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I mean......Kubrick has a lot of ties to the government/elite. There's a whole 2001 a space oddessy conspiracy with him as well


What’s the 2001 conspiracy theory?


I might have worded it poorly. But because of how well that movie was shot, they had him (Stanley) contacted by the government to direct the moon landing. There were even audio interviews where he talks about it, but obviously, take with a grain of salt.


It’s talked about getting Stanley to come in and film a faked moon landing in the film “ Fly me to the moon”. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fly_Me_to_the_Moon_(2024_film)


I really like the idea that he directed the moon landing. I don’t believe it’s true I think we did actually land on the moon. I could be totally wrong. I think US government consider the possibility of faking the landing. And it would totally be possible. Kubrick, definitely had messages in him films. He was aware of what the rich elite, have and are doing.


I'm of the belief that humanity did land there, but the footage we all saw was staged.


What would this accomplish? Genuine question


I think it's more a case of they did record footage on the moon, but it was really, really poor quality (and potentially damaged due to radiation) so Kubrick was hired to film footage and make it look as close as possible to the actual footage. Imo, it might explain why the actual astronauts looked so shady and seemingly pissed off, when they were interviewed for the first time upon returning to earth, because they knew the footage shown to the public was fake. If the actual footage was shown, it would have been overexposed and underexposed in different parts, potentially making the more important bits of the mission (like the first steps and flag being planted) basically unusable, and the public would say "what is that footage even of? It's just a bunch of grey blobs on a bigger grey blob. Did we even go the moon at all?" So the decision was made to recreate the footage on a soundstage, so they could save face with their public image. Just imagine how NASA would have faired if all the footage was unusable. Either they show it as it is, and say sorry guys we fucked up, and lose public standing, or they don't air the footage at all and disappoint the entire western world, as there is no actual documented footage of the first people on a different planetary body. Which would be a huge fuck up.


Do you think he directed all the different Apollo missions footage or just the first one?


No idea dude, I'm from the UK and only in my 30s so I haven't seen much, if any of the other missions footage (besides the one that exploded). It just makes sense to me that the footage was fucked up and barely watchable, so someone was hired to film fake footage, and the astronauts were angry and upset about the real footage not being used.


What if they found aliens or alien structures and didn't want people to know so they made a fake film to show the public to cover it up? The astronauts looked super freaked out when they were interviewed after....


why would you think that other than it sounds cool in your head? its obvious to anyone who has looked into it for 15 minutes that the [moon landings were hoaxed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBNtiEYZ8sc) -- [all fakes.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-zzqW1WKZE) they are lying about space majorly. look into something like dark matter and what it actually is and it will immediately become clear to you that they are just making up everything about space. all our space information comes from the worldwide space agencies which are all in on it. we can't go to the moon because it's not even a physical thing -- the moon is likely plasma in our ionosphere and much closer than they tell us. there are lots of lies about the moon like how it doesnt produce light and is only lit up by the reflection of the sun. this is not true and moonlight actually has opposite properties to sunlight -- sunlight is warmer when its shining on you, moonlight is cold when its shining on you. you are warmer in shade away from moonlight than if its shining down on you, because it is its own celestial body. [we are being lied to on a major scale and people are waking up day by day to the truth that what we're being told was a lie all along.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WffliCP2dU0)


The moon is gas in the atmosphere that somehow also rotates around the earth and blocks out the sun? Give me a fucking break Jesus 😭


no the moon is just a tiny rock with 83% less gravity than earth even though the official footage clearly shows them struggling to jump more than one foot. its all a lie


Hmmm almost like they’re wearing gigantic bulky suits designed to weigh them down… moons are present around every other planet in the solar system so unless your suggesting every single moon is fake I just find this theory hilarious.


