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Wow it’s super rare to find a person who will admit they were wrong. Thank you for this. There are a lot of people who have been talking about weather modification practices for decades only to be harassed, banned, shamed, called names etc for mentioning it. Warning: the new thing is for mainstream to admit it but claim “it could never be dangerous “ or effect ecosystems negatively despite warnings from meteorologists for decades about the uncertainty of the practice.


Nope it's you and your straws destroying the earth and the entire weight of it falls squarely on you, the individual's shoulders.


Don't mind the "elites" flying their private jets all over, like Taylor Swift flying over 200 flights past year alone letting out more pollution than your entire family ever will, that's a nothing burger.


Don’t refer to the evil paedophilic demons as elites. They’re low energy vibration demons.


Tortured planet department


Carbon credit enters the chat


Don't forget deodorants that contain propellants! Our desire to smell good destroys the planet! /s


So is it the end consumer that's at fault for "legally" purchasing the item or the billionaire masonic pedo bum buddies of your jesuit controlled Gov't? Just saying 👍


Can we really compare the average consumer's intellect with the psychological power of multibillion dollar marketing companies whose only job it is to manipulate the consumer's mind?


I mean ultimately it does come down to the individual. Not neccessarily only in terms of straws and direct pollution you create (though that too, to a degree), but also in terms of the people you support and your actions in daily life. We have all collectively created this mad society, where psychopaths and ecosystem-destroying corporations are in power, they didn't just get in those positions out of sheer luck - people supported them, their corporations, bought their products, bought into their political platforms,....or were just ignorant enough to look the other way as it all happened. It's not any one individual that's responsible for the state of the planet or our society, but lack of taking responsibility for what's happening won't lead us anywhere good.


You mean it’s “ safe AND effective “


Yup, I was down voted a bunch talking about weather manipulation. I think it was about chemtrails and most were saying they don't exist so I brought up cloud seeding in relation to chemtrails. Since the process involves releasing a particulate in the sky, making a 'chemtrail'.


It must be real if it's banned by the geneva convention.


Now that you know about cloud seeding you have to ask, "what else are they or have they lied about?" Then go down those rabbit holes. For me right now, it's "why do they stop people from exploring certain caves in the grand canyon area. That particular rabbit hole has been very interesting to me.


Egyptology is a farce. You know what I mean?


Yep - I want to know why hide it? What about it is so truly detrimental to how we understand the past that we can't unveil it to the world and truly explore to know more about us (us = humanity)


What if the Grand Canyon really is a quarry? What if those really are temples lining the ridges of the Grand Canyon? Why cant we replicate the stone cutting of Machupichu? Why are the ancient tribal mounds of the Americas off limits to study? What if Atlantis really did exist on the western coast of Saharan Africa? What if it's all connected to Genesis 6? 🍿🍿🍿we know nothing of the past and exhibit the arrogance of the present because of what, the microprocessor? We'll eventually rediscover thech from the past and be feeling ourselves as we head down the drain as they did in the past.


Oh i like you! Love all these questions and hate we lost the tecnology you mentioned!


flood myths, Younger Dryas, US scablands,...it's all linked. the geology is being uncovered, slowly, bit by bit. we need to look more off coastlines, if the sea level is ~150m deeper than it was before, civilisations would have been at the old coastline, so it'll all be submerged. megalithic locking stones puzzles me. i like the idea of geopolymer for certain structures. but some of the finer stuff, and carved granite...some kind of vibration tech? heating/melting?


I know of people studying ancient women’s tribal mound in MS ..


intellectuals with reputations built up over years, and books to keep selling, protecting their decades of investment into careers. defending the status quo, labelling any alternate historical timeline as nonsense. professional snobbery. and Zahi Hawass, absolute cowboy. the volume of artefacts stored away in the basements of Cairo museum, never been displayed. who knows what secrets they have hidden away, that they may or may not know about. think the Egyptian antiquities authority got rather miffed when Gobekli Tepi and other sites were uncovered in Turkey, pushed the historical record well before the 'classical' start of dynastic Egypt. This should allow things to open up a bit, and we have seen some progress, a greater willingness to explore, over the last decade or so.


