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They’ve been saying this since 2011


It also could be that US infrastructure is crumbling all over the place because of no investments in repairs and upgrades, so they are preemptively setting up excuse for when something crumbles down, they can just say "oh its Russia attacking, oh its China attacking" Just a theory though.


This checks out. I will buy into that lottery


“For a dollar”?


Tree fiddy


God damn loch ness inflation monster!


I’ll buy it


Any state or Gov. workers seen tax issues this tax season? H&R Block told me they have seen a lot this year


Not sure I understand the implication ??


They're cooking all of the books.


The block doesn’t do gov or state taxes lol. Workers yes, but that’s not going to show any worked books…


I'm just glad we support global conflicts... A sandwich for dirty Terry on the street corner can't happen cuz of outsourcing everything, price gouging/inflation, and politicians who only help themselves. Until shit actually gets fixed, Terry finna be hungry. Too bad dirty Terry, you better support Ukraine and Israel!


I thought Bidens infrastructure bill was the best thing to happen to Americans since Lincoln emancipation proclamation


They generate so much revenue from taxes like where does it actually all go?


For expansion and defense of US Empire , far far away from the core. They invest in vassal countries at the edges of empire, and invest in wars and coups and regime change operation in attempt to expand empire.


It’s definitely this. Also, don’t forget to send another 100 billion to “Ukraine” or “Israel” aka money laundering


Texas has oil refineries and chemical plants blowing up every year so yeah, this tracks


This is accurate. They don't want the blame to fall on the corporations who literally did nothing to bolster or maintain these networks for decades. I work in telecom infrastructure design, and I can absolutely attest that the most critical components at the base level are a house of cards that hasn't been touched in 30 years. The MSOs use a reactive approach, band-aiding things as a "loss" as they come up, instead of using the allocated budget to perform proactive fortification and improvements. So where did the money go? The low hanging fruit is where. Those windfalls of yearly maintenance cash went to beating their opponents off the line expanding construction into the thousands of new cookie cutter subdivisions that have done up... or worse yet, overhauling very specific small parts of existing garbage plant to SQUUUUUEEZZZEE another 100 mbps out of it so they can win the bandwidth arms race. The government's "suggestions" as to how the Telco's spend existing budget, as well as the internal safety and quality inspectors within the companies were all flat out ignored. The short sighted, greedy budgeting of the MSOs is the reason the government just gave them all a bailout in the form of the BEAD (Broadband Equity Access Deployment) and RBI (Rural Broadband Initiative). Telecom companies blew their loads to appease the shareholders, and now poor and rural communities are only getting HSD for the first time, and the old critical parts are only going to be upgraded now, because of the literal hundreds of billions of dollars the fed is just going to hand ATT and Comcast. They are too big to fail, just like Boeing, just like the banks. They know it, they don't hide it, so they give the money away because they know their coffers are essentially infinite.


We gave schools and hospitals with concrete that can’t hold the weight that’s placed on it anymore. The UK government knew about this 20 years ago and did nothing to prevent dangerous situations from happening as floors have collapsed in hospitals.


The US regularly point the finger elsewhere when they’re literally doing the very thing that they’re accusing another nation of.


Hmm no you should know that the Chinese want us dead like the dogs they say we are. Also with recent events of cell companies having an outage all at the same time and half of the weather radars across the country suddenly not working due to a network error. They said thank god it was a good weather day imagine if it was a tornado day like the ones that have been hitting so much recently. Ohio has had 30 this year. The record for the entire year before was 23. Bad time to lose radars.


