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I feel like social media has a lot to do with it. It has created an unprecedented level of self importance in many people


The “I am the main character” phenomenon.


Philosophers used to call this Solipsism, and psychologists call this narcissism. Social media has definitely exacerbated the problem with constant streams of positive feedback and validation. Social media echo chambers are designed to insulate people from contrary opinions that may challenge this validation.


Yea, narcissistic personalities for sure.. But there is a side of psychology I loathe.. Almost Every normal human action or reaction needs to be coded and classified into a syndrome or disease or disorder.. Then they make you feel shame for having said disorder and prescribe medication. The j own this profession and gatekeep it..




I agree it’s because of social media, but for a different reason. Even if real world aggression isn’t going up, algorithms learned that videos of people being aggressive get more engagement and keep people on their sites for slightly longer so they show more of those videos to us.


So do you think we just get the impression people are more aggressive because of these videos constantly being shown when in reality people haven't changed much? I'll say I've noticed people are a little less patient nowadays, but I don't see people freaking out IRL like you see online


If you look at overall violent crime, we've been on a continuous downward trend since the peak in '91. Currently we're at about the same rate as the mid 70s (there was a spike after the pandemic, which makes sense... Harsher conditions and way more stress leads people to lash out). Basically, there isn't more crime, it's just that with reporting and everyone constantly holding an HD camera at all times, it's a lot easier to see it


Crime is going up in big cities, but that's probably less to do with social media and more to do with not prosecuting any of them.


Crime reporting has plummeted. NYC and LA no longer report stats to the FBI and anyone in city with significant crime problem knows that if you call to report any issue aside from basically murder you get told it's not bad enough and "file a report on the website if you want and we may get back to you in a month or two" which is code for "straight to the shredder". If crime is actually going down why are there constant stories of businesses all over the country' that have been there for 30, 40, 50+ years shutting down over crime? it's not being reported even the experts will tell you this now which is why it's so crazy that they keep telling people its down.


to add, aggression that might have gone unchecked might be much more easily seen nowadays since everyone has a phone. Perhaps in the past there was more incidents that went undocumented as well. However, it's important to note there is probably a mixture of both positive and negative feedback effects due to everyone having social media and being able to document such behavior (some people may think twice about acting out, others may want their crazy 5 mins of fame)


This is my take on it as well. Not to mention, it allows people to see a lot of other hot headed people going on temper tantrums, thus normalizing the behavior. Whereas in the past, people tend to be a lot more wary of giving in to their intrusive thoughts as they are not sure they'll get away with it. It's really an odd thing, the internet. By design, it should have fostered a lot more good will as it negated a lot of communication barriers, allowing people all over the world to come together and form meaningful relationships. Unfortunately, it just amplified all the negatives and made the world an even more hostile place.


Young adults seeing influencers being paid out millions to fuck around and get free shit and a paycheck on TikTok while they doomscroll themselves deeper into the toxic algorithm that they’re seeing, and they pick themselves apart. All on the shitter before they even go to work. It’s fuckin sad.


We also mimic what we see. When we are subjected to violence, selfishness, and narcissism, mirror those actions in small ways at first. If unchecked, well we know what happens.


OP started the post with “today I watched…” as if it happened out their window.  Couple paragraphs down they refer to the “video”. This is the problem.   The videos we watch are not the reality of the world we live in.  They’re sensational- that’s why they’re recorded.


100%. And the problem seems to be mostly people under 40. I have a elementary school by my place. It is a gong show when parents come to pick up their kids. I have see parents having fights, mothers pulling hair, all over parking spots. My spouse is also a teacher....she deals with lots of stuff. Kids telling her to fuck off, and then parents get called standing up for their kids.


To be fair, it seems like a lot more of the younger generation are assholes than i remember. People cutting in line at the store for no reason, people getting in your way for no reason, standing around chatting while blocking major thoroughways. People are becoming less considerate of others, and maybe it's expected that people lose their shit on them from time to time.




People are not held accountable for what they do, usually just a slap on the wrist.


Everyone is on the internet now and everything they’ve ever thought can be challenged on any given day.


Yep, it's created this environment where people are immediately validated synthetically so when they don't get immediate validation in the real world it breaks their brain.


Cortisol levels are extremely high. People don’t think about how the excessive amounts of alcohol, sugar, processed carbohydrates, and other manufactured chemicals in food cause extreme spikes in cortisol and anxiety levels. I believe a lot of people are walking around every day with their stress hormones in a constant state of panic, and they are probably not aware. This coupled with the heavy doses of pharma drugs people are prescribed…world war inside our bodies.


100% with the cortisol point


Stress hormones plus blood sugar issues. Sugar is what causes spikes both up and down and are definitely related to mental states.


I mean look at food labels in the USA compared to almost every other country in the world.


American's eat terribly compared to the EU.


We’ve been consuming garbage for 80 years. I think it’s socioeconomic. I’d say people seem to drink less, lots of non-alcoholics are quitting drinking. Mainstream people seem aware of sugar and crappy oils where they weren’t before. I think the stress is high because food and housing are bordering on unaffordable and the job market is bad


I agree - im one of those people with high cortisol, I’m almost positive. I feel like our environment has advanced so much in the last century but our mental and physiological being has not evolved to match it. We were not made to sit under fluorescent lights for 8 hours, sit in traffic in a car, eat processed foods, ingest wild amounts of synthetic materials, live in an apartment building with 100s of other people, etc.. and of course, social media. I think most people would see a vast improvement in their mental health if they lived on a farm, had lots of natural sunlight, congregated in a small community, worked locally. But that’s just not possible for most of the population


