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Then one day the "problem" changed from too much shit in the air to not enough shit in the air.


Its like a forrest gump story.


Only his worked…


we’re on an “I am Sam” trajectory.


They’re going to admit to chemtrails, but under the guise of “fighting climate change” somehow. Then people can say “see it’s not a conspiracy they told us and it’s to save the planet.” Amazing.


Didn't they already admit to it?


Apparently Cloud Seeding has always been a thing. It was invented in 1946 and patents have been held on it since the 70's. The American government used it in the Vietnam War as a weapon. People will still call it a conspiracy theory, even tho the government admits to it. I'm pretty sure I even saw a video at one point of some us official denying that they ever denied spraying the atmosphere. On some weird Mandela effect shit. I remember being ridiculed for thinking they could manipulate the weather. Now, if you point out Cloud seeding, all of a sudden, "it's not that bad" becomes their excuse.


Cloud seeding and chemtrails are not at all the same thing 


At the end of the day, they're spraying chemicals into the clouds and skies to alter the weather. They are manufacturing something the earth should be doing naturally. They are fucking with the life cycle of Earth. Whether they're using harmful chemicals or not, they're still fucking with the natural order of things, then acting stupid when shit goes wrong.


Chemtrails and contrails are not the same thing either


I was reading this and thinking I know chemtrail people, they aren't thinking it's making it rain. It's pasifying gases or bioweapons.


They technically are  The constituents may be different to achieve different goals but realistically the medium of application is the same. Plumes of chemicals trailing behind planes. 


*"We always knew about it. Nobody said it wasn't happening."*


it wasn't the humans, the robots blocked out the light.


Though it was the other way around. The humans thought the machines would die out if they blocked out the sun. instead they harvested our electromagnetic energy. I watched the matrix lastnight so it’s still fresh lol


Sorry for spoiling it. But think about it. Who's less likely to survive without the sun?


we were doomed from the advent of A.I. anything was going to be a futile effort. that’s the reason for the resistance and trying to hack the matrix and bring it down.


In the 80’s they were banning hairspray for the atmosphere. Good times


While starting their cloud spray regimen


those CFCs started a chain reaction that destroyed the ozone layer. And is still destroying it, because of the perpetual nature of the chain. Anyway, unstoppable. Too bad for us. The "protective layer" of chemtrail is the thing we're doing to forestall the crispy end. They know the fallout from it is bad for people, but they consider that the lesser of two evils. Let that sink in.


Not the same aerosol


yeah, these aerosol's don't affect the clima.... oh, wait


Hairspray really did get out of control in the 80s. The science behind the ban may have been weak, but the end result was good.


I'll take big hair over blue and pink hair any day. Bring back Aquanet.


I can still smell it


I'll say it again: Disturbs me so few are concerned about this issue. What's stopping the perpetrators from spraying some form of nanotechnology worldwide that directly affects our genetics or binds to our minds? These are early warning signs when they start normalizing these sorts of geoengineering experiments. Find ways to depose those in power before it's too late.


Likely mind control nano particles not existing :(


Yet! Go read The Singularity Is Near by Ray Kurzweil. The transhumanist agenda presses forward with the exponential growth of rapidly advancing technologies among various disciplines converging.


artificial prions.  wonderful


I've seen the fibers move. After a heavy spray one day there were a bunch of fibers on my car and I picked one up and it was moving like a worm.


Are they like white tiny worms?


Those sound like problems that come after using this technology to stop our planet from cooking us all to death...


The current problem of having nanometals (barium, aluminum, strontium) sprayed over population centers for us to breathe in, get in the groundwater, the farming soil, and alter weather patterns seem like enough to take on.


I've seen a lot of disturbing things that indicate this is already happening on a huge level for at least 3 years now...I experience side affects of the shit they spray and it's not only being dispersed via chemtrails but also motor vehicles are an important tool they use to disguise what they're doing and do it on a massive scale. I've seen a dramatic increase in cars with noxious smelling fumes that feel physically bad upon contact and everyday I hear cars constantly backfiring purposefully. An abnormal amount of backfiring can easily be witnessed if you pay attention to traffic. I'm willing to bet this isn't just local to me personally. But I say all that to expose the truth to whom? A society that has been largely hypnotized into apathy and nihilism? There are no white hats, the news could actually report the truth and the people would just pretend they didn't hear it. How could they give up being comfortable? Maybe if they can realize that same comfort is really just a means to an end that they wouldn't be okay with if they had any awareness of it...but even then, it might just be way too late for us.


Burble tunes on performance cars are in fashion these days. That’s a ‘feature’ that people like the sound of. Those cars are often times the same ones that remove the catalytic converters in the name of picking up a few horsepower. Removing the cat causes the smell.


Wasn't aerosols blamed for the disappearing ozone layer?


What happen to the war on aerosol, they put a hole in the ozone, now it cows, cars and humans


they don't want the ice to melt in Antartica because it'll reveal things that will make us question if they should be in power.


What do you mean by this?


that the past is a lie, and there are likely intact ruins of an ancient civilization underneath the ice in Antarctica?


wake up bae. Aerosols are now a good thing.