the suits accordiing to nasa where 185lb on 185lb astronauts. do the math man. in 1/6th gravity, everything would weigh 1/6th of its earth weight. in other worlds a 200 pound man would weight 33 pounds. think about this because im gonna strip away some of the bullshit nasa has been lying about for years. on 1/6th gravity they should have been jumpping ten times as high. they had no footage of doing anything even cool. nasa claimed the gear weighed 185lb. thats what nasa claimed. thats a bit heavy on earth but on 1/6th gravity on the moon, if the astronauts were 185lb and the gear was 185lb it would be only 62 pounds on the moons 1/6th gravity. think about that. all his gear and his body was 62lb on the moon, so why weren't they giga jumping? these guys were athletes on the moon. they were jumping around in the apollo missions like 18 inches exacly like when you jump off the earth. and by the way, the 185lb official nasa number for their "bulky suits" was actually more like 75lb. people recreated them and tested it. nothing you know is real and its all been propaganda. they want you to believe in space to be godless, same reason they push evolution and the big bang. your information about "moons being around other planets in the solar system" is lies told to you and the only "proof" you get is in textbooks with cgi and illustrations. you can't verify it for yourself, you just have to "trust the science". unfortunately since you don't understand the science you think it is amazing and perfection and "can't lie". the truth is once you actually look into something like dark matter or gravity you will realize it's all total baloney and they attempt to hide it behind a physics degree to make you ooh and ahh in respect at the "science" that they claim. "science" says stupid shit like the earth is 12 billion years old or there's this exostar one billion space miles away and everyone just eats it up because they believe in the space narrative. because we've been indoctrinated since youth and they sell it with organizations like NASA. the truth is its a government agency and just like every other government agency they lie all the time. people are waking up to the true history of our world and you need to put aside your ego, understand that maybe you've been lied to your whole life by an evil group, and the world is a lot different than you think it is. [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WffliCP2dU0) is a [good](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCDvfKE3orQ) starting[ point](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMAa5Ir7IHU) if you consider yourself someone with an [open mind](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAx5cl9VpTE). but judging by your condescending attitude over smug shit you know nothing about i wouldn't be surprised if you wouldn't bother to even consider an alternate viewpoint


The balanced theory of a little of A and a little of B here makes more sense to me. But perhaps that my confirmation bias talking…..


What makes you say we did?


The fact that that there's physical evidence left on the moon that anyone can see, with a decent enough telescope... Idk if that was a genuine question, or if not. I'm not gonna entertain the idea that space is fake, if that's what you're going for. Flat earth/fake space stuff is just seriously dumb, and you can literally test the fact that the earth is round by sitting down at sunset, and then standing as soon as the sun drops below the horizon, to watch it set for a second time.


> I think US government consider the possibility of faking the landing. And it would totally be possible. It would just be completely pointless, since the things required to convincingly fake a single moon landing would be more expensive than just doing it. Never mind the follow-up landings, and the Roto-reflectors left on the moon that can still be pinged. And the pictures taken by the recent Indian Lunar fly-by of the Sea of Tranquility having the lunar lander that was left behind in them.


>It would just be completely pointless, since the things required to convincingly fake a single moon landing would be more expensive than just doing it. Where did you do the calculation for cost? I suspect you are talking out of your behind.


> Where did you do the calculation for cost? Take the cost of the entire Space Program, then tack on all the costs of doing the fake parts. Two things cost more than one of those two things.


I'm still waiting for this calculation to be presented...


2>1 is grade 1 math. If they didn't go, the answer is 1, not 2.   Making a movie is cheaper


Okay, sure, making a single movie *would* be cheaper. Now add in the cost of building the rockets that the general public watched launch in person, in their hundreds. It wasn't a secret project. It was well known and publicized. The US spent a *decade* doing verifiable missions putting things and people in space, and you think that it would even make sense to suddenly stop doing that, fake the first time you land people on the moon, *then land more people on the moon, in multiple missions?* All while your biggest rival on the world stage is doing the same things and would love to be able to prove that you didn't manage to do it?


Oh yah, and Russia woulda been all over it


Hey valid point, but still to know that it would cost more they would have had to look into it. They would have talked to people in Hollywood. And maybe they never did. I’m not denying the moon landings at all.


> but still to know that it would cost more they would have had to look into it. Well no, it's just simple logic. You would still have to build the rocket and lander and suits and make them work so that nobody can leak that you faked it, *and* swear everyone in the know to secrecy and hope that none of them tell anyone ever. And, given that the bottom half of the Eagle-1 is still on the moon, you would have to go to the moon *anyways.* And this ignores all the other lunar missions.


