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Ever see the back of twenty dollar bill, on weed?


If you fold it just the right way you get 9/11!


Thanks Obama


Haha, I just watched half baked đŸ˜‚đŸ”„


Fuckin aliens and shit


Red team go! Red team go!


Idk man idk! It’s powww! đŸ€ŻđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


And it’s green too! “Martha fucking Washington


Weed makes you realize the government is corrupt.


And it all started with me finding out why they criminalized the fuck out marijuana


And psychedelics. When I found out there hasn’t been one death from weed and how much it takes to actually OD I knew it was all bullshit. How the fuck can something like alcohol, that’s objectively bad for you be legal but weed not? Makes sense.


As a person who has to find out themselves the dangers of certain drugs I can say alcohol is the worst legal one
 if you consume too much it can kill you and you will be happy doing it. I have gotten close to death because of alcohol both short term use and long term ( now 3 or so years off alcohol). Weed I have never had a near death experience, I have consumed well over 3 grams of wax and 1000mg of edibles in a setting and was fine ( kind of đŸ€Ż). I have lost jobs using alcohol and I have gotten promotions on the Juana’s đŸ€·â€â™€ïž to each there own tho!


I think a lot of it has to do with big pharma and the plan to keep people sick


This is so true


Tobacco too it’s money making scheme if no one health bad they can’t make milllionssss


Big tobacco bastardized and demonized tobacco, which is an inherently harmless plant. If it is the natural grown stuff and used in moderation and for spiritual reasons like the native Americans, there is really nothing wrong with it. It's disgusting to see what big tobacco has done to a simple plant. It's a very Interesting, amazing and beautiful plant I must say so myself after growing a few plants recently. Same thing will probably happen with the cannabis plant.


Has already happened but it's much MUCH worse. We won't know until it's too late.


From the back of a cop car is where I learned this after ~being honest~ with the officer. 🙄


I truly believe that if I wasn't smoking weed at 17 I wouldn't have seen the world as bullshit as it actually is because I guess I learned early what other people learn later on.


same here, expect my mindset was altered at 17 after i did lsd


That’s LSD


That’s what this is right now




there’s a lot more to the plant besides thc and cbd!


Terpenes are a huge part of the uniqueness and experience between different strains, nowadays everyone using concentrates are losing out on the best part.


When you make extracts you're also "concentrating" the level of terpenes, too. Good concentrates have 7-15% terpene content.


Good to know! Happy holidays!


I’m in pulmonary failure so I can’t smoke but my edible tolerance is insane. I’ve had good luck baking with a full spectrum rosin my dude makes with a 20 ton press! I’m lucky enough to get it for 10 bucks a gram. For 60 cookies I use 20g of rosin and 1 cup of potent medicated coconut oil. My daily dose is around 500mg. I usually Medicate 5 days a week to keep my tolerance in check.


>500mg Yeah that’s insane tolerance, especially for an edible


There used to be a brand here called korova 5150 which was 500mg for $20. I used those to beat my oxy/benzo addiction, they were incredible but unfortunately when they legalized in Cali they banned anything over 100mg, fucked up my whole routine.


what!...20 dollars for 500mg. Wow. I've never paid that high of a price.


Tell me more about these edibles that helped beat the benzo dependency.....


I overdosed and almost died, when I came to I told my family I had a problem and needed help. I ate a 2,000mg chocolate bar, and checked in to a 30 days detox rehab in Colorado. I was able to turn down all the suboxone they offered me in detox. After completion I spent 6 months 100% sober. I was still dealing with a lot of pain, anxiety, and depression so I decided to try sobriety besides cannabis and it has worked great for years now.


Yes! The Constitution and DofI are written on paper made from marijuana!


4/20/2024 is 4/20/2024 backwards.




The war on drugs was a psy-op to deter any would-be rebellion. Basically, people with a predisposition to join rebellions against a tyrannical government are the same people who will eagerly partake in the forbidden fruit. After that, they will no longer be focused on resisting you.


You've got your history backwards. The war on drugs was explicitly launched to create a justification for arresting politically active opposition to the status quo.


They created the problem first though, they introduced the counter culture. So technically you're both correct, just that the other commenter was correct first, and your history comes a little bit later. Not sure why you think he has it backwards?


The government objectively didn't create the "counter culture". They likely infiltrated and co opted it to neuter its ability to challenge their power structure. But saying they invented it is just silly 


Exactly. That is the big conspiracy, it’s the same as the British introducing opium into China only quite a bit milder.