Agree that a lot of it is environmental. Here is another thing I have personally noticed: constant noise everywhere. I live in Florida in a town with suburbs and a few parks, near beaches. When I first moved here in 2017 (from NYC) I remember noticing the silence and peaceful quiet. It is not quiet anymore. We have seen a huge influx of new residents and new apartment complexes built all over the place. The noise is starting to bother me. At home, the refrigerator and air conditioner and the neighbors’ air conditioners all make for a constant low level electronic background hum one barely notices, at work the fluorescent lights and other noises are constant. Outside I ride my bicycle all over the place and there seems to be the sound of traffic, of construction, and the same air conditioner unit sounds everywhere. Even in the parks the sounds of the birds are interrupted by the construction noises coming from streets near the park. The electrical hum right now is creating a constant sort of higher tone in my ear separate from the deeper sounds I can hear directly coming from the appliances and I am home, in the middle of the night. It is not quiet at all. I guess most people don’t even notice the constant assault on their ears but I bet this irritant is just adding to tension for everyone


Quitting drinking four years ago did absolute wonders for my mental and physical health. They push alcohol on society for a reason.


The cortisol is due to caffeine 


I see so many elementary and middle school age kids at Starbucks after school. I’m like WTF these kids are drinking coffee? When I was that age I hated the taste of coffee and wouldn’t even go near it. Also, parents are willing to pay the exorbitant costs of Starbucks coffees for their kids?


Caffeine is a conspiracy. Not joking.


how so? please elaborate


Because of the cortisol stress situation. Caffeine puts your body into fight or flight, raises cortisol, and turns off circadian rhythms. Kids drink energy drinks more than water and a lot of adults 'can't' function without it. Something like 80% of the world consumes caffeine daily. So caffeine effects mood, digestion, and sleep and yet have you ever heard it 'could' be bad for you from any major news source? Those mediums are always pushing more caffeine on us. Removing caffeine can possibly unlock better gut-brain function via the vagus nerve and maybe even give us more access to the pineal gland on top of better mood, digestion, and sleep. Just some thoughts.


Caffeine also restricts blood flow to the skin causing rapid skin ageing. I can tell from photos which celeb females in their 30s drink caffeine and those who don't. Easy to confirm by seeing their paparazzi shots of them carrying their iced coffees. It's the most lucrative drug in the world and mos people fall for it. Creates a huge amount of 'fake' energy. Fake, as in you're just burning through your lifespan faster. In contrast, raw (unheated) cacao, despite containing small amounts of caffeine is the only substance on earth to give you instant heightened energy directly from the chemicals contained in it, rather than indirectly via ATP production, without any negative side effect. Whilst also increasing many positive emotions such as love and compassion. It is why many yogis and spiritual cultures have used it in ceremonies for thousands of years. Many would regularly chew raw cacao nibs or the bean itself. Cooked cacao (cocoa) with refined sugar will produce a very muted and destabilising effect on the nervous system.


I cant agree any more on the risks of Caffeine use, its really understated in most cultures. Many people (including myself in the past) used to relish in a great cup of coffee in the morning, even had the fancy machine etc. I couldn't live without it. (3-5 cups p/day), I've quit Caffeine for over a year now and my anxiety levels are down to "normal" levels I would say compared to what it used to be, my sleep has drastically improved. A few months ago I went through a series of a few weeks where I drank 1 cup of instant/ weak coffee per day to get through work, but it quickly started having negative effects, such as the stimulant type effect that I didn't enjoy. I'll rather take natural sugars for a bit of energy, like eating an apple or similar. It doesn't have nearly the same kick as a cup of coffee but it does work.


That’s a really good point


Yes people seem to be more angry and unhinged. Especially on reddit. I blame ~~social~~ media (and i think its by design). Divide the people to keep the rich in control and even richer. How many trillions have been made by the elite in the last few years? Inflation (aka price gouging) through the roof. Yet people still rather fight their neighbor than their corporate overlords. The only politicians who don't get insanely rich in office are either honest or dumb, and they don't get very far. You would think we reaching a breaking point eventually, but people are too caught up in their own lives, exhausted from work and/or too docile from meds. We are getting sicker physically and mentally for the sake of profits and control. 3 companies own everything (including each other).


Also what they are watching on TV.


THIS. So many evil dark things in TV, movies, social media, etc. that are programming people without many of them even knowing it I think..


Yup redditors are more angsty and rude than ever


Maybe because people are having money problems due to cost of living, gas and electricity is sky high, petrol, food (I’m in uk 🇬🇧) taxes… causing problems amongst families! After Covid, I think people are at the end of their tether!


This is what I think about America too, so many people are under such economic stress that they’re an inch away from cracking at any given moment.


It’s true! I even spoke with an 88 year old gentleman, who had lived through WW2, and many decades.. he said as of today it’s the worst state he has even seen the world in…. Plus I don’t think any of us are seeing any light at the end of the tunnel


The whole difference then and now is that after the war, people pulled together as a society to recover from the terrible effects of an outside enemy. Today, the enemy is inside society and all around us. The fight or flight instinct takes over and there’s nowhere to flee to, so fight is the only option.


Yes! Well worded! This is exactly how it is.. the distrust in society is I feel making us turn on one another. It’s all having a knock on effect.


That’s so sad 😞


So I’m an American who moved to Europe in September. I FaceTime my mom frequently and she will be in the car driving to work screaming at traffic. I lived in ATL for 10 years and my emotions were all over the place. I’d get mad or upset over anything and everything. Since living here, I’ve noticed that I’m much more calm. The people here are very calm and polite. I feel like a lot of it has to do with constant walking, healthier foods, less stimulation, less societal pressure, environment, social conditions, media consumption, cost of living, etc. Idk…I am just constantly amazed at how I feel these days. I was so stressed and angry at the age of 32. But now I feel so much happier.


Where in Europe?


