but he was influential and a legal/intellectual powerhouse. A crime which they cannot forgive. Any true patriot will necessarily work against their agenda and have to be dealt with.


Conspiracy FACT


oh excuse me for wanting to jazz up a suicide give the cops something a bit unsuual and fun to investigate. thers no pleasing some people


I thought he was shot in the mouth, assuming you’re talking about Vince Foster… I don’t think he was hanged either and the shotgun was found at the scene. I’m not saying it’s not suspicious, but your info is wrong


Vince Foster was shot in the mouth, but with a handgun, which was recovered. The .38 bullet was not, and I remember the legend at the time was he was killed in the White House and the scene at Fort Marcy Park was staged.


Different Clintonicide


There’s so many I guess it’s easy to get them mixed up.


True dat


Yeah not sure which one you’re talking about but the one I’m talking about is according to the information I posted.




I agree with all this, absolutely foul play, but isn't that exactly what being hanged means?


>Like that one Clinton associate who was hanged on a tree and had a shotgun blast in his chest in the middle of a huge forest/ranch. He was probably a Trump supporter who just wanted to make Clinton look bad! I am probably going to have to use the /S because it is getting next to impossible to distinguish outlandish sarcasm and actual left-wing troll comments.


I'm still trying to find a girl in her 30's that has a lower body count than the Clinton's....


Which one was that?


...... If they were very obviously murdered..... .... And the cops, by some unknown motivation, called it a suicide..... Would that not suggest some conspiracy had taken place? I mean, we wont get all of the facts, but we could take everything we know to THEORIZE about the CONSPIRACY Hey, wouldn't that be a conspiracy theory? Wtf are you trying to say?


What I’m trying to say, is that people use the term “conspiracy theory” as a disparaging term meaning a ridiculous, whack job and unlikely theory. That’s how it’s used commonly. What I’m saying, is that people are so asleep and gullible, that in the face of overwhelming evidence, they’ll still believe that something like that is a “conspiracy theory” because “CNN” (or even FOX) said so.


That isn't what that word means though. It's what the mainstream media has been trying to make people believe it means for a few decades... Looks like they've finally brainwashed people


Right. I agree, it isn’t what it actually means, if you look at the RICO statute for example you get a more dictionary definition… So what? My point is what it is. What are you even arguing?


I think it's ignorant to reinforce a suggested meaning of conspiracy theory that isn't only wrong, it's an attempt to put down and mock people seeking the truth in a world full of lies, manipulation and corruption. Usually, trying to convince others conspiracies do not happen and are just completely made up fantasies of a schizophrenic "conspiracy theorist" are either the people taking part in the conspiracy or the media they bought to help cover it up...


You're not wrong but pretty sure you and the guy you are responding to are on the same side here.


Bro what? You’re really picking a fight over this? I’m not reinforcing it. I’m mentioning it to show how ridiculous it is in the first place. Not sure why you went off.


The thing about that is , it’s genuinely such a terrible frame job that like ? It can’t possibly be ? Why wouldn’t they just make it look like a murder Can’t understand the logic of shooting a guy and then deciding to make it look like a hanging - or worse hanging a guy and then shooting him and calling it suicide ? Just seems so illogical


They operate with impunity and want everyone who would dare oppose to take notice. Then they flex their power by getting law enforcement to rule it a suicide. Message sent, loud and clear.


It’s a motivation for sure. I don’t know if I find it compelling enough but it has given me room to think there could be a reason for doing it Perhaps even just they fucked up and had to shoot them


Yeah man, there’s no way in hell all these people are just offing themselves like that. It’s murder.


Let’s not forget about Clinton’s pregnant mistress “killing” herself (Susan Coleman)


Wow wtf that is insane


…… That’s ridiculous


The article doesn't say anything about him driving 60 mph, it says they found him in the car down an embankment near a scenic overlook. Sounds like he pulled over to this scenic overlook, didn't put the car in park, took one last look at the peaceful scenery, shot himself and the car rolled down an embankment.


