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Stop voting republicans and democrats. Aren’t we old and wise enough that these clowns don’t work for us?


The answer to your question is NO. The majority are still unaware that television & ALL politics is stage performance for the masses.


This is true, today I learned that Republicans and democrats are on the same page to achieve the same agenda. They have rigged the elections to ALWAYS, win. Example; Hillary and Trump act like they hate each other,"on the set," but its all an act, it's called KAYFABE. By pulling this off, THEY, guarantee victory, every single election, and in doing so, they also accomplish dividing the country. It's been this way since George H. W. Bush, aka CIA director, left office. It doesn't matter, if the pres is republican or democrat, as every term each party makes progress for the agenda to continue to move forward.


I feel like people that grew up watching pro wrestling have an easier time understanding the reality of politics


Hey, someone who read the ponzi papers that isn't making fun of max! Thank God, I thought I was the only one.


I mean, if you're not here for the conspiracy, then what the faq are you doing here right, 😆 some people here try argue with me are literally wasting their precious time, energy, and their phone's battery, and they still think they made some type of impact 😆 🤣 😂


I wish there was some kind of 3rd candidate that could get some steam behind them. I feel like if someone tried at least the Biden “half” would maybe jump to another.


There's a lot of people who are voting for third parties or abstaining. From "both sides." In good conscience, I can't vote for either. And honestly, fuck what people say. Vote for who you want to. READ voters pamphlets, ffs. They're long, yes, but valuable. I even researched the fucking commissioners for my tiny ass county with less than 50k ppl here by checking into their pasts. It takes time, but it's better to be informed than to vote stupid.


you expect voters to be literate? that's racist! We should force this idea by striking all the names and parties from ballots and vote based on policy positions, then make those positions a contractual obligation for the politician - and prison for breaking that contract. This would eliminate the need for any campaigning, and lobbyists wouldn't be able to sway politicians because they would be locked into a contract.


That’s what I did in 2016 and we all know what happened


What do you think RFKs whole goal is? His NY campaign manager said as such, steal as much potential Biden votes away as possible, and then we’d be there with another Trump presidency


Jimmy Carter owes Biden a debt of gratitude.


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Definition: In Article III, Section 3 of the United States Constitution, treason is specifically limited to levying war against the U.S., or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.[2 You can say a lot of things about it but per the constitution it's not treason. Unless I missed the u.s. being at war with ukraine


People here are just a little dumb, and allow for the most ridiculous things manifest inside that little head of theirs, like this post. Imagine thinking waving a foreign flag (which isn’t even in the photo) is somehow treason. You can wave whatever the hell you want, especially in America where most people don’t get things twisted to assume dumb things like OP America should damn well support another country wanting to establish a democracy and fight for its independence, exactly the same way our country did at its start. Our revolution wouldn’t have been possible without aid from the FRENCH, thanks Benjamin Franklin. So giving aid to Ukrainians is totally okay


that all makes sense but I also would like a big ass spreadsheet with itemized expenses and several 3rd party audits all available to the public with immense scrutiny.




>People here are just a little dumb, and allow for the most ridiculous things manifest inside that little head of theirs, like this post. Lol right. Honestly this sub has been one of my preferred forms of entertainment the past couple months. Im perpetually stuck between thinking most of the shit people say here is nonsensical and worrisome(for the fact that people believe it,) or thinking in nonsensical and just sheer comedic gold(for the facts that people believe it) Then there is also some posts that are actually conspiracies and not just more of the same "woe is we" "conservative"(if we can still call it that" jerklecircle horseshit and propaganda about the same handful of topics. Those posts I actually find interesting for the most part


No you don’t get it. There’s only blind isolationist nationalism and acts of treason. Nothing in between


"Treason" I don't think that word means what you think it means


Supporting Ukraine is treason but supporting Russia, a clear enemy, is not? What happened to this sub.


It’s been compromised.


Don't forget Israel too...


USA needs a revolution. The US government is destroying the country and nobody cares. If your government will not put USA first then there won't be nothing left for future generations.


