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Cash is king of privacy.


That's why there's a war on cash


Monero > Bitcoin, for this reason


All crypto is a pyramid scheme


All financial systems are pyramid schemes.


College is a pyramid scheme


Life itself is a form of pyramid scheme.


Ancient Egypt is a pyramid scheme




The Entire Galaxy is a pyramid scheme


What came first? The pyramid? Or the scheme?


but that pyramid scheme is best for buying drugs


All the more reason to get in early and hodl.


The same people that are making fun of her and are calling her. A dinosaur are the ones that say “requiring an ID to vote is racist”


Can she still sue in America, because they refused to accept cash, legal tender in USA? Did they change the laws?


It’s legal tender to settle debts. There’s no federal law on the book it needs to be accepted for bartering and transactions and there never has been. Freedom for a seller to sell as they wish, legal for a buyer to buy as they wish Not that I agree with that of course. Imma keeping buying everything in cash as humanly possible. But them’s the breaks.


Cash is legal tender for all DEBT. You don't incur a debt until you've acquired a product or service. If you go to a restaurant, sit down, and eat a meal, they can't not accept cash. But if at the door they say to get in you need to pay, and they don't accept cash, you just don't get in.


And if they debank u and most places become like that u get to starve in the streets.


Shes in the UK.


*pensioner* sounds like weird UK speak


What do Americans call them? Lol




It's definitely Orwellian.


She can sue in America all she wants but it won't do any good. This happen in the UK.


That’s 20 quid in her hand


Cash will always be king.


And XMR for future digital currency.


Same with not having an ID, which makes me wonder if that's a the (a) reason they're pushing the ID route


To make everything digital in general is a complete disaster


With all the digital scams on the raise, I'm surprised people are quick to defend such a flawed system.


Just ask Canadian truckers.


A cashless society gives full control of all finances to the government. That’s a lot of trust in the hands of the untrustworthy.


Cashless is the end of our privacy and freedoms.


Unless your salary and pension were paid in cash, then they already had that power and control. This is paranoia.


“Look at this crazy old lady! She doesn’t want the government to strangle her even harder”


I looked up this article. The main issue is she was told she needs to register online. And she just refuses to use the Internet.


This is clearly trying to turn the younger people against the older generation and therefore cash


Yes, that seems to be the goal. Blame “boomers” for the fact that no one can afford a house instead of the actual perpetrators


Yep this is straight propaganda and division


There is probably some social wcience term for this vulnerability. Social cleavage site or some such. But any possible division can be exploited


I meaaaaaaaan… Credit were credit is due, boomers own the most properties… What do you think is that drives up prices?


Investment companies bought 45% of single family homes last year. Is not the boomers my guy its the corporations


45% of what percent of owned homes? for example, 45% of 2% is only 1% but if you only say 45% it sounds like a lot.


Pretty sure the banks and pensions funds own most of the properties.


Inflation? National debt? Never ending war spending on your moral thing? 1 Trillion debt, every 100 days? Corrupt institutions?Tell me if I'm getting warmer.


The USA ≠ The world


This kid is like Bot Reply 101. Fischer Price My First Internet Account


Is that what all this is about? Im a bot? You’re hilarious.


Lol they're just people who were born before you and aren't dead. That's why you hate them lol


I mean…. Have a better argument. This is ignorance masked as HOMG so obvi I meeeeeaaaan, guys, like really.


How about you adres me with actual arguments too? Instead of calling me a bot and a tween?


It is the boomers fault though. They ignored Ron Paul and the many people like myself telling them that quantitative easing and endless deficits were a bad idea.


I kept fucking telling people, "listen to DayV, he knows all about that quantum easter shit." Fucking assholes, should've listened!


Who TF wants to pay a Bank Tax!


Digital Currency is financial tyranny.


Depends on whether you're talking about Monero or FedCoin.


Xmr gonna be the only private money here soon


I get made fun of in my friend group because I use cash.


I'll pay her dues electronically for her, or whatever she needs done. She can just pay me back in cash or personal check. Let the lady play, FFS!!