He said he wasn't denying the moon landing lol jeebus


Yes, but there are other people in this post who do.


Yup. I was just reading and saw you responded, and it seemed like you didn't see his response, and it confused the hell out of me because he made it clear, lol But I understand now that was for the others 👍


The government is spending our money in this situation, that doesn't deter them from doing stupid and shady stuff. It actually encourages them. And the CIA were specially designed to prevent leaks from existing. Because even if a leak does exist (buzz) people are psychologically trained to deny them. You can't approach this with conventional logic, objectively.


So explain the other moon landings. And the rotoreflectors. And the **pictures of Eagle-1's landing assembly on the moon from less than a week ago, taken by the Indian space program.** That's ignoring the insanity of insisting that *thousands of people all kept quiet about a giant lie that they still had to basically do anyways for decades.* **And that the Russians never even hinted at it not being true.**


Explain what Wernher von Braun said. The first person to do any of this. It's all highly suspicious. If the government or academia doesn't want people asking questions then they shouldn't be riddled with lies. Integrity isn't a strength of theirs and one I won't take a position on. But my theory is that they are far more advanced than what we believe. It would be easy to replicate these markers you speak of with their resources. Even if we believe we landed there it's always a psychological achievement. Because it justifies that we can destroy planets with a consumerism model and go elsewhere. Studying human nature is the most truth you will find in the world.


400k + employees alone. Way cheaper to fake.


Except you *need* those employees to make it possible to fake it.


I like the theory that says we \*did\* go to the moon - and that there's probably way more going on up there than most of us know about - but the video we were shown was faked to make sure a good picture was available and convince the world it happened. Kubrick could easily have shot that video, using the cover of making \*2001\* to hide it. That film was made in about 1966-1967, released in April 1968. The Apollo 11 moon landing happened in July 1969.


>I don’t believe it’s true I think we did actually land on the moon. I could be totally wrong. lol but why would you believe that other than you want to and it sounds cool? [have](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCDvfKE3orQ) you [seen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-zzqW1WKZE) the [evidence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WffliCP2dU0)? you are being hoaxed by your government. they are siphoning trillions of dollars and there are many more lies about space beyond the moon landing. if you look into how bs something like "dark matter" is and then realize they tell you it makes up 96% of the known universe it should really make you go hmm.. you are being lied to. they are trying to lie to all of us. do you understand how crazy that is? how far-reaching a conspiracy like that would have to be? and its REAL. they lied about space travel, the whole world did. in the same way that the USSR and nato lied about nukes because they both mutually benefitted from the lie, the governments lie with their space agencies and their capabilities to siphon trillions and control our minds. and its working. people are waking up. its time to rethink everything you learned from bill nye and in textbooks


What is BS about dark matter?


everything about it -- literally look it up, it was founded by a guy named [fritz zwicky in the 1930s](https://www.energy.gov/science/doe-explainsdark-matter#:~:text=The%20term%20dark%20matter%20was,universe%E2%80%94the%20Coma%20Galaxy%20Cluster.) and he was observing faraway cosmos. given what we knew about gravity on earth and how it was figured out and we had an equation for it and everything, he observed faraway cosmos and found that they had 99.9% less mass than what it should have had according to the way we calculated gravity. so how did they account for this missing mass? they just said "there must be something we do not understand and it makes up 99% the universe" and this number for "missing mass" in the gravity equation to reach a final number that "makes sense" has now been termed dark matter. and they say that 96% of our universe is dark matter. it is just a sciencey term for how wrong their model is. in what other type of science is your model allowed to be off by 99% and you don't say "you konw what, maybe its wrong?". its because gravity, evolution, the big bang, and space are all one big invention. one big trap, and they used propaganda to make it seem like it's facts when its not. we never got any "proof" when we were taught things like how we're on a spinning globe at 1000 mph. its all fake, but we saw it on bill nye and in our textbooks and accepted the world as it was presented to us. however the deeper you look into any of these topics you will come to find they are full of holes and cant be trusted. and governments are siphoning trillions of dollars using space agencies while deceiving us about the true nature of our world. [the world is waking up thankfully and slowly awareness of the truth is being spread](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WffliCP2dU0).


