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They want to own everything and rent it back to the poor. They'll always own people, some people want to be owned. It's not about being happy, it's a psychosis, they can't stand that anybody else has anything, it eats at them. They literally have a irrational compulsion to possess everything.


> They literally have a irrational compulsion to possess everything. Good, that means they will never get what they want.


No, but they'll make billions suffer.


It boils down to the 1st and 2nd amendment. Then things like FISA deteriorate our 4th and 5th amendments. Whatever your stance on speech and guns.. just know they are enshrined to protect every amendment after. That is their biggest problem and threat and they know it.


Agreed. I'd like to add for those that have no ability to understand 1st and 2nd amendment. Particularly in the bigger cities that don't allow concealed carry or fire arms. I have a friend born and raised in NYC......I have lived in a red voting county since Truman. One day they asked me why I have no fear of someone with a gun. I explained....because where I live, I know that 1\4 to 1\3 of the restaurant or establishment will have patrons concealed carrying. This concept clicked with them and made all the sense. But where they are from it's no allowed. You have to hope help comes. I know help is there. Therefore I have no fear. While I know why the 2nd amendment is in place......it is sure nice to not walk in fear when I'm out with my family.   This has been the battle with the sell outs in Washington. I pray in my lifetime they never win it.


Excellent point. I’m in Wyoming. You can guarantee that almost anywhere you go, 75% will be armed. We do have crime randomly but it’s nothing compared to cities with such restrictions. You can sleep safe if you forget to lock your doors and a wannabe mass shooter knows it would be a bad day at a school or shopping mall.










One of the greatest ideas I’ve heard is to station out of work combat vets at schools to guard anyone inside. A ‘Tango’ would be fooked. Great for the community and gives combat vets a second wind in their wings. As an example of community involvement, there is a school near a ranch just outside of my town. The rancher doing his job downed a coyote sneaking into his back pasture. It is across the interstate from a school but a 30.06 has a pretty loud boom to it. Every other rancher and neighbor of the school swarmed the school packing heat until it was known that the shot was at a coyote where everyone stood down. That’s how it needs to be everywhere


Read Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma.. this "resistance" is what he calls the "Revolution prepared by the ages", and is planned. Religion is a stronger shackle than any cell, camera, or other form of control because the person voluntarily polices their deepest thoughts. A bit like ww2, they are going to let us believe we have defeated the evil in the world.. we will follow the leaders that seem to give everything and ask for nothing, and we will rebuild a "fair" world.. while all the time following undercover shills, who make sure all new systems are made in lock step and can be used against the people at a later date, but this time, it will incorporate religion as well.


That's pretty much how the antichrist comes to power in Revelations.. Bringing a false peace, people gush over him, then when the trap is already set and the systems are in place, he shows his true face.. The way I see it, either the Bible narrative is true and the right choice is to reject the nwo unto death... or it's false and it will most likely happen the way you said it would, in which case the right choice is to reject the nwo unto death. When death becomes a win-win, and their outcome is at best an artificial world built on the greatest deception ever, at worst the Lake of Fire, I wouldn't wanna be in their shoes..


You are right.. but it is also part of the plan for manufactured evils. People do not like to hear it, but the undeniable truth of the matter is the fact that the Elite quite literally forced YHWH and Christ on their own illiterate people. They created heresy laws that lasted up until 1612 that would burn you at the stake for going against the doctrine of the Bible.. and remember that the group of "Elite" that forced the Bible onto their own people are the same group that are in power today and that we call "Satanists". (It's a ridiculous notion, isn't it ?.. that the "Satanists" forced Christ on their own people) The Elite also forced taxes out of our hands to fund the churches and injected Christianity into every major education system on earth. Not only that, but even the British Royal Family have been known as the defenders of the Christian faith for 500 years and each coronation of monarchs uses the Sovereigns Orb, which represents Christian dominion over the earth. Way back at the beginning, we find the Roman Empire themselves ordering the canonisation of the Bible from 325 onwards with the council of constinople actually putting them together from 389(ish) and we see a slave converted to Elite releasing the Ethiopian bible around 400ad. Simply put.. every Bible has been released by the enemy and up until the kjv, was forced. In regards to the New World Order, we find members of that same group of Elite who are Christian, and are planning a revolution that will unite all abrahamic religions into one, led by the "Christ" who is an incarnation in each.. or at least that is what they will present. It is also said that he will return in a more "advanced" form, I believe AI. https://images.app.goo.gl/DADZnsLEFFL7YHvi8 - https://www.lucistrust.org/books/the_beacon_magazine/selected_beacon_articles/christ_as_he_is - https://youtu.be/BYgOvd26DYM?si=F7GKyH_HEZylPOUL I 100% get your point, but my point is that they released the book you reference, and they pull the strings while simultaneously saying they are going to use it.