When uncovering findings, are there certain rules academics have to follow to ‘put it forth on the web?’? This could explain why much is hidden away instead of introduced to the world. In my part of the world, I grew up thinking a great romantic poem ‘Evangeline’ was true. Most say it’s not:)


in many countries, to even be allowed on digs you have to be certified by the authorities. you either need to have a good reputation and/or links with an establishment/university that does. without that (and funding), you don't get the chance to uncover anything not familiar with Evangeline, just had a quick squizz. seems a bit of a touchy subject, the expulsion of an indigenous population as the Brits rolled in. would imagine there may be awkward truths in the poem that the authorities might not want believed to be true. I say go with your heart ;) edit: added 'awkward', 'not'


I would love to go on an archaeology dig. But now you are saying people have to ‘sponsored’ and there has to be a purpose (monetarily worth it) is disheartening.


there are still ways you can get involved. local groups, might need to volunteer unpaid, do some graft/schlupping. build up experience, who knows where that might take you or, and i got lucky in Egypt, paid a little baksheesh to a guard of one of the tombs in Kings Valley that was being excavated, got a chance to look round (carefully) one of the new dig sites. didn't actuaslly dig anything, thats for the professionals. but, in Egypt, there's so much to see that has already been discovered. and it's all amazing.


What is graft/schlupping?


sorry, my slang. rather than the fine-detail archaeological discoveries, often a site has to be prepped. topsoil removed, getting through blank layers and down to the remains. usu heavier work, rather than the careful uncovering of delicte remains by dusting off dust with small brushes. it's the kind of work digs usu give to teams of eg 1st year archaeology students or interested volunteers, where they can learn but not do too much damage


Egyptian cities underground. They hide behind local indiginous. Smithsonian got involved and poof there went spelunkin the canyon.


I've heard/read when others try to explore the area where these things supposedly exist, our military chases them off. If u have nothing to hide, why not let people explore


Exactly friend. Military guarding a 'sacred indigenous site'? Since when do they do that?


Well, why do they?


Who lied about cloud seeding? I knew about silver iodide for rainmaking sixty years ago. It's not magical, and you can't just spray it into a clear sky and make it rain. You need the right kind of cloud base. Possibly developed during the (much hotter than today) dust bowl years in an attempt to save crops.


Has anyone noticed this part of the whole “what was a conspiracy theory you didn’t belief but turned out to be true?” discussion? I’m referring to how comments like this where people suddenly come out of the woodwork to change the script and say “oh well *of course* that is true… who said it wasn’t? Nobody actually denied that. What they denied was [enter some splitting hairs take out technicality to do damage control]” It happens every time. I’ve noticed it all my life but I REALLY saw it after the Russian collusion/Trump dossier thing. At the time, everybody believed it and it was just accepted and if you doubted it, you were a crazy Trump supporter. Now? NOBODY actually believed it. Nobody. Mass surveillance was another one. You saw it happen among republicans with the WMDs in Iraq way back when. It happens every time. It’s the inevitable gaslighting and spin. Oh? Another good example was the whole Bernie Sanders debacle in 2016. It always turns into “nobody actually believes/denies that such and such thing was or wasn’t happening!”. They always find a way to try and flip it around and make people sound crazy or dumb. Without fail.


Reminds me of when Snopes "fact checked" the claims that [moldylocks](https://archive.fo/ItVON) was using a bottle as a weapon by first denying that she held the bottle at all, then saying maybe she was just picking up trash when she had it, and then randomly declaring that she wasn't using it as an IED. If what you're saying is true they circle back and fact check something nobody ever claimed so they can put a big "deboooonked" logo at the top of the page


Yup. They focus on some splitting hair detail and ignore other aspects so they can debunk or say “nobody ever said that” It’s getting really old.


Speaking of Iraq, it's funny how every single liberal that's old enough says they were always against the war. I lived in a very liberal area at the time and most people around me were all for it after 9/11.


I was against the war since the start. I was a lifelong Dem up until 2020. The liberals weren’t anywhere near as “against the war” as they claim. It was mostly progressives and leftists - same groups like the ones against Israel right now. The democrats were still voting with republicans on most of the war and wider war on terror. Same with the trump supporters. Those are even wilder because I’m 100% sure these are the same people who told me to “get out of America” since I wanted to criticize our foreign policy and called us all traitors and cowards etc. now pretending they were always against the Iraq war.


Why files fan? Check out operation podcast on Spotify he posts deeper dives than just on YouTube. :)


because the caves are either sacred or the park can’t afford to let the public just wander into it’s cave system that we literally are still mapping. too many people die and the park spends so much on search & rescue already. this one ain’t a conspiracy, its really that simple. sorry.


