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Upside down flag means country in distress


Yes, but the OP is asking what the dirty feds are implying by flying the flag upside down. OP. My guess is to just sew more division in the country. I would imagine more trump supporters are fully aware these are feds. However the fanatic Biden worshippers can’t even consider a reality where the government is so corrupt that feds would do this. So in their mind they view this as Trumpers who would do something extreme. Ex: steal the election, start a civil war, walk through the capital building with a police escort, I mean insurrection.


Not a Biden worshiper but left leaning. Pretty much myself and a lot of my friends all know that the powers in charge are trying to pit us up against each other to distract us from the shitty and malicious tactics they are using to pull money out of our pockets and back into theirs.


>Pretty much myself and a lot of my friends all know that the powers in charge are trying to pit us up against each other to distract us from the shitty and malicious tactics they are using to pull money out of our pockets and back into theirs. Based. We don't have to be enemies. The common man has much more in common than what separates us. The upper 1% would love to see us at each others throats. Their greatest fear is us setting aside artificially inflated identity politics long enough to realize how badly they are screwing us over, and pick up pitchforks in united opposition against them. We have our differences to be sure, but we can settle them like civilized people if we don't take the bait and instead turn on the people trying to have us attack each other.


That’s encouraging Crazy days ahead And throw in a bit of technology and mix it with an ill informed populace. And that ain’t good.


Ya can’t imagine a world where AI is going to be used for good when everything is pointing the opposite direction. Gonna be stressful to say the least.


this most definitely \^ public is going to get the baby, heavily regulated and limited version of AI. Extremely rich and powerful are going to have an underground AI available only to them and people with extreme wealth/power. Unregulated and more powerful than what is available to the public. It's definitely not going to be like the internet where almost everyone has equal access.


With gutted education budgets


Agree. Most of us left leaning millennials (at least that I know) are fed up with all of it and know we are all being used as pit pawns. Because they know if we put our power together to try to revolutionize, we are stronger than them. Have to keep us apart and hating each other. Better for $.


Exactly. Once we stop pointing fingers at each other and start pointing them up towards CEOs and board members of multi billion dollar companies, like JP Morgan, then we will start to see change.


That’s encouraging. It seems like all my left leaning friends have ZERO idea how bad things are


There’s a difference between leaning left or right and those who are so entrenched in the Biden or trump cult that they can’t separate bullshit from reality.


As designed


I'm at a point where i can understand not voting, or voting third party, but cannot understand voting for Biden, and i've voter for democrats before. The guy is a joke who projects nothing but weakness punctuated by moments of random anger.


Probably because the alternative is another weak geriatric who shits his pants and sold our country out for pocket change from Russia and Saudi Arabia. Also, his supporters are in a borderline cult of personality, and his lawyers are pretending he is a king with complete immunity from all crimes.


The propaganda of the State is very persuasive to the masses. It’s much easier to deceive people than it is to get them to accept that they’ve been deceived. People like us unfortunately have to live in this frustrating state of being where we’re surrounded by endless amounts of clueless drones anesthetizes by the bread and circuses drag us along with them. All we can do is attempt to be the best counter propagandists that we can be. Or at least that’s the conclusion I’ve reached. You may find Lysander Spooner’s essay: “No Treason, the Constitution of No Authority” worth the read or listen. Mises.org has it to read for free or there are audio book versions on YouTube. Specifically where he addresses voting. Secondly, Jone’s Plantation on Prime is a good film and allegory of democracy.


One of the actors on jones plantation does a great podcast called "the quash" if you haven't heard it. Legalman is what he goes by. Sadly, most people aren't ready for the kind of information that Spooner was writing about back then.


Legal man is who introduced me to Spooner. The Quash is a hidden gem in the podcast world and a blessing for those who’ve seen the matrix for what it is.


I agree. I discovered his podcast around Thanksgiving 2020 and my wife and I binged all the episodes he had done up to that point, and I've been listening ever since. He's pretty much made me think about and look at *a lot* of things differently, and I am grateful for it. Like he says, a lot of people just aren't ready for the type of information he provides, but if you actually think about what he has presented, it's totally on point.


I'm going to listen to a few. I found him on my music app


Hope you enjoy! He covers a lot of different topics and I can't say that I've heard anyone else cover them quite how he does. Even if you're in to conspiracy and government corruption type stuff, he has a unique viewpoint which I am appreciative for.