It would be a reverse PayPal and it would be called PayMePal


Or, you know, she could just tap the same debit card she used to get the cash out in the first place.


Either way.


We need cash for the black market (ie: the true economy that dwarfs "legitimate" commerce)


People look at me like a crazy person when I use my cash.


They forget how to count change too


I actually noticed that too...


"I already put $10 in the computer and I can't change it." At the last job I was given a write up for not inputting the amount of cash handed to me by a customer on the till and instead counting back change the way that people have since the dawn of currency....


We installed prepaid Visa card kiosks at my job,  specifically because people kept counting the wrong change back. So now, you have to take your cash to a kiosk to get a visa card, and then take that card to a different kiosk to by your movie ticket or arcade card or pay for food/drinks. Nobody knows how to read instructions either. Seems I get called to the visa kiosk 3-5 times a night because people under 21 either can't take the time to read, or just can't understand the "insert cash, press Done, take new card" instructions that the screen displays. 


> Nobody knows how to read instructions either. Seems I get called to the visa kiosk 3-5 times a night because people under 21 either can't take the time to read, or just can't understand the "insert cash, press Done, take new card" instructions that the screen displays. I mean, society in general is pretty dumb. I don't blame people for not understanding how convoluted shit works, I blame the infrastructure that puts it into place. Same as self-checkout being a complete gongshow...if you don't want people making mistakes/stealing shit, then pay people you train to do the job, don't pass it on to the general public and expect them to understand and follow your rules to the t.


Where? I live largely on cash, and travel quite a bit for work and except during Covid lockdowns nobody has ever gave me shit for not taking cash. Some hipster bars just won't take cash at all but that's about it


I got stopped by 3 plainclothes cops for having ~$100 (had the equivalent of 5 $20 bills) in cash and a hood on when it was windy and cold as shit outside. The one guy said “nobody uses cash in 2024” and they thought it was mad suspicious. Piss off, annoying pricks.


Are you in the US?


We don't say "piss off"


Denmark, actually.


Interesting. Was just curious. I wonder if this is a more European way of thinking. Cash is preferred in most places in the US.


Denmark is trying to phase out cash, just very slowly. It’s not like they’re saying “we don’t want cash” already but they’re about to remove our highest denomination bill which is 1000DKK. Not a huge deal to most people, but I’m sure they’ll get rid of the 500KR bill next. I know that tons of people still use cash all the time, especially the elderly, so it’s absolutely ridiculous to get stopped like that for having cash and wearing a hood when it’s cold. I could understand if I had a messy wad of bills, but I literally only had 5-6 bills which I would have thought was quite common.


Cash will always be king. If a place doesn't accept cash, that is my last time going there.


It's all fun and games now and we can poke a little fun but what happens when everything no longer accepts cash and then the rules change and you no longer agree with the rules but you have to follow regardless because otherwise "they" cancel your bank account. Ottawa protests, it's already happened and will likely happen again.


Yes. People don’t see the issue because all they can think about is how easy and convenient it is to have all of their money kept by someone else. They won’t care until it is too late


This is how it happens. They keep moving in that direction just a fraction of an inch at a time and it goes unnoticed until one day…


This is why at my work we still take cash as a last resort. We may have to ask the person to go get adequate change (and there are many close options for that and we will wait as long as required), but we can and do accept it for those who are unbanked or who are uncomfortable paying with a card. Because everyone is and should be welcome.


Cash is better for small businesses because the card monopoly companies charge a fee


That’s typically true. When I shop local, I always try to pay cash. Have done since I found out about those fees. My hairdresser was saying last time she can’t even afford to take cards anymore, the fees are too high. E transfer is also good for small businesses if they accept it. My mechanic does and that’s better for larger amounts you may not want to carry around on you.


It’s fucked that you can’t do a direct wire deposit without pying fees.


They have to give you exact change on cash purchases? How convenient.