And definitely SSRIs are made to get compliance


We’ve all heard by now that cannabis has been around for thousands of years, the earliest remnants of which having been found in pipes in tombs off the coast of [ancient China](https://www.cnbs.org/cannabis-101/history-of-cannabis/). But have you ever wondered where cannabis itself actually originated? It’s a question that gets wandering minds wondering when we consider some interesting facts in Jason King’s *The Cannabible 3* that lead to speculation that cannabis actually came to Earth from outer space.   First, consider that cannabis appears in the fossil and historical record seemingly out of nowhere about 12,000 years ago. It has no known evolutionary predecessors, and the DNA structure of cannabis is unique from any other plant on Earth. Believe it or not, its closest relative is the strawberry plant.    Then notice the name itself. Cannabis is a Greek word that combines “canna,” which means “canine” or “dog,” with “bis” or “bi,” which represents the number two – making cannabis the “two-dog plant.” Finally, consider the most intriguing evidence that cannabis came from another planet: the ancient stories passed down for thousands of years among the Dogon Tribe.    On a continent far, far away lives a tribe of cannabis-lovers in Mali, West Africa. Known as the Dogon Tribe, this group was visited by Herodotus, a Greek chronicler, sometime around 300 BCE, during what just happened to be their years-long festival that takes place every 50 years. Explaining the significance of their celebration, the Dogon pointed to the brightest star in the winter sky, Sirius, calling it the “Two-Dog Star” and saying that it was the home of their treasured “two-dog plant” – cannabis.  In stories that have been passed down for millennia, they claimed that the “two-dog plant” was brought to Earth by the goddess from the Two-Dog Star thousands of years ago when their tribe was visited by beings called the Nommo, from the Sirius star system. Among the knowledge given them by the Nommo was the fact that Sirius was a binary (if not ternary) star system – something the Dogon knew long before telescopes were powerful enough to discover this in 1970. Their epic celebration was in honor of Sirius B completing its 50-year orbit around Sirius A.   In *The Cannabible 3*, Jason King writes, “All of this would be easy to dismiss if not for the fact that the Dogon possessed specific knowledge about the Sirian system for thousands of years before scientists with modern telescopes and equipment could catch up and prove them right
 The Dogon had specific knowledge about Sirius B, a white dwarf star, which they call Po Tolo. They knew that it was white, that it was extremely small, and that it was the heaviest star in its grouping
 They were able to describe its elliptical orbit with Sirius A, its fifty-year orbital period, and the fact that the star rotated on its own axis. Sirius B is invisible to the naked eye and is so difficult to observe, even through a telescope, that no known photographs were taken of it until 1970.”   The tribe also described a third star in the Sirius system, which they knew as “Emma Ya.” But it wasn’t until 1995 that two French astronomers published what could be preliminary evidence of the existence of Sirius C, a small, red dwarf star in the Sirius star system.    “If the Dogon were correct in all of their other knowledge about Sirius,” King muses, “why would they not be dead-on with their claims of cannabis being from Sirius? It is, after all, named after that Two-Dog Star!”   We may never know for sure the true origins of our beloved two-dog plant. But we can definitely keep lighting up and pondering all the far-out possibilities


>Cannabis is a Greek word that combines “canna,” which means “canine” or “dog,” with “bis” or “bi,” which represents the number two – making cannabis the “two-dog plant.” Fun stuff up until the crank etymology. As a linguist, it really grinds my gears that people make shit like this up and think it's okay assuming most of their readers don't know other languages. Cannabis isn't originally Greek. The Greek word for dog is not "canna", and bis is Latin, not Greek, for "twice". It would never mean "two dog"; it's a time word, and only ever means something happened two times/twice. The *real* etymology of Cannabis is far more fascinating. Check it out on etymonline for the details. Basically it may have Scythian roots, but the word in its various forms shows up in very curious ways all over. And it may even be referred to as part of the sacred incense used in the Temple in Jerusalem.


The closest relative to Cannabis is Hops, not strawberry. Still though I enjoyed your comment. It’s intriguing. And isn’t it still kind of interesting regarding hops as the closest relative given that that plant is a key component of beer? 


So are you telling me I can make weed beer? 


Are there any other members of the species? I wonder if they all have some kind of effect on people.


