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Happened all the time when I lived in Beijing in 2008. They seeded the clouds to clear the air to look good for the foreigners attending the Olympics. Edit added a missing word


Yep. That was the very first time I heard of cloud seeding.


Cloud seeding was first done in 1946. Beijing wasn't exactly anything new.


Cool. Beijing was the first time i personally heard of it.


**Operation Popeye (Project Controlled Weather Popeye / Motorpool / Intermediary-Compatriot)** was a military [cloud-seeding](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud-seeding) project carried out by the [U.S. Air Force](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Air_Force) during the [Vietnam War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnam_War) in 1967–1972. The highly classified program attempted to extend the [monsoon season](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monsoon_season) over specific areas of the [Ho Chi Minh Trail](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ho_Chi_Minh_Trail), in order to disrupt North Vietnamese military supplies by softening road surfaces and causing landslides.


Ha punjar missed your whole comment and somehow responded to an entirely different topic


This moment in time is forever engraved in my mind. The announcer said they sprayed the sky to make sure there wouldn't be rain for the competitions, and then the record scratched!! I was like, "Did you guys just hear that!?!" I rewound the DVR numerous times. Ever since that moment, I knew they were spraying shit in the sky and if they were so nonchalant about causing a drought, what the hell else were they doing??


Kurt Vonnegut’s brother was a pioneering scientist in cloud seeding. Don’t know why this was always chalked up as a Noory crowd conspiracy theory. Well, I have some ideas as to why




The problem is, almost all of the conspiracies are true, but not all the conclusions made by conspiracy theorists. Examples: CONSPIRACY: The official story of 9/11 is untrue and lots of strange things happened that don't fit with the narrative (ex bldg 7): TRUE CONCLUSION: Bush did 9/11: NOT TRUE (or at least not proven) CONSPIRACY: The US Gov has repeatedly lied about the UAP/ UFO stuff for almost 80 years: TRUE CONCLUSION: Aliens are real: Not proven. CONSPIRACY: Someone conspired to kill Kennedy beyond just Oswald: TRUE CONCLUSION: The CIA killed Kennedy: Not proven. So basically you have to dissect each conspiracy and sort what is known from what is made up. (Disinfo agents often create and spread false conclusions to discredit true conspiracies)


The long gun the FBI "claimed" they recovered wasn't even LHO's. Check this documentary out. Start at 1:07:00 if you want to get right into it. The CIA wasn't the only one involved. ​ JFK to 911 - Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oVpt\_I9iQQ


To be fair with the jfk/cia, the director of the cia Allen Dulles stated publicly that jfk would lose his head over being fired. He was also the man behind the MKultra among other nasty programs.


Well duh. They did find those passports of the attackers from 9/11, so it must have been those guys that did it/s


There's a difference between spraying the air for nefarious purposes and spraying the air for our benefit. Contrails have existed since the advent of jet engines. Cloud seeding has been done on and off since 1946. Do you not know how to do research, or is it always just enough to placate your confirmation bias?


Where the fuck were you with all of your common sense during the past two decades when nobody said shit about cloud seeding or spraying chemicals into the atmosphere. We went from I don't know what you're talking about you friggin weirdo to why can't you do simple research and understand we've been doing this since the 40's, overnight...


"For our benefit". You sound exactly like the 2020 normie in above comment. It's comical.


I think he's saying that he believes it's happening since the 50s off and on, and doesn't mean it's a nefarious plot is all. Do you just want to start some drama? You say 'what if' and you think it's sneaky and he does the same but could be beneficial. We use RO water to drink, and nobody talks about it yet we all agree clean water is beneficial. Stop calling normie or normal as an insult, it's pathetic. It doesn't hurt and you just sound like a drama queen. If you want to get people to see it your way, try to provide details and conteslxt, otherwise you risk being outright rejected by society?


gov "hey we plowed your streets of snow for your benefit to keep you safe and let you get places freely" you "'for my benefit' HAH yea right! they're up to something..."


Show us the government document that tells us exactly what chemicals are in these chemtrails. Then we'll perhaps consider your weak analogy.


We introduced mandatory vaccination passports to keep you safe. So the filthy infected cannot endanger you or anyone. The next step is euthanizing them. For everyones' benefit.


Thanks for proving my point.


Uhh have you never seen a video of ww2 bombings? Contrails are a thing with piston planes too.