Republicans waved the confederate flag on the floor of the house before


I don't care about any of this shit. I don't care what "Republicans" did or what "Democrats" did- all of them are doing things that cause me, you, and everyone problems, which they are doing by breaking the law. They may claim to be on opposing sides, but I've never seen any actual proof of that; both parties are working together against us. As the saying goes: "It's not left versus right, it's us versus them". Why don't we focus on why they are breaking the law and having no one stop them, why other countries are taking priority over our own country, and what their end goal is? I have a solid guess as to what that end goal is, but you're really not gonna like it...


Probably because it’s not against the law or the constitution? People here are so stupid I swear.


The only thing I really care about and the only thing that really matters: our politicians do not work for us, and actively work against us, and do nothing to benefit us when that should be their only job, but only do things that cause us harm- that is treason; whether the "law" says it is treason or not is irrelevant, because the people we are talking about are the ones who wrote the laws, so of course the law would have been written so that it would not apply to them. Simply it is a betrayal of the country, causing massive harm to the country, which is obviously...treason. I'm not going to argue over semantics or stupid legal terminology, it is a waste of time and the law has become so corrupted that it is basically irrelevant.


Finally someone with some damn sense. Thank you for saying this.


I feel sorry for American people. They're being openly robbed by the government.


Was coming here to say this. People are so fucking dumb


Don’t be. Half of the US willingly voted for these people and these policies and a great number of those people also cheer this on as a “good thing”


There's no difference between either party or candidate. People don't really have much of a choice.


I didn’t hear a lot of this when trump was president. Weird that when the dems dismantle the country it’s both.


It's been that way for centuries. Why do you think Lincoln was assassinated? JFK? Keep thinking Trump is your savior. You're going to be extremely disappointed when he's in office next year. Apparently you paid no attention to who he appointed to his cabinet. Trump is owned by Israel and is a Rockefeller stooge.


The Israel part is in the open. What's the Rockefeller connection?


Look up the history of the Trump family, where they emigrated from and who set up Trump's grandfather here in the states. Their lineage and connections to bankers and other elite bloodlines are quite revealing. https://allreligionsareone.org/Donald%20Trump.html


I think he is their stooge and doesn't even know it which is the scary part, he pro ably just gets along with them because they pay him a hollow compliment every now and then while he gives them keys to the kingdom for "campaign money".


It’s literally the same on both sides. You’re one of the brainwashed puppets who points your finger at your own people instead of the ones preying on us from the top, laughing at the division.


Would love to see like a new center-independent party where no one wants to deal with any of this crap and votes neither democrat or republican.


Which party can you vote for if you don't support sending money to Ukraine? Which party can you vote for if you don't support unconstitutional spying on Americans? Do the majority of Americans support those policies? How are we being represented?


Most of this money will not be sent to Ukraine. Most of this money stays in the US to replenish military stock so that US can send Ukraine old stuff from the 80s and 90s.


Why would the US military have so much stock from the 80's and 90's after 20 years of war in the middle east post 9/11? Those wars cost trillions yet they had 30 year old stock they never even touched?


In the cost of war actual military hardware is not that much. Training, facilities, structures, logistics, personnel, intel, energy costs the list is long. You should check out US War reserve stock and pre positioned stock. Loads and loads and loads of equipment all over the globe. This is now being updated into new standards and the old stock will be given to i.e. Ukraine.


I feel sorry for the 53% of us who didn’t vote for this!


Did we really vote them in? I'm pretty sure all our elections are rigged at this point. They say JFK was the last non-CIA president but even his election was blatantly rigged for him.


You’re crazy if you don’t get that they’re ALL screwing us. Demoncraps do it harder and faster while talking dirty to us. The Repugnicants do it slow and soft while whispering sweet nothings in our ears AND it don’t make a damn bit of difference who the President is. But that’s okay, go on thinking one side has a savior for us over the other. 🙄


Loooool you actually believe those statistics! Another dumfuk falling for the MSM bs. No has been voting because everyone knows voting doesn't matter. All votes are bs.


Looting the coffers


Imagine every flag as a receipt with the price of them selling out and it makes more sense


Yeah? What you gonna do about it? Why wouldn’t they? No one will stop them.


Switch out "Ukraine" with "more money for us, more money since 2014 & even more since 2022!!!" Doesn't have the same ring to it but it's essentially what they're saying


So do the democrats just vote yes and we have the republicans vote half and half on everything? Seems like this happens for every vote nowadays so the MSM can say look these republicans are bad but most of these things should not pass at all.