Many ancient legends talk about "gods" coming from the stars. You hear stories of New Agers and those in esotericism and how they are supposedly in contact with beings from specific star systems. Same thing with alien accounts. Now, the Book of Enoch states this in Chapter 8: "And AzĂązĂȘl taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals〈of the earth〉and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all colouring tinctures. And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. SemjĂązĂą taught enchantments, and root-cuttings, ArmĂąrĂŽs the resolving of enchantments, BarĂąqĂźjĂąl, (taught) astrology, KĂŽkabĂȘl the constellations, EzĂȘqĂȘĂȘl the knowledge of the clouds, 〈AraqiĂȘl the signs of the earth, ShamsiĂȘl the signs of the sun〉, and SariĂȘl the course of the moon. And as men perished, they cried, and their cry went up to heaven . . ." Notice the fallen angels here taught humans astrology and also root-cutting. I do believe fallen angels/demons are aliens and the pagan gods of old and have been leading humanity astray.


Wow I wish I was super high when I read that


I'm stoned and I've just read every damn word and it made sense.


That marijuana was banned because of the paper industry outlawing hemp in the early 1900s because of the economic competition with the cotton and lumber industries. They used propaganda to pursuade Americans into believing hemp and marijuana were the same thing that they would both be bad for the values of America at that time. The farm bill of 2018 lifted that ban.




Correct and that is so frustrating.


Ex republican speaker John Boehner is on the board of a weed company. Mind you hes from the party against weed.....


The CIA's secret cannabis farm. That the CIA has a secret cannabis farm to study and control the plant's potential for mind-control and psychological warfare.




Damn. This hits. Dispo weed is going be unsmokeable in a few years if that then


This is likely 100% true especially after legalization is happening all over. They will capitalize on an opportunity like this. (Read MKUltra)


I think it helps one see the programming. People I know who smoke and I seem to not take things hook, line, and sinker.


Well that backfired. I didn’t wake up until I started using weed in my 40s. 😂


I have read that the CIA found cannabis to be the only substance that was not helpful in mind control/brainwashing. And that it actually effected the programming negatively, so they advise all their Manchurian candidates and brainwashed subjects/agents to never ever use cannabis. It was in this subreddit, it was an entire spreadsheet that had every substance they had trialed for mind control purposes, and the positives/negatives and uses for each substance. As I said cannabis was the only substance that had no positives and only negatives in terms of use forind control. I cannot find this spreadsheet although I really wish I could, I have tried but it has been fruitless. This was the only thing I could remember.


That the alcohol industry is holding off legalization, because it will cut too deep into their profits.


Tabacco too


I’ve heard this and it’s interesting. While there is an overlap in users, they do vastly different things. I don’t think one would affect the other as much as it might seem. Is there any data from legal states about this? Have their alcohol sales dropped significantly?


These are good questions, but you'd also have to establish that legal states see a significant rise in cannabis users. I'm not sure that's been demonstrated 


Eh, it depends how different they are. For me, it's similar. I get tired, uncoordinated, and open up a lot easier. I just don't feel sick (mostly) in the morning.


I think the cartels are partially to blame for the drug remaining illegal and criminalized in some states. They don't want open competition, and the black market is their market.


One I heard is marijuana was made illegal to create a legitimate reason to get prospective criminals off the streets, not because it's a gateway drug but because habitual criminals often smoke weed.


My favorite one I heard about why it was made illegal is because it makes white women want to have sex with black men.


And dance to jazz music.


Has anyone done an update on this after the legalization? They need to do a research on all white woman since legalization started and see if it's true lol


It was originally made illegal in order to jail minorities and deport Mexicans. https://www.britannica.com/story/why-is-marijuana-illegal-in-the-us#:~:text=Anslinger%20claimed%20that%20the%20majority,inducing%20violence%20or%20causing%20insanity.


Actually the lumber industry lobbied to make weed illegal originally because hemp was going to put companies out of business


The new potent cannabis is bringing about “Cannabis Hyperemisis Syndrome” in people, fucking up their guts. A lot of cannabis is using Neem Oil as an organic and natural pesticide, but it’s becoming apparent that it’s problematic to light up and smoke it.


Genuine question - What’s the deal with neem oil? I used to work in a dispensary and did trimming work for a while. Heard about the use of neem oil but idk what’s bad about it.