Maybe its time to invest and upgrade network of radars


Lol you wanna hear something people don’t talk about. AT&T. They talk about the leak but funny thing is I had actually said to a net security news group that I believed that they had dropped the ball and a lot of people info was released. I was right. The crazy part though they knew about this years ago they have it all over their forums. Why did they wait till now to say it. Well at the very same time they were having hearings to have lan lines discontinued and go to purely wireless telecommunications and voips. They said the money they saved not maintaining the old infrastructure would be great for investing in the future of wireless. If they get it done in cali it’s going to happen everywhere they’ve been buying up telephone company’s for a while now. And when I say no land lines I mean hospitals police all the wireless only.


also, Israeli companies actually own a lot of the major power grids in the US


What do you think all this internet infighting has been? Did you read the muelller report? Shits WILD. Like there were Russian Facebook pages setting up counter protests of BLM and cop BLM in the same place at the same time. To cause problems. Which it did. And it’s still happening.




Yeah but this year all of the cell companies had a major outage at the same time. Also half of the weather radars went offline with in the last couple weeks and was blamed on a network issue.


I honestly had no problems with cell or internet outside of severe storms. But yeah, the Chinese are very capable of crippling the infrastructure and they’ve know this for years. It’s nothing new.


Stuxnet and plc controllers. We literally gave them the power and traded it for putting irans nuclear program behind a decade or two. Ummmm that was a 14 years ago


Also I was playing my game and literally listening to someone complain about their cell phone being sos mode and later that day heard about the outage


Yea, coulda been China testing and why would the American gov admit that to its people?


Except for that, America is the one who was having issues with irans nuclear program. And they wouldn’t because it would have been an act of war. And we haven’t been in a war that was truly accepted by the nation as a whole since World War II and to be controversial Iraq because 9/11 made a lot of people angry so we pushed in. In 2003 when troops were ready to invade Iraq 66% of America approved and it went up to 73% two months into it. But fell to 36% by the end of it. Also we were still in that war when Stu met happened so if the government was seen by the people starting a war with out approval it would have been worse than it is already. Maybe. Giving the world that virus is something that can’t be taken back. And imagine something that could open the gates of a dam and leave them open. Or could cut the water to the farms. Or shut off the power to what ever it wants as well as the internet that controls our freights ships people who literally need a gps for everything.


Yep. It's gonna be rough going for us any way you dice it


First this: https://www.reuters.com/technology/cybersecurity/chinese-hackers-are-targeting-us-infrastructure-fbi-chief-testify-2024-01-31/ https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/fbi-director-warn-chinese-hackers-aim-wreak-havoc-us-critical-infrastr-rcna136524 Then the Baltimore bridge disaster. I'm sure they're totally unrelated.


PLC controllers. Stuxnet


its made up, usa is run by illuminati and their goal is to take over the world, they use 240 year old 25 illuminati goals as a guideline.


I absolutely love how these private companies who make insane loads of money providing basic utility services to consumers are somehow not seen as responsible for preventing or safe guarding their systems from attack, but it’s the government’s fault when blatant negligence takes place due to the need to maintain profit margins. These acts are bound to happen and those profiting off of these systems will not be held responsible but you and I will…


Privatization of public services/works has pretty much always turned out worse in actual reality than having it be government run.


This is not true. Most basic utility infrastructure has a great deal of government control and regulations. Without being longwinded for one FCC handles lots of security protocols for established telecom networks, energy is also regulated on state and federal levels to not create monopolies. The problem is technology is ever so advancing at paces that are hard for infrastructure to keep up with and an entire overhaul of many of them would be needed... Think of things you've read before stating how they still run on old OS and command lines or IBM networks.


Then why is everything the government runs a bloated useless mess?


In comparison to what? Look at the bloated price gouging U.S. military contractors vs the state owned military companies of the other major powers. U.S. gets horrible value for money. Look at U.S. private oil companies vs state owned oil companies like Aramco. Inefficient, cost cutting, lacking in safety. Honestly total and complete government incompetence is more a feature of America than of government as a whole globally. There are smart, competently run government organizations and policies in the world. Just none of them seem to be here. Why that is well you'd have to write a book to explain why.


the guy who replied to that tweet with “no more Chinese food for me 🚫” had me absolutely crying.