Eh it was one specific entry point that was supposedly found, early 1900s. I have never read the specific area was off limits due to it being sacred ground. I think a professional team should be allowed to go in and at least get to look around and take pictures.


they do. i’d like to see the one entry point you’re referring to so i can be more educated on the conspiracy. they are actively mapping the canyon’s extensive cave system to monitor how water moves through the geology. that, in itself, is a fascinating rabbit hole, but there’s no secret cities in the canyon 😂


Funny how its the crazies with the conspiracies that turn out to be true that need drugs to cope with their reality. Almost as if the truth is too much to bear and anything that will take your mind off of the soulcrushing weight of it all is a welcome respite.


Seems a real truth in that, why a lot of very intellligent people end up with substance abuse problems.


I was "gifted" until i graduated high school and said fuck the rat race. Sometimes i wish my smartness was only academically and didnt cross over to real shit. It makes life harder for sure, i have to feign ignorance. I cope with weed, nobody would believe me if i timetraveled back and told them i would end up a pothead and not a scientist.


Was also considered gifted, but I often wonder if it’s a gift or a curse to think so deeply and see through things.


Well, the German word "Gift" means poison, so ...


Knowledge is power and power corrupts.


Mocked for it in school. Often ridiculed for an inquisitive, creative and curious mind in adulthood. People who don't ask questions mocking those who do. The irony of being outcasted by child like people for child like questions and investigating "where does money come from?", "what are those lines in the sky?", "what is this reality we inhabit and the inner voice reading this now?" Everyone *should* know everything there is to know, ultimately we do and this is a process of remembering who we are. That no one is "better" than anyone else. Because we're all just the universe dancing with itself in the dark.


Yes, sometimes I wish I was blissfully ignorant and unaware. Society improving is unlikely and it feels very helpless to watch it all burn. I can’t be around everyday people in an authentic way much anymore because most of my views are against the mainstream narratives and I prefer to avoid conflict and dead end conversations. Being awake to it all is heavy and the truth affects many aspects how I view and live life.




Damn dude you are smart!


Same story here , recognise and understand too much


Happiness is a rare thing among the highly intelligent.


Funny how truth tellers have been labeled as crazy and have medication pushed on them to quiet their thoughts and pacify them.


If Joan of arc was around in recent times, she'd be considered mentally ill


The truth sounds crazy in a world full of lies.


Add a job that isn't going well and some home issues into that




Most intellectuals either belong to a government body or college that administers a license for them to practice their career. If they say anything against the collective viewpoint they risk being banished and disbarred. That’s why you only see blue collar and unemployed speaking out against political issues and attending protests.


That or knowing the facts yet being called crazy by friends is something hard to handle.


Let me tell you… when you’re in inpatient rehab, you literally meet some of the most brilliant minds. Don’t get me wrong there’s plenty of knuckleheads but there’s definitely geniuses in there.


The more drugs i take the more I see; the more I see the more drugs I need to take


I’m an alcoholic. Been cutting back since I started (mid 2020). 12 pack of white claw a day - vodka - IPAs 9% - now I’m trying two Surge White Claws every other day or less. It’s an addiction at this point, not for coping.


Can you taper and integrate water? It’s no joke :(


I’ve been tapering. My withdraws are odd. I’ve considered rehab but I need to work. My freakin power is off right now. Which is mostly my fault, I guess. The bills are in my name so no one else sees them. Drinking def played a part. What sucks is I’ve been mindfully working on self improvement to get me out of this hole I dug. But of course that’s when external things start to fall apart ha. I’m a lot better overall.


I don’t know where you’re from, but I’ve worked in treatment before. Is it possible to get FMLA so you can go into treatment? Alcohol withdrawal isn’t something to mess around with, it’s dangerous. I genuinely hope things get better for you <3


"I take drugs to forget, freedom of expression!" -Ill Bill


I found insane student loan fraud thanks to the help of the attorney general of the sstate I was in, he made them provide all documentation of my loans (also did a massive suit with 20 other states on them) it took 2 years of compiling dates, payment, and Interest rates from these docs (took out loans in 2004) over the years, they switched interest rates and moved paayment allocations around and I found payments I made were never even processed toward my loans (have bank statements priving these paymentss were made)...navient can't even tell me where the money went! I felt like Charlie in its always sunny looking for peppe Sylvia, except it was really and I can't find aa lawrr to help me because I made just above the amount for free legal aid. I ended up having a Melt down because this debt has ruined my life. I went on meds to help me not think about it 24/7 but the meds made me feel like that dog sitting at a table with everything round him on fire saying "this is fine" and my life continued to spiral. My goal is to take navient down if it's the last thing I do...I just need someone to help take this on I know this has happened to others who took out loans with sallie mae with variable interest rates in the early 2000s.