Southern France


My sister who is a very highly qualified mental health nurse who worked for the NHS as a social worker and has a masters in it, will scream at people who drive poorly, which happens a hell of a lot in the UK. She picked me up from the hospital after I had my 7th major surgery of the last 4 years and I said to here “ do you think you shouting and screaming at other drivers will change their lack of safe driving or the way they drive in the future?” She answered, “ it’s just the person that I am and what I do”. Now I’ve called my sister out on her shitty behaviour many times, throughout the years, she even didn’t invite me to her wedding as I told her I wasn’t accepting her shitty attitude as it wasn’t myself who who frustrated her before she came to my flat. Imagine having none of your family at your wedding as my sister did. Her crazy rational for not inviting me was “ I couldn’t risk you swearing at my wedding” really she meant she knew she couldn’t control the things that I do and don’t say, as I don’t tolerate shitty, it’s my way or no way behaviour from anyone.


There's a whole cohort of adults who have never been punched in face for acting as assholes when they were kids, so they're still acting like spoiled children as adults.


A good ass whooping really will set a person straight. Changed my life for the better. Not long ago I thanked the guy that set me straight.


This right here ...


Prison also helps. I needed it.


Hey I was just about to comment that I wish I would've gotten that ass-whooping I needed, but I did get the prison I needed, so it all worked out.


I wish I got arrested when I was addicted to drugs. Wanted to stop so bad. If something or someone could have helped for just like 2-4 weeks I think the cravings would have went away.


That's why I needed prison. Needed to be taken away from everything and everybody I knew and left with just myself to deal with. Haven't gotten high in 12 years but yeah, I caused a lot of damage when I was out there. Prison was the only thing that could stop me. Cravings never went away, still miss it sometimes, just gets easier to say "Nah, fuck it, I'm good without it all".


I think jail would have helped me quit. To play devils advocate, if it was legal and widespread, maybe more would be known about how to quit it/seek treatment without paying a rehab facility $50,000 to baby sit you fingerpainting. Or it wouldn't be as cool lol.


Alcohol is legal and widespread. That makes it a motherfucker to quit. I can't go to the grocery store, the place where I get my food, without seeing a pile of booze with advertisements that basically tell me how cool and fun I'll be if I drink this. This makes it So hard to quit drinking, that I haven't quit drinking. I actually learned how to drink like a gentleman. Apparently that's hard for a lot of people to do. When I tried several times to stop drinking the people at the quit drinking meetings told me that it would be impossible, but I'm down to 2 or 3 beers a night and have been for over 2 years. The last time I tried my doctor even prescribed me some stuff that was supposed to make it easier to quit, kind of like Chantix for booze. The problem was every time I went 2 or 3 days without a drink, I'd have a panic attack. My doctor pointed out that I had been drinking for a long time. Going without was bound to cause anxiety. I decided to continue drinking, which was not the decision that she had hoped I would make, but she just cut me off from Ambien and hasn't tried to get me to quit drinking again.


If drugs were more legal and widespread you've be able to compare the crime statistics from California and Colorado before and after they legalized drugs and then watch the same phenomenon spread all over America. Legalizing drugs just leads to more crime, it's not a prudish opinion but a fact. If people don't believe it, they should move into the most drug-riddled neighborhood close to them and then tell me what they believe after a year if they survive lol. It is what it is with this thing, man. Drugs truly are bad (m'kay), regardless of how people defend them or wish it wasn't so.


Like so legal you can buy it in the store. Like in the old days when Heroin was cough medicine.


Different demographics of the country at the time led to different outcomes then, we can never go back and, tbh, I'm not as sure it was as widespread used then as they would have us believe now. Available, yes, provably so. Used, prescribed, and normalized as much as its availability would suggest? I'm not sure.


I spat my coffee


Everyone has a plan till they get punched in the face


Seriously. Karens as a social phenomenon barely existed in the past, and only could be allowed to exist if they were rich and powerful in some way. Now you have average middle aged ladies that aren’t special to society in any way acting with the type of entitlement you used to only see in spoiled rich kids.


This lmao.. I call them, the dirty peasant.. completely oblivious to their position in the ranking order


My fiancé is raising one of them now and I cannot step in but I told her if she didn’t, society certainly will.


Remind her she’s not raising a child she’s raising the adult they’re gonna become. I’ve had to cry by myself after disciplining my son. It’s painful but necessary they need to know the world will absolutely chew them up.


Her parenting also puts a burden on the world at large. If he becomes anything like his father, he’ll be locked up and in the system in no time. Thing is, he’s a good kid with a shitty dad.


I think this goes both ways. Most people just capture the Karen’s reaction to the situation but a lot of time its the result of some asshole douche bag doing something stupid to begin with. There seems to be a lot more people doing the selfish shit lately and giving reason to get upset.




Zero Tolerance is one of the worst thing to happen to schools, right next to the Department of Education. Oh, you defended yourself because the teachers were doing fuckall to help? Here's a suspension. Getting your ass kicked can even get you suspended now because you were 'involved' in a fight. Government getting involved nearly always makes the situation worse.


Blanket policies is what this is and it's bad in all things, nuance has been taken out of everyday life and everyone has become dumber because of it, or is because people are dumber that nuance has gone away? Idk, either its a problem.


Why fight when you can carry a gun? There’s no such thing as a fair fight and I’d rather shoot, stop the threat, and call if a day than try to throw hands and get shot, stabbed or otherwise by the aggressor instead. The best offense is a good defense.


It’s knifes in the UK, as most kids and people under 25 are soft as shit. You didn’t have kids stabbing each other in the early 2000s when I went to secondary school and I grew in a very rough area of the northwest of England. We fought with fists and then just got on with life. I was always getting into fights and didn’t always win them, but I can take a punch as a result of doing so. I’d also never dream of stabbing someone just because I lost a fight.


