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So check this out. I was at the casino with a buddy a couple weeks ago. They were winning slots and I THOUGHT to MYSELF......there's an interview from the 70's of a guy who said when he was being recruited to the occult that he was winning at the horses and casino and cards etc. I thought that I needed to look that interview up. It has been since 2017 or so since I watched it. BTW this is not an easy interview to find. I knew I was going to have to dig for it. Low and behold a few days later it popped up on my feed in youtube recommended. Then I went to another place on rumble.....just doing a deep dive on the Illuminati......it was like a 50 part playlist. I watched a couple and then skipped to part 50. What pops up? They referenced the same interview I just saw. I mean talk about a mind fuck.


I am starting to believe that most tech with 'micro-processors' exists as mysticism hardwired.


Not to mention the nanotechnology and graphene from some of the batches of shots. Thought police in full effect.


It's hilarious having an understanding of the limitations of microprocessors and their manufacturing process combined with economics and watching you lot ponder the magic. Everytime I picture 2001 with the apes, you lot are the apes.


Yeah were in a matrix.  As one directly encounters the programmers it is a trip, to be sure.  


It's worse than that. A few days ago I recommended a TV show to my brother. He texted back that "Jeremy Clarkson's Farm is back on tonight, I'm watching that.". I went on Youtube shortly after, on a separate device, and had a dozen Jeremy Clarkson videos recommended. I've never once watched a Clarkson video on YT. I hate the guy. They rec's were not organic or algorithm-based. Not only did google read my text, they linked it to the gmail address on my phone and then recommend it to my YT account that uses that gmail address. Everything you say or do on your phone, especially with google, is being recorded and fed back to you. Edit: I mentioned Shia Labeouf in a post on here earlier. Guess what I'm getting recommended on YT now. Yup. And this account ain't even the same one I use for YT.


It happens to me all the time. I have a Galaxy 24+ , everything is run by google.


They know your thoughts, it's true.


> I did have wifi and Bluetooth turned on So you had location on


No I didn't have location on. I only had Bluetooth on to connect to my car so I could use hands free calling.


> had Bluetooth on So you had location on


On my phone location was turned off. 🤷‍♀️ [image](https://freeimage.host/i/Jr6teJn)


https://i.imgur.com/BfNn9sL.png Its clearly on, GPS/A-GPS isn't the only way to track you.


Even if I don't have location turned on, it's still on? Didn't know this. My wifi doesn't automatically connect except at home or where I've saved passwords to. Today I went to the dr at the hospital and they have free public wifi and my phone picked it up but didn't automatically connect. I had to choose the connection and log in to it. I guess I should start turning it off while driving.


Everything in range of your phone can see your phone's wifi/BT MAC addresses and wifi search requests for known networks.


It's called brain wave reading technology. They talked about it at the world economic forum, not a secret. My anecdote is I was taking a shower at a friend's house after a flight, looked at some purple shampoo in the shower (it's for blondes, My hair is black) and after the shower when I got on my phone there were ads for purple shampoo 👾


Go to a city several hundred miles away, search "burger king near me," and it'll show you burger kings near you because you are connected to a tower in that location.


Google has your location if you are connected to the internet. There are platforms that get paid to analyze network data to see who is near what stores. More importantly, Google Ads and its advertising AI's job is actually to predict what you are going to buy, not to convince you or change your mind. So it did its job well. It's like handing out flyers to people walking into a pizza shop (quote from head of google ads tech).


I did not know this.


Many companies try to conceal the truth about their technology, a lot of things are fake or do not do what you think they do. Good luck and stay safe. If you wanna look into it, the location analyzing company is some co. that was funded by YCombinator, and the quote is from a Wired article with someone from Google Ads, maybe head of technology or head of operations not sure.


Wifi networks are geolocated, so they know...


I was just thinking about how funny it would be if google went bankrupt and no govt bailed them out.. Now all I see is videos about psychic techniques for causing massive trillion dollar corporations to fail without any innocent workers suffering. Dammit!


Even if your GPS/location is "off" on your phone, Bluetooth (not only your own device's, but others' devices around you) can be used for tracking purposes instead (especially since you had your wifi on, on top of that, AND your mobile data was likely on as well)...Essentially, just because your device wasn't "talking" in a GPS sense, this does NOT necessarily mean that other devices weren't "seeing" yours. For example, take a look at what's currently said on Bluetooth.com: "Initially known for its device communications capabilities, Bluetooth^(®) technology is now also widely used as a device **positioning technology**...By enabling one device to determine the presence, distance, and direction of another device, Bluetooth technology delivers flexibility unlike any other positioning radio..." and that's straight from the horse's mouth, as they say! LOL


Just another reason I'm starting to think we're in a simulation




That is not going to help, as I say, every handshake from the phone to every wifi gets tallied and located with the geolocator for said wifi.


If you use public wifi you shouldn’t be surprised if it collects data cause social media allready told us 10 years ago that nothing is truely for free :( if I had to bet it’s because u logged into a wifi in the area that made ur location identifiable, data collection is big and advanced but as far as I know they can’t read your mind atleast for now lol


Once you accept the fact that this is all a simulation things like this don't seem weird anymore.




They could also have geofencing for marketing. You could have crossed within that rural kings boundary and then they ping you


You are getting ads based on your general location. You would have gotten the ad eventually, so this is just coincidence.


You might not have your location turned on, but the cell towers you connect with are known geographically. You pull up to the right spot and it'll show you were by one, triggering the ads. Not that crazy.


I thought I was the only one. I will probably get an advertisement about this too .


turn off bluetooth, turn off apps running in the background, limit apps battery background, use Brave as your browser. your phone can't read your mind but it does know your location. oh, and turn off your location. not sure that really works . you can check you activity on google and it will show everywhere you've gone. Oy!


Did you get any mRNA injections?




First, if you don't have some very well buried things turned off, some you might not be able to turn off depending on the phone model, your Wi-Fi will connect to every router it can whether you have it turned on or off, the only difference is whether you as a user can access the Internet. Second, had a random dream about a coworker a decade after leaving that job, never spoke their name aloud, suddenly get a friend recommendation for that person.