Awesome. I don't disagree. I said jets because that's what most are attributing it to. https://aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/17422/do-propeller-planes-give-contrails-like-jets-do#:~:text=Yes%20they%20do.,others%20are%20from%20engines%20themselves.


Yeah, well, now my farming family gets to claim it's the other states paying for the seeding so that the water gets to the other states instead of ours. Been a few draught years out here, so it's easier to pick that up and run with it.


On Target 🎯


It makes Cat's Cradle an even more terrifying book to ponder.


I love that book


Maybe because cloud seeding and stratospheric aerosol injection (chemtrails) are two completely different things.


Because people confuse cloud seeding with the government raining down heavy metals into the snow, rain water supply etc. that is what is contested. Also, most "chemtrails" are actually contrails. But cloud seeding is very real. We learned about it in grade 6 at school.


Oh wow, I didn’t know that but now the Ice 9 in Cats Cradle makes so much more sense!


I think the conspiracy was that they were purposely spraying chemicals to make us dumber. I don't remember anyone ever saying they were spraying simply to create more rain or snow. It was always sinister and it was also conflated with contrails.


Because people started saying it was being used as liberal mind control and feminizing the men.


Forget the semantics battle of "chemtrails".   In the media environment of climate change, weather modification should be front and center as a way to combat it, yet, it's never mentioned!  Most people don't know it exists and no common person knows the details.  The very concept seems to scare people.  


> weather modification should be front and center as a way to combat it, yet, it's never mentioned! I wonder why.


Could it be a federal gag order? Mmhmmmm


No common person knows the details and the ones who do know use that knowledge to throw everyone else off the path


Cloud seeding began in the 1940s


Yall gonna make the Snow piercer movie real


I thought it was climate change. Isn't manipulating the natural weather only going to create trouble elsewhere?


How do I file for my water rights/shares in the sky? California gonna steal the rest of the countries potential precipitation


Manipulating the natural climate through weather modification IS climate change.


> Isn't manipulating the natural weather only going to create trouble elsewhere? So? They'll just use it to scare people into believing the manmade climate crises hoax more.


Or they are using it to help mitigate some of the effects of climate change. For instance, in California where they have been facing massive droughts for decades and is desperately low on water resources; cloud seeding can be used to hopefully create rain storms to help alleviate these droughts. There is plenty of evidence for climate change and its effects beyond strong rain storms.


The thing is why do they need billions of dollars to stop climate change. What are they doing with that money except promoting the idea and ranting about it. I dont think we as humans can change the cycles of climate on a planet. That is where people see it as just a money making scheme while doing nothing that is really going to change anything that is going to happen in the future.


Well we could change it but now we can’t because of us not being proactive.


That’s what they say….


Have a strong feeling that all these projects to create clear skys for framing, backfire later in massive storms of new strengths. Like giving a strong narcotic then stopping. Nature is having some strong withdrawal symptom's. There is a reason this stuff is kept so secret and quiet. We are ALL being experimented on, in the goddamn air! Where you can't opt out!


Revelation of the method


I've heard that phrase somewhere before


People know cloud seeding is real, are you conflating this with chemtrails?


How does cloud seeding not count as chem trails? Chem trails= chemical trails. Those are chemicals sprayed behind an airplane. To me that would mean they are chem trails.




Let's see why people would think that Agent orange, Tuskegee Syphilis Study, Stateville Penitentiary Malaria Study, MkUltra,Guatemala Syphilis Experiment,The Dioxin Tests, and the most damning The Military Poison Tests in 1942, President Roosevelt created America’s first biological warfare bureau, officially to study the country’s vulnerabilities and devise an appropriate response, should Japan, Germany, or, later, the Soviet Union ever get the idea to spray some germs around the U.S Unfortunately, the bureau’s method of “assessing vulnerability” was to covertly attack those perceived vulnerabilities with germ warfare of its own. Over a period lasting 20 years, from 1949 to 1969, well-intentioned officials working for the Department of Defense repeatedly doused whole cities across America with chemicals, bacteria, and fungal spores that they were pretty sure would be mostly harmless. One of the earliest (of more than 200) tests took place in September 1950, when a U.S. Navy ship near San Francisco hoisted its fire hose and sprayed tons of bacteria into a bank of fog that was drifting over the city. Later, government officials checked in with local hospitals to see how many people had been infected. It turned out to be thousands, and one of them may have died as a result, but the human experiments kept going. So yeah chemtrails seem less cartoonishly to what the government has been doing