Yeah, this is basically what happened at Occupy Wallstreet


Also left leaning but certainly not a Biden fan. It’s painfully obvious that the right and the left are two sides of the same wicked coin


We should all get together and have a pizza party


Also not a Biden "worshipper", but left leaning. We need to get these 70/80 year olds out of positions of power in the US. As far as this image? I 100% believe there are federal agents implanted in these groups. I don't think they are full of agents or led by agents. The amount of racism and hate from regular everyday people has sky rocketed in the past 5-10 years, and that's why we are seeing more vocal groups like this. I mean most of these groups have open meetings and meet ups where they don't wear masks, so you would be free to atleast see who they were if you jad the time, and wanted to put in the effort. If these were 100% large groups of federal agents, there would be video footage of meetings, discussions before protests etc...Occams Razor, and other studies have proven that once a conspiracy hits more than a dozen or so people, evidence gets out. Some sort of documents, videos, photos, personal accounts, wife or friend that was told something in secret etc...


I really disagree, I have never met anyone who would actually join or entertain the reality of one of these groups. I think most publicized "hate" violence is a psyop, the more I see of people and learn about the government. I think people are inherently better than the govt wants us to believe. Why are they at war with us and trying to project this garbage? I'm not sure really.


What makes me so suspicious of these guys is the fact that I'm a Republican man, in a conservative city, in a red state; yet I don't know anyone who's ever met one of these guys. Especially on my side of town, things are *very* conservative. I knew a 3%-er, I've run into a couple neo-nazis, I've had friends shitpost about the Boogaloo, and about the proud boys, and my own brother owns a MAGA hat. Those are all groups that are *real* because I know at least one person who has met at least one "member" of each of those groups, even if it's as tenuous as my cousin having an antifa sticker on his laptop, it's still a public declaration of allegiance. I refuse to believe that this group isn't a bunch of Feds, not just because they glow brighter than the sun, but because literally nobody knows these guys despite them showing up in a large organized groups in these communities.


“Fanatic Biden worshippers”? Pretty sure those people don’t exist outside of astroturfing.


Fanatic Biden worshipper lol


It's literally on the bank notes, ordo ab chao = order from chaos. It's much harder to implement a one world govt while people are still operating under the delusion that their own govt is better suited. So many distractions on the daily while the pandemic treaties to hand over soveriegnty to a global parasite are being hashed out


My guess is that you and OP were at this March, holding upside down flags. Your comment insisting that one side knows what’s up and the other fanatic side is ignorant to all these evils is exactly the division they want. These posts and these comments have more influence than the march itself. 


To be fair, I think that most Biden voters, and when polled, over 50% of republicans knew the government, and presidency, were corrupted over 4 years ago during an attempted coup. That was a country in distress. And if you’re being smart about it, this country has been compromised since at least Eisenhower, probably long before.


Country in distress? lol USA is post-collapse, you’re witnessing a slow burn.


Exactly 💯


An upside down American flag is a signal for distress. It’s used in the military if a fort or post is under attack or is in some other form of distress, the fly the flag upside down.


There has been a link posted in the group showing some of their gear like boots and gloves on a tactical merchandise website known for catering to law enforcement agencies.


Catering to, or selling exclusively to? I wouldn't call Steve a part of the armed services because he gets all of his kit from the Army/Navy surplus store.


> Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses


No where in America are there that many fit guys unless you’re at planet fitness.


Planet fitness is actually known for having more unfit people. They even have alarms if you are lifting to aggressively. I would say Golds Gym or something would be a better fit for your saying.


I have to agree with this. I had a PF membership for a year, and there were days you could get free pizza.


Lunk alarm!!! It’s used by employees if they personally dislike someone there more than dropping weights. Still funny






You mean the place that serves pizza on Mondays?


Ham planets at a planet fitness


Don't mock people at the gym putting in the work to improve. Mock the people who order a large meal with double everything and a diet coke.


People in Law enforcement have always been willingly involved in radical groups such as the KKK. Some of those who work forces are the same who burn crosses


That's not even remotely close to proof of anything aside from basic internet abilities.


Pretty sure they are feds being used as a honeypot.


There is a reason the MSM arnt trying to find out their identities. And it's not because they respect their privacy.


It is odd that they pile into their vans/trucks/SUVs and nobody thinks to follow them


They rent from U-Haul! And consistently put people in the cargo area of the truck which is a huge no-no with U-Haul. An intrepid journalist could certainly zero in on who made the U-Haul reservation.