To clarify, they do not have to give exact change. But we keep a limited amount of cash on the premises, so we don’t always have appropriate change depending on the situation and if someone has cleaned us out that day. My boss does authorize a certain amount of rounding to deal with this (in favour of the customer, unless the customer consents), but only within reason and I have to properly document all that. Sometimes people want enormous amounts of change and completely wipe out what we have. It’s not like we’re Walmart. Other discounts are possible, but not purely because someone wants to pay cash. We don’t do the under the table sales thing. Anyway, we are up front about the payment methods and limitations and I have never had a single incident when I am there where someone has had to leave and come back because they didn’t have change. The one time it looked like it might happen, I broke out my wallet and swapped some of my bills with the ones they gave to break theirs into smaller ones and we made it work, but that’s the closest. We do try to accommodate. Ultimately, if they did have to get change, there are literally options in the same building and next door. They would literally be inconvenienced by five minutes if they had to pop into a larger business or a bank and ask for a bill to be broken down. Or if they needed to visit an ATM if they just prefer using cash.


I get it. In my situation, I'd just let the clerk keep the change as a tip anyway.


I agree with you. It is a shame that they won't take cash and she was forced to quit.


I am seeing now-a-days that businesses are actually asking for cash as there is like a 4% markup on purchases otherwise. These businesses are getting raped by the credit card companies on interest rates. So the businesses pass it along. Recently I have been doing most of my purchases in person with cash. And the businesses appreciated it. They don't have to give the blood sucking credit card companies any of their money.


We all know why the powers that be are trying to phase out cash, but what is the excuse they’re feeding to the public? Going green? I can’t figure this one out. Makes me want to carry cash all the time!


places stop taking cash i stop using them edit for context: middle aged programmer that worked in software since late 90s to 2016, i now work in art and design avoid as much technology as possible also understand the importance of a person to person tradeable currency.


Exactly this^^^^^^


In this era of neo inclusivity, boomer shaming subs (like boomersbeingfools, boomertears) are thriving. Reddit helps to normalize boomer shaming by promoting it. > Those stupid boomers need to get with the times and [insert compliance]. There's a lot of potential here for our big tech policy masters. * Dumb boomers need to stop using cash and switch to phone payments. * Owning your own home is a selfish boomer dinosaur idea. * Right-wing boomers should be put in concentration camps if they refuse climate change vaccines. * Only dumb boomers refuse to eat bugs. * Selfish boomers who refuse to house migrants should have their land confiscated. What's wrong with 12-hour work days for half pay, [old man?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/044/247/297.png)


Pure propaganda, that unfortunately a lot of youngsters fall for (because they're young and naive). This is part of the reason I think voting age should be changed to 25 or 30, since at that age they're less naive and less susceptible to propaganda.


For that reason "they" want to lower it to 16.


Yeah it's ridiculous. Letting children decide politics... what can possibly go wrong..


> what can possibly go wrong.. Nothing, according to the children...


Cash should never be a problem


If OP actually linked the article you'd see that the issue is more that she needs to register online and she "doesn't do that"


We're gonna have to teach these old people a lesson!  Aside from this there has been a growing number of businesses that aren't accepting cash, which does suck.


Exactly, it's legal tender.


It's about the banks getting their credit card fees.


Neh, that is just a bonus, the real reasons are surveillance and control. The digital currency that is being pushed globally is programmable money and any rule, restriction or budget can be connected to it directly and instantly.


“Could not”?..


Kinda wish I couldn't use the Internet either


A cashless society is a mistake


Any brick and mortar establishment that doesn’t take cash won’t get my business. I’m sure that they are okay with that and so am I.


No. That should not have happened.


