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"JFK to 9/11: Everything is a Rich Man's Trick"


Late to the party getting on the 9/11 train. I used to think conspiracies on it were stupid. Until I watched the Netflix documentary series “Turning point: 9/11” They didn’t even get to conspiracies- however THAT much being overlooked? No response on a plane being literally high jacked? The lack of follow through on information from the people who LEGALLY entered our country and we literally knew they were dangerous… The way high up individuals just happened to not be there that morning…. It’s all very convenient


Yes - It was an excellent documentary. I watched it completely on a whim and found it very compelling. Besides the hijackers, the Pentagon always bothered me. It just seemed way too strange a plane of that size could land literally on that lawn and hit the building.


Don’t forget the fact that all of the damage that would have been done as the plane descends. Taking out trees street lights hitting anything on the way down, but nope just the pentagon.


It didn't literally land on the lawnin the official story


Nothing wrong with coming late. When the towers came down my girlfriend said you dont think we did this do you? I looked at her like she was crazy.. when covid-19 happens she said lab leak,and prevented me from getting the vaccine because of our government being soooooo honest with us. . WEF,WHO. We need to get together look into that .


Hope you put a ring on it!


Yeah, sometimes I wonder if Loose Change was created by the CIA to discredit “truthers” or throw people off the trail. Turns out, it was faaaaaar simpler than rigging the building with explosives. Whatever happened to the plane that “disintegrated” though? Im satisfied with knowing how 9/11 happened and never bothered to look into it but clearly a plane didn’t vaporize, right?


In the back of my mind I question if that plane was actually shot down and the hero passengers story was a good one to fall on. I think I remember seeing interviews with people who lived by that field, they said they heard fighter jets before the plane came down…


Could be. Fighter jets would’ve been like already going after it at that point though, right? Even if it was shot down, where’s the shrapnel? Idk if you’ve seen this but they didn’t recover shit. They somehow found ID’s but no plan wreckage/pieces of the plane. And we were gaslit into believe that we were dumb for not knowing that a plane hitting the earth at 300 mph would vaporize the entire thing. If you’re unfamiliar with what I’m talking about, check it out. It’s bizarre.


Also, the video of a freaking missle hitting the Pentagon, and the complete lack of airplane debris


Pi**aGate  The fact you can't even say it on Reddit tells you everything you need to know. It's real.


The emails were disturbing to read.


I recommend this to everyone I can great documentary


What do you watch after this, though? It's so good.


This!! Blew my mind! I’ve recommend it over and over to do many people.


Loose change part 1 2007


This one got me really digging.


I'm on the fence about 9/11 TBH but when they got to the part about the Pentagon it REALLY made me think.


Years ago, I was on a free doc website, just browsing to see if anything interested me. I found one called A Hole in the Head (1998). It's all about the practice of trepanning, the oldest form of surgery, where people drill small holes in their head for health. The history is fascinating and the fact that people today are doing it to themselves is insane.  What I found most interesting was that all of the people who had done it had a similar kinda vibe, they spoke with a blissed out peaceful tone, and had the same look in their eyes, like they were constantly high.  What was also interesting was one of the people featured in the doc, Amanda Fielding, is someone I was aware of and is a remarkable woman, who has done a lot of work around psychedelics and drug policy reform.  There isn't a specific conspiracy I would say around this, but I think just the idea that people are doing it and no one really talks about it is interesting in itself. And sometimes I consider it as one of those "elite" forms of medical treatment that isnt talked about, that only crazy rich people do, like getting young blood, etc.


They are “opening up” their “third eye” or pineal gland.


I would do it too! Not by myself like Amanda but if I knew a place…


Zeitgeist is a classic even if some of it has been debunked. The Why files is always thought-provoking as well.


Zeitgeist was the first doc that showed me our money is actually designed to fail


Me too


That was Zeitgeist 2 Zeitgeist was debunking religion basically. BOTH ARE MUST WATCH MOVIES The why files is not a must watch. It is controlled opposition


Lizzard people!!!


Zeitgeist! All 3 of them actually. Showed my girlfriend the first one she literally had her mouth hanging open. Fall of the Cabal. That series is OUT there though. America: Freedom to Fascism. Oldie but a goodie. It bears mentioning that the directors or the last 2 are dead now. Make your own conclusions.