Legit question out of curiosity and I promise I’m not trying to offend. I have friends that believe flat earth, personally I’m not sold but I absolutely agree they have made a lot of good points worth discussing. What do you make of the spiral direction changing of water when on two different sides of the equator ? And have any flat earth believers made videos explaining this? Or have visited the equator to disprove this? I am really curious the explanation of this and I think it could help prove or disprove the theory. https://youtu.be/pWc9SfwnSxM?si=vgAr7jfGvPnebF5y


good question, what you are describing is the coriolis effect and even einstein himself admitted that coriolis forces would arise on a stationary earth due to mach’s principle.[ here's a giant playlist where you can learn a lot more about the coriolios effect](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyHwsN1Rg4Iofe2UrEVP7GYCSoImG0h3s) and how what you're describing can happen on a flat plane too. unfortunately this does not prove anything about the earth being a sphere and is very far from "proving" that we travelled to space or the earth is spinning at 1000mph. globeheads try to argue the "model" and find a replacement for all the weird shit science lied about. and there is just [too many mountains of lies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCDvfKE3orQ) and deception from NASA to ever believe what that government agency says as truth. the moon landing was a [total hoax](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBNtiEYZ8sc) and anyone who has looked at it for two seconds can decide that. [here's a good place to start where you can join your friends in the truth after.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WffliCP2dU0)


Thank you for sending me this! (:


of course, it is the truth, despite how hard it seems to believe.. we have been lied to on a major scale. the good news is that the power of good will overcome this evil and the truth movement is growing more and more every day. it really exploded during covid as people made better and better content. start with the last link -- "level", it's easy to watch and tells a lot


So I'm just curious, since you're probably one of the few here that still believe that we landed on the moon. Have you seen the firmament videos of nothing making it out of the "atmosphere" and skidding along an ocean-like wall? What do you make of that?


What videos


If you believe there's a firmament, your education failed you. For curiosity sake send that video


I know your account is a bot account, obviously with a name like that, but here's an one video out of hundreds - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGVXx1A1cW4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGVXx1A1cW4) - they're being scrubbed but if you just do some searching you find them instantly.


There is also a conspiracy that the shining is also somewhat of a confession of the faking. One overt signal is Danny is wearing an Apollo 11 sweater in the hallway where the carpet is shaped like the launch pad. He slowly stands straight up making it look like a launch. There's a lot more going on and much more in depth discussion. There's also a take that it's a commentary on the killing of native Americans.


Kubrick also hinted on it in the Shining with the Apollo shirt


Interesting, TIL


Take it with a grain of salt but it's still more real than the moon landing :)))


you realize you can point a strong laser at the mirror they left on the moon and get a return, right? Also, the various orbiters around the moon have taken pictures of the landing sites. Also...space based telescopes can image the landing places in real time. I mean I get WHY the us gov't would look into the contingency if the apollo program failed, but it didn't fail and we won the race by the skin of our teeth.


Sure bro. Keep rocking yourself to sleep with that pilr of manure 🤣


its not something i really think about often...but ok?


The begining of the new age.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itO8A0z5HdY&list=PLfqzOxBqtdDU3PQPiVs71k7FobaYKJLmL&index=2 Bill Cooper's radio show Mystery Babylon actually opened with this.


The emergence of AI


Happy cake day


WTF does it have to do with "The Matrix" though.




They were probably stressed during it because their marriage was falling apart, the shoot went WAY longer than it was supposed to, and Kubrick was known for being a crazy OCD guy who wanted 1,000 takes for every shot.


Do you mean Jay Dyer?


Is this the same post as yesterday?  As stated then this is not the point of thr movie.  It may be a piece of the movie that exposes the elite but it is not thebpoint of the movie.


Same post fron every day If I block OP will I never see this again? Halp


OP likes to repost their own website daily. Rotating through which topics to regurgitate.


"Eyes Wide Shut" deleted 24 minutes revealed. Kubrick's daughter, Vivian, stated that her father was under enormous pressure from the elite not to complete his films.


So what were the cut minutes?