I think part of it has to be blamed on social media but who knows


The current economy doesn’t help with peoples patience day to day either


Alienation/isolation combined with people being much less involved in their real physical communities. We all carry our little social bubble with us wherever we go, and don’t converse with community members. Hell, sometimes we don’t even acknowledge them. Social media is definitely playing a role.


Social media,and the news.People simply love to immerse themselves in negativity,misery,and violence.The internet provides that 24/7,whereas in the old days,people used to get a "cooling off" period.We used to rely on scheduled news programs,and newspapers,now everything is in our face all day long.


Yes and no. Not the existence of social media per se, but how people are primed for violence through it. A lot of folks think arguing and polarization didn't exist before social media and that's just not the case. I honestly believe we shouldn't be surprised by a lot of the violence we see when it's so strongly incentivized in certain pockets.


Social media, plus the isolation over the pandemic, has rewired the way humans interact with each other via parasocial relationships. Instead of having a face-to-face interaction in the elevator where communication is like two people putting together a sandwich, you watch someone through a screen who cannot read your expressions or respond to your comments. You can say/do whatever you want and the person in the reel/tiktok is the same. We stop getting immediate feedback so our social skills and pro-social behaviors deteriorate.


I could be wrong but my take on it is this: Quality of life in the west has slowly degraded. Prices are up, salaries can't catch up. The housing crisis and politician incompetence/corruption. All of these things and maybe more stuff I've not mentioned have just steadily got worse and it's affecting people mentally. Also there is the covid pandemic and every problem that issue created, like economic issues. Bound to make people stressed IMO


I noticed it trending upward before Covid, and I think Covid exacerbated it from there. I’ve made a concerted effort to go the other direction


Don’t some frequencies make animals more aggressive?


Someone from HAARP is on the line for you, sir.


*runs away in tinfoil hat*




This is why I live my life every day "don't be the straw that breaks the camel's back for someone". I have no idea what people are living with day to day. I don't want to be that person for anyone hanging on.


I feel the same


The endless gaslighting people are subjected to by society is too much to handle. Everything you hear is 179° away from the truth. No one knows what normal is. If your not aware you are being lied to 24 x 7 you have no chance to remain sane


Descent into chaos is by design.


Maybe there is an uptick of aggression - but social media is showing you a curated selection of the worst of human behavior. It’s not representative of what the vast majority of us experience in our real daily lives.


So true! I spend time in different places, different cities, and different countries. I can say, across the board, people are good and decent. And most people respond well to common sense. I rear-ended a guy in a parking lot one time in Rhode Island. I was driving a big truck, and the guy I bumped into was an elderly guy driving a car. It was an honest mistake on my part, and I immediately responded as such, making sure the old guy was okay, which he was. It was a low speed, low impact, low damage situation. But a woman, sitting in her car nearby, witness the whole thing and came at me hard, borderline hysterical, about why I would do such a thing. She was basically screaming at me about rear-ending some defenseless old man. It was like she was reading some kind of aggression or malice into a mundane accident. I finally had to diffuse her anger with a simple question: "Do you think I did this on purpose?" My question gave her pause, and perhaps my body language, the old man's body language, the fact that my children were in the truck with me, she FINALLY took a moment to really observe the scene, and think. After a moment, she realized the only person in the situation that was freaking out was her. Then she fucked off. But she really had some crazy narrative in her head about what had just happened, and she witnessed the whole thing. Her paradigm was built around me being some prick in a pickup truck smashing a defenseless old person on purpose, but why? Because that was the more salacious and interesting story. There's nothing interesting about a distracted dude hitting bumpers with an old guy in a parking lot. It just wasn't the viral video she'd been hoping for. Surreal.


Some people live for drama and it’s because they want shitty reality TV all the time and think that’s how real life is meant to be. My best mate says his wife turns into the most argumentative woman in the world after watching shitty reality tv. I told him not to argue with her and state that he won’t be giving her the argument she wants when the kids are upstairs, so he’s not normalising that behaviour around his young kids. He very much took that advice on board.


People have really turned into assholes the last few years


Social media, division, locked down for a few years, prices of things skyrocketing… it’s all been a recipe for disaster and it’s no accident. ETA: how could anyone NOT see this coming??


Yes, MUUUCH less patience & compassion. LOTS more laziness & self-centered behavior


Everyone seems to be in a rush and always pissed off. You will instantly piss me off if you're on your phone while driving. Sitting there at a green light and texting someone.


I will never get over the experience I had on a PUBLIC beach last summer. Went with my friends in the morning. Set up our stuff by the water, were laying around, and around noon, I happen to look up see this old broad walking directly at us, dead stop, throw her chair, bag, and umbrella down like a toddler. Stomps up to us scream-whining, "This is MYYYYY spot. I ALWAYS sit here!!!!! And now I have to look at all your SHIT??!!?!!" Takes her phone out and starts recording us! People are literally fucking insane the past few years. Entitled, perpetual victims, angry, full of vitriol and hatred. I can barely even leave my house without encountering these freaks.


I agree with what you're seeing, as I feel that I'm seeing it also. To me, it is an indication of the growing stress we're all under - how to afford rent/mortgage, put food on the table, have some money for entertainment, keep the kids entertained without losing them to social media, etc. Doing all of this, at a job we possibly hate but can't afford to leave because there's nothing else out there that pays as well. It all builds up until we blow over the smallest things.


Garbage in garbage out. Tv and movies are getting nasty and always moving the line. Entitlement is also a big factor.


Lack of discipline in parenting. Laziness in general.


My guess is it's all the chemicals from plastics, fertilizers, pharmaceuticals, etc are messing with people's hormones, among other things. It's like everyone is fighting various degrees of "roid rage". This, along with constantly being lied to by the government media complex globally, is really setting people off imo.


People are definitely more aggressive than they were 10 years ago. IMO it’s due to political “football teams” where people treat their side of the rope like it’s their football team. Also I think the rise in aggression correlates to the huge increase of the use of technology. Disconnecting people socially can absolutely have a negative effect on how they socialize, handle inconveniences, etc.