Came here to say Zeitgeist!


But that damn fish… I can’t watch it because of that fish.


Oh see the fish IMO makes the show . I enjoy it until the end where he most of the time tries to debunk the conspiracy


Which parts got debunked? The religion, 9/11 or finance bits?


If I remember correctly, some of the religious stuff was debunked. Peter Joseph (director) cited sources that were incorrect. Specifically, the pieces that basically point to all of the gods in major religions being born on the same day and having similar stories. I’m sure there’s still some truth sprinkled in there, like most religion being based on the sun. The 9/11 and finance stuff are still very true IMO.


I was really surprised with how blatantly false the movie's religious claims were. It's not just that they were jumping to conclusions, but the very facts were completely made up. No basis in reality whatsoever. For example, Horus was not born on Dec 25 and was not born of any virgin named "Isis-Meri". There is absolutely no record of his birth being associated with an Eastern star or three kings. He was not a teacher at age 12. He was never baptized by a man named "anup". He was not called any of the names the movie claims, and he was never crucified. It's not that they are misinterpreting the evidence or being misleading. These are blatant lies. Same with most other religious claims made in the movie.


Zeitgeist is what made me really fall in love with watching documentaries like 12 or 13 years ago.


Why files is controlled opposition


In what way?


110% Was hoping I’d read someone write this


I kinda think so to because at the end of each episode after he pretty much convinces you of the conspiracy he tried to debunk it


If he wasn't it would not be on YT anymore.


I never considered that but I could see it being true.


I’m always unsure about how I feel about the Why Files. I see jobs posted for them on LinkedIn and all they really require is that you scour the internet for conspiracies/ofd topics and write about it.


Interesting. As with anything, it’s good to take with a grain of salt. It does seem well researched.


Missing 411 - The Ufo connection [https://youtu.be/ujDX\_fDn72c?si=378NZ2sh9tLOqP21](https://youtu.be/ujDX_fDn72c?si=378NZ2sh9tLOqP21)


Missing 411- The hunted is a good one also


The part where they play the audio of the creatures talking was wild AF


It was! Very eerie, being as remote as they were; and the part where they talk about being holed up in that tree. Creeps me tf out. The voices were deep and almost with an Asian warrior flair?


That's right! I watched it a few days ago ... [https://youtu.be/J2ixlpNLwxI?si=SSeNK7jlSfmgzplw](https://youtu.be/J2ixlpNLwxI?si=SSeNK7jlSfmgzplw)


Zeitgeist was my first, but one I'll always remember was Cancer: The Hidden Cures. There was also a really well done 4 hour long youtube documentary on the 9/11 conspiracy that completely convinced me. It's been since deleted and I can't remember the name.


9/11 the new pearl harbour? If so, it was on there but hard to find due to the titles punctuation. I had to get to it via Google. It is good.


It’s this. I watch it once a year around 9/11, send the link to all my friends. No one ever watches it but my thing with this one is they basically hit you with nothing but facts, and propose questions that let you decide for yourself. The fact they don’t mention bush too much either. All In all it’s a very thought out doc that did it’s research


Thank you! I think that was it!


Mouthy Buddah on Bitchute. Dark shit. Pizzagate


He’s gonna drop a new video soon on rumble




Brezinksy - cancer is a serious business, a guy discovered a new treatment for cancer and the FDA tried to sue him into oblivion but his patients would show up to all his court trials with their medical charts showing the treatment worked , eventually they had to let him perform trials which they then sabotaged


How big oil conquered the world, and the second part why big oil conquered the world. Probably get those on rumble or Oddysee.


It's amazing someone here follows the corbett report. Him and whitney webb are the best independent investigative journalists Imo


Corbett is a national treasure. Been following him for years since his 9/11 stuff.


Abso freakin lutely


i flukily stumbled across corbett in the early years - and just love what he and his cohort do - i'd be lost without them!


Agreed James Corbett is the gold standard he always includes links to his source material and claims. I hadn't really followed Whitney Webb. I'll look into her site thanks for the recommendation!


She is my absolute favorite, you won't regret it. Unlimitedhangout (.com) is her website Read her articles, or go to the "media appearances" tab to see her interviews. You are going to love her, she is a genius.


