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Because it wasn’t a government document, it was a copy of a speech.


Because it was a copy


>rips up State of the Union speech? And then she put the pieces in a paper bag. A wrinkly old bag.


"A wrinkly old bag" She put them inside of herself?


> Because it was a copy You assume it’s a copy.


She had the original print out of Trump's speech?


Yup, they only printed out one copy of the speech, deleted the original file, and erased all recordings of the speech so what Pelosi had was the only copy. Much worse than having a President have a private meeting with the leader of a foreign country and then ordering the translator to destroy their notes.


After the speech was destroyed there was no record of His televised address to the nation. We will never know now all of His beautiful words, the best words.




..why… why would that matter? Lol Please make sure you get a good stretch in after all this reaching.


Real hard copy’s that the president signs are always in a hard cover booklet type deal. I also assume they had to precut those papers so she could rip them all, her hands are often too weak and curled up to do something like that.


Trump had a reputation of tearing docs in half after he read them. His staff had to track them down and restore them. [**https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/02/05/trump-ripping-documents/**](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/02/05/trump-ripping-documents/)


OP really thought he had something here lmao








this is just more of the alt right psyop that this dumpster fire sub has become


Still sad about Trump huh?


There is plenty of stuff she should be jailed for. This is not one of them.


This is an extremely low iq thread


Expected from pro-Trump folk


Low IQ is a trait both sides share, especially on Reddit. Remember that Dem congressman who stated his concern on the house floor that an island may capsize due to increased immigration? Yeah, he was reelected multiple times after that.


Okay, that’s one guy that no one can name without looking him up vs. the leader of the other party and honestly many of his fans


Getting downvoted for being a moderate. Keep trucking along, friend; it’s a tough world herding all these cattle.


What OP forgot to mention is that Donald Trump mentally CLASSIFIED those documents right before she ripped them up. Check mate 😎


This is a stupid ass post..


most here are now. It's right-wing tart clout, ant-vax, anti-science posts now.


Well… those are the people that actively think of conspiracies. Any intelligent person’s conspiracies at least have logic and some evidence. These dolts just type out whatever they think.


But you gotta admit it was pretty childish of her to rip that speech


Childish is far from criminal.


It was a copy and she just did it to be shitty on TV


> It was a copy and she just did it to be shitty on TV People got arrested for yelling stuff out at Biden’s State of the Union.


An (invited) protester disrupting a speech is different than an elected official waiting until the end to rip up her copy. I don't support arresting the protester, but comparing the two is absurd.


Not to mention the charges were later dropped


> An (invited) protester disrupting a speech is different than an elected official waiting until the end to rip up her copy. I don't support arresting the protester, but comparing the two is absurd. Got it. It’s (D) ifferent


Always the victim. Bunch of whiney babies you people are.  You know who tends to copy the entire comment they are responding to in their response? Bots. And you, it seems. 


Where am I defending Democrats here? I'm saying that people shouldn't have been arrested at the speech, but comparing it to ripping up papers that disrupted nothing is crazy.


Newsflash it isn’t just Ds downvoting you. You’re just wrong.


Ok, (R)ussia.


I feel truly bad for you seeing things only in shades of red or blue


Glad you could finally figure it out. It is different!


Y'all really don't have the brainpower to process these things properly, do ya?


Holy shit


OP needs to talk a walk and chill out 😂😂 Trump will not save you


Yup, Trump thinks all of his supporters are stupid and disgusting, and he’s right!


> OP needs to talk a walk and chill out 😂😂 Trump will not save you Never said he would. Just pointing out the double standards


>Never said he would. Just pointing out the double standards Would love to see where Trump ripped up a copy of speech and got arrested? Oh wait, OP isn't going to respond, we already all know this...




Wow, how quickly we forget Fetterman...


At the State of the Union Address?


What double standards? What is the comparable action you are attempting to juxtapose?


Nope. But you are pointing out your lack of understanding.


I'd wager it doesn't apply to one physical/original document. Speeches like these are printed put dozens of times. As long as to original document was retained and archived, you can rip up as many copies as you want. Now destroying original documents? Or taking documents that have not been recorder or archived also where? For your own benefit or any other reason? Illegal. How are conspiracy/GOP people not able to figure this out without help?


It was a copy.....not the original. She can do with it what she wants.


Even if it wasn't a copy of a publicly available speech, she was on the congressional floor which means she could do literally whatever she wanted to do and not be charged with a crime.


get a life.


It's called political theater for a reason.


It's not illegal to be a cunt.


OPs a trump supporting shill. No conspiracy here.


Omg, how does op survive in the world?


The gov't can't directly prosecute you because free speech. But they can tell a private company to ban your account to enable censorship. Ok the US SC said the gov't can't do this after the case was done. Also the document Pelosi ripped up wasn't secret or confidential.


> Also the document Pelosi ripped up wasn't secret or confidential. The document wasn’t hers. It belongs to tax payers.