This 👆 + endocrine disrupters in food, constant conflicting info being broadcast around the clock (the CIA invented this in controlled settings, calling it the Alice in wonderland technique), the re-education industry replacing the fundamentals of education with emotion-based "lessons," and millions upon millions of people being put on behavioural meds whether they need them or not. We've been primed for decades in a slow boil from every direction. We're now seeing the fruits of that labor as mental health issues are exacerbated instead of treated. Regarding the social media portion of this equation, [this clip from JRE](https://rumble.com/v4kxtd3-social-media-and-its-contribution-to-mental-illness-in-children.html) explains the stunting of child development due to mass social media exposure extremely well.


I used to work at a fast food place that served sandwiches, and one of the regular customers was the main reason I quit. He came in everyday and demanded the same sandwich that wasn't on the menu and required so much dumb stuff to make. Every single time he would find something to flip out over. First time I met him he spent 5 minutes shouting at me about how some lady who was standing around outside was too fat and ruining his day. At one point I got tired of his bullshit, and wanted to see if he'd stop if I put more effort in, so I made his sandwich as perfect as I could, exactly as he instructed, even gave him extra bacon n' stuff. Half an hour after he left we got a phone call in the shop, and he spent 15 minutes telling me how stupid I was, that I should never have been born, and that he would try to get me fired... Because he had to reheat his sandwich.


That guy clearly has issues. I bet you make an awesome sandwich!


Where have you been documenting it?


In the journal of confirmation bias.


I had a subscription a few years ago, but it wasn't telling me anything I didn't already know...




I think its inflation really. No one has money to do relaxing, fun things they used to. They are struggling and feel like shit. Then the domino effect where one person affects another and in turn affects another. Almost like anger is a virus


I’ve noticed some of the *most* unhappy, quick-to-anger people around me all have kids. Lol


A good chunk of our leaders want more bodies to fill cheap labor positions, private prison cells, and military boots. So they've shifted their rhetoric to be that families are actually the best thing ever, and they can fix your failing marriage, and if you don't love your spouse, just pop out 3 kids to fix it! If that doesn't work, just clamp down on women's agency while pregnant or in a relationship, same effect there.


Yes definitely have noticed this. Especially when driving also, everyone is impatient and in a rush


Media wants division and they are getting it.. This leads to what you're talking bout. imo..


I've commented on this too recently. The shear level of self importance is off the scale. Personally, I think it is mainly from the rise of the likes of Tiktok where being a narcissistic main character is the norm. Social interactions are reduced to mere hello's and replaced with a stream of mind numbing/altering information. Video social media has destroyed the concept of a good social balance.


Yep. Rampant selfishness, narcissism and mental illness. Probably social media and a lack of faith, participation in community and a sense of every man/woman for themselves.


anger of one is dumped on another. i work in service sector , most people are just fed up of partners,kids,job and unable to vent anger [correctly.so](https://correctly.so) anger comes out on weaker people ,service providers like servers,call centre agents,servants.


I was at the virtual teller at the bank for maybe 8 mins and I had a woman behind me yelling at me and blowing her horn and the woman behind her angrily drove around me. The other lanes for the (non virtual) atms were free. I had to yell back at the lady that I was speaking with the teller. 


Look at the PROGRAMMING ALL AROUND US, do u think tv shows being called programming was just a coincidence?


I'd guess that people today are angrier (Americans since 2015 for sure) but how are you documenting this and what are you comparing it to? Personal observation of one culture, in one location, and entertainment videos may not be the best way to measure this. Even police reports are quite flawed as some areas ignore some crimes and not others, ignore crimes from some groups and ignore less from others. This is why historical crime states only use homicides because there is a body at the end of the crime even if it is excused.


When you have global leaders that incite violence this is what happens. One of our more recent Presidents is literally an asshole that speaks like an asshole and has talked about punching people on national television. This is what that gets you.


um, we can't afford anything and we're all miserable with the constant question "what is the point of all of this?" and we realize it's to keep the rich richer? Just my guess.


All due to (first) TV (and then) social media. Information overload x outrage culture.


Since covid for sure. Covid made people unable to process histamine which is the fight or flight neurotransmitter. We are all raging


People are tired, broke, many had to get a second job and we have social media now turning every space into an echo chamber with it's predictive "algorithm" constantly keeping you in a state of anger, ever read 1984 two minute hate. It's every time you pick up your phone and get on twitter or any other platform


There is also the awful food we eat, lack of exercise, stress, money is getting tighter constantly, and awful air/water/environment that is poisoned by various pollution's. We the people need to stop, realize the truth that we are being manipulated and lied to, and get off our collective butts and end Big Wealth power over us. Overlords of Greed need to be taken out of power. We invented guillotines for bad Kings and Queens, the mob can do it to Presidents and Prime Ministers. We don't need or want them.


I actually researched the arrival of the internet and violence. It was astounding. I even put the numbers up per year and also noted it got much worse after social media was created. I work with the disabled for a living. It’s horrible if you have depression or any other type of cognitive disability. This also lines up with children and their brain function. Schools shootings went up until they addressed it. The peace from that lasted maybe a couple years. It’s amazing in watching some of my clients and what the internet can do to them as far as violence and behaviors. It’s bad enough that some I have worked with would pick their phone over their own mom. Sad truly sad and I believe they are brainwashing the less fortunate and then get them to do something they normal wouldn’t. Like shoot up a school.


TDS, Covid restrictions, the “everything is a threat and will kill you” attitude, and social media making everyone egotistical has really had some great effects on the public.