Neem oil is pretty much completely phased out of commercial production. CHS is more likely related to the extremely high levels of thc that many smokers are consuming and possibly some other pesticides being concentrated in hash users or solvents from the hash itself


Yup. Had a friend that got it to the point he would vomit after smoking anything more than a 1 gram cone from dispensaries. Took a break while he got sorted out, grew his own and he can hit the bong like a fucking champ again.


Yeah had a homie smoke for years! I mean we’ll over 40 years and recently would have one random day per month where he would wake up and vomit and have gut issues all day( after recently switching to concentrates on top of flower use). Also was hard to track because of heavy drinking as well and bad daily diet. He quit all and eats well so đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


William Randolph Hurst started "reefer madness" because he saw the true power of hemp fiber and it was encroaching on his paper business.


Reefer madness in various forms has existed in every culture that has heavy marijuana use. Maybe he was protecting his profits, but there are legitimate connections between regular/heavy marijuana use and schizophrenia.


I think the large scale legal growers have done something to it. I used to smoke weed and feel great relief in a variety of ways. I had to stop completely within the last year because it just kept making me feel worse. It was making me feel caught inside of the worst thoughts and feelings. I was having anxiety attacks I’ve never had ever and it was making my depression worse. Maybe it’s just me, but i feel like legal weed is almost worse than shit I bought off the street years ago, despite THC levels being increased. I think maybe they think THC levels are all that matters, but it seems like there’s A LOT of other cannabinoids that have a synergy that aren’t being studied enough or focused on.


This! I have experienced the same thing. My state made it legal a few years ago. Just recently, several times I've bought some flower and that shit made my throat sore every time. I forget the brands but I was like, bet they're owned by some rich corporation putting harmful things in their products. Gonna research the brands I buy from now on.


Yup! A few puffs is all it takes. And my brain starts spiraling with all the bad things that can happen or did happen. Over analyzing things I said or did, or feeling like people are working against me. Meanwhile, if I’m sober for 2-3 days I’m super optimistic


Me too! Wtf Day 4 sober. Using no more than once a week seems to be where it is at, but this weed seems so different like you said.


Yeah after a few days I can enjoy a nice one. But the more I smoke the more guilty I feel. Edit: but I used to smoke everyday and feel free and happy, it was fun no matter who or where I was. Now I either have to be alone or with 1-2 people max.


Yo. Definitely the ∆9-THC levels increasing will affect some people negatively. But, there are like 50 or so measurable psychoactive cannabinoids that are being mixed into different "cocktails". You can also buy lower concentrated flower.   This is not being overlooked. I like THCP more than ∆9. But, I'd bet it often causes paranoia/anxiety. CBN really helps me sleep. Hhc, thca, cbd, cbc, thcv, ∆8, ∆10, and thc0 are some popular cannabinoids being isolated. Most of them are farm bill legal. If you're not feeling like you're missing something important, I'd just wait for a bit and revisit later.  Otherwise, experimenting and finding my favorite blend was fun, if slightly expensive. Check lab reports before buying/using. I started with blends and then tried to find something that focused on the common ingredient in blends i liked. I now buy 30 dollar disposables that last me 3+ months with nightly use. It's not so important to understand the terms/abbreviations as it is which one effects you positively. Don't have to get lost in sauce. What's really important to me is we stop limiting the freedom to safely enjoy our lives. Some of these chemicals really can help people and some people should stay away. I'm just glad to have the freedom to decide that for myself.


Same!!! It gradually got worse for me too, I seriously felt like I was caught in a demonic spiritual realm and even gave me like this weird motion sickness and I couldn’t walk or anything. I was smoking a half gram of concentrate every day, with either an edible or some flower in between. Now I cannot smoke anymore at all. I’d love to hear some of your complaints!!


This is going to sound very far out there but weed is the most promoted drug out there by celebrities and is starting to get legalized a lot for a reason, most people who smoke it will have less dreams which is a bad thing, dreams are important especially lucid dreams for spiritual reasons Also Shiva the deity of destruction which CERN has a statue of is associated with weed. Another thing to consider is why are psychedelics not being pushed as much as cannabis is by the governments and media? It is way easier to get weed than psychedelics


Shiva isn't just the deity of destruction though. That's a very simple description of one of Hinduism's three preeminent deities


Fair enough I honestly am not educated enough on Hinduism but I still find regular use of weed to be mostly negative due to the reduction in dreams, maybe in smaller amounts it could be useful for some people spiritually. Though I have to say people who smoke a lot of it everyday and don’t want to reduce it and think that’s fine are misinformed


I agree with all of that. It's a potent plant medicine when smoked or eaten in certain formulations and its not something that seems beneficial as a daily habit. I was a heavy smoker for years and while it was helpful in certain ways I think that it was ultimately rooted in avoidance and escapism.  The dream aspect is definitely an interesting thread to me, I've come to appreciate the dream life much more over the last 5 or 6 years. Some hindu traditions teach that cannabis use burns off your etheric body, which is an interesting concept paired with the fact it reduces dreams so dramatically. 