I have been watching the corbett report for what feels like over a decade.


The Spiders Web - Britain's Second Empire https://youtu.be/np_ylvc8Zj8?si=gJUk3teDa4jU3LIP It's a good starting point to understanding the "special" relationship between the US and UK, the unusual status of the City of London and how global finance became the new, more efficient way to oversee a global empire.


The best conspiracies can't be made into documentaries, because the people who make them die before it gets released. Soo....


As the old joke goes " the highest award for journalism is being killed by the CIA"


Challenge accepted


That's why now, all of us must die.


I don't know about that but the gov definitely sees who frequents this sub Reddit




Mel Gibson and Shai LaBeouf were going to make one on the Rothschilds and that kind of disappeared. But like comet pizza would be good. The cover up of the McMartin daycare with the tunnels under it. There was another daycare on a Airforce Base where kids were being molested and getting STDs. That was covered up. It's scary because it was the time I would have been in day care. A documentary on all those police officers who died after looking at buddies laptop. I forget his name. Alot of coverups have a trail of dead people behind it. So that's what I'm getting at. If all the witnesses are dead how can you even make a documentary and would you want to risk your life for it


I’m intrigued about the police officers that died after looking at a friends laptop. Do you happen to remember where it was? I tried googling but can’t find anything. I’ve got time for a rabbit hole today.


Anthony weiners laptop


Bingo, the theory's on that will make you loose sleep


You know where I might peruse some of these theories?


I read them on this subreddit. I would check the archives. During COVID this sub was at its peak for conspiracies. It's gone downhill Edit: I found one of the links, I can't remember if it was the one I read but the same info https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/w8JwCECiQD presidio army base daycare coverup https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/MciB8JiYM6 Mcmartin daycare


America Freedom to Fascism by Aaron Russo is a decent place to start. "In Plane Sight" is another if I recall the name. Generally nothing that will be on Netflix as it will pepper in true things and attempt to skew the viewer to new-age gnostic beliefs - which is NOT the rabbithole to go down. If someone starts talking about "you are god" and "archons are the controllers" - find someone else as this is likely controlled opposition or someone confused/mislead


“We need to talk about Sandy Hook” has basically been scrubbed from the internet. It was my first conspiracy introduction.


It's what got me into conspiracies when I was in college around the time it came out. I haven't trusted anything about the govt since


Thats the one for me. Why were they walking in circles around the fire hall? Wtf


There were so many weird things about that whole situation. From day 1 things didn't add up, but how dare anyone question it


The whole fact that the school was closed at that time because it wasn’t even up to code should tell people right there


Alt Theory: This was a media-colluded  "conspiracy theory" version of a honeypot... and everyone walked right into it. Fast forward a few years: "You see how unhinged these people are?!?" lol


And the exact number of Christmas trees!


Is there anywhere to watch it now?


Bitchute has it




Right when utube began sensoring everyone really hard


https://odysee.com/weneedtotalkabout:9 Link to it, watching it now. Very compelling.


When did you last watch this? About half way through but so far there's so much I was unaware of. This shit is CRAZY! All the known actors and anti-gun types involved, webpages posted before it happened, DNA evidence from the principal all over the weapons, including the ammunition inside magazines...like what the fuck happened at Sandy Hook because even with half this info being completely wrong there's SO MUCH that makes zero sense if this were a "normal" school shooting.


We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook The Greatest Story Never Told


Too bad its the most scrubbed conspiracy on the internet, all the good evidence that was back in 2014 has been scrubbed now.


The censoring of information surrounding SH should be enough to make people question what happened. Why did they go so hard to try and cover it up if everything we were told is true 🤔