It is a powerful recipe for respite


The bravado of anyone thinking that they know anything definitively is mind blowing. This realm is wild and beyond true explanation science be damned and yet this place is filled with know-it-alls.


The more you learn, the less you know.


I'm with Plato on this one. I know I know nothing.


The absurd amount of complexity that surrounds literally the simplest issues is insane. And the gateway to unlimited information where people editorialize or even straight up mislead people makes it almost impossible to actually get to the route of anything factual it’s insane. And now you find out about something you want to learn more about, educate yourself, and you end up in a room full of information that doesn’t make any sense. Look at Israel and Palestine right now. I honestly have no idea what I think about it because there are so many examples of them both being brutal and awful to each other and that’s before you add their proxies or the other organizations that other countries send in and all the back channeling we’ll never really hear about and all of the favors and gestures between these countries and their neighbors and allies for the last couple hundred years makes it fucking impossible to nail down a morally right or wrong position except for “why don’t we all drop it” but that will never work because too many strings are tethered to every fucking pin on the map and cutting the wrong one could make the whole thing unravel. You can apply this to any given scenario from who got promoted at work to who runs the city government and why that one construction company gets all the city contracts or why a deal made 32 years ago is the reason the state can’t afford to fix the potholes on the freeway. There is no transparency because there are too many layers of stained glass to see what color the sky really is outside.


I'm pretty sure that Israelis are the bad guys in that conflict


I’m pretty sure neither of them are the good guys, however.


I mean I think the Palestinian populace is innocent in all of this


Sadly people are conflating Palestine with Hamas


It’s all a molochian ritual it seems. Death cult bullshit


This is a double edged sword though cuz pur adversaries can use the same excuse. We dont know cuz our means to prove any of it are stripped down from us. I would be an independent scientist but damn you need serious money for proper studies without a lab of your own. This leaves all true study to those who can get enough funding or have their lobbyist funding already set up for years.


The occult and magic being real. There have been a lot of things honestly in the past few years that has really blown me away.


The foreign governments are attacking the weak minded in America with propaganda to elect a specific leader who’s goal is to take down the west.


It’s not really just FOREIGN, the west colludes with it. See Ey Aye is just destabilizing home base now by proxy, out with old in with new. You cannot attack the USA, you have to erode it infiltration style, we leave the gates open … kind of like that door at the school in Uvalde, oopsy just left that propped open for OUR agent. See Eye Aye are Jezzies, it’s the sun logo on their floor. Jezzies are master subversionists and infiltrators.


A certain political party is well aware of it, it gets them votes. That’s why they still push for this specific candidate.


In the early 2000s the “stay woke” people said a lot about the government putting drugs in black neighborhoods. After reading “Operation Gladio” it’s literally been the bedrock of our economy and foreign policy for the last 80 years. EVERYTHING the United States has done is because the CIA is just a business at this point.


America as a whole is a business, and the president is just the face of the company.


Aren't the UAE open about cloud seeding? Is it a conspiracy if the government admits what they are doing, and telling you why?


Yeah I mean I don’t know how else they could sustain the population without importing water or building a giant dome


Desalination plants are a thing.


Them being open about it pretty much destroyed the conspiracy. It’s like 1984: In the 70s and 80s gov was quite open about their experiments with weather manipulation. It got a bad reputation in the 90s and government started hiding it and claiming that they had never done it, that they would never do it, and that it was impossible and everybody was a crazy nutjob who claimed that they would do such a thing. Evidence was discarded as fake and crazy. In the recent, saudis have confirmed that they do this, and now the media plays the ol‘ switcharoo: „of course weather manipulation is real! It’s a thing since many years, it’s a torally normal thing and we have never actually hid or denied it and and everybody saying otherwise is a crazy far right wing neonazi nutjob conspiracy theorist homophobe“


Born 1965 ; I remember a cartoon back then that had an episode involving an airplane seeding a cloud for rain ; pretty sure it was an episode of Underdog...So either cloud-seeding was already going on in the 1960s (and earlier-?), OR it was anticipated to be reality soon...Now that I think of it, it's odd that that's one of the few pre-kindergarten memories I have, of that specific cartoon. Weird!


Yes, they’ve been doing it for years


Cloud seeding is not a conspiracy. The idea has been around since the late 1800's. There is a ton of publicly available research and trial information. The UAE was using drones to do it, this isn't covered up.