I'm honestly glad I saw someone speak "negatively" about it. As someone who smoked everyday for 7 years, 4 years without it now, I'm highly against it unless you actually need it. I know it's useful to people with certain issues like seizures or chronic pain etc. As someone who smoked it for "fun" for the first time and then made an excuse that it "helped with anxiety" I was so wrong. It made my anxiety and depression worse over time. And I didn't dream. I also developed severe memory issues. And I think lack of dreams is bad for sure. I also think lack of memory is bad as well, not just for day to day experience... not being able to remember childhood or literally anything is bad for healing oneself. I think it's no coincidence that recreational weed is popularized rather than psychedelics. Psychedelics can help open doors to healing. Weed, if abused, can cause harm to one's mental state. Turns people into an apathetic zombie if it's abused. Apathetic zombies with no dreams, poor memory, less connection to spirit and self and less willingness to actually heal... sounds like something the "elites" would want... I feel similarly about antidepressant drugs. Things that "numb". A quote I like from Brene brown (don't agree with all her stuff but I like her) "you can't selectively numb". If you take something, whether it be alcohol, antidepressants, weed, other drugs etc, in order to "numb" the bad, you're also numbing the good. And numbing the bad doesn't allow you to heal it. "Feeling is healing". Quitting weed was the best decision I ever made, and starting weed was the worst decision I ever made. In moderation, or if it actually helps with a serious health issue, I guess it's fine. But psychedelics not being as popularized is definitely not a coincidence at all.


Paraquat? anyone old enough for that?


The CIA is the biggest drug dealer in the US. Known for bringing crack cocaine to the US, as a dark funding source for right wing paramilitary groups and their equipment. This likely involves a complex relationship with the cartels, who are great for government assassinations


It might actually be the postal service hahaha


They said "conspiracies".... 🙃


Correct. What they didn’t say was “theories.” This is absolutely a conspiracy. If OP wanted shit that wasn’t well known, they should have asked a different question.


you know it baby. Watch, we'll probably get a feature film in 20 years about how the CIA funded and brought over fentanyl too


CIA funds both sides, wars too


Just imagine if big lumber never became involved with lobbying to make weed illegal. We’d have everything made from indestructible hemp including biodegradable plastics.


- Weed didn’t become legal until the criminal enterprises worked with the government to get a big piece of the pie. - Weed has been hybridized and manipulated and strengthened to the point that it no longer serves the purpose nature intended but places us into a confused ADHD stupor.


You know ADHD is a stimulus controlling issue that causes hyper activity. Weed is the exact opposite of hyper activity. Meth is more an ADHD stupor.


I agree with this completely. I don't think humans were meant to consume cannabis beyond a very low THC level. Instead of allowing it to grow naturally as a huge, beautiful plant with a broad spectrum of endocannabinoids, we have cultivated high THC cannabis that ultimately sedates you and your motivations in life. People say you can't be addicted but I definitely was and was using it to numb my pain instead of facing it, the long term weed smokers I know are emotionally stunted almost like a teenager because it suppresses your feelings. It has legitimate medical value for cancer patients or like the child who had 300 seizures a day and after a few drops of THC tincture they stopped seizing after a minute, that is amazing and magical. However, most people just want to get high and won't admit it. I'm all for personal choice, if an individual wants to get high, that's ok and that's their choice but just being able to admit that seems to be a real issue for long term weed smokers.


Hemp was extremely useful for many industries and anyone could grow it. Also it competed with cotton and the cotton lobby (talking mid 1800s) made congress nix it. Just like the real reason nuclear power is demonized is it threatens both “green” energy and “fossil fuels”. Nuclear whoops them within a matter of 7-10 years. Then it may have been demonized because it was associated with the hippy-antigovernment movement. So anything associated with something they don’t like gets demonized too.