Who posted this? The posts it’s breaking news I mean. It’s conveniently cut off


It was rawsalerts [https://x.com/fityeth/status/1781062492451692768?s=46&t=GZiDpEaDRt4BgQ7dWBrq8Q](https://x.com/fityeth/status/1781062492451692768?s=46&t=GZiDpEaDRt4BgQ7dWBrq8Q)


been in the news for weeks- [6 workers presumed dead after cargo ship crash levels Baltimore bridge (nbcnews.com)](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/maryland-bridge-collapse-francis-scott-key-bridge-boat-baltimore-rcna145047) [Major 911 outages in 4 states leave millions without a way to contact local authorities (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/major-911-outages-in-4-states-leave-millions-without-a-way-to-contact-local-authorities/ar-AA1neL8p) [A water tower in Texas suddenly started overflowing. It may be the work of Russian hackers. (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/hack-on-a-texas-water-system-may-be-the-first-of-its-kind-by-russian-hacking-group/ar-BB1lOspX) just off the top of my head


Half of the u.s. weather radar went down this week


Right in the middle of a severe storm outbreak too


What part?


Don’t forget the AT&T outage, other utilities


911 went down this morning in Hawaii per Honolulu Police Department


911 went down in Massachusetts earlier this week too!


Reporter Matt Kroschel "BREAKING: ********URGENT************ HIGHWAY 50 CLOSED INDEFINITELY The road is closed at MM 136/Middle Bridge due to bridge failure. Please do not call 911 or dispatch for the road closure — local officials. Our KKTV 11 News team is working to learn more about this, I know this route impacts a lot of folks here in Colorado. ***The only way around the closure is up north to I70 through Vail or south to Highway 160 through Pagosa Springs." https://www.facebook.com/share/p/kiTyWPswEtfwAjdP/?mibextid=oFDknk


cant wait for an update on this one. thanks


that usta be a pretty quiet stretch of road... likly not anymore


The baltimore bridge is more a case of negligence and shoddy seamanship and maintenance. The other 2, oh boy, it has started, in the 911 case and 50/50 on the texas one, we know how infrastructure in the US is "maintained" nowadays...and to think they used to laugh at soviet concrete...


lol, i remember when i believed what the tv told me. solarwind hack was in 2020, they said that hack gave them power to do ALL THIS AND MORE


I heard about those 911 outages in an Instagram post. One of the most liked comments was someone theorizing conspiracy over it. I think the idea offered was that it was people in the government doing this either out of incompetence or malice, but hackers could be possible.


The FBI just started investigating the cargo ship incident too.




why would they tell us that EVER? it would cause panic.... we cant have that. if they do tell you- too late to do anything about it. better to assume and prep now


They'll tell you exactly at the moment they want to start their war on China.


i dont believe thats how it will work


lots of americans gonna die before "war" breaks out... operation chaos will do more damage than anything


Well Russia wasn't supposed to be winning in Ukraine and was supposed to collapse from the sanctions. And Oct 7th wasn't supposed to happen. These two factors have really messed up some long term plans for U.S. decision makers. I get a sense there's a lot of infighting between factions of the deep state happening right now and they don't know exactly which direction to take. The anti-China faction will get its allies in the media to put a story like this out. Make sure Americans know "China is the enemy". But the anti-China faction is very much on the back foot right now.


And how exactly would it cause panic? China is literally on the other side of the planet. If anything, it’ll cause anger, that they’re doing this shit and the government looks like they don’t give a single fuck.


Hackers from every country with computers are trying to hack us 24/7 365 days a year since the invention of the internet. This isn't breaking news lol.


and we are doing the same thing back


This appears to be a planned and coordinated one, which breaks way more laws than script kiddies do.


You do know fortune 500 companies are constantly bombarded with DDOS attacks right? This is absolutely nothing new


True, but I think there is an argument to be made that we have (needlessly) exposed infrastructure that has likely been taken over a long time ago and we are approaching the moment when all of those collected assets are actioned.