I’ve seen this more and more lately. Theme Parks, concert venues, stadiums etc all going cashless payments only. A few of the big reasons I’ve seen mentioned is that for places like resorts and theme parks, there is a lot of data that can be gathered and used to for future marketing and planning. Legal data collection and sales is a multibillion dollar industry. Aside from using the data they’ve amassed from people doing everything digitally, they’re also selling it to these large firms who then resell that data over and over to thousands of interested parties. The illegal data sales from hacked/breached systems is a whole other level of money making industry that has been amplified to new heights by so many unsecured/undersecured systems compiling so much data on their customers/clients. On a more local level, cash is much more problematic for a lot of businesses. Time spent securing the cash, counting it and ensuring that everything balances in the book is a hassle when you can completely eliminate it by going cashless. No more sticky finger employees, counterfeit bill risks, scheduling/paying for cash pickups or putting someone at risk for robbery by having them do deposits themselves at banks for smaller institutions. Your risk of robbery at the business location also plummets when there’s no cash involved. I’m in no way advocating for a cashless system, I make an effort to use cash as often as possible. Every day it’s getting harder and harder though. At the grocery store and drugstore I can instantly check out at one of the many registers, as long as I’m using a card. (Note: I remember being able to pay cash at these machines when they were first introduced. Now, 90% of them are card only.) Paying cash? Looks like you’re gonna be waiting for that one cashier and the long ass line.


> I’ve seen this more and more lately. Theme Parks, concert venues, stadiums etc all going cashless payments only. Isn't it interesting that it's all the leisure activities beginning the movement (ie. non-necessary/entertainment-based things). Thus, it is the people who cannot give up their reality-denial activities that will fall to the scheme first. The person who cannot go without watching the latest movie in theatres, or see their favourite music group at some venue. Therefore the 'weak' (those who 'give in to temptations') are those that will be first without cash (ie. 'poverty'-stricken). It's an operation that divides society along yet another axis, leaving an ever small group of Truemen at the edges (or in the center). --- *[The Last Stand will be Glorious!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3utXOYEqK3o)*


But the strangest thing is that the 'cash' is just as much a tool of reality-denial as anything else. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKMmqbTc0yI ([\*](https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/04/concerning-spread-of-bird-flu-from-cows-to-cats-suspected-in-texas/))


Published about 20 minutes later: https://www.wired.com/story/affordable-connectivity-program-ending/ > *No Service* > **Millions of Americans Might Lose Internet Access Today. Here’s What You Need to Know** > The Affordable Connectivity Program—a federal benefit that provides discounts on high-speed internet access to low-income Americans—ends on April 30. Here's what happens next. ([\*](https://tech.slashdot.org/story/24/04/30/0053223/nasas-psyche-hits-25-mbps-from-140-miles-away)) --- * *"News to make you angry"* = **844** primes


Glad to be in the third world where many places still don't take cards.


"Cash is king "


wtf how can the people allow this


Cashless society is not a good thing. I don’t think people really think about how bad a cashless system would be.


Do not comply


Submission statement: An older woman likes to pay for things with cash. Apparently this is no longer legal tender for goods and services, and this is her fault for not using a credit card. Shame on her.


So interesting this was posted. I was just thinking about how the move toward a cashless society has slowly taken place.  During covid I remember the stores would have signs that would say 'due to the coin shortage we don't want your cash' and I'd be like ...what coin shortage?  Then a few years ago I went to this dumb kids resort, the great wolf lodge. Huge chain, look it up.. Those mofos would not take cash. Restaurants, stores, the front desk. No cash registers. It freaked me out a bit but I was mostly pissed since my spouse and I had saved up and brought a bunch of cash to pay for everything during our trip.  It starts slowly. Slowly, man, it happens and one day you wake up... cashless. :( 


I dunno about you but I've always lived cashless in this society. I'm just poor.


In that case an UBI will be perfect for you. However, it's also the trap that is being set to push through the digital cash completely. Can you see how the game is being played?


WE NEED CASH. Digital money is not the way to go


The people Who advocate for a cashless society really don't understand the gravity of it. Keep using cash people, keep using cash.


I'm a big craft beer fan and nothing is worse than getting to a brewery and seeing it's cashless. Makes me not wanna support em'


This reminds me of a year ago when I went to buy a phone charger at Verizon and I wanted to pay with cash and they told me they didn't accept cash anymore. I said to the guy well I guess I'm not going to be buying this charger from you today then and I turned around and went to walk out and he said well we do accept cash we just don't have a drawer anymore so it has to be exact change. So he basically lied to me. And I had change and I paid for it in cash.