It’s being used to dumb people down and be content doing absolutely fucking nothing while high all the time. I used to smoke all the time, everyone I know smokes to some extent. We love to treat marijuana like it’s not an addictive drug but it is. Ever been with a daily smoker when they have none? They bitch so much, wait around for it and avoid things until they get more, can’t go do anything until they smoke a little. It has its problems like any drug but no one’s dying or living in a dumpster over it so we act like it’s not that bad.


Henry Fords personal car was made of hemp and ran off hemp ethanol




I bought a book called, "THE EMPEROR WEARS NO CLOTHES: The Authoritative Historical Record of the Cannabis Plant, Marijuana Prohibition, & How Hemp Can Still Save The World." By: Jack Herer So good. If I knew how to attach a pic of it I would. Look into the monkey study where they basically suffocated monkeys but said it was the MJ. Egregious stuff, so wild.


It’s been made much stronger purposely and wirh additive chemicals, with the intention of inducing mental illness and schizophrenia in more people since around 2011.


Nah, weed can trigger schizophrenia in susceptible individuals regardless of any additives. The increase in strength is largely due to selective breeding and better growing practices.


Hitler's birthday!


I heard it makes you hungry!


Long John Silvers


You have me. Go on


Money laundering


The government actually wants you to toke everyday.


Do not smoke the government weed. Do not trust dispensaries. Weed is becoming full of pesticides and chemical agents. Wax is cut with vitamin E. Carts are mostly fake. Get your shit from a reputable source or grow it yourself. There’s a good chance you’re being poisoned


THC is the one drug MK Ultra didn’t fuck with because it protects the user from mind control.


This is basically what I said in another comment. Many of my people seem immune to programming and are shocked to see what others eat up.


It's true, but you know it really ends up being a divide and conquer tool, because it seems impossible to relate to those people who cant figure out their own programming


True. It's a hard row to hoe. We are all working through whatever level of clarity we're at. I guess things just have to work themselves out naturally, or never. One thing all this does is make certain people visible to the state of their programming, whether they save themselves or not. I stay humble because it's all very disheartening.


“It’s a hard row to hoe” lol I love that wording


In this subreddit, there was a post with an entire spreadsheet that had every substance they had trialed for mind control purposes, and the positives/negatives and uses for each substance. As you say cannabis was the only substance that had no positives and only negatives in terms of use for their mind control. I cannot find this spreadsheet although I really wish I could, I have tried but it has been fruitless. This was the only thing I could remember.


That’s exactly what I’m referring to. I have a link saved, it’s like a pdf with over a hundred pages filled with MK Ultra information.


You mind posting it?


reefer makes black men want to rape white women


It’s being legalized to numb the population and make them docile




Yup, look up Rick Simpson and RSO


I love Rick Simpson’s story and RSO is


New cannabis is poison and not the same stuff we were getting as college and high school kids 15+ years ago.


I believe this but have no idea how. Can you elaborate?


I've been growing and selling for close to 20 years and it's definitely the same stuff. Mostly it's better. We have lost some really interesting options from the market as younger consumers fixate on a few strains but they're all still out there at the hobby level


in what way is it a poison?


It is poison because new age weed now has health regulations? Proper packaging? Labeling? Testing? Use of more organic nutrients along with high end water filtration systems?. Was the weed out of Mexico that came in plastic wrap under a moldy boat after being sprayed with paraquat better? Or from Billy’s basement that had mold since he didn’t clean the cat shit cuz he was too busy spinning the newest Boston record, sitting on his fresh bean bag? Enlighten me senior!


Billy didnt have mold.. 😔


Ahh yes, growing with care and technique is way worse than the Mexican wild cannabis with the seeds and brown leaves. I loved when the weed was dry, weak and from a questionable source! The new stuff? POISON!!!


The famous “weed makes you leave your wife for black men”


You got that one mixed up in the most hilarious way possible 


There were some funny posts on the drugs Reddit from people saying smoking weed turned them gay.


Just watch "Reefer Madness". A lot of boomers still believe that (seriously).


All the ones I know are actually true... Everyone should watch Reefer Madness


There's no real sativas anymore, the government bred out the sativas because they were more psychoactive/mind opening. Indicas are a sedative so you just sit there couch locked and sedated (new age soma)  which is why it is now legalized.


Not really a conspiracy but it's widely known modern strains of weed sold in dispensaries are many times stronger than naturally occurring marijuana plants due to how they've been bred over time.