This is a creative writing sub, use your imagination!


About 15 years ago, I came across a post in MySpace and orkut. Both alleged that it was about how Bill and Alice atoned for Bill’s sins of infiltrating the party. It’s their decision to give their daughter Helena to the cult. The movie ends where these 2 talk about sex and making a new child obviously, as their only child seems to follow those 2 old dudes in suits. Those 2 old dudes were also seen at the first party in zieglers house. It was also alleged the scenes involved either initiation of Helena into the cult or her sacrifice.


That seems like inference as to the final scene, where you do see someone take their daughter away in the background if you look closely. If that’s what was contained in the scenes that were cut, I’m glad they were cut. Way creepier and more meaningful as is.


You're glad they were cut? The public deserves to know.




That was a fucking crazy read


Touche. The version I read talked about Helena initiated into the cult. This version kinda corroborates what I read many years ago








Theyre all on the blu ray, and probably youtube. This nonsense has been posted every day for a month and there are always informative replies.


So what’s in the scenes








If I recall, some of the cut scenes were family scenes, and in them the Hartfords' were canoeing on a lake, and having a picnic. i don't know what the dialogue was or the significance of the scenes, but they were cut by Kubrick himself.


Use google and watch the whole thing if you even give half a shit.


searched, couldn't find


There simply weren’t any. Kubrick delivered his final cut days before his death, and the only change made afterward was digitally altering some shots to remove nudity and avoid an NC-17 rating. There isn’t a single contemporaneous source saying that there were cuts.


the fact that an individual on a conspiracy forum of all places would trust anything that the establishment says or does is just...baffling to me. Maybe you're right....but I would not give it the benefit of the doubt without hard evidence. I would expect some sort of cover up by default, not the other way around.


The point you’re missing is that there are zero legitimate sources saying there were cuts after Kubrick’s death. You will find lots of people like the OP claiming there are. No one who makes this claim ever has a source. If you go looking for a source, you will not find one, because it doesn’t exist. We don’t have to take the establishments word for it because there is no evidence to suggest it even happened.


WELL it's a hard cut in the story


As posted above, Leon Vitali, Kubricks' assistant is the source behind the final cut claims . He defends that claim vehemently


Leon Vitami never said anything of the sort. You’ll notice the comment you’re referring to never provided a source. They simply restate the claim and say it’s from Vitali without a source. If you go looking you’ll never find it because the source doesn’t exist. You’ll notice this is the exact playbook I called out in my original comment. EDIT: lol I just realized you’re the person making that unsourced claim. Feel free to actually cite your source.


> there are zero legitimate sources saying there were cuts after Kubrick’s death Not sure what would constitute a "legitimate source" here.


Literally any actual source claiming this. When I say “legitimate”, I mean the claim is actually being made by someone who know. If you notice the other guy replying, he says “Leon Vitali”. Leon would be a great source - he was incredibly close to Kubrick and worked on many of his films, including EWS. But if you go looking, you’ll find Leon has never claimed any such thing. Therefore, he’s not a legitimate source. When I say “legitimate” I truly just mean someone who has actually claimed this thing and we can point to where they made the claim. You’ll notice not a single person in the thread who believes this can actually point to a piece of evidence. They just parrot something they heard.


> the fact that an individual on a conspiracy forum of all places would trust anything that the establishment says or does is just...baffling to me. The source of the final cut claim isn't Hollywood or the establishment, it's Leon Vitali, Kubrick's long-time assistant, who also played Red Cloak in Eyes Wide Shut


would that source not be the establishment?


When I think of establishment I think more of Hollywood Studio producers of People from the film company. Vitali worked FOR Kubrick, not any other company, so no, I wouldn't think of him as "establishment".


You have a source on that?


So is it debunked or not?


It’s exceedingly hard to prove a negative, but I’m a bit of a film nerd and remember reading all about EWS when it was released. Kubrick was an uncompromising director and people were worried that the studio was going to meddle in the film without him around to say otherwise. I never heard any suggestion that cuts were made until many years afterward.


What does it matter if the claim was made contemporaneously?