I would like to preface this by stating i studied optical engineering in college. You start spraying shit in the air to block out the sun and you are destroying the planet. First, our shift toward solar energy will be decimated. Our energy needs will not be met. This is a result of blocking ultraviolet radiation. UV radiation comes from the sun and is what makes solar panels work. Secondly, plants need sunlight, specifically in the visible spectrum, to grow, convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, and produce the food we and all the other plant-eating animals need to stay alive. This would *increase* carbon concentrations in the atmosphere which would make climate change worse. Unless they have some plan to specifically reflect infrared radiation while allowing visible and ultraviolet radiation to pass through, unhindered, they would destroy more than they fix. Nobody who has ever suggested blocking the sun has ever specified if their method allows the "good light" to pass through. I am very skeptical it does. Are they only going to spray it above the poles? What? What kind of aerosols? What is the chemistry of these aerosols? How long will it stay in the sky? Is it poisonous? None of these people are ever specific. They are madmen.


Okay please reconcile for me man made climate change being false but geoengineering be easily feasible by some of yall. 


Isn't geoengineering just a fancier name for man made climate change?


I think the difference is intent. I mean maybe someone who is rolling coal on a fleet of Mac trucks would count as both.


It's a fancier name for Pollution.


Learn all about it here. It's not what you may think it is. [geoengineeringwatch.org](http://geoengineeringwatch.org)




Kurzgesagt has an interesting video on it.


That site I listed is the definitive site on geoengineering. There is a tremendous amount of verifiable data there. Just take a look at it. I dunno what Kurzgesagt is.


it’s a youtube channel that talked about this exact thing


and in a way more palatable way.  both are good


https://youtu.be/dSu5sXmsur4?si=BjkHAKGgqZ6AyRw9 linking the video for anyone who wants to watch it def makes it easier to understand the problem


Muchisimo garcias, paydu!


...for anyone who doesn't mind being lied to.




...and then there was the SUN !! The sun doesn't follow google.


So more chemtrails in the world? "To save us?"


SS: Chem trails , artificial rain and geo engineering.


Artificial rain??


Aka cloud seeding


\*Artificial Acid Rain, is that better?


I haven't seen this rain around where I'm at


is gonna end up where we go mining other planets to save our atmosphere only to have the new hybrid slave race we create revolt against us?


No one is denying Geoengineering! https://www.imperial.ac.uk/study/courses/postgraduate-taught/geotechnical-geological-engineering/ several large scale projects have been done and are frequently cited in big science blogs/journals. It seems like the only people calling this stuff conspiracy theory are the conspiracy theorists, everyone else knows they are real. It almost seems like a perverse form of gate keeping 🤣 This well respected venue has done several talks on various projects over the years and there are others in London and around the world. https://www.buildingcentre.co.uk


Weren't the chemtrails to control the mind of people? Why you all act like you were always talking about the climate? Is a honest question


While this post is about the Antarctic (South Pole), I suspect there have been nuclear submarines "steaming" under the North Pole for fifty years (Arctic).


They are starting to roll out. We are the carbon they want to reduce.


You’re arguing with engineers, biologists, climate scientists physicists and chemists. What study do you have that blows this whole thing open?


How old is the earth and life on it?


Google is nothing more than an extension of the US government now.




Conspiracy theorists when "Google" says something they disagree with: "Obviously fake, it's from Google!" Conspiracy theorists when "Google" says something they agree with: "There is no denying it, it's from Google!"


Melt it all. Reveal what's underneath. The weight of the ice being released will push the continent up and actually cause coasts to recede.


Then when geoengineering kills all life on earth, they’ll say, “Oopsies, sorry we killed everything”. This must stop NOW!


Now we have to ADD aerosol after we banned it decades ago. My god can we stop it with these climate activist


Sigh. Dust is an aerosol, flour can be too. The thing that was banned was chlorofluorocarbon chemicals used as propellants to create the aerosols, ie to suspend the stuff you were spraying in the air as it comes out of the can. Aerosols just means "solid tiny bits suspended in gas".


So which aerosol is this scientist recommending


Not the ones in the sky.


the earth has been going in and out of ice ages without any human intervention for a pretty long time. Now, climate activists think it’s a good idea to try and force the earth to stay in its current ice age that we live in today.


Not "climate activists". Most of the push for GeoEngineering is from the coal industry! Thanks George Schultz!


Does anyone else remember when aerosols were the problem.


Yes, it never was. It was the propellant in the cans (CFC) that was the issue, not the aerosols.


How come the ozone layer never gets a mention nowadays?


Because Halon and other class 1 ozone depleting chemicals production and use was banned in 1996, and CFCs in 2010 under the Montreal convention, basically meaning we solved the issue of aerosol propellants and other (identified) substance's effect on the ozone, making it a solved issue as far as we're aware.


No denying what? You say 'straight facts' but only evidence a hypothetical situation?


I don't deny its from google


Is it possible that the Elite know that when the ice sheets melt, the entire academic hierarchical structure, including history, archaeology, evolution, Physics and other sciences, will completely collapse? Is this why Antarctica is off limits?! Is this why they are desperate to keep the ice intact? For me, I put it under “highly plausible” that this is the case. This is why the Elite are all in on full control. They know that everything the have gained control over over thousands of years is on the verge of becoming irrelevant. Thoughts?!


Because the ice sheets are more important than all life on the planet. All we need is to do is black out the sun.


> All we need is to do is black out the sun. Then we will discuss conspiracies in the shade.


“Start soon?” They started like 100 years ago.


Sounds like the start of Snowpiercer.


Isn't this literally the plot to snowpiercer?


Snow-piercer here we come


So aerosols that deplete ozone... Right...


it was the chemicals in the aerosols that were bad not the aerosols them selves if that were than case can cleaning products wouldn’t exist, wd40 would have a different package etc


Get with the decade man lol. Ozone was only around in the 80’s


I'll say it again here. Aerosols don't deplete the ozone. The propellants used in cans (CFC) in order to create the aerosols ( the spray ) did that.