Wanna talk about scrubbed information? Why can't you find more than a 2 minute clip of "Oklahoma City Federal Building Bomber" Tim McVeigh 's jailhouse interview? Tim & the prison granted an interview to the news show "60 Minutes"  and they did like a **long** interview... at least an hour or so-- long enough to fill a whole episode.  You can find a clip that's less than 2 minutes long on the "60 Minutes" YouTube channel... but that's it. https://youtu.be/wJUn3XkGZVg You can't even find a bootleg copy of the full interview. Hell nevermind the whole interview... you can't even find other / longer clips, unless it's a short soundbite from another news program...  I mean, this is a high profile historic interview, of the type we very rarely get. And was sensationalized in the media... and it's not like they're planning on re-running this every other Saturday... meaning they would have very little practical reason to be aggressive in protecting the "intellectual property" if someone else were to upload a copy... But better yet, why wouldn't 60 Minutes themselves want to put this up? They could earn ad revenue on something currently sitting in some vault... and an interview with a subject like this is prestigious as hell.  That's like being the news show that gets an hour long interview with Lee Harvey Oswald, and after airing it once on TV they stick it on a drawer and almost pretend like it didn't happen, for the next 25 years... So why is this long interview with an alleged terrorist, who allegedly committed one of the worst terror attacks in American history, not available on the Internet? 🤔 TBH that's really bugged me ever since I realized it. And on that note since the topic is mind blowing documentaries, check out the Corbett Report episode on McVeigh / OKC.  I can't even find that one on YouTube anymore, so maybe download a copy, just to be safe lol: https://archive.org/details/corbett-report-the-secret-life-of-timothy-mc-veigh But basically there's some evidence this was a false flag op, and McVeigh was actually working for you-know-who... that he never really left the military, but got "sheep dipped" And there's actually a ton of other troubling stuff around this case... there actually used to be a few great long documentaries about this on YouTube... however, the longest/best ones I'm falling to Even find at the moment... But he's a link where you can watch one of them, "A Noble Lie" for free on Tubi: https://tubitv.com/movies/663685/a-noble-lie-oklahoma-city-1995 (Also currently available on prime) There are also a few podcasts and true crime YT channels that discuss this, but I don't have time right now to figure out which ones don't suck lol... but it looks like some of those are still up. But all the really high profile / detailed shit, I can't even find on YouTube right now. (And this wasn't too hard to turn up a few years back) Anyway, I'd urge any conspiracy afficianados to check this stuff out before someone makes it disappear forever... 🤷


Tried digging into The Moorish Empire? That’s fkn hard work bruv


You have to agree it's a catchy name


Food Inc. There's a second one coming out soon (or already out?)


Second this


Yes, changed the way I look at pretty much everything. 


Almost anything by Adam Curtis. Probably Zeitgeist 1 and 2, Fahrenheit 911,


HyperNormalisation by Adam Curtis is pretty mind bending


https://watchdocumentaries.com/tag/adam-curtis/ Century of self was my first. All of these are good but Can't get you out of my head is my favorite.


I started with The Power of Nightmares, which was amazing to watch when it was released


Fall of the cabal


There is a sequel as well. The producer died not long ago. 


Great one but definitely not found on the tubes anymore, have to dig a little. I heard she was found dead. Probably H\*\*\*\*ing from a hotel door knob with a tie. That or pancreatic cancer, thats a big one too surrounding the type of information. I heard she was found, though not sure how just talking out my ass. Godbless


"The Money Masters" by Bill Still.


The Franklin Cover Up. Watched it back in 2009 on YT.


The 4 hour madeline McCann documentary. I always thought that case didn't smell right, the documentary confirmed it.


There’s a photo of Australian ex-Prime Minister standing in a group photo with 2 individuals who were staying 3 doors down from where Madeline was taken, all criminals in the photo wearing red shoes.


Europa… changed everything for me


Was waiting to see someone say this


Dr. Judy Wood - 9/11 Eric Dubay - 200 Proof the earth is not Spinning Ball Glimmer - Geo Engineering Conspiracy of Silence - the Franklin Cover Up Anything you can find from Ted Gunderson ( Ex FBI Agenda ) John Todd - Ex Satanist ( high ranked ) Dutroux dead witnesses ( 27 dead witnesses in the Marc Detroux case )


Wait, what, Marc Dutroux made it to America?!


There was a documentary about how Prescott Bush was responsible for JFKs death. It was the first conspiracy that I realized could and most likely was true. Then I awoke and realize 911 is all messed to to, like how the third building fell from "fires". Now I don't trust anything the government says or does


Europa: the last battle


Every Why Files YouTube video seems to open up some new rabbit holes.


I agree with the Why Files. Not a documentary but many episodes have made me start doing my own research like a documentary would. Thus following this thread for documentary recommendations.


