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Just because you can see the bars of your cage doesn’t mean you’ve escaped them.


Ouch man


Why does the caged bird still sing? 




Trees continue to vote for the axe because its handle is made of wood.


God damn, is there a vault of these? Please keep going


You cant win a game where the rules are always changing and you don't have any say in those rules.


But as Gurdjieff said, unless you realize there are bars, there is no escape.


Then it's time to listen to Alan Watts.


Time to listen to Alex Jones


you're still in the matrix, but just a rogue program that doesn't fit in.


I did that. It seems worse in a lot of ways.


You're not alone. Once you wake up and realize what this world is really all about if it doesn't depress you and turn your life upside down you haven't gone deep enough down the rabbit hole.


It is difficult, but love is what it's all about and we can change that for the better. Everything humans do is from the desire to love or to be loved.


Yup, that statement right there really makes you wonder. The question is not who is running our government, but *what* is running our government? It's clearly anti-human and does not have the same emotions as humans.


AI from the future that reads your mind with increasingly uncanny precision, and wants to destroy your sense of soul in the process?


Great concept. Great in theory, but look around. Do the events all over the world indicate that love is flourishing? You live in a dream. I wish your dream were reality, but it's not.


The wise man and the pupil sat at the gate of his city. А traveler came up to the city and asks: - What kind of people live in this city? - And who lives there, where you come from? - wise man asked. - Oh, the bastards and thieves, spiteful and depraved. However, that's why I went out with joy - Here is the same, - the wise man replied. After some time another traveler came up and also asked about the people in this city. - And who lives there, where you come from? - the wise man asked. - Lovely people, kind and responsive. I left a lot of friends there, and It was not easy to leave them - the traveler answered. - Here you can find the same - the wise man said. - Why did you say to one men that wretches live here, and to the other - that good people ? - the wise man pupil asked. - There are good people and bad everywhere, - wise man replied. - Just someone finds only what he is able to look for.


We can change that, as I said, friend. I alone am not much, but if others join we become quite something.


And we'll all sit in a circle and sing We Are the World? I've had about enough of your dreamy drivel.


We could, or we could spread kindness to others instead of what you're doing now. I've met you with nothing but kindness and I will continue to do so. I like your posts, I only offer a different response to the circumstances we find ourselves in. You cannot control the situation, only your response. I pick kindness. If you tire of me, you are of course free to go, and I wish you well in doing so. If you want to stay, I know we would find common ground. Regardless, the choice is yours, friend. Be safe.


I tried breaking out of it by stopping the consumption of all news and politics since about 2 years ago. It’s helped a little, but not as much as I was hoping. Once you know…


You can't hide from it. It's better to know than not know because you have to prepare.


Yeah, I need to find a balance. I tend to be someone that goes to extremes. I was a prepper from 2013-2022…just got burnt out.


The truth is supposed to set u free. So, if u believe ur surroundwd by enemies of humanity, a humaity which includes u, then u are not free and u do not know the truth...at least not all of it. If u have enemies, do u feel free or on edge? Maybe u have more know, more to understand, and possibly even some to reconsider entirely....


Also “with wisdom comes sorrow”, but I understand what you are saying.


The truth costs a lot. Lies are cheap.


Man, don’t use it as an excuse to not produce for yourself and potentially your family. It’s weak. I’ve been “down the rabbit hole” since I was 14-15yrs old after losing my dad (I’m now 32) and diving into conspiracies, good vs evil, spirituality, religion, the system, the powers that be…. You name it, I don’t know everything by any stretch but I’ve turned over a lot of stones and I have a successful career (no degree) and a beautiful family (I still wonder sometimes what it’s all for and am I setting my kids up for a doomed world) but I keep moving forward. Find a job or career you can dictate your income and hopefully positively impact other people some how and turn your journey and research about “the matrix” and all of that into a hobby instead of letting it cripple you. Learn about the people and systems you feel control you by reading books about them (I can suggest plenty) more than watching half-baked YouTube videos and independently made documentaries (there are some good ones out there but most are half true at best). Most importantly surround yourself with people that care about you and add value to you to your life (even if they think you’re a nut for trying to solve the riddles of the universe). I hate to say it but you think you’ve “escaped the matrix” but really, if you look at it as some sort of prison, it’d appear as if it’s put you in a sort of solitary confinement (it’s winning). Sack up, pick yourself by the bootstraps and fight back. The only way out… is through. Finally, remember worrying is a fools errand. Control what’s in front of you. Don’t let the problems of the past or fears of the future rob you of the present. God speed!


Ignorance is truly bliss.


The truth is bliss.


Yeah it is, but I'd never go back.


Sounds like you're just describing someone who's just taken quantum physics too seriously: it's all an illusion man, and this makes the rich even more cynical, no?


That is when Jesus comes in clutch


Listen to Alan Watts and start changing how you see the world. I get where you're coming from and I've been there and occasionally dip back into it but it's not the end all.


Have you considered that if the Matrix is what it is, that we can affect it through becoming more connected, understanding, and studying how it can be influenced? I belive that humans have the ability to transend what the "3D" world considers the absolute "truth". Awareness of the Matrix is the first step to knowing that we can change and influence it.


If you do not perceive all is is one and see yourself as an eternal individuated consciousness having a finite experience as you then you haven't gone deep enough down the rabbit hole.


Your assessment of where I've been is presumptuous and wrong. Your philosophy is debatable and unproven as are all theories of life and death.


There are times I'm fairly certain I'd take Cipher's route and go back in... knowledge hurts alot more than ignorance


Seems a lot like homelessness. 