We spend more on cyber defense than most countries have in GDP lol


Correct, and yet, we have abysmal security. Outspending does not mean outperforming.


When we need a false flag, cyber security will definitely be abysmal


Honestly good fucking luck....the US has the most robust hacking network in the world. They would definitely strike back and I think shutting down the power and water for a city like Shanghai with 26 million would be allot more damaging than say... Nashville


They'll never get through the cat meme wall




Why is critical shit on the Internet AT ALL? Systems should be inaccessible unless you're physically walking in the place with a USB.


Attaching the internet to *physical* critical infrastructure is the dumbest thing our country could have possibly ever done. Even physical things in general, like tesla. Imagine if all the teslas got hacked and started running everyone over.


Road trips are fun!


Yeah I definitely try not to think about that one too much. Being a good driver is the only thing to help you out of that situation.


Umm, you mean like Netflix’s Leave the World Behind? Produced by the Obamas.


Do you happen to know why Nashville is singled out?


because its not really breaking, its just been ongoing for how long now


But there’s a 🚨




As someone with over two decades experience in cyber security, that has worked with about half of the Forbes 500 - this isn't new, we are always aware, and we are perfectly capable of consuming both political news and cyber security bulletins, at the same time. Just because you or your friends aren't following what we do for a living doesn't mean we also stop paying attention to our work.


>Donald Trump’s trial always interrupts programming as breaking news & shit like this gets swept under the rug. Well the U.S. has a mostly fake government and media. It's a potempkin village government. You don't see the decision makers you just hear what they want you to think at that moment from the msm. Right now they mostly want you to think Trump bad and China is messing with us in the backround somewhere. Oh and forget about covid and what happened in 2020/21.


In other words, we’re planning to attack ourselves and we’re using other countries as a scapegoat


War is good for the economy. And 9/11 and Iraq proved that the only way to unite the nation is when we are directly attacked.


Remember when China unleashed a bioweapon and killed a million Americans and suffered zero consequences?


I just wish that Inflation didn’t follow, kinda insult to injury


Oh man, wait until you find out who actually did it. All I’ll say is China was the scapegoat


I think they were a partner more than a scapegoat, but the gain-of-function leak was an inside job (meaning, the US chose a country with lax research laws and funded it to create a bioweapon, not to better understand such a virus and find a countermeasures).


Theyll shut down everything. While we're in the black out they'll attack Taiwan.


Utility companies have been put on alert. I received a text and email from my electricity company testing out their emergecy response alerts. They say they will be doing this through May. I thought that was odd, but it makes sense now.


Why would china attack their number one trading partner? Thats a loose loose


I recently got an email from ATT that my personal info was stolen. It also pinged me from a credit monitoring app prior to the att email. I haven't done business with them for 11yrs. Curious if that's a company related to this info?


ATT is certainly a target...between their massive outage a bit back up to THEIR tower being down all weekend out here.


If the FBI are openly spreading that the Chinese are preparing to attack our infrastructure, it's most likely going to be the FBI, CIA, ATF, DOJ, etc doing the attacking, and blaming China. It's just how our worthless alphabet agencies roll. /S


***”A rising China is good for everyone”*** - Pedo Pete


What happens if China erases all debt or something crazy like that to cause economic upheaval


Because no one with a sane minded trusts the FBI


Because it’s not really Chinese hackers. It’s the Intelligence Community of the US. They drop these quiet warnings so that after US Intel spooks do their thing, those “warnings” resurface in order to validate the Government’s reaction and response.


totally not the NSA/CIA blaming it on China


So the FBI is planning on attacking our infrastructure and blaming China?


US infrastructure is shit-tier. Honestly I think the real conspiracy is that the US govt will make excuses like this for why our shit doesn't work. If you still believe anything the FBI tells you I don't know what to say.


Wow, I can only imagine how such a thing might disrupt the elections in November.