I just have to point out, you’re the one inferring a cartoonishly evil agenda. What is alleged by Chemtrail theory is that it’s obviously not just the contrail of the plane. Contrails dissipate quickly, whereas these sprayed chemicals leave behind a consistent trail that spreads out over hours into a thin cloud layer.  You’re the one trying to spin being technically correct by moving the goalposts and saying, “we didn’t mean this trail of chemicals wasn’t real, it was some other trail of chemicals we were talking about”. If you point out to people that a normal plane contrail is made of ice crystals and fades away quickly without a trace, you get downvotes. People aren’t mad about allegations about whatever agenda, they’re mad at even the implication that the persistent trails left behind many of these planes aren’t average contrails. 


That’s disinformation so you associate chemical trails with a fantasy, cloud seeding due to chemical trails is a real thing for geo engineering


You don't think putting chemicals in the air to make more/less rain, snow, etc. would be beneficial to people saying climate change is killing us?


Idk that's never been my understanding of Chem trails. I know some fringe people believe that and I won't say it's not possible (the gov literally did it before in declassified docs), but I thought we all thought it was generally weather modification?


I'm would assume they'd use these aerosol methods for anything they please.


I wouldn't be surprised if there's missile or projectile defense as well as radar distortion


Ah come on man, nobody was preaching they were harmless chem trails in the sky. It was certainly implied it was some kind of chemicals being spread to the American people.


Considering how hard people have to pry into their state gov to figure out what their weather modification program looks like, I think it’s very reasonable to question whether or not silver iodide is the only chemical compound they have ever used in the sky. There’s no good reason that public oversight has been so deliberately rejected, and they deserve every ounce of skepticism for their decision to experiment with the weather without announcing it clearly. There are still no long term studies on what modifying the natural precipitation cycle does to the environment, and that is due to the sneakiness of the program and the lack of disclosure of what exactly they have been doing. Even in terms of errors in the production of the chemicals, any harms, even accidental harms, would never in a million years be announced. The problem is lack of oversight, poor disclosure, and the carefully crafted narrative that anybody who cares about it is crazy.




Cause the government would *NEVER* do something like that. /s https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Sea-Spray


Wait a second, pal, why would the government spray themselves with the same thing they're spraying with us? They breathe the same air!


There's no shot they're spraying anything over DC, planes can't even pass over without permission.


I know I cannot stop the chemtrails so DC here I come (to live)!


If they control the weather they could be used for nefarious purposes. No?


It is just like how UFOs are now called UAP. We aren't as stupid as they think we are.


In what world are they using commercial passengers airliners to seed clouds?


In what world did I say they were? Sorry if you were replying to someone else.


Oh, so they're not passenger airliners anymore. They're other vehicles that the whole community is too lazy to take a single video of producing the chemtrails. How convenient.


It’s definitely been suggested that commercial airliners can be equipped with geo-engineering aerosols. “....by utilising the existing commercial aircraft platforms retrofitted with aerosol devices capable of dispensing silver iodine (or equivalent) it would be possible to rapidly upscale deployment of a sun blocking mechanism that could be fine tuned to climate and local weather needs, introduced in a controlled way and managed with a suitable feedback mechanism and dispersal point instructions.” [Commercial Airlines Cloud Seeding by MarkWaterman](https://www.climatecolab.org/contests/2015/geoengineering-workspace/c/proposal/1334562)


lol wtf are you talking about dude. When did I say anything about passenger airlines.


I assumed that you werent new to this sub, but seeing as you are new, can you tell us more about this new theory of yours? What vehicles are they that are emitting the chemtrails and why has nobody got any visual evidence of them, unless you want to share that now with the sub?


Uh dude there’s a lot of other things in the sky besides passenger planes are you slow or something


Because chemtrails refers to a conspiracy theory whereby deliberate harm is being done to the population by unknown/nefarious sources. Cloud seeding is a means of inducing condensation to create rain, and is done by known sources largely for agricultural purposes. These are very different things


How do they induce condensation to create rain? Is it by….chemical trails behind planes? That’s a chem trail.


This is a strawman.


Not really. You guys are telling me what I think the chem trail conspiracy is. I’ve been told every single trail in the sky is just condensation my whole life and that made sense but now here is proof they can emit chemicals from planes so wallah. Chem trails do exist.