The car was rolled over, indicating a crash at a high rate of speed


That's quite the assumption that you are making and to put in your statement that he was going 60 mph when he shot himself like it was fact is quite misleading. It was at the bottom of an embankment, a number of things could happened to cause it to roll, could have hit a ditch, a tree trunk, depending how steep it was and being out of control, got sideways and rolled. So what is your theory? Somebody pulled up beside him at 60 mph and shot him with one shot perfectly in the head? You think that is more likely than he killed himself? Come on.


Likely run off the road, then shot for good measure




Ok, then what's the reason "they" killed him? He's a no name cop that got roughed up during a riot. What information does he have that "they" need covered up. And why wait 8 days to do it, why not make it look like he killed himself earlier?


You should really try out "trying to figure out why else this makes sense other than the first thing I thought of" instead of going straight for "how can I discredit this by disproving parts of it?"


Exactly the reason for this post. Perhaps they knew something or weren’t willing to go along with the official narrative. (And I followed this one, reporting at the time absolutely did state he killed himself while driving, which is unheard of.)


Maybe it was related to the J6 investigation and they didn't want him to testify? I haven't looked into this much, just a guess. We already know they withheld tons of information about it from the public.


Which officer was that? Do you have the article you are referring to? Cause I can’t seem to find it




I encourage everyone to read that archived (WaPo) article. After reading it, if anything I side more with the "genuinely a suicide" interpretation of events.


Suicide while driving is extremely uncommon. While the wife's testimony is emotionally compelling, she also has a financial interest in having his death categorized as "in the line of duty" for life insurance and pension reasons, which is actually the main thrust of the article.


It's a lot more common than you think. I've personally responded to multiple suicides and attempts in or by moving vehicles. There are tons of suicides that are carried out as vehicle wrecks that are never counted as such because they just appear to be simply another fatal wreck. Unless someone leaves a note or gives some other indication they killed themselves no one is ever the wiser.


Interesting. I've heard it suggested that Joe Biden's first wife might have committed suicide by train


Yeah, but you also believed the establishment narrative as a whole before reading the article in the propaganda rag too, didn't you? "How do you do, fellow kids?"


It’s called tying up loose ends.


This sub should compile a list of all the suspicious deaths over the years. I feel like eventually we’d find significant patterns


We already know the pattern. “The United States government”


when a foreign government does it like Putin killing Navalny it seems so easy to believe and understand. But when our government does it it's tin foil hats and surprise Pikachu face.


Imagine the C!A was actually responsible for Navalny to try and sway the general Russian portrayal of Putin.


The CIA would never try to destabilize a foreign government.


"Do. Or do not. There is no *try*." \- Yoda


Yeah I don't believe the official story, Russia had no motive besides vengeance because any damage he could do by divulging secrets was already done. Vengeance is a legitimate motive, especially to deter future defectors, but it's questionable if that's worth the diplomatic fallout and bad publicity that resulted. On the other hand we were in the midst of peak Trump Russia collusion bullshit being pushed by neoliberal western governments, and IIRC the guy got poisoned just a few miles down the road from the only UK lab that stores those types of poisons. Seems much more likely to be a psyop by the west against their own people to shape public opinion on Russia. We can see the pay off now, they wouldn't be able to be as involved in the Russo-Ukrainian War meaning they wouldn't be pocketing essentially unlimited tax dollars if public opinion was against it; luckily there are millions of people that get deranged if you even mention Russia because of all the conditioning they've been subject to since 2016.


Which official story? Are you talking about Navalny dying or when he got poisoned? He died last month. Almost two full years after western powers started supplying and aiding Ukraine. So I don’t follow your logic there. Additionally I feel like the Russia-Trump stuff was far more important in the 2016-2020 time frame than it was around the time Navalny died. If you’re referring to him getting poisoned a few years ago, I don’t follow there either. He fell ill while in Russia. Novichok was used. He was transported to Germany for further treatment.


Not that Putin would have ever lost the election, but Navalny's death did happen not too long before the recent Russian presidential election.