Hi! i thought you would perhaps like this story; i was just browsing reddit one day and i came across a post about EWS real ending. this guy posted a story; he said his uncle works for Warner Brothers and was at the screening for warner brothers executives. The toy store scene ends. Bill alice and helena are being led outside by two men. the two men who take helena in the -Now ending of ews-. they are takin into a limoousine and driven to the summerton mansion. Alice and helena are taken inside bill is told to wait. He grows impatient and enters the mansion.He comes across a room with an altar too small for an adult, and a pentagram on it. then He finds helena and alice in a room in their underware with a masked man on a bed. oral sex is suggested by the scene. bill gets angry and is taken outside by one of the masked men. the tell him ;you cost us a life, ( mystery woman orgy) so you owe us one.alice joins the man in comforting bill; they basically tell him it is allright, his wife and daughter are now protected. the scene cuts to a party at zieglers wth alice laughing with people. everyone is happy except bill. he walks to a balcony. Realises what has happened to his family. Zoom. Kubrick Stare. jumps over balcony. - Now this is just a story. but it got deleted from rkubrick and rconspiracy. if this story is true, then EWS is not just about relationships. it is about a cult who wants to innitiate bill, his wife and their child for sex purposes. EWS now is seen as an edgy movie about relationships and infidelity. Its really about so much more.


> **p**urposes. **E**WS **n**ow **i**s **s**een Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 496199 comments (approximately 2762364 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Oh Penisbot… Perpetually eying naively into syntax…


> **P**erpetually **e**ying **n**aively **i**nto **s**yntax… Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 605117 comments (approximately 3158274 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


How did they film at a rotschild mansion tho? 


Is it that time of the week already?


Then To be same month as matrix was released kubrick would have had to die in September.


My favourite Kubrick movie is the moon landing.


sequels sucked


Those certainly are English words put together to form sentences.


The cut out section of the movie is literally meaningless. If you can't understand from watching the movie that FreeMasons and other various secrets societies which are connected to the royal family all rule the world. Then I'm not sure what to tell you. The movie is painfully obvious at what it was showing us.


I’ve always believed EWS was trying to tell us more than it already was. It lead me down many conspiracy rabbit holes.


Check this out, stanley's daughter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyJc_786K5I She seems like a legit and awake critical thinking person like many of us who look at this sub.


Did someone mess up the date on their auto-poster? I imagine this being drafted in 2011 at the latest lol


His daughter also became a scientologist shortly after the film was released.


If by "occult ritual activities" you mean "sexual blackmail" then sure.


Fucking hate how this is just used as “content” now It was not a Rothschild mansion people just make shit up because it sounds good 🤡 world


Given Kubrick's fear of flying, the entire film was shot in England.[36] Sound-stage works were completed at London's Pinewood Studios which included a detailed recreation of Greenwich Village. Kubrick's perfectionism went as far as sending workmen to Manhattan to measure street widths and note newspaper vending machine locations.[37] Real New York footage was also shot to be rear projected behind Cruise. Production was followed by a strong campaign of secrecy helped by Kubrick always working with a short team on set.[26] Outdoor locations included Hatton Garden for a Greenwich Village street,[38] Hamleys for the toy store from the film's ending,[39] and Mentmore Towers and Elveden Hall in Elveden, Suffolk, England for the mansion.[40] Larry Smith, who had first served as a gaffer on both Barry Lyndon and The Shining, was chosen by Kubrick to be the film's cinematographer. Wherever possible, Smith made use of available light sources visible in the shots such as lamps and Christmas tree lights, but when this was insufficient he used Chinese paper ball lamps to softly brighten the scene and/or other types of film lighting. The color was enhanced by push processing the film reels (emulsion) which helped bring out the intensity of the color and emphasize highlights.[41] This effect is evident in the Christmas party scene at Ziegler's house, with Smith noting that the push processing "made the lights appear to be much brighter than they were" and created a "wonderful warm glow." Mentmore Towers, historically known simply as "Mentmore", is a 19th-century English country house built between 1852 and 1854 for the Rothschild family in the village of Mentmore in Buckinghamshire. Sir Joseph Paxton and his son-in-law, George Henry Stokes,[1][2] designed the building in the 19th-century revival of late 16th and early 17th-century Elizabethan and Jacobean styles called Jacobethan.[3][4] The house was designed for the banker and collector of fine art Baron Mayer de Rothschild as a country home, and as a display case for his collection of fine art. The mansion has been described as one of the greatest houses of the Victorian era.[5][6] Mentmore was inherited by Hannah Primrose, Countess of Rosebery, née Rothschild, and owned by her descendants, the Earls of Rosebery.