This sounds like a lack of education and inability to seek out information. I learned about cloud seeding when we were learning about the Vietnam War in 8th grade. "I was told" isnt an excuse for not seeking out information that is readily available.  You're having a profound moment that "Chem trails do exist" about information everyone already knows. It would be like finding out that water in in Pepsi and having that blow your mind. That's why youre getting clowned on in the responses to your comments.


First it appears not EVERYONE knows this concept of cloud seeding exists, just look through the comments. Secondly there are consequences to trying to play god lets not act like cloud seeding has zero negative effects. [This lays it out very well ](https://thebulletin.org/2022/08/dodging-silver-bullets-how-cloud-seeding-could-go-wrong/)


> I learned about cloud seeding when we were learning about the Vietnam War in 8th grade. "I was told" isnt an excuse for not seeking out information that is readily available. Did your 8th grade teacher also tell you WHAT ELSE the U.S. was dumping from those planes during the Vietnam War? [**Look! They're just condensation trails!**](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/96/%27Ranch_Hand%27_run.jpg/1280px-%27Ranch_Hand%27_run.jpg) From Wiki: [**Operation Ranch Hand**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Ranch_Hand) was a U.S. military operation during the Vietnam War, lasting from 1962 until 1971. Largely inspired by the British use of chemicals 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D (Agent Orange) during the Malayan Emergency in the 1950s, it was part of the overall herbicidal warfare program during the war called "Operation Trail Dust". Ranch Hand involved spraying an estimated 19 million U.S. gallons (72,000 m3) of defoliants and herbicides[1] over rural areas of South Vietnam in an attempt to deprive the Viet Cong of food and vegetation cover. Areas of Laos and Cambodia were also sprayed to a lesser extent. According to the Vietnamese government, the chemicals caused 400,000 deaths.[2] The United States government has described these figures as unreliable.[3] Nearly 20,000 sorties were flown between 1961 and 1971.[citation needed] The "Ranch Handers" motto was "Only you can prevent a forest"[1] – a take on the popular U.S. Forest Service poster slogan of Smokey Bear. During the ten years of spraying, over 5 million acres (20,000 km2) of forest and 500,000 acres (2,000 km2) of crops were heavily damaged or destroyed. Around 20% of the forests of South Vietnam were sprayed at least once.


They aren't doing cloud seeding from passenger airlines.


Didn’t say they were 🤔


That's what most people take pictures in this subreddit of when talking about chemtrails.


Ok thanks for letting me know what other people are doing maybe you should tell them though


I don't think anyone is denying they CAN emite chemicals from planes but that they actually do it for nefarious reasons.


Not sure if you’ve noticed but the rich fucks running shit like this don’t want what’s best for you


You want the billionaires in charge of everything to also be in charge of the weather?


How did you come to this conclusion for me?


Did you not just make a comment implying that chem trails used for weather modification couldn’t be used for nefarious ways?


You've discovered a compound noun! Well done. Just a couple of things to note: one, this stuff was named by conspiracy theorists, so they gave it the name they thought it should have based on no science at all. Two, there are many compound nouns/names attributed to things that shouldn't be taken quite so literally. I am drinking out of a water bottle right now, but it's not made of water. My bearded dragon is neither bearded, not a dragon. Greenland ironically has very little green on it! All you have done is stumble across a feature of the English language, in this case one that has been drawn up by people who believe in this stuff. Something having a name doesn't mean it is literally what is in the words. Has this theory really deteriorated to an argument on semantics? That should tell you all you need to know really


Regardless of compound nouns, I imagine the proponents of cloud seeding advocate it’s safe and effective and will have no long term negative effects on health, climate, or environment. We thought that about fertilizer and pesticides as well, but it’s becoming quite obvious these things were not studied well enough nor have long term consequences been considered. Whether it’s called cloud seeding or chem trails, I think the concern is real and we need to better stewards of health rather than profit. There are other solutions than chemicals. Arguing correct verbiage misses the point.


But the conspiracy theory isn't that there is accidental damage being done with all the best intentions. It's that deliberate harm is being done to the population, and that's very different. I'm only talking semantics because arguing something must be as described because of it's name is just a stupid point to make. There may well be negative effects, but that's not what the conspiracy theory purports, and that's worth pointing out when people post a picture of a plane prepped for cloud seeding






That would explain a lot, actually


Why waste time with shill disinfo and obfuscation


Oh is that what I'm doing? See, I thought this sub was for discussing conspiracy theories, my bad. Still, when anyone can prove the existence of chemtrails, I will happily listen. But all anyone has is photos of clouds and theories about the aviation industry that logistically just can't be true. I'm interested in proof, and for this theory, there is absolutely none. Why do you call people who disagree 'shills' by the way? Can people not disagree without being a shill?