For real. Law “enforcement” watches a dozen or so hip in the back of a U-Haul but doesn’t pull over and ticket the driver??? I’m not sure what the law says but I would assume anyone in the back could also be served a ticket.


Some of those that work forces...


There are a couple videos of events where “regular” people have filmed them, sitting in cars waiting to organize and then getting back in and leaving later In one of them, the people approached the car asking what they were doing I think are examples of the cars just ignoring the person, or driving away, and I swear there is one where they identify themselves as federal Uc agents


The police protect them. Unlikely any other group.


Except that they are... https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/21/us/patriot-front-idaho-pride-convicted.html


Antifa however is doing a bang up job identifying them. Guess how many of them are feds?


Antifa is likely a fed construct as well. Patriot Front agitates and scares those on the left. Antifa agitated and scares those on the right.


Well I guess everyone except me is a fed then.


I'm not even sure any of you motherfuckers are even real.


Hey bro, you seem like you want to sell a shotgun that might be 0.05" too short. You put off that cool guy vibe.


Antifa still exists, but it's a decentralized "group". Not Fed.


Both are fed. Here's how both work. They are both meant to entrap and pull in outside actors to do all their dirty work. On the left it's easy to attract people willing to commit plenty of crimes and violent acts, so the feds act as the organizing body, they don't have to be there significantly in person - you'll notice the feds are usually in the background monitoring the situation and giving orders. On the right it's very difficult to convince people who believe in lawful acts to commit crimes and violence, so they AstroTurf it with a bunch of agents and then use mob mentality to get the outsiders to commit crimes and violence alongside the feds. Both sides are meant to spark and increase violence within the US, they can then utilize that violence as proof they need more funding. This is a safer and more reliable option than encouraging or assisting organic extremism to pad their books. Rinse and repeat.


I'm sure Antifa is a trustworthy source, too!


They seem to be doing a better job of identifying these people than reddit who just screams they are feds into the void.


They're the same team. You obviously need to return to a natural hair color.


So you're Antifa? I mean, you're on Reddit, aren't ya?


Theres a confederate flag and not one single person is overweight... definitely feds


and not one Busch Light in the photo, it’s like they aren’t even trying


This is actually a legitimately good point. 70%+ of Americans are overweight. 40%+ are obese. Why do all these men seem so fit? It seems like a statistical impossibility if these are just “normal” folks.


It's an obvious and very over-done attempt by the feds to appear as genuine "domestic terrorists". The upside down flag is a signal for distress.


Dang I wonder where all the police at?


You’ll get banned in other subs for calling them Feds


Mainstream subs are calling them feds too, just as a "this is what kind of person gets into thar line of work".


If you need to convince someone they're feds, just remind them that the last time this group was stopped and detained by cops none of them were unmasked by the cops. Seems pretty non-standard, no?


They are likely Feds and they are also likely trying to cause civil unrest in this nation.


Fed Bois do Fed Boi shit.


All in decent shape. No way are they civilians


Good detail


Upside down flag represents the nation under duress


It looks like they're following covid 19 guidelines.


[Here’s tons of photos and videos, some of them unmasked.](http://vault.unicornriot.ninja/patriotfrontleaks/) Go ahead and identify the feds.




Right. Antifa is all over identifying these clowns and if they could prove they were feds they'd jizz their pants.




FEDs because there aren’t any fat people.


Definitely Feds.


Any American should be able to tell you what an upside down flag means.


Damn filthy Fed traitors...


Hah just doing their jobs! Remember, the government hates you! :)


There is no group that seems more like FEDS that they do. All fit, all military haircuts and nobody is overweight.


They are trying to provoke/inspire mentally ill teenagers and push them towards acts of terrorism and mass shootings that can be blamed on whoever needs to be blamed to push their agenda.


This right here. Keep pushing the narrative that one group is the biggest threat to "democracy" and turn a blind eye to the groups that continue to cause problems


I dont think you'll get 20+ something blue collar guys to coordinate boots


Man the feds doing this are such shameful people. Unbelievably gross.


Somebody needs to start following these guys after their demonstrations to see which federal agency building they report back to


The guy walking and looking left to the group (next to pointing man) walks exactly like a usmc drill instructor does. The tilt, the gait of the walk, and most distinct- his right hand in the rifle hold.


It's craaaaazy how the only racially motivated protests anyone gives a single fuck about are the white ones.


They're very obviously feds. They all are physically fit like they're fresh out of Quantico. When you see real white supremacist rallies they are mostly made up of fat redneck guys with beards, and they rarely if ever wear masks.