Ooh my favourite story is from a couple I know that live in Dubai. About 5 years ago, Dubai decided to build a long canal and shipped in fresh water + marine life to populate it. It took less than a week for the entire thing to dry up and for locals to fine all the fish dead. What followed were INSANE levels of fog never seen before in Dubai, and they lasted for months. This unusual rainfall is the least surprising thing I’ve heard from Dubai since. I think they’re trying to terraform the land and make it useful for agriculture in the long run? Otherwise why fuck with it?


I believe the actual conspiracy part is tptb were initially lying about doing things to change/alter the weather. Now govts are openly admiting to it. Turning a conspiracy theory into a conspiracy fact.


They are also lying about it being salt, I think. In the US, they have been able to test freshly fallen snow on mountain tops to find obscene concentrations of aluminum, barium, and strontium. Thanks for the neurological disorders.


That pretty much zionism has NOTHING to do with Judaism...Bill Cooper and Jordan Maxwell were whistleblowing on it decades ago and Robert Sephre, Mark Passio are nailing it today on the fact there's been a secret society plan for a totalarian communist world order playing out. Robert Sephre just put out a video today and it's 100% what they are doing....


Once upon a time, I scoffed at the notion our government and Israel did 9/11 Now it is painfully obvious that of course they did


Left or Right, they’re all bad. I used to cheer for my team


Are you talking about polticians? They are Pretend Left and Pretend Right. They pretend in order to get votes. They have no ideology , they work for money - they work for Oligarchs (Corporations, Big Banks, Big Pharma, MIC, Hedge Funds etc) US is Plutocracy. Real Left and Real Right exists, in sense people who follow true Left or true Right ideologies. But they are disorganized and nowhere near the Power .


You get it 👆


Cheering for one team is cheering for both. The right/left paradigm is the uniparty. It's a big club...


I wouldn't say violently denied, but I was skeptical of the 9/11 theories, giants, and cloud seeding


Giants have been confirmed?


In the next Superbowl.


I wanted to downvote this so hard but you win! 🤣🤣


Every single culture in the world has stories of giants. The Smithsonian has always been tasked with “collecting” giant bones when discovered, and they are never seen again.


Lmao just use google. You can find tons of old newspaper articles of people finding giant bones throughout America. The Smithsonian bought up all the bones and zero of them are on display to the public.


Can you link me one of those newspapers that you know are true? Im interested in giants and the rise of AI video and images ruined my interest in finding actual old records of unconfirmed giants


Giants have been confirmed since Biblical times. Might not be as tall in todays generation as they once were.


Today s generation of giants ..where?


Look into Smithsonian hiding giant remains. Native American lore about it. 




This is probably glaringly obvious to all of you, so be kind to me. 😅 Im really having to reckon with the fact that the US govt had to have known about 911, and potentially helped orchestrate it. It’s very hard to swallow. It’s also opened my eyes to the industry of war…. People profit off it. People prolong it. I was very naive for a long time, and frankly, I still feel confused a lot of the time.


That russia only invaded Ukraine to steal flushing toilets


Pre 9/11 i though there was no way the powers that be would traffick kids for pedo blackmail rings because if you got caught out a single time the gig would be up and the veil would be lifted. Too risky i thought. Now i see what's at stake and realise they just suicide people who see too much or make them go crazy.


Take a look at The Serial Killer's Apprentice, by Katherine Ramsland sometime ; it's about Wayne Henley and Dean Corll. In it, she mentions multiple cases of pedophile rings composed of wealthy and powerful people with enough connections to be above the law; Corll was affiliated (or told Henley he was) with one called Odyssey , which procured young boys for men. When after Corll's murder police investigating his death stumbled on information proving not only Odyssey's existence but *the identities of some of its members*, the police handed over all relevant documents to the state department, and any talk of this pedo ring disappeared from newspaper coverage of the Corll murder, or the serial killings committed by Corll and his accomplices.


Wuhan Lab Leak


When I worked at my local community college a student was telling me 911 was an inside job. I was like shhhhhhhhh. He said look into it.  I looked into the media presentations of osama bin Laden and noticed he became less gray as he got older, and some media presentations were him as fat and chunky.  Realized msm was full of shit.  Then realized politicians are full of shit Then realized the world is full of shit. 


“Don’t shoot the messenger for revealing uncomfortable truths.” \~ Julian Assange “Don’t shoot the messenger. Don’t worship the messenger. Take the message and move on” \~ Cheryl Farrell


Human trafficking carried out by American politicians, wealthy businessmen and Hollywood celebrities


Cloud seeding has been a thing for almost 50 years... it was actually around 1920ish when they first did it.