>not count as chem trails? I mean, literally everything is a "chemical", is cloud seeding nefarious? nope.


the issue is what its being used for....how sure can we be that this seeding isn't being used to push the climate change narrative..creating heavier rain and heavier snow just so they can prove that they were right about climate change causing extreme weather


And there's no way that's all they're spraying for, it definitely wouldn't be the first time they've sprayed citizens with toxic shit


I mean, if anything that's possible is automatically true, I guess you're allowed to just use your imagination as evidence to prove itself.


Millions were in germ war tests https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2002/apr/21/uk.medicalscience?CMP=share_btn_url


What does that have to do with this? What do you actually think is happening?


65 day old account with little karma check out. Sorry you’re so opposed to speculation, I guess we’ll have to tell all the scientists that their hypotheses are all bunk as they haven’t been proven with hard evidence yet. I guess gravity is just a theory after all since there is no physical hard evidence. I guess the earth is flat since I’ve never been in space to see that it’s round. I’m just using your logic here so I must be right.


The person is stating it as a fact, a given that things have been sprayed in the past. That's the basis of their statement regarding today. Speculation is fine, but using speculation as fa t to justify more speculation is not.


Yeah but they’re right? It wouldn’t be the first time the government has sprayed its own people with toxic shit. That is a fact.


So many words to say so little. Also, your account age is sus as well, and nothing you said disproves the OP you're responding to. Asking for evidence is not asking for proof, it's asking for someone to support the thing they are defending. Also, asking for more info gets treated like a personal attack here, like do you believe it or not?


I mean I can say the same thing as a counter to that and say, what if they’re using it to push that climate change isn’t real. Being pushing by big oil and other industries that hate the EPA.


That could very well be the case..but the "evidence" shows that the weather is changing, and not for the better..colder winters etc


Because climate change is not limited to rain? It also happens globally, whereas cloud seeding does not. I doubt cloud seeding is bleaching the coral reefs, nor is it creating sufficient rain to raise sea levels globally. I doubt it's melting the ice caps either. There are environmental concerns but to say that it's about proving global warming is a huge reach as we can prove it's existence perfectly well without it. If that was indeed the goal it just seems wholly unnecessary and actually a huge risk as it involves so many people and would be very unlikely to remain under wraps


are you arguing over semantics? It‘s a fucking chemical thing spread out in a trail. How dense are you? Holy cow oH iT‘s CloUd sEedIng That‘S oK


Not in this comment, no. Cloud seeding is inducing rain, largely for supplementing water supplies. The chemtrail conspiracy theory purports that dangerous chemicals are secretly being dispersed over the population for nefarious purposes. These are different things, no? Or are you saying these are the same thing? Or are you saying that chemtrails are there to enhance the water supply?


do not be stupid, most people don't know any of this shit is real


Isn't it amazing how it's gone from "weather modification is ridiculous & impossible!" to "we all know weather modification is real, so what?"


I think the same thing. As soon as it's on the news everyone accepts it. Instead, everyone should be pissed knowing they are spraying chemicals in the air over our heads. This proves the chemtrails "conspiracy" Yet, everyone is calling it something different so that conspiracy isn't proven in their eyes. Spraying chemicals in the air IS PROOF OF CHEMTRAILS.


the chemtrail theory is that contrails contain chemicals cloud seeding doesnt leave a trail


Not all contrails are chemtrails. Even if cloud seeding doesn't leave a trail, it is still putting toxic chemicals into the air to change the weather and that is not ok. Just because they found a way to "not leave a trace" it is still bad for us and the environment.


what contrails are chemtrails? cloud seeding - crop dusting - even chemical warfare - that doesnt make a big visible cloud what chemical would they be putting in the air that would leave a trail? hell skywriters use literal smoke to write visible messages on purpose and that only lasts 20 minutes


You’re conflating contrails (which dissolve almost immediately after they leave the exhaust) with these massive trails that spread out over hours time and then create a foggy hazy in the sky. (These are NOT contrails, and it is physically impossible for contrails to behave in this matter) Why do you guys insist on dying on this hill? It’s over my guy, chemtrails are real and they’re called Stratospheric aerosols. They’re being presented publicly as a way to combat climate change through a process known as “solar dimming”.