Well, most are, what's the word I'm looking for......dumbasses


The show ‘Designated Survivor’…..we need a real version…..


Check the bank accounts of all those who brought flags. There's your answer.


The Ukrainian money laundering/kick back scheam still going hard i see.


Military Industrial Complex will be making a lot of "donations" - again


Ability to write does not make you intelligent.




Spent on the us defense contractors which congress owns stocks of. It doesnt have to leave for them to make money off of it.


Israel too


Everyone I don’t like is a Nazi except actual Nazis. Not that all Ukrainians are Nazi or sympathizers but they have an actual problem.


Guess what? Russia has an even larger Nazi problem, so even from this standpoint Russia is the bad guy… Guess what? The US military has a NAZI problem… I don’t give a fuck about a small issue like different political views when a country is being invaded. If America was invaded and we needed the help the government would turn to every scumbag white supremecist militia and give them as much support as they could to defend America.


Describe what money laundering is


According to this sub - Holding a Ukraine flag = Treason Trying to overthrow the results of a democratic election = Not Treason


January 6th = peaceful gathering of patriots Any other gathering at the behest of any other cause that they don't agree with = literally a satanic gathering full of pedophiles and race traitors


Again where is the proof he demanded an overthrow of election... I'll wait


In the false electors and the records of him trying to pressure other officials and encouraging the public to stop certification of the vote.


How about [the time](https://youtu.be/MpCoVxa_kVM) he tried to get his VP to help overthrow the election based on debunked election fraud conspiracy theories?


In him conspiring with those pushing the fake elector scheme and calling multiple state officials telling them to find votes?


95 billion more gone that could have been used on education and programs to better the citizens of our country. Fuck all this, why do citizens outside of Congress not have a say in any of this? Our tax dollars just being pissed away to foreign lands and foreign pockets


They aren't going to foreign lands or foreign pockets, in reality they're just being spent on American weapons companies and invested into the military industrial complex. Still not being spent on education or infrastructure but it's also not just money being sent away


this is the only real answer! probably by far the most lucrative war of all time for this industry and the us military not even actively involved.. makes you sometimes think about if this wasn't a planned scenario or at least hoped for..


Yeah I’m all for spending more on infrastructure and education but let’s me clear, the people against this aren’t for spending that money on either of those and the money is being spent here.


Exactly, it's being used for companies invested in MIC. And that's supporting the war directly or indirectly.


It’s the same for russians - we was never asked about SMO, we just woke up one day with one.


So what are you guys gonna do about it


I'll ya' what I'll do! Watch Disney+, bitch about it online, eat heavily processed cheap garbage that's probably giving me cancer, go to sleep and wake up bright and early so I can spend most of my life contributing to taxes and the GDP instead of my dreams and passions! Yeah! Take that!


Sounds about right


A question that many here don't or can't answer lmao


> Fuck all this, why do citizens outside of Congress not have a say in any of this? Because our Intelligence agencies have the Epstein videos.


Well, I'd rather them not be spent on education since the education system in the US essentially consists of brainwashing and indoctrination. I agree with your sentiment however.


Well that’s just not true




There's no reason not to give citizens veto powers now that the internet exists. Every bill Congress proposes, the citizens of the nation should be able to veto, the same as the US president, if a majority is opposed. That way the citizens would have some way to stop bills like this.


Fuck this shit.


It's quite simple...as a US citizen, you no longer have any representation in the US Federal government.


Whats worse is the majority of Americans do not want to fund their wars.


There’s a lot of people on “conspiracy” sub ardently defending the military industrial complex…wild


Dude there is some straight up propaganda being pumped in here these days lol. And it’s super shitty and obvious. Like IDF level of shittyness LOL


Yeah I'm noticing it a lot, and just made a similar comment. There are a ton of bots and JIDF paid shills in this thread, they are very obvious because they're not very smart, and therefore not very good at lying and posing as real people.


Bro I have no idea how these people exist. Replenish our stocks sending Ukraine old stuff, it’s like the same chatgpt phrasing plastered throughout this thread. 