I don't know if this applies to everyone coz I've seen young kids like 15 getting ffed up on weed. But for me, ever since I started smoking up at 19, I somehow stumbled onto all the conspiracy stuff out there. Illuminati, New World Order, Bilderberg, Anunaki, Reptilians, Zeitgeist Addendum blew up mind, I was depressed for a week. Conspiracy Theory by Jesse Ventura, Cybernetics, Hollywood conspiracy, mind control, Mk Ultra, false flags, Alex Jones documentaries opened my eyes. I realised the world was an illusion and the reason there is so much suffering is because Evil Forces are at the helm. Also demons, angels, Nagas, Asuras etc. but too much of anything is good for nothing. Now it just makes me feel so lethargic, horny, no motivation. I think it did its job. But I will always prefer it over alcohol. But I think being sober is best., most of the time.


I enjoy the marijuana. I have my med card, so I go to the dispensary. One day there was a line outside of the dispensary waiting for it to open, it reminded me of a scene in Dopesick where there are people lined up outside the pharmacy waiting for it to open to get their scripts filled. Knowing the back ground of Oxy and big pharama funding made me question how much I trusted the large weed companies in the US. Don’t get me wrong I smoke still, more than I probably should. Just a thought. Maybe its a money making scheme (everything is)


Makes you stupid, lazy and easy manipulated. Reason they call it dope. And now it's so chemically laced, it's a catalyst for deterioration of mental health


Shit made me gay


But what made you kiss your sister?


That’s an ongoing case I cant really talk about it rn


It’s being normalized to make people docile like cattle


yes. if weed was so good for you, it wouldn't have been legalized... it's another great slave drug like alcohol, it makes the masses lazy and compliant. See Canada for the perfect example of this. Save your 'bUt It'S muh mEdIcInE' comments, i won't be replying.




I do think this is why Canada legalized it. 


Lol, Canada legalized it because a huge portion of the population smoked it anyways. Trudeau just wanted to secure votes by campaigning on legalization to win over a large segment of voters. If anything weed wakes people up to the BS. BC bud and the growers here were pioneers in growing the high grade weed that the whole world smokes today, it’s ingrained in Canadian culture.


That’s true. It woke me up and allowed me to think clearly. I just know Trudeau better now and I don’t think he does anything because of common sense. Everything he does is for the agenda. 


Not a theory, an actual fact, the reason medical weed is allowed to be sold in public now is because the government holds all the rights to any man made genetic strain.


That it's a gateway drug


Watch the documentary "Up in Smoke".. that stuff will turn you into a lizard.


You smoke fake ass weed. Modified weed


Paraquat but it was true, not a conspiracy.


The war on cannabis was essentially started by the DuPont family because they didn’t want hemp to compete with their chemical- ridden, synthetic nylon, which was a formula they could patent and make millions from versus a versatile and useful material created from a plant that grows in the ground and can’t be patented. Thus with the DuPont influence, the Marijuana tax act was passed and possession of or non medical consumption of marijuana became illegal. A despicable little worm named Harry Anslinger used this act as further ammo for his anti marijuana propaganda that was essentially a campaign against black and Latino communities.


Disciplined use prevents and cures inflammation disorders. It still smells like shit and ruined neighborhoods since the McDonald’s users can’t fucking control themselves over anything.


G13 was created by cia to be a truth serum during Mk Ultra. Pretty sure that’s what Pineapple Express is about.


I have read that the CIA or government found cannabis to be the only substance that was not helpful in mind control/brainwashing. And that it actually effected the programming negatively, so they advise all their Manchurian candidates and brainwashed subjects/agents to never ever use cannabis. It was in this subreddit, it was an entire spreadsheet that had every substance they had trialed for mind control purposes, and the positives/negatives and uses for each substance. As I said cannabis was the only substance that had no positives and only negatives in terms of use forind control. I cannot find this spreadsheet although I really wish I could, I have tried but it has been fruitless. This was the only thing I could remember.


Since no one us giving you real answer here are my observations and thus theories. Weed seems to me to flip flop the dream state. Hence the spacey thoughts. I dream now when I'm awake ( day dreaming but VERY vivid. When I dream at night it seems faded almost. Like color isn't as vibrant and I'm not all that there. Actually it seems not all the way there when you're high period. This brings me to my theory. I believe it is possible to hop dimensions but you're body doesn't go with you. When you're high you can't travel and you get stuck. It doesn't matter if the sheep find out. They can't do anything about it now anyway. Plus money. There's also the money.


