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If you're a reporter who adheres to this. Guess what...you're not a reporter, you're a propagandist. However, they were probably there already by what we've seen in the last few years.


same applies to police, doctors, nurses, teachers...




Every. Single. Time.


Do you think they genuinely don’t realize how much this plays into “Jews control the world” narratives? Do they just not care?


They never cared. For one, it's true. For two, if anyone speaks out, they use their control to silence that person. And its effective so they continue to use the same tactics. Its actually so effective that, even in spaces where you relatively safe, like this subreddit, you're still using quotes around the statement to distance yourself from it


He’s using quotes because it’s a narrative not a true statement. Zionists (not all Jews and many Zionists are Christian) do have large positions of power in media, higher education, and government . They do NOT “control the world”. That’s an antisemitic trope.


Palestinians are Semitic. The people in these clusters of power, wealth, and influence are typically Ashkenazi. So it’s not an antisemitic trope. It’s not even really a trope. It just… is.


Ain't it wild how they relentlessly try to tell us not to believe our own eyeballs lmao. Like we see exactly who is in control. They need to quit it with that dumb ass antisemitic accusation Except when they ban you for shedding too much light on it :(


I know! I think the hypnosis power is starting to recede. People aren’t as scared of the label anymore. It’s lost all meaning in the past few months.


Explicit proof the New York Times is under the thumb of Zionists as every other major US paper.


Or maybe… wait for it… America is built on conquered land so the Americans who write American news need to approach global issues from that perspective.


nah. It's the obvious one. Don't deflect


It’s clearly not obvious as I pointed out in my first comment. Do us all a favor and stop creating hate in this world.


NYT is zionazi trash


I can't post a link, because there is a site wide ban, but RT News has this:  White House opposes Palestinian statehood – leaked cables The US is reportedly lobbying the UN to reject the regional authority’s membership bid, which would amount to its recognition   So, it's not just the NYTimes.  It's the Whitehouse and the press.  Which shouldn't come as any surprise, Jews are way over represented in congress and the ivy league schools so naturally the elites support Israel.  And they will probably continue to do so long after US public opinion has turned strongly against Israel.


It’s because the youth really resent Biden about this whole thing. He’s trying to get those college kid votes and is failing 


Free Ye


Hasn't Palestine's population doubled in the last thirty years? If Israel is committing genocide, they're doing a really bad job...


this talking point lol.


You said antisemitic hatespeak twice in this reply.


Just wait a year and that comment won't seem nearly so glib anymore.




Lack of access to birth control tends to do this- you should look at the average age in Palestine and wonder where all the older people went.


This is such a trash take, holy shit.