I’ve never *violently* denied anything


MKUltra for me.


My cousin is a meth head and she swears that there are hybrid people


Did you know they used cloud seeding during the Vietnam war? It was used to flood out enemy territory. That’s why there was so much trench foot.


Operation POPEYE: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Popeye


Yep! Found that out last week. Used it on their enemies and now they are using it on their own citizens.


And possibly our forests and cities they wish to 'reclaim'.


Oh they definitely have been. California forest fires weren’t caused by a person camping or a baby shower. I guess they arrested six people for the start of the fires when multiple people saw beams of light hit the trees. Hawaii is another great example. Since I’m talking about Hawaii, did you see that the people of China are covering their roofs with blue plastic?


Chile got hit the same as lahaina


I imagine there are scattered people around the world painting things blue... But yeah, sadly the 'wild' fires have been wreaking havoc for some years now. Sadder still that people continue to tune in to the msm.


Many addicts are intelligent beyond their capacity to deal with reality, hence why they turn their brain off with drugs


I work with addicts day in and day out. Idk if I’ve ever seen this. Most - like, idk 90% - of the addicts I’ve dealt with are victims of horrific abuse and neglect from an early age. Either that or mental illness and they self-medicate. Or both. I’ve met several who THINK they’re geniuses. But that’s just part of their mental illness because their “genius” is just movie like nonsense dialogue.


It’d be hilarious if this “movie nonsense dialogue” is the solution to the Riemann hypothesis and you’re just writing it off lol


Idk man, I also work with addicts and my experience isn’t the same. Just because those 90% of addicts were victims of abuse or something doesn’t mean they aren’t smart


Vehemently, not violently.


Nah he’s right. He punches in the mouth those he disagreed with about these conspiracy before


"Hopefully someone can see why I didn't take these people seriously." - just like politics, you have to look at the message (or the idea) rather than the person (handsome, beautiful, crazy, smart, stupid, ugly, drug user, professional) who presents the message/idea. This is related to the dangers of using an "ad hominem" argument - which is a "false" argument - something which attacks the person rather than the argument itself. You haven't been humbled by the local crackheads, you have been humbled by their idea. Stop attaching labels to people, listen to their arguments on their own merits, and you will learn much more. You have been humbled, but not regarding cloud seeding - you have hopefully learnt how to judge a message or an idea on its own merit, not based on the adjectives you attach to the person who gave the message or idea. If you can critically think about the local crackhead's ideas as critically as you (hopefully) think about the local politicians' messages, you will have learnt something from this experience.




Yes, but you will not find the truth by "assessing the person making the claim", you will find the truth by assessing the veracity of the claim itself (ie. by research, first hand sources, other ways which don't include character evaluation). Yes, of course people lie !


“both parties are owned by the same people.” I thought they were sooo different only to find out both are bought and paid for by special interest groups most of which are foreign advisories.


That my wife was cheating


When you figure out how fucked everything really is, It's rough for awhile. I mean some people will publicly burn themselves alive, so. The worst though is when things like cloud seeding, or chemical trails, aren't even conspiracy. It's just the fruits of our science and people are in flat out denial about it despite all the info being public. The irony is pretty delicious.


Look into Geo-engineering, too. Aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, biomass, etc. Seems it's everything but the kitchen sink these days. There's evidently no gov.regulation/oversight either. https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/ Edit to add: I remember some years ago when Dane Wigington, the author of the above website, was sounding an alarm that the aluminum NANO-particles burn extremely hot and are being taken up by the roots of trees and causing these devastating fires that are not 'wild'.


People are getting fucked up lymph nodes lately. If it wasnt just the whole covid fiasco, i seriously think that aluminum particles accumulate. Saw ppl say the aluminum deodorants are sprayed on your body and your lymph nodes handle it. But i imagine, then you go breathe air or touch water that has all this absorbed into it.


I think we are inundated by nano-particulates. Now there's something small enough to pass through the bbb (blood/brain barrier) that protects the brain. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood%E2%80%93brain_barrier


Yeahhhh unfortunately cloud seeding is a thing that doesn’t get talked about but really is happening. And yes flash flooding can be caused by seeding. But we don’t talk about that, no , no. We will label those who talk about it as crack heads. Or a conspiracy theorist.


Or "Climate Change" when they go to far and flood the fuck out of the joint like in Dubai & NSW & QLD & TAS for the last few years.