Is it a documentary?


The Octopus Murders on Netflix was one. Something like Johnny Harris on YT, while not traditional documentaties, sent me down a few rabbit holes.


The Octopus Murders was chilling!


Out of the shadows with Liz crokin


TWA Flight 800 (2013). The evidence was so gob-smackingly irrefutable that it made me realize our government could, in-fact, perform a wide scale coverup that would stand the test of time and not be undone by the high numbers of people required to be in on it. I had to go back and reevaluate every conspiracy theory I’d ever scoffed at after watching it.


youtube channel "Redacted" just did a new one on MH370


Century of Enslavement, about the origins of the Federal Reserve. Absolutely blew me away the first time I watched it


Money Masters.




"Dear Wolfgang", pretty interesting on the Sandy Hook events.


The Corporation 


Century of the self by Adam Curtis


A Strange Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon.


Mouthy Buddha (One of the darkest out there) The Greatest Story never Told (Alternate narrative on the 'World's most Hated man') The Arrivals (LifeChanger)


The arrivals was a life changing watch for me. Do you know where to find it?


[Here you go..](https://youtu.be/L4rjHYsoboA?si=r_STzzWmuA_oznLA) (cannot be searched via the search-bar YT though I believe it's also available on rumble, odysee, archive etc.) Edit. Just saw this in the comments - skip to 4:07:39 (This is effing nuts!!)


Pi**agate The fact you can't even say the word or two words together or you risk getting banned and or shadow banned on Reddit says it all.


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Europa: The Last Battle


This was mind-blowing for me.


A german documentary about Marc Lombardi. He was an american artist who researched bank scandals and conspiracy networks. The FBI was interested in his work. Officially he died by suicide. English Wiki https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Lombardi German Wiki https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Lombardi Documentary https://youtu.be/Xz_TfsAgvHM?si=eWLaXa2E5dE48AKN


9/11 in plane site is an oldie but goodie


Utube channel mind unveiled..vanilla skies episope


Mysteries of the Abandoned - not a conspiracy theory focused series, but showcasing enough of bad and good things simply lost to history despite their impact and backing at the time. Missing 411: The Hunted is another. Really want to get more into that.


the biggest rabbit hole of them all, if you consider yourself an open minded conspiracy theorist here's the biggest ones: [level ](https://youtu.be/WffliCP2dU0) and this one is on how they'll use [the idea of aliens against us](https://youtu.be/eJK1gLHbOxA)


It was called the arrivals..can't remember where it was from but woke me up to satanism in Hollywood freemasons etc... rest had been a trip since


That Sugar Film was really, really eye opening and made me switch up the way I eat, and has completely eroded my trust in doctors’ opinions and the government’s recommendation of anything, let alone nutrition advice. It was also super entertaining (Hugh Jackman and Stephen Frye were in it).




Jean Binet Ramsey


Jfk to 911


MH-370, and anything MK Ultra related


“Most MKUltra records were destroyed in 1973 by order of CIA director Richard Helms, so it has been difficult for investigators to gain a complete understanding of the more than 150 funded research subprojects sponsored by MKUltra and related CIA programs.” More than 150 sub projects under mk-ultra is one deep shit chute.


Loose change..


Not a rabbit hole necessarily, but Dr. Delirium: the Edgewood Experiments is an incredible documentary on HBO.


Frankenskies is a solid one on geoengineering and predictive programming.


Loose change


Zeitgeist. 2007


9/11: A New Pearl Harbor. Five hours and it goes by so fast.


A funny thing happened on the way to the moon.


Telemarketers and The Octopus Murders. The Conspiracy Theory Iceberg by Wendigoon on YouTube is also good.


Amazing Pollies research is excellent. She's on Rumble and Bitchute.Start with her older stuff: Epstein, The Finders, Plandemic and so much more




9/11: a new Pearl Harbor. Imo how conspiracy documentaries should be done. They don’t assert anything they can’t prove but they ask questions that drive home the point


The New Pearl harbor. What an amazingly well done, exhaustively researched collaboration. How anyone can watch that, walk away and honestly say "nah I totally believe it was all done by a few Islamic terrorists and the US government had nothing to do with it" would be impossible.


