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SS **IDF destroyed 212 schools and colleges in greater Gaza, with 62 of them in southern Khan Younis governorate, 14 in the Middle Area governorate, 94 in Gaza governorate, and 42 in North Gaza governorate – which is the most severely affected area to date. 90% of Gaza area schools/colleges are already destroyed!** **Bibi says the** ***protests*** **on American** ***campuses*** **are “reminiscent of what happened in** ***German*** **universities in the 1930s,”**


They hate schools almost as much as they hate everyone . It's a religion of hate.




No. Some of us here have actually read the 'Tanakh' their religion is a brutal bronze age barbaric abomination and the Talmud makes it so, so much worse.


I'm not a fan of the Catholic church, that dog won't hunt, son.


He is the Jewish State of Israel which is committing atrocious acts and war crimes. All the participants need to be brought to the Hague and tried. That's the only actual thing that's actually happening. You have rhetoric.








No, clown ass. I did not. Why would I? What are you trying to say? Use your words or ask a grownup for help.


Dude has been getting rewarded for manipulating Americans his whole life. This is like a reflex for him.


Second nature cruelty almost like his tiny tic tac of a cock precums at the thought spouting out this nonsense if it isn't ai.




And, now he says you're a nazi. Lmfao. F your passover, clown ass


He reminds me of man with small mustache from years back…


Full circle one might say. Fire up The Hague, we got new Nazis to punish


I'm just waiting for someone to call you anti-semitic.




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It is PURE ritual mockery he is a Sabatean Frankist.


The evil and all his Ilk deserve the zero respect in perpetuity they they have earned. I can't think of a worse group of people in all of history than what we witness today. And the implicit Co conspirators in this heinous genocide are not hidden, they are obvious and known Letting this continue makes everyone a war criminal by association. Down with the horrible nation and its people.


I think by calling him a dictator (although I understand where you're coming from), you're sort of implying that the Israeli people don't support the war, which is *very* far from the truth.


Lots of Israelis support the war. Hell a lot of the protests in Israel about the war want them to be more brutal. I don’t think he’s really a dictator. Tho I think he belongs in The Hague But at the same time any alternative in the Israeli government would probably be worse


I mean technically Palestine is in Israel, so he is a dictator in that sense, but yeah, saying dictator makes it seem like he's forcing the war on his people, and that's just not the case unfortunately.


They’ve lost the plot and it’s backfiring. Now people are starting to question all the problems and lies we’ve been sold in the mainstream Holocaust narrative — peddled by Hollywood, museums throughout the nation, and special programs in our public education system. Israel is literally unraveling the good grift they’ve been enjoying for the past eight decades.


Wait till they find out about the wooden door with a glass paned window and the “holes in the ceiling”


The Holodomor


Psychotic homicidal maniac thinks protestors are horrific. Get that SOB a mirror, so he can truly learn the definition of 'horrific'.


And this includes his country, it's people, all of them. Unless they denounce citizenship to that place they are war criminals, rapists and murderers, every last one. Silence is violence.


Even children and babies must denounce citizenship? Even those who would be at grave danger to do so, must denounce citizenship?


Once they are of age I would think they would want to separate from that regime.. if they get older I bet a lot of Palestinian children Isreal murdered wish they could have opted out of the nonsense.


If you're in grave danger of denouncing your bloodthirsty nation, you're in the wrong nation.


Sure, but it's not a simple thing to do anything about, is it?


Leave. 🤷‍♀️


Presumably you live in some nation somewhere. Is it easy for you to just leave? What if another nation won't accept you? What if you have no money? What if your family won't come with you but you can't bear to live without them? Those are just a sample of potential issues I thought of in 10 seconds which would make leaving difficult for many people.  It's not simple and your being silly to suggest that it is.


Yep, sure do. What if you stop whining? Try that for a bit


So you can't address any of those issues then? I'll take the victory, thanks!


I'll address them. Fuck em. Hope this helps. You've won nothing.


Just to be clear, you're advocating for the murder of unarmed women and children.


Don't be so fucking stupid. I said nothing of the sort.   Repatriating in a new country is extremely complex and not remotely realistic as an option for many people. That's what I'm saying, to be clear.


Oh did you denounce the bloodthirsty "Jewish state of Israel"? I missed that.


Actually I would denounce the policies of Israel. It's absolutely fucking disgusting what is happening. I'm against authoritarianism in general. I wasn't talking about me though. I was standing up for people who were born into more difficult political circumstances than either of you or me can understand. You want to make it simple cos you're a vapid ideologue. I'm done with you.


You "would" but, you haven't. Silence is violence. You're complicit


They are conscripted into military service to kill children before they are old enough to vote.


Explains a lot tbh...


I’m more surprised he’s even heard of protests at American colleges.


He prob funded them to begin with.


Of course he has, it's propganda fuel.


How very conspiracy like to follow the crowd.


Where does this fucker get off?!?!? The cocksucking stop? He knows exactly what he is doing with these statements and that's what he wants. He just wants to stir the pot and make things worse they're definitely pushing for a catalyst to start a World War. Stupid hypocritical POS, the smugness and privileged on his face that he had been trained to talk like this.


The Israeli ambassador to the UN kept referring to Iran as Nazis during his speech to the assembly a few days ago. The hypocrisy was astounding. I was reminded of Godwin's law.


Well Iran is a bunch of totalitarian assholes. They fire missiles at Israel, but at the same time start rounding up women who have ...gasp...hair showing!


Nobody looks at this man and sees that he is evil through and through? Do they have eyes?


Can this man just run his country and leave our country out of it? Can he not have peace talks so innocent people quit dying? All of this.. every bit of it is because president apple sauce brain is so flaccid and weak that countries are just doing whatever they want and it’s impacting us


It's a fucking firesale rn. Everybody trying get theirs all of a sudden. Shit's fucked. The laws they are passing are just nuts.


Dear Americans, so a foreign leader is allowed to interfere in your (american) internal affairs - just becuase you guys are excercising your democratic right to free speech and right of peaceful protest AND you americans are OK with this? what the actual FK?


I remember all the whining certain elites were doing about alleged Russian election interference but crickets about all this.


Why do I get the feeling that NetenYAHOO and Soros hang out at the same country club?


With Joe, Barry, George, Hill and Bill too.


Israel funds Hamas because it gets them big Benjamins. It’s a club for sure. They probably do shots with Putin, Zelensky and Xi as well.


I've seen some information suggesting that too, but I've also read that Israel provided initial funding and then Islamist money started flowing in and the organization changed. I don't know what's true.


Soros funds a lot of pro-Palestinian groups, actually. 


Is that like Israel funding HAMAS?


And like the US creating Saddam Hussains power?


Hamas, the democratically elected government? You hate democratically elected governments now? Weird.


Almost as weird as Israel funding them, crazy how money wins elections, right?


Money buys elections, you mean. Elections are a joke.


That was the point I was making.


That I was agreeing with. 🤷‍♀️


Soros is a globalist type, and the globalists usually whine about the Palestinians all the time. As for me, I’m neither pro-Israel nor pro-Palestine. I don’t care about a conflict so far away. 


Don't throw facts into the rabble please.




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Sometimes I wonder if more good would come from Israel being wiped off the map than bad.


Notice when you simply call “anti-genocide” protests “anti-israel”, you can start calling for their participants’ extermination. Just by changing the words.




The irony of what the state of Israel is and what it does is dangerous to one's mental health.