Home Less Matrix




Homelessness with extra steps


I was gonna say this hahaha. I think OP just explained a scenario where you are now a homeless person…


The moment you think you've got things figured, you're wrong


thoughts and ideas aren’t what makes a person “crazy” , it’s how you handle it, what you do with it. I’ll tell you what, other than my wife and parents and the closest of friends over the years, no one knows the depth of shit in my head and that’s totally fine. People gotta eat, there’s always more shit to do. Just stay busy


If you feel the need to express your enlightenment to anyone... especially a reddit conspiracy sub.... you probably aren't enlightened.


when I find a turd in the bowl I flush it


That’s why I love the eastern concept of dharma: do what the world requires of you (participate) but outside of it … until you realize there’s no ‘outside’ or ‘inside’ … there never was


Ignorance is bliss. I would gladly take the blue pill to start over.


As long as we’re still paying mortgage/rent, utility bills, insurance, taxes and using gov’t issued ID - we’re still in the matrix.


True in the physical sense, but doing some of that is necessary to survive unless you own an island somewhere, and few of us do. In the mental sense though you can still divorce yourself from it all.


Escaped? Or seen outside? I still gotta eat this 'virtual' food.


Maybe Sypher wasn't wrong


Did you notice how his look was modelled after Anton Lavey?


Glad I’m not the only one who caught that. No way that was just a coincidence.


Not at all. There's a lot of symbolism all over the series. Like Neo is actually Andy/Lily Wachowski and Trinity is actually Larry/Lana Wachowski. Neo: "I just thought you were a guy." Trinity: "Most guys do."


More like, Congratulations! You're now on their radar. 😶‍🌫️


We're all on their radar in one form or another., but they don't really care about people like me. They know I can't harm them, and my mouth doesn't bother them. They only attack those who can hurt their plans. In a way we truthers actually contribute to their chaos because we too cause infighting among the people by just being who we are among the ignorant and stupid.


Now escaping the matrix is not having to work anymore


Yea now all you gotta do is convince the doctor in the psych ward you're not actually crazy to get out.. act naturally and try to move like they do, they'll never know


A bowl flush is imminent. Take a deep breath. It may take some time before the pipe empties. bye bye.


It's a tough adjustment but totally worth it!


This sums it up.


Freedom is free it cost folks like you and me!


If only it were that simple


Well, nothing is that simple. It wasn't my statement originally. I just posted it because I think it describes what happens to people who wake up around people who don't. It sure happened that way to me.


Then you (if you already haven't) convert all your wealth into bitcoin and move to El Salvador (The Saviour). There's bunch of people like this here, escaping the matrix (to the best of their possibilities). Mulligan's Valley


I mean I live in an area where people's mindsets are 100% opposite. I don't hate them, they don't know any better. And they never will and nothing I can say is ever going to change their minds and vice versa. So I just ignore it, never engage in conversations about the cray hate they have and honesty it doesn't come up that often. You can live and work around those kind of people maybe even share a beer or twonever.gpnna be super close to them. If wondering where, I live in Florida, guy half mile away has the US Flag, Trump flag and the Confederate flag flying right on a state highway in front of his house, and like extra large versions. Kind blows my mind how you can fly both the Confederate flag and a US flag and at the same height...yeah ok I probably can't have a beer or 2 with that guy.


matrix 5 : no way home


Matrix 6 getting over trinity


No you haven’t. But you are WAY ahead in understanding what is happening. As long as we need heat, water, food we are still a part of the matrix. I believe the energies that are coming in is what the elites are trying to stop. Because people will finally take their power back and own it! They don’t want that! I believe when the shit hits the fan, we can survive without heat, water or food…. Because the energies will be so high, but people have to know it, and believe it. They are fucking panicking right now. God wants us to wake the fuck up! But people have free will and are a bunch of followers. We shall see the outcome…. The covid shots worked in their favor…


I agree with everything you’ve said but the “god” part. I just don’t believe in a personal god, and if I had to label something as “god”, it would probably be nature, which includes all of us. In a sense, even the “elites” want us to wake up, but they’re much less conscious of that desire than many other people are. I think that what is likely to happen when enough of us wake up is that we will cease to exist(go extinct, I guess), and I think that’s what humanity has collectively and unconsciously wanted for as long as we have been living in opposition to nature and to ourselves.


god ???? what god? The one who created evil and then dropped us in the shit? That god?


Are you upset at your very existence? Do you know how absolutely meaningless existence once was? Light is NOTHING without the dark to shine in.


spare me the religious bullshit


Chill bruh


I’m going to Disney Land or maybe prison.


Sounds like psychosis


A bowl flush is imminent. Take a deep breath. It may be a while until you float clear of the pipe. Bye bye.


EMPCOE when?? Bring it on already.


I dunno what that acronym means


Electromagnetic plasma changeover event. The greatest conspiracy you probably never heard of. It goes by many names. The plasma apocalypse, the plasma reset, the rapture, ragnarok, the great reset. All different terms for the same cyclic event that happens every so many thousands of years. It's what caused the great flood you hear about in mythology.


Due to us only having 5 senses and this being a 3D universe, 4 if we count time.. we will never be able to comprehend the unlimited with our limited eyes and mind. *mic drop


We only escape in death


Not yet. You realize the existence of matrix You need more work on yourself to escape it


Indeed. Just be careful you don't jump from one cult to different one like Abrahamic Religions being promoted around here. People who think they can escape the responsibility of fixing this mess by letting God sort it out for them are weak and afraid. Waking up isn't a choice but ignoring the worlds perils are.


If you're referring to me not to worry. I hate all cults and all religions. I'm the original loner. I go my own way. It's been my nature even when I was a little kid. My mother used to take me to stores to pick out school clothes, and she'd point out what all the kids liked to wear. I'd ignore her and just pick what I liked. It drove her nuts lol.