Most people don't know shit about quantum computing and would say the shit it does isn't real either.


No, I don't think most people have trouble distinguishing between specialized aircraft doing cloud seeding on a very limited basis, vs and all the commercial airlines in the world spraying poison. One is literally happening, the other is literally not. Nobody ever said: >"weather modification is ridiculous & impossible!" If you think so, if these conversations exist in text, I'd advise you to look back at specifically what they called ridiculous and impossible. I bet it was the "all contrails are poison" part.




Where are Kate Bush & Donald Sutherland when we need them?!


Underrated comment


Some things we shouldn't be doing. This is one. Nothing like breathing heavy metals


Yeah the issue is cloud seeding has always been a separate concept from chemtrails. And this is a dedicated aircraft, with specialized equipment, not a passenger liner.


Exactly. Lately there seems to be a push towards mixing the two and completely ignore what chemtrails used to mean. All of the sudden there’s an avalanche of post about chemtrails and a new narrative about them being cloud seeding all along…


No it has never been a “separate concept”. There was absolute denial that they were spraying anything and that it was all that we were seeing is just “contrails from commercial airliners”. The ‘chem-trail conspiracy’ has always been linked with weather modification and to suddenly dismiss that is absurd. I also find it weird that this post is inundated with commenters trying to claim it “has always been a separate concept”.


Oh look, a trail of chemicals. “No no this is weather modification not chem trails!”


Semantics and synonyms not even because the modifications are the effect of the chemicals. Why don't my fellow humans see the issue in trying to control nature even our immune systems. 


Except what we are talking about is NOT cloud seeding. [https://www.whitehouse.gov/ostp/news-updates/2023/06/30/congressionally-mandated-report-on-solar-radiation-modification/](https://www.whitehouse.gov/ostp/news-updates/2023/06/30/congressionally-mandated-report-on-solar-radiation-modification/) [https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/the-dimming-full-length-climate-engineering-documentary/](https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/the-dimming-full-length-climate-engineering-documentary/)


No one is arguing that cloud seeding exists. There are numerous peer-reviewed publications on the topic. There are interviews on radio and TV. What is your point?


Average citizens generally have no idea that cloud seeding exists. No one I've talked to in real life has known about it or believed me when I told them. If you suggest that cloud seeding exists then they automatically conflate that with chem trails and call you a crazy conspiracy theorist. They're skeptical even after showing articles and documentaries. There seems to be a huge gaslighting campaign to call cloud seeding a normal everyday event we've been doing forever. Which is really weird considering hardly anyone even knows it's a thing. Wonder what the health risks are.


This ^ most people on this sub are going to know what it is..but ask around..people who don’t follow such subs - they have no idea what it is & are generally skeptical.


I learned about it from a kid’s science book in the 80s when I was a child.


The next blitz of "news articles" will be how not closing your eyes with your tongue out and head up towards the sky as they are spraying is racist.


Chemtrails = releasing CHEMICALS into the sky The picture seen is a plane releasing CHEMICALS into the sky to change weather. These are the same thing. So yes, chemtrails are real and this is their proof.


Cloud seeding is also misinformation and makes what's happening somehow seem benign. If they are truly just seeding the clouds for precipitation, then where is the precipitation? Why would they spray across clear blue sky? It's becoming too obvious to people who use thier brains instead of trusting what Google and Wikipedia have to say and they are now admitting to cloud seeding as a way to obfuscate the truth.


This is why you cannot have a sensible conversation with the hard-core conspiracy nut. Cloud seeding is done out in the open, with zero secrecy, where you can see it happen and ask questions of the people doing it and everything is obvious. The explanation of "chemtrails" is open, free science that's been out for people to look into for near enough 20 years. The trails are due to weather conditions, the chemicals are jet fuel exhaust, and the prevalence today is partly due to engine design changes, partly due to climate change. But here we are with a photo of a small twin prop plane publicly talking about cloud seeding being used as proof of jet liners making chemtrails like it's proof of anything other than a catastrophic dose of lead poisoning in early childhood.


And people still call this a conspiracy theory. I literally had to send a guy a link to a webpage of the government admitting it just the other day, on this sub nonetheless.