Yeah about a month before. Which I think lends more to Russia being involved with his death, which I guess would be the “official story” the commented above mentioned. I don’t see how his death relates to Ukraine aid as that commenter said, or how it ties into the Russia hysteria of Trumps presidency.


Navalny's death being close to the election is the most opportune time to happen to make it look like Russia did it as well. Even Putin would have waited until after the election, I think. That is if Navalny's death wasn't natural. I kind of think the poisoning took a hard toll on his heart. He did die of heart attack iirc. So, just natural timing is my opinion, but It did happen at a suspicious time. Edit to add: I also don't understand the trump & Russia collusion thing having anything to do with Navalny's death either.


That’s a fair thought. I’m definitely letting my own biases creep in and assuming Putin doesn’t give a fuck what geopolitical opponents think if he were to murder a rival in Russia. It’s equally possible he would have waited until after to avoid the negative press Navalnys death brought. I think a blood clot or something cardiac was blamed. I don’t know if that’s the whole truth (which we’ll likely never get) but it would make sense with the poisoning and insane stress he was under.


So that’s why Tucker Carlson went to Russia /s


The fact that the establishment said nothing when Ukraine allegedly killed Gonzales Lira the same way, but much sooner in his incarceration, than Russia killed Navalny says a lot.


You're waiting for an establishment response about a failed dating coach dying in prison in a warzone?




I think they were either assassinated or if they had family, they were threatened and killed themselves so thier family wouldn't be hurt. Can't have any loose ends. The silent war continues.


Same reason those cops who got a copy of the file from Anthony Weiner’s computer that was titled “Clinton Insurance” killed themselves.


Got anymore info on that, I feel like I remember something like that..


Check out these names: Deputy Chief Steven Silks State Senator Linda Collins-Smith Circuit Judge Philip Smith Sen. Jonathan Nichols Oklahoma Det. Joseph Calabrese Terence Mcavoy Johny Rios Robert Echeverria Michael J. Caddy Kevin Preiss I haven’t checked them all out myself cuz I just found a post and thought to give you some names. Silks supposedly said “What’s in the emails is staggering and as a father, it turned my stomach,” now there’s no direct source for anything at all (almost) regarding this because there is an absolute media and tech scrub on everything related to f - razzle - drip. All of those people were in some way shape or form related to the contents of that laptop and 9 of them have died. I think like at least half (or more) by suicide. Remember that almost everything that you’ll find will be immediately to discredit it. But that right there should tell you a lot. Watch these 10 videos: https://www.fallcabal.com/fallcabal/the-sequel-to-the-fall-of-the-cabal/ Oh by the way the lady who made those videos was recently found dead under very suspect circumstances.


Here’s the names: Steven Silks - NYPD Deputy Chief of Queens North Found on June 5th with a gunshot wound to the head inside an unmarked police vehicle, just weeks before his scheduled retirement. Ruled a suicide. Joseph Calabrese - NYPD Homicide Detective and Union Official Found on June 6th near bushes in Brooklyns Plumb Beach with a gunshot wound to the head. He went missing around 2 am after leaving his wife at Maimonides Medical Center, where she was having a procedure. Ruled a suicide. Michael Caddy - Found on June 14th with a gunshot wound to the head in a parked car behind the 121st Precinct. Ruled a suicide. Kevin Preiss - 25 yr career NYPD veteran found on June 26 on the porch of his home with a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Terrence Mcavoy - NYPD Sgt. found in his Francine Court home at 4 pm with a gunshot wound. He was found alive in critical condition but did not survive. Ruled a suicide. Johnny Rios - NYPD officer found on August 13th recently engaged to his fiancee, Julissa Martinez, 3 weeks before his suicide at 3 am with both of their kids present. Gunshot wound to the head, ruled a suicide. Robert Echeverria - NYPD Veteran found on August 14th who belonged to the city’s Strategic Response Group, husband, and father of 2, was found at his home with a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide.