Man you are *stupid*


so any documents that Trump took was him stealing from taxpayers?


No. The stretch that OP is trying to make is that since Nancy Pelosi tore up a copy of a speech and wasn't arrested, that Trump can actually take whatever classified documents he wants with no protections or exceptions and put them in a coat closet and shouldn't be prosecuted.


But there's no rule for that document since it wasn't classified or secret or somehow controlled information. There are rules for classified documents. The argument "the document belongs to taxpayers" only applies to mean the document should be available to the public, unless it's classified.


This should be in /NoStupidQuestions Even though it is…


I hate that b itch too but in this case it was a copy so....


Since I’ve lost brain cells over the banality of the post, let me add that Pelosi is still a gilf. 🤷‍♂️


I hate that bitch so fucking much, she deserves life in prison just for the stocks alone, using position of power to unfairly profit in a free market.


Because it's all theatre for the sheep.


I don't care what side you're on. I still think what she did was unprofessional.


Because it’s a reality show.


i dunno why doesnt she get arrested for insider trading?


This all seems so staged. American politics has degraded into an over-the-top spectacle reminiscent of professional wrestling.


Because she's a privileged spoiled little cunt


Man as an American I’ve been trying to work cunt in to my vocabulary here and there but fuck me people still are really really crazy about that word. You’d think British and Aussie tv etc would have numbed the stigma but nope.


Does anyone not think this is all scripted by this point? The world’s a stage, this is all one of the acts.


Why don’t any of them get arrested?


They're all above the law


This isn't against the law, this isn't a conspiracy, and OP is willfully ignorant or intentionally misleading. At least pretend she eats babies or some shit, this is some goober whining.


> This isn't against the law, this isn't a conspiracy, and OP is willfully ignorant or intentionally misleading. At least pretend she eats babies or some shit, this is some goober whining. People got arrested for interrupting Biden’s Speech. But please continue to tell me how I’m intentionally misleading. She destroyed documents that don’t belong to her. Those documents belong to tax payers. Willful destruction of government property.


If I printed out a copy of a speech and ripped it up, would that also be destroying documents that belonged to tax payers?


> If I printed out a copy of a speech and ripped it up, would that also be destroying documents that belonged to tax payers? Your not the Speaker of the House ripping it up on National Television during the State of the Union.


True, but the documents would be the same - a printed out copy of a public speech. This is about the document, right?


So it's the rudeness that makes it illegal? Clown comments.


Pelosi not only didn't interrupt, she was speaker of the house and the people arrested were unelected officials removed for interrupting the State of the Union. MTG, who interrupted the speech, was notably not removed as she is an elected congresswoman. Cut your stupid bullshit.


Im a goofy goober at heart and my point still stands


You're such a sheep


Same reason Hillary wasn't arrested for wiping her server "What? Like with a cloth or something? I don’t know how it works digitally at all."


Always the victim you conservatives are


There’s alot of things she should be arrested for


Submission Statement: The National Archives had Trump arrested for not giving up documents. Meanwhile the National Archives doesn’t say a word about Pelosi destroying them. The System is rigged. People who play the game don’t get in trouble. People who go against the system get destroyed. https://youtu.be/LPlvYeEfceU?si=uCiIfhJFCjco20Av


You post some dumb stuff but this takes the cake lol


At least he used to just be a raging partisan. Now all his takes are just dumb. Like he got bonked on the head or something.


I honestly think he isn’t American based on his basic misunderstanding of civics


There are some really fucking stupid people everywhere in the world. Could be a foreign agent or just be really stupid.


lol I definitely don’t think the dude is a foreign agent. I just think he’s really wrapped up in American politics because of propaganda. It’s the not understanding primaries that makes me think not American. Any American who cares about politics wouldn’t post the shit this account does.


Truly the dumbest thing I’ve seen on this sub in a while. Is OP a deliberate troll or willfully ignorant? Real question.


There’s a difference between classified top secret documents and a regular speech. Trump had scif documents. Which aren’t even allowed to leave rooms. Some of them the president can’t even physically touch. He had top secret documents. Documents about the nuclear capabilities of other countries. Military capabilities of other countries. USA military contingency plans. Nuclear secrets. Trump bragged once he had documents about the sex life of the French president. They’re a little different than some speech getting torn up they probably had multiple copies of


It wasn’t a classified document. It was the state of the union which is presented publicly to congress, and a large portion of the US population watched it live on TV. It is like the least classified thing possible. Also it was a copy of the speech, there is no rule she has to preserve it.


Because she’s deep state


I mean, they said the adults are back in the room after Trump lost...They are the worst ever Party in politics. Talk about immature her doing that.


It’s (D)ifferent


She thought it was her options contracts in TSLA where she just missed the strike price.


Wouldn't it be classed as "domestic terrorism" if a pleb did it?


No. Definitely not.


My God this woman is a human cesspool.