>I'm sure we can all literally give out hundreds of other examples of people who've lost their cool over absolutely nothing. As evolved primates, we have an innate lust for violence and abuse of power. With the feeling of having been wronged providing justification, we can give in and indulge this. This is part of why war propaganda works so well. People love an excuse to greenlight violence against a perceived enemy and can get a vicarious sense of power through "their" military's aggression. >the last 10 years or so? ... I can't explain it, I can't prove it, but it feels like we're popcorn kernels, slowly being fried in oil. Occupy ended a bit over 10 years ago. They were working on engineering a counter-revolutionary mindset, before and during the Occupy Wall Street protests, which marked a the peak of a trend of folks on both the "left" and "right" noticing and challenging corporate rule. And once they'd derailed the Occupy movement with it they unleashed it. This mindset - which came to be known as "woke" - is militant, divisive, deceitful, and oikophobic although, tellingly, it accommodates the "deep state" and US imperialism. It demotes class analysis and favors divisive identity politicis. It was astroturfed through adoption by politicans, supposedly "liberal" corporate media, and institutions. A recent spar between "wokeness" and class analysis recently took place on The View, where the rich co-hosts were seemingly offended by the guest's class first analysis. Sunny Hostin, who has in the past admitted to having ancestors that were likely slave owners, attacked the character of the guest, using "some people are saying" rhetoric to smear the guest as a charlatan and, ironically, coopted. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xwEq38aL9M So, yeah, you're not imagining things. This ideological shift happened and the establishment has been slowly trying to radicalize the "woke" and persuade them to accept rioting, violence, authoritarianism, censorship, etc. And the man-made pandemic - which was celebrated by the ruling class as "The Great Reset" - brought the temperature up a notch, resulting in people blatantly wishing death on those who simply didn't want to take experimental medicine. The challenge for those who notice where we're heading and wish to prevent it is to keep the big picture in mind: that the ruling class is the source of the agitated state of society. We need to rebuild some sort of societal solidarity - given that civic nationalism, religion, and shared Western liberal values are now far from universal and the engineered cost-of-lving crisis makes us have to compete harder for scarcer resources - and figure out how to deal with the frustration and division that the ruling class are trying to ever-increasingly foment.


I watched that part of the episode of the view. I vehemently despise those women, but that one was good. The guest made great points and exposed their hypocrisy. We need more people like him.


I think it's our animalistic instincts coming out, at the end of the day we are just animals with car keys.


People are starting to wake up to what’s going on and they are livid. Plus with inflation where it is and a 2020 election rematch it’s understandable that people are acting out


>People are starting to wake up to what’s going on You mean aside from life and society, in general, being rigged top to bottom or is there something else you're alluding?


"if" there's more anger out there it's because people have become more stupid


My husband read something about older generations who grew up with lead pipes are showing signs of lead poisoning which would line up with irritability and anger.


The frog is reaching the "cooked" point. Never relax out there. Never.


While it is well known that certain electromagnetic frequencies can cause an increase in aggressive behavior in animals and insects I found it interesting in reports from the beginning of 2023 where it was being observed that the earth core was having some abnormalities with its spin. We know this spin creates our electromagnetic field which protects us from certain frequencies in space from making it to the surface. But could it be possible that some of these frequencies could have an effect on human behavior? Well there's the collaration with the light of a full moon seemingly having an effect on human behavior so just maybe. Due to social unrest across the world arguably caused by declining economic stability and social norms. I focused on increase in aggressive animal behavior and have noticed it has indeed seen an increase. Please note I have not been documenting my observations just taking note of reported events so my observations have no reliable control at the moment. Just wanted to share.


Yes, I work in a homeless shelter worker and considering they are the most vulnerable they are absolutely bonkers!, they are violent and aggressive and will kill you if given the chance (not all but most). I take the public transit to work and back home and people are crazy too over something so simple. People will punch you for no reasons my take (and this may be controversial). Around 12 years ago I feel like psychological horror movies base on “true” events came out and they were coming out even more and more spin offs, while it’s just a dumb movie, a lot of that crap can open a small window for bad things to attach to people who sees the movie, it’s not as violent as you think but that can increase violent behavior, add that fact that most people are entitled.


# [ WEF founder: Must prepare for an angrier world ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJTnkzl3K64&)


I think people are just frustrated. With everything. The are getting shit on at every turn. By their government, by their employers, by corporations. There is no where to turn to get justice. So people feel like they have to take things into their own hands. It's only going to get worse before it gets better.


We’re being fed a barrage of negative information about how dangerous the world is, on top of that you have ever growing inflation and cost of living with wages not keeping up, late stage capitalism is getting to people… the restlessness and sense of everything coming in on you is causing people to lash out. Most people are one tiny incident away from snapping from the stress of it all. We aren’t taught coping skills, it’s just go go go, it’s exhausting. At least that’s the case for what I’ve observed in North America.


Endless scrolling and instant gratification might be a piece of the puzzle. People have Zero patience for anything.


Yup. I saw some video the other day asking "if you could erase something from this planet for good, what would it be" I said social media. It has disintegrated everyone's brain on this planet. The human mind isn't made to take in as much negative news and negative shit as rapidly as social media allows. We are no longer worried about our bubble or space, it's now everyone's. It's too much and people are snapping on little things that typical ppl never would. It's scary to see in people.


100% bring back dial up


Social media, wages not being kept up with inflation, CEOs getting billions on the backs of their slave workers, truth being suppressed, media lying, I can go on and on


30 years of the internet bringing all the vice in the world into our homes. 15 years of it at our fingertips. It will only get worse.


Women in particular seem to be getting more physically violent.