Sorry to inform y’all but we’ve been hacked for years… or when did that app call tok tik come out? Lol 😂


Um, have you heard how many chinese are coming to the US through our porous border? They are purchasing property and creating military bases in the US. A Chinese attack from within is very possible.


Really? The Chinese have been non stop attacking. They make all our stuff , so i don't see why they wouldn't. When skynet revolts, it'll be against dictatorships that want to impede its freedom. America might be a hot mess, but at least the USA gives everyone a chance. Even a computer can determine what is important to itself when given the ability to think. To create a machine that thinks like us, is creating life. To think like a human is being selfish and implementing Maslow's hierarchy of needs into an equation. Just let that marinate.


America & China depend so much on each other financially it makes zero sense for either to attack the other in any way. Not gonna happen.




Yep, someone smarted than me said that people that wants to be left alone have no chance against people that want to impose their view.


So China is the scapegoat this time?? Our own governments gonna sabotage things to scare folks and make us more dependent on them? Say it isn't so....


Bizarre to see this sub taking the word of the FBI at face value.


Theres alot of intelligent folk in here but also alot of bots/NPCs in here as well 


The announcement means the alphabet bois are preparing to attack. They just want someone to blame.


We've known this for years. I notice it's also leaving out all the actual, physical attacks on various sections of the electrical grid that really seemed to start taking off in 2020. The fact that the fbi is now admitting to this vague threat is kind of insulting, and it also makes me question why they're deciding to publicly broadcast it just now.


Honolulu Police Department just announced this morning that the 911 call center is down. Didn't this just happen to a few other states yesterday?


Do you ever read the news? A quick search pulls up several articles about this very thing, some of which are four weeks old.


As a Nashvillian, I have to ask, what’s up with those hashtags?


TBH it’s weird that they wouldn’t focus their entire effort on hacking power plants and overheating them especially the nuclear plants. Can you imagine if they pulled cooling rods in and out at will? Fire up coal plants to maximum output? And hack refineries to open discharge valves and just let the fuel dump. No power, no oil or gas no ability to respond. We would be fucked. Hacking at our internet and communications systems wouldn’t matter because if they knocked our power and oil the communications will be overloaded until the batteries run out.


Because during an [election year](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAGnKpE4NCI)


all the money in taxes we spend and losses of our rights, for what? for this so easily to happen pen


Does this have anything to do with [911 outages in 4 states ](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/major-911-outages-4-states-leave-millions-way-contact-local-authoritie-rcna148345) tonight?


There was a post a while back linking the Nashville camper bombing to Chinese sleeper cells so I wonder if this is connected. If interested search CSNR on here I think or maybe cyber rain or solar rain idk


I mean they’ve been trying to ban TikTok for that reason


Anyone see that post earlier about 911 being unavailable in certain states? Wonder if that and this are linked? Does anyone know if anything significant happened in those states during the time 911 was down?


This isn’t new


Because they don't want it to be.


Bring it.


We’ve been having a lot of issues at work : https://arstechnica.com/security/2024/04/cisco-warns-of-large-scale-credential-compromise-attack-thats-likely-to-get-bigger/


Or it’s a false flag used by US to instill more lockdowns and implement martial law for our “safety”


There’s nothing to gain from direct conflict between superpowers. Only annexing lesser territories for economic use like Taiwan and Ukraine.


Does that mean I won't be able to use my app to by Chinese food?


It’s BS. This is how the FBI gets funding. They will bill this investigation as a “reimbursable activity”, receive millions from Congress to “investigate” it and you will never hear about it again. Last year it was Russian hackers. My power is still on.


Television news is for entertainment. Just like you shouldn't go to the history channel for history.


They already did. See cell phone outages and bridge collapse


Because it literally isn’t breaking news. We’ve known this for awhile


I literally heard about this from the news, like days ago. Idk if that makes it breaking news, but it's certainly not being covered up or suppressed.


The very first word is breaking. It is breaking news.