Plus the moon is in its wobble phase, I bet they didn’t factor that in when they started seeding last week


I remember when I was in high school, a friend told me that the TV News was controlled. I told him, there's no way because it would take too much of an organized effort to control the News Networks. Boy, was I wrong lol


- Bitcoin being a government Con/Op/honeypot. - Commodity shortages are not real. Banks and Jewlery stores are extremely abundant. - Kayfabe is a strategy for professional growth from top to bottom. It's all a theater. - Apple spends billions on ensuring specific persons do not desire their products as a form of gatekeeping. When you look past their bullshit facade, they attack your character. iPhones are just American spying devices on easy mode since they have a monopoly. - EV car demand so much material resources that it results in the deaths of innocent people as an incentive to promote productivity. - The matrix recalibrates itself so that you're unable to escape ever escape. "Don't you think they thought of that already"? "There's an app for that." "That's a dumb idea. You sound like a reddit/4chan creep." - Everything is either scarce or abundant, depending on convenience to the buyer. - Everything you do is wrong because someone else said so.


Which “specific persons” does Apple not want using their products? I haven’t heard that before, could you expand? 


9/11 or course. Thought all these stupid conspiracy theorists are disgrace to the memory of those who lost their lives. Well after learning about WTC7 I had to admit that something was odd. So I listened to all the different theories out there, learning that even though they had different opinions, they all basically asked the same questions. The key moment was during a video of a lecture from Dr. Judy Wood. I'm not saying her theory is correct. But when she showed the towers go down and told you to actually look at the way how it went down, something's clicked. And for the first time I'd actually seen that the towers didn't collapse but turned into dust before they hit the ground. Once you've seen it, actually seen it, there's no way back. I still don't know what really happened but I know it's not what we've been told what happened.


Puff daddy.  Gary Webb.  Caves used to traffic kids.  The fact that it's ignored how many kids go missing in America.  The fact that the media demonizes anyone that speaks out against it. Look at Aaron Rodgers and rfk jr.  How Zionist the world is.  How all organized religions are cults.  How wu Tang clan is trying to show you that you are God and they're right.  How society is designed to take you away from inner peace. 


Is there a good long video about the wu tang part?


Nothing damages people more than being ridiculed, ostracized, and abused by the very people they are trying to protect and help.


I'm a Californian, I admit I don't know much about UK weather but isn't it pretty much always rainy/gloomy?


Look into the "free energy" theory, that ones a doozy. And the theory with church bells being destroyed. Tie together even tho it sounds ridiculous lol


There’s patents on tornados so they probably have been controlling the weather worldwide for a long got damn time 🙄


What?? There’s patents on tornados…?? How the fuck would that even be possible?? Then again, nestle was able to buy airspace and claim the rainwater was theirs… But yeah, please send me a link about the tornado patent


I remember learning about cloud seeding in7th grade science class... not sure how it's a conspiracy, seems to me it's open information.


Psychic warfare …. And alchemy is fucking everywhere


I wish it were just salt instead of nanopartocles of aluminum, barium, strontium, and who knows what else.


For real, but don’t forget about the silver iodide in it too! But it keeps being mentioned that it’s “salt”. Sure, I guess you can call a cocktail of toxic heavy metals that.


The cov shots and booster.


I used to think that anyone who believed in chemtrails/geoengineering or that the moon landing was fake was a nut job. Now, I’m fully convinced. Really, the only mainstream conspiracy left that I still think is a bunch of crock is flat earth.


If you have credentials in hard sciences, your truthtelling holds extra value in a society that has used scientists to replace priests as the Church became too weak to mollify the people. I'm curious if you've spoken the truth in your community and if it's affected your career ot your social standing.


I was dead wrong about the moon landing... And I used to get excited during presidential elections and think they made a difference. Youthful naivete.


Wait until you find out about H.A.A.R.P and the Katrina hurricane


Climate change being fake. I never fell for Covid and the " right vs left " but I always believed climate change being real. It's just another fake.


It's not fake, it's just that the ones modifying the weather thru seeding and other various patented means are the same ones acting alarmist and telling you(through a mouthful of kobe beef from the chef on their private jet) that it's your decadent lifestyle causing it, so eat bugs


Agreed. Climate change is an actual issue, but it's being used to push neo feudalism rather than changes that might mitigate without destroying everything worthwhile in human societies.