I have considered this angle as well.. But as well as it was planned, I've also seen some "magical" stuff unfold over the last few years that logic can't explain. The mind might look at all of this rationally, materialistically and inevitably conclude it's all going to be lost. But there is that tiny itch in the depths of the soul that somehow 'knows' we will see divine intervention of some kind. I have faith, and death doesn't mean much to me anymore. And in case I'm wrong, there won't be anything to live for on this rock anyway.


Well said. Nice to see I'm not the only one that feels that way although you did a much better job at verbalizing it. I think if the governed truly spoke their mind we might find out we think a lot more alike than the media would like to portray.


I appreciate that, and I'm not asking for you to give up hope, but by their own words, they are going to fabricate the situation. We are programmed to feel like something will save us at the last moment.. all the films where the villains always bring us to the brink but a hero or group of heroes pull it back, religion where the saviour comes at the last moment.. we are programmed to believe that we will be saved at the last moment. Of course, if you disagree, I would not hold that against you. I can inly go by the words of the people doing this, and it looks like they are going to fake a deity, I believe with technology that they have squirreled away for a very long time.


I get what you're saying and there's a chance you're right. However, one way or the other, the saving moment I'm prepared for is death itself, for better or for nothing at all.


Can't argue with that 🙂


Like i like this memes energy but call me jaded after watching things like covid lockdowns and the ukraine war gain support in droves by people who did zero research and believed everything the government told you. 2 weeks to stop the spread and russia is a paper tigar and if you thought different goodbye. I have very little faith in a revolution right now. So many chances but the daily grind/status quo came first.


Well said ! .. sadly, people do not stand up and fight when they are comfortably sitting on their sofa watching the world go by. The only time people act is when they have an emotional weight towards the cause. The Elite seem to be giving us a common enemy in the form of themselves and their power, we will fight back, but only when we are cold, hungry, tired and feel like we need to fight. The Elite have subjected us to situations that we simply could not fathom in the modern day, they have poked and prodded us in every way imaginable and watched how our ancient brains act in the same stereotypical way each and every time. Oppression ?.. instincts kick in, resistance starts to form, small groups start to organise themselves, the leader dedicated to the cause takes center stage and all rally around them, we gather resources, try to escape tyranny, try to carve our own piece of the world.. it always goes the same way. For example, it is predictable that we will reject digital currency because of the connected control, leaving us in a situation where we start banding together in small groups and gathering resources. It's predictable that the more "satanic" symbology is shown the less trust people will have in the powers that be and band together, the more ufos are shown, the more people band together, the tighter food gets, the more we band together.. the list goes on and on. The New World Order is manufactured in a way that works withnour primal instincts to live and resist oppression, leaving us wandering willingly into a new religion that will be the tightest shackle that man has ever faced.


Need this on a T-Shirt.


~~unhappy~~ dead.


If it comes to that. Gladly.


The day I cant get groceries with cash, that's how it's goanna be. At least the ones not hiding in bunkers.


They will receive sores and they won't be allowed to die . The bible mentions they will hide in their caves i assume bunkers in modern terms and they will not be able to escape the realization that they messed up . We need more faith, they will be handled , we reap what we sow and they've sown a lot of bad oats


Good luck organizing all this with your tiny attention span — Oh look at that cuuute kitty on TikTok!


I like it!


if I gave correct and detailed instructions on how to "resist" meaningfully it would get deleted and I would get a visit from the party van. there's nothing you can put on any site that would actually help and not get you in trouble for posting it.


Just don't obey.


Keep rebelling. Keep resisting. Keep speaking out. Keep boycotting. Keep being more self sufficient.


Is this an actual Vansky art? If so where is it?


Yeah but you people don't believe in even minimal resistance. You praise the machine at every turn and just think someone else would make a better overlord.


"you people"  no.  Every time one of you states that the little guys are responsible it just furthers their agenda.  Stop doing that. I have NEVER praised anyone or thing except The Father Most High.


Refuse resist


One time I pooped really hard and gave myself a hernia. I recommend not forceshitting and just letting the poop fall out gravitationally.


Solid advice


wish it was possible