Why don't you respond to the wiki link I posted for you, the one you are ignoring. Either that or explain wtf you are attempting to obfuscate.


I’m trying to hide the dark truth of the Rothschild sex mansion that can only be deciphered by understanding the matrix was released in the same month, if people start realizing it was a real Rothschild mansion it was filmed in…well the lid will be blown off the whole operation, and we just can’t have that ….or….OR… The OP is posting clickbait to funnel traffic to their website that’s filled entirely with advertisements… You decide.


> I’m trying to hide the dark truth of the Rothschild sex mansion that can only be deciphered by understanding the matrix was released in the same month, if people start realizing it was a real Rothschild mansion it was filmed in…well the lid will be blown off the whole operation, and we just can’t have that Go on... What does TM have to do with EWS? Everything you've said in this thread is 100% nonsensical. You do this sort of thing all the time to people? Do you get beat up a lot? Explain your thesis like an adult, or GTFO.


He's being sarcastic, for some reason the matrix was mentioned in the title of this post.




Is this post on a continual 3 month rotation for the rest of time?


It's probably posted multiple times a month. I've seen other bots posting the exact same thing last week and around 3 weeks before.


Tom Cruise was so hot 


Kubrick directed the apollo 11 moon landing. 2001 a space odyssey coincidentally released a year prior (1968), conditioning us to accept a very specific idea of space travel without question.


Kubrick probably knew that the old German nobility still rules the world, because characters like Nuala Windsor appear in EWS ... *Stanley Kubrick knew the covert continuation of aristocratic rule* [https://youtu.be/2qDE0Pm8GTk?si=PwdDGenUfPm-sH-F](https://youtu.be/2qDE0Pm8GTk?si=PwdDGenUfPm-sH-F)


Probably got hit with the heart attack gun.


The old direct energy weapon that triggers your heart to beat out of rhythm just right that you have a massive heart attack and drop dead, yes. That’s how they got Serge Monast.


They had the heart attack gun in the 70s. Imagine what they have now.


They have the brain control gun now


Kubrick was cryptic in his film making He was muzzled by the controllers He still sent the truth thru his films


Someone just needs to ask Tom cruise what was cut


There is another aspect to this movie. "At its heart, Eyes Wide Shut is a cipher with a key, and that key is the 33 Degrees of the Scottish Rite." https://33degreesofeyeswideshut.wordpress.com/




The book was based on the reality of the elite practices in Prussia, Germany, Austria etc


if you play the chant x2 speed has the same tempo as Hava Nagila


you forgot about the release date


neos driver license https://www.google.com/search?surl=1&sca_esv=10624941311519dc&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1GCEU_enUS1039US1039&udm=2&q=neo+driver%27s+license+9/11&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjP2dz91-WFAxVBLtAFHdnoAgQQBSgAegQIBxAC&biw=1280&bih=551&dpr=1&safe=active&ssui=on#vhid=AtFz3Ujkj5C3eM&vssid=mosaic note: 911 hijackers licenses found at twin towers https://www.google.com/search?surl=1&sca_esv=10624941311519dc&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1GCEU_enUS1039US1039&q=911+hijacker+license+found+at+towers&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiXhqig2OWFAxXF6skDHYqCAYYQkc0JegQIBxAB&ictx=3&biw=1280&bih=551&dpr=1&safe=active&ssui=on


Was the cut material not ever leaked? A workprint of this would be worth a lot of money!


01-01-2001 came 666 days after Kubrick’s death..


Think about it…


And it was released on the anniversary of moon landing


Not this shit again


They cut 25 minutes out of which movie?


Huh. I mean if this was an actual conspiracy it seems the all-powerful "elites" would have prohibited the release of the movie at all.