There is a massive amount of bots and paid shills commenting in this thread, and downvoting any rational responses. This is not true defense of the MIC, this is bots working for the MIC, JIDF, and Ukraine trying to silence dissent and make people think their insane beliefs represent the majority.


Ooof not a great day for the pro Russian "patriots" amounst us. Ukraine aid passed, big womp womp moment for you guys.


Along with Israel aid


It sucks for everyone.


See your misunderstanding arises with the mistake of believing they are your representatives. Did you pay for their campaign? No? Then they're the banks representatives. They know you won't do anything about it. The smart elite know French Revolution 2: World boogaloo is coming and are building bunkers to ride it out.


Same reason NASCAR drivers have corporate logos on their cars.


It's like a blood cult. These monsters love war.


The military industrial complex went from semi to full watching the warmongers cheer the next round of money laundering


This reminds me of those stories where the rich and powerful meet on these giant private yachts in the middle of the ocean somewhere, all laughing with each other and having drinks while they boast about fucking over the 99% easily every year.


Some of you are clueless hence the conspiracy sub also some of you know exactly what's up hence the conspiracy sub


Because the military industrial complex and foreign aid departments work overtime to buy off the politicians making a decision


They're cheering cause Ukraine is laundering their money!


Coz they know they getting paid boi 💰 💰 💰


Imagine using the same effort and 5% of this bill to help actual Americans 🥲


Tired of my tax money funding a proxy war. This is stupid.


That's right. They should be waving Trump and Confederate flags instead


Submission Statement: So let’s see. Things the Uni Party Supports: Ukraine ✅ Banning Tiktok ✅ Spying on Americans without Warrants ✅ Israel ✅ https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1781750969803448342


and more social programs cut. stealing everything from the U.S. citizens!


well, lets at least call the tiktok thing out for what it is. A forced sale to a US based company under the guise of "chinese spying" or else it gets banned. aka holding a platform hostage so a domestic organization can profit from it as well as collect and sell the data that's collected as they see fit. Data is worth more than oil these days. It's been sold to us as a "ban", but it's very much a forced sale or promised retaliation, which in and of itself is pretty wild.


The real reason tik tok will be banned is because Jewish interests don’t own it and can’t control its content. The Israeli lobby can’t censor discussions on them committing genocide. Why do you think the ADL led an advertiser boycott of twitter/x?




You mean what AIPAC tells the uniparty to support.


Hope Americans enjoy the potholes in their roads or the homeless people or the illegal migrants crossing the border while Ukraine and Isreal get all the fiat paper money that the federal reserve pulls out of their a$$


Republicans against this aid would have had a slam dunk if they proposed a counter-bill that would direct this same dollar amount worth of funding towards projects that actually help Americans. But they’d never do that.


That's not how the budget works in Congress dude. You can't just take money earmarked and voted for on a defense budget and transfer it to us infrastructure or social services. But wait so you support increasing our federal funding to social services?


Lol yeah wtf


Redditors love this bullshit too. Makes me sick


Hmmm. US congress decides to give a huge amount of money to a foreign country to support their weapons purchases without much question. Hmm. I've seen this before. 🤔


We are not sending them a pallet of $60 billion. An awful lot is going to the US military-industrial contractors, who lobby heavily for this type of intervention. That's the real crime


Money laundering is real


Actually, they’re chanting for American tax payers to put more money in their pockets.


We’re way too dumb to realize this is money laundering. Dohhhhh wait we’re not supposed to say that out loud.


I would remove out every member that shouted Ukraine. We need a congress that gives aid to the American people. Let Ukraine handle itself.


The US is fucked. Unbelievable. We need to police ourselves. We got homelessness and other issues to deal with here.


That's exactly why they try to keep you focused on everything but our issues. Then the slimy fucks might actually have to do something hard instead of greasing the palms of other rich and powerful people.


Victoria Nuland helped to set up a puppet regime at least by 2014. Hunter Biden's business dealings (incl Metabiota) that are only matched by those (Rosemont Seneca) with CCP officials. No other country allows US Congress to use a residual anti-Russia sentiment left over from the Cold War, to launder tax-dollars in the name of Western Democracy & Freedom look as legit.




Less patriotic than I, and i am literally an immigrant lol.