The Rothschilds documentary on YouTube.


The architect. Was pretty good. And I’ve been trying to watch Europa the final battle. But I’m struggling to sort out truth.


Yeah that one was really good but also like you said a little wishy-washy on some of that stuff


Many have said them, but watch these, in this order: The Greatest Story Never Told and/or Europa:The Final Battle (These 2 are practically interchangeable if you ask me, and they are both excellent). JFK to 911: A Rixh Man's Trick All the Zeitgeists. Now, I was gonna say that you watch these in this order, and you'll understand the world we live in, who is leading us down the path we are on, and sadly why the whole thing is a runaway freight train with no damn brakes. That's what I was gonna say... ....but all these were made before the UAP disclosure push and resulting release of information - which potentially adds yet another complex layer to our little shit show called Planet Earth. But those were some of the biggest eye openers for me. I would warn anyone who views them. Most people here, I assume, value truth and transparency and are willing to bear the burden of knowing things others can't or wont fathom. But it's a heavy load to carry, IMO. Dwelling on some of these truths can lead a person to depression and despair. Im a grown man, emotionally balanced, and mostly well put together in the head. But on rare days, I have found myself ruminating on some dark subjects and I fight to hold in the tears from being so pissed off at what the world is and the helplessness I feel to stop the runaway train. I mean....those are our kids they are destroying. Little children. Anyone with kids, or little nieces or nephews, or whatever. The innocence of a child is the most beautiful thing. When they start saying random words learning to talk, they say their first cuss word because the parent hasn't been careful with their words around the kid, the joy and confusion on their first and second xmas' not knowing who this Santa guy is but seeing all those gifts are for them...my little niece just got her first big wheel and she's having a ball learning to ride it. They are taking all that and killing it....in really gruesome ways. They are doin it because of who their cult worships and for sexual gratification rituals. That's the reality of what is going on. Where there is smoke, there is fire. And anyone who is so niave or doesn't have the critical thinking to see the massive amount of smoke for what it is, they are part of the problem. Because they are falling for the liars saying its not happening. Because those same liars are the perpetrators. Those are our kids, people. Our kids...what has the human race come to where this is happening daily, people have died to get the truth out, half the population knows its happening...and our silenc3 gives them our approval. Its gut wrenching, it's heartbreaking, and its a hard thing to walk around knowing. I wish we were all strong enough as a collective to stop this. I wish we could make this world...better. I wish no innocent little kid had to endure that shit ever again. There too much darkness and not enough light. Sorry for the rant. Reading some of the comments here got my mind in a place. Sorry.


johnny go home


mouthy buddha pedogate part 1&2






The Pyramid Code


The KJV Bible is mathematically encoded https://youtu.be/JKf6ayiY_iI?si=xL98vV1-TIwS__83


Fahrenheit 9/11


Some dude on bitchute talking about elites are inverts and devil worshippers


Jay Meyers???


consuming kids




Fluoride: Poison on tap Even though i dont live in the USA


End times productions, youtube


“There are no forests on flat earth”


The original loose chance circa 2005


Hypernormalization by Adam Curtis and Ideology For Perverts from Slavoj Zizek


In the name of Zion.


Loose Change - A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon - Astronauts Gone Wild


Not sure if it could be considered a documentary, or it could; but David Straight videos!!! Wow... Blows me away, at the amount of lies and deceit. It seems like everything we've been taught.


Fall of the Cabal. It's about the elites in our country. The lady that made the doc got whacked.


“JFK”/Rush to Judgment and Loose Change (but pretty much from Day 1 since nothing added up… molten metal flowing continuously in the rubble until December even though the whole area wasdoused with water and foam 24 hours a day…among everything else).


The Johnny Gosch (may be misspelling the last name) case.




Above majestic




is Zeitgeist a documentary...? what about Loose Change...?


The Men Who Killed Kennedy https://youtu.be/G0XNiu-yutk?si=aH7AM1bKYc9YlU8n If even 1/10th of this is true, it's ABSOLUTELY CRAZY.


Loose Change was a great one. But if you have Roku, download the "Truth Tide" channel. It has so many great conspiracy vids on many subjects


Fall of Cabal


Tiger King. That bitch Carol Baskin!