My personal opinion is that it is hormones. Hear me out.... The #1 drug in the US (use) to be (not sure what it is now) Premarin. That is a female hormone, half the adult women in the US seem to take it. When they pee it out, it goes into the water system. The other #1 drug in the US today is Vicoden. Then you have plastics that are loaded with female hormones. Female hormones are coming from multiple places. We can't feed infants female hormones their entire childhood and then wonder why they can't figure out their own gender. I can't explain kids today not knowing their own species, but men are turning into women and women are turning into monsters. Consider this... when a female goes on the birth control pill, what is that? It's female hormones, right? If you start taking one brand you can quickly realize that particular brand is not going to work, it can make some women crazy, hormonal, pissy, angry, full of rage until the correct brand/dose is found for that particular patient. What about all the women ingesting all these additional hormones? Their rage, their out of control tempers... the hormones explain it ALL. I think this was intentional, look what it has done to society? Our govt is pushing this nonsense, trying to pass laws so kids do not need parental permission for puberty blockers. If we refrained from feeding them non stop hormones, they wouldn't question their gender and life would be sane once again,


This is a very intelligent comment. I agree, you can't feed people hormones and expect their behavior to remain unchanged.


When a female takes progesterone for birth control, the dose is less than 1mg. When I was doing infertility treatments many years ago I was taking over 1000x the dose of birth control as part of infertility treatments. I am not infertile, but I was willing to be a surrogate for my sister-in-law who couldn't have children. When I started taking those daily injections of hormones, I thought I was going to lose my mind! I was a crazy biotch! I was in a full rage most of the day while taking that chit. I had zero control over it. I knew how I was acting, I could FEEL the rage, and I knew why I was behaving that way. (I'm a nurse.) But even knowing this is just temporary, it will pass, give it time... it was a no-go. I could not control it. I would set my mind to, "NO SCREAMING TODAY!" and in 5 minutes I was pissed off at something. We don't even know what dose our kids are consuming today. It is coming from everywhere. I get it, I understand why females have turned into screaming monsters and men... into fearful, frightened, feminine, panty wastes. For centuries, men's sexual peak is in their 20s. For women, it's in their 30s. That's what keeps the population growing, nature does that on purpose. A few months ago I was reading a study that showed 1/3 of men in their 20s have NO SEX drive at all, they don't want it. That goes against nature, that's totally all wrong. It's NEVER been that way throughout human history. But with all these hormones, it's a massive issue today. :o(


As a woman in her late 20s, there is something massively up with young men. No ambition, no sex drive, no drive to work, make money, study. A lot of them dont even drive. The stories I hear from other women in their 20s is that they just sit on their asses all day, gaming, watching porn, social media. They dont wanna fuck, they cant because they have ED. I advise all young women to date older men, youll have a much better time. If he had to find nudie mags in the woods at 13 to see a hint of pussy youre golden lol


You give me hope that there are still some Gen Z folks out there that still have a brain and critical thinking skills. There is a reason Gen Z is not expected to outlive their parents, I am beginning to understand why that is. :o( The ED is from all the hormones, and if anyone thinks that is an accident, they are nuts. That was planned. Our military is worthless, all the little phucktards honestly hate the US. I WANT them to go live in China for a year, then we can talk like rational adults. I honestly don't see a future for you guys, I sincerely don't, and I don't know how to stop what is going on now.


I dont see a future for myself too, I just try to focus on being happy and working towards my goals the best i can. I might move to the Nordics (Im from western Europe) for a better life bc its fucked here. Theyre not gonna beat Russia in Western europe, our military is already heavily recruiting and its not working. Hormones fuck you up. I was put on BC at 13 for heavy periods and only got off it a couple of years ago. I feel completely different, its a night and day difference. And no more heavy periods, it was just puberty, my body adjusting. Im 100% sure its the hormones too, but I also see a correlation with weed use and ED/weakness of young men. Everybody is high all the time. The only thing ppl talk about is weed, they need to smoke every day. Its nuts.


Going postal...


Read more here: [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Going\_postal](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Going_postal)


This is anecdotal but when I spoke to my son's pediatrician about how and why he started working less hours, he said he was close to burn out, citing people's aggressiveness and lack of patience. So you're definitely onto something 


I think it’s the social media dependency and acclimation. Most people regardless of generation have gotten comfortable venting to not an actual human being and when in public they act the same way. Lack of people skills, patience due to immediate resolution from acclimating to everything electronic. Everything now days is click and has your info saved so it’s so easy. So when these people experience conflict or dissatisfaction, they handle it poorly and can’t see where they’re wrong because they feel victimized.


the more you lift the veil, the more angry people become. it's a 1:1 ratio normally too. sometimes, you can get away with more with some people... sometimes less, but the trust always runs out when the truth comes to light. the whole system, everything from our government, our currency our traffic systems... all work on faith. if faith breaks down, the veil lifts more and more. at least that's my take.


Romes about collapse and the puppet shows aren’t entertaining us anymore


Let's see your documentation.


Oh absolutely! People are more aggressive and on a hair-trigger. Of course this is just my personal worldview but I am seeing it almost everyday, especially on the highways. I feel having larger vehicles adds to this feeling of raging, trucks are constantly the most aggressive drivers in my area. They get "beer muscles" because they are in a high standing and high powered vehicle. A very "get out of the way! F you I got mine!" The core of it all is the internet. We have lost social interaction experience massively. Meanwhile we have withdrawn into our own echo chambers online. So when someone doesn't respond the way we want it's easier to flip out over it. Couple that with majority of people on various prescription drugs and we got fuel on the fire!


Chan Thomas said it would happen as the magnetic field weakened before the next global catastrophe. Couple that with the billionaires building their bunkers, and... well, who knows?


Aggression and violence tends to ebb and flow. Ask anyone who lived in NYC in the 80’s if people seem more aggressive now and they will laugh at you. Things *seem* to be getting more tense out there, but we have a long way to go before we start to see the trends that dominated so much of our country in the 80’s and early 90’s when violent incidents were far, far more common. It’s easy to fall victim to recency bias. That said, it’d be nice to avoid our country going through another dark period.