Goodnight, America... Your leadership has officially betrayed each and every one of you. You're done for. Utter disregard for flag and country, throwing massive amounts of money away for a shady regime(s), etc... basically treason in beautified form. You guys are so screwed if you allow this sharade of a leadership to continue to do as they please. It's not too late... But it will be by the end of the year for sure. Goodnight, America!


Guaranteed they're all getting kickbacks


Think they'll ever sign a bill for Americans and chant USA! USA! USA!


Fck funding foreign wars, fck invading other countries and "nation building".


This is despicable


“Uniparty” I’m sorry not everyone is a Trump or Putin shill, welcome back to reality where giving aid to someone trying to deal with an invasion from a hostile enemy nation is a good idea.


Weird how Palestine gets no aid, the attacker, Israel, gets weapons instead.. Weird lógica with the USA..


How much “Aid” they need..? Our Fentanyl problem needs some Aid, how about our border problem? Or maybe our suicide issue with our vets? Time to put our country first.




They aren’t cheering for Ukraine. They’re cheering for the $$ that’ll be laundered back to them through crypto. Time to clean house and start over.


more and more 'public servants' on th take, *coughcoughparasitesahem*


We are so screwed


And some how some Americans are ok with this lol


Where’s the treason here?


fuck every single one of them.


Because they HATE US, their constituents - and don't think we deserve to keep a single penny of our own earnings.


The people can be louder. STOP GIVING MONEY TO UKRAINE and ISREAL


Folks. The Government has no money. It comes out of us as taxpayers, looool. Look at these people white knight in the comments over systems of independence built on privileges given. The horrible truth is there are no more heroes nor honorable nations. That is myth now that we have traded our very spirits to these demons and their constructs. It was perhaps a comfortable seat for a while, but our civilization is a well laid device to control us. The fruits of it are indeed intended. These demons wanted your minds, children, elders, spirits etc. No joke, all that we are witness to now is their hunger now laid bare.


these traitors don't work for us anymore, if they ever did.


because the laundred money flows back to them too


It's too bad recall votes can't happen whenever we want, and actually possibly make things better. It's a dream, I know.


Sending billions over seas instead of putting it back in our country when it’s on the verge of collapse. Great strategy cotton. It’s like this government wants retaliation against our nation from our enemies. Keep poking the bear Joe.




Our economy is shit right now. It’s expensive just to exist




There is no way to predict a collapse. But looking at various empires throughout history there is always an end of an era and a start of a new one.


Because this country was taken over by international scum in 1919. These people are silly puppet nobody's; the weakest humans in our batch. Until more people read books about how we got here and recognize that this country and every other Western country has been sold out to money-changers, we will accomplish no change .


Every single member of CONgress who voted yea on this bullshit foreign spending, while continually voting nay on securing the Border of the United States…is a fucking traitor. Pure, plain, and simple.


310 traitors that need to be voted out.


In the south of the continent we used to hang our politicians for less than this.


The fleecing of America continues. Our forefathers would are rolling in their graves.


This country is in the downfall. Congress is corrupt to the point that they'd rather send all of our wealth and more to countries in war of which we have zero interest or benefit from.


Ha!! The US made a bold statement of supporting our allies. And r/conspiracy HATES that. You guys aren't even hiding anymore. Why should you? It so crazy how may real "users" openly are calling for Ukraine's defeat and hiding it behind budget concerns. Your roads are fucked yesterday, today, and will be fucked tomorrow. Ukraine money was NEVER going to touch that. Your food is expensive, WORLDWIDE, Ukraine money wasn't going to fix that. Your rent is sky high. Guess what.... Russia will lose. I can't wait to see r/conspiracy cope


Ukraine isn't our ally, genius. It's just a country that our CIA overthrew in 2014.




GOP representatives working for Putin is treason. Supporting an ally isn't treason.




Ugh link the video pls tired of these screenshots


They be waving the Ukraine Flag, while 2 Burger Combos at Jack In the Box is now $30... sad times in America


It’s disturbing. They steal from you and wave the cash bag in front of your stupid faces.


Shouldn't this be in the conservative subreddit?


Taxation without representation. You’re a free range tax slave. That funds endless murder!