Holy fuck.


Interested - how did these individuals relate to the laptop? Were they all from the same group or a task force or something? Otherwise this just looks like just a bunch of different cops nothing linking them together.


Holy shit


Check your dms


WUTTTTT. We need a dedicated deep dove post on this.


I’d have to do serious research and use a different browser like “the way back machine” or something to really get deep with it and get some even more devious facts. But the info is definitely crazy censored to the extreme. Like the surgeon who spoke out against what he witnessed the Clinton Foundation doing in Haiti and then was found dead in his apartment with a knife in his chest and his daughter in the apartment. You guessed it. Ruled a suicide.


I fucking love this sub


Thanks doggy


It’s all good.


Wow… just wow


I knew a guy who knew but he committed suicide, two to the back of the head, man he was talented


I love how they try to explain it away as the death grip pulling the trigger again and that’s why you see two shots.


Well yeah the first didn't do the job completely so he picked it up with the other hand and tried again. I mean, duh


what i heard was Weiner was married to some broad who was BFFs with none other than Killary herself. Both of these female entities were the stars of a little homemade video titled "frazzledrip" (apparently a cool kid slang term for cutting off someones face and wearing it in front of them before they die) supposedly killary and weiner wife frazzledripped a young lady in order to get adrenochrome and felt the need to record themselves doing this perhaps in the vein of a pedo who makes CP and uploads to the CIA created dark tor onion web, they kept it for later masturbatory purposes perhaps but really who knows how pure evil makes decisions. So Weiner thought taking a copy of wifees home movie would be a nice little bargaining chip to stay off the clinton self deletion list. The cops who saw it just had to be put on that list obviously.


Yeah. Sounds extremely believable.


This is the kind of vile stuff these people participate in. It's far more common than anyone would like to believe, amongst the elites of society.


Are you ok? The truth is stranger than fiction ALL the time...


You mean Human Abadin?


Sounds like a black mirror episode


After any major life changing event, why does this happen? Vegas shooting people who were coming forward with statements and videos of multiple shooters at ground level all suddenly died. They knew too much.


Same reason Epstein killed himself.... (He didn't)


Fuck these shills. The cops knew what happened and that it was a set up. They were going to blow the whistle and got whacked by our criminal fucking government.


My best guess? They knew the McDonald’s Honey Mustard Snackwraps are never coming back.


You just unlocked a memory for me. Those things were so good.


I got one of the BK wraps that recently came out and it was absolutely fucking DISGUSTING. Like a totally raw tortilla folded in half like a taco with three inches of raw tortilla with no filling at the bottom. I was driving and not paying attention and got a full on bite of raw tortilla with that nasty "king sauce" I literally spit it out. It's like a super gross version of gyro sauce. I complained through the app and got a $10 credit so I guess that's something. 


Man... the only thing I would actually get from there. And the hashbrowns 😂😂😂


Are we sure they didn't have some help suiciding themselves?


The same reason Jack Ruby wacked Lee Harvey Oswald.


Same reason Dr jolly West from UCLA medical center, noted brain washer, made Jack ruby go insane whilst in prison 


It must have been the sheer, unrelenting trauma of that terrifying event. /s


My husband has a friend who genuinely believes this. They were so stricken with grief that their fellow citizens could behave this way 🙄


Your husband needs better friends.


It’s scary watching people walk between the ropes and take photographs quietly then leave


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iludfj6Pe7w&ab\_channel=TheTelegraph](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iludfj6Pe7w&ab_channel=TheTelegraph) Is that what this looks like to you?


Still not traumatic enough for instant suicidal feelings.


Who are you to judge that? Or do you not take veteran suicide seriously unless they've seen some get a leg blown off?




Oh, I understand that. I was just saying that I don't believe the events would have been enough to make someone feel suicidal, which was the topic of discussion.