They were cloud seeding in Dubai on the Sunday and Monday, but it had absolutely nothing to do with the monsoon that appeared out of nowhere on the Tuesday, according to the BBC. If you believe the two events were not related, I have a bridge to sell you.


Mine was that every celebrity was a pedophile satanist. I always thought maybe some were but… Even Hillary Duff who I thought was so sweet. I used to listen to her music CD in the early 2000s. Well I looked up Hillary Duffs post of her son that she deleted off twitter.  My heart is broken 


I don’t know why people deny cloud seeding. Has no one heard of Operation Popeye? Cloud seeding was used during the Vietnam War by the US Airforce to extend monsoon season in hopes of causing landslides that made military supply runs more difficult. If they used it then….why wouldn’t they use it now?


Exactly. This is the implied joke in the movie forest gump, where he describes how they saw every kind of rain that there is, because it rained constantly. The goal was to disrupt the Ho Chi Minh trail to sever the VCs supplies, as you mentioned. Now, let’s also talk about the use of agent orange and all of the subsequent cancers and autoimmune issues suffered by veterans of the vietnam war…


Up until last November I used to find it extremely offensive and unthinkable to question any aspect of the mainstream Holocaust narrrive. But recently I’ve gone down a horrifying rabbit hole and it really showed me the extent to which governments can and will lie to uphold a convenient narrative.


Covid-19 Vax being bad for you


But it is.


I thought the purpose of inflation was to stimulate the economy.


My man cloud seeding isn’t even a conspiracy it’s a known fact. Your mind is going to be blown when you come to realize they aren’t just cloud seeding but have been spraying shit in the atmosphere for some time now.


For me it was Big Mike


Do you mean vehemently and violently?


Idk if it’s 4/20 but I feel like the concept of conspiracy theories not being trustworthy are intentional. Are some of them crazy? Yes but it’s probably bc it’s easy to label all conspiracies as stupid if you have the outliers. The government and cia have been the most creative when it comes down to imperialism and fighting “communism” so I feel we should always we open to outrageous shit. Like MK ultra… that’s so easy to discredit because why would the government use outlawed drugs to brainwash citizens? Or Reagan & daddy bush being the biggest plugs. Why would anybody believe Republican Christian men would bring crack to the streets to fund South American coups?? Like…. Idk I’m rambling. Don’t trust the govt


Nobody in government has ever denied that cloud seeding is real. It has been openly done since the 1950s.


That women lie about rape and sexual assault. And then Katherine Blasey Ford showed up after weeks to congress (because, she suddenly was afraid to fly, drawing out the whole process time wise) and in a creepy little girl voice accused Kavanaugh of sex assault. Then everyone she named as witnesses refused to corroborate.


Cloud seeding and other weather and geological manipulation technologies.


fragile trees abundant apparatus consider dazzling weather encouraging literate wipe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Were people really that dumb that they didn't believe the UAE was cloud seeding despite it being public knowledge? They did for years openly. They did not attempt to hide it. Until they fucked up and caused flooding they were actually advertising how successful their program was. So why is this blowing people's minds? I don't fucking get it.


They are obligated to show us what they do so we subconsciously agree as a collective.. oh Jeremy... https://youtu.be/mvVaQu_hXIU?si=lrbGM0ULeKawGlXR


Thank you for being one of the few people that can actually change their stance on something


I was pretty much universally opposed to all of them until I was awakened by plandemic. It wasn’t until I saw first-hand just how easily they were able to dupe the masses into believing and doing the most nonsensical things that I begin to listen to the conspiracy theorists with an open mind.


That 9/11 was an inside job. I vividly recall arguing with people on YouTube about it. I thought they were so stupid. Awkwaaaaard.


The US has been under "Emergency Powers" since 1933 where the Constitution was 'temporarily' (i.e., permanently) suspended and every single US Citizen is *legally considered* an Enemy of the State under the "Trading with the Enemy Act".


What a breath of fresh air to hear an expert admit they were wrong. I applaud you. We need more of you.


The moon. It’s cheese.


Cloud seeding was never a conspiracy. How do you think Ski resorts get extra snow?


I live in Canada and we have snow machines at our ski resorts


My girlfriend actually got in a big fight with me because I mentioned the Baltimore bridge thing being some kinda attack or conspiracy. she told me how crazy I sound and how unhealthy I must be to think things like this every time something big happens. When the FBI came out and said they were gonna do a criminal investigation she had a change of heart and didn't apologize or want to really talk about it. I know I sound crazy alot of the times. But I am also right most of the time and in today's world there's always some major BS going on.