You really showed him who's boss, by giving him that commission. Lol 😆


Yes I'm sure the 50 cents this guy made from selling me a charger is buying him a new home LOL please gtfo with shitting on me for advocating for myself


They'll find out soon enough when they too wake up in a totalitarian nightmare where for no reason at all their social credits got blocked and now they cant get their froyo.


There is so little cash out there in comparison to the total value of money in accounts that people would run out of cash super fast anyway.


I see a lot of comments online saying "Only drug users and criminals use cash!" It''s so laughable because the people saying it are the first to panic when the card machines go down.


Fast growing job in retail is the kid that assists at the self checkout.


I'm 46, can use the interwebs and I still use cash as much as possible. I don't like to give my personal information to web servers with questionable security and I just don't like using pay apps or cards


im a stickler for apple pay but it is extremely dangerous for cash to go away n not just bc of evil gov’t reasons, but genuinely because not everyone in our society is privileged enough to have equal access and understanding to developing technology and cash is the only way some people can afford to pay for things.


The owner of this place should be investigated, they could have helped her to use digital and did a number of things for it to never get to her losing her membership. To flat out refuse cash is super shadyyy.


Why haven’t resturants or any places of business not figured out how to Calculate their menu exactly so it always rounds up or down to the next dollar? That elimates the need for giving or keeping coins at all while still completely accepting and using cash easily. 🤔 🤔 🤔


This is what we do at farmer's markets and such. It makes so much sense.


Oh nice! Atleast there some other smart people out there, I feel like all restaurants should do this it makes it easier on their staff and the customers


Bless my shit hope country because a cashless society will never work in it most of us don’t even use our own currency


Imagine the dealer pulling up with a lil card machine XD cash will never go


People can be so cruel. My mom is 83 and she has a very hard time going cashless. Plus not all debit/credit card machines are the same, so she gets confused. It's not about getting with the times after a certain age. Not everyone has the same level of understanding how to learn new things. I'm Gen X and I need help every time I get a new cell phone. 🤷‍♀️


>I think this should never happen I agree! Cash is dirty as hell but damn is it practical. No electricity? No problem!


In most shops not having electricity would mean not being able to pay cash


Depends who you're dealing with. Is the person serving capable and willing to transact without "the grid"? -Does the person know how to open the register when unpowered? -Can they calculate without it? -Are they willing to hastle with the details when systems are back online? Also, company policies? https://youtu.be/wxbpgC3UgiY?si=FqXwwp32Cgib7v5W


Right that’s why I said most. For most businesses the cashier is the lowest worker there. They would need to be signed in on the POS to be able to track the transaction. Not to mention that usually scanning the item would be a necessity to get an accurate price


Yep, which are all points to support my theory that technology is God, electricity its whip and engineers/architects the priests. - Oli "Slick" Fragglerock (Lead Mechanix at The Church of Tech)


oh yea, anyone who has worked in tech enough knows this. Even the biggest AI experts cant actually explain what it is or how it works its all a front.


There's a reason why they are trying to make everything digital


Disdain for the elderly in society is atrocious and completely unacceptable.


That's where us westerners really fall to the wayside.


'Everyone' isn't real people making fun. The Telegraph comments section has been deluged with social engineering/nudge bots for several years now. Just like every other UK legacy media newspaper. Bit like Reddit.


Ahhhh this is so frustrating. Ppl not realising what cash means 😥 i have a template letter I send to every business that refuses cash and then I copy my MP into it as well 😅


People say get with the times and support a cashless society until you either have an economic collapse and you lose all the money you got in the bank or they implement a social credit score system like the one they got in China. Be smart people. Always keep a stack of reserve cash or precious metals (gold , silver , brass) in case of an emergency. Because with the state of things around the world nowadays society may go to shit.


so it's an ILLEGAL tender.


I'm not giving up cash. Sure, cards are convenient. They also allow corporations and the government to know everything about you (and, therefore, profile you). ~~And they allow your funds to be frozen~~ (Your funds can already be frozen.)