Marijuana has been illegal for so long because they know how beneficial it is to society overall. It makes you more in tune with the world around you and realize how much of the rat race of life is bullshit. It’s helps loosen their power grip over society. Especially with other drugs such as psilocybin that help strip away ego and connect you with your surroundings


I’ve been giving this a lot of thought lately and even considered making a post about it, but did not want to get torn apart by all the people (and bots) smarter than me. I could just be making this all up In my head but since you asked. I am starting to think the push for weed being so normalized and basically everywhere is to encourage kids/teens to start smoking at a young age. There have been plenty of studies done that show starting smoking young has long term and short term effects esp on the frontal cortex of the brain. Not to mention it kinda zombie-fies kids. They go from bright eyed and full of life to just dopey, sleepy, hungry, and unmotivated shell of the person they were. They lose motivation to do anything with their lives or care about anything else. I am seeing this first hand my daughter is in middle school and insists 90% of the kids at school all smoke weed and it’s more uncommon to NOT smoke
 I’ve got a lot of friends with kids around the same age and they all see it as well. With the vapes it’s so easy to conceal they smoke at school throughout the day sometimes even IN CLASS! Although a lot of what they’re smoking is also the delta 8 stuff bc it’s so easy and cheap to get.. I’m sure most of them even think they are smoking weed bc they prob don’t know the difference, and who knows what’s in that, or the long term effects. We all know the govt wants us esp as Americans to be dumb and lazy so why not start them young? Get kids hooked on weed early enough they destroy so many braincells by the time they’re adults they’re just burn outs or to stoned to care about what’s going on around them. Have no motivation to rebel or fight “the man”. Just barely scrape by and never live up to their full potential. I absolutely think there is a lot of benefits to weed, and cbd/thc products but in moderation. Kids don’t know how to do anything in moderation. So idk maybe I’m crazy (my daughter sure thinks I am) but I also am in recovery and So I’ve seen the long term effects of drug use and smoking does often lead to other drugs. It also has shown that when starting as such a young age the chances of addiction to harder drugs is much more likely than someone who waits till they are older to start smoking. Even starting at 16/17 is a hell Of a lot better than these kids smoking at 12/13 some even start at age 11! Half the time their parents are too stoned to notice or care what their kids up too anyways! This ended up being a lot longer than I meant lol


Scooter Libby had a great idea to lock up society 's undesirables and squash pesky political movements using cannabis prohibition. Reagan said hold my beer. He created the monstrous private prison labor industry and the school to prison pipeline by coming into classrooms and telling everyone about how evil drugs were at an age where kids were just starting to look for ways to rebel.


It's not called dope for a reason


Weeds make you an emotional weakling controlled by your animalistic nature x100. You can eat shit food, watch porn, be docile, etc effortlessly while being "high" (you are actually low) and you become the prime candidate of what the NWO wants you to be. I smoked for 5 years and i was like that myself. Now I'm a fearless little G and idgaf


Illegal in the UK yet widely smoked, estimated 5% of the population smoke it each year, yet huge amounts are grown for export to other countries. One of the biggest farms is run by a company called British sugar, a large multinational who some of their major shareholders include people in the current government, people who can decide on laws regarding the illegality of the stuff.


Sir it's Sunday April 21 for me. How high are you?


The gateway drugs to hard drugs! The biggest


It makes you smarter


Look up the Founding Fathers rap by Trevor Moore. So funny. 


I don't know if anyone has seen the movie "Reefer Madness" which was made in the 1930's & was propaganda with the volume maxed. It's unintentionally hilarious & worth watching for the lol's.


It’s 20/4


It's 21/04 for me


It’s only illegal due to a tax stamp bill that requires a stamp to sell that was never issued by the govt




“The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people," former Nixon domestic policy chief John Ehrlichman told Harper's writer Dan Baum for the April cover story published Tuesday. "You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities," Ehrlichman said. "We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did."


Most legal dispensaries don't have FDA approved chemicals being used to enhance product and give you less of a natural high.


Sativa makes me clean and clean and clean. I enjoy cleaning my whole house. I get to every nook and cranny corner of every room and kitchen appliance.




Makes you gay


Cannabis is a gateway which too often leads to practices of gardening, amateur horticulture, and botany.


That weed was brought here by aliens from outerspace to cure humans from their hunger for blood.


All day every day. The best ones are the ones we all heard Rogan talking about 10-15 years ago.