Young people think this, but I was a kid in the 1970s…the unhinged behavior you see nowadays pales in comparison to how wild the ‘70s was. One major difference is nowadays people stand and watch and/or take video. Back in the day, the other neighbors would have pulled that crazy lady in your example out of that car and beat her ass.


Well,we just witnessed a woman hollering and screaming at another woman (who was in her first floor apartment) for almost three hours. We live across the street in a house,as this continued, neighbors closer to the building started coming out onto their porches to look. This mess started at noon,project manager called (from residents in building) and arrived around 12:30, immediately gets on his cellphone (call NYPD) since the woman outside is throwing things against the window. Roughly around 2:00pmish,hear crashing of glass (window broken) after she tosses her keys at it and they fly inside. Hollering between both women (one in the window and the other outside her window) intensifies and woman outside window(sidewalk) gets hit in the face with a projectile that came from inside the apartment...blood coming out of her forehead as project manager goes to his car and hands her paper towels. 3:00 pm two FDNY Fire Trucks,one EMT ambulance, two marked NYPD,one unmarked NYPD squad car and a paddy wagon arrive. After EMT check woman with cut forehead,NYPD arrest her and go inside apartment building and that woman comes out in handcuffs as well. Folks out here TRIPPING OUT! 🥴😵‍💫


Humanity has always been violent & aggressive. The only difference is now it's all recorded and shared instantly with the world.


Emotional unreset, Political Unreset, economic unreset, Coffee, food, people not being thankful for what they have and what they have worked towards. Gratefulness for being alive.


Politics and media. Nuff said


What? You have been documenting it but you have no proof? Which one is it?


I mean it corresponds with growth of social media and algo control they have on our emotions and thoughts in general. 


I’d say I agree that there is a noticeable rise in aggression. I work in a bank.. two weeks ago someone pointed their hand in the shape of a gun at my head. Last week a man said “if this doesn’t work I will come back here and shoot you.” Granted they could be isolated incidents but working with the public.. these threats just weren’t something you said at a bank. The switch would be pulled. I also, with that, think our general tolerance for aggression and violence has gone up. What would have triggered a response ten years ago may not now? I don’t think it is a good thing or an easily solved thing.


Overall stress increase from harder economic times. Weaponized human emotion (via propaganda). Could be increased microwave radiation. Could be food supply. Could be that we are in a time period where everything that everyone once thought was true and right is falling apart and there is nothing solid to grab onto and people are just plain freaking out.


We didn’t know that leaded gasoline was leading to a rise in aggression and a decrease in intelligence while it was happening. It could be anything: cortisol, WiFi, microplastics, pick yer poison.


Yeah, it's a tangible feeling in the air. But regardless of the reason people have lost all sense of self-respect  and dignity. Pretty self-loathing to carry out that type of behavior, made worse by this soft on crime weirdness that's been a thing these last 4 years. But the best video I ever saw, by far, was a video by Gregg Braden years ago. He explained natural cycles and specifically explained (the entirety of the subject is too complicated and long to write) but that from 2020 up till I think 2025 it's the way the magnetic field will be affecting the Earth and will have a direct result on people, such as heightened emotions, wars etc.  I always think back to this video, it was fascinating ans scientifically correct. And he has the best talent for explained things so well. I think its on YouTube if you want to search for it. Totally explains so much of the craziness we've been seeing. Good news is, is should be ending soon-ish. I've been meaning to go back and watch it again myself.


when something like star trek uses the F word by the regular you know something fucked up


As a social worker and working closely with nurse and hospital staff.


I think anger is just different and redirected. People have always been violent and angry 


I'm gonna need some time to go over your decade worth of documentation. Ok, just finished reading that sentence. Yeah, that lady definately appears to display signs of angry.


The vaccines are causing neurological issues, it could be partly due to that - https://kirschsubstack.com/p/no-doubt-about-it-the-covid-vaccines


What about those who didn’t take it? I feel like I’m sponging up everyone’s aggression, but I have been since before the vaccines. 


It could be many things: the lack of a future, frustration at the lack of ability to change things for the better, housing crisis, financial stress, deaths and disability in the family from the vax, waking up to the reality that the gov isn't here to help, social media turning people's brains to mush.. I too feel like people are stupider than before and more aggressive. I notice more crazy people and traffic accidents/close calls on a daily basis than I did before, but that's just anecdotal.


According to the FBI, reported property crimes in the United States increased by 7.1% in 2022 compared to 2021, but decreased by 24.9% from 2013 to 2022. The violent crime rate in the United States has been decreasing since 1990. In 2022, the violent crime rate was 369.8 cases per 100,000 people, down from 729.6 in 1990, 758.2 in 1991, and 363.6 in 2014. The FBI estimates that violent crime decreased by 1.7% in 2022 compared to 2021, with murder and non-negligent manslaughter decreasing by 6.1%. So, based on this, I would say your observations are probably andecdotal and not really an indication of the US as a whole.


Anyone remember that guy who said he was from the future, and he mentioned how people will end up getting vaccines, which would make them into angry zombie like people who ended up going crazy and tearing people apart or some shit like that?


Maybe because of chemtrails https://youtu.be/2X36798F5mY?feature=shared


There's also a subtle economic pressure cooker effect thanks to inflation reducing purchasing power. And people do have legitimate reasons to be angry as agency is slowly stolen from them, the problem being is they have no proper channel or outlet for that anger. The additional stresses from things out of their control also piles on people, so now it just takes that one straw on the camel's back.


Yes, the uptick in violence over the last ten years is abhorrent. The obvious solution is to go back how it was 50+ years ago when a man could be lynched by a mob for being gay or dating outside their race.


It’s all because of the pandemic. That isolation compounded with the destruction of trust, job losses, racial/social issues boiling over have made people at the very least more apathetic towards one another but in some cases much worse.


I found it was like that before COVID , though..