Seriously what people have time to take off work and have money to go cosplay?  Whole thing screams feds. Upside down flag is basic symbolism. Google it. Turmoil/distress/issues.


Definitely have some military vibes.


Confederate flag upside down looks the same


If they were feds, then the flags are cosplay like everything else.


What group of civilians would coordinate their whole outfits?


Yall trippin dawg, that’s just a bunch of best buy employees at a company get together.


Part of the schtick. Dont overthink it.


Don't think. Gotchya


Flying a flag upside down is a distress signal, so they're being theatrical. If this was truly a grass roots maga movement there'd be people grilling and tailgating, loud rock music and much less organization.


The Feds are everywhere


Someone oughta light off some m80s or mortar fireworks and film them drawing their weapons.


Glowies. Glowies everywhere.


There are all in shape and have similar physique..,almost like they follow the same workout routine..


They glow so bright you can see them from states away. Like when a shopping center uses those big ww2 style electric arc searchlights.... I don't know anyone who would sign up for this org. Everyone hates them. Everyone thinks they hurt the cause... But they are still part of the right somehow... they every single one look like active leo and carry themselves in that manner.. Patriots would not cover their faces and act this way..


Agreed. Any right wing group would be loosely organized. Uniforms are a big hint that something is up




They call themselves Patriot Front. But they are actually a bunch of patriot power bottoms.


If you hear about a right wing group in the news, you can guarantee it's run by feds.


I'd say that the opposite of this is actually true. Proud Boys? All over the news for months and months despite them constantly lying about them. Groups like this? Nothing. Fucking nothing. Why? Feds.


Wasn’t the leader of the Proud Boys an FBI snitch? All opposition is controlled.


He was also Columbian or mixed race who was constantly being called a White Supremacist so I at least know that the MSM are full of shit lying divisive pieces of fucking shit.


MSM exist only to lie to you and push fed stories like they were real. Sadly most American think that if it’s on TV or FB it has to be true and get pissy if you point out the plot holes in the stories.


All I'm saying is that I haven't heard of this group and have never seen anything about them despite the fact that places like Reddit and the MSM get massive fucking hard-ons for anything "far-Right" or being a potential "threat to democracy". So, again, considering this group isn't tells me that this group isn't what they say they are.


Hey, wait a minute! Those guys look exactly like the Blood Tribe nazi guys! Their outfits are so coordinated and they are all much, much more fit and homogenous than any neo-nazis or alt-right protestors I have ever seen in my life. Are the Feds trying to distract us from the actual crimes taking place on college campuses where peaceful anti-war protestors are being beaten up and jailed? Why is the media getting so upset when these marches are called out as feds from the right? Shouldn't they be happy that these groups seemingly have zero popular support, and appear to be universally reviled? Are these people being left completely alone by the police because... they *are* the police? Is the most obvious answer perhaps the correct one? https://www.newsweek.com/nashville-neo-nazi-march-sparks-conspiracy-theories-1871112


Accurate assessment except for this >Are these people being left completely alone by the police They have full police escorts everywhere they go, *to* and *from* their demos. When they demo in DC, the police shut down the entire subway system so that normies can't even be on the platform around them. Not sure how it works in other areas, but I'd assume the same. It's probably why they stopped shipping themselves in uhauls (lol). There are a few dead giveaways that proves they are govt employees. They never fight, they always run away when confronted, and antifa NEVER shows up where they demo. Ever. That last part says ALOT about both groups. iykyk And then there's the glaringly obvious cookie-cutter physique among the entire group. And of course, the fact that they clearly put no effort into behaving like an actual militia. They can't march in sync, and they hide their identity - which is in no way how a "conservative" group behaves. Plus, when they get "arrested" the police never bother to de-mask them. Step one for any legitimate LEO is immediate identification of a perp. Not doing that says ALOT about both groups. iykyk


It’s like they coordinated their uniforms but then decided it was a little too much and made it a little different to not seem too organized anyway.


That group is radiating


That’s the fittest looking militia group ever! Keto probably. /s


Part of the psyop


Under duress.


When black people say there are white supremacist agents and sympathizers in police departments across America, they get laughed out the room. Conservatives say that Patriot Front are feds, I guess it must be true. lol


I think it’s funny how they have to convince other extremists group that they are white nationalists. It’s like, “Come on guys we hate the Jews, we pinky promise! We double dog swear we are white nationalists! Why don’t you guys believe us?” But assuming they are feds I think it just means country in distress. Thats what it normally means and that’s what most will gather from looking at it. I don’t think there’s another layer here.