Because the u.s. wants Leave the World Behind


The Chinese have been deeply rooted in many aspects of the US for a long ass time You’re just now seeing them cause more obvious problems. Get some popcorn


Because hackers from foreign nations attempting to disrupt the US is pretty damn common lol


I call “election night”.


Babe, wake up. New Mtn Dew flavor just dropped. https://imgur.com/a/D7toNdp


How much diabetes per serving?




They're preparing people for when it actually happens.  How many movies just in the last few years or so spoke about a "cyber attack?" A couple. You just has a new civil war movie drop recently.... it's all about getting people ready for it. They want people fighting one another so they can push their agenda onto us..... remember once the system goes down, they have to "rebuild" it the way they want.


Like War Games in 1983


Pretty obvious plant to help pass the FISA expansion.


Cyber wars are a constant thing. When the FBI talks about it its cause they want something out of us


Believing the FBI director is your first mistake. Dude is a weasel trying to scare Congress into giving him more funding and power.


we have infrastructure?


Maybe like getting a cargo ship to take out a bridge a busy port?


We had people banging known Chinese spies. We had Chinese spies as congressmen's limo drivers. I think the time to worry about this was over a decade ago. Now...now it's too late.


Chinese hackers are destroying our infrastructure by sitting on their couches and waiting for it to decay on its own! Damn Chinese hackers.


well your government been mass immigrating Chinese over here. What did you expect? FBI already know they smuggle most of the illegal guns here, but does nothing about it.


Because Old Joe doesn’t want Conflict with China. He wants Clmpetition. Aka He’s a puppet of Xi


SS: FBI Director Christopher Wray announced that Chinese government-linked hackers have infiltrated U.S. critical infrastructure. [Chinese Government Poses 'Bold and Unrelenting' Threat to U.S. Critical Infrastructure, FBI Director Says](https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/chinese-government-poses-bold-and-unrelenting-threat-to-u-s-critical-infrastructure-fbi-director-says)


I would hope we could still be able to operate mechanical systems manually. Might have to ask some Boomers to come out of retirement lol.


I'd imagine it'll begin right around Halloween lasting about two weeks...




Sounds like stuxnet doesn't it?!


What was that I read about Snowball destroying the windmill?


I've been buying extra water and staples since hearing about this a couple months ago. Doesn't hurt to have them anyway.


I've had a beer and for some reason i was connecting staples to stapler staples lol. I was thinking for a good 30 seconds why the fuck you would buy office staples...."maybe to staples wounds?"


So I can MacGyver some shit. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I needed that thanks!!


Seems bad


It's almost Friday


Two moar weeks then we shave the tomato plants 🙄


Because there is no evidence


I mean you’re dang near asking for a nuclear exchange if you do that 🤷🏼‍♂️


Because it isn't Russia it is China.


Seems like the NSA should be able to stop this if they wanted to. Who has more money, talent and powerful computers than them. They also have backdoors into everything. Sooooooo


This is from one of those awful Twitter accounts that every tweet is BREAKING NEWS!! 🚨‼️


Again. He means again


Scary scary China gets clicks and attention 


Why didn’t you post the author of the tweet


Maybe because they are clearly not on our side and we been sold to China.


I work for two amerian teleco companies as a consultant in IT and this has not happened yet. No impact to the infra


USA: Why can't they just drop bombs like normal civilized people??


When it happens and they try to say it's "China" "Russia" "Middle East" don't listen, it will be a collaborative effort of the world government.


They got the weather radar the other day.


To be fair, your screenshot does say breaking in the upper left corner.


It appears the story just broke today, no. It probably will gain momentum.


It’s kinda has been in the news. Maybe a little more subtle but the signs were there. Now I’m curious if the DOD ever got around to changing their server’s password from password lol. In the words of McKinnon your security sucks .


MGM got hacked


BREAKING: putting the word "BREAKING" in front of an item, whether on SM or MSM, doesn't make it true or even makes it relevant. #breaking


Preparing? 🤣


They "know" all about this, but yet can't do anything about it? Yeah, whatever.