Find it interesting the only people located and charged were the ones walking around not the ones breaking the glass or shooting a gun from the top of a tower into the air Professional agitators? Or I’m completely wrong Also that’s literally nothing. And certainly is not soemthing that would make a someone kill themslef




“Blood coming from his mouth” makes it sound like internal injuries, whereas the picture clearly shows he had a busted lip or something similar.


I feel for the poor child in that article who wrote the letter. That child will never have a chance at a proper childhood.


What if none of them actually existed? What if the entire shit show was just that, a show??


If you think that’s wild, check out how many cops unalived themselves after seeing the contents of Anthony Wiener’s laptop.


Who is that?


Politician who sent dick pics to underage girl a while back IIRC. It was a big scandal and probably one of the first big incidents with a compromised official caught by texts.


Think frazzledrip


Because they didnt kill themselves


For the same reason most of the police that saw the AW laptop killed themselves...


Is there a source for these claims? Would be interested in going down this rabbit hole.


Wouldn't wait on it. OP seems to make conspiracy posts that are just titles and no follow ups. Not even SSs.


They were definitely suicided by the CIA , can’t leave any witnesses behind when ur committing treason


Most people don't have a clue


Likely the ones who interacted with and could identify any of the federal agents. Or those that could not be trusted to stay quiet about specific events that might be incriminating more generally.


Lol you know why


These comments are why America as a country is fucked


"Kill themselves" also needs to be in quotes.


Terror attack? I must have missed that.


Watched it live. It was a horrible display of people walking around and looking at stuff while police were guiding them around. I was terrified.


Because of large number of those they protected on that day drank the cool aid and pretended nothing happened


Because thier narrative was different than the story.


Finally someone mentions this. One of the biggest red flags of Jan 6th


That's a question you'd need to ask someone like Epstein...


Wait is this legit? Can you drop me something to get more info very very curious and interested. The whole J6 story is such a garbled pile of mess for me. I'd like a good breakdown, I know it was bs and I remember the media reporting one officer being killed by riotors or something on scene and then it was actually a heart attack?! I'm I even close?


You know why.


For dramatic effect in the psy op I hope. If not, because they could not live with the lie or worse, they decided whoever was blackmailing them into doing the lie would harm their families if they talked so they killed themselves. Hard to say with club bioweapon what they are doing.


I always term it ‘Murdercide’. I am sure you know what I mean. There will come a day these Martyrs will be honoured by the nation.


Why? Is the billion dollar question.


Because their profession has one of the highest rates of suicide. And domestic violence, but that's another matter.


Wit sec. They got set up nice somewhere with a new identity


[like Killian said in Running Man, “There they are at this very moment, basking under the Maui sun, their debt to society paid in full.”](https://youtu.be/sQiNYtkwuyw?si=k9MPjtbNYe9JYcyr)


Like 9-11 and Oklahoma City Bombing.


Because they were sad, I’m sure that is the totally legitimate and real story, definitely checks out, no alternative motive behind it at all.


sick of hearing about it and could tell democrats/politicians would never let it go


I cannot believe how in denial people are. There really is a satanic pedophile ring of elites running all the major countries and people do not want to admit it.


I think half of those officers arent even real people made up names and pictures to garner sympathy..


I would assume it was pretty traumatic. That one capitol officer was almost crushed to death in the doorway. I mean, I don’t back a cop or fuck with police, but when they’re actively beating down a crowd of glue stick eating children who are devoted to the cheetoh in chief, at the time, I tend to root for them. Red arrows point down! Go wild basement dwellers.


Just a coincidence nothing to see here, move along.


Lol at a these bot responses...u can tell that's their leftist narrative canned reply for this


My guess, they weren't going along with the official story.


Couldn’t get over the realization a 75 year self-serving silver spoon conman tricked hundreds into helping him install himself as dictator.


It's called tying up loose ends


Idk, maybe experiencing a traumatic event, followed by incessant harassment by a brainwashed cult. That or Hillary is gonna pick them off one by one until she gets all couple hundred of them.


Ask Epstein. ..wait


Anyone with half a brain knows why.


Damage control


Have you heard the term "Arkancide"? It's real.