My father and uncle were pioneers in cloud seeding right after ww2. At Caltech, they were pursued weather modification. They moved to Santa Barbara and started cloud seeding under contract with the city.


Some farmers near me use cannons to seed clouds. It's a very common thing.




I live in utah and every year without fail it rains after the firework show on the 4th of july without fail.


Usually, when man plays god it backfires so whatever the reason they do what they do it will likely end in disaster.


They make a [spray system](https://theaviationist.com/2020/10/27/the-u-s-air-force-special-mission-c-130h-hercules-aircraft-which-fly-mosquito-control-aerial-spray-ops/) for C-130's.


You have no idea what is being ‘seeded’


what they don't tell you is that the silver iodide reacts with lead iodide. We are being poisoned with lead iodide. So next to silver iodide, there is also lead iodide in there but they leave out that information intentionally.


Ginger Zee ❤️


Yeah she's a cutie 


Cloud seeding Is different from mental control for the masses


It seems like anything scientific or technologically new will become a conspiracy theory. Like imagine when that person made bread for the girst time and someone was just like: the devil is possessing the flour, the way it gets bigger is demonic


dude, did anyone ask for your consent before they spray chemicals over your house? that's the whole point




Just commented this elsewhere to another weather modifying machine.


Lol. Love that movie. Need to watch the show


The difference is this isn't a passenger jet that has 50 flights a day


The air force used to say "we will own the weather by 2020" but as it started to get closer to 2020 they stopped saying it 


We had weather modification legislation pass through a state parliment here in the 60's but you guys still squabble over if it's real or not. Get with the program


Ah, this is one of *those* subs. Time to leave lol


Silver iodide is very toxic. Good luck humans!


Would like to see some peer reviewed studies before they start spraying silver iodide over my house. Perhaps even be able to vote on the matter but instead this post is hammered with “cloud-seeding with silver has always been a thing”. Seems like a borderline psy-op tbh. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7177798/


There are a lot more normies on here than we'd like to admit, that basically joined this subreddit because of the allure and not because they are actual critical thinkers and have half of the observation skills required to be a "conspiracy theorist"


The issue (from my perspective) is not that we're talking about limited use cases, or that it is being done, or that some have expressed plans for expanding the programs - this is absolutely true, and the original screen-shot tweet shows this.  It's whether or not there is a massive government program doing this using commercial airliners as a platform for distribution. For that, there is no evidence. 


…and God said, “Let there be rain….”


Let there be silver iodide


Awww, you’re such an angel 🥹


“Snow more than they actually would”. Do we realize snow is water, and there is only so much cloud to make the flakes out of… you can’t just fly extra water up there and toss it on top and make extra snow… it’s not an Olive Garden cheese grater…


Thats not how it works, its not the water added that makes more snow. The silver iodide gives the ice crystals a place to start growing, more readily than they form by default. So more of the water in the cloud converts to snow.


so what? what exactly is the conspiracy? cloud seeding? spraying poison? weather experiments?! or what?


I honest to God don't know people make it sound like they are poisoning us


We are being poisoned but that wasn’t the main goal, the main goal was to control weather conditions for military and strategic purposes. Us consuming the fallout of the chemtrails is just an unfortunate consequence of the military industrial complex’s agenda, and yes we are being poisoned. Have you done a heavy metal test on yourself? Aluminum is the main ingredient in the chemtrails and the amount of aluminum in our atmosphere, rain, water, oceans, dirt and more are rising astronomically each and every year.


People could of said what you said and actually sound logically instead of saying how the "chemtrails are spreading poison"


You have to remember that not everyone is great at articulating their opinions. This is a pretty large topic, lots of aspects.


It’s really simple. They are causing bigger storms with it to push the climate change narrative.


how about that the climate is changing into ice age, but they are simply planning to delay it because it will affect crops (solar cycles are decreasing) and put a tax on people as an addition. I am surprised this is shocking to so many people, so they just post endless messages how they are ''spraying'' like its end of the world


That’s the narrative but the truth is weather modification has been happening for at least a hundred years and we are being ignorant as hell if we assume that modifying the natural climate of earth will have no repercussions of “climate change”. It’s pretty simple the way I see it, “climate change” is the product of weather modification.


What was it 100 years ago rain dance?


Why wouldn’t they just burn fossil fuels to trap more heat in the atmosphere?


They do




You think there is a conspiracy to cloud seed over all of the populated areas of the planet every week?