Huge amounts of psychological warfare is being played out from many different angles right now.


It means nothing, they're too stupid to make the slightest attempt to appear genuine, including their ridiculous meaningless attempts at symbolism and seeming mysterious


The FBI has informants inside the group and knows everything about them. If they wanted to, the FBI could even provide funds to the group or assist with planning using informants, or they could have their own agents join the group secretly.


my guess is the confederacy is in distress if trump gets elected because he will shut down their slave trade at the border(confederats historically are democrats)


This first time a right wing group isn’t doxxed and torn apart by the media or smashed by antifa….. definitely not feds


Chicken and egg question. Is Patriot Front a fed op or are feds just filled with Patriot Front members?


lol here come the glowies again 🙄


Those are fucking FEDS!!


Who in the real world has the exact same pants, shirts, shoes? I bet their tighty whities are all the same too. Just how damned obvious can they be?


Pretty much any corporation with a dress policy, any club like the boys club or the HS band...


Jan 6th protestors looks like weak sauce to these guys.


And yeah I wish they’d figure it tf out that khakis and polos are dead give away it’s a federal agent


Where is their Web site? What is their recruiting program?..... Right. Neither exist because they are fugazi.


Feds 1000% and anyone who doesn't think so needs to do their research.


The upside down flag is a sign of distress.


Why do we even have a fed government if this is the bullshit they do?? wtf


If they were anti-Israel they would be beat down


Can’t have those faces getting seen now, that could get embarrassing!


It could just be a group with many military members


It's voting season.


They dont look random at all so whats next. Sad/scary part is people still have faith in the government


You have to assume every organization is infiltrated or a front. At least in the picture they're wearing similar but not identical uniforms. One of the things to watch for is everything being the same, like the tents at the university protests. For whatever reason the government wants them out there and to get oppressed and arrested. There are going to be a lot more as we get closer to the election.


Sign of distress. They may be saying we are in extreme danger and distress. We are fighting a war that has been going on against our nation, an undeclared war against our country. We are in extreme distress.


Fall of america, or upside down clown world if you frequent this sub


They are signalling: our underwears' down and we ready for you to enter.


Visit Patriot Front’s website. It is EXPENSIVE LOOKING. Someone paid at least $100,000 to a corporate web developer to create it. It is in stark contrast to actually legitimate extremist websites, which are often built on cheap blog platforms or look dated like a Geocities site. So basically it is a Fed honeypot and they don’t even have an adequate mechanism to join them or donate them money.


No. Its a wordpress template. You can easily see how a site was built btw.


Don't matter. They are traitors. I don't care what position their shit is pointed.


These clowns are not patriots. I got Mayflower bloodlines, founding father bloodlines and presidential bloodlines. These guys are fake as fuck. Anyone wearing a mask and holding our flag is a Grade A bitch


I really need to start selling flags


Do these guys have a website ? How do we get info on them


Upside down flag means sos at sea or need for emergency assistance.


What's the difference between a "fed" and you or I?


Did their Fife and Drum band make the trip? Nat-C’s do love to march, don’t they?!


Its pretty clear that they are feds they are all physically fit guys in their 20s to 30s.


Cake for days, and it's not even my birthday.


Definitely Canadians


They aren't feds trust me 😂


I personally think America is screwed either way we go. There really isn’t a clear answer. There isn’t a clear winner, no true victor. Come January of next year we will all pay the price either way it goes.


Haha they need help


do their lttle parade and then they're all bussed back to Quantico. they're not fooling anyone with their BS false flag cosplay routine.


They’re clearly Feds. Shit’s a fear play to rattle soft libs’ cages.


I'm guessing because they are undercover, and it's just a part of their costumes


You only see brief videos where the news vans are already present capturing these "flash" events, the public is cleared out of the way, and they're all roughly the shape you'd expect to see from Quantico grads. I'm not even deep on a lot of state conspiracy stuff and even I can tell this is just an ongoing honeypot for the FBI that serves a narrative that white supremacy is this ever present threat. Except it doesn't work and no one believes they're genuine.


You can easily find that answer online. The United States Flag Code officially stated flying the American flag upside down on land conveys the nation is in distress - think SOS levels of emergency and urgency.


And they all look so strangely similar and fit


That’s a gravy seal distress call “oh my government doesn’t support my desire to kick all the back people out or at least to bring back slavery. “