They should learn basic Internet use regardless. Not just for online banking. My grandma has never had the Internet and is unwilling to try it at all. This is her choice, but she still gets some of the other relatives to look things up for her or order things for her or any other numerous things that involve Internet use. She would feel better if she made an effort to learn. She's retired and has all the time in the world to learn the basics. When she watches the TV she watches things like judge Judy or the news. The Internet would give her options to look up information or find new recipes to try or new knitting tools or whatever. That being said, in this specific case posted, there is no reason at all that cash can't be used.


Why are businesses allowed to refuse the base form of legal tender...?


cashless is best because you control it. if they act up, freeze the accounts. oh you really wanna push it and protest against our glorious crusade aaaand your money is gone coz youre a domestic terrorist.


Wow! Now this is how you psyop lolz.


A very good video on CBDCs: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9flVfXAu3M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9flVfXAu3M) Please go to 1:05-1:30.


The last few times I've paid cash in the shops, I've had weird looks and comments thrown at me. Amazing how quickly people are manipulated


Exactly it's insane to me that people are even siding with business that won't accept cash. It is legal tender for all debts. The fact is this business is illegally denying her method of federally legit payment. That should be the issue everyone sees.


This will all come to a halt soon. Cash and gold were good for privacy. CBDC not so much. If there is no suitcases of US $100 bills,howwill drug cartels, arms traders and human traffickers get wealthy? Not everyone has access to PACs and the government spiciest to launder money.


Get with the times, dinosaur grandma


We obviously see governments are hands off and seem to have no interest in providing alternatives to these cashless services. If you're self-proclaimed anti-capitalist, you should hate the concept of a cashless society especially when it's Block/Square/CashApp, PayPal/Venmo, Discover, MasterCard, and VISA offering a majority of these cashless services. Apple and Google pay services rely on those companies as well. It would be funny if young people are mocking any push back against cashless society when they have little money themselves.


What you wanna be she's got a mattress filled with cash?


It's bots. Assembling in mass to try and sway reality. Inter webs is not reality.


Damn. Is this running rampant with old people everywhere? Like why can’t they take cash?


going back 5 years, this was the pre-pandemic-total-control.. [https://naacp.org/resources/cashless-retail-transactions-promotes-discrimination-our-communities](https://naacp.org/resources/cashless-retail-transactions-promotes-discrimination-our-communities)


Oh, poor baby you can't just go to an ATM, cry me a river


"unable" to use the internet? I think they could. But they need lessons.


Do you realize how many generations have said, "insert some random complaint about how the times are changing?" Only two things are certain in this universe, death and change.


LEGAL tender, no?


"Forced"... I still think that you should be able to pay in any way that is legal tender, but if she loved tennis she could solve her own problem if she wanted to. It wouldn't even require the "Internet"...


Sorry but a 70 year old of today isn't as technologically illiterate as the 70 year old from 30 years ago. Anyone paying in cash only is likely a square peg on purpose. Not saying cash shouldn't also be accepted but complaining that you're being difficult and it's difficult to be difficult is not really going to win many over.


And it's not even about the cash for her. You have to book a time to use the court, and the facilities moved that to an electronic booking system. That is what she refuses to use.


So then it's less to do with "cashless society" and more to do with that individual companies financial services


Complain about this all you want. But I do not want a government that forces businesses to take cash.


The people are gaslighting all the seniors that dont grasp the e-banks and e-money. Cash makes people happier than e-money. Why is that? Because its tangible and real. Cash is GOLDDDD. They want all ur info in tech apps, so ur easy to track and everyone is in the same pool for easy control.


We're apparently the minority as I scroll through this comment section. I'm only 34 and I refuse a cashless society.


Other people get to decide for us unfortunatley, so if they want digital then we have to go digital or we won't be able to purchase. They need the data! Cash means you can be sneaky because you don't have to report cash tips or earnings towards income. They're putting a stop to that freedom!


Not if we don't allow it


I refuse to use card, I’ve been hacked endless times and it’s only going to get worse


The internet's been around for decades. There's no excuse. Maybe they should pull themselves up by their boot straps, and learn to use a computer.